Archive for September, 2013

Jon Rappoport ~ Spiritual Fascism

Here’s Jon, in a “timely” explanation about how limitless and creative Reality truly is, no matter how much fascist governments, co-opted media or what I call “The New Age Borg” try to convince you otherwise. You are free to create and uncreate at Will and by Will. We are all artists. Some of us just happen to create more traditionally or abstractly or magickally or sur-really than others. And some of us recognize that art encompasses life. Indeed, art is life, and life is art … if we choose to embrace our own Creativity.

As Abraham-Hicks says, “You can’t get it wrong and you never get it done.” “You are a creator; you create with your every thought. You often create by default, for you are getting what you are giving your attention to wanted or unwanted but you know by how it feels if what you are getting (creating) is what you are wanting or if it is not what you are wanting. (Where is your attention focused?)”

Spiritual fascism

by Jon Rappoport

September 30, 2013

Year by year, I continue to make my case for the independent individual—one might even say the lone individual, except that this phrase has been co-opted to mean an assassin, a killer.

Which tells us where society is heading.

On every possible front, the psyop is about discrediting the individual and elevating the group and the collective.

Because I’m 75 years old, I’ve been around long enough to see the tectonic shift, among so-called intellectuals, from admiring and praising the individual to celebrating some sort of spiritual unity that makes us all into One Cosmic Glob.

For example: “There is really no separation between us. That’s an illusion. Finally, we are one consciousness.”

I dispute this. I reject it completely.

This, yes, insanity arises from a basic confusion and blind spot about the creative power (of the individual), which has no boundaries.

It is quite possible to imagine and create and invent a perception that we are all one consciousness and to experience the fullness of the perception. It is not an illusion. It is quite real.

But one can also un-create that perception.

In fact, in the early spiritual exercises of Tibetan tantric students and adepts, this on-off creation was a significant component. It was done, consciously, as a merging and un-merging with Nature. It was PRACTICED on a daily basis.

In early Tibet, a truly unique culture that was soon dismantled and destroyed by theocratic leaders, the individual was recognized as an staggeringly powerful artist.

Rather than assume there was one final highest reality we all share, it was understood that the individual could and did invent realities without limit.

Presuming to understand a final reality for all of us was considered absurd.

It is also a form of fascism. Spiritual fascism.

Once you embark on a road of imagination and creating, all bets are off. All preconceptions about what you must do, make, think, assume, and believe are yesterday’s news.

The individual is no longer “dangerous or deluded or separated from his brothers and sisters by ego” or any of the other debilitating formulations that have been offered to convince we are all One.

Here and now you or I can sit and invent the perception that, yes, we are all one consciousness…and then dispense with that perception. In either case, I’m doing it. You’re doing it. You’re creating a perception.

That’s what artists do, what they’ve always done. Somehow, in this cheesy spiritually fascist web of confusion, the fact has been lost.

People occasionally write to me and say the artist has no function in this society. Well, I’m not talking about function. Function is for machines.

Machines aren’t free.

This society is supposed to exist to allow the individual to flourish, but waiting for that to happen will put you on the track to nowhere.

Society is heading for more and more collectivism. Economically, politically, spiritually.

Here is a bottom line. People in this world believe in what they create, except they’re not aware of what they’re creating.

They think, instead, they’re seeing what’s already there.

This missing link explains a great deal.

People are playing a shell game with themselves. They’re placing the pea inside a particular shell, and then they’re turning over the shell and finding the pea.

Then they exclaim, “Look what I found!”

NO. They didn’t find it. They put it there to begin with.

They created a reality and then denied they created it.

This would be like a painter spending six months making a huge work in his studio and then saying…”It’s a miracle. I walked into the studio today and I found this painting leaning against the wall. Astonishing!”

Yes, you can conceive of (create) all of humanity and stars and galaxies as One Consciousness if you want to. You can do that. You can also do something else. In either case, you did it. And you can undo it.

