Archive for July, 2023

A Touch of Ireland and France in Michigan

Yesterday, David and I took a day trip to Muskegon, Michigan, where we saw the only U.S. facsimile of the 1200 year old The Book Kells. The facsimile cost over $14,000 to create, and there are few even in Europe. The gorgeously illuminated manuscript sits in a locked case at the Muskegon Library, but it was cool for this nerdy English Major to see it.

The ornate box above the book is a replica of similar boxes used to store manuscripts in the Middle Ages. The library also boasts huge stained glass windows and a small Shakespeare Garden outside. The garden was tiny but smelled glorious!

We then made our way next door to the Muskegon Museum of Art, and then on to one of my favorite spots of the day: the Monet Garden. A group of gardeners transformed a small city lot into a replica of Monet’s Giverny. All through high school, I slept next to poster of this scene. It was the last thing I’d see at night, and the first thing in the morning. And yesterday … I entered the scene:

I could have listened to this little waterfall all day:

It really is a pocket garden, just a tiny respite on the city block, but it brings a touch of France to Michigan.

I felt a bit French myself in my dress and hat:

We rounded off our day with a trip to The Book Nook & Java Shop in Montague (highly recommended!) and then ate at the Unicorn Tavern in Grand Haven on our way home. There’s a Seventh Day Adventist Church across the street, and perhaps that explains the yummy selection of vegan and vegetarian food.

It was a short getaway, but sometimes those are the best kind–mixing things up to get new ideas and fresh perspectives. I will say that it’s always nice to return home and find my own garden looking like a mini park. A young groundhog made some trouble for our neighbor and me, but so far the repellent spray seems to be working. Don’t make me break out the hot pepper flakes!

August 2023 Aquarius Full Moon: Intense! (Video)

Predictions, meaning and ways to handle this world changing Aquarius Full Super Moon on August 1, 2023. Pluto square the Lunar Nodes of Fate brings extra intensity, and the Sabian Symbol suggests a public reckoning. Who will fall from grace?

If you’re receiving this update via email, you’ll need to click through to view the video. This one clocked in at exactly 12:34 minutes.

Full Moon in Aquarius ~ August 1, 2023

My August 2023 Forecast shared:

August 1 Full Moon in Aquarius, 2:31 p.m. Eastern US Time, and Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus. This auspicious start to August also occurs on the traditional Feast of Lammas/Lughnassadh, the first of three harvest festivals. Pay attention to any aha moments today. Mercury in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces primes us to bring spiritual awareness and discipline into our everyday thought and understanding.

Pluto in late Capricorn and the Aries-Libra nodal axis form a tight T-square, pushing resistance up and out. Collectively, a giant, festering boil is about to be lanced, or it will explode on its own. It’s messy and disgusting, but this needs to happen in order for full healing to occur. Try to steer clear of toxic runoff and focus instead on the potential to finally, truly heal and move forward. The Washington, D.C. chart places Venus Retrograde at the Midheaven. Fortunately, she’ll oversee this intense process with as much love and grace as possible.

This is a good time to expand our understanding and get things done. The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon point also suggests a change in perception about one or more famous people. Remember, we always round up for Sabian Symbols:

(AQUARIUS 10°): A MAN WHO HAD FOR A TIME BECOME THE EMBODIMENT OF A POPULAR IDEAL IS MADE TO REALIZE THAT AS A PERSON HE IS NOT THIS IDEAL. KEYNOTE: The need to deal with human beings as persons rather than as screens upon which one projects one’s dream and ideal. … This fifth symbol in the sixty-second sequence brings to our attention an issue that is basic and may confront us in various forms. Person versus archetype. This can mean a critical need for SELF-REVALUATION.”

A conjunction between dwarf planet Varuna (7+ Leo) and the Sun point (9+ Leo) of this Full Moon amplifies the potential for someone famous to be knocked off their pedestal. Varuna often indicates fame, power and success, including generational wealth. We could see a fall from grace, and depending on the offense, this could either bring the person down to Earth and make them more relatable, or trigger a full reversal of fortune. Lifetime legacies are being rewritten, and I suspect we’ll see this dynamic play out with more than one individual.

