Archive for the ‘telepathy’ Category

Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, and Claircognizance

Another blast from the past that wants to go up again. This one comes from 2019, but more and more people are experiencing this expanded consciousness. Here are some definitions and context for enhanced awareness:

This post began as “Precognitive Blues, Part 3: Astrology, Tarot, Synchronicity, and the Trickster.” My description of “The Clair’s” grew so long that it demanded its own post before Part 3 shows up. (I also discovered a Part 4, so that series will continue until I learn otherwise. You can find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here.)

By “The Clair’s,” I Mean:

Clairaudience: hearing sounds or words beyond “normal” frequency, usually with greater insights into the apparent reality. Telepathy and animal communication also fall under the heading of clairaudience.

In sessions, for me, clairaudience comes as a specific word, name or phrase, either right before the call, when I scan a client, or as the client speaks. Sometimes what they don’t say shouts much louder than their voice. Other times it comes to me as a kind of stage whisper or voiceover. When I bring up the word, name or phrase, it clicks in all sorts of insights for the person.

Clairaudience happens to me outside of sessions, too, but at least in a session I have permission to share intuitive hits! Not everyone welcomes that information, and conversations with liars or those in denial become especially boisterous inside my head. When someone lies to me, the true words echo louder and louder until I need to decide what to do with them. In the absence of “real world” evidence, it feels nasty to accuse someone of lying. For this reason, I do my best to avoid habitual liars or those in deep denial.

Fruitless confrontation or blaming myself for having “negative thoughts about someone” feels bad either way. Autoimmune reactions are very common in this scenario! I have many, many clairaudient Lyme clients turning against themselves their anger, frustration and negative thoughts about the narcissists or gaslighter’s in their lives.

It takes courage to allow yourself to live and hear from a place of truth rather than beating yourself up because you hear something so different from the spoken words. Of course, this creates other complications: if you suspect you have clairaudient awareness, then you need to make sure you examine your own Shadow and projections. An old post called “Rejection, Projection and Reflection,” can help with this.

My favorite method of clairaudience occurs most mornings in the hypnagogic state between sleep and waking. I hear song lyrics or a melody. When I search the full lyrics of those songs I find exact answers to my questions or concerns.

This can also happen with “radio roulette” where songs playing in stores or the car shock you awake because they seem to answer an internal question you just asked. The “random” play of Pandora, Alexa, or Spotify gives recently passed loved ones a way to send love or other messages to those they left behind. This is very, very common! Although not technically clairaudience (since the music plays in “normal reality”), the messages coming through the music bring a deeper resonance and awareness than ordinary listening. If this happens to you, you’ll sense it: goosebumps, an inner “Whoa!” or a delightful wonder help to flag clairaudient messages. If you keep hearing the same song over and over, you might also want to explore why.

Clairaudience does not always involve words. Sound is a frequency. Language speaks to us through vibration as much as the dictionary meaning of words. Sometimes words get in the way. Pay attention to any unusual sounds, positive or negative. Does something sound like a bell or an alarm? A knock? Cornish and Welsh miners in the Wild West relied on “the knockers” to guide them to veins of silver or gold, or to warn of danger.

In 2008 when my then husband and I moved to Petaluma, California, a persistent rattle followed me around. It moved through our dishwasher, washing machine, dryer, fan, and finally to a loose piece of siding outside our apartment. Each time, the repairman fixed one rattle source, it moved to the next one. Da-da-da-da-ret, da-da-da-da-ret. Over and over, it was maddening! Tania Marie and I spent Halloween Weekend with our friend Karen at her family’s vacation home in Bodega Bay.

This story is told much more completely in my chapter of Stories from the Messengers, but the upshot is that as I was telling Karen and Tania about this mysterious rattle, I sensed Tania’s tortoise Gaia tapping her cage in time with the rattle. At first, no one else heard it, and then Gaia started tapping in the 3D world, not just internally tapping. Then I heard a loud rattle from the kitchen. I ran out to find the clock stopped at 11:11, even though that was not the time. Recognizing this as some kind of message about my then in progress novel, Schizandra and the Gates of Mu, I said, “Thanks for the insights, but I don’t speak rattle! Give it to me in a dream or in a book.”

