Posts Tagged ‘Healing’

Interview: Healing Oneself and Others with Laura Bruno on The Spirit World Center Podcast

I’m so excited to share this interview with you! Eric from The Spirit World Center Podcast and I had a fabulous conversation in late November, and it’s finally live. You can listen here.

Episode Description

Do owls hold healing powers? Laura Bruno joins the podcast to discuss her life of synchronicities and healing. Have you ever had many random people constantly coming up to you asking for advice? Or how about being told multiple times that your “doppelganger” already visited people you have never met before? Laura has had plenty of these experiences, and more! We explore the car accident that transformed her life and led her to fully embrace her spiritual path. We delve into her experience of healing her brain injury through Reiki and holistic approaches, reality-warping migraines, an owl that visited her continually as she healed, adventures in mysticism, and the power of “surrender”. We also talk about Laura’s powerful precognitive dreams and her deep practice of astrology.

Laura Bruno is a psychic, intuitive coach, medical intuitive, and professional astrologer.




Note: The views and opinions expressed by guests on the Spirit World Center Podcast do not necessarily represent those of the Spirit World Center or its staff.




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For anyone having trouble listening on Spotify, they also share The Spirit World Center Podcast on other platforms. You can find those listed here.

New Moon in Capricorn ~ December 23, 2022

My December 2022 Forecast shared:

December 23 New Moon in Capricorn, 5:16 a.m. Eastern US time. This New Moon occurs less than an hour after Chiron stations Direct in Aries. We’ve got a stellium with Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto all in Capricorn. All that Capricorn energy brings sombre realizations and a desire for stability. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon point is: THREE ROSE WINDOWS IN A GOTHIC CHURCH, ONE DAMAGED BY WAR. The damaged cathedral still stands, but Chiron Direct seeks healing after violence and destruction.

Dane Rudhyar’s full Sabian Symbol seems relevant to a world facing war and violence on international and domestic levels:


KEYNOTE: The necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration.

It seems obvious that the interpretation of this symbol should refer to the disruptive consequences of war. The “chief” who claimed power from his tribe in order to lead or save it must reckon with the consequences of a too-impulsive use of this power in terms of violence. The integration he seeks to maintain or enhance may be partially destroyed if in his ambition he yearns to be the victorious war leader glorified by his people. A “rose window” is not absolutely essential to a cathedral, yet it symbolizes that through which the “light of the Spirit” enters into the edifice. Man’s soul is said to be three-fold. Which part of man’s inner trinity of principles tends to be destroyed by the use of violence? Evidently the principle of love and compassion.

This second stage symbol is in contrast to the preceding one because it opposes the power to destroy to the power to build. The “capital” of group-energies is partially squandered in armaments and death. WASTE is the opposite of group-integration.

This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol could apply to many current situations and issues. It comes as a warning to lean into peaceful rather than violent revolution. In our individual lives, as well as the collective, we need to temper our desire for change so as not to cause unnecessary harm. Frustration shouts, “Burn it all down!” in contrast to the careful, slower building of something new. Capricorn brings nebulous things into tangible form. There’s a lot floating around the ethers right now. We need to focus on what we want to create, so as not to waste our chance for peaceful and easier upgrades.

modified from original chart pulled

Chiron stations Direct in Aries at the same degree as the April 1, 2022 New Moon. (Remember, we always round up for Sabian Symbols.) This 12 Aries degree evokes Cosmic Order. A higher principle operates beyond everyday concerns. Both then and now, there are many things moving in unseen realms. Chiron in Aries deals with wounds to the ego, the Self, and confidence. It can also manifest as depression, discouragement and fears that prevent us from igniting passion and forging ahead. Look back to April 1, 2022 for clues about which patterns and issues might arise for further healing in your life.

[UPDATE: If you were to click through the link to the April 1, 2022 New Moon post, that would give another major layer of context to Chiron stationing Direct in Aries. I give a little information in this post, but it’s a rabbit hole. If I have to show ALL my math, I will never get through astrology posts, because they always link into earlier times, kind of like how my Dream Guys will give me a dream with a symbol. I’ll say, “Wait! I had another dream with that same symbol.” Then I look up that dream, and it’s totally relevant for today’s message. Anyway, if you want more insights into the Chiron portion of this New Moon, check out the April 1 post, too. Otherwise, just know it raises potential for healing and cosmic order.] 

