Archive for October, 2023

First Frost

We are finalllllllllly about to have our first frost, over a month later than usual. It even snowed a tiny bit today for about ten minutes. Just thought I’d share some of the beauty here. These were from Saturday, about an hour before the eclipse:

November 2023 Forecast + Fourth Quarter North Node Horoscopes


If you thought October was wild, get ready for more. This month brings power, intensity, death, and rebirth. Deep healing and collective awakening.

For total transformation, Surrender in November.

November 3 Sun in Scorpio opposite Jupiter in Taurus and Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces. If you feel lackluster, unproductive, and low energy today, no worries. These are short transits, but you might need more rest than usual. Practice good boundaries and good energy hygiene. You might feel called to higher philosophy and higher love. Try not to judge yourself or others for momentary fatigue. It will pass!

November 4 Saturn stations Direct in Pisces and we have Mercury in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus. Saturn Direct releases restrictions connected to spirituality, commitment, your imagination and compassion for others. If you’ve felt bogged down the past few months, things can finally begin to move forward in these areas. With Mercury opposite Uranus, communication will feel erratic but could also bring “out of this world” insights and information. Something hidden comes to the forefront and topples old ways of understanding. Technology glitches are likely. You might want to schedule important meetings for another day.

November 6 Venus in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn and Mercury in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces. Passion runs deep, and we’re able to communicate our highest compassion and hidden feelings. This is a beautiful day with high potential for creative projects and healing through dreams and the arts. Record those insights and ideas. They will prove worthwhile.

November 8 Venus enters Libra, one of her home signs. With all the tension in our world, the Goddess of Love brings grace, beauty and–hopefully–peace and justice. She remains in Libra until December 4. With the transiting South Node also in Libra, take advantage of this opening for greater harmony connected with old relationships, lawsuits and creative projects.

November 10 Mercury enters Sagittarius. The initial few days of Mercury in the sign of the Archer square Saturn in Pisces. People demand the truth, but a haze of deceptive censorship could muddy the waters. As Mercury moves past Saturn’s influence, a cascade of accurate information spills out. No filter. Our worldview broadens, and intuition tells us the overall picture, even if we don’t know all the details.

November 11 Mars in Scorpio opposite Uranus in Taurus. This aspect spans about one week on either side of the exact 11/11 opposition. The Warrior opposes the Rebel on Veterans Day in the United States. How many vets are questioning what and why they served? How many wars look different in hindsight, and how might this new understanding inform current conflicts? We would normally think of Mars opposite Uranus as a trigger for war and revolution. While that could be the case this time, the specific degrees involved suggest rebellion will manifest in unexpected ways.

November 13 New Moon in Scorpio, 4:27 a.m. Eastern US time. This New Moon opposes Uranus in Taurus, with Mars closely conjunct the Sun and Moon. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon is “(SCORPIO 21°): OBEYING HIS CONSCIENCE, A SOLDIER RESISTS ORDERS. KEYNOTE: A readiness to face the results of a refusal to follow the authoritarian patterns of an aggressive society.” As war drums continue to beat, this New Moon offers surprising elements of peace. Hidden resentments and higher inspiration lead to “INNER FREEDOM,” which, in turn, offers collective freedom.

November 17-18 Mars and Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces. These are highly intuitive, spiritual days. The Mars influence lasts longer than the Sun. For a week prior and a week after, spiritual pursuits flow well, and it becomes easier to act in spiritual ways. Intuition runs high with potential for breakthroughs.

November 22 Sun enters Sagittarius. Anything entering Sagittarius will very soon square Saturn in Pisces, so this burst into bold, unfettered Sag might feel more contained than usual. Focus turns to Truth with a capital T. No more secrets, no more B.S. Higher learning, philosophy, big trips, and inner confidence pervade the next month.

November 24 Mars enters Sagittarius. As with the Sun, Mars feels some of the restriction from Saturn. This aspect could make it more difficult to accomplish tasks, but that should ease by the end of the month. Focused determination to troubleshoot projects could turn this square into something that solidifies commitment and forward movement. If at first you don’t succeed, sincerely ask why not. Then address those issues and/or await the proper timing. The Warrior feels comfortable and passionate in the Fire Sign of the Archer.

