Archive for December, 2021

Happy New Year, plus New Moon in Capricorn, January 2, 2022

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year! 2021 was an intense and pivotal year, but we made it through with a mix of challenges, blessings and wisdom. The New Year feels extra fresh with a New Moon on January 2.

My January 2022 Forecast noted:

January 2 New Moon in Capricorn, 1:34 p.m. Eastern. After the Uranian lightning strike, “A FIRE WORSHIPER MEDITATES ON THE ULTIMATE REALITIES OF EXISTENCE.” The Sabian Symbol for this New Year’s New Moon invites us to transcend the current 3D World challenges. 2022 is not just another year of the same old, same old. We associate the mythical phoenix with the sign of Scorpio, but this Capricorn New Moon sets the stage for an entire year of purification and renewal through sacred fire. Focus on Agni and the fire in your solar plexus. Digestion is an alchemical process turning matter into energy, but energy also turns into matter. This theme pervades the entire year. What lights you up? This New Moon coincides with Mercury’s move into Aquarius and follows Jupiter’s recent ingress into Pisces. New energies abound.

This New Moon trines Uranus, amplifying the liberating potential. Uranus also rules Aquarius, so Mercury’s move adds even more Uranian influence. The New Moon activates “man’s will to transcendence,” and Mercury in Aquarius helps us to process those implications. Yet even with will and understanding present, we may still need to wait for divine and perfect timing. The New Moon closely conjuncts Asteroid Tantalus, which symbolizes desires that continue to elude us.

This New Moon is part Patrick Henry, “Give me liberty or give me death,” and part Tagore: “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark.” It will help to view the January 2 New Moon as a kind of grand intention and potential for the whole year. We can use these energies for inspiration, but transformation of this magnitude takes time to incubate. It might all happen on January 2, but I doubt it. You’ll feel more energized and empowered if you can at least transcend the need for things to occur on one particular date. Transcending linear time altogether would be even more amazing.

The Great Mystery loves to bestow greater blessings and healing than we would ever dare to ask or imagine. But as my Dream Guys told me on Spring Equinox 2018:

“In perfect love and perfect trust, perfect timing is a must.”

January 2022 Specials

For the New Year, I feel led to discount the very popular New Year Tarot Readings and have also had requests to offer the Three for Two Special, a chance for extra support and focus. I hope these specials offer whatever most helps you to align with and maximize this amazing energy.

Details below:


$44 New Year Tarot Special

Half-hour tarot reading at 20% off the usual rate. Tarot readings offer an energetic check-in, the chance to ask questions about pending decisions or intentions, and represent a fun, yet powerful way to gain perspective on relationships and challenges. They can also be used to offer a snapshots of the coming months and year.

Tarot readings are particularly good for people who don’t know what kinds of questions to ask me; they just want some kind of guidance because they feel unsure of what’s coming or what to focus upon. Tarot also seems to benefit those people who have exceptionally good things coming their way, yet wonder if I might be “padding the reading” or “just saying what they want to hear.” The cards don’t lie. (Neither do I – but the cards seem an even more objective medium for delivering good news.)

Please contact me if you’d like to sign up for this special. Offer valid if prepaid on or before 1/31/22.

Three For Two

So many people have asked me to repeat this special to help them jump start the New Year, so here it is. Three hours for the price of two: save $222. This package can be used in whatever increments you choose — hour, 40-minute, half-hour, or 20-minute sessions — and for whatever services you’d like — Medical Intuition, Life Coaching, Astrology, Relationship Clarity, Soul Readings, or any other related service. $444 if prepaid on or before 1/31/22. Please contact me to sign up.

January 2022 Forecast + First Quarter North Node Horoscopes


The big, collective transit for January 2022 begins on the 18th when the True North Node moves into Taurus. Since May 2020, the True North Node has flitted about in Gemini. With the shift to Taurus, ideas and situations that have existed on the mental plane begin to take physical form.

In the next 18 months, collective destiny moves through a Taurus-Scorpio axis. Humanity will need to face Scorpio South Node’s power struggles, shame, abuse and karmic backlash. We can’t afford to keep crashing and burning. Rather, we’ll make slow, steady progress by taking small, tangible actions. Focus on beauty, true security, good food, and nurturing the body. Patience and persistence win the day.

