Archive for April, 2011

Ocean’s 11:11 Beltaine (May 1)

Greetings, Earth Doulas, Shamans, Witches, Healers, Lovers and Human Evolutionary Midwives! Thanks so much for your joyful participation in this event. I’ve heard privately from so many people who would love to participate but want additional guidance and suggestions. Hence this blog post. Shazzie, the co-facilitator of Ocean’s 11:11, just posted here, as well. Today’s post will include some specific chants, meditations, spells and ideas. Please feel free to follow them exactly if they resonate, or else use these as springboards for your own unique offering(s). If you feel ready already, then please just take note of the initial reminders below. If you would like additional tips, then you’ll want to continue reading all the way to the end. 🙂


A Brazilian shaman friend of mine sent me the following observation and reminders that I’ll share here, as I wholeheartedly agree with him:

“A new story needs to be created, all of the intended work that you are seeking to do must come from a place of newness. No part of the old story can be brought into the new as it would merely pollute and toxify the story and simply feed the darkness. There can be no anger or revenge brought into the work or it too will simply feed the darkness.”

I have mentioned this consistently from the very first Ocean’s 11:11 idea: the entire process is intended as a strengthening and celebrating of those things we DO want. Yes, much darkness exists at this time; we certainly get to enjoy contrast en route to 2012! Focusing anger or revenge on those who’ve tried to oppress humanity only fuels their energy. When you catch yourself feeling angry, allow that emotion to lead you to a greater awareness of that which you DO seek, and ask how this new awareness might intensify the ways you can manifest those desires into your reality.

When dealing with magick or ritual, intention and vibration become increasingly important. If you do not feel you can engage in a spell or ritual without dragging anger or negativity into it, then please refrain from the spells or rituals. This requires some self-assessment, and there’s no shame in your honest evaluation. You can still participate with a meditation or mantra offered to “The Highest Good of All.”

In fact, let’s offer everything for “The Highest Good of All.” This simple tag line allows us easily to shift from attachment to intention. There IS a difference! Attachment to results tries to micromanage those results, and the issues, organizations and bigger picture are so large and complex that it would be much more powerful for the unified intentions of Freedom, Love, Health, Joy, Abundance, Healing, etc. to join together and leave the how’s up to the Universe. If too many people try to micromanage the exact parameters of these collective intentions, we run the risk of cancelling each other out. It’s also much safer and easier on a grand scale to make a clear offering of Love in service of “The Highest Good of All,” rather than trying to remember every single detail, law, or desire. Intention speaks the desire and then lets all the power of the Universe get to work in making that desire manifest.


Beltaine is a traditional purification ceremony and celebration of newness and fertility. For this first Ocean’s 11:11 event, it feels important to offer collective healing for humanity, specifically healing related to shame, victim mentality and co-dependence, all of which interfere with the willingness to ask for and receive something better. Without healing a core resistance to accepting a wonderful, beautiful, abundant life, we can do all the rituals and spells in the world, and things will just return to some version of the imbalanced status quo.

On an individual level, we have each been victims and abusers at some point in our many lifetimes. This dynamic of victim and abuser plays itself out in our own lives and on the bigger canvas of this world, with entire governments and institutions victimizing the masses right now. In order for the victim/abuser dance to continue, co-dependency must flourish, as each receives some “benefit” from the other. In the sense that our outer world reflects our inner world, every situation in our lives and on this planet shows the areas that still cry out for healing inside ourselves.

Whatever your offering for Beltaine, please take a moment to offer yourself forgiveness for any perceived wrongs you have done to yourself or others, and please do your very best to extend forgiveness to those around you, including our governments, BigBanks, and anyone else you view as an aggressor or oppressor. They are teaching us something, and once we absorb the lesson with gratitude they will have no more reason to appear in our lives as tormentors or aggravators. Accept the lesson and we will not need the instructors. Any offerings can also amplify this intent for both individual and collective healing of shame, guilt, feelings of victimization or abuse. When we take responsibility for everything in our lives, we free ourselves from unwanted influence. We free ourselves to return to the natural state of abundance and flow.

Also in light of Beltaine’s fertility energy, many people have decided to include some sort of “love in” or sex magick in their offerings. What a wonderful way to gift some potent love energy to this planet. If you’ve got a willing partner who wants to join in this collective intent, or even if you just want to send that intent out on your own orgasmic wave, please do whatever you feel called to do in the name of love and healing. 😉


For those who would like to recite a simple mantra, please feel free to chant whatever most resonates with you. I would particularly suggest the following:

OM (pronounced Ahhh-oooo-mmm)

Nam Myoho Renge Kyo (click here for an explanation)

or the Hrim mantra, which is one traditionally used for Purification and Transformation. It is known as a Bija (or seed) mantra, again tying in with both the purification and fertility/newness themes.

“HRIM (pronounced Hreem) is the prime mantra of the Great Goddess and ruler of the worlds and holds all her creative and healing powers. HRIM governs over the cosmic magnetic energy and the power of the soul and causal body. It awakens us at a soul or heart level, connecting us to Divine forces of love and attraction. HRIM is the mantra of the Divine Maya that destroys the worldly maya. It has a solar quality to it but more of a dawn-like effect. It is charming and alluring, yet purifying . Through it we can control the illusion power of our own minds.

“In Vedic terms HRIM is a mantra of the Sun, particularly in terms of illumination. It increases our aspiration and receptivity to Divine light, wisdom and truth. It opens the lotus of the heart to the inner Sun of consciousness. It is a mantra of the region of heaven or the consciousness space in which all the worlds exist.” (For more information about Seed Mantras, please click here.)

