Archive for July, 2022

Timothy Glenn ~ The Field

This is a follow-up post answering questions received since Timothy’s last article, “The Plutonian Phoenix Does Capricorn, 2008-2040: A Timeline Overview.” According to Tim, the next follow-up post will discuss additional astrological patterns that track with information uncovered by researcher Jason Breshears ( Today’s post covers how Tim “sees this, that, or whatever.” Enjoy!

The Field

by Timothy Glenn

There is only the one infinite energy field, often known as The Field of Infinite Possibilities. You can also call it the Universe, the Multiverse, the Omniverse, God, Goddess, Heavenly Father/Mother, Spirit, Creator, All That Is, Infinity, Source, or anything you wish, because everything you could ever think of to call it is already contained within it. You can even address it as Hey, You! No problem – because it’s anything and everything.

Some of the aforementioned expressions carry a lot of baggage, especially the word “God”. Such terms broadcast connotations of belief systems that are designed to function as a tractor beam. They are intended to pull our consciousness into an illusory holographic trap, which in turn is filled with limiting rules and regulations.

Our friends in the realm of physics prefer a neutral term: The Field. Everything is The Field. Everyone is The Field. This brings to mind the words of the wonderful Persian poet Rumi: “Out beyond ideas of wrong-doing and right-doing there is a field. I’ll meet you there.”

You are The Field. There is nothing else to be. Everything is an expression of the whole, and the essence of the whole is always present in each of its parts. Rumi conveys this principle with his classic eloquence: “You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the ocean in a drop.”

You are all of infinity expressing itself at a single point.

Shifting Into Neutral

The Field is completely neutral. In its infinite wholeness, The Field is not dividing itself into positive and negative, right and wrong, true and false, yin and yang, light and dark, good and evil, or any of the zillions of other polarities we could ever imagine.

Neutrality also provides a key to transcendence. Many people approach spiritual practices as though they were making a jailbreak from their earthly reality. By viewing the human world as a prison from which to escape, people make it more real for themselves. They tie their mental and emotional energies to the very world from which they want to liberate themselves. This epitomizes the famous expression coined by Carl Gustav Jung: “What you resist persists.” If you fight it, you feed it.

Like so many endeavors in life, transcendence is not necessarily easy, but extremely simple. Calm down. Center yourself. Enter a state of complete neutrality and render all else irrelevant. And once all claptrap of this alleged reality has been rendered irrelevant, you have already achieved a state of transcendence.

It Just Is

Paradoxes can be fun. The only thing you can ever know for sure is that you can never know anything for sure.

In our human experience, each of us gathers data from which to construct our model of the universe. Most people confuse their model of the universe for the universe itself, and not merely a model. Socrates apparently understood this when he said, “I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.”

We can speak from our own perspectives and interpretations, and do so emphatically. But is Reality a one-size-fits-all proposition? Probably not. I usually don’t bother debating with anyone who gets dogmatic about a belief, although I might counter them with the question: “And what about the rest of infinity?”

Is the earth round or flat? Yes. And much more besides. We could describe the earth as a multidimensional hologram. But then, are they actually dimensions or are they density levels? Or are they simply orders of magnitude of scale within the same dimension and density level? It’s easy to come to the conclusion that nothing in this world is what it appears to be. But then, if it appears that way to us, then so it is. But then, did we factor in observer effect?

The Field of Infinite Possibilities is exactly that. The delightfully eccentric physicist Doc RAM (Dr. Richard Alan Miller) sums it up succinctly: “If it’s possible, it exists.”


Life, the Universe and Everything is the third book in the six volume series known as The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. The “ultimate question” is posed: “What is the answer to life, the universe and everything?”

The supercomputer called Deep Thought calculates the answer as 42.

Even though author Douglas Adams tried to pass this off as a joke and nothing more, he was well known for his fascination with technology. Here we turn to ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange). Every character on your keyboard has a numeric designation. On that official list, number 42 is the asterisk.

What is the answer to life, the universe and everything? The asterisk, the wild card that can represent anything.


In the early 90’s, I adopted that simple compound word to express my overarching philosophy of life, the universe and everything.

I even had a t-shirt made to display my philosophy and my fundamental approach to it: “Yeah, well…whatever.”

Timothy Glenn

Garden Updates ~ Sunflowers, Lilies and Hibiscus

The garden continues to produce prolific food and blooms. I always find it interesting when I don’t really like a particular food but grow it for some other reason, only to discover that I love the homegrown version. This happened when I grew cantaloupe for David’s mom, when I grew asparagus due to an obsession with any and all perennial vegetables, and it happened this summer with edamame. Wow! I planted these Tankuro Edamame from Baker Creek just to fix more nitrogen in my soil. I tried them last week alongside miso veggie soup. The flavor hit home.

In addition, we’ve had lots of tomatoes, still abundant lettuce, as well as kale, chard, collards, peppers, peas, onions, and the first cucumber. I also have garlic and the first harvest of potatoes curing in the shed. The most amusing thing for me in the backyard garden is how my purple Thai and Chinese yard long beans climb not only the official trellises, but also the sunflowers and amaranth. I love this synergy! It takes companion planting to fun new levels — literally.

The backyard garden looks a little crazy:

Neither the backyard sunflowers nor the amaranth have bloomed yet, but we don’t lack for flowers out back. Zinnias, lilies, hyssop and echinacea fill in the blanks:

I plant orange flowers for David. I think these are called red hot pokers. If you have good eyes, you might also see some orange day lilies in the far background. The echinacea have orange centers, and the lilies have orange stamens. My Dutchman likes his orange!

Up front, the “Elves Blend” sunflower mix continues to delight:

It’s also cosmo and zinnia season, seen here with purple kale, giant sedum, borage, oregano, mint and marigolds:

I think this next picture is my favorite garden photo of all my garden photos over the years:

These tiger lilies from a 60-days of lilies mix are almost finished. I took this photo last week:

Yesterday, David snapped these two shots of the dinner plate hibiscus planted by the woman who lived here for 30 years:

I love how the front yard looks mostly ornamental, but it still produces a lot of food for both body and soul. Wishing you a beautiful weekend!

July 28, 2022 ~ New Moon in Leo and Wild Card Energy

Just a reminder: we are in THIS week! I can tell people are feeling the intensity by how busy I am with sessions, especially emergency requests and sudden crises. Remember to breathe. Chaos brings new timelines and possibilities that weren’t possible with the old, familiar energies. This can be a good time.

Laura Bruno's Blog

I had this scheduled for a week prior to the New Moon in Leo, but I feel led to share it sooner. I will repost closer to the time. You may have noted all the resignations occurring around the time of the July 13, 2022 Full Moon in Capricorn. These track with the Sabian Symbol and many of the themes I discussed in my post. As Dane Rudhyar said, “Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.”

The sky uses a megaphone these days! I post this information not to cause fear but to give people a heads up to prepare yourselves for big changes ahead. Vibration, location, level of consciousness, and your own natal chart make a huge difference, but we are in chaotic times. Proceed accordingly.

