Archive for April, 2021

May 2021 Forecast and Second Quarter North Node Horoscopes


May begins with the same explosive energy of late April. Lightning flashes reveal a society and/or personal life that feels upside down and inside out. Seek and embrace insights from this temporary perspective. Sometimes seeing what you don’t want allows you to clarify and more easily receive delightful things. It’s OK to change your mind! This month’s Gemini energy encourages you to explore multiple meanings and potential realities.

Once you know what you want or need, cultivate positive change and innovation. With the Sun in earthy Taurus until May 20, remember: today’s seeds are tomorrow’s flowers. Resist the urge to tear up the garden. Only nourish and water that which you wish to grow.

With the transiting North Node in Gemini, May’s many Gemini transits catalyze our collective destiny. Expect special emphasis on relationships, values, communication, understanding, and identity. May also begins the 2021 Eclipse Season with a Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on May 26.

In keeping with its predominant Gemini energy, May 2021’s a complex month. Below, you can find some of the month’s highlights, and below that, you can find your Second Quarter North Node Horoscope.

May 3 Mercury enters Gemini. Mercury in his home sign speeds up communication and processing of information. As a mutable sign, Gemini urges us to consider different viewpoints and nuances. Mercury in Gemini favors rational thought over knee-jerk emotional reactions. Pay attention when things don’t add up. Investigate discrepancies rather than censoring what fails to fit the narrative.

May 8 Venus enters Gemini. Flirtation rises to the forefront with the Love Goddess in verbal Gemini. This month brings extra oomph to affirmations of love and self esteem. You’ll also find it easier to recognize who and what makes you happy. Record those insights! May’s a good time to invest in things that expand your mind — beautiful books, an online course, or chatting with someone who offers clarity and encouragement.

May 11 New Moon in Taurus at 3:00 p.m. Eastern. Even more so than usual, this New Moon offers the promise of new life. Like the dove symbolizing the end of the Great Flood, this New Moon in Taurus promises rewards for those who manage to follow and maintain their faith amidst trying circumstances. If you’ve weathered the storm, remember to watch for rainbows.

May 13 Jupiter enters Pisces. Along with Neptune, Jupiter co-rules Pisces. He feels right at home in the sign of the mystic. Indulge your philosophical side. Lean into compassion, inspiration and spirituality. Hone greater empathy if you have trouble cultivating that; practice good energy hygiene and “energy brush offs” if you’re already an empath. This period between May 13 and July 20 offers a preview of the time when Jupiter enters Pisces for the long haul — from December 29, 2021 until May 25, 2022. Jupiter expands whatever it touches. Small spiritual adjustments create big time 3D effects.

May 19 Venus trine Saturn. I often describe Venus trine Saturn as “harmonious glue.” You might opt for sensible relationships rather than full on passion, but a slow buildup proves worth the wait. This short transit also favors bringing artistic ideas into tangible form.

May 20 Sun enters Gemini and squares Jupiter the next day. This next month shines light on double-talk and supports compromise. Allow for a bigger picture and higher philosophy to inform your understanding. If boredom drags you down, take a mini road trip or Artist’s Date à la Julia Cameron.

May 23 Saturn turns Retrograde until October 10. This retrograde initiates a period of contraction, introspection and careful evaluation of what does and doesn’t work. It might feel frustrating to enter the tunnel, but think of it as a birth canal. These contractions push us forward. The end of this tunnel brings new life. A baby takes time to be born, but nothing will ever be the same after this birth. With Saturn in Aquarius, we can expect something innovative, new and cosmic. Breathe, and trust the process. Labor doesn’t need to be painful, but even when it is, the end result is worth the effort.

May 26 Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius 7:14 a.m. Eastern. This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse reveals tensions between repressed feelings and group solidarity. Pay attention to light shining on old patterns, condescension, and/or rigid ideals. Do these attitudes still fit? Accept invitations to upgrade.

May 29 Mercury turns Retrograde until June 22. Even more than usual, this Mercury Rx period favors review, re-evalution, trouble-shooting, and taking the time to explore all your options before committing.

How May’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This monthly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.           – Laura

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. (If you’re right on a cusp, consider both options, or book a reading for more clarity.)


