Archive for August, 2020

September 2020 Specials


Three For Two

I’ve been getting a lot of requests to run this special again, so here it is. Three hours for the price of two: save $222. This package can be used in whatever increments you choose — hour, 40-minute, half-hour, or 20-minute sessions — and for whatever services you’d like — Medical Intuition, Life Coaching, Astrology, Relationship Clarity, Soul Readings, or any other related service. $444 if prepaid on or before 9/30/2020. Please contact me to sign up

Return of the $77 Past Life Quickie

With the veils thinning, so many more people have begun to experience what I call “past life bleed-through.” Dreams, hunches, visions, flashes … however the suspected past life awareness arrives, it can feel unsettling, exciting and/or cause obsessive questions. This 20-minute reading allows people to ask persistent questions, or to have a check-in regarding the most pressing karmic issues presenting themselves right now. Yes, this can include past life relationships with animal friends.

I don’t normally offer Past Life Readings in a 20-minute format, but I wanted to make this available to the larger numbers of people wondering about previous lifetimes and relationships. If you’d like to double this special for 40 minutes, just let me know in your scheduling request. Offer valid if prepaid on or before September 30, 2020. Please contact me to sign up.

Ann Kreilkamp ~ From death throes to birth pains: Saturn/Pluto detonates cardinal structures

I’m reposting this Saturn/Pluto Conjunction write-up by Ann Kreilkamp, with a lengthy intro from me, because I synchronously discovered that at this moment, Pluto has retrograded exactly back — to the minute — to the Saturn/Pluto conjunction point of 22° 46′ Capricorn.

Take a few moments today to ponder whatever was “up” for you when this powerful conjunction went exact. For me, today something occurred, which an earlier dream had told me would become a valuable opportunity, so I looked up transits. I thought 22° 46′ Capricorn looked familiar. On a hunch, I looked up the Saturn/Pluto Conjunction’s exact degree at 11:59 a.m. Eastern time on January 12, 2020. Yep! To the minute.

Whenever I see 0° 00′ aspects, they grab my attention in major ways — highlighting connections with neon lights and a ding, ding, ding!

This Saturn/Pluto Conjunction affects all of 2020, but today’s an especially potent echo.

Laura Bruno's Blog

Some additional context from me (Laura) first:

I’ve been sensing chthonic, subconscious, magical, eruptive, primal, regenerative Pluto rooting around and doing something with my natal Saturn. I’ve also long felt that this January 2020 conjunction between Saturn and Pluto at 22-23 Capricorn would somehow be a “direct hit” on my chart. Until yesterday, the aspect eluded me, though. No “major” aspects get triggered, since my Saturn’s in Gemini, while Pluto’s in Capricorn.

Pluto (and Saturn) have been transiting my 5th house of pleasure/creativity/children/private relationships, and I’ve been getting loads of dream downloads and synchronicities about how my 5th house impacts my 10th house (career/public life), which includes my natal Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn, in that order. The recent messages have been grinding and relentless (Pluto) — but also with a sense of fun/creativity (5th house) and everything getting upgraded (Saturn) and properly placed in proper timing (Saturn). With Saturn…

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Hedgehog Haven: Wisdom and Spirit of the Hedgehog

Hedgehog appeared in my dream this morning, so I thought to look up hedgehog wisdom.

In my dream, a small, round hedgehog sat among giant cupcakes with extra fluffy frosting — white, red and light blue. He dipped his nose in the icing in front of him and then tipped his head back into the icing behind him, then clapped his hands with delight. He knew they couldn’t sell or give away these cupcakes to anyone else. They were his.

No idea what this part of a much larger, equally weird dream means, but my “throwaway dreams” eventually tend to turn out to be the most insightful and relevant. In any case, the hedgehog was happy and adorable, as they always are. For anyone else who loves hedgehogs or sees them in dreams or waking life, I hope you enjoy their messages.

Laura Bruno's Blog

Most people know that I have a long and close relationship with owls and more recently with foxes. But not everyone knows about my deep love of hedgehogs. I think they’re adorable, and all through gifts, they’re slowly gaining a foothold in Dra’Faven. I took a photo of the Fox Faery doll Tania gave me for Christmas, showing how without prior planning, she fit in perfectly with the animals and crystals. I mentioned the orgone ferret curled up alongside her, as well as the amethysts.


Tania said, “…All so magickal. And that hedgehog is also cute.” That prompted me to take pictures of the other resident hedgehogs. I didn’t realize we had so many until I snapped the photos! These ones said they’re OK making a blog appearance. The two characters below arrived for Christmas/Solstice from our friends Tracy and Chip. They’re sitting alongside a magick rock painted by…

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Scenes from Sunday and Signs of a New Earth

I haven’t mentioned them in awhile, but my longstanding “life in death” dreams continue, with lots of waking life bleedthrough. I described some of these dreams in the Precognitive Blues series, and also mentioned them in a post called “Ringing in a New Decade and a New Earth,” alluding to my powerful experience in The Womb exhibit at Meijer Sculpture Gardens, which began a spontaneous ritual initiation for me on the Eve of Winter Solstice 2019.