Varuna is the Vedic god and guardian of Sacred Law and Order. Whatever plays out over the next month will feel like a karmic reset. As noted about Varuna on “It is good to see from a bigger picture how universal law works, and that ultimately the universe is benevolent, due to divine flow, despite the lashing out of the human ego that cause[s] injustice. When another person’s blessing is not meant for you, no amount of evil-mindedness to steal it can stop divine order from providing restoration after injustice, even if years after a senseless act… It’s social justice.”

That’s the main aspect directly linked to this Full Moon in Aquarius. In general, Aquarius Full Moon’s highlight humanitarian energy and encourage us to march to the beat of our own drum. The sign of groups, friendship and revolution brings unconventional change. Given the intense background energies, we’re challenged to maintain personal integrity amidst the masses, who may not align with our own identity or path. At its highest level, Aquarius brings humanitarian and otherworldly collaboration. At its lowest level, Aquarian energy becomes a hivemind Borg.

The Great Awakening continues, but not everyone’s at the same point on the journey. Make peace with uncertainty, as life demands something new. To the best of your ability, have patience with people who’ve been suddenly slapped in the soul by information that contradicts everything they thought they knew and loved. You don’t need to agree with everyone, and it’s okay to surround yourself with people whose vibration more closely matches your own. Each person is important, but that doesn’t mean you’re required to maintain contact with everyone.

You can aim for evolution, rather than revolving around the same prescribed circle. It’s an excellent time to retract any projections and take responsibility for your own life and areas of influence. A power vacuum will make room for new leaders, and who knows? You might be one of them.

August 2023 Forecast and Third Quarter North Node Horoscopes


August 2023 begins with a Full Moon in Aquarius and ends with a Blue Moon in Pisces. Spirituality and Otherworldly influences pervade the entire month. Mercury in Virgo stations Retrograde, and Venus in Leo remains Rx for all of August. In Virgo, Mars–the planet of willpower, passion, action, and war–makes big aspects with all three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto). Mystical opposition and support supersede individual control. Expect some weird, wild and wonder-full times.

August 1 Full Moon in Aquarius, 2:31 p.m. Eastern US Time, and Mars in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus. This auspicious start to August also occurs on the traditional Feast of Lammas/Lughnassadh, the first of three harvest festivals. Pay attention to any aha moments today. Mercury in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces prime us to bring spiritual awareness and discipline into our everyday thought and understanding.

August 6 Sun in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus. Expect a shift in overall perspective and vision of life. This could occur on the individual and/or collective level. The Sun highlights areas that aren’t living to full potential, and Jupiter challenges us to rise to the occasion. How have you kept yourself small? How can you expand into a truer version of your most authentic self?

August 9 Venus Retrograde in Leo square Uranus in Taurus, and Mercury in Virgo trine Jupiter in Taurus. This is the second of three Venus square Uranus events during the Love Goddess’s extended time in Leo. With Mercury supported by Jupiter, big messages come through regarding relationships, self-esteem, values and the arts. A highly creative time, and a time for important conversations about freedom and liberation. Relationships that feel too restrictive could end or radically change as a result of current events.

August 13 Sun conjunct Venus in Leo. Light and warmth infuse our hearts with love, beauty and increased self-esteem. This is a great day for a makeover or new hairdo–anything that improves your appearance so you feel more comfortable letting your inner radiance shine through.

August 15 Sun in Leo square Uranus in Taurus. Frustration peaks in the collective, as light shines on all restrictions. Take the insights, but pause before acting in too much haste. Do you really need to break free? Or do you need a breakthrough? Pay attention to subtle differences between these questions and see where the answers lead.

August 16 New Moon in Leo, 5:38 a.m. Eastern US time, and Mars in Virgo trine Uranus in Taurus. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “(LEO 24°): TOTALLY CONCENTRATED UPON INNER SPIRITUAL ATTAINMENT, A MAN IS SITTING IN A STATE OF COMPLETE NEGLECT OF BODILY APPEARANCE AND CLEANLINESS.” While Mars, the planet of action supports Uranus (liberation), the New Moon squares (creates friction with) Uranus in Taurus. The Sabian Symbol and aspects suggest inner liberation that explodes from an intense period of meditation. If you have trouble focusing, this New Moon offers “TOTAL CONCENTRATION.”