ARIES NORTH NODE: Second Quarter explodes into your life with good intentions. Your nodal axis ignites with all the activity in Aries, Aquarius and Gemini. Air feeds Fire, and your passion for justice alternately flickers and burns strong over the next three months. Don’t sit on the sidelines. Righting injustice requires you to wield your own sword of truth and liberation. Late April through early June could spark inner tension and doubt as Mars moves through Cancer. Use these shadowboxing moments to gain strength and clarity about what you need to succeed. Keep your eye on the prize, and create an action plan to address obstacles. Summon courage and take the lead. Beware of codependent behaviors that sneak in when you least expect. Pay more attention to how well things work than to how they look or what others might think. Try something new this quarter. Tradition is no match for mavericks.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: Law of Attraction comes into prominent play in Second Quarter 2021. April and May feature a lot of energy in your North Node sign — some of it potentially disruptive, with ongoing squares from Aquarius, too. Your Scorpio South Node already knows trauma drama, so focus attention on thriving no matter what. Taurus benefits from small, steady steps and habits. A daily mindfulness, yoga and/or breath practice will allow you to find and maintain your center, no matter what erupts around you. Learn to calm the volcano before it explodes. Yes, you know how to rise from the ashes, but you’ve already been there, done that. Focus on the finer things in life. You deserve quality in every area. If it requires determination, know you’re worth it. You don’t need to broadcast those desires. Few people can fathom your long term trajectory. Just keep going. Your sign ruler Venus comes home on April 14. Bask in her beauty, encouragement and love. Once you gather momentum, it carries you far.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: Stay strong, my friends! Second Quarter 2021 helps you awaken from the nightmare into something fresh and more relaxed. Deception, trickery and duplicity bother you more than most North Node natives, because your Sagittarius South Node loves Truth with a capital T. The Truth. One life lesson involves learning to look at things from many angles, choosing to embrace things in the best possible way for you. If something’s not working, pivot a little to the left or right. Do this often enough, and life becomes a dance. Focus less on getting things “right” and more on play. Pay attention to synchronicities. Mercury the Messenger rules your North Node sign, and makes you extra adept at tracking clues. Get creative, even if you only delight yourself. Little things matter, especially if they help you move through negative feelings caused by focusing on what you don’t want. Whenever you fixate, turn your gaze to something else. Literally. Turn your head; move your eyes. Welcome the new insights this practice brings.

: Second Quarter 2021 involves some heavy lifting and hard work. If you feel burdened by caring for others, remember to pause for self-nurturing. Yes, you need this — especially when you think you don’t have time for it! Gather your spiritual tools and honor your changing moods and needs. This, too, shall pass. You have what it takes to do what must be done. If you allow for a more feminine, receptive approach, you’ll find support where you least expect. Moments of magic sneak into your awareness as you realize how all the elements converge to guide events. Lean into your emotions instead of trying to avoid them. Emotions bring raw energy, which can fuel desire and manifestation. When you align yourself with emotional tides, their flow carries you where you need to go. Invite quiet power and gentle commitment as you nurture new things into being. Breathe through any birth pangs, knowing the release will open space in the cosmic womb of creation. Sometimes you need to push, but you’re not alone anymore. Accept the support on offer.