November 27 Full Moon in Gemini, 4:16 a.m. Eastern US time. This Full Moon’s ruler, Mercury (currently in Sagittarius) squares Neptune in Pisces. This aspect restricts some of the typical Gemini traits of communication, speed and deal making. Information feels foggy, with a hint of “Mercury Retrograde” style mix-ups.

How November’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.     

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. If you’re right on the cusp, consider both possibilities or book a reading for more clarity.


ARIES NORTH NODE: The transiting North Node continues making its way through your sign. Events “out there” track more closely with events inside yourself. The hand of Fate feels stronger than usual, and situations arise to make you stand up for yourself, take risks and move forward in bolder ways. As planets make their way through Libra, your South Node sign, you might find old patterns and relationships show up again. That doesn’t mean you’re doing something wrong. It’s an opportunity to make different choices that feel more aligned with your current desires and needs. When you move on, give yourself credit for where you’ve been. Recognizing what you’ve already overcome adds courage to forge ahead.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus continue to ignite opportunities, and your destiny gets reactivated by a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28. Anything in Libra brings subtle, yet powerful calls to increase love and beauty. Questions of “fairness” could also arise this quarter. Any planets moving through Scorpio will conjunct your South Node, bringing up old relationships and patterns. You’re called to new levels of self-sufficiency, but that doesn’t mean you need to burn bridges. Aim for stability, even if it takes more patience. “Better to have and not need than to need and not have.” During Sagittarius Season, this motto also applies to knowledge, as the quincunx energies nudge you to expand and reify your thinking. Get grounded, and hang in there for all the supportive trines from Capricorn.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Gemini North Node natives get supercharged by all the activity in Libra and Aries. Trines and sextiles support you in subtle yet powerful ways. If it feels like life’s carrying you along beyond your own power, that’s because it is. From mid-October through November, planets begin to quincunx (150 degrees) your North Node from Scorpio. This energy asks you to increase passion and determination even when you’re multitasking. You’re busier than usual, and that’s OK. In November and December, old relationships and rigid philosophies could arise for review. Practice pivoting and learn to dance instead of grasping so hard to the old and familiar. A new, more flexible life wants to bless you in various and sundry ways. A Full Moon in your North Node sign happens on November 27th. You’ll get further with lots of smaller intentions rather than trying to roll it all into one big one.

CANCER NORTH NODE: Libra and Capricorn Seasons could feel more intense than usual, as anything moving through Libra (including Mars from August 27-October 12) eventually squares your nodal axis, along with Chiron and the South Node squaring from Aries. Anything moving through Capricorn activates your South Node sign, urging you to release old patterns and restrictions. Whenever you feel pressure, know that you can afford to soften your stance. Rigidity and that stiff upper lip don’t serve you anymore. In October and November, be sure to show loved ones how much you care. Sometimes emotions feel scary, but you’re meant to experience and share them. Celebrate the Full Moon in Cancer on December 26–one of your luckiest days all year.

LEO NORTH NODE: On October 8, Venus the Love Goddess finishes up her unusually long stay in your North Node sign. Relationships exhale as some of the intensity fades. Don’t worry, Fourth Quarter 2023 still has plenty of love on offer. All the planets moving through Libra form supportive sextiles to your North Node. This energy is subtle yet powerful, adding grace and beauty to your appearance and your life. At certain points this quarter, you’ll feel called to take decisive action. The urge could come as a whisper or a shout, but when it does, pay attention! Destiny calls in myriad ways, and hard work will bring rewards. Say “yes” to opportunities to shine brighter, especially if these arrive in synchronous ways. You’re a bigger star than you realize, Leo. Own it!

