Archive for May, 2012

Bill Ballard: Timeline Decisions and the New Earth

Here’s a video by my friend, Bill Ballard. I’ve been watching him grow younger and younger with each video, which is really fun and a testament to the joyful, playful, rejuvenating energies coming through. Bill has helped facilitate 40-Day group visualization events for several years now, having various foci to help bring in positive 5D timelines for a New Earth. In this video, he speaks about removing all limitations and allowing ourselves to “dream our wildest dreams.” Watch the light energy around his throat chakra as he gets more and more excited about each of us affecting the collective with our own Light expansion and activation as we create and manifest “the new illusion,” the New Earth. Thanks and love to Bill and a joyful journey to all of us!

Flash Silvermoon: Venus Transit of the Sun

Astrologer Flash Silvermoon left the following as a comment on my earlier post about the Venus transit of the Sun. I loved her comment and said I’d give it a separate post:

Flash Silvermoon astrologer here. This is part of my Astroflash Monthly Horoscope for June as pertaining to the VENUS TRANSIT OF THE SUN

The Good News, is that Venus, the feminine planet of love and relationship will be conjoining the Sun and making a rare transit across the face of the Sun on June 5th. This won’t happen again until 2117. In a year with tons of really important transits, this one alone is the most significant because of its rarity. We might even see this transit of Venus across the Sun as the most defining event of the whole year and that is saying something!

Even though this event will be squared by transiting Mars in Virgo, this time could usher in a magnificent space where the Divine Feminine in all will rise up and create a more healing and loving paradigm.. The Sacred Feminine connecting with the Sun will enliven all the wonderful female qualities such as intuition, sensitivity, reflection, nurturing, patience etc and hold them up to the light endowing these qualities with more visibility and creativity for everyone. Hence this could very well be a turning point of Tone.In other words some of the Shift we are seeing and will see more profoundly is a welcoming and inhabiting of a more holistic and gentle way of occupying this planet by a larger majority. When there is a balance with male and female energies on Earth, then the atrocities leveled at our Mother will not be permitted. Balanced men do not rape anyone including the planet!

No doubt there will be a solid resistance to positive growth by some. There has surely been very reactionary back peddling regarding women’s rights lately and this influx of Venusian/Solar energy should promote more female leadership and a backlash against this perverse need of the Repugs to bring women back to 1950′s Stepford Wives lives. Venus/Sun energy will mean a more Active resistance against our cultural lack of equality as well as creating a kinder world.

The Patriarchs of old knew that to control women was to control the world so as this newer version thrashes around in its death throes, it scrambles to get a stranglehold on anything it can to sustain its primacy, but the genie is out of the bottle and the women of the world will not settle for slavery or become unwilling breeders. The more the hammer of oppression clamps down, the more the spirit of rebellion will flare. This is the nature of the times that we are living. This transit of Venus over the Sun heralds a new flame for the liberation of women as well as a potentially gentler way to solve the problems of the world.

To read the entire post see I am also on Word Press feel free to share Blessings Flash PS I love your BLOG

[Thanks again, Flash! I am sure others will love discovering your blog as well. Many Blessings, Laura]

Venus Transit June 5-6: Moving into a Higher Octave

Thanks to Gillian for bringing the following video to my attention. As Carl Boudreau explains, “This is a quick, no frills, special edition video about the Venus transit of the Sun. Just me saying some stuff. It is an important event and its meaning is a bit obscure, really. So somebody ought to take a crack at it.”

I’m not anything close to a professional astrologer, but I love when an astrologer explains some of the influences behind larger patterns I intuit and/or observe in international sessions and my own personal life experiences. IMHO, Carl’s comments on the shifting of Venus energy away from “sex, drugs, rock ‘n’ roll,” the “I just need to find my soul mate” idea, and “what’s in it for me?” categories are right on. As a planet, we are moving and truly need to continue moving into a higher octave of Love, which originates in and pours outward from a Love of God/Source/All That Is — kind of a “my cup overfloweth” sort of Love, which then permeates every aspect of our lives.

