Archive for January, 2015

Door Number 7: The Lovers

I have updated this portal door, and the people viewing it privately have felt such healing and powerful integration from it that I thought I’d reblog the original post from April 2010 with the updates I made in January 2015. It remains an ongoing portal in the sense that I know the next step but have been told to wait before painting it. Meanwhile, I had waited for at least 3.5 years to update this most recent part, knowing what to paint, but again being told to wait, as it wasn’t yet time. Revising the portal right before Mercury went Retrograde triggered a huge cleanse in me, as well. More on that another time, perhaps. 🙂

Love and transmutation ….

Laura Bruno's Blog

I finished The Lovers Door last night but needed to wait for daylight to get reasonable photo quality. Inspired by the Rider-Waite Tarot deck, this Lovers door also features a strong sense of Alchemical Union with the Divine. Thus, Archangel Raphael has healing coming out of his palms, and the Runes I used to code this painting evoke not just earthly soul-mate or twin soul union, but also the union of divine masculine and divine feminine energies into a trinity of one. I show two trees in this painting, but without implication of a “Fall from Grace.” This is meant to be a redemptive door, a return to the Garden after many years of exile.

** Please see the note and images below this original post. As of January 2015, the symbolic redemption has occurred even in/on/through the portal door itself, which got a major facelift. On a personal…

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This is what fearlessness looks like: Confronting Kissinger and McCain.

You’re going to arrest truthtelling protestors instead of your fellow war criminal?! Why am I not surprised? This is one kind of rudeness of which even the faeries approve. Because all those bombs the ogre rained down on all those people weren’t exactly a health tonic for Mother Earth, either. Thanks to Ann and Lance. I totally agree with everything Ann says here.

Five Powerful Ways Abusive Narcissists Get Inside Your Head

This is another excellent resource for anyone who suspects or knows they’re entangled in a sticky narcissistic web. Thanks to Shahida Arabi for this valuable post, and thanks to Jamie at Sophia’s Children for bringing it to my attention.

In terms of Triangulation, it gets realllly interesting when you find yourself in the middle of two narcissists working their own, mutually exclusive agendas. The agendas may share nothing in common on the surface, but they nevertheless leave you feeling confused and disempowered. Hmmmm!

That’s what most people (unbeknownst to them) experience on the world stage, too, with “opposing” political party leaders, warring agendas and all too convenient “solutions.” These Five Powerful Ways Abusive Narcissists Get Inside Your Head are powerful and confusing enough when they come at you from a single narcissist, but they get even more (un)Fun House mirrored when multiple relationships snag you coming, going and spinning.

Gaining clarity is difficult but necessary, and going inside yourself or –especially — outside in Nature helps to remind you who you are and what feels natural, healing and real. I’m sending everyone healing and love as we unwind the ties that bind — replacing them with a *natural* ebb and flow.

Self-Care Haven by Shahida Arabi


In popular culture, the term “narcissistic” is thrown about quite loosely, usually referring to vanity and self-absorption. This reduces narcissism to a common quality that everyone possesses and downplays the symptoms demonstrated by people with the actual disorder. While narcissism does exist on a spectrum, narcissism as a full-fledged personality disorder is quite different.

People who meet the criteria for Narcissistic Personality Disorder or those who have traits of Antisocial Personality Disorder  can operate in extremely manipulative ways within the context of intimate relationships due to their deceitfulness, lack of empathy and their tendency to be interpersonally exploitative. Although I will be focusing on narcissistic abusers in this post, due to the overlap of symptoms in these two disorders, this post can potentially apply to interactions with those who have ASPD to an extent.

It’s important in any kind of relationship that we learn to identify the red flags when interacting with people who display malignant narcissism and/or…

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Chalice Well

I’ve waited to post this video until I felt people might really need to experience the World Peace Gardens. What better time than mid-Mercury Retrograde as the world careens towards WW3? You can feel the healing and restorative energies of the well moving through you as you follow Laura’s camera through the gardens. She notes “lots of faery sightings here,” and invites us all to “Join me on a little tour of the beautiful and tranquil Chalice Well Gardens, Glastonbury on Christmas Eve. A place of peace, healing and much magick…”

Peace within, peace without. As below, so above.

Is reality about to remake “reality TV”?

Ann’s comments are probably not any easier to read for spiritual tourists than this new reality series will be for fashionista’s to watch. For anyone reading the accompanying history of US intervention in Cambodia, who still has daydreams about BRICS and Putin being saviors, I would remind everyone that Putin considers Henry Kissinger a personal friend — one he dines with privately in the US and to whom he has personally given an achievement award. Lest the West has forgotten what an ogre old Heinz is, perhaps some Cambodians can give us a refresher course. May healing, liberation and discernment prevail.

Three More Days

Just a quick reminder that if you’d like to purchase one or both of these specials, you have three more days to do so. The specials will change for February, and these are not regular offerings. (The Preparedness Check-In one would normally need to be covered under “Life Coaching” at those rates, and I don’t usually offer half-hour Past Life Readings.)