Mercury stations Retrograde on the 14th, a few days before this shift. No need to rush into the new. Taurus moves slowly, and Mercury Rx encourages us to review, revise and re-evaluate whatever came before. Check and double-check before committing to the change. See more January highlights below:

January 1 Sun trine Uranus. The New Year begins with a bang. Light shines on the cosmic rebel, igniting insights and inspiring off the wall — yet grounded — ideas and solutions.

January 2 New Moon in Capricorn, 1:34 p.m. Eastern. After the Uranian lightning strike, “A FIRE WORSHIPER MEDITATES ON THE ULTIMATE REALITIES OF EXISTENCE.” The Sabian Symbol for this New Year’s New Moon invites us to transcend the current 3D World challenges. 2022 is not just another year of the same old, same old. We associate the mythical phoenix with the sign of Scorpio, but this Capricorn New Moon sets the stage for an entire year of purification and renewal through sacred fire. Focus on Agni and the fire in your solar plexus. Digestion is an alchemical process turning matter into energy, but energy also turns into matter. This theme pervades the entire year. What lights you up? This New Moon coincides with Mercury’s move into Aquarius and follows Jupiter’s recent ingress into Pisces. New energies abound.

January 4-6 Venus in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces. A yummy transit that favors art, beauty, love, and all forms of inspiration and creativity. Write a song or poem, paint a picture. Embrace fashion that supports your values. Tune into higher love and let it wash over you.

January 8-9 Sun conjunct Venus. Another yummy transit as sunshine infuses the goddess of love, beauty, self-esteem and the arts. “Love and light” is more than an expression. It can become a way of life. Pay attention to insights about your relationships and values.

January 10-12 Mars square Neptune. The Warrior has moved through loud and proud Sagittarius since December 13, 2021. For two days, Mars creates friction between individual will and the bigger picture — between ego and collective consciousness. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and co-rules Pisces (with Neptune), so this particular square includes a benediction. A great time for spiritual warriors to get re-inspired by a Higher Power. Tantra, ecstatic dance, fervent prayer, and compassionate courage are all favored at this time.

January 14 Mercury stations Retrograde. Mercury begins this Retrograde in Aquarius and continues back into Capricorn before stationing Direct on February 4. The Retrograde station point exactly squares Uranus in Taurus, cluing us into key themes. The next three weeks offer liberation by reviewing tensions between innovation and tradition, and group identity and membership vs. personal responsibility and sovereignty. Careful analysis and revision bring new ways of understanding 2021’s pervasive Saturn square Uranus energies.

January 17 Full Moon in Cancer, opposite Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn, 6:48 p.m. Eastern. After years of orchestrated tensions and pitting of one group against another, this Full Moon in late Cancer opens the door to much needed integration. Deep love can move us beyond surface differences. In primal, natural ways, we are more alike than different.

January 18 True North Node enters Taurus. Newton’s First Law of Motion (also known as the Law of Inertia) explains much about the sign of Taurus: an object at rest will stay at rest, unless acted on by an outside force; an object in motion will stay in motion and on the same trajectory, unless acted on by an outside force. It takes a lot to get Taurus moving, but once in motion, autopilot kicks in. If you don’t like your current trajectory, then use today’s shift as a course correction. Align with your body, your values, and your innate sense of self-esteem. Collective energies trend more solid, tangible, safe and natural. See your individual North Node Horoscope (below) for more personal insights into how the North Node in Taurus will affect your sign.

January 19 Sun enters Aquarius. For one month, the spotlight shines on the sign of friendship, groups, technology, innovation, rebellion and revolution. We move from earthy, traditional Capricorn to a period of new ideas, with a potential for more detached awareness. Aquarius can go a number of ways: celebrating liberty, cooperation, and brotherly love; a descent into mob rule; or systematizing a Borg-like monoculture “for the greater good.” This next month helps us troubleshoot our early journey through the Age of Aquarius.

January 23-31 Venus trine Uranus. A much longer than usual interaction between the goddess of love and the one who resists being tied down. With Venus in Capricorn we’re exploring values and commitments, but also discerning the right relationships and connections. As Kahlil Gibran said, “Let there be spaces in your togetherness.” Venus stations Direct on the 29th in the middle of this Uranian trine — urging us to absorb the liberating lessons from her extensive Rx period. In which areas or relationships are you compromising yourself to the point of prostitution? Free your heart, then follow it.

