Archive for March, 2011

DNA Healing and Chakra Balancing

Hand-in-hand with awareness and awakening come greater tools for balancing our body, DNA and energy field. My housemate showed me these Sacred Geometry and Schumann Resonances videos from youtube. You might also want to check out Gaia Resonances, helping us to get back in touch with Earth’s natural vibration. You know I love tree-hugging, but if you’re stuck inside, you can hear/watch some of these to recalibrate yourself at your desk. I hope you find them helpful and empowering.

“These original sound frequencies were apparently used in Ancient Gregorian Chants, such as the great hymn to St. John the Baptist, along with others that church authorities say were lost centuries ago. The chants and their special tones were believed to impart tremendous spiritual blessings when sung in harmony during religious masses. These powerful frequencies were rediscovered by Dr. Joseph Puleo as described in the book Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse by Dr. Leonard Horowitz. I give honor to both of these gentleman for the part theyve played in helping return these lost frequencies back to humanity.”

The Six Solfeggio Frequencies include:
UT 396 Hz Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE 417 Hz Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI 528 Hz Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)
FA 639 Hz Connecting/Relationships
SOL 741 Hz Awakening Intuition
LA 852 Hz Returning to Spiritual Order

“For example, the third note, frequency 528, relates to the note MI on the scale and derives from the phrase “MI-ra gestorum” in Latin meaning “miracle.” Stunningly, this is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA the genetic blueprint upon which life is based!”

(from the video descriptions of the below videos)

Note from Laura: I included a lot of videos. Feel free to bookmark this page and just intuit which ones would feel most balancing for any given situation or intention. Much Love!

Music composed by Jandy AKA JezebelDecibel:

396 Hz Frequency Liberating Guilt and Fear

417 Hz Frequency Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change

528 Hz Frequency Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair)

639 Hz Frequency Connecting/Relationships

741 Hz Frequency Awakening Intuition

852 Hz Frequency Returning to Spiritual Order

More Wisconsin Updates from Uncle Brad

Another post by Brad Palmer, who continues to send out his informative, inspiring emails all around the globe, including to me, his quasi-local niece. I’ve been busy contacting people about Monsanto, which has hired a lobbyist for Wisconsin. In case you missed my earlier posts about this, Monsanto is trying hard to preempt successful legislation for local food sovereignty like that in Maine and in Marin County. This same issue is up for vote in November in Sonoma County, too.

Essentially, while everyone’s busy looking at Japan, Scott Walker and Libya, Monsanto’s making a big push to make local food sovereignty illegal, so that they can come into states and control the entire food supply with GM Frankenfoods that continue to alter DNA and cause reproductive damage and other recently discovered (and still being researched) issues.

In ANY case, if you value access to organic foods, you really might want to get on this in your own town or state. Local food sovereignty laws protect towns and states from invasive monocrops and Monsanto thug intimidation tactics. (No, that’s not an exaggeration.) Oftentimes a bit of preparation, or in this case pre-emptive legislation, saves oodles and oodles of time and effort down the road. I’m not just a Lazy Raw Foodist. I’m kind of a lazy lots of things, so please consider this my heads up that it will be much easier to get your representatives to pass preemptive food sovereignty legislation than it will be to get Monsanto out once they’re in.

OK, off my Dr. Bronner’s Soap Box … and onto Brad Palmer’s report. Thanks, Uncle Brad, and thanks to everyone around the world and in Wisconsin — keeping the vibe high, but firm, and keeping the focus clear and positive. Much Love to everyone.

Hello, Street Fighters!!

OK, some of this is for non-Wisconsinites (we Badgers have already heard this good news), some of it for Badgers. The good news is, we won a round. Judge Sumi, the Dane County district judge that issued the original restraining order against the implementation of Walker and Fatzgerald’s (oops, another typo?), I mean, Fitzgerald’s ramrod of an illegal law, has issued a NEW restraining order to STOP any further implementation of the collective bargaining “law.” Sounds like the GOP pissed her off a little by ignoring (flaunting, really) her original order. They are, of course, going to fight this, but for now, a judge has ruled against them. The entire process is complicated, folks, involving who can publish the law to make it
a law. Walker said the Legislative Reference Bureau’s publication, bypassing the Secretary of State, made it law. By that reasoning, I suppose “Field and Stream” could have published it to satisfy them. Not so fast, thieves, even YOU have to obey the law once in a while.

I already emailed most of you regarding the Wisconsin signs in London’s huge demonstration, so we’re still international. Walker’s Janesville speech arrival tonight was greeted by “hundreds” of protesters who agree that they’ve had enough of him. They chanted for his recall. They outnumbered the guests inside.

