Archive for March, 2021

Enjoy the In Between Times & Surrender to Unfolding Grace

This powerful share from Tania echoes so much of what I’ve noticed the past while. Some early daffodils and glories of the snow have bloomed, but the later daffodils and hyacinths are poised to burst into color as we shift from winter into spring. We are, indeed, in transition — in the garden, individually, and collectively. I sense that many things will look different in later May than they do right now.

We catch glimmers of the new, but we also need to find ways to appreciate and celebrate the now. What little details make this waiting time feel fun, nurturing and important? If you feel you cannot do or be something new right now, what small steps can you take in that direction? Even detours prove necessary. Look to Mother Nature for an example of embracing change.

Tania Marie

Transformation and healing takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight, although anything is possible. Birthing anything new can take us through some growing pains and so it’s wise to honor that space with gentle encouragement and understanding.

There’s a tendency to want to rush things and emerge anew with miraculous ideas of “perfection” already anchored so that we can avoid those in between times that look to our egos like a big dirty, unorganized and empty mess.

Nature does change so well and we never stop to question her. Even when she’s transitioning there’s a state of wholeness and understanding that “this is just the cycle of life” and we recognize the beauty of that process.

Although I see muddy patches of snow, dried leaves and branches thrown about, and old pine needles, barren plants and golden-browned meadow grasses, I know that vitality lives within all of it and that everything…

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April 2021 Forecast and Second Quarter North Node Horoscopes


April offers softer energy than we’ve felt so far in 2021. This gentleness and all direct planets (until April 27) suggest that things can begin to move forward more easily after a long, slow, surreal First Quarter. Do not mistake subtlety for lack of passion. The end of the month releases massive amounts of pent up love.

April 1 Mercury sextile Pluto. This transit favors investigation and deep conversations about shame, darkness, death and rebirth. A gentle time to reveal secrets and hidden things.

April 6 Venus sextile Mars: a low key alignment of cosmic lovers. No need to push or rush. This transit encourages confidence and an ability to soothe and smooth rough edges in relationships — romantic or otherwise.

(Mars and Venus, by Botticelli, c 1485. National Gallery, London)

April 9th, Saturn trine the transiting North Node. Saturn, Lord of Karma, creates a butterfly effect with Wounded Healer Chiron and the transiting nodal axis — where we’ve been as a collective, and where we need to go. These harmonious trine and sextile alignments literally look like a butterfly, but they also offer potential for small adjustments to trigger major healing and realignment with destiny. Because these points move somewhat slowly, we’ll continue to feel this butterfly effect throughout the month. Pay attention when coincidences and inner guidance suggest new structures, directions and/or discipline. The next few weeks might feel like a much needed series of cosmic chiropractic adjustments. Trust the process. It will allow for greater ease and flexibility in the long run.

April 11 New Moon in Aries at 10:31 p.m. Eastern Daylight time. This New Moon conjuncts Venus (~within 4 degrees), which exactly squares Pluto. Expect seductive friction between the deep unconscious underworld and the goddess of love. Light of the Sun, emotions of the Moon deepen the intimacy and love of this New Moon reset. The Pluto/Persephone myth feels extra relevant with all the Spring energies in the Northern Hemisphere. What once felt dead and barren pushes through and flowers. This New Moon/Venus conjunction sextiles Mars in Gemini, bringing courage to fight for love and beauty.

April 14 Venus enters her home sign Taurus at 2:22 p.m. Eastern time. Emphasis turns to pleasure, finance and self-esteem. Venus remains in Taurus until May 8, giving us three weeks ripe for romance and at-home spa dates. Moisturize those elbows, start an exercise program, and celebrate your sensual side.

April 19 Mercury and the Sun enter Taurus. A good time for humor, creativity and earthy endeavors. Mercury in Taurus could steady and ground unstable communication, and also encourage slow, deliberate analysis and explanation. The Sun brings a month of light and energy to the most Hobbit-like sign. Enjoy good food, good drink and a good dose of common sense.

April 23 Mars enters Cancer and remains there until June 12. The fiery warrior can feel frustrated in watery Cancer. You’ll reap more from this transit by honoring emotions as a source of power. Get in touch with your feelings. Notice how they ebb and flow. Intentions will manifest easier during times of the Waxing Moon (between New Moon and Full Moon). You’ll find it easier to release things during a Waning Moon (between the Full Moon and New Moon). True in general, this proves extra useful while Mars moves through Mother Moon’s sign.

April 26th Full Moon in Scorpio at 11:31 p.m. Eastern. This Full Moon occurs amidst those beautiful, supportive trines and sextiles of Saturn and Chiron to the transiting nodal axis (where we’ve been as a collective and where we’re headed). Watch for healing lessons that allow individuals and society to move forward, releasing that which no longer serves. This Full Moon will feel extra deep and introspective, since Scorpio’s ruler Pluto stations retrograde the next day. Prepare for a soulful dive into the Underworld. People fear the dark, but that’s where we find the jewels.