My impressions of this June 5-6 Venus transit of the Sun agree with Carl’s: many people will find it a difficult transition as life abruptly stops rewarding selfish manifestations and expectations of lower vibe “love.” On the flip side, those people who already come from a deeply loving, higher Venusian awareness of Universal Love will start feeling much more at home in this world. Consider the connection between Luciferianism and Venus, for example, along with the fact that Luciferians in high positions of power have been pummeling Earth in duality experiences for millenia. A significant change in the expression of Venusian energies may result in profound shifts in a society based on self-gratifying consumerism — a society already in its death throws. I say, “Bring it!” If you feel challenges around this Venus Transit, you can consider those opportunities to lift your Love vibe even more. How wide and long and high and deep is your love? Be the change.

Gardening in Partial Sun and Poor Soil

Here’s a little photo update detailing our gardening endeavors. As I’ve indicated before, our rental property presents some challenges in that neighboring trees shade the only raised bed for veggies, and the side of the house has poor soil and a chain link fence. Without major digging and soil amendment, we’re still aiming for maximum productivity with minimum effort and space.

We may still add some hanging Topsy Turvy Tomato planters, making sure to fertilize regularly, since I learned last year that without regular compost or nitrogen boosters, the tomato plants yield very few good fruits. Good news, though: used coffee grounds make excellent tomato fertilizer. Just today, I arranged at our local co-op to bring in a bucket, in which they will happily dump all their used coffee grounds for a later pickup. Free and easy on the adrenals. 🙂

Anyway, here are some shots:

Backyard Raised Bed

Our shady backyard bed has volunteer broccoli from last year. We keep the greens active, rather than the full broccoli plants, primarily because I don’t want to deal with green broccoli worms. The leaves taste essentially the same without any extra maintenance besides the nearby marigolds. We’ve also got what appears to be a volunteer strawberry plant. We planted some bok choy and celery leftovers from store bought produce, both of which seem to be growing now. I have transplanted collard and kale that I started indoors from seed. Those are growing, but definitely not too quickly with all the shade. Nasturtiums and parsley seem to be doing well, though. In the back of the bed, we have asparagus roots from our landlord, and on the other side of the bed, we have green onions planted from the produce section, as well as some prolific nettles and chives that reseeded themselves from last year:

Nettles and Chives

I will be planting some Asian Greens known as “Tatsoi,” which are supposedly “fast growing and vigorous … popular as a baby leaf for salads.” I like the idea of speedy and hardy growers that can handle partial shade, because I really am a lazy gardener. That’s why I love my nettles and mints:

Apple Mint from David’s house where he grew up.

My new favorite smoothie is nettles, apple mint, strawberries, banana, water and lemon stevia. Super yum!

Peppermint I planted last year when I learned it would be illegal in the UK.

Another delicious smoothie is what we call Andie’s Candies: peppermint (or peppermint essential oil), carob powder, hemp seeds, spirulina, coconut water and vanilla stevia. Way yummy!

Garden Soxx with a Southern Exposure

I have partially planted these experimental Garden Soxx — some with my own plants grown indoors from seed, and some with seedlings from our co-op. Those compost-filled, black mesh bags heat up in the sun, so some of my less mature seedlings wilted. Without mulch, I decided that larger plants might fare better. We still may add some kind of mulch, but for now, this is what we have: two kinds of kale, ruby red chard, nasturtiums, Greek oregano, flat leaf parsley, tomatillo, green onions, garlic greens, all with marigolds planted at each corner of the bags. One of the more fun aspects of our gardening project involved my building a tomato “fort” with a large board to secure compost within the chain link fence and then logs and concrete castaways from our neighbors’ patio project. We filled the fort with compost from our backyard, and then I planted two tomato plants I had started indoors from seed, plus a relocated indoor basil starter. My indoor basil is still growing gangbusters!

Tomato Fort with Tomatillo in the Garden Soxx to the right

We have another experiment in the works soon. It involves me creating a few indoor starters of “Double Yield” cucumbers, and then transplanting them outside so that we know which are the right cukes to foster. According to Seed Savers Exchange, “Introduced in 1924 by Joseph Harris Co. of Coldwater, New York. In the words of the introducer, ‘The remarkable thing about this new cucumber is its wonderful productiveness. For every pickle that is cut off, two or three more are produced.’ Very early pickling type. Green 6″ long fruits are symmetrical, smooth, and uniform. 50-60 days … Can started indoors 2-4 weeks before the last frost for an earlier harvest.” We will be planting these little guys under our side steps, allowing the vines to snake up the steps, a tomato cage, and the fence chain link fence. I created a little brown bag and rock “path” between the tomato fort and the steps for easier harvesting. Good thing I’m tiny and do yoga!