After that weekend, I had a series of dreams and insights that brought my manuscript “down to earth.” That Monday, our maintenance man just happened to walk by as the piece of rogue siding rattled. He fixed this loudest and most insistent “da-da-da-da-ret,” and I never heard it again. In other words, if you receive a sound or clairaudient message you don’t understand, you can ask for a revised delivery method. You can say, “I don’t speak rattle. Give it to me some other way.” You can request a translation. Just don’t ignore the message.

Clairvoyance: seeing objects, events, people or visions not present in the “normal” range of vision.

Clairvoyance is also used as a catchall term for the various clair’s, indicating acute intuitive or psychic awareness. For me, clairvoyance most often appears in dreams or during past life readings. In both cases, I “see” the situation as a movie. Many times I later learn that dream “symbols” were actually remote views of future events, either for me or for someone else. Other times I “see” an image, glyph, or Tarot card that acts as shorthand for a lengthy message.

I have clients who “see” internet search terms. Some clients and I also see colors, auras, energies, or visions. Since childhood, I’ve seen “flashes” of people together who later become a couple. While I can focus my inner sight for medical intuitive readings, my flashes, visions, colors, auras and energies usually arise spontaneously. This seems common even with practicing psychics — you can focus the camera, but you don’t know what you’ll see until you see it.

Most people are visual learners, with vision as their primary sense. When I “see” for someone else, whatever I see tends to reflect that person’s symbol code. Not always, but often: the vision won’t make sense to me, so I describe it as well as I can. Sometimes I see a map with circled or flashing location. When I mention the location, it means something to the person — either they came from there, know someone there, or have considered moving there.

If I see a Tarot card or other meta-symbol in a dream, it often flashes or sparkles like a silly cartoon, in order to call more attention to itself. When doing actual Tarot or Astrology Readings outside of dreams, my eyes fixate on specific points. In the case of Tarot, repeating patterns in the cards jump out at me. In a natal or transit chart, my eyes dart right to what turns out to be the key element that provides the answer.

Sometimes this happens in “real life,” too. I’ll look at someone supposedly very sick, and see them glowing or radiating health, and I recognize the deeper healing in process. Other times, I see someone considered “beautiful” by society’s standards, but need to control my own revulsion due to the distortions and grotesque movements of energy. These people later get busted as major pedophiles, rapists or murderers. Society says, “I can’t believe it,” but clairvoyant people often see the energies or superimposed faces of their victims or crimes.

Just like “hearing voices in your head,” “seeing things that aren’t there” can make you feel a little nuts. If you have no context for these visions, the contrast between intuitive insights and accepted reality can drive you crazy. It helps in these cases to find at least one spiritually aware friend, confidant or professional intuitive/psychic who can hold space for you to explore your Second Sight. Having another person spontaneously validate your vision or offer clarity on it can make the difference between isolation and confidence, between gratitude for guidance and a trip to the loony bin. Trust your intuition on whom to tell, though. Telling the wrong person can undermine you, damage your self esteem or worse.

If you find yourself troubled by suspected clairvoyance, I recommend some easy prayers and mantras. Ask for signs, but also ask to recognize and receive those signs. Too many people ask for signs and then miss the pileup of synchronicities, dreams and over-the-top efforts to get their attention. If your answer involves something part of you would like to remain blurry, then you’ll probably miss some of the signs. Also, if you have extreme attachment to one answer or meaning, then you need to emphasize the “recognize and receive those signs” part. Otherwise, you can twist signs to mean whatever you want them to mean, then face a crisis of faith when things don’t pan out the way your “Guides” told you they would.

I’ve mentioned before how useful I find the Serenity Prayer: “God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.” You can modify that to reflect your spiritual beliefs, addressing your own subconscious, Higher Self, the Universe or whoever you trust. The important part is asking for spiritual guidance in the form of non-attachment (Serenity), Courage and Wisdom. Some visions come to help you shift the future. Others come to prepare you for an upcoming challenge or opportunity. It pays to pay attention.

Literally, it pays to pay attention. If you find yourself strapped for cash, start looking for signs and symbols in your life. Abundance and free flowing energy is your natural state. If you feel a pinch right now, you’re either processing something in a “not yet” phase, or you’re blocking prosperity and opportunities trying to reach you. Looking at waking life as a dream, filled with symbols and each person also representing an aspect of yourself can free your flow again.