My July 2022 Forecast notes:

July 28 New Moon in Leo, 1:55 p.m. Eastern. Less…

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August 2022 Forecast and Third Quarter North Node Horoscopes


We begin the month with Mars, Uranus and the North Node still conjunct in Taurus. This volatile transit will continue to affect the collective in long lasting, course corrective ways. Even if seeming chaos reigns now, in retrospect, this time period will prove pivotal to collective and individual destinies. After all the energies of July, August might initially feel slow. Take advantage of this month’s opportunities to practice discernment, and get clear on preferences and aversions. Things pick up pace once Mars enters Gemini on August 20. This is another decisive shift that will color the next seven months.

August 1 Mars conjunct Uranus and the North Node in Taurus. This is also the traditional date for Lammas/Lughnasadh, the first of three harvest festivals. A potent portal day: expect the unexpected. This is a time when small shifts can create huge ripple effects. A good day to set bold intentions. Pay attention to sudden insights, wild synchronicities and intuitive downloads. Keep paper or phone handy to record inspired, yet fleeting ideas.

August 4 Mercury enters Virgo. The Messenger enters one of his home signs. Unlike fast-paced Gemini, Mercury in Virgo prefers to gather all the facts and carefully sort through the details. Communication feels grounded and thorough. We can’t gloss over discrepancies with Gemini double-talk. Our worldview needs to make practical sense, and we’ll want to know how it fits together with other information. This process takes time, but in the end, we’ll have a clear template from which to work.

August 7 Venus is Cancer trine Neptune in Pisces, and Mars in Taurus square Saturn in Aquarius. The Venus-Neptune trine in Water signs brings dreamy, romantic energy and creative inspiration. A good day to redecorate your home, go glam, write poetry, and nurture loved ones. Mars square Saturn demands action and determination, but the days around August 7 may not be the time to git ‘er done. Frustration and irritation alert you to a need for change. You can better use this time for active visualization, trouble-shooting, and brainstorming solutions, rather than trying to launch your plan right now. If you must take action, aim for slow, steady steps.

August 9 Venus in Cancer opposite Pluto in Capricorn. A day of emotional intensity, passion, and relationship power plays. Beware of manipulation. It can go both ways. The dance of intimacy pulls apart then clings together. This is a better day for contemplation than arguments, which could get out of control. Observe your insights, but take action after you’ve processed your emotions.

August 11 Full Moon in Aquarius, 9:36 p.m. Eastern US time, and Venus enters Leo. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “A Large White Dove Bearing a Message.” A Divine Message gets “certified” and this event foretells peace. With the Full Moon occurring close to Saturn, this Aquarian peace also comes from a place of sober reflection. The Moon/Sun axis squares the nodal axis, suggesting a pivotal time between past and present: a hinge point. Venus’s move into Leo helps us tap into our hearts and act with generosity and kindness.

August 14 Sun in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius, and Mars in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn. This is a potent day with Sun in his home sign and Saturn in one of the signs he co-rules (with later discovered Uranus). Tensions arise between heart and head, and individual vs. group identity. Meanwhile the God of Action and War harmoniously aligned with Pluto supports action and minimizes the chance of conflict. Sober assessment + confidence = greater ability to navigate challenges. Seize the day!

August 16 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus. Unusual, liberating messages push through, and we find ways to sort the information into a thoroughly new understanding. With greater detail, we more clearly see a bigger picture. This transit favors discernment.

August 20 Mars enters Gemini. For seven months, the Warrior and God of Action moves back and forth through Gemini. A relatively rare Mars retrograde event occurs entirely within the sign of Gemini, crisscrossing the US natal Uranus (revolution/chaos/reversal), Descendant (relationships/known enemies) and Mars (war/action/individual). As with July 2022, the time period between late August and late March 2023 portends significant changes for the United States. Anyone with planets or angles in Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo will feel this Mars energy more than others, but everyone will notice its effects. Mars in Gemini is VERY active. Things that have felt stuck for ages suddenly move. Fast.

August 22 Sun enters Virgo, 11:16 p.m. Eastern US time. (For much of the world, this occurs on the 23rd.) Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn. Of all the signs, Virgo most encourages us to practice discernment and devotion. If you’ve struggled to implement good habits and routines, Virgo helps you do that. If you want to improve your health or work in a health oriented career, Virgo energy assists. Pay attention to details throughout this next month, but especially today. The Messenger harmoniously aligns with deep, dark Pluto. Today’s information will provide important clues to larger mysteries.

August 24 Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus. Between now and January 22, 2023, our quest for rebellion and revolution takes a more internal focus. As Within, So Without. Amidst continued demands for liberation and change, this time period lets us begin processing the Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction in late July and early August. What sudden shifts or realizations did we experience? What might these mean for ourselves and in the wider world?

August 25 Mercury enters Libra. Diplomacy returns. Mercury in Libra brings grace and more willingness to negotiate. This energy favors balancing the scales of Justice, rather than egocentric demands of “my way or the highway.” After much discord, harmony presents other options for consideration. We can more easily “talk things out” after deeper analysis from Mercury’s time in Virgo. A retrograde period brings Mercury back to Virgo on September 23, so this month marks only the first of two Mercury in Libra transits in 2022.

August 27 New Moon in Virgo, 4:17 a.m. Eastern US time. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is: “A MAN BECOMING AWARE OF NATURE SPIRITS AND NORMALLY UNSEEN SPIRITUAL AGENCIES.” The Sun/Moon point almost exactly squares Mars in Gemini, bringing friction between our own will and that of our allies. When we tune into Nature and Spirit, we discover new levels to our existence.

August 28 Venus in Leo opposite Saturn in Aquarius. Heads up: this could be a highly contentious day for relationships. If you’ve got a bone to pick with someone, try not to do it right now. The energies favor arguments over peaceful resolution. You’ll sound harsher than you intend, and people won’t be able to “feel the love” even if what you share comes from a loving place. This is a quick transit during chaotic times. Save relationship decisions for an easier day.

How August’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.     

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. If you’re right on the cusp, consider both possibilities or book a reading for more clarity.