LEO NORTH NODE: This next quarter is pivotal for Leo North Node natives, but you don’t control the timing. Major activations from the collective nodal axis in Gemini and Sagittarius, planets traversing your Aquarius South Node, and potent squares from all the activity in Taurus bring a sense of destiny and order as events unfold of their own accord. You still need to pay attention, because some of these energies create friction; however, any irritation will be productive and lead to more balanced living. Pay special attention to your physical and emotional bodies. When in doubt, choose moderation, because you could easily drive yourself too hard. No need to push, Leo! If your world feels upside down or inside out, recognize the temporary nature of these feelings. Even though you don’t know the exact how or when, slowly and surely, you’ve been building a more heartfelt foundation from which you can thrive and shine. As you gain clarity on old relationships and habits, relish moments to dance and play. Love is in the air — whether new love or a deeper love for your beautiful, radiant self. Open your heart and soak in the sunlight.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 brings creativity and hard work, but you’ll enjoy the process. It’s easy to get excited about something new, but you need to stick with it in order to reap the real benefits. Keep showing up, day by day, moment by moment, and those castles in the sky will take form in the here and now. Cultivate balance between daydreams and action. You need both in order to find success and satisfaction. Too much daydreaming leads to inaction. Keeping your nose to grindstone too long leads to burnout. Build in tiny breaks throughout your workday — moments of calm amidst the hustle bustle. Five minutes of chair yoga enhances overall productivity. Practice developing realistic expectations for yourself and others. Again, balance is key. Beware the pedestal that tips over and leads to disillusion. No one’s perfect. Troubleshooting and accurate assessments of strength and weakness help you to bring more of what you like into being. It’s OK to use your left brain sometimes! When married to the creative, intuitive side, that left brain brings accountability, punctuality and dreams come true. If you’ve slipped into old habits or addictions, get back on the wagon. Life flows better when you do.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: This next quarter brings activation from so many different angles that Libra North Node natives may need a time out to catch up. Practice patience as you view things from a new perspective. Your Aries South Node loves to rush in, but fast action is not always right action. Your mental realm of thought, words and intentions could undergo significant shifts from April thru June 2021. If you don’t know where you’re going, don’t just forge ahead. You’ll save time and heartache if you first allow yourself to integrate new information and experiences. Wise counsel from a trusted friend or elder may prove key to your success and happiness. Bring partners into any decisions that would affect them, too. Pay attention to dreams — especially “bad” ones. So called nightmares help you navigate challenges in your sleep so that you can move forward better in waking life. If something seems confusing or outrageous, ask for help and clarity. When possible, seek the middle way and compromise. Sometimes situations just need a little modification. Focus on bridge building. You do not need to burn bridges. If you lean into the astro energies this quarter, they’ll do a lot of the work for you. Peace in, peace out.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: Second Quarter 2021 brings golden opportunities, provided you move beyond Taurus South Node over-concern about finances, health, and security. Scorpio North Node natives resist change … and yet, of all the North Node signs, yours most thrives through change. Notice any tendencies to latch onto the worst case scenario. When you catch yourself doing this, affirm your intention to recognize and receive the blessings. All is not as it appears. Instead of cowering in fear, boldly explore better options. Like an alchemist transmuting baser metals into gold, that which no longer serves you will transform into deeper, richer, and more fulfilling life. Allow this process of rebirth to occur. You can’t stop the life force energy, but you can align with it. You can dance with change. You are strong, mysterious and magical. Like the phoenix, you rise from the ashes, again and again. This is life, the exuberant tulip bursting through soil as winter’s grip subsides. You have an uncanny ability to go deep and high, to contract and expand. You’re a supernova. Once you accept this about yourself, you will always find the light. You have spiritual protection, the best security force in the Universe.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: The world is at your feet! If you’ve felt cooped up this past year, get out and go somewhere. Travel helps you magnetize joy and abundance to your life. As the transiting South Node continues to make its way through your North Node sign, you might feel opposite to the collective experience. That’s OK. You need to follow your own intuitive guidance. Second Quarter 2021 brings opportunities for greater community, love and financial support. If it feels right to you, then don’t be afraid to commit to something that makes your heart sing. Just because the rest of the world remains in a kind of surreal pause doesn’t mean you need to fidget and twiddle your thumbs. This time, right now, offers rainbows and the proverbial pot of gold. Keep your eyes open and faith high. Seek Truth and allow yourself to believe in good things. Old contacts could resurface with positive results. If you hear from someone “out of the blue,” ask your angels to reveal the higher purpose of this connection. Destiny level transits are in play for you. Nothing’s random — pay attention to synchronicities. If you feel adrift, check out Robert Moss’s book, “The Three Only Things.”