Cucumber Spot between the steps and fence

Other things in the works include New Zealand Spinach, which will never bolt, even in the hottest summer weather. I may plant those in some Gardeen Soxx alongside the other greens. I’d also like to check out a few other starter plants at Whole Foods and see if we want to do the Topsy Turvy tomato planters again. We do have two elder trees growing out back from last year’s planting. I don’t know if we’ll get any berries from them this year, though. Our window boxes will only hold flowers this year, and we’ve opted for a moisture control, non-organic soil for those, just to keep them lower maintenance than last year’s two waterings per day extravaganza. We did get some yummy kale and chard from those boxes with our nasturtiums, but they required more babying than I’m willing to offer this year. It’s all about ease and the yield this year, growing the right things in the right microclimate. I hope this inspires you in your own small plots, and I’ll let you know how it goes!

Dandelion Wisdom

Today we have a guest blog post from Madison herbalist and founder of Wildwood Institute, Kathleen Wildwood. David and I have attended several of her local herb walks, two Wild Edibles Gourmet Dinners, and plan to take her Making Herbal Medicines Workshop this coming June. Kathleen is a wealth of knowledge and today she shares some information about a much maligned weed and all the benefits it offers. Many thanks to Kathleen for her work and for sending me this article to post:

Green Wisdom from the Plant World

Plants are the original green living experts and we can learn a great deal from them. Whether we call them plants, crops, weeds, or herbs, they each have a part to play in the drama of life on Earth. They contribute to the health of our bodies, the health of the planet and all the creatures that live here. They are the ultimate recyclers, taking sunlight and water, free and abundant, and transforming it into nourishment for themselves, for the soil, for animals, and for us.

Wild plants, especially, can teach us about adaptation, beauty in harsh conditions, evolving in harmony with one’s environment, and healing. Consider, for example, the dandelion. When I give herb walks, even toddlers know the name of these sunny yellow flowers! This plant, often unappreciated to say the least, provides numerous benefits to the living things around it, including ourselves. The seeds are eaten by wild birds, including Canada geese. The leaves are eaten by creatures such as chipmunks, rabbits and even bears.

Of tremendous importance, dandelions also provide an all-season food source for bees. And to top it all off, they improve the health of the soil they grow in rather than degrading it. Did you know that dandelions tend to grow in areas where the soil has been demineralized, and that they help to heal it? The deep taproot brings up beneficial minerals like calcium and potassium, to be incorporated into the leaves and roots. If the plants are not removed, they redeposit these beneficial minerals into the topsoil as they decompose, making it richer and more fertile. They also anchor loose soil against erosion, create drainage channels in compacted ground, and attract earthworms to aerate the soil.

Gardeners may want to consider these benefits when weeding! A student of mine taught her 3 year old son that where the dandelions grow, it is OK to play. Where there is only grass and nothing else, herbicides have been used.This plant’s amazing ability to concentrate minerals makes it a wonderfully nutritious food. All parts of the dandelion are edible, and there are no poisonous look-alikes. Dandelion leaves are tastiest when they are smaller, especially in the early spring, when I like to eat them as part of a wild salad. As the plant matures and puts energy into its flower, the leaves grow more bitter. lf you have been put off in the past by the intensely bitter taste of the large dandelion greens sold in stores, I suggest chopping them small and sauteeing them until tender in some olive oil and garlic’ There is nothing wrong with adding a bit of honey or sugar at the end if you prefer, or you can eat them like your grandmother did with a splash of vinegar to increase mineral absorption.

In addition to being nutritive, quality herbal preparations made from dandelion are safe and effective medicines. For example, did you know that a tea or tincture (extract) of dandelion leaves is the only known diuretic that does not leach potassium from the body? Scientific studies done on rats in the 1970s found, to the surprise of the researchers, that dandelion leaves acted as a diuretic only if one was needed. Dandelions have been used by both traditional and modern herbalists around the world to make remedies for indigestion, increasing lactation, stabilizing blood sugar, and much more. The sap even dissolves warts. The fresh blossoms can be prepared as a facial (see recipe), while dandelion wine is one of the few alcoholic drinks that is actually good for your liver!