January 24, 2022 Mars enters Capricorn. This shift from Sagittarius to Capricorn occurs one day before Mercury reenters Capricorn from Aquarius. A double whammy of early and late Capricorn energies amplify Venus spending extra time here, too, with long-term resident Pluto. Mercury Retrograde brings clarity and understanding to the mix. These insights might arise through initial mix-ups that bog down, then clear the air. Mars brings extra determination to find the right structures, passion and leadership to git ‘er done.

January 28-29 Mercury conjunct Pluto. This transit favors deep research, revelations and new understanding about hidden and taboo topics. When issues of shame, power, and manipulation arise, what do we do with them? Shoving these things in a closet only lets them grow. The collective discourse demands we name the elephant in the room, the monster under bed, and the boogie men stealing our children. There is great power in names. Reclaim the strength and courage to speak the unspeakable and give voice to the voiceless.

January 31 (in some locations) New Moon in Aquarius. If you live in or behind the Central US timezone, January ends with a New Moon. Anywhere on Eastern US time or further ahead will begin February with a New Moon. This event loosely conjuncts Saturn, aka “Father Time,” so involving two dates and two months, beginning and end, feels apt. The New Moon point also closely squares Uranus, so we can expect more insights and aha’s about last year’s energies. Although we’ve entered the new, we still have much to glean from 2021.

How January’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.           – Laura

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. (If you’re right on a cusp, consider both options, or book a reading for more clarity.)


ARIES NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2022 could bring inner friction and turmoil with all the squares to your nodal axis from Capricorn. Relationships are especially “up” for reconsideration during these three months. When you muster courage to face your fears, you’ll gain tremendous ground. Respect your inner patriarch — the part of you who governs your reputation, your ability to lead, and makes sure you get paid what you’re worth. If frustration or irritation arises, consider that an invitation to explore uncomfortable territory. Your Libra South Node would rather avoid conflict, even when discord serves you. By Equinox, you’ll know yourself better, and will be able to act from a more grounded sense of authority.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: In First Quarter 2022, Taurus North Node natives will feel a shift — perhaps subtle at first, but it will gain steam over the next 18 months. The world starts conforming more to your highest level of expression. Unexpected, destiny level events lead to liberation. Much of this will occur without you needing to “do” anything. Retreat, meditate, you can even “hunker down” until inspiration strikes. Pay attention to strong nudges to take action, but if no nudges come, allow yourself to stand firm in your current position. Change will happen. Your job is to get quiet enough to notice how life rearranges itself around you. Go with the inevitable flow. Allow yourself to thrive and feel secure even in surrounding chaos. The scary stuff is not for you!

GEMINI NORTH NODE: On January 19th, the Sun enters Aquarius and brings a month of harmonious support for your nodal axis. Think best of the old, re-imagined into the new. Gemini North Node natives need to pay attention to little messages — tiny coincidences that lead you home. Allow your path to meander. You don’t need a straight shot in order to get where you’re going. Make micro-adjustments as needed. In January and February, energies from Capricorn will bring fleeting, yet important insights into relationships and intimacy. When new information comes, it’s OK to tweak your goals and expectations. The closer you get to an intention, the more refined your vision becomes. Love life could heat up in March with supportive trine energy from the Lovers (Mars and Venus) entering fellow Air Sign Aquarius.

CANCER NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2022 brings both challenging and supportive energies to Cancer North Node Natives. The True North Node’s move into Earthy Taurus offers more compatible energy for your sign than Airy Gemini. Squares from Aries and oppositions from Capricorn urge you to find new balance between form and function. Favor the softer side of life over rigidity. Emotions and relationships matter. A lot! If you’re not happy with your home life, consider upgrades, redecoration or even relocation to a more compatible cocoon. Focus on creating a cozy nest that allows you to rest and let down your guard. Collective energies could get crazy this quarter, especially in February. Not all structures and traditions will remain. Embrace more personal ways of feeling safe and secure.

