Archive for August, 2023

My 2019 Dream Connected with the 2023 Blue Moon in Pisces

Explosive Blue Moon in Pisces ~ August 30-31 (Video)

This is one of the most powerful Full Moon’s of 2023, especially for the United States. The Ascendant of the Blue Moon chart for Washington, D.C. conjuncts the North Node destiny point, while the Blue Moon itself conjuncts asteroid Karma. I also share a key dream I had back in September 2019, which appears to point to this particular lunar event as a cosmic reset.

(If you’re receiving this via email, you’ll need to click through to view the 15-minute video.)

September 2023 Forecast and Third Quarter North Node Horoscopes


It’s not the craziest astro month of 2023, but we’ll likely experience some major shifts after the August 30-31 Blue Moon in Pisces. The first half of September finishes up old business, until Venus in Leo and then Mercury in Virgo station Direct. The second half of the month takes a more mystical turn with lots of aspects to outer planets. Inspiration bursts through on several days this month. We also change seasons as the Sun enters Libra on September 22-23.

September 3 Venus stations Direct in Leo. The Love Goddess has been moving through the Underworld in Leo since July 22. She now returns as a morning star, resetting and expanding the heart. Relationships, collaboration and creative projects on hold can now move forward.

September 4 Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus on the same day that Jupiter stations Retrograde. This stationing dramatically intensifies this transit. The Great Benefic remains Retrograde until December 30. Pay attention to big, bold messages today. Our thinking expands, and we begin to grasp just how large the bigger picture really is.

September 6 Sun conjunct Mercury Retrograde in Virgo. The Messenger touches base with the Sun just for a moment, as he hands off information ready to see the light of day. Dot your i’s and cross your t’s. “God is in the details.”

September 8 Sun in Virgo trine Jupiter Retrograde in Taurus. An optimistic day with insights to expand horizons and move beyond old limitations. Watch for opportunities, but weigh the pro’s and con’s. With Jupiter Retrograde, it’s easy to exceed appropriate levels of tolerance and generosity. Balance the ledger, and make sure you can really live with whatever terms you offer.

September 14 New Moon in Virgo, 9:40 p.m. Eastern US time. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is: “(VIRGO 22°): A ROYAL COAT OF ARMS ENRICHED WITH PRECIOUS STONES. KEYNOTE: The certification of aristocratic status, at whatever level ‘nobility’ expresses itself in cultural eminence.

September 15 Mercury stations Direct in Virgo. After a period of inner analysis and behind the scenes detail work, the Messenger stations Direct in one of his home signs. Contracts, business deals and plans can now more easily move forward. How did the last few weeks affect your thinking and overall understanding of the world? How might this new information shift your daily life?

September 17 Venus in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus. Be careful of spending too much money today. If it truly feels right, go for it. Lucky opportunities appear, but watch out for overconfidence that leads to over-investment. Friction could arise in relationships regarding values and overall philosophy of life. Even Venus squares are pretty nice, though.

September 19 Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces. A highly creative day of beauty and inspiration. Record any dreams and visions, but leave interpretation for another day. Illusions, delusions and projections could run high around this time. The fog of war is thick, especially when estimating excuses, tolerance, compassion and forgiveness. Make sure you’re not being taken for another ride.

September 21 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn The Sun trine Pluto shines light on deep, hidden and subconscious desires and issues. Inner guidance feels intense and irresistible. Pay attention! It’s easier to work with these energies than to try resisting them. [Originally, I listed today as another Venus square Uranus event. Oops! That section was meant to go in the September 29th Full Moon in Aries section. Sorry, I wrote this during Mercury Rx, and it somehow missed my proofreading! It has been moved to September 29th.]

September 23 Sun enters Libra, 2:56 a.m. Eastern US time. Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, Vernal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. Today is one of the natural reset points in Spring and Fall. With Mars in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries at this time, focus on action steps to heal old relationship patterns standing in the way of you moving forward.