: Second Quarter 2021 brings a time of introspection and reflection. Notice any tension between your desires and opportunities to fulfill them. Pay attention to offers on the periphery of normal life. What seems insignificant or random right now deserves consideration. You might still opt for something more familiar, but do explore things outside your comfort zone. Your Cancer South Node gets triggered this quarter, which might make you feel more cautious than usual. If you feel the urge to run and hide, hang out for a little while longer. Breathe through any negative self talk, and focus on your gifts and skills. What do you already know? In which areas have you earned some authority? How can you feel more confident? Capricorn North Node natives are born leaders. As much as you enjoy hiding in your Cancer South Node shell, you’ll find fulfillment by accepting responsibility and putting yourself out there. You’ll also feel more secure as you gain self-sufficiency. Mature partnerships work for you, but beware of codependent relationships. Does someone make you feel small or insecure? Do you baby people instead of empowering them to stand on their own two feet? Honor your own and others’ natural growth process.

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: The long beginning of a new cycle. With Saturn and Jupiter continuing in Aquarius, and a bunch of planets squaring from Taurus and trining from Gemini, Aquarius North Node natives activate throughout Second Quarter 2021. This process began on Winter Solstice 2020. Aquarius receives sudden inspiration, yet it’s a Fixed Sign. Aquarius is zany and unpredictable, but hopefully not foolhardy. Destiny’s smiling on you right now. Trust in the mantra “If not this, then something better.” You don’t need to jump at the first opportunity. Love, security, community, and a return to innocence are all on offer. Allow yourself to define these terms in unconventional ways. Ongoing nodal activations encourage new understanding of yourself in context to a larger whole. Aquarius is the Water Bearer. Consider what it means to bear water — to parched land or a thirsty stranger, to some cause that tugs on your heart. Focus on gratitude, especially in April. In what ways does your cup overflow? May asks you to explore connections with other beings. These could include people, as well as animals or your environment. How can you feel more integral to the web of life? June brings opportunities to release old injuries. Forgiveness of self and others frees and energizes you.

: Second Quarter 2021 brings a possibility of travel. If you feel blind right now, unable to see clearly, breathe through the anxiety. Focus on one breath at a time, following it in, then out, then in, then out. Pausing between each breath reminds you of the importance of sometimes not doing anything at all. Just observe. You can move into the unknown with Grace. You don’t always need to know your 5-year plan. Ground any nervous energy with regular exercise. Forget “no pain, no gain.” Instead, focus on whatever feels good to body and soul. Spend time in nature, roll out your yoga mat, or trance dance under the stars. Pay attention to younger people, or to younger iterations of yourself. What wisdom did you embody before you felt the need to grow up? Learn to wander and wonder. Recognize a Higher Power that moves through you with its own goals. As you align yourself with All That Is, you cleanse away those niggling should’s, but’s, and what if’s. Practice being here now, moment by moment. Again, follow your breath, pausing in between each breath. These potent pauses in life generate success. The more you focus on quieting your mind and tuning into your spirit, the wiser you become.

Scorpio Full Moon ~ April 26

My April 2021 Forecast noted:

April 26th Full Moon in Scorpio at 11:31 p.m. Eastern. This Full Moon occurs amidst those beautiful, supportive trines and sextiles of Saturn and Chiron to the transiting nodal axis (where we’ve been as a collective and where we’re headed). Watch for healing lessons that allow individuals and society to move forward, releasing that which no longer serves. This Full Moon will feel extra deep and introspective, since Scorpio’s ruler Pluto stations retrograde the next day. Prepare for a soulful dive into the Underworld. People fear the dark, but that’s where we find the jewels.

April 30 Sun conjunct Uranus. The fiery Sun ignites lightning bolt Uranus. This meeting occurs with messenger Mercury, goddess of love Venus, rebel Uranus and wild woman Black Moon Lilith all in slow, sensual Taurus — while the feminine Moon in patriarchal Capricorn opposes macho Mars in (s)motherly Cancer. Expect the unexpected, but this combination might feel like Billy Idol’s Rebel Yell.

Find ways to ground spontaneous knowing and inspired rebellion into tangible form. If you feel trapped or frustrated, funnel that energy into determination. Not only is there light at the end of this tunnel — but flashes of a wildly authentic new reality. Allow these visions to guide you through more mundane parts of the journey. Remember, “Little by little one travels far.” ~J.R.R. Tolkien

This Full Moon marks the first Supermoon of 2021. April and May’s Full Moons both occur closer to Earth and hence appear larger. This one will also look pink! People tend to feel the greater potency of Supermoon’s, and Scorpio also intensifies and deepens emotions. Both Scorpio and its ruler Pluto deal with issues of power over vs. power to, manipulation, abuse, the Shadow, wealth, the occult, and hidden elements.