ARIES NORTH NODE: Jupiter remains in Aries all quarter, adding expansive fire to your North Node sign. This bold optimism eases tension as you move through Cancer and Libra seasons. Don’t lose sight of your own course by getting too bogged down nurturing and pleasing others. Mars — the ruler of Aries — enters Gemini on August 20, where he’ll spend a rare seven months, sextiling Aries until March 25, 2023. This transit offers supportive energy. You can take action by seeing through former limitations. As you settle into clarity about codependent relationships, the Wheel of Fortune turns in your favor. New experiences await.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: One of the biggest transits this decade occurs in your sign at the end of July into early August. Staid Taurus has had Uranus stirring things up since May 15, 2018, but July 2022 kicks things up several notches. Mars joins the North Node and Uranus in Taurus in a triple conjunction big enough to knock your socks off. Taurus normally wants to minimize chaos, but you can lean into the energies in order to make quantum leaps. If you’ve felt unsatisfied in an area of life, July and August are a good time for proactive change. You can ride the wave of supportive energies moving through your sign. Take action: you’ll have more influence if you embrace available upgrades.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: When the world goes nuts, shift focus. You’ll benefit from energies this quarter and beyond. Mars — the planet of action and initiative — enters Gemini on August 20 and continues popping off Gemini fireworks until March 25, 2023. Miracles happen when you allow yourself to try new things. Where do passion and interest lead? What tickles your fancy? What turns you into a giddy little kid? Gemini doesn’t take the world too seriously. Sure, Third Quarter 2022 brings intense transits, but your North Node sign makes you extra adaptable to change. Look for silver linings: you’ll find them all over the place. You got this!

CANCER NORTH NODE: In July, Mercury and Venus join the Sun in your North Node sign. You’ll find it easier to articulate feelings and nurture the ones you love. A hint of magic pervades this quarter. You have what you need to thrive, but it takes time and space to receive the blessings. Riptides will pull you under if you try to control the external world. Tend to your own domain. The Moon rules Cancer North Node natives, so pay attention to its cycles. It’s easier to start things during a Waxing Moon, easier to release them in a Waning Moon. Full Moons act like hinge points. New Moons hit the reset button. When burnout strikes, this natural cycle will recharge you.

LEO NORTH NODE: We’re entering your season! Mercury and your sign ruler — the Sun — enter Leo on July 19 and 22, followed by a powerful New Moon in Leo on the 28th. Venus graces your sign from August 11-September 5. Your nodal axis gets squared by all the activity in Taurus. Friction and irritation alert you to coming opportunities. What makes your heart sing? You don’t need to shout that answer to the world just yet, but Third Quarter 2022 adds fuel to your fire. You’ll awaken from whatever nightmares plague you, provided you watch out for #1. Yes, Leo, that means you. When you prosper, everyone benefits. Your greatest contribution happens when you follow your heart.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Mercury, your sign’s ruler, enters Virgo on August 4, helping you sort through all the details. Virgo North Node natives are service oriented, and this quarter brings new understanding of your role here. It’s time to release old dogmas and illusions. The powerful action in Taurus brings supportive, liberating energy so you can live your best life. Starting on August 22 (or 23), the Sun spends a month highlighting your North Node sign. August 27 brings your yearly New Moon reset, and Venus joins the party on September 5. Third Quarter 2022 asks you to put faith into daily devotion. Not pie in the sky platitudes. Real world choices inspired by dreams and mystical awareness.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Love is in the air for those who seek it. Every misunderstanding or disappointment offers a chance for higher level harmony and balance. Strange and fleeting opportunities arise. There is enough to go around, but you’ll need to pivot in order to receive the blessings. This is not a time to charge ahead. It’s a time to watch and wait, then open to the experience. Jupiter and Chiron in Aries continue to trigger big lessons from your past. These don’t always feel good, but making peace allows you to move forward. You’ll benefit from Mars in Gemini and Mercury retrograde in Libra, but don’t rush. The Sun shifts seasons to your sign on September 22.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: July’s big energies in your South Node sign of Taurus could disrupt your old status quo. Know this: whatever shifts needs to move. Taurus is the slowest moving sign, which means Scorpio North Node natives cling to familiar patterns even when they no longer serve. Just as some trees only grow after a fire, Scorpio blessings often arrive after some kind of death or destruction. These could be metaphorical, so don’t panic! You can make quantum leaps this quarter by releasing old, false limitations and at least loosening your grip on anyone or anything standing in the way of your regeneration and rebirth. Divine providence knows more than you do. Put the Serenity Prayer on repeat.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2022 supercharges your nodal axis. You’ll receive supportive energy from any planets in Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius. Anything moving through Gemini pings your South Node, so be careful not to spread yourself too thin. Parties, gossip and social media could overwhelm you. If so, allow yourself to take a break! Seek deeper friendships and inner guidance, rather than superficial “like’s” and popularity. You’ll find community by forging your own way. Your boldness activates those around you. Mars moving through Gemini could trigger arguments about old issues and relationships. Stay strong. It’s OK to know what you know and follow that lead.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: This is a monumental quarter inside yourself, even if outer events don’t seem to touch you. As planets move through Cancer, they conjunct your South Node, bringing new insights and closure on old patterns and relationships. You’ll need to stay grounded, both physically and emotionally, because some of these shifts could feel tectonic. July 13’s Full Moon in Capricorn will affect you more than most. Continue to create new structures to support you through coming changes. If you feel bereft or scared, flip your perspective. How are events positioning you into greater authority and leadership? What newer commitments feel ripe?

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: The New Moon in Leo on July 28th occurs in your South Node sign, while the triple conjunction in Taurus squares the Leo-Aquarius axis. Taskmaster Saturn continues his stay in Aquarius, while the Sun, Mercury and Venus all spend time in Leo this quarter. In other words, you could feel some friction between old and new. You might struggle to find your place inside a group. It’s productive struggle, though — like a butterfly wrestling its way out of a cocoon. Hang in there: August 11 brings a Full Moon in Aquarius, and this bodes well. Mars moves into Gemini on August 20, initiating seven months of active, positive support for your highest path. The coming energies in Libra add wind beneath your wings.

PISCES NORTH NODE: Things have calmed down in Pisces, but they heat up in Cancer, Gemini, Leo and Virgo — your South Node sign. Ruler Neptune remains in your North Node sign, but most of the activation occurs through supportive trines, tense squares, surreal quincunx’s and strong opposition. You’re on a journey with varied terrain and weather. Hills and valleys, sunshine, hail and rainbows. In the bigger scheme of things, you’re moving, and that’s all you really need to know. Watch for signs and synchronicities along the way, especially animals. If you have an unusual sighting or dream, look up the shamanic or spiritual meaning of that ally. Your path is mystical and inspired, but few would call it “rational.” Make peace with your process.

Laura Bruno on the Joanne Oswell Jones Podcast

This past Wednesday, I had the joy of speaking with Joanne Oswell Jones, who interviewed me for her empowerment podcast. She loves to feature people who’ve overcome adversity and healed in spite of all the odds against them. Her podcast shares ways that others can find inspiration and live their truest, most empowered lives.

This podcast will appear on all major podcast platforms, but you can also listen here and here. As Joanne says:

In 1998 Laura Bruno suffered a traumatic brain injury due to a car crash which left her with near total disability for four years. It was during this time that Laura’s life changed beyond what she could ever imagine.

Despite her initial resistance to welcoming the new life that was calling her Laura found herself immersed in learning a new language and way of being which was using the power of her mind, body and soul to heal herself and others.

A fascinating conversation in which we discuss:

How our challenges become our gift in life.

The role of diet for healing our physical body from illness, disease, and imbalances and how diet can help us to connect with our truth.