LEO NORTH NODE: January through March puts strong focus on old patterns and expectations. If something feels like a loss, realize your nodal axis is getting a workout. Anything that falls away will leave you more receptive and better prepared for a brilliant future. You don’t see it yet, but liberation is within your grasp. Pay attention to how much energy or effort situations, tasks and people take. Time flies when your heart sings. Trust your inner enthusiasm and see which things bear fruit. Be honest with yourself: do these fruits taste sweet? If so, go for it. If not, you’ll need to release yourself from the tyranny of others’ expectations. You’re not here to fit in. You’re here to shine. Step into your truth and the right people will find you.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: This is a good quarter to focus on the power of your mind. Physical manifestation follows the formation of intentions, fostered by mental energy. Not everyone benefits from New Year’s Resolutions, but Virgo North Node natives thrive with greater discipline. Instead of daydreaming about a better life, turn those ideas into an official wish list. Healthy routines support you far better than occasional grand gestures. If you don’t have a daily (or at least weekly) to do list, you need one. Tap into that bigger picture Pisces South Node awareness and envision a more positive year. Then, plan for and implement it, bit by bit. If you gained weight in 2021, start 2022 with a cleanse of body and environment. Organizing your inner and external space gives you more confidence, clarity and energy.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2022 asks you to find a balance between hard work, determination, sacrifice and surrender. Sometimes hard work means slogging through a jungle of should’s, must’s and straight up desire. Because nope, it’s not all about you. Partnership — with humans and unseen helpers — is always “up” for Libra North Node natives. Much more so in January through March. Relationships bring their own rewards. You might need to move more slowly or even shift some of your goals to include the ones you love. You’re not being codependent — you’re learning to cooperate and collaborate. The stakes are different than before. You’ll find safe passage by sharing the burden of those around you. Acknowledge signs of progress, even if situations move slower than you think they should.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: When the transiting North Node moves into your South Node sign, your life path turns 180 from the collective energies. While the collective will face the dark side of Scorpio — your focus turns to its more positive expression: regeneration, rebirth, and renewal. When in doubt, observe things from a spiritual perspective, rather than a more Taurus South Node idea of what’s “real.” Your intuition works well, and you can afford to trust the inner guidance. Don’t let money worries get you down. While the rest of the world might need some lessons in this area, you need to pay attention to the light at the end of the tunnel. If things feels like too much effort, back off a bit. Your blessings will come in unusual ways and from unexpected places. Allow yourself to thrive in any circumstances.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Since May 2020, your life path has felt 180 from those around you as the transiting South Node moved through your North Node sign. When the transiting nodal axis shifts from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio, you get released from the intensity. Take stock of perceived losses. What did they open you to receive? How did living 180 from the mainstream world increase faith in your own intuition and spiritual path? You’ll find it easier to make friends now, and things that burned away will illuminate greater truth and love. Difficulties that seemed fated begin to ease as the Universe turns its magnifying glass on other signs. Commit to bolder strides this quarter, and find a way to travel somewhere without restrictions and without compromising your philosophy or religion. Along with your angels, you will find a way.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: First Quarter 2022 brings rewards for hard work in recent years. This quarter involves a lot of Capricorn energy, continuing and amplifying December’s focus on relationships. Powerful magic, regeneration and spiritual insights vie for your attention. How will you seize the opportunities at hand? You can resolve longstanding confusion and any tendencies toward self-sabotage. Release that Cancer South Node habit of feeling like a victim of circumstances. You are where you are. You can’t control people and events, but you can control your reactions. Changing perspective brings you to a higher level of experience. An initiation process takes as long as it takes, but you’ll return as a different being — empowered by hard-earned and invaluable inner resources.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Exercise the power of perception, and foster awareness beyond your own immediate experience. This quarter brings humbling insights that free you from ego wars launched by your Leo South Node. Awakening from the nightmare doesn’t feel good at first, but you can use those experiences to catapult you forward. When seeming loss arrives, look to your left or right. Something always replaces that which fell away. Consider the possibility of a universal benediction: everything aligns for the Highest Good of All, including your own highest good. You’re an important part of a cosmic plan. You don’t need to be the star of the show in order to play a key role. If you let go of a perceived need to dictate the “how,” you’ll find that life surprises you in beautiful ways.

PISCES NORTH NODE: Do you ever feel like Fate directs your course? Like some great Wheel of Fortune in the sky spins a Mystery so vast and so harmonious you can almost hear the Cosmos sing? That’s more than a random daydream or fantasy. You tap into a larger source field of Divine Awareness. When the world gets too much for you and worries overwhelm, spend time in nature or tap into your breath. You can unite passion and intention, as long as you align yourself with the spiritual element first. For you, the “real” world flows outward from the inner experience. When you take time to tune in, you regain that time in positive synchronicities, flashing road signs and wind beneath your wings. Instead of needing to figure everything out, you can go with the flow and get wherever you need to go. Indeed, this is your most efficient route.