The clue you should take from that exercise is: you have an extraordinary capacity to create “content.”

Dictators and fascists tell you what content you should create, and on top of that, they say you didn’t create the content at all. It was always there.

I could write a science fiction story that goes this way: One day, the guy next door, who is a painter, lugs one of his large canvases into your house and hangs it on the wall. He has a big grin on his face. He’s positively serene. He’s producing great GENEROSITY out of every pore. He says, “Look at this! This is what reality really is. Do you see? It shows that we’re all one great consciousness. And the funny thing is, I didn’t paint this. It just appeared on a blank canvas. I saw it this morning when I went into my studio! Now, listen. You should believe in this painting, too. You really should. This is the higher reality…”

Yes, I could write this science fiction story. Except it’s already happening, every day.

Jon Rappoport

The author of two explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED and EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at

Last Day for the Medical Intuitive Special

I’ve decided to extend one of the September Specials through October 31, 2013. Given that Samhain/Halloween/All Hallow’s Eve marks the thinnest veils between worlds, the “Timeline Tune-In and Tune-Up” Special makes sense to continue as preparation for easier shifts among dimensions and timelines. As usual, this months’ specials arose from some kind of inner nudge of what’s needed by the most people this month. I never know exactly what they are until the moment I post. The Medical Intuitive Special is a good offer that has helped many, but it’s not specifically linked to October’s energies. As a result, you’ll have more time to sign up for the Timeline Special, but today is the last day to sign up for the Medical Intuitive three-pack.

Timeline Tune-In and Tune-Up

This hour session helps you to recognize your likely trajectory based on current energy patterns, intentions, and habits … and then, I search for the closest parallel reality versions of “you” with very slight differences that lead to more preferred (and more varied/greater opportunities for) positive outcomes. The scan and download are actually easier for me to do than to explain here, but if you’ve ever seen the movie “Sliding Doors” with its alternate reality story lines that intersect at certain points throughout the film, I’ll be scanning you for the stickiest intersection points.

I have found that these crossover points — i.e., parallel Universe bleed-throughs — can act like portals into alternate realities, preferred or not. That’s why you want to approach them consciously and respectfully, so that you recognize the power of the moment and choose wisely. The initial shift looks subtle, because if there weren’t enough similarities between the timelines/alternate realities, then the bleed-through moments wouldn’t happen so easily; however, in retrospect, such moments or decisions often seem “Fated.”

This reading gives you a heads up regarding the types of feelings, thoughts and experiences to watch for if you’re looking to sidestep onto a more positive timeline without needing to slog through linear time to get your desired life. In some cases, the preferred outcome even requires a sidestep, because the laws of cause and effect already set in motion on the current timeline are barreling you toward their “inevitable” end result. Fortunately, linear time’s not all it’s cracked up to be! These “timeline hops,” “portal points,” “reality jumps” — whatever you want to call them — are not only possible but powerful, and with awareness and practice, you can learn to surf such opportunities, charting your own course from current to next closest to preferred realities.

$144/hour if prepaid on or before 9/30/13 10/31/13.

(Offer can be multiplied if you would like one or more follow-up tune-ins, since, depending on what I discover, your most accessible hop might be to a stepping stone reality from which to make your next boldly conscious, chosen hop. Such follow-up sessions can provide continuity and a clear reflection as you Fun House Mirror your way through wrinkles in time.)

Please contact me if you’d like to sign up.

Three for $222 Medical Intuitive Package

A set of three (half-hour) Medical Intuitive Sessions to offer support for ongoing progress towards wellness and empowerment. I find that some people really appreciate having occasional follow-up as their health needs and energy blockages shift in the process of healing. This mini package saves $48 off the usual rate.

Offer valid if prepaid on or before 9/30/13. Please contact me if you’d like to sign up.