Clairsentience means clear sensation.

Less recognized than clairaudience or clairvoyance, clairsentience actually occurs more often. You feel things in your body, heart and soul. People who say, “You could cut the air with a knife” are clairsensing the energy residue of whatever happened in that location before they arrived. A fight, a murder, a tryst: when you get that funny feeling of something different than the apparent reality, your clairsentience has kicked in. Some people refer to this as “Spidey Senses.” Other people receive a jolt of information when they touch someone.

Empaths are extremely clairsentient. By definition, empaths feel and take on the energies, emotions, illnesses or moods of their environment. Although you can use empathic awareness as a gift, it doesn’t always feel like a gift! I highly recommend Dr. Judith Orloff’s The Empath’s Survival Guide. I’ve also written many articles for Empaths. Understanding how and when you pick up information through your feelings and body gives you needed clarity on what to do with that information. Otherwise, you become a psychic sponge, sopping up anything and everything around you.

As with clairaudience, I find most of my clients with autoimmune issues are extreme Empaths. Both of my guided journals help people discern “what’s mine and what’s not?” Lyme Journal: A Guided Recovery Workbook speaks more to people with autoimmune issues, Lyme Disease, co-infections and/or Chronic Fatigue. The Second Chakra Healing Journal supports people whose body presents challenges with fertility, hormonal balance, sexuality, bladder/UTI/kidney issues, prostate health and/or creative flow. I ask different questions in different ways, but both guided journals help you untangle the complex web of clairsentience disguised as symptoms.

As with the rattle example in the clairaudient section, you can ask for messages to arrive in other ways. Keep in mind that guidance tends to come in subtle ways first. Symptoms appear when you’ve ignored the whispers, shouts, nudges, signs, and symbols. The body steps in and says, “I’ll get her attention!” If you pay more attention to the subtle feelings and biofeedback mechanisms of your body, then symptoms can fade away. They can become like those inflatable lane guards for kids in bowling alleys. “Bumper bowling” can keep you on track if you honor your symptoms to bounce you back to striking range.

It also helps to pay attention to good feelings, especially if you prefer to live in an “ease and please” world rather than a trauma/drama tragedy or thriller. Love heals. If you find yourself comfortable, soft and secure, cultivate relationships with whoever or whatever triggers those feelings in you. Explore how you might strengthen those qualities in yourself, but do pay attention to unusual feelings. For example: if something would normally scare you but you feel strangely calm, that’s significant. If something would normally make you huff off in anger, but compassion floods your heart, this, too, tells you something.

As always, discernment remains key, but your body tells you many things. One caveat: a healing crisis or Herxheimer reaction, in which symptoms flare up when you address the root cause, does not mean you’re on the wrong track. It does mean slow down. Be gentler with yourself. Your body wants you to take your time with this; find out why.

Of the clair’s clairsentience often feels the least clear, because it intertwines so much with our own lived experience. Having a word or vision flash through your mind announces itself, whereas many people blame a stomachache on bad food combining or nerves. When in doubt, assume a symptom means something. If you auto-blame or judge yourself for anxiety or health issues, try giving yourself the benefit of the doubt. Read the Empath posts on this blog. Practice good energy hygiene. Ask, “Is this mine?” Then pay attention to the answer. If it’s not yours, let it go. If it is yours, ask for more clarity. Again, I designed the guided journals to assist with this, because clairsentience is often not so clair.

In case anyone wonders, I am an off the charts Empath. It allows me to do my work, to feel someone in Australia from my living room in Kalamazoo, Michigan, but I’ve spent my entire life learning how to manage this “gift.” I learned the information I share in the articles and journals from the School of Hard Knocks, and some of those knocks were reallllly hard! You don’t need to do things the hard way. 😉

Claircognizance refers to knowing the future or the hidden truth without any evidence or clues to lead you there. You just know what you know.

Claircognizance often occurs in combination with at least one of the other clair’s, but it doesn’t need to. For me, claircognizance arrives as an irrevocable, unshakable inner clarity about a situation, person or event. I don’t know how I know what I know. The visions, words or feelings come after the knowing. They support it, but they don’t trigger it. Sometimes I just know.