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Venus the Love Goddess moves through your North Node sign from October 8-November 8, bringing grace, beauty and self-esteem your way. Focus on daily habits that bring you back to center, over and over again. This quarter could have far reaching impact on your love life and creative endeavors. You still have support from Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, which could lead to tangible breakthroughs. Saturn and Neptune continue transiting your South Node sign of Pisces. Make the most of these energies by increasing spiritual discipline, and then following through with tangible steps. This is not a time for extended navel gazing. Tune in, imagine, and then use that awareness to fuel real world action. “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry,” by Jack Kornfield would be a good book for you.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Libra Season is lit this year! With all those planets–including Mars until October 12–moving through your North Node sign, you’re strongly called to cultivate relationships, partnership, love, beauty, harmony and justice. With the transiting South Node in your North Node sign, you’ll feel 180 from the mainstream world. This is no time to flaunt your differences, though. It’s a time to hear the other side of the narrative, bridge gaps, and work to find peaceful points of re-connection. As the collective gets more assertive and self-assured, we need peacemakers right now. You get optimistic support as planets move through Sagittarius. Later in the Fourth Quarter and into early next year, keep in mind that anything moving through Capricorn will at some point square your nodal axis. Work with your discomfort to find a new balance. The New Moon in Libra Solar Eclipse on October 14 will be extra powerful for you.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Any planets moving through Scorpio will eventually conjunct your North Node sign, bringing special attention to choice points and opportunities for rebirth. This year, Mars also joins the party in Scorpio from October 12-November 24. This energy deepens passion and empowers your will. This could be a VERY productive quarter for you. Your sign receives extra spiritual inspiration and awareness of how shared resources can expand everyone’s potential. South Node karmic lessons will build faith if you can accept that big changes happen for you. While Taurus South Node natives prefer stability, your growth occurs through change. Reinvent yourself! The Universe is working hard to upgrade your experience. The Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse on October 28 could feel extra intense, and the New Moon in Scorpio on November 13th brings magic.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Mars enters your North Node sign on November 24, activating destiny level moves towards expansion and a higher philosophy of life. Long awaited shifts could happen in the next two months. Learn to trust your guides and intuition. They’ll lead you to embrace the right opportunities. The Full Moon in Gemini on November 27 occurs in your South Node sign. Beware of a tendency to spread yourself too thin. You’re better off going all in on one main area instead of multitasking. Social media and too many engagements could leave you fried. Put yourself out there, but only when it feels like an obvious match. Use the Sagittarius New Moon on December 12 to launch big intentions and decisions.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: Libra Season brings friction to your nodal axis, demanding you find a new balance in relationships. Love does not mean you need to over-give or empath everyone else’s feelings. Sometimes love means establishing firm boundaries so that people step into their own potential. Although you may feel like it, you’re not here to “save” everyone from themselves. You have a mission, and work-family dynamics need to support your ability to lead in bigger ways. Your responsibility includes more than your family of birth or even your new family. Life will continue to push you into positions of greater authority. Mercury goes Retrograde in your sign from December 13-January 1. Use this time to reevaluate which investments of time and energy make sense. Your understanding of your place in the world could shift at this time.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Anything in Aries and Libra feeds your sign, so Fourth Quarter 2023 could feel productive and pivotal. Beware that anything moving through Scorpio and Taurus will eventually square your nodal axis. This friction may force you to decide between your own needs and those of the group–whether at work, with friends or even society at large. You’re a revolutionary, but you’re no lone wolf. Take others into consideration and find ways to support humanity and the Earth. Venus the Love Goddess spent an extraordinary time moving through your South Node sign. She finally leaves Leo on October 8. Which relationships moved forward and which ones seem out of phase? You’re finishing up a lot of karmic and ego ties this Summer and Fall. Allow yourself to realign with people who work together to initiate positive change.

PISCES NORTH NODE: This is an eventful quarter for you, with quincunxes from objects or point moving through Libra and squares from Sagittarius. You can integrate these odd energies by tapping into the highest quality of ideal philosophy and love. Justice, fairness, religion and philosophy could seem less rigid than your Virgo South Node would assume. Practice opening to a wider, more beautiful and fantastic world. Planets moving through Taurus, Scorpio, and Capricorn offer support for destiny level changes. Exact timing and flavor depends on which planet and which degree, but keep yourself as receptive to inspiration as possible. Yours is an intuitive, watery sign. Your mutable path ebbs, flows and changes dimensions, all in the span of your own emotions. You are the ocean within the drop.

Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse 2023 ~ October 28 (Video)

The October 28 eclipse is a Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse with potentially world changing impact. This is another one of those dates I’ve had circled on my calendar for a very long time, due to dreams, synchronicities and because it has come up all year during sessions.

The week leading up to and including the October 14 Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse triggered endings, and in today’s video I explain how that week’s transits ignited Israel’s natal chart. This Taurus Eclipse 2023 offers a bridge to the future–a new way forward in a polarized world.