August 22 Mars in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces. Any tensions that arise at this time will yield better results by aligning with emotional and spiritual energies. This is a positive time for things like feng shui, vision boards, meditation, and magic, but a frustrating time for more “practical” action. Neptune dissolves and diffuses personal willpower, but you can use this opposition for creative inspiration and wooing of the muse. Remember, things often shift on the energetic level before we see physical, tangible results. Sometimes “no” means “not yet.” Just because you can’t see it and touch it, doesn’t mean “nothing’s happening.”

August 23 Sun enters Virgo, and Mercury stations Retrograde in Virgo. The Messenger remains Rx in one of his home signs until September 15. At the station point of Retrograde, Mercury trines Uranus in Taurus, setting a liberating tone to the details we’ll review over the next few weeks. Daily habits, health, and devotion become more important with Virgo.

August 24-25 Mars in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn. Determination runs high, with a strong energy of git er done! Mountains that seemed too big to move suddenly feel passable. This might involve a metaphorical tunnel or walkabout, but personal will aligned with the force of nature makes things happen.

August 27 Mars enters Libra, and Sun in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces. Today could feel frustrating. Mars doesn’t enjoy his time in Libra, the opposite of his home sign Aries, and Saturn tamps down optimism. The Sun-Saturn opposition only lasts a day, but Mars remains in Libra until October 12. Focus on partnership and cooperation in order to get things done. Some situations require more finesse than simply charging ahead. If disagreements arise, you’ll feel better if you take others into consideration. Seek harmonious solutions and ways to sidestep conflict. Voluntary removal will be more effective than all out war. On a positive note, we could see more calls for peace as the most practical solution.

August 28 Uranus stations Retrograde in Taurus. The Cosmic Liberator remains Rx until January 27, 2024. Revolution turns more inward, focusing on what we need to shift within ourselves before demanding external change.

August 30 Full Moon in Pisces, 9:36 p.m. Eastern US time. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is: “(PISCES 8°): A GIRL BLOWING A BUGLE. KEYNOTE: A call to participation in the service of the race, as an evolutionary crisis approaches.” This is a highly spiritual Blue Moon, the second Full Moon in a month–a “once in a Blue Moon” chance for transformation. As Dane Rudhyar said in his expansion of this symbol, “Tomorrow acts through today; it SUMMONS men to rebirth.”

How August’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.     

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. If you’re right on the cusp, consider both possibilities or book a reading for more clarity.


ARIES NORTH NODE: The big event for you this quarter is the transiting North Node moving into Aries on July 17th. Since the North Node moves backwards, those with late degrees of Aries will feel the initial effects in a more personal, targeted way, but this transit sets the collective tone until January 2025. It will feel easier to put yourself first and to summon courage to move forward in areas where you’ve felt stuck. It will feel more natural to say no to codependent relationships and “death by committee.” The new energies support your destiny and purpose in bigger ways than you’ve felt for eighteen years. You’re a pioneer with something important to offer the world. Explore that idea, even if it feels weird to say or think. Venus in Leo will also improve your relationships, including with yourself.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: “Last call!” for Taurus North Node natives to git ‘er done with the North Node in your sign. Of course, you’ll always find that doors open easier when you apply Taurus energies, but the past eighteen months have really pushed you on your path. You’ll still feel the uplift and expansion of Jupiter moving through Taurus, as well as Uranus stirring the pot for anyone with mid-later Taurus degrees. Your North Node sign’s ruler, Venus, spends most of this quarter in Leo, triggering productive friction to help you make necessary changes. Focus on incremental moves rather than a big bang. Patience serves you well, and with Venus going retrograde, you’ll have even more time to take those steps. Crystals, gardening and beauty are all “up” for you. Enjoy the journey!

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Any planets moving through Leo offer you supportive sextiles, and the big one this quarter is Venus. The Love Goddess offers subtle but targeted support as she crisscrosses Leo. This is a good quarter for relationships of any sort, but also for improving self esteem and for aligning your appearance more with your life purpose. If you’ve wanted a makeover or feel you’ve outgrown your style, consider upgrading this quarter. Mercury, your sign’s ruler, spends extra time in Virgo this quarter. Although Mercury rules Virgo, too, Gemini and Virgo communicate and process information in very different ways. This square can serve you well. Just beware of speaking too hastily or authoritatively. You can afford to make deals, Gemini any friction will benefit you if you aim for win-win solutions.