I find claircognizance occurs more often in people with strong Uranus, Aquarius, Mercury, Gemini, and Virgo placements in their natal chart. Neptune/Pisces can also bring claircognizance, but Neptune/Pisces has a reputation for illusions/delusions/Glamour/deception, so you need to be careful with Neptune/Pisces. If you’ve done your own Shadow Work and you don’t have a Neptune Square Venus transit, you can often glean major insights from Neptunian claircognizance. If everything seems dreamy and fantasy-like, then your message probably means something bigger and truer in the cosmic sense. The real life details blur with Neptune/Pisces.

The most claircognizant people I know happen to have very prominent Pholus placements in their natal charts. I’ve written on Pholus before as it relates to me, but I’ve since gathered more information as it relates to clients and friends. Pholus is a Centaur associated with “small thing, BIG EFFECT.” People with very strong Pholus placements, or who have exact aspects to Pholus either through transits or synastry with someone else, tend to extrapolate the BIG EFFECT from the small thing. We do this so rapidly that we cannot explain why or how the small thing exploded in our heads into the BIG EFFECT; we just know, and we can’t un-know.

Pholus and Uranus feel volatile. The kind of knowing that comes with them explodes into consciousness. Whereas Scorpio’s can be very psychic, they tend to know in a more emotional, clairsentient way. Mercury, or quicksilver in alchemy, also brings sudden mental changes. Virgos, ruled by Mercury, tend to have less precognizance than Gemini’s simply because the Virgo process moves slower. When the big picture clicks in for a Virgo, though, that effect can be sudden. Gemini’s tend to flit so fast among different streams of information and details that sometimes the answer slips past the filters: boom! The common thread with claircognizance as distinguished from the other clair’s is the sudden awareness that comes “out of nowhere.”

Living with the Clair’s

A 1998 traumatic brain injury removed my rational side for four years. Some people might argue it removed it forever, but I do operate with whole brain awareness. Most of Western society favors the left brain, rational, “show me” realm and ignores or mocks the Unseen or Unknown as fantasy or mental illness. Context makes a huge difference. If you surround yourself with doubters, then you will doubt yourself. If you imbibe in fear and paranoia, then any intuitive awareness you experience will carry that fear/paranoia vibe. At some point, you need to decide how you wish to live your life. What brings better results for you? How do you feel operating at the various levels?

Aim for authenticity, but also when you open to other levels of awareness, your own Shadow seeps out. Awakening the clair’s can feel scary, isolating and in some cases does trigger nervous breakdowns. I like Robert Moss’s advice in his dream books, “Ask, ‘What do I need to know? What do I need to do?” Then follow that advice. Keep a journal, but keep it private. You need a safe place to unload your thoughts, fears, hopes and dreams, free from other’s projections.

It also helps to talk with someone who walks this path. Pray for guidance on with whom to share your story and experiences. A shaman, priest, astrologer, intuitive coach, psychic, or Jungian psychoanalyst could all offer a variety of support. Lee Harris offers monthly YouTube videos , books and other resources. My blog contains so many articles on fringe topics. I also recommend Robert Moss’s book, The Three Only Things. If your clair’s came as a result of UFO, owl or ET encounters, you might find support in the Messengers series. If you’d like a private intuitive reading from me, please feel free to contact me.

Wherever you are in your life, then I wish you well on the spiral journey. The clair’s can enhance and improve that journey, especially when you learn more how to engage the gifts.

X-Files, Owls, Faeries and Soft Disclosure

A friend wished me Happy Leprechaun Day, and I said, “I like that. I might swipe it for a St. Patty’s Day post, if you don’t mind.”

She said, “Of course not, the little guys would love it!”

So … Happy Leprechaun Day!

I searched my blog for “Leprechaun” because I know I shared about a real life Leprechaun experience I had involving a pair of boots. I keep dreaming of shoes and boots, so I know that post will appear sometime. Apparently, THIS post wants to go up again.

For all those people who ask me about resources regarding Faeries, ETs, and UFOs, here you go … recommended resources as of February 2016.