Reciting a mantra 108 times gives it extra potency. You can chant along with this video or with mala beads, if you have them:

Ra Ma Da Sa, Sa Say So Hung is another beautiful chant from the kundalini yoga tradition. This healing prayer can be whispered, silently chanted or sung aloud to the tune of Pachelbel’s Canon. Completely lovely and gentle!


If you would like to meditate, please remember the themes and tailor your visualization, music, and/or quiet focus to these. You might want to follow a guided meditation from Abraham-Hicks’ “Getting into the Vortex,” if you own that resource. Otherwise, some Mozart, Chopin, or deeply relaxing alpha, theta or holosync meditation CD’s can get you into a receptive and highly creative state.

Even though a very small population on this planet has actively abused the Earth, to the degree we have allowed this to happen, we are all culpable. For this reason, I would like to include Dr. Emoto’s healing prayer for the waters at the reactors of Fukushima, but branch this out to ALL water on planet Earth: “Oceans of the Earth, we are sorry to make you suffer. Please forgive us. We thank you, and we love you.”


Drumming by yourself or in a drum circle with clear intent can be a powerful way to connect with the inner rhythm of the Earth. Shamans often use one or more drummers while performing healing ceremonies. As with any of these suggestions, your intention, sincerity and enthusiasm are the most potent ingredients. If you feel called to drum, please don’t worry about you’ll sound. The Earth will hear your healing prayers.


Novice magick practitioners can go to a metaphysical shop and purchase candles infused with essential oils, charms, colors and intents. If you’d like May 1 to include a bit of magick but don’t know where to begin, this could be a great start. The candles often come with a small set of instructions, and the spell lasts until the candle(s) burn out.

One very powerful spell called “The Comb and Mirror Spell,” I learned from the Druid, Shawn Blackwolf. In order to do this spell, you must have long enough hair to make three braids and braid them together. He cautions to be VERY clear of intent with this spell, as it’s extremely powerful. Here it is as taught by Shawn:

“Comb And Mirror Ritual Chant

by Blackwolf

Age Group: Adult

“With Comb Of Shaping , And Mirror Of Reflection ,
I Call The Powers From Every Direction ,
Water And Fire , Air And Earth , And
Spiritual Power To Give All Birth ,
I Call Ye Forth , I Summon Thee , By The Power
Of Three Times Three , All That Is As I Decree ,
I Call Ye Powers , To Me , To Me !

“I Bind The Power In Me Hair ,
To Be Used As Only I Know , And Dare ,
When I Unleash This Triple Braid ,
The Spell’s Intent , Will Be Made”

“Author’s Notes: While Combing , And Braiding , Your Hair , Chant
Over And Over , With Mgieckal Intent , And Building
In Charge And Force , Until You Are Finished ;
See The Streams Of Elemental Energy Flowing
Toward You , Filling Your Hair ;

“When You Unbraid Your Hair , ( Within Three Days ,
Or Less ) , Hold A Creative Visualization , With Full
Focus And Intent ……Be Careful , This Works !

“For Any Interested , Research The Ancient Comb
And Mirror Traditions Via Anthropological Sites ;
This Was Always Part Of Our Crreayafth Tradition

“By The Way , I Recommend To My Students When
Visualizing Elemental Mgieck From The Perspective
Of The Paleolithic Faery Tradition , To Visualize It ,
That Way …… Raw Energy , Wildstorms , Savage
Seas , Volcanoes , Earthquakes , Tornadoes ,
Lightning And Thunder , And Walls Of Fire Racing
The Land , To Purify , And Begin Anew , And See
Themselves In The Middle Of It ……

“Faery Mgieck Is Not For Wimps Or Fluffbunnies

P.S. A Little Brouge Inflection, Is Helpful With The

Sympathetic Magic

Some people consider this the most “primitive” form of magick, with an object representing a larger object, person or concept. Voodoo dolls are an example of sympathetic magick, but so is using a pillow to send distance Reiki to someone else, or a globe to send energy to the entire world. Crystals, feathers, candles, charms, boxes of intentions, photographs or vision boards can all function as sympathetic magic when charged with the intention of manifesting whatever they represent.

For Christians, you could consider taking the Eucharist (Communion) with the intention of an Earth healing.

So get creative! If you feel artistic, consider creating a portal painting, diorama, vision board or even a meal, eaten in observation of the Highest Good of All. The sky is not the limit here, but feel free to aim at least that high. 🙂


Reiki is universal life force enegy, or divinely directed healing energy. It is always helpful, so if you have any training in Reiki, please feel free to tap into the healing power of the universe as part of your Beltaine offering. Reiki Master Teachers can go one extra step and offer a healing attunement for Mother Earth, all of Nature, and humanity. Know that your blessing will be received as such by those who wish to receive the healing.


If anyone lives near or can easily get to vortexes, sacred sites, sacred wells, portals, or ley line intersections, these spots will dramatically amplify the power of your intentions. Please remember to hold the highest vibration of love that you can in these spots!

Earth Medicine

Any kind of sweat lodge, Native ceremony, shamanic ceremony, or even just walking barefoot on the Earth and honoring her current, will help you to tap into Earth Medicine. If you do not follow a specific tradition, feel free to hug a tree, sunbathe, garden (and scatter seeds with intention), or invite the faeries, devas and Earth spirits to join and amplify your intention. At night, you can stare up at the stars and invite help and healing from beyond as well.