My friend, Sheri, is sending these reports out EVERYWHERE, so while I’m humbled that such meager writings are making their way across the nation, I’m grateful she’s spreading the will of the people of Wisconsin, firing up our sister states–and countries; and getting some truth out there that the news media will not (for obvious reasons, they’re owned by corporations who pay little or no taxes–and they don’t want to.) Poland’s Solidarity organization sent support to Wisconsin via net a day or two ago. My personal thought is that even if Walker and his bandits somehow enact this hypocrisy, bad laws can be rescinded…..and we will do that. Oakland did so with a great song on YouTube, called simply, “Madison.”

The statewide prediction for the April 5, election in Wisconsin that pits Kloppenburg against Prosser is a 20% turnout. We have to do better than that, we can’t just rely on Madison. Compacency is our biggest enemy. We need to get EVERY eligible voter out there for Kloppenburg–not because she would rubber stamp everything we’re asking for, but because a Walker troglodyte would be ousted, and a message sent that the Republican senators are next, then Walker and the Republican 2012 representatives.

And so, my fellow democracy lovers, the battle continues. The recall effort has been heavy and tireless, and it continues with vigor. The recall elections will be even more difficult, for we must have viable candidates and successful campaigns. The Walker recall will require enormous support and work from us. BUT….we SHALL impose the will of the people of Wisconsin on the capitol, in Madison, and then all around the country. We can do this, we will do this…..because as you all know by now, WE ARE ALL WISCONSIN!! And so are you! Thank each one of you for whatever you do, you make up our strength. Just keep Wisconsin on your lips, and watch what we do. We’re going to make history.

Stay Strong, truth is our ally.
Be tireless and fearless, Walker and his ogres will not turn back unified Wisconsin.
We remain resolved….Solidarity.


800,000 Protestors in London: Inspired by Wisconsin

I just got this email from my Uncle Brad. Yay, Wisconsin … teaching the world how to keep the vibe high and change reality into one that makes just a weeee bit more sense to the vast majority of people on this planet:

Hi–Just a quick note, I’ll include this in a more extensive email–but
wanted you to know. A co-worker’s son was in a demonstration in London yesterday. It was NOT reported by any major new network, had to go to Free Speech TV and the internet to get it. 800,000 people demonstrated in London against cutting health care, labor unions, wages, while allowing large corporations to pay no taxes. A multitude of signs, according to the eyewitness, referenced “Wisconsin”. They also referenced Egypt and Lybia. LONDON demonstrators calling to Wisconsin, using Wisconsin to lead the fight. WISCONSIN for God’s sake!! The world, the nation is watching. NOW is the time to stay strong.

Thought you should know this, Wisconsin pride, Wisconsin strong.

“Believing is halfway to flying.” (Charlie Brown)



DNA, Electromagnetism, Sacred Sound and Evolution

I cannot recommend this film highly enough! It summarizes and distills so much of my own intuitions, visions and research regarding Human Evolution, Myth, Chanting, Ancient Languages, DNA, Earth Changes, Freedom and Responsibility. One of the most informative hour and twenty minutes I’ve seen in a long, long time:

Human Evolution: Fear or Love?

This is a fabulous video, although I must say they do rather point one in the Love direction. 😉 You can even see some footage from good old Madison, WI. Enjoy!

Help Break Up Monsanto

I received this as an email from Food Democracy Now. It’s worth taking action on. If we band together, one way or another we will get this corporation out of our food chain! They’re sneaky, though. While everyone’s been focused on Libya and Japan, Monsanto’s been trying to slip through legislation that preempts towns and states from banning their entrance. (Read about the inspirational success of a town in Maine here. This is what Monsanto’s trying to prevent everywhere else.)

I believe in holding a positive vision for success, love, joy and happiness, but when a person discovers he or she has cancer, it’s time to take action–both building up health and finding ways to eject the cancerous cells. Monsanto is cancer of the Earth. Time to heal and thrive! The info and action link below represent one of many multi-tiered health approaches:

Last year the Department of Justice and U.S. Department of Agriculture held a series of 5 hearings investigating anti-competitive practices in the food and agricultural sectors. The hearings were historic and gave a vital opportunity for hundreds of thousands of America’s farmers, agricultural workers and citizens to call for an end to agribusiness’ excessive monopoly power. 1

Last December, Food Democracy Now! delivered more than 200,000 citizen comments to Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney with your demands to break up the worst abusers. 2

Nowhere are these abuses more prevalent than in the extreme market share enjoyed by the seed and chemical company Monsanto, which has a virtual stranglehold on seed supplies in crucial sectors that has severely limited farmers’ choice in what seeds they can buy. Monsanto’s control of the seed market is so high that 93% of soybeans, 82% of corn, 93% of cotton and 95% of sugarbeets grown in the U.S. contain Monsanto’s patented genes. 3 [Note from Laura: please consider boycotting these products whenever you can. Cancer cells can also be starved by denying them the sugar upon which they thrive. Americans, please stop being Monsanto’s sugar mama and sugar daddy! Buy sustainable hemp or bamboo instead of cotton, or at least opt for organic versions of the Monsanto-monopolized products.]