CANCER NORTH NODE: For the first three weeks of July, the Sun shines light on your North Node sign. Life softens, and it’s easier to walk your path. July 16-17th’s New Moon occurs in your sign, and the Moon rules Cancer. More than any other sign, Cancer North Node natives thrive with an awareness of the Moon’s effects on health, mood, plant life, and energy levels. Allow yourself to ebb and flow. You’re not a static creature! The Aries-Libra nodal axis will gradually square the entire range of Cancer-Capricorn, which means you’ll benefit from creative tension. If something feels frustrating or makes you mad, don’t dig in your heels or closer yourself off. You can engage energies that feel uncomfortable, and sharing your fears, challenges and emotions will bring much better results.

LEO NORTH NODE: Venus the Love Goddess spends this quarter flitting and flirting through your North Node sign. She brings grace, beauty, financial gifts and increased confidence, so enjoy the journey. Jupiter and Uranus square Leo from Taurus, but this friction encourages you to go bigger, bolder and more authentic in your destiny to shine. If you meet roadblocks, reassess the playing field and position yourself to win even more. Be careful of overspending, but if something’s on path for you, go for it! Practice positive affirmations, which will take you far this quarter. When in doubt, choose heart over head. From July 22-August 23, the Sun–your North Node’s ruler–shines light on your destiny, so pay special attention to passions that arise during this month. It’s okay to break away from the crowd. You’re no wallflower.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Big moves this quarter from both Mercury and Mars in Virgo! The Messenger spends extra time in one of his home signs this year due to a retrograde from August 23-September 15. The Warrior supercharges your North Node sign from July 10 to August 27. The exact dates of activation depend on your North Node degree, but these players increase communication and the ability to fight for your most authentic life path. Details matter, so check and double check your metaphorical math. If you’ve procrastinated action or felt blocked, this is a great quarter to get things done. Divide your tasks into smaller activities and celebrate the little wins that move you closer to your goal. Virgo North Node natives benefits from regular, deliberate discipline. Vague intentions are less effective than concrete steps toward success.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: The big Third Quarter 2023 event for Libra North Node natives is the transiting North Node moving into your South Node sign on July 17. People with later degree Libra will be affected first, but for the next eighteen months you could feel 180 from the general population. It helps to know that, because your sign needs to bridge gaps that arise from too many competing individual agendas. You’re the peacemaker, the one who benefits from connection and relationship. When the world’s not interested in those things, we need them even more. Don’t get discouraged! This is a karmic time of course correction. Follow what feels right for you, but do so with charm and grace. Venus, your sign’s ruler, offers supportive energy from Leo for most of this quarter. Lean into her love, as she can ease tensions that arise from nodal opposition.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: On July 17th, the North Node finally leaves your South Node sign. Scorpio North Node natives can breathe a sigh of karmic relief. Against all odds, you made it! You are in a process of transmutation, but some of the fire begins to ease. Jupiter and Uranus will remain in Taurus this entire quarter and beyond, so you’re not totally you out of the woods, but the nodal shift is a big deal. A pressure release valve gets released on July 17th. Anything in Cancer trines your North Node sign, and anything in Leo squares it (whenever in orb +/- five degrees). Give yourself credit for a job well done. If you’ve felt out of phase with the collective, you’ll notice people having more courage to look at those deep, dark truths you’ve discovered since January 2021. You won’t feel so lonely, because your sign’s co-ruler, Mars, also rules the North Node in Aries.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: All the action in Leo and the shift of nodal axis into Aries-Libra benefits Sagittarius North Node natives. Supportive trines and sextiles offer gentle opportunities to get even more on path. Keep focused on what feels true to you. You don’t need to research every topic, just look into the ones that naturally draw your attention. Relationships, passion and self-esteem are up this quarter. Try taking a longer trip to expand your awareness. You’re a different person in different surroundings, and some of these vacation spots could feel more authentic than your daily life. Explore, expand, and follow intuition’s lead. A change of scenery will do you good! When in doubt think bigger and bolder. You don’t need everyone to like you. Consider writing articles, books or larger creative projects, rather than trying to reach people through social media.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: This quarter starts with a Full Moon in your North Node sign on July 3rd. Set your goals for the next six months. The July 17th shift of the Lunar Nodes into Aries-Libra begins an eighteen-month period of creative friction for Capricorn North Node natives. You’ll be pushed towards greater leadership roles, and this increased authority is on path for you. The New Moon in Cancer within hours of the nodal shift occurs in your South Node sign. Pay attention to old feelings and insecurities that arise. Your challenge–should you choose to accept it–is to release codependent, overly emotional patterns standing in the way of your success. As Venus makes her way back and forth through Leo, your North Node gets quincunxed (150 degrees). This highly creative aspect is fleeting, but when it pings, relationships and opportunities feel orchestrated. Act on these.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2023 brings a sigh of relief as Pluto leaves your sign again for Capricorn. Even if your North Node degree is later in Aquarius, you felt Pluto’s entry on March 23, 2023 more than most. Use this quarter to assess what worked or didn’t work for you during the short preview between March 23 and June 11. What ego issues, patterns and conditioning need purging from your life? How are you changing, and how does this affect your friendships, co-workers and alliances? Venus will crisscross your South Node sign, so pay attention to old flames, former passions, and any unresolved self-esteem issues. Her graceful presence eases the process of letting go. What kind of innovations or technology could improve your life? You, more than most signs, benefit from upgrades.