April 30 Sun conjunct Uranus. The fiery Sun ignites lightning bolt Uranus. This meeting occurs with messenger Mercury, goddess of love Venus, rebel Uranus and wild woman Black Moon Lilith all in slow, sensual Taurus — while the feminine Moon in patriarchal Capricorn opposes macho Mars in (s)motherly Cancer. Expect the unexpected, but this combination might feel like Billy Idol’s Rebel Yell.

Find ways to ground spontaneous knowing and inspired rebellion into tangible form. If you feel trapped or frustrated, funnel that energy into determination. Not only is there light at the end of this tunnel — but flashes of a wildly authentic new reality. Allow these visions to guide you through more mundane parts of the journey. Remember, “Little by little one travels far.” ~J.R.R. Tolkien

How April’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This monthly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.           – Laura

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. (If you’re right on a cusp, consider both options, or book a reading for more clarity.)


ARIES NORTH NODE: Second Quarter explodes into your life with good intentions. Your nodal axis ignites with all the activity in Aries, Aquarius and Gemini. Air feeds Fire, and your passion for justice alternately flickers and burns strong over the next three months. Don’t sit on the sidelines. Righting injustice requires you to wield your own sword of truth and liberation. Late April through early June could spark inner tension and doubt as Mars moves through Cancer. Use these shadowboxing moments to gain strength and clarity about what you need to succeed. Keep your eye on the prize, and create an action plan to address obstacles. Summon courage and take the lead. Beware of codependent behaviors that sneak in when you least expect. Pay more attention to how well things work than to how they look or what others might think. Try something new this quarter. Tradition is no match for mavericks.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Law of Attraction comes into prominent play in Second Quarter 2021. April and May feature a lot of energy in your North Node sign — some of it potentially disruptive, with ongoing squares from Aquarius, too. Your Scorpio South Node already knows trauma drama, so focus attention on thriving no matter what. Taurus benefits from small, steady steps and habits. A daily mindfulness, yoga and/or breath practice will allow you to find and maintain your center, no matter what erupts around you. Learn to calm the volcano before it explodes. Yes, you know how to rise from the ashes, but you’ve already been there, done that. Focus on the finer things in life. You deserve quality in every area. If it requires determination, know you’re worth it. You don’t need to broadcast those desires. Few people can fathom your long term trajectory. Just keep going. Your sign ruler Venus comes home on April 14. Bask in her beauty, encouragement and love. Once you gather momentum, it carries you far.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Stay strong, my friends! Second Quarter 2021 helps you awaken from the nightmare into something fresh and more relaxed. Deception, trickery and duplicity bother you more than most North Node natives, because your Sagittarius South Node loves Truth with a capital T. The Truth. One life lesson involves learning to look at things from many angles, choosing to embrace things in the best possible way for you. If something’s not working, pivot a little to the left or right. Do this often enough, and life becomes a dance. Focus less on getting things “right” and more on play. Pay attention to synchronicities. Mercury the Messenger rules your North Node sign, and makes you extra adept at tracking clues. Get creative, even if you only delight yourself. Little things matter, especially if they help you move through negative feelings caused by focusing on what you don’t want. Whenever you fixate, turn your gaze to something else. Literally. Turn your head; move your eyes. Welcome the new insights this practice brings.

CANCER NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 involves some heavy lifting and hard work. If you feel burdened by caring for others, remember to pause for self-nurturing. Yes, you need this — especially when you think you don’t have time for it! Gather your spiritual tools and honor your changing moods and needs. This, too, shall pass. You have what it takes to do what must be done. If you allow for a more feminine, receptive approach, you’ll find support where you least expect. Moments of magic sneak into your awareness as you realize how all the elements converge to guide events. Lean into your emotions instead of trying to avoid them. Emotions bring raw energy, which can fuel desire and manifestation. When you align yourself with emotional tides, their flow carries you where you need to go. Invite quiet power and gentle commitment as you nurture new things into being. Breathe through any birth pangs, knowing the release will open space in the cosmic womb of creation. Sometimes you need to push, but you’re not alone anymore. Accept the support on offer.

