Archive for November, 2011

Morning Blessings from Reverend Angela

Another uplifting and inspiring message from Reverend Angela: so many sparkly gems in this one, I just had to share!

This week, see with new eyes and listen with new ears in order to hear the truth of something important that you have been missing about who you’ve been willing to be. Trust your world to teach you something surprising about yourself.

Each one of you believes externally for others. When you look at another, you believe that they can succeed. You believe they have the ability to heal. You believe they can grow younger or older, thinner or bigger, richer or poorer. You believe externally for them. This belief you have about each other does influence the outcome of one another’s world, sculpture and creation to a small degree. As a planet, what we believe about our world, our state, our government, our laws, and our people as a mass awareness has an affect on the world’s consciousness.

Each day you entertain a new thought about a new direction in your life, something new that you would like to try on and see if it fits yourself. You open options and opportunities that were not available until you took an action on that thought. That action could be applying for a new job, a loan for a new home, looking for a new love, etc.

Each action that you take and each thought that precedes that action then ushers you into a connection point of probabilities and outcome that were not available before. So even though there are many aspects of you that are designed as highways and byways of the Self that you will travel, ultimately the outcomes and the probable selves that you enter into are destined not pre-destined by your choices.

Say for example that you had a dream and in this dream, you were a great artist. But in your real world, you can only draw stick people. So you say to yourself, I should take a class to learn how to become artistic. I feel that I have that ability, but I do not see it in my life. As you take the class, you find that new abilities surface that were dormant from past lives, from other dimensional selves, from other probable selves. And thus, your artistic abilities surface. It would not have surfaced if you had not acted upon a thought. To procreate the future, to re-create in the future you must act upon the thoughts that come to you in your relaxed subtle average thinking. Take an action any action. That action could just be looking up things in your phone book to see if such a course is available and maybe next week you may call and maybe the week after that you might visit there or even visit via the internet. Just by taking a few baby steps forward into any of these thoughts, you change. You change who you are. You change your abilities and you draw to you new understandings and new vibrations and new light energies that will escort you in to these hidden aspects of self.

You have within you, every ability that is experienced by every person on earth. You have the ability to be a great cook, great lover, great financial advisor, great spiritual advisor, great healer, great doctor, great artist, and great lawyer. Anything that anyone on this planet can do, you have that innate cell structure within your biological body to do the same. You may not have the drive to do it, but you have the ability of being able to pro-create from that cell, from that thought, from that creational vortex. And thus, you each contain unlimited potential. That is universal law! And there are no by-laws on that!

Shake y’r tail feathas’…


There is only One Perfect Presence, the infinite source of life. It is the
source of all Light, all Life, all Creativity, and all Truth. And this Perfect
Presence is my source. It is always at work in me. It can never be hidden!

I know that my life is pure Spirit, taking form as all that I am…my body,
my personality, the conditions I experience. And whatever masks those
elements wear, the truth is that I am the wholeness of Spirit. I choose this
day to see behind the masks that I wear, and see the glorious beauty within.

With a heart opened wide to deep compassion and understanding of Self
I refuse to be frightened by what might be hard to achieve. I choose to know
that the power of Spirit is greater than all conditions. I know that the truth of
what I desire is greater than appearances. I know that Principle is greater than

Knowing this, all masks are removed, and the only thing left to
see is the Infinite love of Spirit, in all its forms. Thank God for this
wonderful experience! I let this be so, and give thanks for it continually.

And so it is.

If you are receiving today’s Blessing and are not yet signed up for our daily mailings we invite you to sign up at Reverend Angela’s website: WWW.ANGELAPEREGOFF.COM email:

©2003 – 2011 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.

Feel More Love, Loving and Loved through Three Magical Breaths

My Facebook friend Sandra Lavender shared this simple, yet beautiful exercise today. When I asked if I could share it with my blog readers, Sandra replied, “When I find something that is truly wonderful I want the whole world to enjoy..This is for everyone from enlightened beings….The new world doesn’t need complicated exercises to reach enlightened states.” Yes, she’s a lovely one! Here are her observations and techniques:

“If you want to feel more love, loving and loved, you must do one essential thing. You must allow yourself to become more sensitive. The more sensitive you are, the more love you’ll be able to feel inside your being, and radiate through your heart to others and yourself. Being sensitive means being open, vulnerable, and willing to feel that which you’re afraid to feel. It means being willing to face that which you cannot face inside. An insensitive person has put walls around that which he/she cannot face or feel. The pain was too great at the time, and they believed they were too small to find peace within the pain. It takes a deeply courageous person, who has an inner strength and spiritual warrior to continuously choose sensitivity over anything else along their life’s journey.