PISCES NORTH NODE: You’re most impacted by anything on the Pisces-Virgo axis, which will include Mercury Retrograde in Virgo from August 23-September 14. Depending on the degree of your North and South Node, your experiences could vary widely: Saturn and Neptune in Pisces have very different energies! It’s best for you to go with the flow. You can’t control those tides anyway, so you might as well align yourself with natural movement and divine timing. Mars crossing your Virgo South Node could dredge up old enemies or confrontations. When in doubt, seek a higher plane of understanding rather than lapsing into blame and judgment. Forgiveness benefits you even more than it benefits those who’ve wronged you. Your feelings and spiritual path will lead you better than your mind.

Synchronicity, Destiny and Astrology ~ A Conversation with Sharon Hewitt Rawlette, PhD (Video)

This turned out to be one of my favorite conversations ever! From the YouTube description:

Philosopher, writer and researcher Sharon Hewitt Rawlette, PhD joins astrologer Laura Bruno to discuss how synchronicities, intuition, and destiny points in life coincide with astrological transits and progressions. We explore life path, life between lives, Near Death Experiences (NDEs), fertility and relationships, with lots of stories and examples. (If you’re receiving this by email, you’ll need to click through to view the hour and eleven minute video.)

Find Sharon at

Garden Update ~ More Lilies, Lettuce, Cosmos and Other Pretties

I haven’t done a garden update in awhile. I’ve been busier than usual this year, but things continue to bloom and grow. We’ve had some tasty beans, lots of salads, and I ate my first garden grown cucumber and tomato of the season today at lunch. Here are some quick photos I took between sessions:

These lilies came from a mix called “sixty days of lilies,” and I’ve had different varieties of lilies blooming for months.

Tucked among the flowers are various types of lettuce, banana peppers, kale, collards, eggplant, and hopefully, the pole beans will start climbing their trellis soon. I harvested loads of garlic a couple weeks ago, but that’s still drying in the shed and on the front porch. I’m also eagerly awaiting the gladiolus, which are the tall, narrow foliage popping out of the beds below.

We have backyard zinnias and different lilies, plus beans, cukes, green and purple basil and more, but I only had time for front yard photos today. 🙂

North Node Enters Aries ~ It’s Go Time! (Video)

The second half of July brings another pivotal shift to collective experience. This 10-minute video shares insights and tips for how to get the most out of these energies. (If you’re reading this by email, you’ll need to click through to view the video.)

New Moon in Cancer + North Node enters Aries ~ July 17, 2023

My July 2023 Forecast shared:

July 17 New Moon in Cancer, 2:32 p.m. Eastern US time, and North Node enters Aries. Talk about a cosmic reset! At the time of the New Moon, the North Node is at 0 00′ Taurus and then enters Aries later that day, reactivating the powerful April 19-20 New Moon in Aries Solar Eclipse. All this occurs with Mercury in Leo square Jupiter in Taurus. Bold messages that create friction with old narratives.