September 29 Full Moon in Aries, 5:58 a.m. Eastern US time. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is: “(ARIES 6°): A SQUARE, WITH ONE OF ITS SIDES BRIGHTLY ILLUMINED. KEYNOTE: The emotional desire for concrete and stabilized existence as a person.” This lunar event continues necessary adjustment of relationships and individual needs in order to support future growth. Venus in Leo square Uranus in Taurus. This is the third of three recent squares from Venus to Uranus. Any lagging relationship tension demands a liberating solution. This might not mean breakup, but it will involve some kind of expansion beyond the old restrictions.

September 30 Mercury in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus. Mercury is the higher octave of Uranus, so pay attention to otherworldly ideas, messages and intuitive downloads. Focus on plans that bring out there concepts down to Earth, with tangible steps for implementation. Anything new will need to fit into orderly structures and detailed understanding. This day brings potential genius, but you’ll need to “show your math.”

How September’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.     

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. If you’re right on the cusp, consider both possibilities or book a reading for more clarity.


[Note: I write these quarterly, so yes, they are the same for July, August and September. I’ll have new ones in October. I analyze/intuit these with the entire quarter in mind, since the messages don’t shift that much month by month.]

ARIES NORTH NODE: The big event for you this quarter is the transiting North Node moving into Aries on July 17th. Since the North Node moves backwards, those with late degrees of Aries will feel the initial effects in a more personal, targeted way, but this transit sets the collective tone until January 2025. It will feel easier to put yourself first and to summon courage to move forward in areas where you’ve felt stuck. It will feel more natural to say no to codependent relationships and “death by committee.” The new energies support your destiny and purpose in bigger ways than you’ve felt for eighteen years. You’re a pioneer with something important to offer the world. Explore that idea, even if it feels weird to say or think. Venus in Leo will also improve your relationships, including with yourself.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: “Last call!” for Taurus North Node natives to git ‘er done with the North Node in your sign. Of course, you’ll always find that doors open easier when you apply Taurus energies, but the past eighteen months have really pushed you on your path. You’ll still feel the uplift and expansion of Jupiter moving through Taurus, as well as Uranus stirring the pot for anyone with mid-later Taurus degrees. Your North Node sign’s ruler, Venus, spends most of this quarter in Leo, triggering productive friction to help you make necessary changes. Focus on incremental moves rather than a big bang. Patience serves you well, and with Venus going retrograde, you’ll have even more time to take those steps. Crystals, gardening and beauty are all “up” for you. Enjoy the journey!

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Any planets moving through Leo offer you supportive sextiles, and the big one this quarter is Venus. The Love Goddess offers subtle but targeted support as she crisscrosses Leo. This is a good quarter for relationships of any sort, but also for improving self esteem and for aligning your appearance more with your life purpose. If you’ve wanted a makeover or feel you’ve outgrown your style, consider upgrading this quarter. Mercury, your sign’s ruler, spends extra time in Virgo this quarter. Although Mercury rules Virgo, too, Gemini and Virgo communicate and process information in very different ways. This square can serve you well. Just beware of speaking too hastily or authoritatively. You can afford to make deals, Gemini any friction will benefit you if you aim for win-win solutions.

CANCER NORTH NODE: For the first three weeks of July, the Sun shines light on your North Node sign. Life softens, and it’s easier to walk your path. July 16-17th’s New Moon occurs in your sign, and the Moon rules Cancer. More than any other sign, Cancer North Node natives thrive with an awareness of the Moon’s effects on health, mood, plant life, and energy levels. Allow yourself to ebb and flow. You’re not a static creature! The Aries-Libra nodal axis will gradually square the entire range of Cancer-Capricorn, which means you’ll benefit from creative tension. If something feels frustrating or makes you mad, don’t dig in your heels or closer yourself off. You can engage energies that feel uncomfortable, and sharing your fears, challenges and emotions will bring much better results.