Not only is this level of market share allowing Monsanto to jack prices up on farmers because there’s no competition, but it also threatens our democracy as Monsanto uses their corporate power to influence our regulatory agencies, like the USDA, EPA and FDA, as well as Congress and the White House.

It’s time to fight back and the only way to do that is to make sure that the Department of Justice continues their investigation into Monsanto’s anti-competitive business practices.

Click on this link to automatically add your name to the letter asking for the Department of Justice to break up Monsanto. It’s time to stand up for farmers and our democracy. Tell the Department of Justice that it’s time to do what’s right!

Over the past two months the biotech industry has gotten their way in Washington with the approval of three new genetically modified (GMO) crops. First GMO alfalfa, then GMO sugar beets and most recently an industrial GMO corn for ethanol.4

The common link between these crops, except for the fact that they’re bad for farmers and the environment, is that they face virtually no oversight once they’re planted and their genes are allowed to contaminate neighboring fields and our food. These multinational corporations are not required to submit rigorous, independent peer reviewed studies prior to approval, but are allowed to submit their own corporate science to the federal government for approval.

To date, no petitions for approval of GMO crops have been denied. The only way to reign in the abuse that determines the quality and safety of the food that you and your family consume is to put pressure on the Department of Justice is to make sure that they follow through on their investigations into Monsanto’s abusive practices.

Last year seven state attorneys general launched an investigation into whether or not Monsanto “has abused its market power to lock out competitors and raise prices” while the DOJ is investigating anti-competitive practices with Monsanto’s marketing abuses in limiting access to seeds for farmers and competitors through manipulative contracts.5

It’s time to end Monsanto’s abuses, tell the DOJ to do their job and complete this investigation. It’s clear that abuses of farmer’s rights are taking place and the U.S. government needs to stand up to them now!

Click on this link to automatically add your name to the letter calling for the DOJ to protect our democracy and break up Monsanto!

Thanks for taking action — your support is greatly appreciated! We need your help to keep the pressure on! If you can, please consider chipping in as little as $10 to help us (Food Democracy Now) continue this fight.

We rely on folks like you to keep us going. Thanks again for your support.

Thank you for participating in food democracy —

Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! Team


1. “DOJ’S Holder Calls for Historic Era of Antitrust Enforcement in Agriculture”, March 16, 2010.

2. “Your Voices Were Heard Loud and Clear in DC this Week, Thanks for Standing Up for Family Farmers”, Food Democracy Now!, December 10, 2010.

3. “Monsanto’s Dominance Draws Antitrust Inquiry” Washington Post, November 29, 2009.

4. “Update: Obama Goes Rogue on GMOs, Tell Him to Say NO to Monsanto”, Food Democracy Now!, February 15, 2011.

5. “Monsanto 7-State Probe Threatens Profit From Gene in 93% of Soy”, Bloomberg, March 10, 2010.

Madison Rotunda Report From March 18

Another guest blog post by my Uncle Brad! This one covers some of the personal stories of people he’s encountered during his activism. It also shares some interesting tidbits about Karl Rove and some behind the scenes Republican scrambling. As always, thanks so much to Brad Palmer for his passion, great storytelling and general good humor in this microcosm of what’s taking place or due to take place around the country:

Hello, Fellow Truth Seekers (borrowed that from Mike Malloy)–In short, the capitol area turnout was sparse tonight, less than 100 people. I’ve found that Fridays are lightly attended, because people are planning on demonstrating on Saturday. Also, I didn’t arrive there until 7:30 PM. We’ll see what occurs tomorrow. Many of the small towns and cities in Wisconsin are holding their own demonstrations, and working tirelessly on recall efforts of the Republican senators. I’m also going to include some periphery stories that have occurred, some to inform in-staters, some to inform out-of-staters.