How will this Full Moon in Taurus affect relationships, financial security and the Israel-Palestine conflict? What’s happening beneath the surface astrology? We’ll take a deep dive to find hidden pitfalls and potentials shown by Sabian Symbols, centaurs and other key factors, including Cupid’s arrow.

Note: there should be no ads on this video, because I was concerned YouTube might feature pro-war ads since I discuss the Middle East. If those show up, it’s not my doing! I am pro-peace, and the astrology for this eclipse and the next New Moon in Scorpio indicate peace is at least possible. If you’re reading this by email, you will need to click through on the title to view the video on my blog.

North Node Horoscopes (Quarterly):

Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse ~ October 28, 2023

My October 2023 Forecast shared:

October 28 Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, 4:24 p.m. Eastern US time. The Sabian Symbol for this event is: “(TAURUS 6°): CANTILEVER BRIDGE ACROSS A DEEP GORGE. KEYNOTE: The conquest of separativeness through group-cooperation. … This is the first stage of the eighth five-fold process of ‘Substantiation.’ The man-made bridge built with collective skill gives substance to and demonstrates man’s capacity to CONQUER OBSTACLES and to achieve evolutionary continuity as well as expansion in space.” Close to thin-veiled Samhain, this event initiates another collective shift with emphasis on the future.

At the time of the Full Moon, Mars in Scorpio exactly opposes Jupiter in Taurus, within loose orb of this Lunar Eclipse. The drums of war beat louder as Shadow forces push against traditional beliefs. Calls for revenge get louder and demand action. Mercury between the Sun point and Mars carries those messages over airwaves and the internet. A higher use of these energies strengthens the power of your affirmations, so guard your thoughts and be careful what you wish for at this time. You can empower yourself with words and big ideas.

This Full Moon in Taurus Lunar Eclipse trines Pholus and Quaoar at 6 Capricorn. I have written many times about Pholus, the small thing, BIG EFFECT centaur. A trine offers harmonious energy towards a butterfly effect. Something small may trigger that cantilever bridge to appear. Aleksandar Imsiragic, president of the Yugoslavia Astrological Association, describes Quaoar:

  1. After something bad, comes something new, some new expansion of consciousness
  2. A price must be paid, a painful process, before something new happens
  3. A break with something, a break with the past, so that we can move onto something new
  4. Something must die first and then something happens, something new that is beyond death.
  5. Because of the Tongva association, the symbolism of Quaoar may be connected with “creating through dance or rhythmic creations.”

These all seem like Scorpio themes, and with Quaoar in Capricorn, we can expect transformation of structures, traditions, and top down authorities. Adding to this Scorpio/Capricorn energy, Rhadamanthus opposes from 6 Scorpio. In Greek mythology, Rhadamanthus was a wise king of Crete and judge of the underworld. A supernatural light shines on dark deals and misled participants. This underworld judging gets amplified by his presence at the Scorpio Sun point of this eclipse. According to

Rhadamanthus ( 1999 HX11 / 38083 ) represents overarching systems that structure and “control” humans and understand humans and our world better than humans do. It works with open vs closed minds. Here one is being evaluated, tested, and judged by a higher power or a more knowing nonhuman awareness on their worthiness and incorruptibility.

At the same time this body addresses human fallibility in judgment even when they believe they are acting on the instructions and will of a higher power. Thus judgement and analysis are the focus of this body.

In other words, something larger than human bias is in effect. We could see Poetic Justice occur sometime in the next six months, triggered by this October 28th event.

Amidst geopolitical moves and countermoves, asteroid Cupido offers harmonious support from 5 Capricorn. I have often been shown that geopolitical and other “earthquakes” will rearrange relationships. Cupido represents relationships seemingly orchestrated from above. These “5D” relationships will lift the vibration of a dying 3D world. Love, healing and creative energy reveal themselves in the most surprising circumstances. In my Libra Full Moon video back in April 2023, I spoke extensively about these orchestrated relationships and my “special mandala floors to get everyone where they need to go in the event of an earthquake” dream.

This eclipse squares Cyllarus at 6 Leo. Cyllarus was a centaur killed in battle. His name might sound familiar because he was the slain husband of Hylonome, who squared the New Moon in Libra Solar Eclipse. When she saw her husband’s body, she killed herself with the same arrow. This story continues to create strong friction with an eclipse point. A loss experienced around the time of the October 14 Solar Eclipse could be revealed or processed more deeply at this time. Any losses in the next six months will feel extra poignant, but remember the Cupido and Rhadamanthus influence. Something bigger and behind the scenes suggests a higher plan and order.