Dane Rudhyar’s Sabian Symbol for this New Moon degree is:


KEYNOTE: The response of spiritual forces to the integration of personality through positive will-full endeavors.

We are dealing here with a man who uses his will and positive imagination in facing his life problems. To him comes a pentecostal descent of power. He receives the “mantle of power,” the grace (baraka in Sufi philosophy) or the Providential assistance which can make him a true leader in his culture.

In this fifth symbol we witness a more transcendent expression of “success.” It is not merely external success (as is given by society to its prima donnas), but a spiritual response, a sign of inner strength and uncommon ENDOWMENT.

This New Moon in Cancer reminds us of a spiritual component to everyday life. “What is impossible with man is possible with God.” No matter how dire external circumstances appear, Divine Intervention can turn things around for the good. (11:11 as I typed that!)

modified from original chart at

The nodal axis shifting from Taurus/Scorpio to Aries/Libra increases the speed of manifestation. Taurus is the slowest sign, and the collective experience since January 2022 has moved at an excruciatingly slow pace. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the one most associated with forging ahead. In our recent video together, Timothy Glenn and I talked a lot about the North Node entering Aries and how this squares Pluto in late Capricorn. You can find that video here.

In quick layman’s terms, this New Moon will feel extra new because it not only begins a new lunar cycle for the next month, but also a new lunar nodes cycle for the next eighteen months. Things can finally move forward on a collective level.

The New Moon sits right between the US natal Part of Fortune and US natal Mercury. Thus, we can expect pivotal messages (Mercury) that will change the course, fate and happiness (Part of Fortune) of the United States. It’s also sextile Uranus in Taurus, offering supportive energy for sudden change. This New Moon in Cancer tightly squares Eris at 25 Aries. Eris is the Goddess of Discord and a marker of revenge. We could see an avalanche of consequences and poetic justice, even if it seemed like no consequences would ever arrive.

At that same 25 Aries point, we find Heracles (Hercules), a hero god associated with superhuman strength, as well as shamanic ability to enter the Underworld. This chthonic figure amplifies Pluto’s loose opposition from late Capricorn to the New Moon in Cancer. More exactly opposing the New Moon is Arawn at 26 Capricorn. Arawn is a Welsh God of the Underworld, closely associated with plowing the fields and turning over new ground. Again, we find an emphasis on end of the old, beginning of something completely new. This process could feel dark and intense (T-square involving Pluto/Arawn/Eris/Heracles), but something new will arise from the experience.

Centaur Hylonome also opposes the New Moon from 23 Capricorn. Hylonome is part of a tragic tale where she lost her husband Cyllarus and was so distraught that she killed herself in grief. Her presence strongly emphasizes the end of an era. Opposing the Cancer New Moon from Capricorn, she triggers strong feelings about the end of an era of rules, traditions, authority and values. Many people will feel extreme grief when they realize what they’ve participated in, celebrated and/or enabled.

The New Moon in Cancer makes a supportive sextile to asteroid Child at 26 Virgo, which also conjuncts Mars, the Warrior. [Oops! I read the 26′ of Mars as degree. Chart has been corrected.] Given the highly popular release of Sound of Freedom that coincided with the July 3 Full Moon in Capricorn and US Independence Day, this sextile from motherly, nurturing Cancer will increase calls to “save the children.”

Mainstream media’s attacks and attempts to spin this true story as some kind of conspiracy theory should wake up a lot more people. The film’s message is “God’s children are not for sale.” Imagine trying to politicize this issue and run cover for pedophiles while claiming moral and intellectual high ground. At some point, even sleepwalkers will begin to ask: what else have they been lying about?! That Child sextile New Moon in Cancer suggests that Mama Bears (Cancer) will demand to save the children (Child). With Child in Virgo, any actions will be detailed, thorough, grounded and correct.

We’ve been living between worlds at least since March 2023 when Saturn, Mars and Pluto all entered new signs. March-June 2023 offered a temporary preview, but this New Moon in Cancer and the nodal shift on July 17 begin an extended period of “Go Time.” The starting gun fires “the shot heard round the world,” and the next eighteen months will challenge us to “win the race.”