On Sunday, David and I went to Lake Michigan for our fourth time out of the past five weekends — a welcome recharge of walking along the edge of and in the water, as well as sitting on an eroding sand dune of eerily upturned trees. The exposed roots form a kind of Otherworldly forest of open tunnels and hilly sand passages to get there. We like this area, because it’s quiet and somewhat secluded, with shade for fair skinned me. Here was our view to the left this past Sunday:


On the way there, we stopped at Geoscape Rock Shop in Paw Paw, MI. David had seen a sign for it while out there for work one day. The outside of the shop features huge chunks of unusual landscaping rocks like sodalite, lepidolite, Mookaite (aka Australian jasper), lavender rose quartz, and more standard selections. Inside, they offered a large and varied collection of unusual items, including the Zebra Onyx Crystal Skull, pictured below.

This jumped out at me because of the zebra and owl dream I described in the post Owls, Dragons and Zebra Elephants: when dreams spill into “real” life. To the right of these skulls, was a statue of two owls, which again echoed the two owls I was drawing at the end of that same dream:

IMG_3004 Continue reading

August 2020 Specials

September will offer different specials, so you’ve still got a little over a week for these.

Laura Bruno's Blog


The Faeries’ Dream

The Fae seem to go through phases of having strong messages and support for humanity, and I (and others) sense a recent increase in activity. This 20-minute reading can focus on Faery advice, requests, and/or messages for you, and/or instructions on how you can connect more easily and effectively with this Realm.

The Faery Realm holds the original imprint of our completely pure, loving and healed planet, so working with the Fae always puts us in close proximity of that possibility as material fact — what has always remained and thus already is pure, healed and beautiful. This reading springs from such knowing and offers a chance to learn what your faerie companions would most love for you to focus upon instead of all those things that crop up as worries or concerns. Invoking delight brings us that much closer to experiencing it. $77…

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Wildflower Anthesis ~ Hope for New Beginnings

I love this cheery post from Tania! So nice to see some common flowers we both have, too, including magical pink cosmos and sweet scented roses.

I’ve been meaning to post about how there ARE good things to focus on, much to feel grateful for amidst the craziness in our outer world right now. I’ve got two writing deadlines right now, though, so Tania’s post is the perfect pick me up to share. ❤

Tania Marie

Today’s blog is simply to uplift the spirits and inspire hope with some wildflower inspiration. So for anyone who needs a little boost, a cheery burst of sweetness, or a reminder that there is beauty and potential even amidst the darker times and challenges, this is a little love note from Nature and my garden for you to know you’re not alone, to encourage strength and belief, and that from the pressures of life, you have opportunity to shine.

You might recall that this year I decided to seed my garden bed with wildflower perennials to return each year with the other flowering plants I already established both in the garden and in pots.

I also have seven beautiful lush bushes that return each year too. For veggies, I opted again to only do herbs in my Garden Tower, but it’s been supplying a bounty of aromatic herbs continuously for…

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New Moon in Leo

Tomorrow’s New Moon at 26 Leo offers a chance to reset to a more empowered form of leadership.

I’ve been busy doing sessions, working on a commissioned portal painting, gardening and taking in another wonderful day of sun, shade, sand and waves at Lake Michigan, so I’ll direct you to two insightful posts:

The first is from Astrobutterfly: New Moon in Leo — Leadership is Who You Are.

The second is an analysis of the USA natal chart, by Ann Kreilkamp: US Internal Violence is a Symptom of Energy Run Amuck.

Ann is quite open about her thoughts on geopolitics, Shadow Work, and the upcoming first Pluto Return for the US. Wherever you fall on the polarized political spectrum, this Pluto Return — the first time in 248 years — will affect you. Even now, before it gets more exact in 2023, we’re feeling the destructive force of Pluto in Capricorn — intensified by Saturn and Jupiter there, as well. All of that now squares Mars in Aries, to varying degrees of exactness, creating friction between individual and authority, as well as ego (Mars) and the Force of Nature (Pluto).  Jupiter expands what it touches, and hopefully brings some big benefits, too, but this Capricorn cluster continues to pummel the USA natal chart’s Cancer locations.

Paying attention to Collective astro weather reports helps us take advantage of the energies instead of being taking off guard by them. Rain might ruin a picnic — or you can plan for a pavilion, or delight in not needing to water the garden. Everything has value.


I often write of the uncanny ways my own natal chart matches up to the key astro alignments we’ve been going through, and how this will continue for me with eerie precision through at least 2025. I was surprised/not surprised to find some major connections between the USA natal chart and my own natal, as well as progressed charts. One of the biggest ones is that my natal Chiron and the USA’s natal Chiron are both at 19-20 Aries.