Finding Beauty

Despite having a busy session load this week, I’ve spent an enormous amount of time overhauling our front yard into a lasagna garden with layers and layers of organic material, eventually to be topped with wood mulch. I’ve planted mums, transplanted marigolds from the backyard beds to more of a front display, uprooted tomato plants, and added compost galore. Today is garlic planting day, as well as another canned salsa adventure to use some of the tomatoes and massive haul of jalepeno’s. It’s a lot of work, but I enjoy the time, the creativity and the physical vigor.

In addition to “painting” our yard with color and prepping the Fall/Winter garden beds, I’ve taken to flower arranging. These bouquets turned out so pretty that I felt called to share them here. Gardens can be productive and beautiful!

Bouquet I made for David and me when I accidentally snapped off two zinnias gone wild. "Fixing" the problem became a delight.

Bouquet I made for David and me when I accidentally snapped off two zinnias gone wild. “Fixing” the problem became a delight.

A bouquet I made last night for David's mom.

A bouquet I made last night for David’s mom.

A different angle of David's mom's bouquet. It's actually a 360 display, with so many different colors and flower types, even herbs!

A different angle of David’s mom’s bouquet. It’s actually a 360 display, with so many different colors and flower types, even herbs!

Before I made the bouquet for his mom, David sent me the following picture with this quote: “Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
– Marcel Proust


I had to smile, because, yeah … as much work and love as I put into it, my garden does. 😉 And I’m ever so grateful!

Beware the King Amendment

As consumers continue to demand Mandatory GMO Labeling laws at the state level, Monsatan and other biotech giants are trying to sneak in something called “The King Amendment,” which would eliminate states’ rights to mandate GMO labeling, thereby nullifying any anti-GMO laws passed at the state level. Not only does this outrageous (yet somehow not surprising) amendment violate the will and rights of consumers across the U.S., but it would violate state sovereignty as well. As usual, the Farm Bill attempts to derail and defund natural, organic farmers as well as defraud health and freedom oriented consumers in favor of biotech giants that few people really want around anymore. I guess you don’t get voted the world’s most evil corporation without trying to earn that badge of corruption and abomination.

Here’s the text of a MoveOn Petition:

“I want you, as my elected official in Congress, to know that you will lose my vote, regardless of your party affiliation, if you support the King Amendment, or any other amendment in the 2013 Farm Bill that would nullify states’ rights to label genetically modified organisms (GMOs). I belong to the more than 90% of Americans who want what consumers in more than 60 other countries already have: mandatory GMO-labeling laws. Even more important, I expect you to represent me, not a corporation, and to protect the more than 225-year-old right of states, counties, and cities to enact laws that protect the health and environment of local citizens. This isn’t just about GMO labeling. It’s about states’ rights.”

Click here to email your Congressperson.

Petition Background

“Monsanto has been poisoning our food and environment for nearly 20 years. Consumers are finally fighting back, by demanding labels on GMO foods. Will Monsanto try to take away our right to pass state GMO labeling laws? Monsanto already slipped a rider into the emergency Continuing Resolution, giving the biotech giant immunity from federal law. Now, there is talk of an amendment or rider to the 2013 Farm Bill that could take away states’ rights to pass GMO labeling laws.”

Again, if you care about this issue or your right to know — at all — then please click here to email your “Representative.” Make ’em earn their keep! Let ’em know that we are keeping an eye on them. If you’re involved in any kind of GMO labeling project at the local or state level, please make sure to follow through about the King Amendment and spread the word to the right people. Otherwise, all your hard work could be undone with the stroke of a sneaky, corrupt vote.

Reaching the Magickal Turning Point May Not Feel So Magickal

Wise words from my sweet soul sister, Tania Marie, playing reading Roulette with Penney Pierce’s “Frequency — The Power of Personal Vibration.” (You can also find my dear friend Gillian Grannum’s review of Penney’s book by clicking this link: Like Tania, I’ve been hearing from some people who’ve dismantled the old but haven’t quite experienced the new yet. I trust this post will soothe, heal and encourage …

Tania Marie

Today, after reflecting on the energy and themes of experiences circulating with people I know directly or indirectly, I had the inspiration to want to share some supportive words for anyone going through that turning point – the pivotal and transitional period in their life where things may not feel so good in the moment while the beautiful and perfect process unfolds.