Oh, and one last thing… may I suggest Motherwort as a part of this? Here are the magickal attributes, and it’s a common weed in Europe and the US, likely the UK, too:

“Magical Attributes
Motherwort energies promote inner trust and confidence that the ultimate outcome will be best for all involved in the fullness of time. It is also used for counter-magic and associated with immortality and spiritual healing. It is a protective herb, especially in spells designed to protect pregnant women and their unborn children.

Motherwort can be smoked to promote astral projection, but smoking too much can cause respiratory arrest. It is therefore perhaps best used as a smudge or burned as incense rather than smoked directly. It is especially effective in combination with mugwort.

Motherwort is associated with Frigga (Freya, Frige, Fricka, Frija) and Ogun
It corresponds to the energy of Leo, Venus, and the element of Water.”

(from: I’m thinking counter magick will be helpful, and also the connection w/ Mother Earth and the qualities of strength, protection and highest good of all. It’s also commonly used by midwives, and thus seems appropriate to a birthing ceremony for a new Earth.

If you have access to or interest in Ayauasca or Iboga and you know of or are, a qualified shaman, these sorts of sacred ceremony and Earth medicine would also be powerful contributions.

Much Gratitude

I just want to say thank you again to everyone who cares enough about our planet and our times to join this collective intention and love fest. Deepest, heartfelt blessings to you and yours! Much Love and Namaste.

The Shadow of Mercury Retrograde Persists: How Best to Use this Time

Today features another guest blog post by the lovely and wise Electra Jung. Most people know about “Mercury Retrograde,” but not everyone knows about its “shadow period.” Sounds ominous, right? Well, it need not feel that way. As Electra explains, the Shadow of Mercury Retrograde fosters continued inner evaluation, review and healing.

In many ways it’s fitting that the first phase of Ocean’s 11:11 occurs on May 1, still under Mercury’s shadow. This initial event works with this energy, looking to salve deep, unhealed wounds and especially exploring how our outer world reflects our own inner climate. Please feel free to join us if you’d like to participate, or you can do so privately with your own very personal ceremonies, meditations and acknowledgment.

Whether you intend to participate in Ocean’s 11:11 or not, Electra’s insights will help you navigate the rest of April and early May. Many blessings and much love! Thanks, as always, to Electra for her keen awareness and easy explanations of tricky concepts:

The month of April requires patience, temperance and calm in order to manage yourself and your emotions through the challenging planetary cycles… cycles which challenge our daily activities and create disruptions of our familiar patterns and interactions with everyone we know.

The Mercury retrograde that began on March 30th will dominate much of the month of April. Mercury will station direct on April 23 and remain in its “shadow’ until returning to the degree of its retrograde May 12.

This will make the month of April slow-going and frustrating for those accustomed to moving into spring with a bang and getting ideas and plans moving ahead. It is time to ask ourselves what is most important to get done. And we’re learning to BE — fully present — when we do.

“… the only time you ever have in which to learn anything or see anything or feel anything, or express any feeling or emotion, or respond to an event, or grow, or heal, is this moment, because this is the only moment any of us ever gets. You’re only here now; you’re only alive in this moment.”

— Jon Kabat-Zinn

Even as Mercury returned to direct motion…it was in hard aspect to the relentless testing of restrictive Saturn. Mercury opposed to Saturn is another indication of set-back and delay. The intention here is to get yourself, your documents and your life organized before moving forward with any kind of coherence! The more prepared you become… the more informed and confidence you become.

During the “shadow” phase of Mercury we are catching up with all the weak links in our plans, our lives. Until May 11/12 we have time to move slowly forward as Mercury re-covers its lots ground during the retrograde cycle. This natural cycle also give us the time to re-emerge more balanced, capable and self-aware. These previous three weeks have shown where our thinking and speaking have caused havoc in personal and professional relationships.

Moreover, it is well-known among mundane astrologers that the days and weeks prior to and after the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere, that some people have a hard time adjusting to the shift of seasons and the equalization of the Earth’s tilt.

Acts of frustration, impulse and haste work in combination with the Aries stellium of transits. Some of the planets, like Mars, head towards an opposition to Saturn in Libra by the third week of April – compounding the impulsive and aggressiveness in the air, and at times, leading to the volatile inclinations associated with Aries.

Value the month of April to mid-May to rest, re-view and re-connect with yourself. Be consistent with your spiritual practices and remain aware that every moment of every day offers you the chance to re-discover the beauty of living alongside with natural cycles!



Lighthouses of Peace: How Collective Consciousness Changes the World

Please join us for Ocean’s 11:11, now on Facebook!

Codex Alimentarius: Why it Matters to Everyone & What You Can Do

If you care at all about what’s happening with food regulations around the world, please watch these videos. They are targeted to the US but have implications for the entire world. Lest you think that Dr. Rima is overreacting or exaggerating, FYI, peppermint is now illegal in the European Union. Yes, peppermint! Any food or herb that can be said to treat any “serious” condition, including peppermint, rosemary and anything else they decide, will become illegal.

Not only will you not be able to buy these things as supplements, but it will become illegal even to grow them. Like garlic in your cooking? Garlic lowers cholesterol and fights infections. It will likely be on the illegal list. Like medicinal mushrooms? Uh-uh. I have been very suspicious of attempts to have “health freedom” by labeling supplements with what they “cure” or “help” with. I’ve seen this as a BigPharma Trojan Horse. By getting more and more supplements, herbs and foods documented as healing items, BigPharma and the WTO are just setting the stage to take them away as “dangerous substances that need regulation.”