LEO NORTH NODE: Venus the Love Goddess spends this quarter flitting and flirting through your North Node sign. She brings grace, beauty, financial gifts and increased confidence, so enjoy the journey. Jupiter and Uranus square Leo from Taurus, but this friction encourages you to go bigger, bolder and more authentic in your destiny to shine. If you meet roadblocks, reassess the playing field and position yourself to win even more. Be careful of overspending, but if something’s on path for you, go for it! Practice positive affirmations, which will take you far this quarter. When in doubt, choose heart over head. From July 22-August 23, the Sun–your North Node’s ruler–shines light on your destiny, so pay special attention to passions that arise during this month. It’s okay to break away from the crowd. You’re no wallflower.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Big moves this quarter from both Mercury and Mars in Virgo! The Messenger spends extra time in one of his home signs this year due to a retrograde from August 23-September 15. The Warrior supercharges your North Node sign from July 10 to August 27. The exact dates of activation depend on your North Node degree, but these players increase communication and the ability to fight for your most authentic life path. Details matter, so check and double check your metaphorical math. If you’ve procrastinated action or felt blocked, this is a great quarter to get things done. Divide your tasks into smaller activities and celebrate the little wins that move you closer to your goal. Virgo North Node natives benefits from regular, deliberate discipline. Vague intentions are less effective than concrete steps toward success.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: The big Third Quarter 2023 event for Libra North Node natives is the transiting North Node moving into your South Node sign on July 17. People with later degree Libra will be affected first, but for the next eighteen months you could feel 180 from the general population. It helps to know that, because your sign needs to bridge gaps that arise from too many competing individual agendas. You’re the peacemaker, the one who benefits from connection and relationship. When the world’s not interested in those things, we need them even more. Don’t get discouraged! This is a karmic time of course correction. Follow what feels right for you, but do so with charm and grace. Venus, your sign’s ruler, offers supportive energy from Leo for most of this quarter. Lean into her love, as she can ease tensions that arise from nodal opposition.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: On July 17th, the North Node finally leaves your South Node sign. Scorpio North Node natives can breathe a sigh of karmic relief. Against all odds, you made it! You are in a process of transmutation, but some of the fire begins to ease. Jupiter and Uranus will remain in Taurus this entire quarter and beyond, so you’re not totally you out of the woods, but the nodal shift is a big deal. A pressure release valve gets released on July 17th. Anything in Cancer trines your North Node sign, and anything in Leo squares it (whenever in orb +/- five degrees). Give yourself credit for a job well done. If you’ve felt out of phase with the collective, you’ll notice people having more courage to look at those deep, dark truths you’ve discovered since January 2021. You won’t feel so lonely, because your sign’s co-ruler, Mars, also rules the North Node in Aries.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: All the action in Leo and the shift of nodal axis into Aries-Libra benefits Sagittarius North Node natives. Supportive trines and sextiles offer gentle opportunities to get even more on path. Keep focused on what feels true to you. You don’t need to research every topic, just look into the ones that naturally draw your attention. Relationships, passion and self-esteem are up this quarter. Try taking a longer trip to expand your awareness. You’re a different person in different surroundings, and some of these vacation spots could feel more authentic than your daily life. Explore, expand, and follow intuition’s lead. A change of scenery will do you good! When in doubt think bigger and bolder. You don’t need everyone to like you. Consider writing articles, books or larger creative projects, rather than trying to reach people through social media.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: This quarter starts with a Full Moon in your North Node sign on July 3rd. Set your goals for the next six months. The July 17th shift of the Lunar Nodes into Aries-Libra begins an eighteen-month period of creative friction for Capricorn North Node natives. You’ll be pushed towards greater leadership roles, and this increased authority is on path for you. The New Moon in Cancer within hours of the nodal shift occurs in your South Node sign. Pay attention to old feelings and insecurities that arise. Your challenge–should you choose to accept it–is to release codependent, overly emotional patterns standing in the way of your success. As Venus makes her way back and forth through Leo, your North Node gets quincunxed (150 degrees). This highly creative aspect is fleeting, but when it pings, relationships and opportunities feel orchestrated. Act on these.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2023 brings a sigh of relief as Pluto leaves your sign again for Capricorn. Even if your North Node degree is later in Aquarius, you felt Pluto’s entry on March 23, 2023 more than most. Use this quarter to assess what worked or didn’t work for you during the short preview between March 23 and June 11. What ego issues, patterns and conditioning need purging from your life? How are you changing, and how does this affect your friendships, co-workers and alliances? Venus will crisscross your South Node sign, so pay attention to old flames, former passions, and any unresolved self-esteem issues. Her graceful presence eases the process of letting go. What kind of innovations or technology could improve your life? You, more than most signs, benefit from upgrades.