Pluto stations retrograde at 26°48′ Capricorn the day after the Scorpio Full Moon (or the same day, depending on your timezone), April 27. While no planets closely aspect Pluto right now, asteroid Hebe (pronounced HEE-bee) sits at 27°47′ Capricorn that same day. Pluto almost meets Hebe, but pulls back just before exact contact. This conjunction in context of recent revelations seems like a very big deal.

Whereas some asteroids are tiny, according to Day Keeper Journal, “Hebe is very dense, with a solid foundational core. This one body may account for as much as half a percent of the total mass of the Main Belt, and its highly reflective quality makes it the fifth brightest of its peers. It seems certain also that Hebe is the source of up to 40% of the meteorites which strike the earth, by comparison of their elemental composition with Hebe’s spectrum.” In other words, Hebe throws some weight around! (Click here for an excellent write-up about Asteroid Hebe.)

What kind of weight? “Hebe’s astrological connotations extend to service functions and personnel, waiting attendance on others, enabling and facilitating others’ needs, and codependent behaviors.” These issues can influence questions raised by Scorpio and Pluto, but here’s what really jumped out at me:

But the ever-nubile Hebe also has affinities with hebephilia, an eponymous sexual attraction for persons post-pubescent but legally under age. Often confused with pedophilia (an attraction for sexually immature children), hebephilia was commonplace in the Middle Ages when lifespans were considerably shorter and children of wealthy or noble families were affianced while still in the cradle, and married as soon as they entered puberty.” (Again, click here for the full article.)

In light of ongoing allegations, revelations and secrecy surrounding Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell, this almost exact meeting of Pluto and Hebe at the point of Pluto stationing retrograde deepens the questions. Will more revelations come to light? Or will we face yet another delay on rooting out the truth? Will their victims find justice? Will we learn which powerful figures are on their blackmail lists?

UPDATE 4/25/2021: “Never Before Seen Photos Reveal Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell were VIP Guests in Bill Clinton’s White House.” Bingo! This is exactly the sort of thing I expected to come out around the time of this 4/26 Full Moon. More here.

Will the masses turn away from such sordid, sickening truths? Or will the masses say, “No more!” Grooming of teenage girls, though abusive in today’s context of longer lifetimes and extended childhoods, is far easier to face than the systemic abuse of very young children.

But this Full Moon-Pluto Rx-Hebe cluster throws light on all of it: what will we, as individuals and as a society, do about sexual abuse and human trafficking?

These are not easy questions, and we’ll have from April 27 – October 6, 2021 to plumb our depths for some answers. Whether we like it or not, some ugly truths about power, abuse, coverups and occult (hidden) things are bound to reveal themselves. If this happens around the time of the Scorpio Full Moon, followed by Pluto stationing retrograde, explosive reactions could follow when the Sun conjuncts Uranus in Taurus on April 30.

Black Moon Lilith — also in Taurus right now — also deals with issues of sexual abuse, human trafficking, the Shadow, sovereignty of the body, and power to vs. power over. The vaccine issue is a huge Lilith issue — both the autoimmune reactions so many are having from the jabs, and mandatory vaccination with an experimental substance as the ultimate form of rape. Lockdowns trigger and riots release pent up Lilith energy.

I think of Black Moon Lilith as a female version of Pluto and Scorpio combined with Uranus. Like Pluto, she deals with taboo, shameful, and sexual topics, but like Pluto, the rewards of Lilith bring regeneration and a renewed natural state. Like Scorpio, Lilith wants true intimacy, but when she feels attacked, she reacts with a poison sting. Like Uranus, Lilith hates feeling restricted or censored. She wants to break free at any and all costs. Come hell or high water, restrained Lilith will fight chains and burn bridges.

It is possible to embrace and harness Black Moon Lilith energy, to reclaim it as a kind of Women Who Run with the Wolves natural empowerment … or the old hag turning into the fairy godmother or beautiful maiden once treated with respect.