Some people say, “Who cares if they’re illegal? I’ll just grow my own.” Hey, so will I, but here’s the problem with that: if laws are on the books to be implemented, then the FDA and other organizations can raid your home or garden, by force, with M16s and take your plants away. They can legally incarcerate you for breaking the law. They can legally prevent you from treating cancer, even with your own organic foods and plants. They can legally force you to starve or eat genetically modified, pesticide-saturated Frankenfoods that will CAUSE the cancers with toxic pharmaceuticals as the only legal treatment.

Think of the people killed for growing marijuana illegally in Humboldt County, CA, and know that if your country becomes Codex Alimentarius compliant, then the same scenario could apply to growing something as innocuous as Italian seasoning. Ridiculous does not mean it won’t pass! Congress has several bills in the works now, and they are all designed to take away laws protecting consumer choice. Please let your legislators know where you stand.

In these videos, Dr. Rima explains the difference between Common Law and Napoleonic Code Law. Under Common Law, if something is not prohibited, then it’s permitted. Under Napoleonic Code Law, if something is not expressly permitted, then it is forbidden. In the US we still have Common Law for most foods and herbs. We still have choice. The EU is already shifting into Napoleonic Code Law with regard to herbs and supplements. Folks, this is already happening! But it’s not too late (quite yet) to prevent it from going any further. Please support people like Dr. Rima Laiboux and ANH who are actively fighting for rights most people don’t even realize they still have. Ya don’t know whatcha got until it’s gone. Trust me on this one: if there was ever something worth chiming in on, this is one you’ll wish you did.

Codex Alimentarius is already on the books, but there is still time to keep it from ruining our entire food chain. Once a country becomes “compliant,” they cannot get out of this contract; however, if local, state or national laws offer protections, then these can continue to keep Codex Alimentarius out of our lives. “The more people who are in ‘Codex Coma,’ the less trouble they have getting this through.” This is a BigPharma design to make everyone so sick through preventable nutritional deficiencies that they require massive amounts of toxic pharmaceuticals to “keep them alive.” The organizers of Codex, by their own calculations, estimate 3 billion deaths due to the implementation of these “guidelines.” THIS is why I keep beating the food sovereignty drum. Please educate your legislators. These videos will tell you how:

Helpful links: Alliance for Natural Health in Europe


Health Freedom USA

As my regular blog readers know, I am also a huge fan of visualization and meditation. If we get caught up in feeling like victims and like we are fighting a system, then we just attract more of what we don’t want. In raising awareness about these issues, please also keep a focus on that which we DO want: health freedom, food sovereignty, the ability to choose natural remedies, the ability to enjoy nature in its natural state, and a return to balance on this insane planet. Eventually, I know Nature will win; in the long haul, Nature always does win. Humans are not required for Nature to win, though. In order to survive and certainly in order to thrive, humans will need to get more, not less in touch with Mother Earth and all the healing she has to offer. I wish each and every one of you blessed healing, awakening and peace.

Thanks for caring about yourselves and others!

Ocean’s Eleven-Eleven: You’re Invited

This blog post arrives in response to a Facebook post in which I wondered what would happen if Lightworkers around the world joined energies and intentions into an astrologically well-timed shamanic ritual to help heal the Earth and redistribute resources, power and money into responsible, loving hands. Those who run the world (not just the BigBanks, BigPharma and BigAg, but the people behind the corporate machines) all use astrology, occult symbols, and rituals as a means of honing and amplifying their own power. Esoteric Agenda does a nice job of explaining this, in case you’re curious.

Regardless of your curiosity, a bit of research would reveal that the ruling elite declare wars, pass extreme laws, and activite terrorist attacks and “natural” disasters on key dates. Repeated number sequences like 3/11/11, 4/11/11, 9/11, 7/7, 777, and 888 are all over the place! As someone who has long studied mythology, paganism, astrology, Christianity, numbers, sacred geometry, Runes, occult (which simply means hidden) symbols and rituals, these patterns read like an organized code. Events in this world, especially events since 9/11/01 have not occurred randomly. They fit neatly into key astrological dates that correspond to the goals of those orchestrating the events.

Those running our world have kept much of the esoteric knowledge for themselves, demonizing it via religions and mocking it via science. Thankfully, intuition and indigenous awareness can’t be completely snuffed out. They have survived in fairy tales, ancient writings, myths, and art history. This wisdom and awareness are also keyed into most of the major world religions, if we explore them with the eyes and heart of a mystic.

So, what the heck is Ocean’s Eleven-Eleven, and why are you invited?

I came up with the idea right after the “historic” budget passed in Congress. What’s historic about heisting more money from the middle class, destroying EPA regulations, preserving corporate money and the military-industrial complex? Um, not much! Business as usual among BigBanks and the corporation known as the UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. (Yes, not only are corporations now considered “persons,” but our “country” is not really a government, but rather a corporation. It’s the reason all the Birther arguments about Obama’s citizenship may not actually matter. While it would be illegal for a non-citizen to be president of the country, being president of the corporation is perfectly legal. All this quibbling really distracts from the deeper issue plaguing America and most of the rest of the world — the systematic transfer of all wealth, power and resources from sovereign individuals into the hands of a few. Indeed, as former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura reveals, feudalism is very much alive in 2011.) As Michael Moore reminded the world when he came to speak in Madison, “America is not broke!”

But it might as well be.