In terms of the Israel-Palestine conflict, we could see some surprising openings for peace between now and late November. The October 14th Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse conjuncted Israel’s natal Ascendant, also very close to the South Node (past/karma/old peace agreements). This was a precise hit that occurred within a week of Venus crossing Israel’s late Leo natal Mars just before Venus entered Virgo and transiting Mars in Libra exactly squared Pluto in Capricorn. Both the Venus ingress and exact Mars-Pluto square occurred on October 8th. Mars tends to act early, so we got an October 7th attack on Israel. With the North Node and Eris (Goddess of Discord) closely conjunct Israel’s natal Descendant (cusp of the house of relationships and known enemies), astrologically, this conflict happened “right on time.”

Eris and the North Node move slowly, but at the time of the October 28th eclipse, Panacea moves into the mix at 25 Aries, conjuncting Eris (war) and the North Node (destiny), still very close to Israel’s Descendant. The Greek “Goddess of Universal Remedy” (Panacea) could go either way. On the one hand, it’s a lovely idea–that one person or thing could be so healing. She promises some kind of solution. We just need to make sure it’s a real solution, and not one of those Hegelian Dialectic “problem, reaction, solution” things where the same people who created the problem try to ram through their “perfect” now seemingly necessary solution. Ramming through their preferred solution involves stoking the public to demand that very thing.

In working with these energies, know that solutions ARE available, but use yer noggin! Drums of war will continue to beat with calls for revenge, increasing fear and public reaction. Maintain sovereignty over your mind and emotions. If you feel overwhelmed, step back, and take a breath of God. Pray, meditate, and see what kind of cantilever bridge appears for you. It probably won’t be the same “Panacea” touted by talking heads on the tell-lie-vision.

Expect solutions–but use discernment about which ones you embrace. I’ll post a video tomorrow, which explains some of this article in greater detail.

A Magical Weekend Timeline Divergence

I continue to hear from many of you commenting how “surreal,” bizarre, intense, yet magical things seem right now. For those of you wondering, yes, a LOT of other people are feeling it and experiencing these things–both the intensity and the sliver of new potential beginning to reveal itself for those with eyes to see.

On Sunday morning, I had a dream that featured three owls and multiple timelines as an ongoing theme. The day proceeded to illustrate and reflect just that. No matter how much I might feel obligated or try to assist, I have–apparently–been banned from participating in the most negative timeline. Although it will still have challenges, my timeline has VERY strict parameters. I seem unable to step off this trajectory even for a moment. After awhile, the obvious message became surreal and even comical.

I know a lot of people feel this tension right now, and I’m reminded of something I mentioned in the Pluto Direct video with Timothy Glenn. We spoke of the butterfly emerging from its chrysalis, and how the temptation arises to “help” the butterfly by freeing it from the cocoon. The problem is that the butterfly needs this struggle in order to strengthen its wings. Without the struggle, the butterfly will die.

Much of humanity appears to be in this chrysalis phase right now, and those with compassionate hearts want to help. Sometimes the kindest thing you can do is practice tough love, healthy boundaries, and allow others to step into a stronger supporting role. This allows EVERYONE a chance to level up, while freeing you to anchor more joyful energies and future expansion. Along with a sendoff of the past, the future burst through so many times–an absurd contrast in vibration, insisting on Beauty as a driving principle.

In any case, David and I had one of the most beautiful weekends we’ve had. Instead of taking our usual late October trip to Traverse City, we chose a staycation in the Kalamazoo area. We took long fall foliage drives on Saturday and Sunday:

… and David discovered an art festival we had never known about before.

We visited many local artists in their studios and community art spaces. Lovely connections were made, and at our last stop, the artist insisted we look at her huge patch of fly agaric mushrooms!

The Faery Realm is sprouting up in magical ways. The artist shared that she had never seen so many or such large specimins of this quintessential faery mushroom:

Faery Sis Tania Marie has also seen record numbers of these and other mushrooms. I always consider fly agaric mushrooms a positive sign. I painted them into portal Door Number 17: Elen of the Ways. The bottom quote of that portal quotes Rumi:

There Is a Way

The intellect says: “The six directions are limits: there is no way out.”
Love says: “There is a way. I have traveled it thousands of times.”
The intellect saw a market and started to haggle;
Love saw thousands of markets beyond that market.