PISCES NORTH NODE: You’re most impacted by anything on the Pisces-Virgo axis, which will include Mercury Retrograde in Virgo from August 23-September 14. Depending on the degree of your North and South Node, your experiences could vary widely: Saturn and Neptune in Pisces have very different energies! It’s best for you to go with the flow. You can’t control those tides anyway, so you might as well align yourself with natural movement and divine timing. Mars crossing your Virgo South Node could dredge up old enemies or confrontations. When in doubt, seek a higher plane of understanding rather than lapsing into blame and judgment. Forgiveness benefits you even more than it benefits those who’ve wronged you. Your feelings and spiritual path will lead you better than your mind.

Blue Moon in Pisces ~ August 30-31, 2023

My August 2023 Forecast shared:

August 30 Full Moon in Pisces, 9:36 p.m. Eastern US time. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is: “(PISCES 8°): A GIRL BLOWING A BUGLE. KEYNOTE: A call to participation in the service of the race, as an evolutionary crisis approaches.” This is a highly spiritual Blue Moon, the second Full Moon in a month–a “once in a Blue Moon” chance for transformation. As Dane Rudhyar said in his expansion of this symbol, “Tomorrow acts through today; it SUMMONS men to rebirth.”

In the Washington, D.C. chart, the transiting North Node sits right on the Ascendant. This aspect screams, “Destiny!” Whatever happens in the U.S. over the next month will seem so obviously orchestrated that it feels inevitable. This 25-26 Aries point also exactly conjuncts Eris, the Goddess of Discord. We’re talking major payback for a perceived wrong–whether intentional or accidental. Heracles also figured in the August 16 Leo New Moon, as did slow moving Eris. That combo implies both discord and the strength to deal with these energies.

We often consider Eris a Shadow influence, but she’s also a STRONG feminine energy, capable of righting wrongs and determining outcomes. All of this occurs with Chiron still very closely conjunct the 20 Aries US natal Chiron. In other words, we’re right in the middle of a US natal Chiron Return. This position means old wounds rise to the surface with strong potential for healing. If you have anything in the 15-29 Aries range, you can expect healing related to issues of fear, feeling like an outcast, as well as any repression of female power and respect.

Adding to the heavy hand of Fate, asteroid Karma exactly conjuncts the Full Moon point. Karma brings the consequences for previous actions–that which must be. A looser conjunction with Saturn–aka “Lord of Karma” adds even more to this energy.

Venus completes her Retrograde in Leo just a few days later on September 3. We’ve done the deep, inner dive about relationships, self-esteem and values, and once Venus stations Direct, we’ll begin to see outer effects of the inner process.

On a personal note, this Pisces Blue Moon point conjuncts my natal Pholus–the small thing, BIG EFFECT centaur. At the time of my life changing TBI, the South Node (karma/past) and Moon conjuncted that same point, which was also the Descendant of the TBI chart. At the time David and I got married, the South Node (again!) and Neptune conjuncted that same 7+ Pisces spot (my Pholus), and it formed the Midheaven of our marriage chart. (The Ascendant of our marriage chart conjuncted David’s North Node.)

The event that led to me getting together with my first husband involved the same triggers with a 7 Virgo Ascendant/7 Pisces Descendant. I later filed for divorce from my first husband on a Blue Moon–December 31, 2009 (in California, where I was at the time)–the last day of the decade. Quite dramatic, but that’s just how everything unfolded no matter what else I tried to do. That 2009 Blue Moon conjuncted my natal South Node (karma/past), while Venus (love) conjuncted my North Node (future). I didn’t know much astrology back then, but those are precise hits.