My Facebook post began as a wondering of what would happen if Lightworkers used similar esoteric awareness, rituals and intention to rebalance the budget, and restore balance to humanity and planet Earth. To my great delight, lots of people expressed enthusiastic support. I contacted some astrologers to help pick out dates most conducive to these goals, and I asked people of various spiritual and healing traditions about what sorts of ceremonies, spells, mantras and energy would most serve the rebalancing and restorative efforts. Common themes included: offering everything for the Highest Good of All, shamanic healing of core issues, and honoring free will (i.e. we can offer the energy and intentions for healing, but individuals can bypass them if they so choose). Many people also want to include Mother Earth in this process — especially since she is already intimately involved.

I chose the name Ocean’s Eleven-Eleven as a reference to the movie Ocean’s Eleven, which involves a group of highly specialized criminals working together behind the scenes to rob a corrupt casino. I love the idea of each participant in Ocean’s Eleven-Eleven offering whatever skills, energy, gifts, love and knowledge he or she happens to have –all in an attempt to redistribute wealth and power from the robber barons. 11:11 is a potent manifestation gateway, and I also like the reference to the ocean, which has been so abused by Japan’s nuclear crisis and the BP oil “spill.”

[Just an FYI, both of these events were also orchestrated. If you doubt this fact, please do some research on insider trading before the “spill,” Halliburton’s acquisition of the cleanup company 8 days before the “spill,” HAARP, and meetings and phone calls in Japan on 3/9/11. Even though a very small population on this planet has actively abused the Earth, to the degree we have allowed this to happen, we are all culpable. For this reason, I would like to include Dr. Emoto’s healing prayer for the waters at the reactors of Fukushima, but branch this out to ALL water on planet Earth: “Oceans of the Earth, we are sorry to make you suffer. Please forgive us. We thank you, and we love you.”]

Anyway, back to Ocean’s Eleven-Eleven: there is great power in names. Including the ocean and 11:11 in the name of this group acknowledges both the vastness of issues and the potential manifestation/transmutation beyond them. I also love the following quote by the mystic poet, Kabir: “All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.” A recognition of the interconnectedness and paradox of all things will allow humanity to transcend a seemingly impossible situation on this planet. Ocean’s Eleven-Eleven honors and celebrates this Ascension.

I will write more on this topic closer to the time, but for now, I wanted to let people know that the dates so far selected are Beltane (May 1, 2011) and the Solar Eclipse date of June 15, 2011. “In Neopaganism, Bealtaine is considered a cross-quarter day, marking the midpoint in the Sun’s progress between the spring equinox and summer solstice. … In Gaelic folkore, the village’s cattle were driven between two fires to purify them and bring luck (Eadar dà theine Bhealltainn in Scottish Gaelic, ‘Between two fires of Beltane’). This term is also found in Irish and is used as a turn of phrase to describe a situation which is difficult to escape from. In Scotland, boughs of juniper were sometimes thrown on the fires to add an additional element of purification and blessing to the smoke. People would also pass between the two fires to purify themselves.”

You can find more info here and in future posts. I love the idea of Beltane as the initiation of Ocean’s Eleven-Eleven, because it involves purification. Our world is so far out of balance that we need something beyond a complete reversal of stolen resources, money and power. In a very real sense, humanity has given these things away — allowed them to be stolen, even invited the thievery, due to deep-seated shame, fear and a loss of self-respect. The initial collective cereomonies, energy offerings and rituals will focus on healing these aspects.

I invite people from around the world to spend some time in the coming weeks considering what you feel called to offer on May 1’s virtual Beltane gathering. If you know shamanic or religious rituals designed to clear any or all of these feelings, please consider how and where you might enact those. If you feel more comfortable creating a work of art, song, poem, portal, or spell, please feel free. If you would like to light a candle or recite a mantra or send Reiki, these are all good contributions. In essence, the Ocean’s Eleven-Eleven festivities on Beltane will be an organized free-for-all with a collective intention of purification, healing and preparing to receive.

On June 15, during the solar eclipse, we will have another day of worldwide intention, creation and space-holding. More details on that to follow. Please feel free to share your ideas here or on your own blogs, linking in to this page if you’d like. You are welcome to include links to your own posts about this event. I never meant to lead a movement, and I really don’t care who gets “credit” or publicity. Another agreement on the Facebook thread involved the idea that those who resonate with this sort of event will find it. If I have time I will make a YouTube video with some ideas, and I will also post some possibilities for specific ceremonies, spells and/or prayers. Any religious or spiritual background is welcome.

I only ask that everyone who participates does so from a place of real excitement, love and enthusiasm, and that participants act from a place of Love and Light and for the Highest Good of All. As much as those in power have run amok, we do not need to emulate their motivations and attitudes. The tools are neutral: you can use a hammer to build a house or to bash someone’s head in. If you know how to use esoteric tools or spells, please feel free to walk the Middle Way (embracing your power, but remaining in the Light while doing so). If you feel more comfortable with prayer or meditation, we welcome your energy as well. The more the merrier. Literally! Let’s make this one fiery, joyful Beltane and a beautiful worldwide unified offering of possibilities. Shift happens. Woohoo and Namaste.

Food Sovereignty Law Email Template

Please feel free to copy and modify this email for your federal, state and local representatives. I just sent it to everyone who represents me in Wisconsin, but I thought I’d share in case others want to make their voices heard, too. I believe anyone informed of this issue would want food sovereignty laws in their town and/or state; however, very few people, including those who represent us, have any idea how we feel. Here’s my letter, customized for WI:

Thank you for your service to the State of Wisconsin! I am writing to let you know that I support food sovereignty laws like those on the books in Marin County, California and Maine. Genetically Modified Foods (GM or GMO’s) present an increasing threat to our health, economy, freedom and safety. Monsanto uses intimidation, bullying and monopolizing tactics similar to the mafia. Do we really want them providing GM seeds that will then contaminate organic crops and allow Monsanto to sue WI family farmers for “patent infringement,” while simultaneously ruining their livelihood?