Like anything, the words shared can trigger a shift, sometimes fully promote change if we are at that ready-stage, or are a stepping stone to further integrative healing to process, as we DO want to hit all the levels to the core of things, right? Not just understand mentally and regurgitate it verbally.  😉

I had the intent of what I wanted to say and yet was guided, instead, to go to my home library of books to see if anything wanted to channel through as a message…

View original post 1,019 more words


A group of us in Goshen got together last night for an evening of gleaning, and ohhhh, what a lovely, lovely time! Transition Goshen has a project called, “The Low Hanging Fruit Press,” which many of us crowd funded so that we could purchase a community cider press. As a side part of this project, we also began to map fruit trees in town — on private or public property — in need of harvesting.

Many people buy homes that already have fruit trees planted, and they find these trees a nuisance rather than a boon. With permission, those people who do appreciate the abundance of free fruit can save the homeowners a lot of work. In some cases, a timely harvest will even save tree limbs from breaking with the weight of unpicked fruit. A number of websites help to match up gleaners and fruit trees, and David and I found something similar when we lived in Madison. I believe Transition Goshen has decided to use, which can be used for wherever you live around the world.

I have eaten a lot of apples in my life, but I’ve never actually harvested one from a tree. (Just crabapples.) Most apples in the grocery store are four months to a year old and waxed. Even “organic” apples may be sprayed with antibiotics. The apples we gleaned last night had not been sprayed at all, and you could tell. Many did not look “shelf quality,” because they had little marks on them or odd shapes. Our group harvested these for cider pressing and to donate to a local soup kitchen that will turn them into applesauce. I arrived after a foraging walk with and going away gathering for my friend, Kimber, so I had forgotten to bring any kind of bucket or barrel. That turned out well, though, since my backback swung around front to become a highly efficient harvesting set-up.

Something magical happened to me as I approached the trees at sunset. Long time readers know I feel a strong connection to Avalon, also known as “The Isle of Apples.”

apple tree

This particular property sits on an old orchard, with rolling hills and twisting trees. I said a little prayer to the faeries and trees to help me find the nicest “low hanging fruit” so that I didn’t need to climb a ladder. I felt an immediate response. Amazingly, even when I’d approach a tree after someone else had already gleaned the lower branches, I kept finding flawless or nearly flawless apples — enough to fill my backpack within the first half hour. I then helped others collect for their own harvests or the donation. While picking, as twilight settled in, I could feel the mystical energy of Avalon. A huge well of joy bubbled from my heart up through the crown of my head as I walked under the trees.

We took a cider break to enjoy pressed cider from last week’s similar outing, which I missed due to a friend visiting from out of town. I had donated to the crowd funded community cider press just to support the project, not because I usually like apple cider, but this was the sweetest, richest tasting cider I’ve ever had! Something about drinking a fresh community harvest that would otherwise have gone to waste or broken tree limbs just felt right. This project also dovetails with the Youth Engagement Grant I’m working towards with some neighborhood teenagers to plant fruit trees in a nearby park. I had sensed the community potential of planting the trees and beautifying the park, and I love the idea of providing free, local food to neighbors. But last night, I also realized how healing and empowering the community harvest is. Again, bubbles of joy from a deep well of gratitude.

It’s not just about the apples … although I must admit, the one I ate last night upon returning home has forever changed my attitude about Red Delicious apples. Normally, I find that a completely ironic name! Not this time. Sweet, crisp, fresh, no wax, no spray … and with that extra magical something I sensed while picking:

apples 2

We can heal our planet and our communities. Indeed, we already are. I encourage people to check out the website and see what gleaning opportunities exist in your area. What a treat! Free food. An evening in Nature. A gathering of friends.

Blessings abound!