Respect is key to calming Lilith.

Mercury and Venus in Taurus offer potential to speak the truth in love in a grounded way … but they’re surrounded by super volatile energies writhing for change. Remember to breathe. Remember to pause before reacting. The Serenity Prayer might feel difficult and inadequate to say right now, but we need these three elements more than usual at the end of April:

“Grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and the Wisdom to know the difference.”

Black Moon Lilith, Uranus, Sun, Mercury and Venus all in Taurus, all loosely square Saturn in rebel Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) spark revelation and revolution. Pluto conjunct Hebe in Capricorn — another Earth sign, ruled by Saturn — brings the body, physical and societal structures into the spotlight.

Recognizing the energies in play encourages us to make the most of them. I cannot stress enough the importance of the three parts of the Serenity Prayer: Serenity to accept what you cannot change, Courage to speak up, take action around what you can do, and the Wisdom to know when to act or when to pause, when to shout and when to shut your mouth, still your beating heart, listen and observe. Wait for the right moment, yet commit to acting or speaking at the proper time.

This passage calls for radical presence. Pay attention to dreams, intuition and symbols. Bring compassion to yourself and others. Ask to discern the right use of power to, rather than power over. Empowered people ignite empowerment in others. As the Full Moon shines light in deep, dark Scorpio and Pluto, and the Sun conjunct Uranus offers liberation and spontaneous insights — may we each commit to becoming our truest, deepest, best selves. Then we as individuals and as a society can rise like the phoenix, born from its own funeral pyre.

All this energy colors the end of April, but remember, April 27 only marks the beginning of Pluto’s dive through the Underworld until October 6. In late May, Saturn turns retrograde until October 10 (10/10!), further amplifying a sense of introspection until October. Use that Serenity Prayer to know when to share insights from your time in the depths. Sometimes they feel scary, but that’s where the real gems grow. Underground.

Happy spelunking!

Happy Earth Day!

In honor of Earth Day, this post somehow wants to go up again. I’ve already reblogged it, so I’ll just include the link here.

“The Sunflower Saga, Synchronicity and the NAPC” is a long, involved, twisty-turny post I shared in August 2014, yet somehow it seems especially relevant today. It speaks of people being detained for respiratory issues, Minneapolis, intuition, precognitive dreams, synchronicity and protecting the Earth.

The more I revisit periods of high strangeness, the more I find they ripple throughout time. In the post, My Very Own Technicolor Dreamcoat, I mentioned feeling led to get a Bible verse flip calendar:

[S]ometime in 2020, dreams and synchronicities led me to order a little calendar that features a Bible verse a day. I keep this on the coffee table where I record my dreams into my dream journal and later type them into my laptop. It doesn’t always happen — but it often does — where flipping to that morning’s Bible verse either confirms my dream interpretation or provides additional context about a less clear dream. I use it as a synchronous, Biblical “gloss” for deeper dream analysis, and it works uncannily well.

This morning, I awoke from two dreams (or one complex dream) that seemed to include messages of patience and the idea that “delay leads to delight.” Some details in the dream were very personal, while others seemed to mark this as a collective message, too. When I recorded the dream(s), I glanced at the Bible verse flip calendar for today:

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten … And you will praise the name of the Lord your God, who has worked wonders for you.” ~Joel 2:25-26

On this Earth Day, as many empaths, animal lovers and children of our Great Mother Earth wonder what can we do? How can I help? , I share 2014’s The Sunflower Saga, Synchronicity and the NAPC, because some things are easier to explain by way of Story.

Wishing everyone a blessed Earth Day!

Special Guests

Our yard appears to be on the short list for Mr. and Mrs. Mallard, searching for a starter home to raise their brood. They came on a rainy day, near twilight. I managed to snap photos through the sliding glass door, with my camera zoomed to the max. Please excuse the grainy photo quality, but I wanted to share some of this magical encounter.

I always feel surprised and delighted to find a mallard couple in our yard, because we’re not really that close to water. There’s a retention pond about a block away, but that only fills to prevent flooding. It’s not a full time water feature. The nearest lake is two miles away.