I am also concerned about the likelihood of a major famine, if we continue to allow monocrops and things like Roundup, which has been shown as a factor in the declining honey bee population. Without bees, natural pollination will be crippled. Roundup (a weedkiller) has also been found in trace amounts in commercially sold compost, with the effect of people’s gardens dying via “fertilizing agents.”

Monocrops present another threat, as they are prone to infestation or crop failure due to weather or other conditions. Having just one strain of any given food makes it more likely to have something destroy the delicate conditions necessary for growth. With everything else going on in the world right now, including rising food prices, do we really want to worry about monocrop failures, too?

On top of this, recent studies about GM foods show that some cause infertility and obesity. The DNA modifications used to make these “Frankenfoods” do not stop modifying once they leave the laboratory, yet federal law does not require labeling of GM foods. The idea is that consumers might avoid them if they knew things were genetically modified. I say, give consumers a choice! I also say, please keep Monsanto out of Wisconsin. Please support food sovereignty laws that allow your constituents to choose organic, healthy foods instead of laboratory created, DNA-altering, obesity producing pseudofoods that will ultimately cost WI citizens more money for health care, as well as put them at greater risk for famine.

In addition, WI is a key state for organic dairy, and the introduction of GM alfalfa here would contaminate organic alfalfa plants, thereby ruining organic dairy. (You are what you eat. If organic cows start eating GM’d alfalfa, they will soon become GM cows. Where does it stop?) The so-called Food Safety Law S510 does not protect consumers. Instead it gives the FDA rights to intimidate and attack natural health stores, small farmers, sellers of raw dairy (a known healing food), and anyone not in the pockets of the big pharmaceutical companies and other lobbyists.

Today’s population has become increasingly educated about natural remedies and higher quality food choices. Please allow your constituency to make educated choices, rather than selling us out to some company’s agenda. I also would request you to fight against the implementation of a special food tax that pays for the Food Safety Law S510. A better, more sustainable, consumer-friendly solution would be to repeal the law or make it invalid within the state of WI. Please support our freedom to choose what we put into our bodies.

Thank you for your time.


Laura Bruno

[here’s another link with some very damning scientific evidence regarding Monsanto. Feel free to send it to your rep’s and/or work statistics into your own correspondence and articles.]

Virus Meat, Turd Burgers and Human Cows: Mmmm Frankenfoods!

Just in case anyone thinks I’ve been beating the real food drum just a little too hard, check out what’s coming soon to a store near you. I’m sure you’ll love it as much as I plan to (thankfully for me, loving them does NOT involve eating these things!) … Sometimes you just gotta laugh at this world, and might I recommend NOW as a very good time. Let’s laugh this planet into another dimension:

(Yeah, it’s Fox, but my feeling is they’re hiding this “in plain view.” Fox knows most aware people dismiss it as a fear-mongering lie machine. What better way to introduce something utterly gross and not have anyone blink an eye? The kneejerk reaction of aware people is to assume that everything on Fox is untrue. Use discernment. My gut feeling? This is for real.)

Turd Burgers! Mmmm, protein. “The main problem is the psychological barrier.” Ya think?

Genetically Modified Cows Produce Human Milk. (The cows are human-bovine hybrids.) Just out of curiosity, once the cows stop producing milk and go to slaughter, will their beef be labeled as the “cannibal cut”? Oh, that’s right! No GM labeling required. People can enjoy this extra special treat without even knowing it. Yummy, yummy.

Lest you think that veganism “protects” you from genetic monkeying, please familiarize yourself with Monsanto’s agenda to take over the entire world food supply, one GM crop at a time. Think organic protects you? Think again. Whole Foods will now be selling GM alfalfa sprouts — no doubt unlabeled, because you know, it might dissuade organic buyers who used to trust WF’s selection process. You eat organic dairy? Well GM alfalfa affects you, too, because cross-pollination will pollute organic alfalfa crops –a major food source of organic cows. You are what you eat. So GM eating cows will eventually become GM cows. And don’t even get me started on GM corn and GM soy. If the label doesn’t say “organic, non-GMO,” then guess what?! It’s GMO. Having trouble conceiving lately? Did you know that GM foods have been shown to cause sterility? And to turn on the “obesity gene”?

Yup. Lots of money for BigPharma in that one. How many health problems have a direct link to obesity these days?

What can you do? Let your legislators know you want food sovereignty laws. Not tomorrow. Today. Before Monsanto gets their greedy little GM seeds into your state and town’s soil. Grow your own food. Inside your home in the winter, outside when you can. Learn to sprout. Support organic farmer’s markets and raise awareness everywhere. Envision a free world with free food, free access to the rainwater that falls on your property and free access to sunshine unblocked by toxic chemtrails. We can take back our world one vision at a time. Much Love! There’s strength in numbers, and this shift is growing stronger every single day. I love you.