Your Voice Matters

I see no positive purpose in signing “White House” petitions, but I want to take a moment here to say that Congressional petitions, phone calls and letters do sometimes work. Case in point: after overwhelming public outcry, the Senate has rejected continuation of the Monsanto Protection Act! The House of “Representatives” is another story, but this now marks two victories in a not very long span of time. No Congress approval for war on Syria (yet), and now no free pass for biotech companies to continue planting GMO crops after a court has found them harmful.

How did this happen? IMHO, it happened through the relentless hounding of Congress to represent the people they claim to represent. Ya snooze, ya lose, so we need to keep on top of these folks. Whether you’re chanting for peace, planting for peace, spell weaving for peace and natural foods, or sending multiple petitions and phone calls per week, it is possible to make your voice heard. We vote in many ways besides the ballot box (or Diebold machine).

The cynicism of our times says no votes matter. At the presidential level, I agree. Presidents are selected way ahead of time, with support of corrupt vote counting machines and centers, media filtering and Citizens United contributions. At this point, selected presidents are so groomed and brainwashed to push a common agenda that it matters not which party they “represent.” To some extent, we find the same entrenched corruption and arrogance in Congress. A key difference, though? These people do need to spend some time in their own state.

At a recent Town Hall meeting, a citizen publicly and repeatedly accused Senator John McCain of treason. This citizen included many supportive and publicly verifiable facts in his accusation. Although McCain tried to laugh it off, applause showed that some listeners publicly agreed with this citizens’ assessment. Another woman — a former McCain supporter and native of Syria — publicly took McCain to task for his war mongering and lies. Her personal story touched the hearts of listeners, and she did not back down. McCain looked like a speechless turtle who couldn’t find his shell. No offense to turtles intended.

These cushy jobs with their free hair care, copious bribes, extravagant pensions and free Cadillac health insurance ultimately do derive from “We The People.” Increasingly, “We The People” have begun to remind Members of Congress of their rather precarious position. Treason holds a very harsh, humiliating and corporal public punishment in this country. At the very least, “We The People” have reminded some Members that they don’t get a permanent free pass to abuse us. Reelections may very well mean “Buh-bye, parasite,” even if no one decides to pursue formal charges of treason.

So keep it up! Whatever your method or mode of action, when you combine powerful intentions, Imagination and Creativity with tangible actions in “real time,” then you will see manifestations. We live in a participatory Universe. When you learn to vote with your intention and your actions … when you learn to make your voice heard in whatever pure and passionate expression that entails, you continue to amplify the creation process. “In the beginning was the Word …” . Voice that preferred world into being!

Woohoo and Blessed Be!

Example of Why Senators Continue the Monsanto Protection Act

I’ve been an annoying little constituent lately and have been calling and emailing my Representatives and Senators about two main issues: the sneaky War on Syria and the continuation of the Monsanto Protection Act. Since one of these Reps and my Senator required me to use an online form to contact them instead of just sending the petition electronically, I decided to click “yes” when asked if I wanted a response, in part as tit for tat, but also because really, I want to know what in the world these people are thinking!!

I received a letter from Rep. Jackie Walorski saying that she’s “not on the committee” but would “keep your thoughts in mind” should it ever come to a House vote again. The letter very carefully does not reveal any indication of her stance on GMO’s, stating instead “it’s a complicated issue.” Um, yeah! Runaway, poisonous genes in plants that have been shown to cause cancer, endocrine disruption, colony collapse disorder, exploding cow stomachs, and severely impaired human digestion … vs. ??? Money? Yep, pretty complicated. But I digress …

Today, I received an email from Senator Joe Donnelly respectfully indicating why he would (presumably) continue to support the Monsanto Protection Act whenever it comes to vote. I understand his concerns in that he doesn’t want Indiana farmers to be forced to destroy their crops should a court determine a crop is toxic or dangerous.

Sort of. I get that it’s money, and a farmer’s livelihood, and we have a lot of farmers in Indiana.