LEO NORTH NODE: This next quarter is pivotal for Leo North Node natives, but you don’t control the timing. Major activations from the collective nodal axis in Gemini and Sagittarius, planets traversing your Aquarius South Node, and potent squares from all the activity in Taurus bring a sense of destiny and order as events unfold of their own accord. You still need to pay attention, because some of these energies create friction; however, any irritation will be productive and lead to more balanced living. Pay special attention to your physical and emotional bodies. When in doubt, choose moderation, because you could easily drive yourself too hard. No need to push, Leo! If your world feels upside down or inside out, recognize the temporary nature of these feelings. Even though you don’t know the exact how or when, slowly and surely, you’ve been building a more heartfelt foundation from which you can thrive and shine. As you gain clarity on old relationships and habits, relish moments to dance and play. Love is in the air — whether new love or a deeper love for your beautiful, radiant self. Open your heart and soak in the sunlight.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 brings creativity and hard work, but you’ll enjoy the process. It’s easy to get excited about something new, but you need to stick with it in order to reap the real benefits. Keep showing up, day by day, moment by moment, and those castles in the sky will take form in the here and now. Cultivate balance between daydreams and action. You need both in order to find success and satisfaction. Too much daydreaming leads to inaction. Keeping your nose to grindstone too long leads to burnout. Build in tiny breaks throughout your workday — moments of calm amidst the hustle bustle. Five minutes of chair yoga enhances overall productivity. Practice developing realistic expectations for yourself and others. Again, balance is key. Beware the pedestal that tips over and leads to disillusion. No one’s perfect. Troubleshooting and accurate assessments of strength and weakness help you to bring more of what you like into being. It’s OK to use your left brain sometimes! When married to the creative, intuitive side, that left brain brings accountability, punctuality and dreams come true. If you’ve slipped into old habits or addictions, get back on the wagon. Life flows better when you do.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: This next quarter brings activation from so many different angles that Libra North Node natives may need a time out to catch up. Practice patience as you view things from a new perspective. Your Aries South Node loves to rush in, but fast action is not always right action. Your mental realm of thought, words and intentions could undergo significant shifts from April thru June 2021. If you don’t know where you’re going, don’t just forge ahead. You’ll save time and heartache if you first allow yourself to integrate new information and experiences. Wise counsel from a trusted friend or elder may prove key to your success and happiness. Bring partners into any decisions that would affect them, too. Pay attention to dreams — especially “bad” ones. So called nightmares help you navigate challenges in your sleep so that you can move forward better in waking life. If something seems confusing or outrageous, ask for help and clarity. When possible, seek the middle way and compromise. Sometimes situations just need a little modification. Focus on bridge building. You do not need to burn bridges. If you lean into the astro energies this quarter, they’ll do a lot of the work for you. Peace in, peace out.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 brings golden opportunities, provided you move beyond Taurus South Node over-concern about finances, health, and security. Scorpio North Node natives resist change … and yet, of all the North Node signs, yours most thrives through change. Notice any tendencies to latch onto the worst case scenario. When you catch yourself doing this, affirm your intention to recognize and receive the blessings. All is not as it appears. Instead of cowering in fear, boldly explore better options. Like an alchemist transmuting baser metals into gold, that which no longer serves you will transform into deeper, richer, and more fulfilling life. Allow this process of rebirth to occur. You can’t stop the life force energy, but you can align with it. You can dance with change. You are strong, mysterious and magical. Like the phoenix, you rise from the ashes, again and again. This is life, the exuberant tulip bursting through soil as winter’s grip subsides. You have an uncanny ability to go deep and high, to contract and expand. You’re a supernova. Once you accept this about yourself, you will always find the light. You have spiritual protection, the best security force in the Universe.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: The world is at your feet! If you’ve felt cooped up this past year, get out and go somewhere. Travel helps you magnetize joy and abundance to your life. As the transiting South Node continues to make its way through your North Node sign, you might feel opposite to the collective experience. That’s OK. You need to follow your own intuitive guidance. Second Quarter 2021 brings opportunities for greater community, love and financial support. If it feels right to you, then don’t be afraid to commit to something that makes your heart sing. Just because the rest of the world remains in a kind of surreal pause doesn’t mean you need to fidget and twiddle your thumbs. This time, right now, offers rainbows and the proverbial pot of gold. Keep your eyes open and faith high. Seek Truth and allow yourself to believe in good things. Old contacts could resurface with positive results. If you hear from someone “out of the blue,” ask your angels to reveal the higher purpose of this connection. Destiny level transits are in play for you. Nothing’s random — pay attention to synchronicities. If you feel adrift, check out Robert Moss’s book, “The Three Only Things.”

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 brings a time of introspection and reflection. Notice any tension between your desires and opportunities to fulfill them. Pay attention to offers on the periphery of normal life. What seems insignificant or random right now deserves consideration. You might still opt for something more familiar, but do explore things outside your comfort zone. Your Cancer South Node gets triggered this quarter, which might make you feel more cautious than usual. If you feel the urge to run and hide, hang out for a little while longer. Breathe through any negative self talk, and focus on your gifts and skills. What do you already know? In which areas have you earned some authority? How can you feel more confident? Capricorn North Node natives are born leaders. As much as you enjoy hiding in your Cancer South Node shell, you’ll find fulfillment by accepting responsibility and putting yourself out there. You’ll also feel more secure as you gain self-sufficiency. Mature partnerships work for you, but beware of codependent relationships. Does someone make you feel small or insecure? Do you baby people instead of empowering them to stand on their own two feet? Honor your own and others’ natural growth process.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: The long beginning of a new cycle. With Saturn and Jupiter continuing in Aquarius, and a bunch of planets squaring from Taurus and trining from Gemini, Aquarius North Node natives activate throughout Second Quarter 2021. This process began on Winter Solstice 2020. Aquarius receives sudden inspiration, yet it’s a Fixed Sign. Aquarius is zany and unpredictable, but hopefully not foolhardy. Destiny’s smiling on you right now. Trust in the mantra “If not this, then something better.” You don’t need to jump at the first opportunity. Love, security, community, and a return to innocence are all on offer. Allow yourself to define these terms in unconventional ways. Ongoing nodal activations encourage new understanding of yourself in context to a larger whole. Aquarius is the Water Bearer. Consider what it means to bear water — to parched land or a thirsty stranger, to some cause that tugs on your heart. Focus on gratitude, especially in April. In what ways does your cup overflow? May asks you to explore connections with other beings. These could include people, as well as animals or your environment. How can you feel more integral to the web of life? June brings opportunities to release old injuries. Forgiveness of self and others frees and energizes you.