Lightworker Choices During Earth Changes and Human Evolution

This is a Facebook comment turned blog post, in response to the idea that it will take massive pain, desperation, and uh, more pain in order to help humanity awaken. I hear this idea expounded upon a lot by other Lightworkers, followed by an assurance that “in the end everything will be wonderful.” Here’s my unedited (and rather passionate) response to that kind of thinking:

That may very well be the case; however, it’s kind of like someone coming to you with cancer. Maybe this is because I’m medical intuitive and so I’ve had this situation a lot … but Humanity and the Earth at this time are very sick. The Earth is going to shift. Absolutely, 100%. But Humanity is not a requirement for this planet to shift. If Humanity doesn’t get its act together, sure … there will be all sorts of healing but it might be in the form of everyone or most people die and then they reincarnate as something else.

Which is fine. But if someone came to me with cancer and I saw that they had emotional/spiritual/mental patterns direly affecting their physical health and that if these things didn’t change, the outcome would be massive pain and an eventual wasting away, I would strongly encourage them to take steps in a positive direction.. I would (and do) give them a variety of scenarios I see, and I realize it is entirely up to them which steps they choose to take. But I always hold a positive vision of the greatest level of healing on all levels. I always at least believe that they CAN choose an easier, graceful, blessed and joyful route.

If the Lightworkers on this planet … and those who are awake or are at least quasi-awake are unwilling even to imagine better possibilities, unwilling even to dream of potential solutions, to offer people a model of what’s possible … then the doom and gloom scenario is pretty much a guarantee. We DO create our own reality, both collectively and individually. I feel that people who are reasonably aware and who have at least some spiritual tools under their belts have a responsibility NOW, not just after everything’s gone to pot. Sure, maybe it will, and maybe that’s what it will take, but if people saw what kinds of things are in the offering–both on the positive side and the negative side … the choice wouldn’t be so difficult.

Yes, healing happens, but life is both infinitely precious and entirely expendable. The “healing” may happen because the human race completely dies off in an excruciating way, or because the ones who survive suffer incredibly much unnecessary pain. If the goal of awakening can even remotely possibly be accommplished some other way, then I for one am holding that vision and offering tools for people to use if they choose. If they choose otherwise, fine. But I’m not just accepting the “pain is the only real motivator” theory. If that’s what people choose, fine. It’s a free will planet. In the meantime, I’m holding a vision of something more, much more, and much more direct. This can be a wonderful time, and it doesn’t NEED to hurt. Really. There’s already been plenty of suffering on the planet.

Anyway, free will… Everyone, including Lightworkers gets to choose how they deal with information and events. I’m just intending a powerful and easier, flowing and graceful transition for Humanity. That’s why I showed up here this time. Will I help if everything goes way worse? Sure, but there comes a point where it’s too late. If I see things coming and can say, “Hey! dodge this dragon!” I will. Peace to everyone.

I’m still holding a vision for the highest, easiest, smoothest, least traumatic shift for everyone and everything. If Lightworkers and those reasonably awake give up on humanity’s ability to shift without massive trauma and pain, then it’s pretty much a guarantee to happen. Those people who ARE aware and who do have spiritual tools under their belts can make a giant difference NOW, pre-paving the way and showing what’s available for the shifting now. Everyone has a right to choose, but for myself, I’m going to continue holding a vision of the possibility that this species can actually opt to “get” it w/o hitting rock bottom. If the Lightworkers won’t hold that vision, then who will? ♥

My New Favorite Wisconsin Update

So many thanks to my Uncle Brad for these continually inspiring updates. I appreciate both the on-the-ground details and his bigger picture connections. So true! People everywhere are starting to recognize their own power and sovereignty. Yay, world! Keep reaching. We all deserve the very best lives we can imagine, and I’m happy to say people are gaining courage to imagine better and better lives. It also comes quite synchronously with some Martin Luther King, Jr. moments yesterday, despite my not knowing of the speech reading at the Capitol. Much Love and Increasing Light!! And now, a report from Brad Palmer:

Hello, ALL Wisconsin!

Well, interesting afternoon. The capitol square was quiet, only a smattering of demonstrators. I noticed people entering the capitol building, and I hadn’t been there in two weeks. So I entered. Of course, I
was screened, emptied my pockets, and told if I didn’t remove my jacket–because I have so many buttons on it promoting Wisconsin, solidarity, recalling Walker and Olsen, that I would set off the metal detector. Or, the capitol police (who are independent from the city police) would have to scan me. I said, “Scan away.” I was brought to the side, asked to spread my arms, and then explain each beep…my copper bracelet, my watch, my belt buckle, my rings, and, of course, my buttons. Apparently satisfied that I was not a domestic terrorist hiding knives, bombs, and weaponry, they let me pass. And then I heard….singing. Many voices.

Those who know me recognize that singing is the call of the wild to me. As I entered the rotunda the singing was louder. Once inside, a circle of about 125 people, with another 25 on the second floor, were singing freedom and union songs. It was a “Solidarity Sing-along.” And between each song, the moderator read excerpts from Dr. King’s Memphis speech of April 3, 1968–the day before he was killed. I’ve heard that speech many times over the years….”….I may not get there with you. But that doesn’t matter to me now, because I have been to the mountain top….” With each paragraph he read after each song, I choked up. Dr. King is a hero of mine. Whatever shortcomings great people may have, the work and sacrifices they make for the betterment of all of us in a sacred gift. His was especially so, paid for with his life.