Intuitive Preparedness Check-In

This is a return of a popular 2014 special, which I feel called to highlight again now. This special responds to many comments, questions and private emails requesting my take on the question “What can I do right now?” — for specific individuals, rather than general guidelines and suggestions. With so many people feeling the structures and safety nets of the old world slip away, clients, friends and blog readers continue to voice concerns that preparedness strategies seem too overwhelming even to contemplate, let alone implement.

This hour session gives you access to my own intuitive scan of what areas of focus will provide you the greatest payback and sense of abundance, peace and security, with the least amount of resistance. Those looking to make larger lifestyle shifts can ask me to scan various lifestyle, location and/or community options to see which ones fit best with your vibration and heart’s desires. You can also use our time together to discuss energetic/magickal protection and manifestation tools and techniques, along with troubleshooting your most pressing concerns in various areas of life, including finances, food security, faith/spirituality/soul nurturing, relationships and/or land.

I feel so strongly about helping people take steps from fear, denial and overwhelm into abundance, joy and freedom, that I’m keeping this pricing a simple $123. As Tolkien said, “Little by little, one travels far.”

Please contact me if you’d like to sign up for this special. Offer valid if prepaid on or before January 31, 2015.

Return of the $77 Past Life Quickie

Another “oldie” but goodie. 😉

With the veils thinning, so many more people have begun to experience what I call “past life bleed-through.” Dreams, hunches, visions, flashes … however the suspected past life awareness arrives, it can feel unsettling, exciting and/or cause obsessive questions. This half-hour reading allows people to ask persistent questions, or to have a check-in regarding the most pressing karmic issues presenting themselves right now. Yes, this can include past life relationships with animal friends. I don’t normally offer Past Life Readings in a half-hour format, but I wanted to make this available to the larger numbers of people wondering about previous lifetimes and relationships. If you’d like to double this special for the full hour, just let me know in your scheduling request. Offer valid if prepaid on or before January 31, 2015.

More Reclaimed History

Reclaiming the ancient history of Goddess religions and women’s roles in society has positive relevance for all of us, not just women! As Winston Churchill said, “History is written by the victors.” I disagree with the idea that in order to move forward, we must not look back. Looking back and seeing where we veered off the path of peace-respect-natural harmony and onto the path of war, oppression and domination offers huge insights into how we can relocate ourselves and our world onto more positive trajectories. “Goddess Remembered” is just one in a long series of needed reclamations. May we continue to reabsorb and redirect our destinies! (Did you catch all those re’s?! Perfect for Mercury Retrograde — revise, revamp, remember.)

Click here to watch this hour long documentary: .

5 Tips to Stop Being So Hard on Yourself

Brava, Amanda! I’m sure this post will speak to many…

UPDATE: In fact, I’ve now heard from several men who affirm that Amanda’s experiences and tips are in no way limited to “American women” but rather, quite universal to the human experience. I suspected as much, but thanks for your comments!

Does the evolution of awareness proceed in stages? If so, here’s one way to parse them.

Are you on an inner or outer path? If you feel alone in your awakening, this article explains why, but also offers perspective and suggestions. I feel grateful that through my work I know so many people doing incredible things on both the inner and outer paths. I know for a fact that you are not alone, even if it sometimes feels that way. Though thinly dispersed, we are many, and we are growing. Thanks, Ann!

Excellent Narcissism Resources

Here are three excellent narcissism resources for anyone personally involved in oppressive, dehumanizing, soul-sucking relationships. If you don’t think you have this in your personal life, please consider watching the videos anyway, as our world is currently being destroyed because of societal norms that value and follow “leaders” who are really narcissists, sociopaths and psychopaths. From a collective standpoint, we need to recognize the signs and know how to extract ourselves from these situations. In a world of extreme change, let’s become wise enough not to fall for the “new boss, same as the old boss.”

“Don’t Get Fooled Again” Red Flags of Narcissistic Relationships:

From YouTube description:

1. do you frequently find their comms confusing/artfuly vague or deceptive?

2. too good to be true

3. multiple mask changing

4. fantasy of self

5. reframing/gaslighting

6. too deep too soon (whirlwind romance)

7.hypercrtical of others

8. lack of respect for boundaries, treating people with contempt

“You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him.”—Malcolm S. Forbes.

9. Never wrong, never say sorry

10. total lack of empathy

Step 1: check if you were emotionally abused and/or unconsciously modelled an abusive relationship template

Step 2: check for people pleaser syndrome/ the belief that “love is drama”


Step 4. Decide and Commit

Step 5: Take Consistent Action/ Get Coaching

How to Leave a Narcissist:

*** This one is so valuable, because it walks you through the different stages of leaving a narcissist. Highly important in helping you to recognize where you are in the process:

Sociopath or Narcissist –Who Cares? Get Out!

(This one really gets to the issue of giving narcissists the benefit of the doubt, and moving beyond that to standing up.)