Between the Blue Moon, lunar nodes and axis pings, all the emphasis on fate, karma and destiny, plus my natal Pholus, I’m curious what this Blue Moon will hold.

I can’t say for certain what this August 30-31, 2023 Blue Moon in Pisces portends, but it certainly seems loaded–for me and for the collective. Pisces is the last sign, the culmination of the zodiac, and the sign that most represents the collective. The energies keep building, but this seems like a decisive moment. A GIRL BLOWING A BUGLE announces something big: “Tomorrow acts through today; it SUMMONS men to rebirth.”

Dream: “Aren’t You Wearing Your Glasses?”

I’m sharing this morning’s dream, as it seems to have a collective component, too:

“Aren’t You Wearing Your Glasses?”

I awoke from this dream sometime in the middle of the night, not realizing it was a dream. I saw a pair of “Jerry Garcia” glasses—large, round lenses with thin, metal frames. They hung suspended in the air with one lens above the other.

The top lens was a magnifying glass facing one way, but looking through it the other way, I could see into the future. The bottom lens had a coiled red rattlesnake, and someone lit the tail on fire. This looked like a fuse, and at this point, I opened my eyes (in real life) and asked David, “Are you awake?”

He sounded kind of annoyed and said, “Yeeeesssss?”

I pushed him a little, surprised he was still in bed, because the rattlesnake fuse was some kind of alarm clock—like last snooze on the alarm. When he didn’t get up, I asked, “Aren’t you wearing your glasses?!”

He said, “Nooooooo,” at which point I said, “Oh. I think I’m dreaming.”

He said, “Ya think? Go back to sleep,” and I did.

END of dream journal.

When I got up later I asked if he remembered me waking him up in the middle of the night, and he said, “You mean when you asked me if I was wearing my glasses? Nooo, I don’t typically wear those in bed when I sleep.” (He was amused, not annoyed.)

I wasn’t sure what I had said, but he confirmed that I had correctly remembered the dream. The coiled red rattlesnake in one lens and the magnifying glass one way/future remote view the other way through the other lens were both vivid. I just couldn’t remember what I said to him in the middle of the night.

I asked, “Aren’t you wearing your glasses?” in a surprised, almost shocked way, like, “Don’t you hear your alarm going off???!”


Of note: We’ve been watching a Grateful Dead documentary, and throughout I’ve thought how Jerry Garcia’s glasses look quite similar to these round green ones I dreamed then found in “real life.” I described that dream and the subsequent real world validation here, including a photo of the frames at the bottom of that post.

It’s also odd that I just happened to be wearing (almost!) the exact same outfit in that photo of my new glasses and in my recent post about the energies. For some reason I put it on before feeling the energies that nudged me to snap the photo that clearly showed them.

When strange events cluster like this, I pay extra attention. This morning’s dream came after another super highly charged dream on Saturday–one that linked into many, many bizarre real world synchronicities that followed “dreams.” Something’s up. I have some ideas in my own life, but as I said, this also feels collective.

Late Summer Garden Update

As the energies whirl and swirl “out there,” here at Dra’Faven, the gardens have shifted into Late Summer. Even the garden stores look empty. It’s a little too early for mums and too late for most other things. But sunflowers are out!

This is a hard time of year to keep the garden looking good. Most of the earlier blooms have faded, and a lot of the foliage can look ratty. I finally pulled the bachelor’s buttons from the silver planter. They still had blooms, but they required once or twice per day deadheading. They got replaced by some miniature sunflowers, and the extra space and light left from the bachelor’s buttons gave earlier residents a boost.

Purple kale, black opal basil (which is also purple), and purple cabbage give pops of color with their foliage.

Spring planted gladiolus are finally starting to bloom, and some volunteer giant marigolds are racing to catch up with the mini sunflowers. You can also see the first of the perennial mum’s to bloom: the orange in the mid-right section of the photo above.

The backyard has zinnias and, until a recent rainstorm, the last of our lilies:

I let carrots go to seed, and I see a few little volunteers for this fall. I’ve been pretty low key in the gardens this year. All my Saturn, Pluto and Chiron transits have been keeping me busy with other things, but I do like a good view and some fresh produce. We’ve had loads and loads of peppers and beans this year.