PISCES NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 brings a possibility of travel. If you feel blind right now, unable to see clearly, breathe through the anxiety. Focus on one breath at a time, following it in, then out, then in, then out. Pausing between each breath reminds you of the importance of sometimes not doing anything at all. Just observe. You can move into the unknown with Grace. You don’t always need to know your 5-year plan. Ground any nervous energy with regular exercise. Forget “no pain, no gain.” Instead, focus on whatever feels good to body and soul. Spend time in nature, roll out your yoga mat, or trance dance under the stars. Pay attention to younger people, or to younger iterations of yourself. What wisdom did you embody before you felt the need to grow up? Learn to wander and wonder. Recognize a Higher Power that moves through you with its own goals. As you align yourself with All That Is, you cleanse away those niggling should’s, but’s, and what if’s. Practice being here now, moment by moment. Again, follow your breath, pausing in between each breath. These potent pauses in life generate success. The more you focus on quieting your mind and tuning into your spirit, the wiser you become.

Full Moon in Libra ~ March 28, 2021

My March 2021 Forecast noted:

The March 28 Full Moon in Libra occurs opposite a tight conjunction of Sun, Venus and Chiron at 2:48 p.m. Eastern. This “Storm Moon” also occurs on Palm Sunday, which celebrates Jesus’ triumphant procession into Jerusalem. The joyful combo of Sun/Son, Goddess of Love and Beauty — conjunct Wounded Healer Chiron on a Full Moon, on the last Sunday before Easter — foreshadows the pietà. Read: exuberant joy, followed by grief, then some sort of resurrection. In the Christian tradition, Holy Week runs the full gamut of emotions. This Full Moon is exactly quincunx the rebel liberator Uranus in Taurus. It implies celebration, followed by an unexpected cleansing, redemption and healing. All tempered by Love.

Two other players join the mix: Trans-Neptunian-Object (TNO) Logos conjunct the Full Moon in Libra, and Asteroid Kassandra conjunct the Sun, Venus and Chiron in Aries.

Logos means “The Word” and represents rational thought, Truth and Order, as well as “the rational motivation behind something.” (More on Logos here.) I find this an interesting conjunction with the typically irrational Moon. The idea of Truth and Order also brings nuances with the sign Libra symbolized by the balanced scales of Justice.

In Greek mythology, Kassandra (or Cassandra) was a priestess of Apollo who spoke true prophecies that no one believed. This curse hurt both Kassandra and those who refused to listen to her warnings. Conjunct Venus, the Sun and Chiron, this Kassandra placement could shine love, light and healing on previously discarded prophecies. On the other hand, the wound and isolation (Chiron) of speaking a truth that no one believes (Kassandra) could increase by glossing over truth with just a superficial (Venus) nod.

Astrology reveals the archetypes and their alignments, but as with any party, we cannot know for sure how all the guests will behave! We can say with certainty that this Full Moon brings potential for healing by speaking the Truth in Love. Energies favor logical explanations for feelings, and revealed prophecies in context of a triumphant return.

If you’re the black sheep of your family and want to reconnect, this might be a good weekend to try. It would also be a good time for journaling, forgiveness of self and others, and turning towards the past for inspiration. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is:


KEYNOTE: The need to return to source during a confused search for new value in a chaotic society. (More here.)

The connection to an art gallery jumped out at me, because the February 27, 2021 Full Moon in Virgo also dealt with art, in that case “AN EXPRESSIONIST PAINTER AT WORK.” The Full Moon in Libra focuses on “‘OLD MASTERS’ hanging on the wall of a special room in an art gallery.” To me, this speaks of creation and progression. Not just any old artists, but “old masters” from whom new artists (or leaders) can draw inspiration and create new forms tied to old ones.

This honoring of art and old masters fits well with the energies of 2021’s main astrological signature — Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus.

Collectively, we feel tensions between tradition and revolution. With each planet in signs the other would feel more comfortable in, this tension could play out as paradox. Sometimes people rebel by being more traditional, not less. Sometimes revolutionaries push for change that leads to greater, not fewer restrictions. Not all revolutions bring freedom. Not all coups bring oppression. This jousting between old and new, progressive and conservative, innovative and traditional runs all year, and in complex ways.

We can’t expect easy answers, but this Full Moon could encourage more balanced discussion. Perhaps Logos will temper some of the lunar emotional flare-ups.

In his Sabian Symbol for Libra 9, Dane Rudhyar goes on to note: At this fourth stage of the thirty-eighth sequence it is suggested that in the process of “Transfiguration” the presence of the greatest moments of the past is called upon, as Moses and Elijah were invoked in Jesus’ Transfiguration. The seed of the new day depends upon the seed of yesteryear for an experience of the cyclic continuity of spirit. This is the basis for the institutionalized ideal of APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION, the guruampara (an uninterrupted chain of gurus) of Indian tradition. (More here.)