Practical applications to help you to tune into your inner wisdom, the divine within you, your own super-intelligence so that you can live the life you are destined for.

The serenity prayer.

Animal communication.

Astrology – Is there really “free will” in the lives that we lead here on earth.

Carl Jung – “Free will” – “is doing gladly and freely that which one must do” and so much more!

Where to find Laura:

If you would like to reach out to Laura for a one-to-one session or to learn more about her work you can find her contact details at:

Where to find me:

I hope you’ve enjoyed this episode.

A note from me…Please remember that you are beautiful, powerful, and magnificent beyond what you can possibly imagine and like I always say – Your Soul Never Takes On Anything Your Backbone Can’t Handle! xo

(Laura again):

We managed to record this interview through Zoom. Some people know this is a huge challenge for me, as I tend to blow out equipment if I do any kind of intuitive readings or energetic tune-ins. I explained this to Joanne ahead of time, and she agreed not to ask me to do either of those things. At one point, you can hear us both laughing, and this reflects an unrecorded part of the conversation where we discussed what happens when my energy expands to its natural levels: zap, boom, no more Zoom! This is why Joanne makes such a point for me NOT to tune in.

If you happen to be on social media, Joanne shares a short video clip of the interview on her Instagram page. I’m not on any social media, so I don’t know which part made the cut. In case you’re interested in a rare video clip of me, you can find it there. In case that link doesn’t work, her Instagram page is here. If you have FaceBook, you can also search for Joanne Oswell Jones there. She has a main page, as well as some groups.

I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation! Joanne has such lovely energy, and I’m honored to have done this podcast with her. We hope it inspires people to heal and thrive beyond all expectations. Again, you can find the podcast on all major podcast platforms, or by clicking here and here.

Garden Update: Challenges, Solutions, Bounty and Beauty

I haven’t given a garden update in awhile. Today we have our first sunflower of the season, but really the first sunflower in four years!

This little guy comes from an “Elves Mix” that offered seeds from a variety of dwarf sunflowers. I thought these would grow well in the raised beds out front, so I sprinkled them amidst herbs, perennials and annuals. I haven’t tried to grow sunflowers since our first year here. I heard they attract groundhogs, and I also didn’t want to dedicate too much space to them in my Big Bag Bed garden. These little guys seemed like a great compromise, especially since I doubled the size of the front garden last Fall.

I have a bunch of full size sunflowers growing out back, but those haven’t yet bloomed. Meanwhile, the squash and sweet potatoes are going crazy. You can see some of the sunflowers thriving in the Big Bag Beds, even though that area gets only about five or six hours of full sun per day. I’ve got lettuce tucked behind the other growth, and I keep hoping it won’t bolt since it gets less sun. We shall see.

Despite the prolific growth of the butternut squash vines, I ran into an annoying issue with blossom end rot. This was entirely preventable, and I’m kicking myself for not listening to my intuition. A few weeks ago, an obsessive thought kept crossing my mind: “You should really put down some gypsum for those squash plants. Your soil needs calcium.” I found a bag at the local gardening center, but I walked there. It was a 20 pound bag, so I opted not to get it. Instead of asking David to drive me home or ordering some online, I did nothing. I thought, “There’s no overt sign of a calcium deficiency. I’ll just wait, and if I see a sign of it, I’ll correct things then.”

Well, I got my overt sign, alright! I ended up needing to throw out twelve butternut squash with blossom end rot — whose solution is adding more calcium to the soil. Once it starts, you can’t correct it on an individual squash, though. In the past, I’ve added diluted milk to both tomato and squash plants, both of which can suffer from low calcium in the soil. I had used worm castings and an organic fertilizer mix, but — duh! — I should have trusted my intuition. I ended up tossing two tomatoes, a zucchini and those twelve butternut squash. 😦

In order to correct what had become a much larger issue, I needed to add two half gallons of milk on consecutive weeks, plus a bunch of gypsum (which takes longer to incorporate into the soil). So far the new growth looks fine, but I learned my lesson. When my intuition starts nagging me to add a certain nutrient to the soil, just do it!!! A wise lesson for broader life, as well. I’m happy to report delicious harvests of other zucchini, peppers and tomato. Hopefully I’ve resolved the issue.

Some clients asked me how I handle various pest pressures in the garden, so I’ll share a few tips here. Long time readers of this blog know that grrrrrrrrrroundhogs(!) are my biggest concern. I’ve inured myself to the cuteness factor …

… because these whistle pigs will decimate a garden, given half a chance. Here’s the most recent one alerting friends and family that “Mr. McGregor lives here! Mr. McGregor! Stay away! Crazy gardener alert. Oh, no, this yard is NOT worth a visit!” He turned to face me just as I snapped the photo. Indeed, with groundhogs, I’ve learned to give them no quarter. When they first appear, I run outside like a wild banshee and scare the dickens outta them. I hate doing it, but I’ve learned that once they feel comfortable in my yard, nothing gets rid of them except my old neighbor Randy trapping and relocating them.

Randy died on the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of May 2021, so I’m on my own unless Randy’s ghost makes an appearance. I do feel like he haunted the yard last year, because I only saw one groundhog, once, last year. Randy had watchdog energy while he lived, and he continued watching over our place last Summer. It feels like he’s moved on now, so “Shock and Awe” is in effect. I put on a Faery Glamour to appear much larger and scarier than I am, and so far, I’ve not had the same groundhog repeat an adventure in our yard. Just in case, I sprinkle organic hot pepper flakes on all my front yard lettuce and chard. I also have various stinky sprays, but those aggravate me more than the critters. 🙂

In terms of bugs, I prefer to attract predator wasps by planting things like yarrow and letting some of my dill, parsley and carrots flower. Some insects can only feed on these types of flowers that face upwards with a wide landing pad:

I also intersperse borage all around the garden. These pretty blue flowers taste like cucumbers, and honeybees LOVE them. So do nearby plants. Something about borage makes it an ideal companion plant to just about everything. Whether you want more pollination, greater mineral uptake or something pretty to create a cottage garden, borage works well.

My only caveat with yarrow and borage is that both can be a bit invasive. I only plant yarrow in containers. It kind of took over parts of the yard in Goshen! You can pull it out and compost it, or make an analgesic tea from the leaves. I have magenta yarrow, which also makes a long lasting cut flower that even looks good as the blooms fade. I just keep it in pots now, because yarrow can be a garden thug. Like borage, it’s a fantastic companion plant — as long as you contain it!

Borage is an annual, so you can keep that under control by deadheading most of the flowers after they’ve bloomed. I like to let a few of them go to seed, so they reseed next year. This goes for parsley and cilantro, too. I have perpetual parsley and cilantro because I let a few branches go to seed and just weed out or transplant the extra seedlings in Spring. I do this with love in a mist and miners lettuce, too. I don’t really enjoy growing things from seeds indoors. A little weeding in exchange for keeping the hardiest, naturally seeded plants feels like a good trade-off.