The stellium in Capricorn (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Pluto) urges us to make goals, improve structures and solidify our values. Challenges could arise as we attempt to reach those goals, because this New Moon features a Cardinal Grand Cross. There are many players!

First, the New Moon conjuncts asteroid Hygiea and TNO Ixion in Capricorn. Hygiea’s presence suggests an opportunity for healing, and this healing potential gets amplified by Chiron stationing Direct in Aries. Hygiea is the daughter of Aesclepius, the Greek god of medicine. Chiron is a centaur who embodies the Wounded Healer archetype. He also teaches others how to heal. This New Moon offers a chance to cleanse old wounds and practice good energy hygiene. Brush off negative encounters–literally, sweep down each arm past your fingertips, then shake off the energy.

Ixion brings more complex energy to the conjunction. According to Alex’s Astrology, “Astrologically, Ixion represents ingratitude; the violation of social norms of conduct; being offered a second chance, only to waste it; betrayal; and murder, often prominent in the charts of murderers or homicides.” Ixion was the first murderer. When given a chance to change, Ixion doubled down and tried to betray Zeus. As punishment, “Zeus expelled Ixion from Olympus, ordering him bound to a fiery, rotating wheel in the heavens, where he was forced to eternally utter the phrase, ‘you should be grateful to your benefactor.’”

The combination of Hygiea and Ixion reminds us that gratitude forms an important component of healing. If you’ve messed up and receive a second chance, don’t waste it! Make the change. Give credit where credit’s due, and make sure you thank those who’ve helped you along the way.

Moving on to the Squares: this New Moon squares Jupiter at 0°15′ Aries, as well as Ceres, Osiris and Dionysus in 0-1° Libra. Those three oppose Jupiter in Aries while squaring Sun/Moon/Hygiea/Ixion in Capricorn. Jupiter just began a new cycle, having crossed the World Axis only three days prior. We call this a Cardinal T-square, and it puts tremendous tension on the Capricorn New Moon point.

Jupiter expands everything he touches, and he just crossed the World Axis. That indicates a collective component, even though Jupiter is in the sign of the individual. All the asteroids in Libra deal in some way with love, loss, death, and regeneration. Again, this ties into the Sabian Symbol of the New Moon: THREE ROSE WINDOWS IN A GOTHIC CHURCH, ONE DAMAGED BY WAR. A spiritual component creates friction, “war” or “death,” which lead to healing that arises from our loss.

For some reason, I keep seeing Robin Wood’s Five of Pentacles card:

It’s not an exact match, but it seems similar to me. In Tarot, the Five of Pentacles doesn’t feel good, but things aren’t as bad as they seem. The wounded man could go into the warmly lit church. He lost half his leg, but he remains standing. His staff allows him to walk. A bandage covers one eye, but he can still see through the other one. Even in the direst circumstances, gratitude summons and generates other possibilities. This card can also signify “lovers who cannot find a meeting place.” I’m seeing a lot of that right now, as the Universe appears to be orchestrating a bunch of new relationships–but not quite yet.

Completing a Cardinal Grand Cross, this New Moon in Capricorn exactly opposes Bienor in Cancer. Zane Stein shares this about Bienor:

On Amable’s blog, Transneptunian Astrology, there are some interesting observations about Bienor: “This Centaur is conected to the self-organization of elements in a chaotic system. That means sincronicity or unusual conections of destiny between people or objects, like in the movies “Serendipity” (2001), “Only You” (1994), “Final Destination” (Part 1, 2000; Part 2, 2003; Part 3, 2006; Part 4, 2009), at the end of the movie “What lies beneath” (2000), “Pay It Forward” (2000), “The Perfect Storm” (2000), “Intersection” (1994) and “Jaws” (1975).

Hmmmmm …. “Self organization of elements in a chaotic system.” Synchronicity! Despite potential for war, death and destruction, a Higher Order pervades this New Moon. The Bienor in Cancer point soothes some of the pain and suffering, turning discord into something aligned with the Highest Good of All. Watch for uncanny coincidences, dreams and dreamlike events in waking life. Healing is available.

I’ll leave you with Jeremiah 29:11, which also keeps running through my mind as I write this post: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

We’ve made it this far. We will move through this collective Near Death Experience and find healing and renewal. Watch for miracles. They can and do happen at any moment.