On a spiritual level, the yellow flower of the dandelion speaks to the 3rd chakra, which in many traditions is associated with self-esteem, self-care and self-protection’ The spirit healing properties of dandelion are said to include: being aware of and appreciating one’s beauty, inner and outer; delight; playfulness; pleasure; enjoyment; taking things lightly. Picture yourself sitting on a hill in summer, blowing dandelion seeds – how do you feel as you hold that image in mind? Truly, we have much to learn from this untamed and exuberant plant.

Dandelion Blossom Facial:

Place fresh dandelion blossoms in a bowl or jar, and core, with boiling water. Cover the container, and let steep for at least one hour. Strain, reserving both flowers and liquid fusion). Put the warm, wet flowers on your face and lie down for at least 10 minutes. Meditate upon your beauty, both inner and outer. Then wash it all off with the infusion. Do not rinse. You can also splash the infusion on your skin before going to sleep. Cleanses the skin, minimizes pores, and gives a healthy glow.

Kathleen Raven Wildwood
is the founder and director of Wildwood Institute, “bringing the plants to the people and the people to the earth” ™ through education and locally grown herbal products. Wildwood Institute offers classes and apprenticeships in herbalism and natural healing. – 608-663-9608.

Ethan E. Huff – NaturalNews – Congress Votes Down Senator Durbin’s Anti-Supplement Amendment, As Well As Senator Paul’s Freedom Of Health Speech Amendment – 26 May 2012

As regular readers of this blog know, I am a huge advocate for freedom in general, and especially for health freedom. This article from Natural News shows clearly why the solution to the problem needs to transcend the level of the problem, as you’ll notice that many of the champions for freedom from tyranny in other areas are the very people supporting destruction of all access to supplements, as well as the insane FDA armed raids on peaceful Amish farmers selling … ooooo, dangerous contraband … raw milk. However you feel about dairy vs. non-dairy for ethical reasons, the methods and bizarre claims of the FDA fly in the face of both freedom and science.

(I just made a Freudian typo there … calling the FDA’s tactics “greedom.” Um, yeah. Bribed much?)

Nonetheless, as long as we have some semblance of a system in which “elected” officials occasionally listen to their constituents, here’s how your Senators stood up for or cast aside your health rights. Some of them likely remain terribly misinformed by lobbyists, as I found when I spoke to my own state representatives regarding the illegality of raw milk in Wisconsin. Most of the officials against raw milk truly believed BigAg lobbyist claims of raw milk being dangerous, when, in fact, the factory farmed, antibiotic-laden, over-milked, over-crowded, rBGH filled cows are the ones whose milk needs pasteurization in order to avoid toxic bacteria. Our entire food system needs an overhaul in this country, going more local, more organic, more vegetarian and vegan, higher raw foods, etc. Unfortunately, those people voting against health freedom at best know less than informed consumers know, or at worst, have strong Codex Alimentarius and Agenda 21 leanings aimed to support BigPharma by destroying health and family farms.

Learning how your Senators vote and then taking some time to educate them may have some effect. I’m encouraged that at least some of the people I’ve met in government do seem to care about citizens, so I feel a multi-tiered approach of visualization, reclaiming control over my own food, and educating elected officials is worth a little of my time and attention. I’m posting the article below for those who would also like to support multi-tiered efforts towards freedom of all types, including health:

(NaturalNews via Lucas)

A sneaky, eleventh-hour attempt by Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) to essentially shut down the supplement industry alongside an amendment pertaining to prescription drug user fees has failed. In a vote of 77-20, the U.S. Senate voted to table Amendment No. 2127, which would have created “duplicative, unnecessary, and unexpected new regulations” for the supplement industry that could have resulted in many common supplements being pulled from store shelves.

To the surprise of the entire natural health community, the unveiling of Amdt. No 2127 came late Tuesday afternoon, according to the Natural Products Insider (NPI), just one day before the bill to which it was attached, S. 3187, the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act, was set for a vote. But because the natural health community immediately sprung into action to oppose Amdt. No 2127, it was successfully defeated.

“(Amdt. No 2127 is) based on the misguided presumption that the current regulatory framework for dietary supplements is flawed and that the FDA lacks authority to regulate these products,” said Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Ut.) on the Senate Floor, in opposition to the amendment. He added that the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) already provisions the FDA with the tools it needs to properly regulate supplements, and that Amdt. No 2127 only “serves to punish all responsible companies with its overreaching mandates.”

Amdt. No 2127 would have unnecessarily required all manufacturers of dietary supplements to register them with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) within 30 days, even though Title II of the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 already requires registration. This 30-day requirement, in other words, was designed to be impossible for supplement companies to comply with, which would have resulted in many of them simply being pulled from the market.