I walked the square three times, encountering some fellow marchers. I overheard one of them saying to another, “OK, then, I’ll see you tomorrow.” I’m hoping that means a march, and we’re represented by several thousand. One man had his two small children with him. I thanked him for getting the children involved. He replied, “It’s important.” I then walked up to the capitol building itself, talked briefly with two police officers who didn’t know what Saturday would bring to the square. I re-met the man and his children, made two cycles around the capitol to see many of the window displaying signs like, “Walker, your pink slip is coming,” I purchased a “Stand With Wisconsin” sign from a vendor for $2. I wished him well, hoped that he was making some money. We both mentioned how nice it was that merchants were seeing increased business from this.

The area around the capitol is very clean except for people minding their signs. I stood at one of the stoplights for about 15 minutes with my signs, got some “Democracy” honks, some regular honks, some cheers, some solidarity fists in the air. A large city metro bus came up from State Street and made a circle around the capitol, honking support all the way. Think he’s union?

Kathie and I went to the recall office, which was again busy. I noticed one staffer manning the counter, one in back with papers, two at computers, one assisting as a “go-fer.” I mentioned to Kathie, “This is ALSO what democracy looks like.” The office was fairly busy. We canvassed some apartment buildings that cater to the elderly. A number of the residents there were disabled or retired. We knocked on perhaps 25 doors, half of whom were out. Of the rest, we got eleven signatures. Important stuff coming here….a woman answered the door, and after Kathie stated our purpose, she said she would absolutely sign the petition, yes….and did we have one for Walker? Kathie explained that would be coming in November.

The woman said, “He ruined my life.” She is disabled. She receives $777 per month and doesn’t work. Her daughter is a nursing assistant for a public school. (I did that for two years before graduating as an RN–it is VERY hard physical work, and the average pay right now is around $11/hour). Her daughter was told her health insurance was going to increase by $250 per month because of the “budget repair bill” Walker is trying to force feed us. As tears welled up in the woman’s eyes, she said she had her cable TV disconnected. I looked at the TV, the cords were wound up and dangling. She said she did that to help her daughter pay the insurance, and that she would find a way somehow to pay for her daughter’s insurance out of her $777.

We don’t know her daughter’s circumstances. But this story will play out all over this country if WE don’t stop it. She thanked us for “doing what you’re doing.” I told her she could do more than we could ever do by just sharing her story with everyone she can. She asked if she could hug us. We did, and my heart cracked a little. This kind of thing happens while Koch Industries makes millions at her expense, and Walker gets to be a lobbyist when he leaves office–which WILL BE SOON!

Another couple who were disabled said, “Thank you for doing this. Without you, we don’t have a voice.” We told them they have one now, and they’d have another when we bring Walker’s recall petition around in November.

Dane County Judge Maryann Sumi ruled today that Walker’s union-busting bill was enacted illegally. So that “legislation” ( a term I use VERY loosely) has been at least temporarily stopped. Dane County executive Falk has also filed a legal complaint against the Republican fiasco.

We heard an interesting comment from John Nichols (“The Nation” magazine) on Madison Progressive Radio. An organization (Democracy Now, I think) has been monitoring Walker’s visitors to the capitol daily since the first 50 protesters were out. After week one, Karl Rove sent in his point man, who spent the day with Walker. Apparently, the public face the Republicans put on was VERY different from the private face–that is, according to Nichols, Walker’s administration was in “crisis mode” from the start. Obviously, this has now blown up on him, and the hearts, minds, souls, feet, and VOTES are against him. On Wednesday there was a rally in NYC with signs proclaiming, “I Stand With Wisconsin,” “We are ALL Wisconsin,” and, “We Are

In Washington DC, the Hall of States (where Walker also has an office) had a demonstration, characterized by many, many signs saying, “Stand With Wisconsin.” I am SO proud to be among these people, these hard working Wisconsin residents who, prior to Walker’s regime, we’re pretty much unrelated and uninterested in any common way to each other. Now we are one solidarity movement, growing, organizing, working outside of jobs to right this wrong. Please, my neighbors, keep fighting, we have 40 days left to get all the signatures, and failure is NOT an option here.

In this same regard, Walker has opted NOT to simply re-convene the legislature, modify the court’s objections, and vote again, this time with a quorum, to presumably pass again the end of collective bargaining. Why? Conjecture is that with the massive and continual demonstrations, and the seemingly well-run recall efforts against the Republicans in office, there is a fear that some of the Republicans may break from Walker and actually vote against the bill. Is there dissension in the ranks of the “emperor with no clothes?”

If anyone is interested in seeing the video of Kathie’s interview with channel 3, albeit very short, go to , go to the video section, then search, then type in “Portage protest.” I don’t know how long it will be on, but it’s there tonight; a previously dormant group of Portage citizens awakened to the common cause of fairness and freedom from corporate domination as dictated by Walker. Rallies all over America are starting to happen, all peaceful, all firm, all with some homage to Wisconsin, where I’m proud to be a resident.