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate.

I’ve heard from a lot of clients and friends that this year marks a different kind of celebration than usual. For some that means a quiet time at home with the closest loved ones, which includes furry soulmates. For others it means a large gathering of friends and family. For some, it means a double date with the bathtub and stereo.

Many people are feeling the intense astrological energies even if they can’t articulate them. On Christmas Eve, we’ll have the third exact Saturn square Uranus event of a long, volatile year. On Christmas Day, Venus in Capricorn conjuncts Pluto for the second time this month. Relationships are “up” right now — the good, the bad and the ugly. We’re being asked to look at how we invest ourselves in other people and whether or not the ledger feels balanced. We’re not finished this evaluation, so Christmas conclusions don’t necessarily reflect the final answer.

But do pay attention to who’s in your life, for whatever reason, and who’s not. Allow yourself to feel the deep feelings, even if they don’t feel comfortable. Humanity’s approaching some crisis points, but you are NOT everyone around you. Yes, we interconnect, but MANY different timelines exist right now. The world hasn’t fully sorted itself; that process continues. You can thrive and commit to thriving no matter what takes place around you.

Give yourself the gift of better self-esteem. You can use these intense energies to liberate yourself from a too small version of “you,” and to nurture situations and relationships that make you feel good about who and how you are. Furry friends count! They provide unconditional love, and love heals and harmonizes. It soothes our soul. Wherever and however you spend this weekend, I’m sending you a virtual hug, some faery sparkles, and soul support. Merry Christmas and much love, my friends. You got this!

A Little Solstice Magic

Happy Solstice!

I had planned to reblog my 2019 Sun portal in honor of the return of the light in the Northern Hemisphere, and the peak of Summer in the Southern Hemisphere. David and I keep seeing the Sun card, so it seemed appropriate.

But the faeries sent me a Solstice gift:

Do you see the sparkles by the plant above the little hedghog and faery figurines?

Even though I found a MAYBE explanation for these tiny orbs, I do find that real faeries and gnomes tend to hang around garden statues of faeries and gnomes. In the same way, little figurines can act as touchstones to the Otherworld.

I love this Solstice Eve photo for the sparkles but also because you can only just see the sun and dancers on the portal door to the back right. What magic awaits?

This Solstice marks five years since David and I “Tied the Celtic Knot on Yule.” We wish you all a Blessed Solstice as we move from dark to light.

Full Moon in Gemini ~ December 18-19 2021

My December 2021 Forecast noted:

December 18 Full Moon in Gemini, 11:36 p.m. Eastern. This “Long Nights Moon” occurs in late Gemini, just hours before Venus stations retrograde. The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon degree emphasizes liberation from the past: THROUGH BANKRUPTCY, SOCIETY GIVES TO AN OVERBURDENED INDIVIDUAL THE OPPORTUNITY TO BEGIN AGAIN. In other words, this final Full Moon of 2021 could feel like a much bigger release than usual. A Cosmic Jubilee.

December 19 Venus stations retrograde in Capricorn and Chiron stations direct in Aries. The Love Goddess will remain retrograde until January 29, 2022. Her journey here affects committed relationships, including business relationships. This initiates a good time to review and re-evaluate success, values and how aesthetics influence your bottom line. Chiron represents both the Wound and the Wounded Healer. With both Chiron and Venus shifting direction on the same day, we can expect extra insights about hurtful relationships and their effects on self-esteem. How can you bring more love to your deepest wounds?

Depending on your location, these astro events occur on the same day or consecutive days. Regardless, the Venus and Chiron stations color and deepen this Full Moon. That Venus conjuncts Pluto — and they both quincunx the Gemini Full Moon — even more tightly links these energies.

The quincunx (150°) aspect (also called “inconjunct”) is often considered a minor aspect. I don’t find that to be the case. You only feel it within 1-2°; however, those pinpricks of awareness generate a lot of light. The quincunx involves two signs that seem to have nothing in common. In this case, Gemini is a Mutable Air Sign, whereas Capricorn’s a Cardinal Earth Sign. The quincunx asks us to integrate these signs, as well as the planets. Moon, Venus and Pluto: the sky throws a dance party and spotlights these unlikely partners. The dance demands rhythm and flow, even if these seem elusive.