What about the dreaded cabbage moth caterpillars?! Uggh. Those are not my favorite. The mesh cage around the Garden Tower keeps out the moths unless they sneak in while I’m watering or harvesting.

A downside is that my collards and kale tend to grow much larger when planted in raised beds — but then the moths go to town with their egg laying. The best defense for me seems to be spraying water where the little black eggs collect at the base of the kale stems. I also manually pick off the green caterpillars, and I have a resident frog who also likes to munch on them. Predator wasps and spiders take care of the rest.

Bee balm is another pollinator favorite. In the backyard you see the more traditional purple color, whereas I have the showier red variety up front. Little orange nasturtium flowers peek out the bottom. (If you’re wondering about all the orange flowers — “red hot poker,” naturtiums, and orange day lilies — I plant these because orange is David’s favorite color.)

I currently have an earwig issue, but it’s not terrible. These little pincher bugs love decaying matter and curly leaves like some lettuces and Napa cabbage. They’re terrible around wood mulch! I don’t grow Napa cabbage, so it’s not an earwig pregnancy resort here, but if they get any worse, I’ll sprinkle some diatomaceous earth in areas where they congregate. Diatomaceous earth is an organic powder that kills most insects, so you need to make sure not to put it near flowers. You don’t want to kill the pollinators. I prefer not to kill anything, but sometimes you need to catch issues before they go crazy. Diatomaceous earth adds minerals to the soil and quickly gets rid of slugs and earwigs.

My main advice for garden pests is to plant a wide variety of crops, intersperse them with flowers, and pay attention to soil and light conditions. Plants growing in optimal conditions manage to fight off pests more easily than ones struggling to get what they need. Below you can see purple kale, marigolds, borage, zinnias, garlic, a dwarf sunflower, and cosmos getting ready to bloom.

Tucked away in those same beds are also parsley, lettuce and pepper plants. I like that you can look at the front garden and have no idea it’s an edible garden. All the flowers and different colored varieties of veggies make it the kind of spot that only an experienced gardener would recognize as food. This also helps keep the animal buffet to a minimum. I can’t prove it, but I strongly suspect the motion detector light David installed above our garage door has kept away the deer. But maybe it’s Randy Baker — the best neighbor we’ve ever had. Cheers to you, Randy! We miss you.

July 28, 2022 ~ New Moon in Leo and Wild Card Energy

I had this scheduled for a week prior to the New Moon in Leo, but I feel led to share it sooner. I will repost closer to the time. You may have noted all the resignations occurring around the time of the July 13, 2022 Full Moon in Capricorn. These track with the Sabian Symbol and many of the themes I discussed in my post. As Dane Rudhyar said, “Astrology is a language. If you understand this language, the sky speaks to you.”

The sky uses a megaphone these days! I post this information not to cause fear but to give people a heads up to prepare yourselves for big changes ahead. Vibration, location, level of consciousness, and your own natal chart make a huge difference, but we are in chaotic times. Proceed accordingly.

My July 2022 Forecast notes:

July 28 New Moon in Leo, 1:55 p.m. Eastern. Less than three hours later, Jupiter stations retrograde in Aries. Through the course of this retrograde until November 23, expansive Jupiter will cross back over the World Axis as he moves into Pisces to finish up whatever got triggered by April’s Jupiter-Neptune conjunction and the April 30th Beltane Eve, New Moon in Taurus Solar Eclipse. This July 28 New Moon in Leo closely conjuncts the US natal chart’s North Node — another high-impact trigger. Meanwhile, the transiting (collective) North Node presses Uranus in Taurus as Mars lights a fuse from the other side. Warrior and Revolutionary have their date with Destiny. Add to this the Delta Aquarid meteor shower from July 28-29, and we’ve got the Eight of Wands in Tarot. It’s Wild Card energy: shock and awe, Divine intervention, events that rewrite history.

For additional context I included more on the Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction:

July 31 the triple conjunction peaks in Taurus. This Mars-Uranus-North Node transit spans a week prior through a week after but peaks from July 31st – August 1. This is already a potent magical time of very thin veils. August 1 marks the traditional celebration of Lammas or Lughnasadh. In Celtic tradition, the Eve of a cross quarter day is even more powerful than the day itself. This turn of the Wheel of the Year celebrates diverse skills coming together as one and is the first of three harvest festivals.

It would be difficult to overstate the monumentality of all these energies converging at the same time. In a natal chart, the North Node represents one of the key destiny points — how and where the soul intends to develop. In the natal chart of a nation, the North Node marks the destiny of that nation. To have the US North Node receive a precise activation at the same time of the Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction feels significant due to the double North Node activity. Mars, Uranus and the transiting North Node have not all come together since 1855, and now they join in context of a New Moon that brings a fresh start to the US destiny point.

All of this occurs with the first US Pluto Return churning away in the background. Questions of identity arise as this combination brings huge pressure and opportunity to begin again.

According to Dane Rudhyar, the Sabian Symbol for this New Moon and the US natal North Node is:


KEYNOTE: The need to transcend our subservience to fashion, in morals as well as in clothes.

This refers to the ever-changing pageant of social values, as ideals of human relationship succeed one another, one generation facing in the next an antithetic picture of what it has been brought up to consider worthwhile and decent. The confrontation may lead to great bitterness, yet it should show us the impermanence of most of what society impresses upon our collective mentality.

This is the first stage of the twenty-sixth five-fold sequence of phases of the cyclic process. We are dealing now with cultural values and the emotional impact they have upon our character formation. Whereas the first degree of Leo dealt with an individual crisis of reorientation, the sixth degree refers to a collective, cultural and social crisis which challenges us to realize THE RELATIVITY OF SOCIAL VALUES.

In addition to the New Moon in Leo conjuncting the US North Node, the Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction occurs within one degree of the US natal Vesta — keeper of the flame. This reminds me of the Statue of Liberty holding her torch. In a natal chart, Vesta represents that which we hold most sacred, the flame tended by “Vestal Virgins.” Vesta takes devotion to even higher levels. It’s not just emotional, but a spiritual process. In layman’s terms: this chaotic, liberating, rare, destiny level, triple conjunction reignites that which the United States of America holds most sacred.

Different people will have different answers for what that most sacred thing is, but astrologically, this mega conjunction is an even bigger deal to the US than it is to the rest of the world. The Sabian Symbol for 20° Taurus provides further insight into the US natal Vesta:


KEYNOTE: The awareness of spiritual forces at work.

It concludes a process, having experienced which the individual should find themselves more securely established in their own original nature, receiving the BLESSINGS of super-natural forces.

The Mars-Uranus-North Node conjunction occurs in the prior degree, and we find this hopeful Sabian Symbol that also reminds me of the original vision of America as “A New Atlantis”:


KEYNOTE: The surge of new potentiality after the crisis.