According to the U.S. Senate’s Legislation & Records voting page (, the 20 U.S. Senators that voted against tabling this heinous attack on the supplement industry were:

Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ark.)
Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Cal.)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Cal.)
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)
Sen. Benjamin Cardin (D-Md.)
Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.)
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)
Sen. Claire McCaskil (D-Mo.)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mt.)
Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.)
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.)
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nv.)
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.)
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)
Sen. John “Jack” Reed (D-R.I.)
Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.)
Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders (I-Vt.)
Sen. John “Jay” Rockefeller (D-W.V.)

Senate also votes down Sen. Rand’s amendment to reign in FDA, restore freedom of health speech

While it is great news that the Senate was smart enough to reject Sen. Durbin’s flagrant assault on the supplement industry, this same Senate voted to reject an amendment proposed by Sen. Rand Paul that would have stopped the FDA from bullying farmers and abusing its power. It also would have restored freedom of health speech by stopping the FDA from censoring the truthful health claims of dietary supplements.

You can read Sen. Paul’s press release announcement about his amendment here:

According to the vote tally, the following 78 U.S. Senators voted against Sen. Paul’s amendment to stop FDA tyranny and restore freedom of health speech:

Sen. Mark Begich (D-Ak.)
Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Ak.)
Sen. Jefferson “Jeff” Sessions (R-Al.)
Sen. Richard Shelby (R-Al.)
Sen. Mark Pryor (D-Ar.)
Sen. Jon Kyl (R-Az.)
Sen. John McCain (R-Az.)
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca.)
Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Co.)
Sen. Mark Udall (D-Co.)
Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-Ct.)
Sen. Thomas Carper (D-De.)
Sen. Chris Coons (D-De.)
Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fl.)
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.)
Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.)
Sen. John “Johnny” Isakson (R-Ga.)
Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hi.)
Sen. Charles “Chuck” Grassley (R-Ia.)
Sen. Thomas “Tom” Harkin (D-Ia.)
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Il.)
Sen. Daniel Coats (R-In.)
Sen. Richard Lugar (R-In.)
Sen. Jerry Moran (R-Ks.)
Sen. Pat Robers (R-Ks.)
Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.)
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.)
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Ma.)
Sen. John Kerry (D-Ma.)
Sen. Benjamin Cardin (D-Md.)
Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.)
Sen. Susan Collins (R-Me.)
Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Me.)
Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mi.)
Sen. Al Franken (D-Mn.)
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Mn.)
Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.)
Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.)
Sen. Thad Cochran (R-Ms.)
Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mt.)
Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mt.)
Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.)
Sen. Kay Hagan (D-N.C.)
Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.)
Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.)
Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Ne.)
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.)
Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.)
Sen. Robert “Bob” Menendez (D-N.J.)
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.)
Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.)
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nv.)
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.)
Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.)
Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Oh.)
Sen. Robert “Bob” Portman (R-Oh.)
Sen. James “Jim” Inhofe (R-Ok.)
Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Or.)
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Or.)
Sen. Robert Casey (D-Pa.)
Sen. John “Jack” Reed (D-R.I.)
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.)
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.)
Sen. Tim Johnson (D-S.D.)
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tn.)
Sen. Bob Corker (R-Tn.)
Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Ut.)
Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.)
Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.)
Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.)
Sen. Bernard “Bernie” Sanders (I-Vt.)
Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wa.)
Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wa.)
Sen. Herbert “Herb” Kohl (D-Wi.)
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.)
Sen. John “Jay” Rockefeller (D-W.V.)
Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wy.)
Sen. Michael Enzi (R-Wy.)

Sources for this article include:

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Angels in the Labyrinth

I’m taking a little blogging break this week, but I thought I’d share these photos from our friend Melanie’s labyrinth near Prairie Du Sac, WI. It’s called “The Peace Labyrinth” or “Bluff Trail Labyrinth,” and Melanie has a book called “The Secrets of the Bluff Trail Labyrinth,” which documents some of the more magical and sacred goings on there. Among other things, Carlos Barrios initiated her Crystal Skull Na’Nu in an all-night fire ceremony on Summer Solstice 2011. I have included three photos below:

The first photo we took at the 2011 Fall Equinox.

The second photo comes from a May 2011 Wesak Full Moon Walk, and you can see the orbs that so often appear there.