I’m not sure the purple yard long beans will produce since they don’t like their location, but the yellow beans in the Garden Tower picked up the slack. This morning’s highlight was catching sight of the mysterious moonflower. I LOVE this one!

Wishing everyone a beautiful day!


I felt some energy and turned on my desktop camera to see if it picked up anything.

Some people will call this lens flare, but I’ve filmed a lot of videos at this desk, at various times of day. I have never seen anything like this until today when something nudged me to see if the camera picked up the energies I was feeling. Lens flare or not, it’s an accurate depiction of what I felt.

Leo New Moon~August 16, 2023 (Video)

On August 16, 2023, a powerful New Moon in Leo brings odd energies we don’t normally consider as “Leo.” Black Moon Lilith, Uranus, the Lunar Nodes and Trans-Neptunian Objects take this Leo New Moon to the next level. The Sabian Symbol steps things up even more. This is a highly spiritual, surreal lunar event, preparing us for the August 30th Blue Moon in Pisces.

(As always, if you’re reading this via email, you’ll need to click through to view the video.)

New Moon in Leo ~ August 16, 2023

My August 2023 Forecast noted:

August 16 New Moon in Leo, 5:38 a.m. Eastern US time, and Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “(LEO 24°): TOTALLY CONCENTRATED UPON INNER SPIRITUAL ATTAINMENT, A MAN IS SITTING IN A STATE OF COMPLETE NEGLECT OF BODILY APPEARANCE AND CLEANLINESS.” While Mars, the planet of action supports Uranus (liberation), the New Moon squares (creates friction with) Uranus in Taurus. The Sabian Symbol and aspects suggest inner liberation that explodes from an intense period of meditation. If you have trouble focusing, this New Moon offers “TOTAL CONCENTRATION.”

We’ve got a stellium in Leo with Sun, Moon, Lilith, Venus, and–for the Washington, D.C. chart–both Part of Fortune (fate) and Ascendant (how “Washington” presents to the world) conjunct at 13 Leo. That point is very close to where Venus will station Direct on September 3, and it tells us that Venus is working her magic on all these loud and proud energies. Remember, Venus sat at the Midheaven of the Washington, D.C. chart for the August 1 Full Moon in Aquarius. Her energy pervades this entire month, and she’s forcing us to reconsider our values, self-esteem, finances, and relationships. She wants us to live more from our hearts.

The New Moon has a loose conjunction with Venus at 18 Leo and a tight conjunction with Black Moon Lilith at 24 Leo. Although Venus mitigates some of the tension, she’s Retrograde. Her normal grace is not as strong as usual. The New Moon also tightly squares Uranus in Taurus. This combination of Lilith and Uranus suggests that things could get rowdy out there.

All the more reason to focus upon “inner spiritual attainment,” as the difference between timelines will become increasingly obvious. The New Moon’s trine to the North Node in Aries nudges any protests more on path for the collective, but in general, this is a time of contrast. Those who exercise spiritual discipline will benefit, while those who fail to maintain their inner sanctum could face riots, fires and other disruptions.

In addition to the trine to the North Node (collective destiny point) in Aries, this New Moon in Leo closely conjuncts the Trans-Neptunian Object Praamzius. According to Heretical Oracles, Praamzius is an “omnipotent ruler of time,” and connects closely with the idea of Fate — that which cannot be changed.

In some ways, we’re on a predetermined track. We can fight all we want, yet some things will happen no matter what. This idea is VERY much the topic of my recent video with Sharon Hewitt Rawlette. We have certain “dates with destiny” where multiple timelines converge. We can experience things on higher or lower levels, but sometimes an event is on path no matter which options we consciously choose. We’re in that kind of window right now for the collective.

Praamzius was also active at the time of the August 11, 2022 Full Moon in Aquarius, so have a look back then to see connections with current issues, events and themes. Shifts are possible by engaging energies on a different level now.