In this case, the planets are easier to integrate than their signs. The Moon, Venus and Pluto all deal on some level with emotions. The Moon symbolizes our feelings, how we give and receive nurturing, what we need in order to feel safe. Venus rules relationships and our self-esteem. Pluto rules the deep subconscious realm, including feelings and emotions we don’t know we have. Pluto resists yet craves intimacy, and questions of intimacy can arise with all three of these planets. Pluto also deals with topics of shame and abuse, both of which can lower self-esteem and whether or not we feel we deserve the love and nurturing we need.

This Full Moon will provide insights into the complex dance of intimacy, nurturing and love of self and others.

But what do flirty, flighty Gemini and solid, traditional Capricorn have in common?! How do we integrate these signs?

Well, Gemini makes deals and knows how to negotiate. Capricorn rises to positions of authority. Looking for a win-win could mean finding new balance and flexibility in business and personal relationships in order to strengthen existing structures. With Pluto involved, I think of retrofitting a skyscraper in order to better withstand an earthquake.

Other ways to get the most out of this Full Moon:

Look for insights into new ways of interacting with old relationships.

Explore small, tangible changes to improve your boundaries.

Consider connections between your thoughts and your skin, bones and teeth.

How do small gestures or words affect long-term commitments?

How can you improve communication in order to strengthen shared history?

What short trips support long standing relationships and traditions?

How can you navigate differences while still honoring boundaries and expectations?

Which structures do you need to walk away from?

In which areas is it time to cut your losses and begin anew?

Returning to the Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon reminds us of the opportunity for radical release once we explore such questions.


KEYNOTE: A release from unbearable pressures, freeing one for new tasks.

Here we have another kind of “leaving behind,” a LIBERATION FROM THE PAST.

This is the final Full Moon of a very intense year. As we approach the turn from 2021 to 2022, allow yourself to explore what worked and what, sadly, never will. Sometimes it takes a little shift to make big changes. Sometimes that shift occurs inside ourselves: when we give ourselves permission to cut our losses and move into the unknown without all the old baggage. Which limiting thoughts and expectations can you leave behind in 2021? What new tasks await your newfound freedom and expansion?

Take a deep breath. Now, let it go with a long exhale. We’re in the homestretch of 2021. Decide what you intend to carry, and that which you can lay to rest.

Happy Plants and Happy Holly Days

I just caught sight of these as I returned from a morning walk:

Links to Talks from the 2021 Consciousness and Contact Conference in South Dakota

Mia Feroleto — who interviewed Ann Kreilkamp and me last year, and included an essay of mine in a recent publication — sent me links to some resources for blog readers. I have not had a chance to listen or read through all of this, but Mia consistently gathers interesting people together to raise consciousness and discuss pressing issues of our times. From Mia:

Here is what we have so far in terms of edited and posted presentations from Wasta.   Whitley Strieber Barbara Lamb Elana Freeland Juliano Pozati Peter Champoux Ray Grasse

And here is the link to my recent article on all four of the conferences:

Please feel free to share with your subscribers.

Thank you, Mia!

Rudra Mantra for Colin

I’m posting this in honor of my friend Colin, who has left his physical body behind. Colin was and is a beautiful soul. Over the years, we’ve had many discussions about the Rudra mantra, and I know it was the puja he did for his best friend as a kind of last rite in his tradition. Our very last correspondence in late November synchronously led us to discuss this chant yet again.

Colin was the one to do rituals and hold sacred space for everyone he knew. I offer this on his behalf, because I know this is important to him. I’m not local — never met him in person — but I will miss his laugh. Of all the people I know who’ve crossed the veil, he’s one of the easiest to communicate with. I thought of him earlier this morning and a few hours before his friend emailed me to say he passed. This portion and version of the mantra feels most accessible for my blog.

I’m crying but not surprised. So many things had come full circle for him in recent months. He completed what he came here to do. Well done, sweet friend! Until we meet again …

Pam Gregory ~ Thoughts in December 2021

This sharing from Pam Gregory expresses so many of the things I’ve sensed about current and coming energies. Plus, I find her voice so relaxing. 🙂