Archive for the ‘Past Lives’ Category

Explosive Blue Moon in Pisces ~ August 30-31 (Video)

This is one of the most powerful Full Moon’s of 2023, especially for the United States. The Ascendant of the Blue Moon chart for Washington, D.C. conjuncts the North Node destiny point, while the Blue Moon itself conjuncts asteroid Karma. I also share a key dream I had back in September 2019, which appears to point to this particular lunar event as a cosmic reset.

(If you’re receiving this via email, you’ll need to click through to view the 15-minute video.)

September 2020 Specials


Three For Two

I’ve been getting a lot of requests to run this special again, so here it is. Three hours for the price of two: save $222. This package can be used in whatever increments you choose — hour, 40-minute, half-hour, or 20-minute sessions — and for whatever services you’d like — Medical Intuition, Life Coaching, Astrology, Relationship Clarity, Soul Readings, or any other related service. $444 if prepaid on or before 9/30/2020. Please contact me to sign up

Return of the $77 Past Life Quickie

With the veils thinning, so many more people have begun to experience what I call “past life bleed-through.” Dreams, hunches, visions, flashes … however the suspected past life awareness arrives, it can feel unsettling, exciting and/or cause obsessive questions. This 20-minute reading allows people to ask persistent questions, or to have a check-in regarding the most pressing karmic issues presenting themselves right now. Yes, this can include past life relationships with animal friends.

I don’t normally offer Past Life Readings in a 20-minute format, but I wanted to make this available to the larger numbers of people wondering about previous lifetimes and relationships. If you’d like to double this special for 40 minutes, just let me know in your scheduling request. Offer valid if prepaid on or before September 30, 2020. Please contact me to sign up.

Precognitive Blues, Part 2: Guilt, Law of Attraction, and Meanings that Change Over Time

“Man needs reckless courage to descend into the abyss of himself.” ~ William Butler Yeats

This is Part 2, in what feels like a three part series. If you’ve not read “Precognitive Blues, Part 1: Dreams, Warnings and Blessings,” you can do so here. Today’s post deals with some of the other biggies that complicate precognition. According to “The Mystica“:

  • Precognition is the direct knowledge or perception of the future, obtained through extrasensory means. Precognition is the most frequently reported of all extrasensory perception experiences, occurring most often (60 percent to 70 percent) in dreams seeing the future.
  • It may also occur spontaneously in waking visions, auditory hallucinations, flashing thoughts entering the mind, and the sense of “knowing.” Precognitive knowledge also may be induced through trancechanneling, mediumship, and divination.

Because I’ve lived with “future memories,” psychic dreams, Cosmic Heads Up, and premonitions for my entire life, I’m no stranger to the challenges of precognition. I also coach and do readings for many highly intuitive clients, so these topics arise in sessions, too. This blog series attempts to provide a map or guideposts for what often feels like strange new territory.

Dealing with Precognitive Guilt

Tied with Precognitive Anxiety, aka pre-TSD, Precognitive Guilt weighs in as one of the biggest emotional challenges of seeing, sensing or dreaming future events. This guilt comes in a variety of forms. I’ll share some personal examples to illustrate. Continue reading

Powerful Full Moon in Aries, Plus Dreams and Art

I hadn’t planned to post on this Full Moon, but my dreams have been nagging me all day. Now, as I sit down to type, I find it’s 5:08 p.m. Eastern US time, exactly when the Full Moon hits 20 degrees 13 minutes Aries, opposing the Sun at 20 degrees 13 minutes Libra. The luminaries form a T-square with Pluto at 20 Capricorn, with Saturn adding to that T-square energy from its position at 14 degrees 26 minutes Capricorn. With the North Node at 12 degrees 36 minutes Cancer, we get even more tension, as Saturn has just crossed over the collective’s South Node. Jupiter in Sagittarius brings expansive and supportive energy, trining the Full Moon and sextiling the Sun.

From a collective standpoint, these energies urge us to rebalance karmic entanglements and find a more workable balance of Power To, rather than Power Over. What has already served its purpose and needs to change or go? What needs softening and deeper devotion? How do our emotions reflect our individual and collective identities? What are we re-birthing towards? What kind of tensions exist between self and other?