Keep working, talking, reading, watching. Sheri is sending out emails regarding hour to hour information in our progress here, elsewhere, and background on Walker and his gang of thieves. Wisconsin is leading the way, the cause is growing everywhere. Hear this–Wisconsin remains STRONG, and is getting stronger daily.

One day longer, one day stronger, my friends. Solidarity.


EFT for Fear

Thanks to my dear friend Shazzie for this great video to help people overcome all the disinfo and fear mongering. Preparation is great, but panic, not so much…


Beautiful Letter from Japan

I found this letter circulating on Facebook and just wanted to share it here. The letter remains exactly as posted by Samantha Roddick, who says: “this is a letter my dad’s girlfriend’s friend sent her from Japan – you have to read it – it is completely surprising and inspiring.”

Before sharing the letter, I wanted to post a message from the Mayan Elders, who are now speaking openly about their calendar: “We need to work together for peace, and balance with the other side. We need to take care of the Earth that feeds and shelters us. We need to put our entire mind and heart into pursuing unity and unity now, to confront the other side and preserve life.”

They are doing this in Japan! We don’t know what will or will not happen in our own countries, but we can take hope from this beautiful letter that even in the midst of great challenge, we can rise up and embrace what it truly means to be human:

“Hello My Lovely Friends,

“First I want to thank you so very much for your concern for me. I am very touched. I also wish to apologize for a generic message to you all. But it seems the best way at the moment to get my message to you.

“Things here in Sendai have been rather surreal. But I am very blessed to have wonderful friends who are helping me a lot. Since my shack is even more worthy of that name, I am now staying at a friend’s home. We share supplies like water, food and a kerosene heater. We sleep lined up in one room, eat by candlelight, share stories. It is warm, friendly, and beautiful.

“During the day we help each other clean up the mess in our homes. People sit in their cars, looking at news on their navigation screens, or line up to get drinking water when a source is open. If someone has water running in their home, they put out sign so people can come to fill up their jugs and buckets.

“Utterly amazingly where I am there has been no looting, no pushing in lines. People leave their front door open, as it is safer when an earthquake strikes. People keep saying, “Oh, this is how it used to be in the old days when everyone helped one another.”

“Quakes keep coming. Last night they struck about every 15 minutes. Sirens are constant and helicopters pass overhead often.

“We got water for a few hours in our homes last night, and now it is for half a day. Electricity came on this afternoon. Gas has not yet come on. But all of this is by area. Some people have these things, others do not. No one has washed for several days. We feel grubby, but there are so much more important concerns than that for us now. I love this peeling away of non-essentials. Living fully on the level of instinct, of intuition, of caring, of what is needed for survival, not just of me, but of the entire group.

“There are strange parallel universes happening. Houses a mess in some places, yet then a house with futons or laundry out drying in the sun. People lining up for water and food, and yet a few people out walking their dogs. All happening at the same time.

“Other unexpected touches of beauty are first, the silence at night. No cars. No one out on the streets. And the heavens at night are scattered with stars. I usually can see about two, but now the whole sky is filled. The mountains are Sendai are solid and with the crisp air we can see them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.

“And the Japanese themselves are so wonderful. I come back to my shack to check on it each day, now to send this e-mail since the electricity is on, and I find food and water left in my entranceway. I have no idea from whom, but it is there. Old men in green hats go from door to door checking to see if everyone is OK. People talk to complete strangers asking if they need help. I see no signs of fear. Resignation, yes, but fear or panic, no.

“They tell us we can expect aftershocks, and even other major quakes, for another month or more. And we are getting constant tremors, rolls, shaking, rumbling. I am blessed in that I live in a part of Sendai that is a bit elevated, a bit more solid than other parts. So, so far this area is better off than others. Last night my friend’s husband came in from the country, bringing food and water. Blessed again.

“Somehow at this time I realize from direct experience that there is indeed an enormous Cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world right at this moment. And somehow as I experience the events happening now in Japan, I can feel my heart opening very wide. My brother asked me if I felt so small because of all that is happening. I don’t. Rather, I feel as part of something happening that much larger than myself. This wave of birthing (worldwide) is hard, and yet magnificent.

“Thank you again for your care and Love of me,

“With Love in return, to you all,


Many, many abundant blessings and much love!! Also, this post has sychronously crossed my radar three times today, so I thought I’d like here to last August’s Full Moon Musings on Light and Love.

Impulses Are Your Key to the Miraculous

Beautiful and inspiring, just like YOU! Much Love …