“Choosing the path of sensitivity means you’re wiling to truly be alive. You’re open to feeling the wounding that others are holding in their body as well as what is buried within your own. This willingness to feeling the wound is the door to feeling the love, and healing that which is needing love. If you shut the door on feeling pain, you’ve turned your back on love. A deep compassion for yourself (and others) is born out of this path to higher sensitivity. It is one of the most essential and over-looked ingredients on the journey to self-realization and enlightenment.

“If you want a practical exercise to become more sensitive this week, try this one out:

“You can shift into higher sensitivity with 3 magical breaths. Anytime you feel reactive, defensive, or start to shut down emotionally, first take 5 seconds to yourself to go inside and feel where in your body the wall is forming. The wall can show up as tightness, tension, overall anxiety or even the stopping of your breath.

“Take that very next moment to breathe into this tension, and feel the wall between you and it shift into a warm liquid feeling.

“Then, take a second deep breath and merge with this liquid wall of light. Let yourself become the wall.

“On your third breath, imagine a vast open Universe inside and outside of you. Merge with the vastness, feel the spacious silence all around you and the sense that you can expand out into infinity. Relax as deep as you can into this experience. If any stuckness or wall tries to reform, simply start the process over with the first breath. Enjoy!”

The Jung and the Restless: Synchronicity, Inner Guidance and Tarot

Regular readers of my blog know that I’m a huge fan of synchronicity and “reading” signs. With a Masters Degree in English, I’ve simply expanded my definition of “text” to include this entire living, breathing Universe. I thought I’d share some perspectives on synchronicity and how it pertains to inner guidance, seeking and finding, and divination (specifically tarot).

“Synchronistic meetings are like mirrors that reflect something of ourselves. If we want to grow spiritually, all we have to do is take a good look. Synchronicity holds the promise that if we want to change inside, the patterns of our external life will change as well.” ~Jean Shinoda Bolen

“According to Vedanta, there are only two symptoms of enlightenment, just two indications that a transformation is taking place within you toward a higher consciousness. The first symptom is that you stop worrying. Things don’t bother you anymore. You become light hearted and full of joy. The second symptom is that you encounter more and more meaningful coincidences in your life, more and more synchronicities. And this accelerates to the point where you actually experience the miraculous.” ~Deepak Chopra

“Synchronicity hints at the unified world behind the illusory veil of the material universe.” ~Roger S. Jones

“Synchronicity is choreographed by a great, pervasive intelligence that lies at the heart of nature, and is manifest in each of us through intuitive knowledge.” ~Deepak Chopra

Carl Jung defined synchronicity as “meaningful coincidence.” According to Jung, “We can predict the future when we know how the present moment has evolved out of the past.” In times of unclear guidance, some prayer, meditation and divination tools like the tarot can help to understand how your past and present are currently influencing your future. By mimicking the subconscious energy patterns of a client at any given time, tarot cards make invisible vibrations tangible. A spread can reveal operative archetypes, storylines, or make sense of complex relationships. Tarot shows synchronicity and vibrational attraction in action. This line of thinking, along with Jung’s extensive work on the Shadow, gave me the idea for one of my November 2011 specials. With November 30 rapidly approaching, I decided to relist them here, as they seem related to today’s post.

Shadow Work Tarot to Heal Karmic Ties

This one hour phone or in-person reading features my interpretation of a special tarot spread, combined with my ability to tune in to multiple past lives and the patterns they create. I’ve received such positive feedback regarding each of these services, but I had never thought to unite them in a single reading. Having received the idea, though, I immediately recognized its power. The cards never lie, and they help us to get in touch with archetypes that structure our reality. Using the Major Arcana to understand our shadow side –including those lifetimes for which we may still be punishing ourselves or others — allows us to integrate that shadow and ultimately release it into the light.