Caroline Myss ~ Choices that Can Change Your Life

Some great wisdom from Caroline Myss about the power of choice: Caroline goes over five potent choices that will change everything. This is tough love from one of the wisest healers and teachers of our time, the author of “Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can” — a must listen for anyone with chronic health issues:

Lee Harris ~ Energy Update, Invite Peace & Connect

This is an important energy update from Lee Harris, which echoes what I have sensed in my own life, as well as themes during sessions. I have been very busy with sessions and teaching various public and private classes, so I’ve not had time to post about current energies. As usual, Lee is spot on. This video will especially support anyone in process of summoning big life changes, working on creative projects, and/or reevaluating relationships. Here’s Lee:

The Ever Present Now

I left this as a comment on a different site, but decided to bump it up here:

What’s really cool is that since all time is now, you can actually alter the “past” — from your immediate experience of “this” moment in “time,” shifting the previous experience [of] even extremely traumatic events into ones with less sharp teeth or Velcro claws. You can do this with highly imaginative focus, but some tools and techniques make it easier to do so:

The NOD Rune, for example, helps to lift one out of the trap of linear cause and effect. The Distant Healing Symbol taught in Reiki Level 2 helps to send energy to distant points in space and/or time. A Reiki Healing Attunement, particularly if done over symbols or photographs you associate with that time or event, can radically shift how that event played out and thereby shift your experienced Now. This works really well on individual experiences, but with sufficient imagination and connection, it can also alter more collective trajectories. I’ve witnessed this many times. Artwork, too, can form a powerful bridge among past, present and future. Getting into the creative mindset and consciously selecting symbols designed to trigger your own SUBconscious into desired effects helps to bridge not only time but also create new realities. You can also dance out trauma, disappointment and perceived stuckness. Dancing reallllly moves energy!

However you feel and whatever you believe about the supposed “Moon Matrix,” you can utilize the Moon in reality modifcation. The waxing phase supports any desired increase. The waning phase supports any desired decrease. The New/Dark Moon is perfect for burying things — either to lay them to rest, or like planting seeds. The Full Moon lends extreme power to intentions. This is not all woo-woo stuff. Think of how the Moon moves the tides and bear in mind that we are largely made of water. All tools can be used for good or ill, for creation or destruction. Use them wisely and responsibly, and they pay big dividends in the ever present Now as it radiates back, forward and in ripples throughout “time.”

Awareness of the eternal Now is important, but so is the corollary step — finding empowering ways to incorporate that awareness for healing and regeneration. 🙂

9/11: The Mother of All Big Lies

“I was listening to the local KQED “public radio” broadcast today and not even one slight HINT or inference that 9/11 was anything but what we’ve been brainwashed and “propaganda-ized” to beLIEve.  It’s encouraging to see so many stories starting to break through the thick walls of controlled media, and public denial and unconsciousness.  One day soon, there will be no way forward for the media, other than to report the TRUTH and the FACTS.  Let people think what they will, but at least…get the facts of all sides, out there.  That will require the factions and cabals be brought down somehow.  It will be a FUN SHOW, no doubt!  There was a time when we who “know” thought we were insane and even doubted our own research…  but there are so many of us that know, have known and are finding out now, that there is comfort in numbers.  I use the public guide as a “consciousness indicator”.  The longer it takes for John Q. Public to wake up, the more extreme and dramatic the new wave of False Flags…  it must be quite a huge power trip to know that you’ve been pulling off the biggest heists and scandals/lies, tragedies, right under the public’s noses…and all you have to do is show a family BBQ and a red, white and blue flag and say, “Got Patriotism?”  
S A D.
“It’s really tragic to hear the drums of war beating AGAIN, now from Obama…  the cabal(s) won’t rest until the planet is completely submerged in controls, death and submission.  That much we can be assured of:  if we do not awaken to what’s happening, the events WILL become larger, more incomprehensible and fear full.” ~ Lance White (and I agree) introducing this article to his readers:

9/11: The Mother of All Big Lies

by Stephen Lendman911

They’re an American tradition. They date from the republic’s inception. Notable ones began in the mid-19th century.

They facilitated annexing Texas. Half of Mexico followed. America became Cuba’s colonial power.

Controlling the Philippines, Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Canal Zone, Puerto Rico and other territories followed.

In 1917, Woodrow Wilson manipulated public sentiment. He did so with Big Lies.

They turned most Americans into raging German haters. Big Lies work this way. Wilson got the war he wanted.

FDR manipulated Japan to attack Pearl Harbor. Doing so let him wage war.