Nonetheless, I’ve seen mallards in our yard, off and on at special moments or following key dreams. A couple weeks ago, Mr. Mallard stood right in front of our bedroom window as I opened the curtains. I looked for the Mrs., and eventually found her poking around my front yard garden beds.

Last night, I noticed Mr. Mallard in our backyard, outside our kitchen sink window. He stood in the same spot for at least 15 minutes, observing noise levels and looking around in all directions. Then, he made his way back to our red bud tree and reemerged with Mrs. Mallard:

Together, they wandered around the yard, reminding David and me of ourselves when house shopping for this very house and yard.

They headed into the evergreens, and Mr. Mallard glanced back to ensure the coast was clear:

As we ate a late dinner, they again emerged from the trees and made their way over to my Garden Tower. Those photos in even dimmer light through dining room windows with screens look too grainy to post, but we sure enjoyed their company.

In his efforts to groundhog proof our backyard, David inadvertently cat-proofed it, too, so this spot might prove one of the safer spots to raise some ducklings. David wondered if we’d need to “open the gate to usher out a line of ducklings at some point.” I’m not sure how that works. If ducklings need to swim before they fly, then this living arrangement would require a lot of attention and cooperation from us to open and close the gate at the proper time.

We hope they find just the right spot, whether in our yard or not. Anticipation of little cuties prompted David to pull out one of his favorite books from childhood:

We’re just happy to be in the running!

Duck’s Wisdom Includes:

  • Grace on water
  • Water energy
  • Seeing clearly through emotions
  • Spirit helper of mystics and seers

Early Spring Garden

Bright colors and cool, rainy temps look and feel like early Spring! Some shots from Dra’Faven:

hyacinths, weeping cherry and forsythia precede chive and daffodil blooms
hellebores and holly
dianthus and vinca
seeds sprouting indoors and outside …
Garden Tower planted on one side with cool weather greens
The spinach has doubled in size since Sunday!

It felt so good to get my hands in the dirt again. I started a bunch of seeds at the New Moon and then couldn’t resist filling 1/4 of the Garden Tower with lettuce and spinach starts. I also direct seeded gourmet lettuce and carrots in the top of the Garden Tower, as well as in the front yard beds, among hyacinths, green onions and chives.

I have yet to harvest, but gardening season has officially begun! How are things growing in your corner of the world?

April 2021 Specials

Two weeks left. Just a heads up: May will have different specials.

Laura Bruno's Blog

This month’s specials arise from many client and blog reader requests:

Intuitive Preparedness Check-In

With all the political, social and personal upheaval, people keep asking me how to maintain a positive, proactive vibration and how to thrive while also shoring up any weak spots. This special responds to many comments, questions and private emails requesting my take on the question “What can I do right now?” — for specific individuals, rather than general guidelines and suggestions.

This 40-minute session gives you access to my own intuitive scan of what areas of focus will provide you the greatest payback and sense of abundance, peace and security, with the least amount of resistance. Those looking to make larger lifestyle shifts can ask me to scan various lifestyle, location and/or community options to see which ones fit best with your vibration and heart’s desires.

You can also use our time together to discuss…

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A Scarab Dream, Leap Year, and Synchronous Bugs

This post wants to go up again. It came to me today via multiple synchronicities, including discussion surrounding a new portal commission. Interestingly, we just had another Venus square Pluto event– exact yesterday and still in effect today.

I have noted to several clients and friends the similarities in energies between 2012 and 2021 — almost like the mass awakening and shifts people expected in 2012 are happening in much more massive ways in this inversion year.

In any case, this is a long, windy post, which references earlier posts and events that continue to show up at odd times. It feels strangely relevant for the collective energies right now.

Laura Bruno's Blog

My dreams continue their heightened symbols and messages. Last night I awoke from one with the phrase “Venus Square Pluto” in my head. I assumed it meant something from a natal chart, synastry or transit, but I got up and did as I always do when I awake with a particular phrase. I ran an online search and opened the first link. Almost every time I do that, the first link features key information that answers a question or underscores an earlier message.

In this case, the first link said, “Venus Square Pluto February 28, 2020.” I’ve had a number of recent dreams and synchronicities around “leap,” “Leap Year Day” and February 29, 2020. Having a phrase link to a date within 24 hours of that timeframe jumped out at me as a major synchronicity.