Laura Bruno's Blog

Today’s post began one way, and then turned into a compilation of resources:

Here’s an interesting and thoughtful piece from Rebecca Hardcastle Wright called, “What’s Beneath ET Disclosure: Were We Lab Rats?” — definitely worth a read now that the new X-Files, Hillary, Podesta, all manner of experiencers and the New Age cavalry seem to be pushing a soft disclosure of ET presence. As an ironic rule, I don’t make firm conclusions, really not in any area, but especially not this one. Rebecca asks herself some difficult questions, yet her conclusion reminds me of something I notice in so many other areas these days — no matter what the original intent and real or imagined existence of would-be overlords, people continue to free themselves from the maze.

In addition to Rebecca’s article, I highly recommend Mike Clelland’s new book, “The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee,” which I’ve reviewed

View original post 480 more words

Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, and Claircognizance

This post began as “Precognitive Blues, Part 3: Astrology, Tarot, Synchronicity, and the Trickster.” My description of “The Clair’s” grew so long that it demanded its own post before Part 3 shows up. (I also discovered a Part 4, so that series will continue until I learn otherwise. You can find Part 1 here, and Part 2 here.)

By “The Clair’s,” I Mean:

Clairaudience: hearing sounds or words beyond “normal” frequency, usually with greater insights into the apparent reality. Telepathy and animal communication also fall under the heading of clairaudience.

In sessions, for me, clairaudience comes as a specific word, name or phrase, either right before the call, when I scan a client, or as the client speaks. Sometimes what they don’t say shouts much louder than their voice. Other times it comes to me as a kind of stage whisper or voiceover. When I bring up the word, name or phrase, it clicks in all sorts of insights for the person.

Clairaudience happens to me outside of sessions, too, but at least in a session I have permission to share intuitive hits! Not everyone welcomes that information, and conversations with liars or those in denial become especially boisterous inside my head. When someone lies to me, the true words echo louder and louder until I need to decide what to do with them. In the absence of “real world” evidence, it feels nasty to accuse someone of lying. For this reason, I do my best to avoid habitual liars or those in deep denial.

Fruitless confrontation or blaming myself for having “negative thoughts about someone” feels bad either way. Autoimmune reactions are very common in this scenario! I have many, many clairaudient Lyme clients turning against themselves their anger, frustration and negative thoughts about the narcissists or gaslighter’s in their lives.

It takes courage to allow yourself to live and hear from a place of truth rather than beating yourself up because you hear something so different from the spoken words. Of course, this creates other complications: if you suspect you have clairaudient awareness, then you need to make sure you examine your own Shadow and projections. An old post called “Rejection, Projection and Reflection,” can help with this.

My favorite method of clairaudience occurs most mornings in the hypnagogic state between sleep and waking. I hear song lyrics or a melody. When I search the full lyrics of those songs I find exact answers to my questions or concerns.

This can also happen with “radio roulette” where songs playing in stores or the car shock you awake because they seem to answer an internal question you just asked. The “random” play of Pandora, Alexa, or Spotify gives recently passed loved ones a way to send love or other messages to those they left behind. This is very, very common! Although not technically clairaudience (since the music plays in “normal reality”), the messages coming through the music bring a deeper resonance and awareness than ordinary listening. If this happens to you, you’ll sense it: goosebumps, an inner “Whoa!” or a delightful wonder help to flag clairaudient messages. If you keep hearing the same song over and over, you might also want to explore why. Continue reading

Michigan Staycation with Friends

Just wanted to post a little update about the wonderful time we spent with David’s old friends (now mine, too) from Amsterdam. David played driver and tour guide, giving us all a full, yet delightful week, perfectly paced and musically curated. Most people don’t know that David owns thousands of CD’s from around the world, and one of his favorite creative outlets is finding just the right versions of songs in just the right order to set the mood. We have “musical wallpaper” for our home and thousands of songs at his fingertips in the car.

Our visit’s selections ranged from 80’s and 90’s to classical, to obscure 70’s and lots of German and Swedish hits. Seth (pronounced “Set”) works in the music industry, so they’ve shared music over the years. Seth’s actually the person who sent David the song “Haus Am See,” which became the name of the blue house I rented as an office in Goshen. If I had to choose one song to sum up our time together, it would be The Hot Sardines, “Bei Mir Bistu Shoen”:

Dorothea (Dor-o-TAY-uh) is an artist and a psychological therapist, so she and I have lots in common. Somehow, everything worked out with everyone very much enjoying everyone else. David and Seth hadn’t seen each other or even connected at all in the past 6.5 years due to life’s craziness and I had never met Seth or Dorothea. We kind of marveled at how risky them traveling to stay with us for a week was, but from the moment they arrived, everything just clicked. So much laughter, love and fun. Seth’s North Node is right on David’s Sun, so they have one of those fated friendships that endures long times apart and fits even as they change and grow.