The symbol need hardly be commented upon. When the mind has been emptied and light has been called upon to purify the consciousness freed from its attachment and contaminations, a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, the Virgin SPACE. What will it be used for?  [You can read the rest of the description here.]

Collectively, individually and for the US, this triple conjunction bodes well. It brings an opportunity for purification and new potential. If we see fires and riots, these will purge old energies in preparation for “the infinite Ocean of potentiality.” If we feel turmoil within ourselves, we’ll find rewards for completing our own cleansing process.

As mentioned, between the New Moon and the triple conjunction, comes the Delta Aquarid meteor shower. To me, this seems like the “Age of Aquarius” arriving through the Eight of Wands. I love the Robin Wood version of this card:

Robin Wood Tarot: Eight of Wands

In her (highly recommended) Tarot Teachings series, Avia Venefica uses “fire drill” imagery to describe the Eight of Wands, aka the Eight of Rods: “Stop, drop and roll.” She also calls this card “a return to our personal integrity and getting back to basics. As we’ve progressed through the story of the rods and the plight to ‘carry the torch’ for our causes of passion and creation, the eight of wands is a pause on that path.”

There’s that torch/flame imagery again. I like her analogy of a fire drill — especially in context of fiery Mars conjuncting lightning bolt Uranus and the North Node. As sudden changes loom on the horizon, we can benefit from preparation. Avia continues:

When the eight of rods shows up in your readings, I invite you to do the same:

  • Stop:
    Get quiet. Stop taking action. Reevaluate the situation. Those pastoral scenes in the card are an invitation to breathe deep and take in the magnificent bounty and beauty available to us if we would but stop to be aware of it.
  • Drop:
    Hunker down deep into the recesses of your soul and rest in silence. Drop your consciousness into the endless, timeless nature that is both beginning and end. Those of you who meditate know what I mean by this. Dive deep into the well that is the Absolute and Infinite. Why? Because that is where we receive our next instruction; our next call to action.
  • Roll:
    If we’ve stopped and dropped, we now know in what direction to roll. And, odds are, we’ll be divinely guided to roll in the path of least resistance, leading to our best interests. Those tranquil waters running through the eight of wands indicate our best action is surrender to the pull of a higher current. It’s a faith thing.

If events feel chaotic or like they’re moving too fast, remember to breathe. Inspiration comes through the breath. Pay attention to nudges ahead of time, too. If you feel led to stock up on extra food and water, follow through on those nudges. We don’t want to get stuck in fear, but sometimes anxious feelings help us position ourselves in order to experience a preferred unfolding of reality.

Timothy Glenn ~ The Plutonian Phoenix Does Capricorn, 2008-2040: A Timeline Overview

Today we’re lucky to have a long awaited post from my dear friend, astrologer, numerologist, Tarot reader and author Timothy Glenn. A heads up to avoid confusion: in this article, Timothy explores both the Tropical and Sidereal Zodiacs, also known as Western and Eastern Astrology. We’re in an overlap period where both systems place Pluto in Capricorn, exponentially increasing the intensity. For clarity, any articles I’ve written on astrology deal with the Tropical system. This post goes further by synthesizing the effects of two different perspectives.

Timothy says this post will spawn other posts in response to questions and comments, so feel free to comment and ask away.

The Plutonian Phoenix Does Capricorn
2008 – 2040

A Timeline Overview
by Timothy Glenn

As Pluto transits through our skies, it influences us individually and collectively to transform the areas of Earth life indicated by the nature of the Zodiac sign through which it is transiting. In 2008 Pluto initiated a challenging phase of worldwide metamorphosis by entering Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn. In our individual natal charts, the effects are colored by which houses Capricorn occupies, as well as the aspects (or angles) transiting Pluto forms to various features of our charts.

Pluto brings transmutational energy into everything it touches. Unlike Saturn, Pluto does not do remodeling jobs. We can picture Saturn as the guy who heads the quality control department. He steps forth into a specific part of our chart wearing a white lab coat and carrying a clipboard. After making check marks and jotting a few notes, he hands us the paper and says: “Here are your specifications. Make these adjustments.”

But not Pluto. He saunters onto the scene wearing steel-toed boots and a hard hat. He frowns and shakes his head while glancing around, and then announces: “It’s all coming down. Bring in the wrecking balls and the bulldozers. We’re going to build something brand new here.” Monty Python fans can picture a sudden appearance of John Cleese in an unlikely setting, uttering the famous words: “And now for something completely different.”

The Phoenix Effect on the Collective

Pluto rules the sign of Scorpio, which has been represented by a scorpion, by a serpent and eagle, or by a phoenix. In the case of the serpent and eagle, the intent has been to convey that Scorpio can display a noteworthy dark side (the serpent) but an equally higher expression (the eagle). The phoenix conveys both. The Pluto/Scorpio energy involves the cycles of death and rebirth, and the phoenix illustrates the entire process.

Pluto tends to strip everything down to bedrock level in preparation for the renewal phase. Pluto’s journey through Capricorn from 2008 to 2040 lays a firm foundation – not merely for a rebuild, reboot or reset of human society – but in this case for a radically transformed biosphere for the Earth.

Prophecies of a New Heaven and a New Earth could play out in profoundly unexpected ways. Back in 1968 (during the Uranus/Pluto conjunction) I encountered theologians who predicted the restoration of the Biblical firmament – which they described as the water vapor canopy that occupied the thermosphere prior to being unleashed for the Great Flood. Restoring the water vapor canopy would alter the very nature of our biology. And from the surface of the Earth, not only would the Heavens appear differently, but their energies would affect us in wildly novel ways.

The Phoenix Gets Down to Earth

Capricorn’s realm includes everything manifested in public, such as governments, economic systems, organized religions, academic institutions, the media and so forth. Corruption runs rampant in these structures. The Phoenix Effect will hone in on the consciousness and frequency patterns associated with such corruption, and burn all of it to the ground. After all, Capricorn is an Earth sign.

This astrological journey is preparing us for an even grander Phoenix Event in 2040. Throughout the years, people have asked what we can do to prepare. I always emphasize that our spiritual preparation matters more than all else combined. If there remains any part of us energetically connected to the old world and its consciousness, we can generate our own internal Phoenix Events. We can reduce those illusions and beliefs to ashes.

Here is a useful adage I’ve used for decades: The more official the source, the more suspect the information.

The old system weaponizes fear to establish authoritarianism. The New Earth will be rooted in love, allowing unlimited expansion of consciousness.

A Tale of Two Zodiacs

Western astrologers use what is called the Tropical Zodiac, which is based on the relationship between the Earth and Sun. Every spring equinox in the northern hemisphere, the Tropical Zodiac is adjusted to zero degrees Aries. Eastern astrologers use what is called the Sidereal Zodiac, which follows the constellations. Both are valid systems for exploring effects of celestial phenomena, albeit on different levels. Over the last couple millenia, the two zodiacs have gradually drifted a little more than 24 degrees apart.

