Archive for July, 2011

Leo New Moon

Another guest blog post from the lovely Electra Jung of She emphasizes opening the heart wide, and boy do I feel it! Intense, magical times right now. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt such polarities on this planet –so much high vibe love and light, and so much scrambling and desperation from the fear mongerers and gangster-banksters. What an incredible time to be alive! Here’s Electra’s Leo New Moon message:

Leo New Moon

Love is… a state of being

“Love is not so much something I do as something that I am. Love is not a doing but a state of being – a relatedness, a connectedness to another mortal, an identification with her or him that simply flows within me and through me, independent of my intentions or my efforts.”– Robert A. Johnson

“Leo is the power of love and the lion-hearted courage to remain open hearted and mindful of your personal involvements and the decisions you make along the way…every day. Watch yourself…observe your own stubborn behavior…as your consciousness continues to shift… be in this moment of awareness… choose to shift with love.” –Electra Jung

The spiritual path doesn’t require us to get anything. It’s a process of opening to new dimensions of who we already are. It’s a process of awakening to our own truth. It’s a process of allowing ourselves to be authentic.

“When you are aware that you are the force that is Life, anything is possible. Miracles happen all the time, because those miracles are performed by the heart. The heart is in direct communion with the human soul, and when the heart speaks, even with the resistance of the head, something inside you changes; your heart opens another heart, and true love is possible.”
— Don Miguel Ruiz

This New Moon in Leo provides the heat and passion toward new romances on impulse…by now your life’s experiences have brought you confidence through self-awareness. The events since the beginning of the year have brought crises in relationships, family circumstances and challenges in health issues which have demanded new levels of attention and personal adjustment.

Each and every opportunity to express love is the process of evolution and heart awakening. Consider the absolute Grace of our connected living on this planet and now shifting into deeper heart-centered thought, feeling and activity with every divine opportunity which arrives daily. Risk everything for love… choose love now…and welcome the risk of loss and heartache which is more common as we learn to continually open our heart chakra to future possibilities.

Perhaps there are those you have convinced you haven’t a care in the world… that you are perfectly self-reliant…that you are happy alone and secure in your daily routine. This facade supports the on-going divine-discontent by creating a wall of resistance between you and the ones you love…between you and yourself and between you and your god-self.

“People ask what must they become to be loving. The answer is ‘nothing.’ It is a process of letting go of what you thought you had become and allowing your true nature to float to the surface naturally.”
— Stephen Levine

The Leo New Moon is governed by a dynamic solar energy…the Sun itself is powerful in its own sign and can express itself easily. The Sun is the symbol of spirit the life force of the universe. Leo is the sign that rules the spine and the heart in the body which represents Will and Love. These are the motivating powers of desire and the will to be. Isabel Hickey

In order to feel good about yourself, confident and re- vitalized, your first priority is attending to the nutritional and chi energy of your amazing physical/electrical vehicle which houses your soul for its earthly experiences. The area of weakness is the heart due to disappointment in love, heart-ache, poor diet through lack of self-respect. Commit yourself to an outside regimen of solar healing. Walk in nature and bathe in the rainbow vibration of the full spectrum light of the Sun.

Align yourself with spiritual direction and begin to consciously release blocks in your center. Your heart chakra hardens through fear, resentment and grief. Breathe deeply and with focus allow your heart to open and remain so through daily attention to this most important process. The thymus gland is associated with the heart chakra.

The Thymus Gland is important because of its relationship to our will to live…an expression of the Leo empowerment and love. This is an important gland to keep opened and balanced. One method is to tap on your thymus several times which activates it, this is known as the thymus thump. As you keep your thymus opened and balanced you may find improvements in these areas of your life.

Your 3rd dimensional body has been changing and evolving through each continuing planetary line-up…pressuring you to feel the relentless habits you develop to remain lonely, unfulfilled and discouraged…all masked of course with false bravado expressed loudly without real knowledge or meaning…but it sounds good even if confused and scattered.