Melanie took the third photo of David and me in the Peace Labyrinth just this past week, after a magical day of hiking in the woods and conversing with Melanie’s crystal skull, Na’Nu. If you look closely, you can see we had some angelic visitors above us. Melanie had never seen anything like these wings above us, and they remained for about five minutes. A series of photos showed wings of light moving from the Sun over our crowns. Whatever it was, the energy felt very angelic. When our visitors left, the next shot just looked like a regular photo of two people standing in a labyrinth on a sunny day. Fun and blessed times!

Peace Labyrinth

(The Peace Labyrinth with very few visible orbs. Look to the right. They’re hiding in this one!)

Orbs in the Labyrinth

(Many, many people find orbs in their photos taken at the labyrinth. There’s a ton of faery energy in and around the labyrinth. This past week, while David had his crystal skull reading, I relaxed by little stream and felt some major recalibration done on my body. Those faeries worked hard — giggling throughout their diligence. I feel the faeries every time we visit. They love all the crystals and sacred energy of this place!)

Angels in the Labyrinth

(Angels in the Labyrinth in May 2012 … They just kept ascending and descending, like traversing a stairway between the Sun and our heads. I work with the angels a lot in my work and channel AA Raphael, but this was the first time I’ve seen their energy on camera. We all felt their presence, and as they left, the remaining photos turned back to “normal.”)

In case you ever wonder if we’re alone in this world, I can assure you, we most certainly are not! It’s always nice to have some photo documentation of events, though, for those who prefer to see with their physical eyes rather than just the spiritual ones.

Blessings and Love!

(LOL, I have to laugh, because I finished that unedited draft up at 377 words. I’ve since revised a couple links and descriptors, but that was the original count as I finished typing Blessings and Love! According to Doreen Virtue’s Angel Numbers: “3’s and 7’s, such as 377 or 373 – The ascended masters are joyful. Not only do they see your true inner Divinity, but they also agree with the path you have chosen. They want you to know that you deserve happiness, and to allow the flow of holy bliss that comes with your Divine heritage and chosen path.” Thanks for playing!)

Gaia and the May 20, 2012 Eclipse

After writing about the Divine Feminine, Dark Goddess and today’s Annular Eclipse, I spent today alternately offering sessions and attempting to finish reading Christine R. Page’s book, “2012 and the Galactic Center: The Return of the Great Mother.” I had bought this book several years ago as part of my research for Schizandra and the Peruvian Jaguar, but I’d never started reading it until Dark Goddess/Mother synchronicities started multiplying exponentially around me.

Today’s readings and my reading about the Great Mother and the Galactic Center continued layers of other spiraling themes in my life, including Hermes Trismegistus and “The Emerald Tablet,” a text which has stalked me since 1994. Here it comes again: different book, similarly extensive references to the ancient alchemical work. A strange day it was, indeed, with the eclipse energies, some time warps presenting themselves as scheduling snafus, and a photon belt from the Pleiades. I’d read a few paragraphs only to nod off, then ask myself, “What did I just read?!” then reread the paragraphs only to fall asleep again. I wasn’t actually tired, but the combined energy of the Galactic Center topic and Earth’s actual movement through some pretty intense Galactic waves kept knocking me out.

Our air conditioner malfunctioned, too, so that our house became an imperceptibly heated steam room, which may have contributed to the reading drowsiness. When we finally recognized an issue, David went outside to check on the AC just as our landlord synchronously happened to be taking an evening walk with his wife. While he and David checked on various potential cooling issues, I learned from his wife that she’s 12 weeks pregnant. Mother Goddess energy again.

By the time we finished with all that, I had completely forgotten about the Eclipse and just wanted to eat dinner. Thai Kelp noodles and veggies eaten, I felt a strong urge to open the huge box I’d received on Friday from my dear friend, Tania Marie. My birthday’s on Tuesday, but all of a sudden, I couldn’t wait. David cut open the box for me, and I carefully dug out enough packing peanuts to retrieve my gift: the original Tania Marie painting of “Gaia.”

Gaia by Tania Marie

I love all of Tania’s paintings, but I’ve always had a special spot in my heart for this one. I didn’t even know she still had the original, since she painted it before we ever met. I got so excited because I’ve long wanted to hang something above our earthy green loveseat, but nothing quite looked right. This piece just pops, connecting with color and theme to the nearby portal doorway number 1 with its green background, orange sun and Green Man/Earth.