On the other hand, if a company wanted to release a chemical or biological weapon and call it “aspartame” and that substance appeared in everything from say, children’s food to “health” foods until people wised up enough to try to avoid it, causing a movement to try to change the definition of “milk” so that customers of that company could secretly include it without putting it on a label, even though many, many studies have proven how toxic that substance is, hypothetically speaking … oh, wait! That scenario’s already happened… Pardon me for not having much faith in the USDA.

Long term effects of GMO’s are unknown, but the actual independent studies (as opposed to the self regulatory “assurances” of Monsatan, et. al.) show shocking tumors, pesticide and herbicide residues in people who eat “Roundup resistant” crops, as well as GMO DNA appearing in newborns. To me, the future of the human species and the health of the planet are a wee bit more important than whether a farmer might be forced to destroy a crop found to kill, cause cancer or destroy agriculture by destroying bees. I mean, doesn’t the US government try to orchestrate WW3 over “chemical weapons”?

Anyway, I’m posting Senator Donnelly’s response, because it gives some insight into what we’re dealing with. Perhaps we need to educate farmers or appeal to their conscience. Do they really want to be personally responsible for poisoning humanity and causing an international refusal to buy US agricultural products, as happened when illegal GMO wheat grew in fields where it was never planted? Are they morally comfortable with protecting their income at the expense of possibly giving hundreds of thousands of consumers cancer? Are they morally comfortable with ruining organic farmers’ livelihoods due to uncontrolled genetic drift?

Maybe they are. I’ve read that most GMO farmers won’t consume their own “food.” I don’t know the answer to this issue. I support labeling actions but fear they may be too little, too late. How do we get to farmers other than boycotting their toxic crops and growing our own? How do we get lawmakers to recognize the sanctity of human DNA and health over the almighty dollar?

September 24, 2013

Dear Ms. Bruno,

I appreciate the time you took to contact me about the “Farmer Assurance Provision” in H.J. Res. 59, the continuing resolution for fiscal year 2014. Like you, I believe that consumers should have complete confidence in the food they purchase.

As you may know, H.R. 933, or the continuing resolution for fiscal year 2013, was passed into law on March 26, 2013. In H.R. 933, the section referred to as the “Farmer Assurance Provision,” gives the USDA the ability to temporarily allow farmers to continue producing previously approved crops should the crop’s approval be invalidated in court. The temporary allowance is only applicable during the period necessary for either the USDA to complete any court required analysis, or for the court challenges to be resolved. After the USDA completes its review, production of the challenged crop could only continue according to the conditions established in the additional review.

This provision ensures that farmers who decide to plant an approved crop are not ordered to destroy their fields and left without a year’s income in the event that one court disagrees with the USDA’s approval decision.

H.R. 933 extended the continuing resolution temporarily. It is set to expire on September 30, 2013. On September 19, 2013, the House of Representatives passed H.J. Res. 59, which contains the same “Farmer Assurance Provision” included in H.R. 933. Should this legislation come before the full Senate for a vote, I will be sure to keep your concerns in mind.
It is a privilege to represent you and all Hoosiers in the U.S. Senate. Your continued correspondence is welcome and helps me to better represent our state. I encourage you to write, call, or email if my office can ever be of assistance. You can also check out my Facebook page and follow me on Twitter by visiting my website .

UK Filter to Block “Esoteric Content” — Worldwide Implications

What’s the difference between pornography and spiritual teachings? According to this new censorship effort in the UK: nothing. That’s right. The government that willfully engages in and covers up pervasive, systemic sexual abuse of children has decided that it must Nanny State out children’s possible access to online pornography — as well as anyone else’s access to whatever spiritual information the government decides to label “esoteric.”

Hmmm … the worldwide spiritual awakening seems to have those pathetic powers that (think they) “be” quakin’ in their booties.

I do encourage people to act on this one, since the insanity has already begun to infiltrate other countries. We live in a vibrational world. Got to stamp out those rising online spiritual communities as well as all that esoteric knowledge. Must. Launch. Earth. Back. To. Dark. Ages. You know, for the children’s sake. I actually know of some people who’ve already felt the effects of this censorship on their sites, ridiculous and desperate tactic though it is.