In my own chart(s), this Full Moon gets extra potent, because the Full Moon conjuncts my natal Chiron, opposing the Sun as it conjuncts my natal Uranus. For weeks, I’ve been having significant dreams related to 20 degrees Capricorn. One of these dreams — the morning that Pluto stationed direct over that 20 Cap spot — led me down a rabbit hole to find this 20 Cap significance stretches back over a decade, in symbolic and precognitive dreams and unusual real life connections. Continue reading

Ray Grasse: Secrets of the Esoteric Tradition, Part 1: Karma, Reincarnation and the Soul

This is a fabulous lecture on astrology: personal, collective and universal. In simple terms, it covers topics like synchronicity, Jungian analysis, prediction, human evolution, and free will. Thanks to Ann Kreilkamp‘s insomnia for this one!

October 2019 Specials

October is my favorite month of the entire year, with so many hinge points, thin veils, and the Celtic New Year on Samhain. This month’s specials reflect current energies and recent requests for support.

The Faeries’ Dream

The Fae seem to go through phases of having strong messages and support for humanity, and I (and others) sense a recent increase in activity. This 20-minute reading can focus on Faery advice, requests, and/or messages for you, and/or instructions on how you can connect more easily and effectively with this Realm.

The Faery Realm holds the original imprint of our completely pure, loving and healed planet, so working with the Fae always puts us in close proximity of that possibility as material fact — what has always remained and thus already is pure, healed and beautiful. This reading springs from such knowing and offers a chance to learn what your faerie companions would most love for you to focus upon instead of all those things that crop up as worries or concerns. Invoking delight brings us that much closer to experiencing it. $77 if prepaid on or by October 31, 2019. Please contact me to sign up.

The Ancestors Approach

This is a return of a 2017 offering in honor of the upcoming All Souls’ and All Saints’ Days. It can cover generational healing, soul readings about your relationship with/to those who have passed, support for recognizing signs, past life patterns, or in appropriate cases, cutting cords that reach across the veil. $133 for 40 minutes if prepaid on or before October 31, 2019. Please contact me to sign up.

Ann Kreilkamp ~ Fall Equinox 2019 features strong cardinal T-cross, setting in motion strong initiatives over the next three months

I had to post this piece by Ann Kreilkamp, since it goes so strongly with the NINE dead raccoons I commented about in the intro to my reblog of Tania Marie’s today. Even at five raccoons, I had received the message “end of all masks,” but nine really finalizes that sense. Nine signifies the end of a cycle, and this turn from Summer into the more interior Autumn also ends a cycle, while being part of a larger one. In her article, Ann says, “It may be that the title of Jonathan Franzen’s recent piece, in the New Yorker, is the most meaningful question we can ask.”

What If We Stopped Pretending

This theme keeps repeating itself in myriad ways. In any case, here’s Ann Kreilkamp sharing some insights about the astro-weather and significance of this Autumn Equinox.

Ann Kreilkamp ~ Fall Equinox 2019 features strong cardinal T-cross, setting in motion strong initiatives over the next three months

The Autumn Equinox occurs when the Sun hits 0°00 Libra, signalling that from now on, the nights will begin to grow longer than the days. They’ve been lengthening ever since Summer Solstice, three months ago, but only at Equinox are day and night equal.

Symbolically, we might think of this equinox time as a balancing act, between light and dark — within ourselves, and within our world. How much vile, long-standing corruption will continue to be exposed over these next three months? And yes, it will no doubt grow exponentially, until December 21, when, at the Winter Solstice, the Sun finally appears to stop, turn, and begin to grow longer than the night.

If you think back, on December 21, 2017, President Trump issued the Executive Order Blocking Property of Persons Involving Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption. 

What will come to light at this year’s Winter Solstice, two years, and one Mars cycle, later?

The coming darkness is inside us, remember. Whatever we see in the outer world, especially if it “triggers” us into hate or fear, is likely a projection, something within ourselves that we have thrown out into the world, and seek to blame, to judge, to eradicate. Always, when dealing with polarities of any kind, the key is balance, the alchemical integration of opposites within ourselves. In order to do that we must admit all those aspects of ourselves that we don’t like, or that we usually keep hidden, or in denied form. The key is to expand enough so that we may inhabit the space between any two polarities.