Only after recognizing that this was not a giclee print, did I also realize that I had been unveiling the original Gaia at the precise moment of the Annular Eclipse. Gaia arrived with a print of Tania’s portrait of her beloved Nestor, a truly cosmic rabbit who transitioned in 2008. I had the honor of getting to know “Nestie” through animal communication sessions, and she continues to work her expansive energy from beyond the veil. Her appearance with Gaia at the moment of this powerful eclipse felt like a seriously synchronized activation of earthly and cosmic energies, right in our living room, without any conscious intention on my part. Overwhelming gratitude to Tania for this tremendous gift, for her talent, love, and participation in this beautiful dance of life.

Collective Intention: Abraham and Wayne Dyer Chat

Divine Feminine, Dark Goddess and the May 20, 2012 Eclipse

These topics keep arising in sessions with clients, my own mini-downloads, and also during last night’s Raph (aka Archangel Raphael) Channeling Event in Madison, so I thought I’d share them here.

You can find loads of information about the May 20th Annular Eclipse, as people in all walks of life are writing about it and honoring it in various ways. The direct path of the eclipse runs from Mt. Fuji in Japan to Mt. Shasta in the US, with a pass over Pyramid Lake, near Reno, NV. People in these and other places are performing activations, meditations and rituals to honor the passing of the Moon in front of the Sun. This type of eclipse does not completely block out the Sun; rather, the darkness that covers the Sun becomes haloed by a “Ring of Fire.”

OK, the Johnny Cash didn’t come up in the channeling event, but I couldn’t resist. I love this song! The topic of Love did arise, though. “It burns, burns, burns … the Ring of Fire.” Think of the effects of fire. It can burn the skin, burn things down, but it also lights the way. We may see some destruction with this eclipse, but the fire of Love will destroy those illusions that needed light. The visual of the eclipse will also remind us that even if things look very dark, a halo of heavenly light surrounds them:

Annular Solar Eclipse from October 3, 2005

What keeps coming through in sessions is not so much the light, though, but the potential of the dark, specifically, the Dark Goddess energy. 3Dality presents us with a world of duality, in which we polarize light and dark. Light=good; dark=bad. White hats=good; dark hats=bad. Forget gray areas. Forget the Tao (yin-yang symbol) in which each polarity contains a spot of its opposite. 3Dality aims to polarize. Traditionally, the Sun represents the masculine side, whereas the Moon evokes more “feminine” qualities like intuition, emotions and “lunacy.” The Moon also represents our Shadow Side. Unable to emit its own light, the Moon can only reflect the Sun. We live in a culture so afraid of the dark, that our internal Shadows have grown into major monsters in the form of false flag events, global economic collapse, martial law and any other boogie men fears growing on the periphery: death, destruction, the occult, conspiracies, eeeeeee-vil. In our fear of things murky or unseen, we have turned away instead of turning inside.

We have forgotten our roots, which, coincidentally, grow well in dark dirt or rotting compost. Roots reach down into the darkness and manage to extract exactly what they need — water, minerals, a firm anchor. Plants need sunlight and roots. If the roots dry out, or fail to establish themselves deeply enough, then a rainstorm or drought can easily destroy the plant. Most weeds grow very deep roots, one of the factors that makes them so difficult to eradicate. Like ’em or not, weeds replenish the soil by pulling nutrients to the surface from far below. They grow strong through this process, far stronger than the unnatural monocrops we call “lawns.” What makes something a weed, though? Doesn’t it depend on perspective?

Stinging nettle will burn, burn, burn if you disrespect her, but last year, I actually invited nettles into our yard, giving them prime location in a raised bed out back. They nourish our garden bed and provide us with fast growing, mineral-rich leaves for smoothies. Nettles remind me of the Dark Goddess energy. Tonight, David and I will attend our second annual Wild Edibles Gourmet Dinner at the Wildwood Institute. I always remember herbalist Kathleen Wildwood saying, “Nettles like to be noticed.” If you acknowledge and respect the nettles in your midst, you will rarely, if ever get stung. You can also crush the leaves and use their juice as a antidote for the sting — if you dare. Most people, once stung by nettle want to get as far away as possible, not realizing that the cure for the pain comes from embracing the nettle even more closely. If you avoid the nettle’s juice, the ring of fire on your skin may last for days.