“Transfiguration” refers to Jesus as he became radiant in glory on the mountain in front of his disciples, Peter, John and James. Moses and Elijah appear next to Jesus, and they all talk together. I mention this, because it further echoes the Logos and Kassandra conjunctions. Moses represents the Law, and Elijah represents the Prophets. I don’t know how this will play out, but I pay attention to double whammy symbols. You could even call it a triple whammy in that the Full Moon occurs on Palm Sunday, another key Biblical moment of “recognition.”

The Transfiguration, by Raphael, 1520

As always, how this Full Moon affects you depends on your natal chart, as well as on what levels you choose to engage these energies. In a world grown increasingly shrill and hysterical, this weekend offers a chance to explain actions, to speak the Truth in Love, and to heal through a delicate balance of rational, intuitive, emotional and prophetic awareness.

We won’t figure it all out all at once. The story unfolding through the sky and in ourselves transcends easy explanations on any one level. We can keep paying attention, though. We can open our minds and hearts to possibilities of strange occurrences in dimensions beyond what we see with our 3D eyes. We can honor our own roles as co-creators, and we can explore our own rules, regulations and desires for revolution.

We can also commit to shining in our own most authentic, loving ways. When we radiate our inner truth in the world’s darkness, one by one, we light up the world. And each other. We are interconnected in ways we can’t yet fully fathom.

Happy Full Moon! Love and blessings to all.

March 2021 Specials

One week left for these March Specials. The Reiki one will for sure change next month. I’m still discerning whether or not to run the Three for Two again in April.

Laura Bruno's Blog

As always, I intuit which specials to offer each month. Given the amount of stress I’m hearing from people, I thought it was time to bring back the $77 Reiki Special. Stress suppresses immune function and makes life seem like a long, un-magical slog. Reiki not only eases stress, but it seems to smooth out the rough patches, opening people to living a more magical, synchronous life. Our unusual times offer a huge opportunity to level up. Reiki brings the energetic support to do just that.

The other special this month comes via multiple requests for it.


$77 Reiki Special

Save $8 off the usual rate for an hour of long distance Reiki, an ancient healing method rediscovered in the 19th century by the Japanese monk Dr. Mikao Usui. The “Rei” in Reiki stands for “universal” or” spiritual,” and the “ki” corresponds to the “life force energy”…

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The Silence Is Gone! It’s time to Speak!

Happy Spring! This Vernal Equinox marks the start of a new astrological year, and it begins with the Sun conjunct Venus, Goddess of Love. May we each bring forth our deepest love and shine that boldly into the world.

This is a lovely sharing from my sweet friend, Sue, acknowledging both the challenges and the opportunities of birthing a new reality into being. Much love!

Dreamwalker's Sanctuary

Hello my faithful friends who have stood by and who now read my words. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your thoughts and the energy that you have sent my family and I.  You do not know how much I have appreciated the support of good friends as we now navigate through the most important time in our planet’s history.   I have needed this pause… The longest pause I have ever taken since I began blogging, some Fourteen years since 2007, when I began my quest here on Dreamwalker’s Sanctuary.  

Many of us have over the years been navigating our own inner tunnels as we have dove deep within ourselves, exposing our inner wounding, and letting go of our own dark shadows .. We do that by bringing them up to the surface, and as we face them, we heal the wounds of the…

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Fairies in the News

This is the leprechaun cobbler post I looked for yesterday. It used to have a photo of me looking very much like a leprechaun myself; however, that photo evaporated from my blog. Here’s the post minus the photo — only mentioning because the comments mention it. I still wear and love my faery combat boots, nearly six years later.

Laura Bruno's Blog

It always warms my heart when mainstream media redeems itself by reporting on the Fae. Indeed, both The Guardian and the BBC have given real coverage to a high controversy in Wayford Woods:

“Trustees say cherished elfin estate of up to 200 front doors, in Wayford woods, Crewkerne, is gobbling up too many tree trunks – and the spritely speculation must be hobbled.”

No, this is not a spoof but an actual debate about the pro’s and con’s of limiting the over-development of an elfin forest. Living in a home in which we are fast approaching the manifest destiny of portal doors, I completely understand the dilemma. After my next door arrives on March 28th, I really will need to make some adjustments, perhaps switching only to canvases lining our stairwell, since, alas, too many faery doors really can overwhelm a space! You can read two delightful, yet serious…

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X-Files, Owls, Faeries and Soft Disclosure

A friend wished me Happy Leprechaun Day, and I said, “I like that. I might swipe it for a St. Patty’s Day post, if you don’t mind.”

She said, “Of course not, the little guys would love it!”

So … Happy Leprechaun Day!

I searched my blog for “Leprechaun” because I know I shared about a real life Leprechaun experience I had involving a pair of boots. I keep dreaming of shoes and boots, so I know that post will appear sometime. Apparently, THIS post wants to go up again.