I fell back asleep and dreamed a convoluted, highly coded dream that…

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April 11, 2021 ~ New Moon in Aries

My April 2021 Forecast noted:

April 11 New Moon in Aries at 10:31 p.m. Eastern Daylight time. This New Moon conjuncts Venus (~within 4 degrees), which exactly squares Pluto. Expect seductive friction between the deep unconscious underworld and the goddess of love. Light of the Sun, emotions of the Moon deepen the intimacy and love of this New Moon reset. The Pluto/Persephone myth feels extra relevant with all the Spring energies in the Northern Hemisphere. What once felt dead and barren pushes through and flowers. This New Moon/Venus conjunction sextiles Mars in Gemini, bringing courage to fight for love and beauty.

With Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Chiron all in Aries, this New Moon emphasizes new beginnings and a sense of rebirth. According to Dane Rudhyar, the Sabian Symbol for 23° Aries is:


KEYNOTE: Fecundity.

INNER FULFILLMENT. (See full symbol interpretation here.)

In other words, most of the energy of this New Moon bodes well, especially for people who’ve “done their inner work” over the past long, strange year. The imagery reminds me of the Empress card, one meaning of which is “a woman carefully planning for her future.”

Rider-Waite-Smith deck

Traditionally, the Empress is a pregnant young woman, surrounded by physical abundance and the shield of Venus. We can think of her as Mother Nature, or the divine feminine life force energy. Queen of the Land as the Great Cosmic Mother.

What’s been gestating inside of you during the past six months to a year? Venus square Pluto and the New Moon suggests something deep, passionate and lovely. An element of secrecy remains until the actual birth, but by now, signs of pregnancy and fecundity abound — at least for those who know where and how to look.

A fresh sense of optimism and potential softens the intensity of Pluto squaring Venus, Sun and Moon.

Signs of Spring

I spent Easter Sunday clearing away old yard debris in preparation for the new Spring growth. That felt like a symbolic way to honor the energies of resurrection and rebirth. Now we’ve got some 70 and 80 degree days, urging me to plant seeds. I can probably plant some outside, despite us being over a month away from final frost date. I also figured out a new indoor seed starting and LED light fixture system, which I’ll set up on the New Moon.

Meanwhile, some photos from this morning:

hyacinths in bloom, with more shoots to come
daffodils blowing in the wind
sedum poking through last year’s growth, plus irises, onions and a pot of mint (still sleeping)
young nettles in a huge pot, getting ready for pesto
more daffodils bobbing in the wind

So many things seem so surreal right now, but Nature continues its cycles, bringing beauty, color and cheer. Enjoy each moment! All have purpose.

April 2021 Specials

This month’s specials arise from many client and blog reader requests:

Intuitive Preparedness Check-In

With all the political, social and personal upheaval, people keep asking me how to maintain a positive, proactive vibration and how to thrive while also shoring up any weak spots. This special responds to many comments, questions and private emails requesting my take on the question “What can I do right now?” — for specific individuals, rather than general guidelines and suggestions.

This 40-minute session gives you access to my own intuitive scan of what areas of focus will provide you the greatest payback and sense of abundance, peace and security, with the least amount of resistance. Those looking to make larger lifestyle shifts can ask me to scan various lifestyle, location and/or community options to see which ones fit best with your vibration and heart’s desires.

You can also use our time together to discuss energetic/magical protection and manifestation tools and techniques, along with troubleshooting your most pressing concerns in various areas of life, including finances, food security, faith/spirituality/soul nurturing, relationships and/or land, including “garden guidance.”

A simple $123 if prepaid on or before April 30, 2021. Please contact me to sign up, and remember to include your time zone.

Three For Two

So many requests for a repeat of this special! Here you go… Three hours for the price of two: save $222. This package can be used in whatever increments you choose — hour, 40-minute, half-hour, or 20-minute sessions — and for whatever services you’d like — Medical Intuition, Life Coaching, Astrology, Relationship Clarity, Soul Readings, or any other related service. $444 if prepaid on or before April 30, 2021. Please contact me to sign up.