Everything that requires self-expression is supported by this dynamic lunation. Every event that allows for personal ego satisfaction through impulsive involvement brings courage and confidence…you did it. You said it…you danced the dance of social interaction and accepted the lesson of ego-evolution. Leo energy is the channel for power…never the power itself.

Leo energy supports artistic productions on stage, film and group leadership. Today’s energy can give you the extra concentration to go along with getting a creative project completed or at least the outline for connection and negotiating with others of your skill and motivation. Make the most of this New Moon by either finishing creative project from before or tackling a new production in the performing arts.

Mars in the late degrees of Gemini gives great desire for information, news and gossip. With so much energy directed towards constant communication and keeping focused on one thing is challenging. Intellectual stimulation is more important than the commitment to any one activity. This can lead to overwhelm and burn-out…remember to love yourself, respect the needs of your body and allow for rest and rejuvenation daily.


(928) 451-1809

Yoga Teacher Training in Madison

My friend Aubree Saia is a student of Shiva Rea, breathworker, Thai Massage therapist and a teacher trainer for other yoga teachers. When I learned about her training program that begins this Fall, I asked if I could post some info here. The yoga teacher training program meets every Tuesday in Madison, but I thought some of my greater Chicagoland and Milwaukee area readers might also be interested. Here’s Aubree’s description:

Fall 2011 200 HR Yoga Alliance Approved Teacher Training Program

Jewel in the Lotus Yoga offers Moksha Yoga’s fundamental Teacher Training program rooted in classical yoga and enriched with the great wisdom of astanga vinyasa yoga and prana flow yoga. Participants will explore and study asana, pranayama, vinyasa krama (intelligent organic sequencing), hands on enhancements, and many practical teaching skills. Shiva Rea’s fundamental Prana Flow teacher training modules will be woven into this course.

Aubree Saia, E-RYT, offers her guidance from a deep well of authentic experience in the yogic healing arts. She began her practice 18 years ago, and has been sharing her love of yoga with others for the past 11 years. She has been blessed to assist with her inspiring teacher Shiva Rea and has spent many moments studying in the presence of numerous master teachers.

Aubree shares her knowledge & insight of Transformational Breathing, AcroYoga, and Thai Massage throughout the training journey. She creates a rich learning environment and brings together a unique mix of practices for students to enjoy and learn from.

Aubree is a certified Prana Flow Teacher, Transformational Breath Facilitator, AcroYoga Teacher, Thai Massage Practitioner, and the creative director of Jewel in the Lotus Yoga, LLC.

This program is open to all yogic explorers who are interested in expanding their experience and understanding of the vast ocean of yoga, those awakening to their inner wisdom, and those who would like to empower themselves as teachers on this incredible path.

For more information, please see Aubree’s website:

Special Prayer Request for my Dad

I posted this on Facebook the other day, and some healer friends with email lists have forwarded the request to many others. I just realized that not everyone who reads my blog is on Facebook:

A special prayer request, which is a healing in itself: my dad has been very ill and until recently closed to public prayer or healing energy. He’s finally given me permission to request all the healers and high vibe peeps I know to send love and energy to him. He’s got lymphoma and a host of other complications happening right now. Thanks for all prayers for healing on all levels for him and my family. My dad’s name is Steve. Thanks and Much Love. ♥

As of today, he continues to experience quite a lot of physical pain; however, he says he can “feel the prayers.” Again, this is a shift, and my mom says that he remains in “surprisingly high spirits” given the circumstances. Thank you to everyone who has already been praying and to those who are just finding out now. We appreciate your love and support.

Many blessings!

Blogging Break

Hi everyone, just a quick note to say that my laptop’s in for repair. It died awhile back and I’ve just been notified I’ll be receiving a free brand new hard drive. Until that arrives, however, I’m limited to BlackBerry and borrowing others’ computers. I’ve been enjoying some quiet time, a bit less tuned in on the electronic front. Wishing everyone much love and good week or so!