For all those people who ask me about resources regarding Faeries, ETs, and UFOs, here you go … recommended resources as of February 2016.

Laura Bruno's Blog

Today’s post began one way, and then turned into a compilation of resources:

Here’s an interesting and thoughtful piece from Rebecca Hardcastle Wright called, “What’s Beneath ET Disclosure: Were We Lab Rats?” — definitely worth a read now that the new X-Files, Hillary, Podesta, all manner of experiencers and the New Age cavalry seem to be pushing a soft disclosure of ET presence. As an ironic rule, I don’t make firm conclusions, really not in any area, but especially not this one. Rebecca asks herself some difficult questions, yet her conclusion reminds me of something I notice in so many other areas these days — no matter what the original intent and real or imagined existence of would-be overlords, people continue to free themselves from the maze.

In addition to Rebecca’s article, I highly recommend Mike Clelland’s new book, “The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee,” which I’ve reviewed

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New Moon in Pisces: March 13, 2021

March 13 brings a New Moon in Pisces at 5:21 a.m. Eastern US time. My March Forecast noted:

Pisces is the sign of the mystic. We can use this month’s reset to reaffirm our individual place within the bigger picture. As the poet Kabir said, “All know that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.” This New Moon conjuncts the Sun, Venus and Neptune, a heartfelt portal to bring dreams and fantasies to life.

In addition, the New Moon at 23 Pisces also conjuncts asteroid Iris at 20 Pisces and the Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO) Borasisi at 25 Pisces. In conjunction with Neptune at 20 Pisces, this cluster suggests a potential for revelations about deception. Of the major planets, Neptune rules the collective unconscious, dreams and higher spirituality, but also addictions, delusions and deception. Iris and Borasisi also deal with illusions and delusions — either their revelation or willful continuation. I don’t usually pay attention to these objects, but they caught my eye when I viewed a more detailed ephemeris.

Iris is Goddess of the Rainbow, a bringer of messages. According to

Like Mercury, Iris bridges two worlds, carries the Caduceus, and connects to the underworld. Iris is the marriage of water with air, since her father was a marine god and her mother a cloud nymph, she could travel through air and water with ease and is depicted with wings.

Asteroid Iris astrologically shows up liars through the element of water. This could be through cleansing, tears that well up out of nowhere or even alcohol. Iris is not really the one who punishes, that would be Jupiter’s and Juno’s job, but she is the goddess of revelation. In ones chart, Iris will show where you cannot succeed in lying.

According to :

Borasisi is the name of the solar creation deity, also an actual sun of the fictional world, which forms the basis of a religious cult in Kurt Vonnegut’s 1963 novel “Cat’s Cradle.” The religion is a conscious collection of lies told to oneself in order to be happy, beliefs purposely adhered to although they are understood to be falsehoods. The themes of the book revolve around lies told in the name of religion, and the scientific quest for knowledge which threatens religious faith. The name Borasisi was given to a TNO, or Trans-Neptunian Object, in the Kuiper Belt region of the solar system, near Pluto.

Astrologically, Borasisi represents deception of all types, though especially those perpetrated by or in the name of religion. It relates to illusion and delusion, particularly conscious self-delusion, as well as the dangers of technological excess.

At the time of the New Moon, the Sun and Moon integrate light and dark, rational and intuitive — right in the middle of this cluster. If we lean into Venus as the Goddess of Love and Neptune’s expression of Higher Love, this gateway offers a huge opportunity for breaking through illusions and speaking the Truth in Love.

Asteroid Isis at 24 Pisces adds to the potential for healing through truth and integration. Isis is the Goddess of Motherhood and Healing. She gathers together all the pieces of her dead husband Osiris and brings him back to life in a different form. She represents powerful regeneration, Divine Feminine, Sacred Wisdom and Mystery.

How this potent conjunction from 19-25 Pisces plays out will depend on how consciously we interact with the energies. In a world that feels increasingly surreal, revelations could come, yet people still refuse to see that the Emperor has no clothes.

On the other hand, we can each pray for discernment. Open ourselves to seeing, speaking and hearing the Truth in Love. Allow ourselves to receive the dreamy New Moon energies and engage them in a healing, regenerative way.

As the storm clears, a rainbow appears.

My Very Own Technicolor Dreamcoat

Today features another roundabout blend of dreams into 3D-ality. This dream seems so symbolic on so many levels that I knew I would eventually share it. I did not expect to have it amped up by the Cosmic Costume Designer. Someone likes to get my attention by tickling my funny bone. The story begins back in August 2020 when I had the following dreams:

“My Technicolor Dreamcoat”

In and out of sleep all night. Kept dreaming of large gatherings, parties, and I would receive an index card or a regular greeting card. Whenever I turned over or opened a card, Uranus would pop out. There would be a glyph of Uranus or an image. Message was big change on the way. _____ was also in the dream. She, too, was “relocating” and needing to sort through her life. Something about wallpaper selection.

Look up wallpaper in dreams since it was also in the owl/raccoon/shaman dream where the evergreens were down.