Our Pluto in Capricorn timeline began in 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn in the Tropical Zodiac, and will conclude in 2040 when Pluto exits Capricorn in the Sidereal Zodiac.

Meanwhile, we are being squeezed through the skinny part of the hourglass. Here is a time table:

January 12, 2020: Exact conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Tropical Capricorn.

February 26, 2020: Pluto entered Sidereal Capricorn.

June 29, 2020: Pluto retrograded back into Sidereal Sagittarius.

December 31, 2020: Pluto reentered Sidereal Capricorn for the long haul.

Pluto will not begin its quintuple transit over the cusp of Aquarius in the Tropical Zodiac until April 23, 2023. This will give us a little over two and a quarter years of uninterrupted Pluto in Capricorn in both zodiacs simultaneously – like Pluto in Capricorn on steroids! Altogether, we will experience these effects for about four and a half years, from February 26, 2020 until November 19, 2024. Here is the time table for Pluto working its way into Aquarius in the Tropical Zodiac:

April 23, 2023: Pluto enters Tropical Aquarius.

June 11, 2023: Pluto retrogrades back into Tropical Capricorn.

January 21, 2024: Pluto reenters Tropical Aquarius.

September 2, 2024: Pluto retrogrades back into Tropical Capricorn.

November 19, 2024: Pluto reenters Tropical Aquarius for the long haul.

Dark to Light

As the ruler of Scorpio, Pluto deals with anything deep, dark and hidden. From our dirty little personal secrets to the colossal coverups of the old world controllers (such as the governmental, religious and economic institutions), this transit will shed light where darkness has dominated.
Pluto transiting through Capricorn epitomizes the prophesied Apocalypse, which literally means unveiling. Revelations of our true history and the corruption behind the scenes would only feel like a catastrophe to the guilty ones with lots to hide – and therefore lots to lose.

A Pluto Return for the Archives

The United States wields tremendous influence over the entire world. Here in 2022, the United States is experiencing its Pluto Return, which “just happens” to occur during the two and a quarter year window of uninterrupted Pluto in Capricorn on steroids.

Pluto has come full circle, returning to its own place in the 1776 chart for the Declaration of Independence. A mass of people, including professional astrologers, were so excited about the numerology of 2/22/2022 that they designated that day as the first exact hit of the Pluto Return, which had already occurred on February 20. But that’s okay. At least we saw widespread awareness and enthusiasm. And since this is Pluto, not Saturn, we don’t need to obsess over technical details.
Plenty of action is happening under the radar of the general public. The corporate propaganda machine has shifted into overdrive, spinning phony narratives to distract and mislead their dwindling mass of believers. But the principle of Dark to Light will eventually prevail.

A Phoenix Return for the Archives

Researcher Jason Breshears ( has delineated a 138 year cycle that has brought about Phoenix Events on a grander scale, affecting various geographical locations or specific societies. Every so often the world gets hit with A Big One, like an immense flood. And it “just so happens” that the next Earth shaking Phoenix Event is due to occur in the year 2040 – the very year that Pluto does its triple transit out of Capricorn in the Sidereal Zodiac.

Our 2008-2040 Pluto in Capricorn adventures will conclude when the Phoenix Return is due to rock the “big boat”. The petty games of humanity that we have been concerned with during Pluto in Capricorn will be overshadowed by the Phoenix Return of 2040, because the “big boat” is Earth Herself.

2040 will not merely initiate another game, but introduce a previously unknown sport – like jumping from soccer to quidditch. Retrospection in the 2040’s will see our current Pluto in Capricorn adventures as no more than beginner level training and warmup exercises.

Exploring Possibilities

Pluto in Tropical Capricorn (2008-2024) would probably focus on undermining the old system for its destruction. Pluto in Sidereal Capricorn (2020-2040) would be more focused on the rebirth phase, when we move out from under oppression. A user-friendly transitional economic system would help us free ourselves to utilize long-suppressed technologies and develop new ones – especially for health and longevity.

2022 may not feel comfy/cushy, but this year puts us right in the heart of the Shift of the Ages.
Pluto in Capricorn is compelling humanity to clean up its act in preparation for The Big One. Portions of humanity will be able to achieve Ascension. We can choose to transcend the old world matrix programming, and align ourselves with the energetics of an emerging New Earth – still the same Earth Mother, only now resplendently clothed in a magnificent life-enhancing biosphere teeming with infinite possibilities.

Meanwhile, we have a lot on our plates, and it’s time to do the dishes.

Timothy Glenn

A Whirlwind Visit

At the end of June, we had a visit with David’s daughter Allie, who lives in Austin, TX. Quite the whirlwind! On our first full day together, we toured the Sistine Chapel:

Michelangelo’s “The Last Judgment”

Then we stopped by the Oval Office …

… followed The Yellow Brick Road …

… and wound up hearing Celts in Holland!

Strange times, indeed! The next day we climbed a mountain …

… and saw a shark:

If this all seems like too much for one long weekend, here’s how we did it. 🙂

A few hours before Allie’s flight was due in Kalamazoo, I asked David, “What city does she fly through?”


“Oh, good,” I said, “Then we can pick her up if her flight to Kalamazoo gets cancelled.” A half hour later, Allie called to say that her flight had, indeed, been cancelled. The last one of the day was already overbooked, and she couldn’t find a rental car or take the bus.

Without skipping a beat, David said, “No problem, we’ll pick you up.” We explained how we’d already discussed this possibility. Unbeknownst to David, earlier that morning I had a dream in which he and I had attended a Smiths concert together, and this formed “one of our favorite memories.” The Smiths broke up long before we ever met, but once David hung up the phone with Allie, he said, “Since we’re going on a little road trip, we can finally listen to this Smiths mix I got from the library.” We ended up having our own private Smiths concert just hours after my dream.

The whole day unfolded in a synchronous, divinely orchestrated way. Actually, the entire visit did. Our first day plans changed due to driving to Detroit and Allie needing to reschedule her return trip, but our second day went according to David’s itinerary. We saw “Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel: The Exhibition” at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library & Museum in Grand Rapids:

If this exhibition travels near you, I highly recommend it: “a life-size, up close, never before seen perspective.” Here’s David pondering the “Separation of Light from Darkness.”

I forgot until we walked through the images, but after my 1998 TBI, I spent six months drawing all the Prophets and Sybils in blue crayon. I found it therapeutic as previously sporadic prophetic dreams avalanched through my life on a nightly basis. In the early stages of TBI recovery, I could not slow down the influx of information about people’s health conditions and world events. I also felt myself undergoing an uncontrollable and spontaneous initiation. Copying images of others who experienced such things calmed my anxiety until I got used to a new way of living. To see these Prophets and Sybils seemed full circle. A kind of homecoming.

This felt especially true since my dreams continued to preview events I didn’t know David had planned.