The songs included, “Bread and Roses,” “We Shall Overcome,” If I Had a Hammer,” “Which Side Are You On?’ Every once in a while during my hour stay in the rotunda–a place that just weeks ago was ALIVE with thousands of voices making one voice–some one would yell, “Whose House?” To which we all responded, “Our House!” When the announcement was made at 4 :30 and 4:45 that the capitol was closing, the chant began again. And that Badger pride, along with Dr. King’s words–read by another, but no less profound–swelled into my heart. Those people in the rotunda, those in Baraboo, those 150,00 on the square, the fire fighter I thanked, the poster vendor I talked with, the State Street patrons, the homeless man selling the Street Pulse newspaper, the coffee clerk in Michelangelo’s Coffee house–they aren’t liberals. They’re people who live and work here, who just want to be alive and enjoy the freedoms that so many before us sacrificed so much for; the soldiers, the union organizers, the merchants and small business people, women’s rights workers, the fighters of dominion and greed….we are ALL united in this fight. And we’re starting to cherish each other and cherish these moments together and we’re seeing a government being reborn out of tyranny. And WE are those people.

As the final announcement came, the moderator suggested we all exit together in song, via the Martin Luther King Street exit, singing, “If I Had a Hammer,”….in order to assist the capitol police in their clearing of the building and fulfillment of their duties.” Just before we lined up to exit, a sudden quiet prevailed. I couldn’t help it. I yelled as loudly as I could, “Who Is Wisconsin?” The immediate reply came back with one voice 150 strong, “We Are Wisconsin!” Just before I stopped, I yelled, “Thank you!” and the reply was returned, “Thank you.” We turned to exit in song. As we dispersed, we waved to each other. Some continued to sing, some shook hands. We were one in the rotunda. Most of us had never met, but we parted as friends.

Just before exiting, an announcement was made–no microphone, no bullhorn, so I hope I got the details correct. The “Day of Action” march will begin at 4 PM on the capitol square tomorrow, April 4. At 7 PM, Rev. Jesse Jackson, along with two members of the Memphis Sanitation Union–who Dr. King was supporting in Memphis in April, 1968–will lead a march around the square. We will sing, “We Shall Overcome,” all the way around. Lest you think this is all a bit solemn, an extra verse was added in the rotunda sing-along; “Walker won’t be governor for lo–oh–oh–ong.” Rev. Jackson marched with Dr. King, and his presence is appropriate and welcome.

A note for Madison’s Tuesday election; there is a non-binding preference referendum to undo the sinister “corporate personhood” the Republicans passed to give corporations the same rights as individuals. This was a first step in eliminating, “one person, one vote.” We all encourage Madisonians to vote, “Yes.” It’s another way to be heard, another worrisome matter for the emporer with no clothes to ponder.

I headed down State Street and encountered my (“my,” because I see him selling his wares every time I’m in Madison, and I’ve grown to like him) homeless man, asking passers by if they’d like a copy of Street Pulse. You know the deal, he gets to keep the dollar after his initial 25 cent investment. I gladly gave him $3 and took a copy. He’s working, he’s trying, he’s not begging for change. I admire that, I admire him. These people we’re united with, they aren’t liberals. They’re Republicans, Democrats, liberals, conservatives, religious and non-religious, capitalists and non-capitalists, all ethnicities, all lifestyles, all professions, from
laborers and service people to physicians, teachers, and nurses, engineers, drivers, employed and unemployed, homeless and housed. The are ALL of us, and we are ALL of them. And we are now united in a great struggle that we WILL win–because we cannot afford to lose.

And when this marathon is done, when Wisconsin history is written this summer and fall of 2011, when the trash is gone from our government beginning Tuesday, extending through the successful recall of the Republican traitors to Wisconsin, and ending with the eviction of the soon-to-be unemployed Walker back to Colorado where he can lobby for Koch industries with an asterisk — “recalled in Wisconsin” — our work is not done. We must lead and assist our sister states and sweep the dirt out of government from Maine to Washington, California to New Jersey, and start the battle again. And Wisconsin will do so. The work we do here, the work ALL of you are doing is strong because we are united. We remain and welcome the title, “Ground Zero.” We are up to this task for as long as it takes….because We are Wisconsin, and we live here, and this is OUR home.

Beginning with Tuesday’s election, we will send the first official messages to Walker that his time is about up, and Madison will send word about what the Supreme Court can do with “corporate personhood.” Dauntless, refusing to be misinformed or misled, we remain strong and united. The rotunda was alive today, and it breathes with the inspiration of its people. Thank you for the work you ALL do. Please join the march if you can. If not, please continue your great work that is invaluable, and without which we can’t succeed. Badgers, PLEASE get out the vote Tuesday and fire the first shot into Walker’s paper regime. After his puppet is defeated, we can tell him, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet!”

Shoulder to shoulder,
Strong in unity,
Solidarity, my friends.


DNA Manipulation and Consciousness

Finally! Someone articulating into English all the DNA, Light, code, and food downloads I’ve been getting for oh so long: Dr. Phil Valentine. He also articulates why The Matrix infuriated me — desensitizing people to what’s really happening. Ohhh, that movie made me mad! Making people think it liberated them, when in fact it just put that into the realm of fantasy. (See part 15 below)

Yeah, he drops the f-bomb, but his message is right on. If you listen to this youtube series, you will learn why metaphysical knowledge has become so important; why control of what you put in your body is directly related to the integrity of your DNA and thus your experience of this world; how you can inform yourself so that you “bypass the programming.” “Mind control is frequency warfare.” “Ignorance is a food source.” “Blood is the circulation of biological consciousness.”

Additionally, he explores metaphysical interpretations of the Bible, sun gazing, pollution of the atmosphere, the dumbing down of education, Alice in Wonderland, The Matrix, the connection between blood and Light, evolutionary processes, and much more. Highly recommended!

… you can find more videos here.