This visit’s activities included multiple trips to Lake Michigan — sunset at St. Joe’s while driving home from O’Hare …


… walks and swim at Holland, Michigan: Continue reading

Caroline Myss on Nature Spirits

I haven’t had a chance to watch the entire video yet, but the parts I have are great! Thanks to my friend Karen for sending the link my way. It’s a collaboration with the Findhorn Foundation: such a sweet story in the beginning. 🙂

Groundhog Wisdom: Editing for Flow in the Garden, Life and Lyme

I love how life brings themes to our attention on multiple levels at the same time. In my case, I feel the need to edit for flow in several areas of life: the garden, relationships, and my book-in-progress, The Metaphysics of Lyme Disease. Although editing can seem like a left-brained process, I find a gentle balance of observation, patterns and ease provides the best indication of what stays, what goes and what grows.

In the garden, this means acknowledging that groundhogs rule this part of Kalamazoo. Our next door neighbor has already trapped and relocated two “whistle pigs” this year, and we’ve got at least three more who venture into our yards from across the street. Two weekends ago, I spent hours adding compost to the front beds, eyeing gorgeous lettuce, which I planned to harvest that evening. I heard some joyful squeals across the street and thought, “Those groundhogs are excited I added compost, because the produce will taste better. They are gonna love this lettuce!” I dismissed the thought, because who listens to groundhogs, right? Who thinks groundhogs cheer because of garden nutrients?

David and I left for a couple hours to run errands, and when we returned I immediately sensed something amiss. I felt, but couldn’t see a groundhog. Big energy. Big appetite! As I looked for the culprit, I noticed all my flowering purple kale stripped to the stem. And my lettuce, oh, my lettuce! In the center of a round bed sat the tiniest groundhog I’ve ever seen, finishing off the last of it. Five inches long, he was the cutest dastardly thing and ate his weight in lettuce.

Out came the very stinky sprays, which I suspect I hate more than the critters do. Within five minutes, back came the little guy. He nibbled on a couple leaves of chard and echinacea, but they must have tasted awful with all that stinky stuff. He made his way across the street and let out a whistle like a rowdy teenager completing a dare. Very naughty! The next day, out waddled Big Fat Mama, sauntering across our front porch and diving into red clover I’d vaguely “heard” a message to weed every time I passed it for the past week. Big Fat Mama doesn’t care about spray. She just likes her some lettuce, kale and clover — even locating hidden ones I forgot about.

This might seem like a minor mishap, frustration or tragedy, but Groundhog (the spirit animal) provides wise guidance.

Groundhog Wisdom focuses on the importance of clear boundaries and the cycles of life, death/hibernation and rebirth. A shamanic totem, groundhog goes into the Underworld and safely returns. Groundhog’s long winter’s nap connects to Dreamtime, and Groundhog honors Ancestral Wisdom by passing along track ways to generation after generation, even with no direct, physical contact.

Also known as woodchucks, whistle pigs, or marmots, groundhogs are resourceful, intelligent, persistent, and great problem solvers. Groundhog reveals hidden desires and aversions. Although they look alike, groundhogs honor their own personal tastes. They eat what they love and avoid what they don’t. They bring focus to long, complex projects, and they can keep these projects secret until completion. They can burrow and tunnel vast distances, but also climb trees and outwit traps. They know how to disappear when necessary. They look cute, but their sharp teeth, strong claws and metabolic control demand respect.

All of these qualities connect Groundhog very closely to the Faery Realm. Do not underestimate Groundhog!

What Do You Really Want? Continue reading

Rune Soup: Talking Afterlife Experiences with Elizabeth Krohn.

I listened to this Rune Soup episode awhile back and meant to post it. Elizabeth’s story reminds me of some of my own weirder experiences, as well as relationship tensions following my 1998 TBI. Elizabeth Krohn teamed up with Dr. Jeff Kripal (Mutants and Mystics, The Super Natural: Why the Unexplained is Real, and many more) to co-author Changed in a Flash: One Woman’s Near-Death Experience and Why a Scholar Thinks It Empowers Us All.