Positive energy comes from asteroid Urania, who closely conjuncts the New Moon at 24 Leo. Urania was one of the nine Muses, and she represents astronomy and astrology–the study of heavenly influence on earthly matters. According to, she’s “also associated with Universal Love and the Holy Spirit.” Again, we find benefits from tuning into the spiritual energy connected with this New Moon. Urania also helps us weed through information overload to find the patterns expressed by a mess of facts.

Asteroid Atropos conjuncts Uranus at 23-24 Taurus, squaring the New Moon in Leo. Atropos adds to the fated feeling of this New Moon. According to Dark Astrology:

[Atropos] is the third dark aspect of the three fates. Atropos is the cutter of the cord of life and her Roman equivalent is Morta, Italian for death. So very final then! According to Demetra George “Her position in the birth chart shows how and where we bring our fate to [its] inevitable conclusion and how we cut the life thread when we experience endings, loss, closure and death.”[1]

… The meaning of the word is “the inevitable”, and what is impossible to put aside.

Atropos is a scavenger, like the raven, and associated with both death and magic. Scavengers are looked down upon, but they are essential as natures recyclers and rubbish collectors. Maybe Atropos in the chart burns off once [and] for all any left over festering karma.

Atropos figured prominently in the October 25, 2022 New Moon in Scorpio, so have a look there, too. This August 16, 2023 New Moon in Leo brings all sorts of half-baked experiences to completion.

Asteroid Haphaistos also conjuncts Uranus at 23 Taurus. Alternatively spelled Hephaestus, he was the Greek god of blacksmiths, weapons, artisans, carpenters and innovation. Conjunct Uranus, he could trigger rapid technological advancement. Squaring the New Moon in Leo, his influence could bring things to the precipice–some kind of overwhelming and new elements of warfare that jolt humanity awake. Topics like drones, clones and A.I. simulation could also reach a more mainstream audience.

Amidst all this intensity, courage arrives in the form of Heracles conjunct the North Node in Aries. Heracles is the Greek version of Hercules and indicates strength, bravery and power, especially in the face of adversity. Collectively, we will get through this time. Individually, we’ll fare much better if we remember to focus inward first. External events follow internal energies. We can’t avoid some of the things coming down the collective pipeline, but we can face them with courage and embrace opportunities that arise from chaos and destruction.

This all reminds me of the 17th century Haiku written by Japanese poet and samurai Mizuta Masahide:

“Barn’s burnt down — now I can see the moon.”

Except at this New Moon, we can’t see the Moon. Not yet.

Pray, meditate, and align yourself with your highest possible soul expression. This, too, shall pass, and someday we will see why it had to be this way. Meanwhile we’ve got strong support to make necessary changes.

Update: I made a video with more personal insights for this Leo New Moon. You can find that here.

Laura Bruno and Michele Geyer in Conversation (Video)

Intuitive astrologer Laura Bruno interviews friend and colleague Michele Geyer about her 1983 life changing car accident and overcoming severe panic attacks without drugs. Michele (Chele) trained at the Berkeley Psychic Institute (BPI) and has taught Pilates, the Eight Limbs of Yoga, and created the Sacred Body Oracle card deck. She shares wisdom gained from decades of study and practice.

Chele is also a Reiki Master Teacher. She was in the first Reiki class Laura taught in Santa Fe back in 2002, and they’ve been friends ever since. This is a wide ranging conversation about intuition, dreams, psychic downloads, visual therapy, yoga, breathwork, anxiety, relationships, and difficult transits in astrology. Laura looks at specific transits in the car “accidents” that changed their lives.

If you’re receiving this via email, you’ll need to click through to view our conversation, which clocks in just shy of an hour.

Apologies in advance for some video freezing on my end. We talked a lot about intuition and energy, and whenever I move into those realms of discussion, my energy messes with video. (This is why I don’t offer video sessions.) The audio’s fine, but you can see whenever I let out more energy, my side of the video freezes. Given our topics, I’m amazed this recording works at all!

Michele Geyer’s website:

Laura Bruno’s website: