Archive for August, 2015

The Great Turning Film: Joanna Macy on Uncertainty

Another message from my she-ro, Joanna Macy:

For those with more time, there’s also this talk, posted by Naropa University last year … Joanna Macy speaking about “The Courage to See, the Power to Choose”:

Reblogging on WordPress

In case anyone else has been missing the Reblog option on WordPress, I contacted them and was informed that Reblog was removed from the toolbar and added as a button at the bottom of posts. Sure enough, there it is. Who gets paid to make things arbitrarily more confusing and less efficient, I do not know, but thanks to the support team at WordPress for answering my question. Hopefully, this will help others wondering what the heck happened — at least until they decide to “upgrade” things again. 🙂



Sophia’s Children ~ Energies of Now: Sensitive, Inspired Empath Moon

I would have loved to reblog this, but WordPress has inexplicably removed the reblog function from my toolbar, so I’ll just give the teaser intro here, with a link back to the rest of the article.

And yes, my (Lower) Virgo Rising finds the WordPress glitch rather annoying: “If it ain’t broke …”. But Higher Virgo says, “Relax, you’re teaching a Reiki 1 class today. ‘Just for today, do not be angry; Just for today, do not worry, and be filled with gratitude; Devote yourself to your work and be kind to people.’ Those are the details that matter.” Indeed, Usui, and my inner Pisces say, “Go with the perfect flow: thinner veils! … potent time for the four Reiki Healing Attunements scheduled for tonight. Let’s make the most of these energies!”

Anyone else feeling these or other intense and competing energies will appreciate this post. Thanks and love, Jamie! 🙂

Energies of Now: Sensitive, Inspired Empath Moon

She Who Leads, 1924, by Nicholas Roerich. Nicholas Roerich Museum, New York, NY.

Heightened sensitivity and discerning focus.

Divine guidance and devoted practice.

Big Love and attentive thought.

Inspired vision and skillful action.

Cosmic Intelligence and Indigenous Soul.

Heavenly Wisdom and Earth Magic.

These are some of the specific themes of this full moon in Pisces with Sun and Jupiter across the wheel in Virgo, which illuminates, fires up, and reflects the alchemy of the Pisces-Virgo polarity … or partnership.

For how to skillfully (Virgo) and gracefully (Pisces) navigate and alchemize with these energies, now and moving forward, read on.

Jaime Meyer ~ Gathering of the Earth Lovers

Thanks to Jaime Meyer for permission to post this part of his recent newsletter, which addresses some of the themes I’ve run into lately in sessions and with loved ones. Jaime looks at cynicism, sacrifice and the sacred, asking us to reach for the feeling and reality beyond the cynicism. Those with sensitive “ears” are hereby warned of some colorful language in the text below. For those of you who’ve ever struggled with doubt or disconnection, I think you’ll find Jaime’s message helpful. Happy Full Moon tomorrow!

Gathering of the Earth Lovers

This Saturday, we gather under a perfect clear sky and the rising full moon for The Gathering of the Earth Lovers. This is year five of a massive drum circle and ceremony of gratitude to our Mother Earth. Please invite all who would like to have fun, drum, dance, and join together for a simple, beautiful ceremony. Please share this on Facebook. Right now about 80 people have told me they are coming. It’s going to be a Wahoo-fest, for sure. Click here for more details.

What About My Indigenous Soul?

by Jaime Meyer

The summer is coming to an end. We don’t want to let go of it. But we must. We are in the exhale of the year’s breath.

In the Celtic shamanic tradition we are moving out of the dancing mythic South and into the West – the direction of dusk, autumn, inner knowing, welcoming of Mystery, letting go, and vision-setting.

I remind you that if you have European ancestry, that phrase, “Celtic shamanic tradition” is part of your indigenous soul that is calling to you right now. That vague melancholy you feel may be your indigenous soul calling out to be remembered.

How do we respond to her sacrifice? In the machine-based industrial world, we have responded by demanding she produce even more for us, and by forcing her with fertilizer – earth steroids – to produce more. This seemed to work for a while when we treated the earth like an 8 year old tyrant might. But we are coming to understand we can’t do this anymore.

How can we respond to the Earth mother’s sacrifice? First and easy: remember the meaning of the word sacrifice. It means “to make sacred.” 

The simplest sacrifice we can make is to stop for a moment – to step out of our ravenous hunger and remember that this moment – every moment – is blessed by the powers that create, sustain and transform us. We swim in miracle. 

This may sound like small act, but shamanism is all about changing patterns below (or beyond) the conscious and rational level, and when we change those energetic patterns, we change our actions which changes the world. Make all of your eating -physical, emotional and spiritual- sacred, and you are going to change this world.

Cynicism is a convenient state of mind that lets me stand on the sidelines and snipe wittily at the screwed up assholes who run the world. Cynicism is an act of powerlessness, and what the assholes want more than anything is your cynicism to own you, so that you keep buying buy more products to mask your grief, which is really what cynicism is about. Cynicism is grief fashionably dressed. Grief is a dirty-kneed, tangle-haired, snot-covered, soul wash. But grief is connected to the raw power of love, which is the life force, and only love will heal your life, and this world. Only love. 

Try this if you want to: The next time you become aware of your own cynical bitching, stop for a moment, and act as if the world is sacred. Ask yourself what is the grief below your bitching. When the grief comes, let it come. And then give it to the Earth mother as an offering. Your grief is pure water for her. Ask for her help, and the help of the raw power of the life force to support you to take action to make real change. Think small and immediate. Cynicism hates it when we think small – it wants to overwhelm us with big powerlessness. 

May the blessings of late summer light be on you, 

and in you, and all around you. 


Drumming The Soul Awake |

Five More Days for August Specials

As always, I offer the monthly specials in response to repeated concerns expressed by clients, family and friends, as well as my own intuiting of what would provide the most support to the most people at this time. You can find this month’s specials below, along with dates for upcoming Reiki Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 (Master Teacher) Certification Classes in Goshen, Indiana. For reference, Goshen is about 45 minutes East of South Bend, 8 miles from the Michigan border, and 2.5-3 hours from Chicagoland, depending on your exact location in or near the city. This Saturday’s Reiki Level 1 class is full; however, due to the larger classroom space, we do still have room in September’s Reiki 2 and Reiki 3 Master Teacher classes.


Intuitive Preparedness Check-In

This is a return of a popular 2014 special, which I feel called to highlight again now due to so many people asking me about the likelihood of a “September Event,” along with so many people finally sensing new openings and opportunities that once seemed very far away. People want to know how to maintain an optimistic vibration and how to thrive while also shoring up any weak spots. This special responds to many comments, questions and private emails requesting my take on the question “What can I do right now?” — for specific individuals, rather than general guidelines and suggestions.

This hour session gives you access to my own intuitive scan of what areas of focus will provide you the greatest payback and sense of abundance, peace and security, with the least amount of resistance. Those looking to make larger lifestyle shifts can ask me to scan various lifestyle, location and/or community options to see which ones fit best with your vibration and heart’s desires. You can also use our time together to discuss energetic/magickal protection and manifestation tools and techniques, along with troubleshooting your most pressing concerns in various areas of life, including finances, food security, faith/spirituality/soul nurturing, relationships and/or land, including “garden guidance.”

I feel so strongly about helping people take steps from fear, denial and overwhelm into abundance, joy and freedom, that I’m keeping this pricing a simple $123. As Tolkien said, “Little by little, one travels far.”

Please contact me if you’d like to sign up for this special. Offer valid if prepaid on or before August 31, 2015.

The Faeries’ Dream

The Fae seem to go through phases of having strong messages and support for humanity, and I (and others) sense a recent increase in activity. This half hour reading focuses more on delight, good vibes and good will than on “fixing” anything. The Faery Realm holds the original imprint of our completely pure, loving and healed planet, so working with the Fae always puts us in close proximity of that possibility as material fact — what has always remained and thus already is pure, healed and beautiful. This reading springs from such knowing and offers a chance to learn what your faerie companions would most love for you to focus upon instead of all those things that crop up as worries or concerns. Invoking delight brings us that much closer to experiencing it. $77 if prepaid on or by August 31, 2015. Please contact me to sign up.


Reiki is an ancient healing method rediscovered in the 19th century by the Japanese monk Dr. Mikao Usui. The “Rei” in Reiki stands for “universal” or” spiritual,” and the “ki” corresponds to the “life force energy” known as “Chi” or “prana” in other Eastern systems of healing and energy work or yoga. It offers an easy, non-draining way to provide hands-on or distant healing through energy exchange and profound relaxation, allowing the recipient’s body, mind, soul and spirit to access their own deepest healing. Reiki can be practiced professionally, or as an adjunct to one’s own spiritual path and holistic lifestyle. I teach the Usui Method of Reiki, which is the most traditional style from which all other types derive.

About the teacher: Laura Bruno, MA, RMT has taught Reiki Certification classes around the United States since 2002. An internationally known Medical Intuitive and Intuitive Life Coach, Laura has authored three books and hundreds of articles on natural healing, mind-body-spirit-soul connections, raw food, and intuition. She has spoken at health conferences and has appeared as a guest on numerous radio shows and blogs.


Reiki Level 1 Certification Class, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Goshen, IN

This class is full. (If you would like to take a Reiki Level 1 class, please contact me to get on the list for the next offering, TBA once I know which dates coincide best for those interested.)

Students will learn and/or receive:

• History, nature, and science of Reiki.
• Experiencing Reiki energy.
• Using Reiki with other healing arts.
• Discussion of 21-day cleanse.
• Treating animals and plants.
• Essence scanning process.
• Establishing a Reiki practice.
• Practice self-treatment hand positions.
• Handouts and resource list.
• Reiki Circles.
• What a Reiki lineage represents.
• Giving a Reiki treatment with hand positions.
• Ethics and Legal Responsibilities as a Reiki Practitioner.
• Reiki Level 1 Attunement.

Certification: At the end of the training, each student will receive a certificate acknowledging completion of Reiki Level 1, as well as recognition as a Reiki Level 1 Practitioner. Taking any Reiki training with me also qualifies each student to audit (at no cost) any additional Reiki classes taught by me, up to and including the level completed with her (space permitting).

Fee: $175 ($150 if prepaid by August 15, 2015)


Reiki image

Reiki Level 2 Certification Class in Goshen, IN — Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

This interactive class includes:

• Reiki Level 2 Attunement.
• Experiencing Reiki energy.
• Discussion of 21-day cleanse.
• Establishing a Reiki practice.
• Different qualities of Reiki energy
• Hayashi Healing Guide discussion.
• Clearing rooms & cleaning crystals
• Chakras and healing.
• Mental/Emotional Balance technique
• How to send Reiki thru time & space
• Legal Responsibilities as a Reiki Practitioner.
• How to amplify Reiki energy.

At the end of the training, each student will receive a certificate acknowledging completion of Reiki Level 2, as well as recognition as a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner. Taking any Reiki training with me also qualifies each student to audit (at no cost) any additional Reiki classes taught by me, up to and including the level completed with me (space permitting). Very few spots left in this one!

Rate: $275 ($250 if prepaid by 9/1/2015)

Please contact me to reserve your spot.

Reiki Level 3 Master Teacher Certification Class, Sunday, September 20, 2015, Goshen, IN, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

If interested, please contact me so that we can discuss your previous training and make sure the RMT training makes sense for you at this time. Students must have at least Reiki Level 2 training in order to register for this class.

Taking this class also entitles participants to audit, free of charge, all additional Reiki Certification Classes taught by me (Laura Bruno), space permitting. Many students value this chance to observe earlier levels from a Master’s perspective. A very high percentage of my former students now teach their own Reiki classes all around the US. Class size is limited, so please contact me soon if you have interest and wish to reserve your spot.

This workshop is for those who would like to deepen their healing gifts and/or who feel a calling to teach. The instruction includes:

• How to give attunements for every level.
• Master symbols and Reiki Level 3 attunement.
• Anthakarana, Tibetan, and Usui Master symbols.
• Violet Breath.
• Complete Healing Attunement instructions and practice.
• Handouts for Reiki Master/Reiki Master Teacher.
• How to teach all levels.
• Discussing the 21 day cleansing.
• Reverence for life.
• Giving self attunements.
• Beginning a Reiki teaching practice.
• Attracting students that resonate with you.
• Teaching in different settings.
• Special positions for specific imbalances.
• Reiki and Manifestation
• Special uses and applications for Healing Attunements.

Fee: $650 ($600 if prepaid by 9/1/2015.) $50 non-refundable deposit required to reserve your spot.

Please contact me to discuss signing up for this class. You might also find this article helpful in determining if you feel ready to take this next step and if you resonate with me as a teacher. You can click here for an article called, “Synchronicity, Reiki and Finding the Right Reiki Master Teacher,” which details how to select the right teacher for your own RMT training. I am a Medical Intuitive, Life Coach, author, artist, and Soul Reader. I became a Reiki Master Teacher in March 2002 and have taught Reiki Certification Classes around the United States for over thirteen years.

Graham Burnett & Nicole Vosper ~ What is Liberation Permaculture?

“Is permaculture about re-creating Eden or about changing the world in every way, even politically? Graham Burnet and Nicole Vosper make the case for a politically engaged, ‘liberation permaculture’.”

Thanks, David — definitely worth a read! “What is Liberation Permaculture?”

If This Touches Your Heart ….

I’m not able to post all the requests that come my way, but I agree with Dean on this one: how we treat widows and children speaks volumes. I had a dear friend whose husband died, and the insurance company refused to pay any death benefits to her, leaving her in her grief and terrible financial straits. The kindness of strangers kept her afloat until other support became available. If you can contribute and feel moved to do so, please do. If you can “just” send prayers and/or Reiki, please do. Thanks and blessings … Laura

My name is Dean Scarpinato and I am writing on behalf of Sheila Geeting.  Sheila is an older lady beyond her working years who rents a farm house from me in Western Illinois.  I keep the rent as low as I can, at $600 per month.  I also try to be flexible regarding being a few days late here and there while staying out of my tenants business.

Sheila has been a very good tenant for over 3 years.  She is also a very nice lady who tries to help people in whatever way she can.

There was a point where things got a bit tough for her and her son Joe stepped in and came to her rescue.  It was a pleasure for me to get to know him and it was very clear that Sheila could count on Joe’s support whenever things got a little tough.  For my part I had a FB fried who I sometimes talked to on the phone.

We didn’t agree on everything, but we both kept an open mind to each others thoughts and feelings.  We did agree on the most important things such as keeping your word, working hard and being good to the people in your life.  Actually the truth is Joe kind of put me to shame in all these categories.  He was just that good a man.

Joe was killed in July when his truck crashed in Nebraska on July 16.  It was a few days later that I heard about it and I was shocked.  It was actually hard to believe how deeply I was affected by the tragic death of a man I barely knew.  Maybe it is because he was only 43.  Maybe because he was such a good person and we can’t afford to lose guys like him.  And for sure it is because I know that Sheila is devastated.

The Insurance Company, bless their Heart, is saying that Sheila will not receive any Death Benefit because he was dead of a Heart Attack before he hit the wall.  So on top of her grief she is now in a situation where the guy who was always there in her time of need, financially and otherwise, is gone.  And his Accidental Death Insurance Company is doing what insurance companies do.

Legally, perhaps they are right.  Morally I guess its up to every person to individually choose the world they live in and how we treat widows and orphans in the name of corporate profit.  I will refrain at this moment from venting my Spleen on the Insurance Racket.  Suffice it to say that “Time Wounds All Heels.”

And in that Spirit no act of charity is wasted.  I wish I could say “Sheila, take a couple few months rent free and just get on your feet.”

I’m not in that position.  Without going too deep into my tale of woe I’m dipping into savings regularly to stay afloat myself and I need every penny that comes in.

But I know that many hands make light work.  I know that I have friends and family who are loving and caring.

We’re not asking for a huge amount.  If we could raise $2500 that would be a great blessing.  That would be close to 3 months after the expenses involved with GoFundMe.  And every penny will go to rent.  That will free up any other gifts of bereavement can be used for the other expenses of living.

Certainly I’d love to encourage you to donate $50 or $100.  Or $2500.  Believe me that would be lovely.  BUT $10 would be welcomed with open arms and gratitude.

I’m an artist, basically, which means (along with the fact that I’m not rich in the material sense) that I have friends who might have $2500 in their back pocket and I have friends who would be struggling to part with $10.

All are welcomed and honored.  And I’ll thank you personally.  Ecclesiastes 11:1 tells us that: “the bread we sow upon the waters of life will return many fold.”  That’s Solomon’s (the author of Ecclesiastes) way of saying “Its good karma.”

Sheila is a very kind and humble woman of very limited means.  This is a tragedy that no one should have to endure.  No one should have to bury their child.  And moreover, no one in their golden years should be in such financial straights, compounded by this tremendous grief which only adds to her economic uncertainty.

I’m coming to you personally saying, if this touches your heart, please contribute what you can.  I honestly cannot think of a better cause.

Thank You..Dean.

To donate a little or a lot, please click here.

Planting Seeds of Intention

Beautiful, synchronous sharing from Tania, and she notes how our visit this past May seeded the major shifts she and I, and both of our Dave/David’s are undergoing right now. I know many people are experiencing quantum leaps right now, and I echo Tania’s praise of Reiki Healing Attunements as activators. If you know how to do these and aren’t using this tool, dust off those Reiki Level 3 notes and prepare to launch. 🙂

Tania Marie

butterfly11Yesterday, the next piece of the journey showed up and began manifesting.

As I’ve mentioned, we decided to move forward into the reality we want to create even though we don’t know how the rest of the pieces will come together.

I just knew that if we did, they would. And they ARE!

butterfly16It’s important to take actions in support of your intentions and not just sit back waiting. That said, it’s also important to make those moves in aligned timing with the energy presenting itself, following the rhythm of natural flow.

When you receive the signs and messages, feel the nudge or tug, or feel your intuition subtly or loudly guiding you forth, it’s time to take a step.

So when you ask for something you need to also engage it on your own end.

And when you want something you need to be aware that your mind and…

View original post 1,870 more words

US media blackout: France oppose vaccines

Among the tiny cracks in the BigPharma, BigGov push for mandatory vaccines, this France story is not just a chink, but a gaping hole. Thanks, Jon!