Offer valid until November 30. You may purchase it at any time during that window, but you do not need to schedule it prior to the 30th. That said, given the energies on this planet right now, my guides suggest sooner rather than later, as the more people address their shadow side, the more active Lightworkers we have holding a positive vibration for the coming transitions. $111 for the hour. Please email me for an invoice and to schedule. brunoleaf at yahoo dot com

$77 Spirit Guide Readings

This half hour reading may also be double booked as a single hour long discussion. We all have Spirit Guides and invisible support systems, but not everyone knows who these are. I’ve also noticed the need for discernment to make sure that whoever you’re asking for help has the Highest Good of All in mind. I sometimes find people have accepted tricksters or malevolent entities as “guides,” not unlike the way a narcissist will create “problems” just so s/he can “save” the person and create a sense of obligation. These false guides can then drain energy, cause confusion, and separate the person from their natural connection to Pure Source Energy. More often, I notice that clients feel they need to take quantum leaps of faith all alone. They might quasi-trust the Universe to support them, but they long for a more intimate relationship with real helpers.

A person’s Spirit Guides often turn out to be the main nudge for someone booking a reading with me, but I’ve never offered a separate service just to help people identify and connect more deeply with their guides. These may include angels, devas, faeries, leprechauns, animal spirits, Ancestors, or phenomena like rainbows. You won’t learn every single guide in a half hour or hour discussion, but you will learn (or have affirmed) the ones most appropriate for your current challenges, as well as the ones who’ve taken a special interest in you throughout your lifetime(s).

This offer runs through the end of November. As long as you prepay by 11/30/11, you may schedule anytime after you’ve paid. Your guides will give you a sense of what feels right in terms of timing. Again, please email me for scheduling and an invoice. brunoleaf at yahoo dot com.

Since I have many international clients, please do include your time zone/location and any preferred time/date windows when you query. That saves a few steps! Many Blessings, Much Love and Peace to you!

Raw Vegan Thanksgiving Feast!

I hope everyone enjoyed their day yesterday and took some time to feel gratitude for all we are and have in this life. No matter what happens to or around us, we can always search for the blessings. This attitude got me through my 1998 brain injury and oh so many other life lessons that made me who I am today.

The holidays are one of those times that vegans and vegetarians can feel left out or pressured to compromise their health and values. If, like me, you think Tofurkey and Seitan Rolls are gross (not to mention hard on the tummy!), then you might feel discouraged. Not me, though! Yesterday I realized that I have enjoyed a sumptuous 100% raw, or at least 100% vegan Thanksgiving feast every year since 2004. That’s a nice run!

In the past, I’ve hosted my own meals for people going through divorces or otherwise unable to attend family functions. When I lived in Sedona, I ordered from Cafe Raw Bliss (now the ChoclaTree), and in Northern California, I spent two decadent Thanksgivings in a row at Cafe Gratitude with my best friend and raw foodie, Tania Marie. Last year, a friend and I enjoyed the raw food feast from RAW in Chicago. We had so much extra food that we invited two other friends to help us finish it the following day. I don’t currently eat 100% raw vegan, but it still forms a huge portion of my diet. On a day devoted to gratitude, I love to feel vibrantly alive, instead of sleepy. I love to connect with nature through fresh, living plant foods shared with others who appreciate such things.

This year, my boyfriend had a layover in London, so I hosted some local friends and their two children at our house. It was lots and lots of fun, and delicious, too. I decided to share some photos to let you experience it vicariously. I apologize for the photo quality in that I’m still getting used to my new iPhone 4S, but I think you’ll get the idea.

(Curried Sweet Potato soup is just sweet potato or yams, blended in a Vitamix with water, Whole Foods Curry Powder, a bit of ginger and then a tiny bit of sweetener of your choice –dates, xylitol, agave, maple syrup. I often make this with hot, not boiling water or warm it gently on the stove to let the flavors meld. Since my guests are 100% raw, I warmed the soup for a few hours in the dehydrator.)

(This was my other contribution, named Scarborough Fair Waldorf Salad due to the fresh, homegrown herbs I used to make the dressing. I don’t measure things, but the ingredients were:

grated or spiralized celery root, also called celeriac
finely chopped celery
soaked walnuts
golden sultana raisins

The dressing was a blend of parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme, olive oil, lemon juice, and apple cider vinegar. I left the dressing quite tart to complement the sweet earthiness of the salad.)

Thanksgiving Feast 2011

This was our spread, minus the amazing chocolate goji berry fudge that was hiding out in the freezer! My guests brought cauliflower mashed “potatoes,” real cranberry orange sauce, and some cashew based raw “ricotta” as well as raviolis. All the greens came from their garden less than 5 minutes before their arrival here, and we each contributed some chopped veggies for dipping. Because the meal did not center as heavily around nuts as most gourmet raw meals tend to, we actually felt light enough to enjoy the exquisite fudge! (Sorry, the photo of that didn’t come out so well.) I love the 4:44 on the clock, a little wink from the angels, sending us their love. 😉

Lest you feel too sorry for my boyfriend, missing out on all the festivities, here were the photos he emailed me from SAF in London, where he spent his holiday feasting on gorgeously yummy raw, vegan food:

Raw Vegan Pad Thai at SAF in London

And for desert, a raw tiramisu:

Raw Tiramisu at SAF in London

As you can see, my guy is much more savvy with the iPhone camera than I am! It was fun to join him “virtually” for the meal, since the 4S allows you to surf off any wireless network anywhere, even if you don’t have cell coverage there. Yay, technology! Wishing you and yours much love, inspiration and thriving …

Gratitude, Good Gifts and Deva

Just wanted to wish all my American readers an early Happy Thanksgiving and my worldwide readers a chance to focus a little extra energy in the attitude of gratitude. As Meister Eckhart said, “If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.” Gratitude sets the stage for receiving and unites the giver and the gift.

Speaking of gifts, I know there’s a movement going on this year to boycott Black Friday, usually the biggest shopping day of the year. Some people are calling it Occupy (or De-Occupy) Black Friday. In the spirit of giving and flow, I suggested an alternative: making homemade gifts, shopping locally, and supporting small business owners you know and love. In today’s incredibly stressful world, sometimes the gift of beautiful art, quiet relaxation and/or new found clarity is the very best thing you can offer someone who wouldn’t normally splurge on that for themselves. A friend of mine also had the great idea of purchasing things like organic and heirloom seeds, gardening and indoor planting supplies, and water filters — gifts that empower others and help them to get in touch with the Earth.

Whatever you decide to purchase or not purchase — however you decide to spend Thursday and Friday — I wish you wonder, peace, love and an abundance of blessings. Here’s Deva Premal, Miten and Friends singing Tumare Darshan, a chant that bursts with sheer joy and gratitude for all the beauty and goodness of the Universe. It’s one of my very favorites. Enjoy!

Thrive: Full-Length Movie

We just finished watching this, and I’m encouraged to see how many of the ideas expressed are already in motion in our world. Mr. Gamble’s vision of a thriving world is remarkably similar to my own intentions, as well as many of my clients’ and friends’. Human Evolution is happening! Two hours and eight minutes: some new things, but lots of tying together of things I’ve written about for years. Blessings, cheers and thanks for holding the vision and being the change you wish to see in the world. 🙂 Looks like this has been removed by the user. I hope they are still selling the DVD’s, because this truly is an important film. You can check out their store right here.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, here’s the official trailer:

Update on March 30, 2012: beginning April 5, “Thrive: What On Earth Will it Take” will be available for free online viewing at the Thrive Website. Details here:

As Within, So Without: Carl Jung and Occupy

I have written on this theme before, but I thought I’d include some Carl Jung discussions of the Shadow and why it matters to our world. Awareness of this concept is a primary motivation for my November Special, Shadow Work Tarot to Heal Karmic Ties. I have found my own work so valuable that I decided to offer this process to others. Please note: I am changing the deadline for this special from November 22 to November 30th, in order to reach more people.

Exactly what kinds of personal work have I been doing? In response to the Occupy Movement and increased censorship and police brutality, I have asked, “How are these events even in my reality? What unhealed parts of me have projected this stuff onto the outer screen?” I’ve been working on my own, inner terrorist. My own, inner LBPD (Laura Bruno Police Department). In what ways do I try to censor or oppress those inner parts of me? In what ways do I pepper spray my shadow for voicing its desires? Where do I beat myself with criticism batons? In what ways do I find it acceptable to push myself so hard that my 1% threatens to take over my entire soul? What are the demands of MY 99%?

As within, so without. “Whatever is not conscious will be experienced as fate.” ~Carl Jung

And now, some additional Jung for your consideration:

“If you imagine someone who is brave enough to withdraw all his projections, then you get an individual who is conscious of a pretty thick shadow. Such a man has saddled himself with new problems and conflicts. He has become a serious problem to himself, as he is now unable to say that they do this or that, they are wrong, and they must be fought against. He lives in the ‘House of the Gathering.’ Such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in himself, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day.” ~Carl Jung

“Taking it in its deepest sense, the shadow is the invisible saurian tail that man still drags behind him. Carefully amputated, it becomes the healing serpent of the mysteries. Only monkeys parade with it.” ~Carl Jung

“When we must deal with problems, we instinctively resist trying the way that leads through obscurity and darkness. We wish to hear only of unequivocal results, and completely forget that these results can only be brought about when we have ventured into and emerged again from the darkness. But to penetrate the darkness we must summon all the powers of enlightenment that consciousness can offer.” ~Carl Jung

“Projections change the world into the replica of one’s own unknown face.” ~Carl Jung

“No, the demons are not banished; that is a difficult task that still lies ahead. Now that the angel of history has abandoned the Germans,* the demons will seek a new victim. And that won’t be difficult. Every man who loses his shadow, every nation that falls into self-righteousness, is their prey…. We should not forget that exactly the same fatal tendency to collectivization is present in the victorious nations as in the Germans, that they can just as suddenly become a victim of the demonic powers.” ~Carl Jung (in a particularly accurate warning about our own times and the fascist Shadow Government(s) pulling the strings)

“The ‘other’ may be just as one-sided in one way as the ego is in another. And yet the conflict between them may give rise to truth and meaning-but only if the ego is willing to grant the other its rightful personality.” ~Carl Jung

“To confront a person with his shadow is to show him his own light. Once one has experienced a few times what it is like to stand judgingly between the opposites, one begins to understand what is meant by the self. Anyone who perceives his shadow and his light simultaneously sees himself from two sides and thus gets in the middle.” ~Carl Jung

I selected these quotes because they seem most obviously related to the current state of our world. It almost feels like Godzilla himself has arisen in an insatiable gobbling of human rights. In the midst of such darkness and self-imposed terror, I also see evidence of much Light. The projected Shadow has made so many more people aware of the Law of Attraction, the possibility (and responsibility) of Self-Sovereignty, the value of real, non-GMO foods, and the potential, nay, the inevitability of human evolution or extinction. I leave you with a William Edwards Deming quote: “It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory.” We have the freedom to choose and the tools and power to create. What do you choose? What kind of change will you be?

Bruce Lipton on Occupy Wall Street and Emergence

Bruce Lipton wrote “The Biology of Belief ” and co-wrote “Spontaneous Evolution.” I love the way he thinks and highly recommend his resources. In this video, he discusses the “biological imperative” and how this mass state of recognizing “something’s very wrong” leads to what he calls, “Emergence.” “Things will emerge that we have no idea about right now. …It’s time for change. …Start to consider what is the world in front of us that we can build right now.” ~Bruce Lipton

Finding Ways to Feel Good

A little Abraham-Hicks to ease you into the week: “I’m gonna do something about what I CAN do something about right now.” Enjoy!

“Life is good and it’s gonna get better. We know. We’ve seen it. Watch for it!” A-H

Medical Intuitive FAQ

Someone on Facebook asked me some questions about Medical Intuition, and I remembered I used to have an FAQ page listed on my website, before I consolidated things onto my blog. The question and answer on FB has now become the first in a series of questions. I’ll begin with my original post that triggered the questions:

Our bodies are soooo smart! It never ceases to amaze me how they can keep us alive, teach, translate the soul’s deepest longings, nudge us to grow and still manage to enjoy smells, music, tastes, visions and feelings. We live in sacred, breathing temples made of stardust and earth. Wonder-full!

I want to know how bodies translate our soul’s longing? Anyone know how this works physiologically?

This is the kind of work that I do every day: translating the soul’s messages to people via their body. I seem to have natural, heightened gifts in this area and work as a Medical Intuitive, but anyone can learn to listen more closely to what the soul wants to bring forth. A good, basic place to start would be Louise Hay’s books, “Heal Your Body” and “You Can Heal Your Life.” Studying the chakra system will also familiarize you with more standard ways the body, mind, spirit, soul, emotions, etc. connect. When you get into past lives, things get more complicated, but they also make more sense. 🙂 If you’re interested in this sort of thing, Caroline Myss’ book, “Why People Don’t Heal and How They Can” is a classic.

What’s the difference between a Medical Intuitive Session and a Psychic Reading?

In some ways, the two are very similar. Both draw upon intuition to help clarify a specific question or, more generally, where you’re headed. Some Psychics are medical intuitive, and many Medical Intuitives are also psychic.

The main difference is one of focus and intended result. In the case of a psychic reading, information is usually the goal and result. In the case of a medical intuitive session, information is only part of the goal. The real goal is healing. Information about causes or solutions sometimes forms only a small part of the picture. An effective Medical Intuitive will also compassionately assess how each unique client will hear and implement that information. S/he will sense ways to meet the client in his or her own terms and worldview, in order to help the client embrace and utilize the information. S/he will remain aware of the client’s internal resistance, and will keep this in mind when determining how to word the reading and advice.

Someone can be an effective psychic without being particularly compassionate. When dealing with people’s most vulnerable areas and health issues—as Medical Intuitives do—unconditional compassion becomes essential. Because unconditional compassion is so powerful, many people experience profound healing just by interacting with a Medical Intuitive. Even without a formal energy treatment, the medical intuitive process invokes this healing power of unconditional compassion and begins the alchemy of healing.

If part of me is sick or imbalanced does that look really ugly or gross to you?

You would be surprised how many people ask this or a variant of this question! The answer is that Medical Intuitives never “look” at you in that way. When they do medical intuitive work, they sense all of your energy, which includes your Essence or Highest Self (your true identity), with its Divine imprint. In other words, when Medical Intuitives look at you, they see you in the most beautiful, radiant way one can possibly see a person.

Nothing about you looks ugly or gross. Depending on your health issue, Medical Intuitives may see, feel, taste, hear, smell and/or otherwise sense things that don’t belong to you. These energy ripples or mutations have somehow attached themselves to your body or energy field. They might need to be removed or rebalanced, but even they are not what we’d call “ugly.” Ultimately, energy is energy. Our world pulsates from the tiniest electron orbiting the nucleus of an atom, from the imperceptible quark to the light of stars from hundreds of light years away. The universe and you, as part of the universe, have a natural vibration.

Medical Intuitives and Energy Healers consider it their job to help you reconnect your body and energy field to that natural vibration–to help you “find your song,” if you will. When someone learns to play Chopin, for example, s/he will often hit the wrong note while trying to find the right chord. Chopin composed some of the most complicated music for the piano; in order to play Chopin well, someone needs to become a pretty amazing pianist. Having a teacher or guide helps, especially when the teacher knows how the composition can potentially sound. It takes practice, over and over again, but eventually, the melody begins to come together. With even more practice, the melody becomes a song with complex chords and crescendos and rests. It begins to resonate the piano.

Whenever you hear someone play a piece exquisitely, you are hearing all the hours of practice, all the mistakes, frustration and loving correction the player has already invested in that piece. You’re also hearing the composer’s and the pianist’s shared joy in their mutual creation. Just like the pianist, we learn from our mistakes, disharmonies and misplayed notes, but that doesn’t make the original composition any less beautiful! And when we finally start to play as the composer intended? Ah, what joy!

I don’t believe in anything beyond my own experience. How can I even have a conversation with a Medical Intuitive?

You know what? We all have a difficult time believing in anything beyond our own experience! In many ways, experience is all we have–although imagination helps. Faith and doubt exist moment by moment on the same continuum. All the Saints of all major religious traditions spent time wrestling with doubt. Often, the greater the faith, the more intense their relationship with doubt. After all, faith requires leaps, and the larger the leap, the greater the chasm below. The difference between someone who lives a faith-based life in contrast to the habitual skeptic, is that the faith-full person more often chooses faith. As the great Medical Intuitive, Jesus, told his disciples, “Judge a tree by its fruit. A good tree bears good fruit.” Trust your own experience and observation. But if you’re afraid of being wrong–and most skeptics are definitely concerned about that–then I also encourage you to experiment. Experience and experiment share the same linguistic root. Scientists recognize repeat results from controlled experimentation as the only form of “proof.” If you want proof, then don’t forget to look for it!

For more information about body/soul relationships and healing, you might also like this article. For more information on intuitive readings, including Medical Intuition, please click here.