End of dream, I was sorting through my closet, wanting to give away clothes. I found a rainbow colored very long coat that I did not remember buying or wearing. I wanted to give it away but then realized it was REALLY valuable. It was my own version of Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors. Seems to be telling me my dreams are valuable. Do not discard the messages or the messenger.

Bible verse flip calendar: August 9: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze.” ~ Isaiah 43:1-2

“It’s Time”

Fell back into quasi sleep with alarm set for an hour. Put Merlinite on solar plexus and asked for guidance. Dream state reviewed past day’s dreams and concluded, “It’s time.” Right at that moment the alarm went off.

END of dream journal.

Some Biblical Context:

For anyone wondering about the Bible verse flip calendar reference: sometime in 2020, dreams and synchronicities led me to order a little calendar that features a Bible verse a day. I keep this on the coffee table where I record my dreams into my dream journal and later type them into my laptop. It doesn’t always happen — but it often does — where flipping to that morning’s Bible verse either confirms my dream interpretation or provides additional context about a less clear dream. I use it as a synchronous, Biblical “gloss” for deeper dream analysis, and it works uncannily well.

Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors refers to a story I learned as a little girl in Sunday School. Others know this story from a Broadway Musical called “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.” Many of the Bible prophets dream, but Joseph is arguably the biggest dreamer in the Bible. I hadn’t thought of Joseph in a long time, but when I was little, whenever some of my dreams came true, my mom called me “Joseph” or she’d say, “Laura needs her coat of many colors.”

According to

The Bible Story of Joseph, from the Book of Genesis, is one of heroic redemption and forgiveness. Joseph was the most loved son of his father, Israel [aka Jacob], given the famous robe of many colors. When Joseph reported having dreams of his brothers, and even the stars and moon, bowing before him, their jealousy of Joseph grew into action.  The brothers sold him into slavery to a traveling caravan of Ishmaelites who took him to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar, the captain of Pharaoh’s guard.

In Egypt, the Lord’s presence with Joseph enables him to find favor with Potiphar and the keeper of the prison.  With God’s help, Joseph interprets the dreams of two prisoners, predicting that one of them will be reinstated but the other put to death.  Joseph then interprets the dreams of the Pharaoh, which anticipate seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. Pharaoh recognizes Joseph’s God-given ability and prompts his promotion to the chief administrator of Egypt.

Shortage of food in Canaan forces Jacob to send his sons to buy grains from the Egyptians.  Benjamin, Joseph’s younger brother remains at home as Jacob fears losing him, as he did Joseph.  When Joseph finally encounters his brothers again, he deliberately conceals his identity. (More here, including the original Genesis 37.)

From a position of great power, Joseph faces his brothers again, the ones who sold him into slavery. As his dreams indicated, they now bow to him, needing his help, but not realizing who he is. He tests their character and eventually saves them from famine. He forgives them for selling him into slavery, acknowledging this experience as part of his life path.

“The life of Joseph gives a testament of the sovereignty and grace of God for those who live faithfully and righteously. Despite being sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph remained faithful and trusted in God to deliver him from tribulation. Additionally, this story shows how God’s plan may not be obvious to our limited perspective but indeed ‘all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.'” (More here.)

In my dream, I saw the multicolored robe in my closet. It looked kind of ugly yet beautiful, funky and mysterious. I couldn’t recall buying it, and I almost tossed it into the donation pile. Recognizing it in the dream as my very own technicolor dreamcoat jolted me into an awareness of the value of these dreams, even the ones I don’t like. The appearance of a dreamcoat within a dream seemed like a powerful symbol just on its own. Like a megaphone yelling, “Attention: you have prophetic dreams. Pay attention! They contain valuable messages and insights.”

Now this post starts jumping around in non-linear dream fashion.

Birthday and Pholus context:

My sweet Faery Twin Tania Marie and my “Soul Bro” Mitch share the same February 26th birthday. This date happens to coincide with the Sun conjuncting my natal Pholus (small thing, BIG EFFECT). I have a very active Pholus in my natal chart, because it conjuncts my Mars and exactly sextiles my North Node. My small thing, BIG EFFECT trigger links directly to destiny level events and friendships.

On February 26, 2020, I had an emotionally brutal dream that took me a week to recover from. I remember the date because it happened to be Tania and Mitch’s birthday. The dream wasn’t a nightmare. It contained a detailed “suggestion” of how to handle — and a devastating “demonstration” of how NOT to handle — a coming challenge.

Many elements of that dream appeared in “real” life the following day and week, including that a client of mine shared a dream with overlapping details. This is one of several overlapping dreams we’ve shared in similar time frames, and whenever that occurs, I pay extra attention to the dream. I was already paying close attention due to the emotional intensity and vivid imagery, but seeing a literal billboard two days later with a verbatim key message of the dream, followed by having a client reiterate other dream symbols, marked this as a dream I needed to address.

I’ve spent a year plus of additional dreams, synchronicities and actions tending to the messages of that February 26, 2020 dream. Many, many, so many more dreams have since played out in “real” life.