With the highly honored place in our yard, our nettles have no need to thrust themselves into walkways or woody paths, unlike those I’ve noticed in places where people ignore them as ugly weeds. I’ve seen stinging nettles create prickly, burning barriers right along public trails, practically screaming at passersby, “I am here, and you will notice me, even if I need to sting you so bad you never forget me again.” Dark Goddess energy functions much the same way. Ignore the Dark Goddess at your own risk; she likes to be noticed, demands respect and will sting at seemingly inopportune times if you continue to trample her or keep her on the periphery. Honor her, and she will shower you with unexpected gifts.

“When in doubt, use nettles.” This herbal maxim reminds us that nettles can improve just about any physical condition, from bladder issues to mineral deficiencies, poor blood to hair loss, detoxification to tooth health. Kathleen Wildwood compared the benefits of nettles to spirulina and other blue gren algae “superfoods,” making note that yes, the blue green algae do all these wonderful things, but when you get down to it, “You’re eating pond scum.” I’ve got nothing against pond scum, by the way. It’s another Dark Goddess gift from the murky shadows at which we tend to wrinkle our noses. I mention things like pond scum and algae in connection with the Dark Goddess energy, because all of these offer enormous gifts if we can humble ourselves to accept them. (Word count at that sentence kept hovering on 911. Hmmmmm. Speaking of false flags bringing gifts … ) The Dark Goddess energy rules decay, destruction and darkness, but if we can bring ourselves to value those things, we can experience their benefits instead of just their pain and trauma.

If we consciously cultivate the rejected qualities, then we can work with the Dark Goddess, nettles, weeds and pond scum in order to heal ourselves and our world. The May 20, 2012 Annular Eclipse offers such an opportunity, and I’m happy so many people feel the pull to honor this moment. Not only will we get flooded with love and photons from the Pleiades’ Alcyone as it directly aligns with Earth and our Sun, but we will also feel this alignment in context of the Dark Goddess energies temporarily obscuring Earth’s patriarchal solar paradigm. Will we notice and respect the darker aspects of ourselves? Will we honor the power that comes from digging deeper than we ever imagined possible? Will we accept the gifts of our Shadow Side? As you ponder these questions, I will leave you with wise words I found in an article called “Charge of the Dark Goddess”:

“Wisdom and empowerment are the gifts of the Dark Goddess of Transformation.

She is known to us as Kali, Hecate, Cerridwen, Lilith,
Persephone, Fata, Morgana, Ereshkigal, Arianhrod, Durga,
Inanna, Tiamat, The Morrigan, and by a million, million other names:

Hear me child, and know Me for who I am. I have been with you
since you were born, and I will stay with you until you return to Me
at the final dusk.

I am the passionate and seductive lover who inspires the poet to dream.

I am the One who calls to you at the end of your journey.
After the day is done,
My children find their blessed rest in my embrace.

I am the womb from which all things are born.

I am the shadowy, still tomb; all things must come to Me and bare their breasts to die and be reborn to the Whole.

I am the Sorceress that will not be ruled, the Weaver of Time, the Teacher of Mysteries. I snip the threads that bring my children home to me. I slit the throats of the cruel and drink the blood of the heartless. Swallow your fear and come to me, and you will discover true beauty, strength, and courage.

I am the fury which rips the flesh from injustice.

I am the glowing forge that transforms your inner demons into tools of power. Open yourself to my embrace and overcome.

I am the glinting sword that protects you from harm.

I am the crucible in which all the aspects of yourself merge together in a rainbow of union.

I am the velvet depths of the night sky, the swirling mists of midnight,
shrouded in mystery. I am the chrysalis in which you will face that which terrifies you and from which you will blossom forth, vibrant and renewed.

Seek me at the crossroads, and you shall be transformed, for once you look upon my face, there is no return.

I am the fire that kisses the shackles away.

I am the cauldron in which all opposites grow to know each other in Truth. I am the web which connects all things.

I am the Healer of all wounds, the Warrior who rights all wrongs in their Time. I make the weak strong. I make the arrogant humble. I raise up the oppressed and empower the disenfranchised. I am Justice tempered with Mercy.

Most importantly, child, I am you. I am part of you, and I am within you. Seek me within and without, and you will be strong. Know me. Venture into the dark so that you may awaken to Balance, Illumination, and Wholeness.

Take my Love with you everywhere and find the Power within to be who you wish.”

Author Unknown

Wishing you a powerful eclipse and transmutation! Blessed be.