Laura Bruno and Tania Marie talk about North Nodes, Relationships, Chiron Return and More (Video)

This comes as a special request by blog readers: Faery Twin Tania Marie and I get personal on video. With the collective North Node changing signs on July 17, this seemed like a great time to discuss the North Node point in the natal chart and how it can guide us to better relationships and more joyful, on path living.

Since we both turned 50 this year, we also talk about the Chiron Return transit that affects everyone at some point between ages 49-51, and we share tips for living a more magical and creative life. This one clocks in at just over 43 minutes. (If you’re receiving this by email, you’ll need to click through in order to view or listen to the video.)

Watch for two Astrid sightings in the first few minutes!

Also, if you have a way to sign into YouTube, “Likes,” “Subscribes” and comments tell the YouTube algorithm to make this video and my entire channel more visible. If not, no worries, but if you’d like more of this type of content, please let Mr. Algo know. Otherwise, he keeps things under wraps. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as Tania and I did!

Synchronicity and Magical Thinking

This post from almost 10 years ago wants to go up again:

One more for today because the message is too good not to pass along:

“Synchronicity and Magical Thinking”

Synchronicity and magical thinking are close friends. They may even be Siamese twins who share a common heart. But what is magical thinking?

Elias Howe had an idea about a machine with a needle that would penetrate cloth. He fiddled around with various ideas – a hole through the middle of the needle, for instance – but nothing worked. One night, he dreamed he was taken prisoner by a group of cannibals who danced around him with spears. Howe noticed that the spears all had holes near the tip. When he woke up, he realized the dream had provided the solution to his problem. By locating a hole at the tip of the needle, the thread could be caught after it went through cloth thus making his machine operable. Is that magical thinking? You bet.

A man entered a tanning salon shortly before closing time and asked the female employee if he could use the restroom. She felt intuitively uneasy about the guy and asked several customers if they would check outside. The police found the man, a convicted sex offender, waiting in the parking lot with a ski mask, handcuffs, a butcher knife, and sex devices. He had opened the spa’s back door before leaving. Instead of dismissing her unease as paranoia, the female employee listened to her intuition. Magical thinking? Absolutely.

One night, Cj bolted out of a sound sleep and in the mirror at the foot of her bed, saw an image play out: a short, bulky man with shoulder-length hair walked up a sidewalk to the porch of a Victorian house that Cj recognized as her friend’s home. The man wore a red plaid shirt and held a gun and Cj had the strong impression that the man intended to kill her friend. She glanced at the clock: it was 3:30 AM. She felt the murder would happen at that time, the next night. Early the next morning, she called her friend and described the vision. Her friend called the police. Even though they were doubtful about the source of the information – a vision, a hunch – they assigned an officer to the property the next night. At exactly 3:30 am, a short bulky man with shoulder-length hair, wearing a red plaid shirt, walked onto the sidewalk approaching the porch to the house. The officer grabbed him. The man, a religious fanatic, believed Cj’s friend was a witch and had intended to kill her. Magical thinking? Yes. And it saved a woman’s life.

In each of these instances, individuals acted on the basis of their personal perceptions and emotions. And yet, mainstream science says that if we trust our own perceptions and experiences, if we trust what has not been proven, we’re living in the fool’s paradise of magical thinking. Really?

Magical thinking enables us to think outside the narrow box of consensus reality and creates a fertile environment in which synchronicity is more likely to occur. It enables us to undertake the hero’s journey that Joseph Campbell wrote about so movingly. Magical thinking is precisely what makes life so mysterious, so ultimately unknowable that our lives are changed in unimagined ways simply because we don’t have all the answers.

Once you acknowledge the validity of your own perceptions and experiences, you discover that magical thinking and synchronicity possess momentum that cuts across cultures, religions, ethnicities. Born within our collective humanity, this momentum sweeps outward, like a force of nature.”

Link to original article [Unfortunately, that blog has since been removed, so I don’t know whom to credit. The message is important though. As the world gets more chaotic, we can find our way through the noise by paying attention to the signs and syncs that dance across our lives.]