He had to convince Congress and a pacifist public to go along.

What better way than by manufacturing terror.

Washington and Seoul conspired against Pyongyang. Numerous 1949/1950 cross-border incursions provoked its June response. Truman got the war he wanted.

War against North Vietnam followed the fake August 1964 Gulf of Tonkin incident. Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Doing so authorized war without declaring it.

Reagan’s 1983 Grenada invasion had nothing to do with rescuing US medical students. It was about replacing leftist New Jewel Movement governance with pro-Western stooge allies.

In December 1989, manufactured incidents precipitated America’s Panama invasion. Former US ally Manuel Noriega was deposed. At issue was forgetting who’s boss.

In August 1990, Washington colluded with Kuwait’s al-Sabah monarchy. Saddam Hussein was entrapped to invade.

In January 1991, the Gulf War followed. Over two decades of sanctions, war, occupation, and destruction of the “cradle of civilization” followed.

It bears repeating. 9/11 is the mother of all Big Lies. Thirteen years of imperial wars followed.

They continue. One country after another is targeted. Ravaging, destroying, colonizing, exploiting and controlling them reflect official US policy.

Homeland wars target Muslims, people of color, Latino immigrants and working Americans.

Award-winning author David Ray Griffin researched 9/11 exhaustively. He did so in 10 books, many articles and lectures. He provided vital evidence too important to ignore.

In April 2006, he discussed “9/11: The Myth and the Reality,” saying:

“It would seem, for many reasons, that the official story of 9/11, which has served as a religious Myth in the intervening years (and still does), is a myth in the pejorative sense of a story that does not correspond to reality.”

In September 2008, Griffin headlined “September 11, 2001: 21 Reasons to Question the Official Story about 9/11.”

The FBI admitted it “ha(d) no hard evidence connecting” 9/11 to bin Laden.

So-called devout Muslim alleged hijackers drank heavily, frequented strip clubs and paid for sex.

Technology in 2001 made cell phone calls made from above 30,000 feet impossible.

The FBI lied claiming Mohamed Atta’s left behind luggage contained “decisive evidence” about Al Qaeda responsibility for the attacks.

Passports allegedly found at United 93′s crash site were fake.

Alleged hijackers weren’t aboard the four fateful flights.

Standing operating intercept procedures weren’t followed.

Then Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta said Dick Cheney “apparently confirmed a stand-down order” prior to an alleged plane striking the Pentagon.

The 9/11 whitewash Commission deleted Mineta’s comment from its official report.

Secret Service agents let Bush remain at a Sarasota, FL school for 30 minutes after learning about the second twin tower strike.

Standard procedure calls for securing his safety immediately in case of potential danger.

Jet fuel doesn’t heat high enough to melt or cause rigid steel columns to crumble.

Doing so is “scientifically impossible.” Controlled demolitions destroyed both towers. Building 7 fell the same way. Griffin explained other Big Lies.

He concluded saying growing numbers of “physicists, chemists, architects, engineers, pilots, former military officers, and former intelligence officers reject the official 9/11 myth.”

In June 2010, he headlined “Did 9/11 Justify the War in Afghanistan?”

Asking is verboten. It’s “off-limits,” said Griffin. It’s “not to be raised in polite company, and certainly not in the mainstream media.”

It’s forbidden “to ask whether the original invasion was justified by the 9/11 attacks.”

No evidence linked them to Afghanistan. Attacking a country posing America no threat is lawless aggression.

War without mercy continues. It does so without Security Council authorization, Griffin explained. Claims otherwise are false.

No moral justification for war exists. Contrary arguments were Big Lies. America decided to invade Afghanistan two months before 9/11, said Griffin.

Reasons for doing so differ from official Big Lies. Invading had nothing to do with “captur(ing) or kill(ing) Osama bin Laden,” Griffin explained.

Or defeating Al Qaeda. Or other nonexistent threats.

It was about advancing America’s imperium. It was to colonize and control a strategic territory.

Afghanistan is a geopolitical prize. At issue is controlling Eurasia’s vast oil, gas and other resources.

It’s controlling the world’s largest opium supply. It floods global markets with heroin.

It provides enormous profits for Wall Street. It gives CIA access to billions of dollars in elicit drug money.

Occupied Afghanistan gives America a strategically located land-based aircraft carrier. It’s part of Washington’s plan to encircle Russia and China with bases.

9/11 was a convenient pretext. It was the mother of all Big Lies. Wars without end followed.