We finished viewing the Sistine Chapel frescoes, as well as an entertaining and informative video that featured the same voice narrator of that morning’s dream. David and I expected to leave, but Allie wanted to tour the rest of the museum. That’s how we found ourselves at a replica of the Oval Office. We also learned a lot about President Ford, his wife Betty, Watergate and other challenges of his presidency. It felt eerie to read all this history the day after the reversal of Roe vs. Wade.

In fact, my déjà vu at the Presidential Museum led me to research US Chiron placement at the time Watergate began. Chiron is in the very same degree right now, within orb of the US natal Chiron. This 50-year cycle connects both periods of extremely polarized politics and culture. I referred to this echo in my post about the upcoming Full Moon in Capricorn. I might not have noticed the Chiron Return of Watergate if we had skipped the rest of the museum, so you have Allie to thank for some of those insights.

After a late lunch in Grand Rapids, we headed to Holland, Michigan and stopped at a new Wizard of Oz landscape and sculpture exhibit in Centennial Park.

I had no idea this was on the agenda, and it echoed a dream from that morning, which conflated David and the Scarecrow.

He insisted on taking my photo with Dorothy in honor of my TBI recovery book, “If I Only Had a Brain Injury.” (This book is out of print and often crazy expensive on Amazon, but I have a stash of copies. Please contact me if you’d like a signed paperback at reasonable cost.)

Allie bonded with the Lion:

Somehow we managed to escape spooky trees and flying monkeys …

… but it was close! Almost as close as that shark in Lake Michigan:

(It’s actually driftwood.)

We climbed a mountain of sand, also known as a dune. Here’s the opposite view from the earlier photo I shared:

You can’t see the major drop off in this photo, but it was a lot steeper than it looks. Sand is slippery underfoot, so it felt like climbing two or three times that distance. Even runner Allie got tired.

We attended the first ever Celtic Festival in Holland, Michigan, and it seemed appropriate for all three of us. David’s half Dutch (his dad grew up in Amsterdam), and Allie is 3/4 Dutch. Both her grandparents on the other side grew up in the Netherlands. I’m a mix of Irish, Scottish, English, Viking, and Eastern European. I grew up with the much larger “Celtic Classic” festival in Bethlehem, PA. Also a little known fact: my high school had a bagpipe corps.

Amidst our adventures, we ate lots of delicious food — both out and from the garden. We’ve looked forward to Allie’s visit for months. David set it as a deadline for certain yard and house projects, and the three of us always have a lovely time together. Lots of deep discussions, plus fun, food, and culture. Allie and I have 19 years between us, which makes our Capricorn North Nodes only three degrees apart. I also discovered that her and my progressed Moons are only one degree apart — both in Scorpio right now, getting ready for a late September shift to Sagittarius. I knew we connected, but it was wild to see such precise astro alignments validating our shared experiences.

Before taking her back to the Detroit Airport, we went to the D Avenue trailhead for the Kalamazoo River Valley Trail — a walk David and I often enjoy. It was, indeed, a whirlwind visit, even though we stayed in Michigan. I promised them I’d write up a blog and photo recap, so here it is. We feel so grateful for such a loving and special time.

Full Moon in Capricorn ~ July 13, 2022

My July 2022 Forecast notes:

July 13 Full Moon in Capricorn, 2:38 p.m. Eastern time. This “Blessing Moon” closely trines the North Node in Taurus, bringing an earthy, collective benediction. Turning up the intensity, this is the second of three Supermoon’s. It loosely conjuncts the US Pluto Return. The degree of this Full Moon closely conjuncts the Saturn-Pluto Conjunction on January 12, 2020 — the signature energy of 2020. Hidden and taboo topics come to light, and we’ll feel them in a deeper, more profound way than usual. With Mercury in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus, we’ll find unconventional ways to discuss these insights. Venus in Gemini trine Saturn in Aquarius suggests we’re in it for the long haul, but our love, commitment and artistry might take awhile to manifest. In this case, “Delay leads to delight.”

The Full Moon occurs at 21°21′ Capricorn, so we round up to the Sabian Symbol for 22° Capricorn:


KEYNOTE: The realization that one may grow through defeat as well as, and perhaps more than, through success.

At this second stage we find what seems to be a paradox, but the spiritual life is always paradoxical. The great sinner can become the most renowned saint, and a medieval Pope a criminal. What matters most always is INNER STRENGTH.

On a personal note, we’re called to recognize where continuing to fight no longer serves. Humility both requires and generates great strength. Pluto only destroys that which stands in the way of relentless life force energy crashing through the status quo. At some point, we must face the inevitable: the more we resist, the greater the tsunami’s force. Once we admit our defeat, we open the door to Grace.

On a collective note, we may be called to reassess any issues that began in January 2020. COVID and all its widespread fallout come to mind. Surprising COVID information may present itself around the time of this Full Moon. Seeming “victors” may find themselves ousted by shifts in the established narrative (Mercury in Cancer opposite the Full Moon and sextile Uranus in Taurus.) The Full Moon’s Sabian Symbol suggests knowing when to cut losses, resign, or sue for peace. Again, humility both requires and generates great strength. The North Node trining this Full Moon brings support for the highest good of all — even if it doesn’t initially seem that way.

Also remember that this Full Moon arrives in context of the July 12 second exact hit of the first US Pluto Return. The stakes are high for any country undergoing its first Pluto Return. We’re talking life or death, karmic reckoning, power shifts, radical restructuring, healing crises, and/or a rebirth that regenerates a nation’s founding principles.

The Sun/Moon Midpoint at the time of this Full Moon is 21°21′ Aries, very close to the US natal Chiron. This suggests old wounds will reopen, with a chance for deeper healing. Transiting Chiron has just moved within orb of this US natal Chiron point, and is now in the same degree as the Chiron point at the time Watergate began. On June 17, 1972, a similarly hostile political climate engulfed the US, and the next two years of the Watergate scandal exposed systemic corruption, including CIA and presidential interference in an FBI investigation.

Because this Chiron Return coincides with the US Pluto Return, we can expect echoes of Watergate with even more intensity: revelations and wounds that trigger an existential crisis for the United States of America. This won’t all unfold at the time of the July 13, 2022 Full Moon, but pay attention to hidden and taboo topics that come to light. They’ll play bigger roles during the New Moon in Leo and the Mars-Uranus-North Node mega-conjunction in Taurus the final week of July. This is true both personally and collectively.

Some people say, “As the US goes, so goes the world.” That seems self-centered, but the US does affect a lot of policies, wars and opportunities around the world. Wherever you fall on the political spectrum or planet, this maelstrom stirs the collective pot. You can benefit from sudden change by positioning yourself to make quantum leaps when the chance appears. You don’t need to get sucked into a downward spiral. Chaos generates opportunity. Humility and curiosity often bring pleasant surprises and Divine Intervention. Remember: “Necessity is the mother of invention.”

Instead of clinging to something long past its prime, practice looking for silver linings and blessings in disguise. “That which you seek is also seeking you.” How much energy could you reclaim by turning with an otherwise irresistible tide?