This means that the insanely long Pluto square Chiron transit I’ve had since February 2016 right before my dad went on hospice, has also been happening to the US itself. It has slightly moved off a direct hit, but I’ve described this transit as both brutal and incredibly healing. It has required a complete unearthing of all childhood wounds, Shadow Work, and the ways in which my weaknesses have become my strengths. The ways in which I am very much a Wounded Healer. On the USA front, so many horrible revelations have come forth, with more on the way … and we, as a country, have an opportunity for tremendous healing.

In addition to the Chiron connection, the US Mars conjuncts my natal Saturn, and my progressed Sun is at 16 Cancer, while the US natal Sun is 13 Cancer. The US Jupiter is on my natal Vesta — a healer and keeper of the sacred flame. My Isis and Asbolus (both seers) are within 2 degrees of the USA’s 6 Leo North Node. Lots and lots of connections — way more than I’m sharing here. The upcoming, monumental Pluto Return at 27 Capricorn conjuncts my natal vertex at 28 Capricorn, which, in turn, exactly trines my 28 Taurus Midheaven.

I’ve intensely felt Saturn crossing that 27-28 Capricorn point, and it reminds me of a dream I had last October. I’ve shared it before in one of the Precognitive Blues posts. It involved special mandala floors that would ensure everyone gets where they need to go “in the event of an earthquake.” You can think of Pluto as the earthquake, with Saturn going ahead and forging these special mandala floors. Even as so many old structures crumble, upgrades and renovation are in the works. There is much to be grateful for amidst the chaos and confusion — for those with eyes to see.

As intense as things can sometimes feel, blessings abound. Make sure to care for your inner child, your body and emotions. You will lead from a stronger, more empowered place if you tend to the scared, grieving or lonely spots. From vulnerability comes great strength.

Blessed Be … and be the blessing.

Precognitive Blues, Part 3: Astrology, Card Divination, and Spirit Animals

Part 3 of this series:

Laura Bruno's Blog

If you’ve not read the first two parts, you can click through to Precognitive Blues, Part 1: Dreams, Warnings and Blessings and Precognitive Blues, Part 2: Guilt, Law of Attraction, and Meanings that Change Over Time. You don’t need to read these posts in order, but this one references the earlier posts, so I’ll link for context. At this point, I feel this will be the second last post in the series, but even with strong intuition and foresight, who really knows?! And when?

The most annoying and pressing question around suspected precognition is: how do I know what’s true?

Dreams can be symbolic, literal and/or both. So can signs and synchronicities. Even in retrospect, we cannot know the full meaning of any vision, dream, relationship or event, because life continues to radiate around and through us, backwards and forwards, breathing in and out until we die. After death…

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Owls, Dragons and Zebra Elephants: when dreams spill into “real” life

Yesterday, we took a lovely morning walk along the shores of Lake Michigan in Van Buren State Park, which we had not visited since March 2018:



It always feels so good to get in or near a large body of water, especially since I continue having disconcerting, yet encouraging dreams. Yesterday was no exception.

What’s weird is that the entire day ended up echoing a series of three dreams I had on 6/26/2020. One of those dreams featured a professor from Africa — a world renowned owl expert — and her daughter living in an apartment with cheerful pink bedspreads and a massive amount of zebras. When David and I saw this mural with the hot pink background, he wanted to take a photo since I kind of looked like I could be on safari anyway:


Who knew the rare zebra elephant roamed so close to Lake Michigan?

I immediately flashed on my dream with the pink bedspreads and all the dramatic zebras, but I didn’t realize until later in the day how much 6/26/2020 dream bleedthrough the day had already been bringing. Continue reading

Happy Lammas!

Today marks the official crossquarter day of Lammas or Lughnasadh, when the Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo. It’s the first of three harvest festivals (Fall Equinox and Samhain/Halloween) —  and a good time to count your blessings. I’ve just had a full morning harvesting and tending the garden. I love this late Summer time of butterflies, bees, fresh tomatoes, cosmos and hummingbird mint. Here are some shots from today’s garden:


Robinhood roses in fragrant bloom


Casablanca lilies


hummingbird mint, orange zinnias and coreopsis


Garden Tower 2 with newly installed plant nannies

As lettuce went to seed, I converted some of those pockets to plant nannies with Pellegrino bottles filled with hose water. I’d wondered if this would cut down on my watering time, and indeed, it has! The lower pockets stay as moist as the upper ones, now, which means less frequent watering and happier plants.

So grateful for a very productive and flowering garden this year, for all the magical bird sightings in our yard, and for the new (free!) iPhone 11 with the huge camera upgrade. I’m still learning to resize photos so I don’t overwhelm my WordPress storage or slow down site loading too much. Meanwhile, between that and newly installed fiber optic lines to the house, it feels like a new Universe coming into being.

Blessed Be, and be the blessing!