Griffin calls America’s Afghan war “an abomination.” The “official rationale (given) is a lie. We are there for other reasons,” he stressed

No legal or moral justification exists. “The fact that the official story is a lie makes (America’s) war crimes even worse.” They continue daily out of sight and mind.

In his book “Freedom Next Time: Resisting the Empire,” John Pilger called Afghanistan “the grand illusion of the American cause.”

At the same time, “(t)rough all the humanitarian crises in living memory, no country has been abused and suffered more, and none has been helped less, than Afghanistan,” he said.

America’s presence exacerbates horrific conditions. Death, destruction and daily violence persist. They haunt daily life. Human misery is extreme.

Peace, stability and freedom remain distant hopes. Maybe “next time,” says Pilger. For sure no time soon.

Not as long as permanent US occupation continues. America has no plans to leave.

On Thursday, September 11, this writer’s Progressive Radio News Hour features new Consensus 9/11 information.

Elizabeth Woodworth will discuss it. She’ll explain newly discovered truths. “Best evidence” proof is presented. It dispels official Big Lies. Consensus 9/11 is founded on:

“(1) The opinions of respected authorities, based on professional experience, descriptive studies, and reports of expert committees.

(2) Physical data in the form of photographs, videotapes, court testimony, witness reports, and FOIA releases.

(3) Direct rather than circumstantial evidence.”

It’s based on “integrating individual professional expertise with the best available documentary and scientific evidence.”

Doing so is similar to how doctors diagnose illnesses. It’s how forecasts based on best judgments are made.

Revisions based on new evidence are encouraged. Doing so reveals important truths.

No airliner black boxes were found at the World Trade Center site. New evidence refutes the official claim. Woodworth will explain.

Over a three-year period, 24 Consensus 9/11 panel members produced 44 peer-reviewed Big Truths. They refute official Big Lies.

New information keeps surfacing. Consensus 9/11 is dedicated to explaining what everyone needs to know.

For example, 10 so-called Muslim hijackers allegedly broke into the cockpits of four aircraft. Supposedly they commandeered them.

Yet none of the pilots or co-pilots “squawked” the 7500 hijack code. Nor does proof exist to verify numerous other official Big Lies.

9/11 is the mother of all them all. Truth is its mortal enemy. Revealing it is crucially important. Spreading it lets many others know.

Growing numbers of Americans and others worldwide reject the official 9/11 myth.

They do so for good reason. It’s a bald-faced lie. It’s by far the most harmful one in living memory.

Millions of corpses attest to America’s barbarity. The mother of all Big Lies persists. Imperial wars rage without end.

Freedom in America is dying. Obama targets it for elimination altogether. He presides over a ruthless police state apparatus.

No one is free and safe. Big Brother watches everyone. Mass surveillance is official US policy.

So is targeting anyone resisting US authority. Monied interests alone matter. Advancing America’s imperium serves them.

Whistleblowers exposing government crimes are targeted. Dissent is increasingly criminalized.

Constitutional rights are vanishing in plain sight. The Patriot Act alone eliminated fundamental freedoms. Nancy Chang once asked “(w)hat’s so patriotic about trampling on the Bill of Rights?”

The American dream is more myth than reality. George Carlin once said “(y)ou have to be asleep to believe it.”

Obama won’t prosecute CIA torturers. He facilitates Wall Street grand theft. Corporate crooks run America.

War-profiteering is the national pastime. Thirdworldizing America is official policy. So is waging war on humanity.

Habeas protection no longer exists. Or due process and judicial fairness. Anyone can be criminalized for any reason or none at all.

Police states operate this way. Obama is judge, jury and executioner. He usurped diktat power.

He can claim emergency authority to declare martial law, suspend the Constitution for national security reasons, deploy federal and/or National Guard troops on city streets, and suppress whatever he calls disorder.

Included are peaceful protests. At issue is abolishing fundamental First Amendment rights. Without them all others are at risk.

They include free expression, a free press, public assembly, religious freedom, and right to petition government for redress. No longer.

America is unfit to live in. It’s on a fast track to tyranny. It’s perilously close to full-blown.

Perhaps just another 9/11-type False Flag away. The fullness of time will tell.

About the Author: Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at He writes for and

He is also author of the celebrated books “Banker Occupation: Waging Financial War on Humanity” and “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War“.

Lendman also hosts his own blog at

He is host of a progressive radio show with cutting-edge discussions and distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network. It airs Fridays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening. It airs Fridays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.