Gordon White shares on his blog and YouTube channel:

This week, in what is probably one of my favourite ever episodes, we welcome to the show Elizabeth Krohn. Elizabeth, along with Dr Jeff Kripal, is the author of Changed in a Flash, which is the story of her being struck by lightning, dying and returning from the afterlife very much changed. A truly fascinating discussion. Enjoy.

***Show Notes***

Elizabeth’s book, Changed in a Flash.…

Elizabeth on Facebook.…


December 2018 Special and Gift Certificates

As always, I offer the monthly specials based on my sense of what will most support the coming energies and needs.

December’s family and work gatherings present special challenges for empaths. In addition to all the planetary, cosmic and political energies tipping empathic effects way beyond the usual scale, sensitive people attuned to Mother Earth often feel fires, earthquakes and floods in their own bodies and emotions. Add to this empathing the experiences of so many people who’ve lost their homes or witnessed traumas, and empaths are being asked to find a new balance between compassion and self-care, between “we are all one” and nurturing and protecting our own energy body.

My heart goes out to all of those facing inner and outer challenges this holiday season. Through the “oxygen mask principle,” I hope that directly supporting empaths will allow greater love, energy and peace to radiate in strong waves across our world. Peace in, peace out.


Energy Protection for Empaths

This 20-minute offering shares tips and techniques specifically tailored to your own energy field and the challenges you face as a “Sensitive” or “Empath” — someone who deeply feels the emotions and energies of others, including the larger collective energies and emotions. Empaths have intuitive, psychic, and healing gifts that can feel more like a curse when faced with discord, negative or disharmonious frequencies like EMF’s, groupthink, or emotional overwhelm.

As someone whose already very thin veil practically disappeared with a 1998 brain injury, I have learned through trial and error, extensive research and over 17 years as a professional Medical Intuitive, how to protect the energy field so that those “gifts” actually live up to their potential. These tips and techniques don’t mean you stop feeling the energies; however, they allow you to recognize more clearly when something’s “yours” and when it’s not. They also help you much more quickly return to peace, soul sovereignty, joy, and allow you to exercise much greater healing influence in your life and in our world.

$77 for the 20 minutes if prepaid on or before 12/31/2018. This session can also be doubled for a 40-minute session at $154. For more information or to sign up, please contact me here.

Gift Certificates:

Each year, people ask if they can gift a session to a loved one. I like to offer a discount to honor the love and care behind this gift. Certificates purchased in 2018 will remain valid through December 31, 2019. Since people always ask me this: no, you may not purchase a gift certificate for yourself. You can, however, request someone else get you a gift certificate. 😉 When you contact me to order a gift certificate, please let me now the name of the person you’re gifting, as well as any details you’d like me to include on the certificate. I’ll create and email you a personalized PDF, which you can email or print out for your loved one.

2018 gift certificates cover any of my services at $99/half hour instead of the usual rate of $133/half hour. 

Earth Day Celebrations and Happy Ending

David and I have so enjoyed our reunion after nearly three weeks apart due to my trip to Pennsylvania and his own two weeks of training in Arkansas. We spent this weekend hiking and enjoying delicious vegan food, mostly prepped by other people so we could relax and reconnect. Huge thanks to sweet Tania Marie for recommending Veestro, frozen, restaurant quality, preservative-free vegan meals and juices delivered to our door on Friday — with lots of gluten-free options. During our resettling process, David and I decided we wanted some ease and please in the kitchen, with minimal work by either of us. Veestro has been perfect!


Yesterday, we celebrated Earth Day with some yummy veggie juices and a green smoothie while watching our Zen new groundhog, yet to be named. This little one is definitely not Kalamazoo Kal, Continue reading

Book Review: Stories from the Messengers, by Mike Clelland

In December 2015, I wrote about how I “devoured” Mike Clelland’s book, “The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductee.” Well, the long-awaited companion volume just became available! As of this writing, “Stories from the Messengers: Owls, UFO’s and a Deeper Reality” is available on Kindle only, but the paperback will get listed very soon. (UPDATE: you can find the paperback here.)

The first “Messengers” book stands out as a turning point in my life, Continue reading