That portal reverberated through life around the time of my father’s passing. Its quote, the mushrooms and the intention of finding a graceful way through an impossible situation feel extra potent right now.

David and I collected some delightful new art for our home–mostly glass and pottery that play with light in joyful colors and forms. I will feel forever grateful for this weekend of poignant contrast and overwhelming beauty. These are challenging but amazing times to be alive!

UPDATE: Later on the afternoon of this post, David called me to our backyard. I counted thirteen fly agarics under our evergreens. Faeries are active these days!

Email Issues

Hi, just letting everyone know that I may be having some email issues. At this point, it’s unclear if it’s on my end or the other people’s ends since they are also missing emails from each other. In any case, if someone contacts me for a session and I don’t respond within 48 hours, I either did not receive your message, or you did not receive my reply. It’s usually faster than 24 hours, but certainly if 48 hours have passed, then something’s up.

I have two work emails for this reason: and The contact form on my site usually works, but not always. Some people have issues with the gmail account and others with the other one. Again, not sure if it’s on my end or their end.

Things are extra wonky and timeline bendy these days. My schedule this week looks hilarious with all the cross off’s and immediate reschedules. That’s usually a sign of a collective timeline shift as the decks reshuffle. In any case, that’s how to contact me. If the contact form and either of those email addresses don’t work, you can try leaving a comment on my blog. If none of those works, then it’s probably not the right time for us to connect … or we’re on different timelines at the moment.

Love and blessings,


Mid-October Garden Update

Greetings from balmy Kalamazoo, where we are more than three weeks past our usual first frost date. The garden continues to bloom:

I did some cleanup yesterday and will need to do more, picking off yellowed leaves, etc., but these zinnias and nasturtiums are going strong behind the shed. They don’t even get much light, and I’ve ignored them for weeks. I’m not sure how they continue to bloom so well.

Purple basil’s also going strong, even after a couple rounds of pesto and nights into the low 40’s.

It looks like Autumn, kind of smells like Autumn, but here they bloom …

The front yard is also bright and cheery.

I can’t believe we have cosmos in mid-October!

I need to harvest those cabbages, but I enjoy seeing their dusky purple each morning when I open the curtains. Garlic is planted, compost partially added. I just need to do some major cutback once we get a hard frost. So far, we don’t even have a frost warning, and Wednesday’s set for 62 degrees. Some trees finalllllllly started changing colors.

It’s a weird Fall here, but given our crazy world right now, I gratefully accept the flowers!

Something Now and Something Later

My sweet and talented online friend Sue just shared this post, and I feel called to share the comment I left on her blog, here. I know so many people are beating the drums of war, gloom and doom, but here’s what I shared:

Sue, I love this idea, and I’ll share here that looking forward into November, there is some VERY encouraging astro news, in particular about the New Moon in Scorpio. I’m so excited about this potential, as the esoteric reading of everything offers major potential for PEACE. I was utterly gobsmacked when I started unpacking everything.

That doesn’t guarantee humanity will choose it, but wow, is the potential there–especially with regard to Israel and Palestine. More closer to the time when I post the written and video analyses. Just letting you and others know that there are astro indicators that these peace bubbles will have effect! Much love and thanks for sharing this idea… love, Laura

Do check out her post, too, as this is something we can each do in the meantime, helping to coax the positive potential into being.

Today’s Eclipse

Just a reminder that the eclipse is today. Looking back over this week, and re-reading this article I wrote several weeks prior to posting on October 7th, I see that things have already begun to play out as described. I’ve also received extra validation about several other things I briefly touched on here without going into too many details. I’m not saying “I told you so,” just reposting this because this week has already turned into one of our more intense astro event clusters this year.

Love and blessings and peace!

Libra Eclipse 2023 (Video)

As promised, I’m getting this one up way early, because the energies the week leading up to the October 14th New Moon in Libra and Solar Eclipse set off a chain reaction of aftershocks and possible black swan events. Who will these energies most affect, and what do you need to know about the Libra Eclipse? What will it mean for relationships and personal safety? How can you prepare?

If you are receiving this by email, you’ll need to click the title of the email in order to view the 20-minute video. WordPress emails don’t embed YouTube videos.