Fast forward a year later to February 26, 2021, the Eve of the Full Moon in Virgo. This Full Moon occurred opposite my Pholus and Mars. In other words, the Sun highlighted my natal planet of action (Mars) and my Pholus (small thing, BIG EFFECT) as the Moon opposed them. In my write up about this Full Moon, I described a potent Yod (aka Finger of God) pointing to the Full Moon, with Saturn and Chiron as the base. I shared:

This setup suggests a powerful opportunity for healing, leadership, and mentoring. Chiron was not only a wounded healer; he raised Asclepius — the god of medicine — and taught him how to heal. Virgo is a sign of service, symbolized by the vestal virgin “keepers of the flame.” Chiron in Aries sextile Saturn in Aquarius focuses this devotion and healing around the rightful place of individuals within the larger community. This Full Moon highlights what we independently need for personal healing, in tension with changes to traditions and structures that support the greater good.

The Sun at 8°57′ Pisces offers a release point. Pisces evokes the bigger picture and a dissolution of ego. As much as we wrestle with the big questions, sometimes we need to ‘let go and let God.’ When in doubt, say a prayer and sleep on it!

The release point of the Full Moon Yod landed right between my natal Mars and Pholus — a potent activation.

That morning (February 26, 2021), I awoke with no dream recall, but instead, instructions to look up two dreams from January 2020. Searching for these dreams proved a jaw-dropping exercise, as I read through those and the surrounding dreams. I couldn’t believe how many seemingly random details of those dreams ended up playing out in precise ways, months, even more than a year later. Reading these dreams sparked a series of 12:34 synchronicities, including the alarm on our air fryer going off right at the moment I finished re-reading a 1234-dream-related email from January 2020.


This happens more than you might think, where an alarm goes off right at a key moment, often related to dreams. (It even occurred on August 9, 2020, as described above.) On February 26, 2021, this caught my attention in a triple whammy way because of the double 12:34 plus alarm synchronicity, which followed an avalanche of confirmed precognitive dreams. The day continued in a magical way, and towards evening, something whispered, “Go on the Anthropologie website and check out their sales page. Right now.”

I went to the other room, got on my laptop and looked up the site. The first thing I saw on the “Freshly Cut” sales page was an exact replica of the dreamcoat I found in my dream closet! I mean exact.

“Open the link. Check it out.”

I looked at the “Pilcro Dreamer Striped Duster” and marveled at how it looked exactly like the mysterious technicolor dreamcoat I found in my August 9, 2020 dream. In case I had any doubts, “Dreamer” in the title confirmed the allusion. I hadn’t thought of that thing in months, but there it was! As in my dream, at first, I thought “Hmmmm, not sure how often I’d wear this.” It also seemed expensive, as items on Anthropologie often are. It was marked way down, but still more than I would pay for it.

“Put it in your cart. Go ahead. Just put it in your cart.”

That little nagging seemed insistent, so I added the Pilcro Dreamer Striped Duster to my cart. Then I did a double-take. The price dropped by another 25%.

Right then several people emailed me about the Full Moon, which reminded me of my Mars/Pholus activation. I emailed and texted a few people, including two I had told about the original dream:

Do you remember awhile back I had a dream about having a “technicolor dreamcoat” ? … Anyway, I had the dream about this distinctive technicolor dreamcoat, which is what Joseph — the dreamer who interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams — wore in the Bible. …

Several linked things led me to this site tonight that is normally crazy expensive, but sometimes I catch good sales. I landed on the exact coat from my dream! It was already marked down but ended up being even less than marked because they’re taking an additional 25% off sale items tonight. So! I bought myself the technicolor dreamcoat of my actual dream.

It’s ugly/cool/beautiful in a very boho way … but mostly, I had to get it because it’s so distinctive and EXACTLY like the coat I found in my closet in my dream. Of all the people I know … I should have one. My mom used to joke about this with me when I was little. To see this exact, very unusual thing available and on sale, after all the wild sync’s earlier today is … wow.

Also, today’s Bible verse flip calendar is:

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything; tell God your needs, and don’t forget to thank him for his answers.” ~ Philippians 4:6

Um, thank you for the answers! Happy Full Moon!

At the time of the August 9 dream, I recognized this as a sign — “Wow, I have a technicolor dreamcoat in my dreams; that’s a message that I have prophetic dreams.” But to have it confirmed and appear, at half price, on the Full Moon whose release point is right between my Pholus and Mars … a coat of many colors, symbolic of the biggest prophetic dreamer of the Bible…

It’s beyond the beyond. I am SOOOOO grateful for the difference a year has made. So grateful for all of this, including the overall message of the Joseph story: “all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

I wrote the Precognitive Blues Series to share some of the blessings and challenges of precognition, including dreams that often come true. I continue to receive some challenging messages through my dreams, but I feel so much better prepared for whatever and whenever the bigger dream themes collide with reality. I’ve also seen SUCH amazing blessings in dreams, and many of those have already occurred. The dreamcoat’s appearance seems to say the rest will, too.

I feel so much gratitude for my Dream Guys and for that Cosmic Costume Designer with a great sense of humor. If I were a Marvel character, dreaming would be my superpower and this would be my outfit:

Blessed Be … and be the blessing! Much love to all ….