Watch out for narcissists stripped of adoration and emperors found naked. A message to those who want to censor esoteric content: ponder these immortal words from The Holy Grail:

“I fart in your general direction. Your mother is a hampster, and your father smells of old elderberries! Now go away, before I taunt you a second time!” (Yes, you and your tyranny are that absurd.)

Original graphic published at

Infographic: UK Filter to Block ‘Esoteric Content’ - Worldwide Implications

Doreen Virtue ~ Weekly Oracle Report September 23-29, 2013

I’m definitely resonating with Doreen’s message so far for Monday and Tuesday. Waves and waves of relief about nothing in particular. I just feel fabulous and like a weight I didn’t know I was carrying has suddenly, inexplicably been lifted off my chest. In my case, it’s not so much about career as just about everything clicking together. I love how she uses a kitchen analogy for the early part of the week, because despite being extremely busy with sessions today, I also spent a lot of time in the garden and kitchen and had some unexpected blessings that I wouldn’t have realized without being open to things not going according to plan.

After processing huge amounts of basil and using up many key ingredients, I goofed and added way too much Parma to my original recipe (I corrected the amount for the ingredients listed below). The result was that my pesto was way too salty and almost cakey. It needed some other flavor, and I was tired of adding more and more basil. It was initially so bad that I considered throwing it out, but I had already invested lots of effort stripping the leaves off my bush basil, as well as all the ingredients.

Then I remembered that last week, my friend Paul gave me an idea for a surprise ingredient in pesto: mint! He makes his entirely of mint, but today, I just added a little bit to bring the flavors over the top, along with some cherry tomatoes I needed to use up.

Ummmm … wow!!!

As I have been harvesting and harvesting and blending and freezing pesto to clear away my basil plants for planting daikon radishes and spinach, my pesto pickiness level has really amped up. Each batch gets tastier, and this one (almost an entire quart, split into smaller containers) ended up so complex that I had to restrain myself from gobbling it down instead of freezing it. I still have masses of basil to remove before Fall planting, so tomorrow I may try to replicate this non-recipe, which I’ll share below. (Doreen’s video follows. It was just so synchronous that I actually giggled watching the video.)

Vegan Tomato Basil Pesto with Dandelion Vinegar, Hemp Seeds and Mint

Masses of basil leaves (I used the equivalent of 1.5 Vitamix blenders full, blending down to fit in one batch)

5 sprigs of peppermint approximately 6 inches long each, just pulling off the individual leaves

3 large cloves garlic

2-3 TBSP dandelion vinegar (apple cider vinegar that I had previously infused with dandelion blossoms; if you don’t have this — most people don’t! — you can use lemon juice or plain ACV)

Olive oil (1/4 cup??)

Miso (I used white, probably 1.5 TBSP)

Splash of wheat-free tamari

Handful of cherry tomatoes

Dash of birch sweetener

2 TBSP Chipotle Cayenne Parma (raw, vegan nutritional yeast “cheese” — I actually used more than this, hence my search for extra flavors, but this amount would have been plenty.)

1/4 cup or more hemp seeds

Blend together in batches. You might need to use the tamper to press down all those greens. If you want little crunchy bits, add the hemp seeds last and either don’t blend or only minimally process. This makes a lot of pesto! If you want less, scale the ingredients back. 🙂

OK … now that we’ve completed that detour, here’s Doreen!

Published on Sept 22, 2013

“This week is all about career opportunities. Previous blocks are lifted, and your prayers are answered in highly unexpected ways . . . provided you are open to seeing these answers! If you insist that your prayers are answered in one specific way, you may miss the gifts that are presented to you this week. Stay open and notice new doors of opportunity, and then walk through them! You will also likely feel extra sensitive and intuitive this week, after you cleared away a lot of old energy last week.”