More Encouraging Signs of Awakening and Inner Change

What Would You Do?: Interracial Couple Faces Criticism

Living in a country filled with race-baiting, fanning the flames of “difference,” I find this video highly, highly encouraging. People are seeing through the idea that violence and hatred provide any kind of solution, instead choosing to transcend to a level of heartfelt connection and healing. Just beautiful!

Amy Armbrecht ~ Growing Medicinal Plants or Good Enough Gardening

Today, I’m posting the beginning few paragraphs of a lovely post by Amy Armbrecht — an article that touches upon so many different areas of interest to a variety of readers here. She’s got information on Lyme Disease and Bartonella co-infection, quotes and details about medicinal herbs, as well as a philosophy that rings true whether or not you’ve ever tried your own gardening. At the end of this excerpt I’ve included a link back to her site for the rest of the article, which I do encourage people to read. Just some lovely wisdom, grace and acceptance! Enjoy …

Growing Medicinal Plants or Good Enough Gardening
Reflections by Amy Armbrecht

The one passage that has stayed with me from Stephen Buhner’s new edition of Herbal Antibiotics is this: “The first thing to understand is that there are no mistakes. You are learning a new skill and everyone learns what works by learning what doesn’t.”

Simple advice. Yet I’d ignored it every time I’d picked up the book, trying to remember instead how Gram-negative Bacteria was different from Gram-positive bacteria or what exactly happened in a cytokine cascade. This time though I was six months into trying to deal with a really nasty case of cat scratch disease, caused by the Bartonella bacteria, a bacteria that Buhner has now dedicated almost half of his equally excellent book on Lyme Co-infections. Who knew those sweet kittens nestled against our eight-year-old son would cause him so much trouble?

In early November, a week after we got the kittens, the lymph node behind his ear swelled to the size of a golf ball. I thought it was an ear infection at first, and gave him all of those good herbal ear ache remedies. It only got worse, especially the pain. Eventually we found ourselves in the ER on a Friday evening, because his doctor couldn’t tell the difference between a swollen lymph node and mastoiditis, which is a really bad thing to have. Finally, we were told it was likely cat scratch, a self limiting disease that was said to resolve itself in a few weeks with no intervention.

It didn’t get better, or it would, and then it would get worse. I consulted with every herbalist I knew. We found another doctor, who told us there was nothing to do but wait it out. I tried every plant I knew and many I’d never even heard of before. Each time a new remedy seemed to help, I got down on myself for not having tried it sooner, for not having known at the beginning what I knew now, two months or four months or now six months into treating something we were told should have gotten better a long time ago.

And then I read this passage about there being no mistakes. And I realized that maybe it wasn’t that I was doing it wrong. That, as Buhner said, in choosing things that didn’t seem to work, I was getting clearer about what might. …

Read the rest by clicking here.

Beauty Inside and Out

Here are a few photos from today’s morning glory meditation. Although not pictured, we now have a new “color” of pure white ones, in addition to the surprising variety from previously uniform flower producing seeds.

Morning glories and jade

Green Man

Bird, Chandelier and Morning Glories

Morning glories from inside

The thing I love about morning glories is that they’re gorgeous, require little to no care, and they serve a “magickal plant” purpose. Traditionally, they are used to keep away “hostile” nocturnal faeries, but they are not the only flowers that keep away unwanted visitors. Regular, old companion planting suggests including yarrow and flowering herbs in the garden in order to attract “beneficials,” which act as predators of unwanted bugs like aphids and cucumber beetles. Beautiful, edible nasturtiums offer themselves as “trap crops,” luring aphids away from other plants, while sunflowers and purple coneflower (echinacea) attract birds, who also eat beetles and pest larvae.

We can learn a lot from Nature. “Protection” need not become ugly, aggressive or imposing. Beauty heals, both inside and out, and we can transform an ugly, aggressive, imposing world by inviting and cultivating beauty.

So paint that wall with something lovely. Hang a gorgeous piece of art. Plant those flowers, and decorate your home. Go ahead: accessorize your outfit with healing crystals and protective gemstones. Nature shamelessly and wisely adorns herself, lifting the hearts, minds and spirits of those with eyes to see, noses to smell, ears to hear, mouths to taste and skin to feel.

How often humans forget to recognize themselves as part of Nature! You are beautiful. May that beauty spill out of you in all its glory.