The 2019 Fall Equinox sports an unusually strong cardinal T-cross (at least three planets, two of them opposite, and one 90° from both poles): Moon/North Node at 14-15° Cancer opposite Saturn/South Node/Pluto at 13°, 14° and 20° Capricorn, square Mercury at 14° Libra. Plus, in Bloomington, where I live, the Ascendant is at 16° Leo, Jupiter at 17° Sagittarius, and Neptune at 16° Pisces, the three together creating what I call a “triangle of continuous growth,” and also configured with that T-cross. So, all in all, we have Moon/Nodes/Saturn/Pluto/Ascendant/Jupiter/Neptune, all needing to work together, within the 13°-20° degree area of their respective signs.

That the karmic, restructuring, death/rebirth Saturn/Pluto conjunction is involved is significant. And by the way, Greta Thunberg, poster girl of the Climate Strike movement,  time of birth unknown, has her Sun at 12° Capricorn, and Moon somewhere nearby. The Cult of Greta, whether or not she’s being used as a battering ram by forces beyond her understanding or control, may prove to be a phenomenon even bigger than we now realize as we head towards the finale of this every-35-year Saturn/Pluto process, the conjunction of these planets in January 2020.

That the Moon in Cancer, the sign of home and family, including the human family and our Mother Earth, is involved in the T-cross brings the emotions to bear upon the situation. And that Mercury is involved brings feelings to the surface, communicated through words. It may be that the title of Jonathan Franzen’s recent piece, in the New Yorker, is the most meaningful question we can ask.

What If We Stopped Pretending

Once again, during this fraught time of likely many forceful initiations, let me counsel balance: balance within and without. Balance above and below. Balance between thought and action, between dark and light. Between male and female, between me and you.

“The opposite of one great truth is another great truth” — Niels Bohr.

Eclipse Season and July 2019 Specials

An eventful July begins with a Total Solar Eclipse on July 2 at 10 degrees Cancer. If you have any personal planets at 10 degrees Cancer or Capricorn, you’ll feel this one in a big way. Ditto for anyone with 10 degrees Libra/Aries, which will be squared (creates friction/action) by the eclipse.

On July 8th, Mercury moves retrograde, conjuncting Mars in fiery Leo, which may increase impulsive action. You might also feel more tension than usual between acting and thinking. On the 9th, Chiron (wounded healer/deep inner wound) goes retrograde at 5 Aries, which will affect anything you have around 5 degrees Aries/Libra/Cancer/Capricorn. We’ve also got upcoming astro-weather involving Mars/Uranus, Venus/Pluto, and the Sun/North Node. You can find a more detailed overview of July 2019’s intense astrology here.

On July 16th, we’ll have a Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees Capricorn. If that sounds familiar, have a look back at Ann Kreilkamp’s discussion about the upcoming Pluto/Saturn conjunction. Anything between 18- 24 degrees in Capricorn/Cancer/Aries/Libra will get extra-activated by the Lunar Eclipse and the South Node (currently at 18 Capricorn). South Node deals with karma, past lifetimes, old patterns. Because some key public figures have natal placements connected with the eclipses, we’re likely to see some pivotal events on the world stage, too.


Realizing the intensity of July for many individuals, along with pressure for a collective karmic shift, this month’s specials offer extra support tailored to these background energies.

40-Minute Astrology Special

$133 instead of the usual $177, this 40-Minute Astrology Special can address “why you’re here,” deep soul longings, how to bring more soul into the workplace or your relationship, and/or how your natal chart and transits may be affecting your health or finances. More importantly, the reading offers clues to maximize your own unique Soul’s process, so that you get the most growth and satisfaction from this carefully selected lifetime. Offer valid if prepaid on or before July 31, 2019. Please contact me to sign up.

Return of the $77 Past Life Quickie

With the veils thinning, so many more people have begun to experience what I call “past life bleed-through.” Dreams, hunches, visions, flashes … however the suspected past life awareness arrives, it can feel unsettling, exciting and/or cause obsessive questions. This half-hour reading allows people to ask persistent questions, or to have a check-in regarding the most pressing karmic issues presenting themselves right now. Yes, this can include past life relationships with animal friends.

I don’t normally offer Past Life Readings in a 20-minute format, but I wanted to make this available to the larger numbers of people wondering about previous lifetimes and relationships. If you’d like to double this special for 40 minutes, just let me know in your scheduling request. Offer valid if prepaid on or before July 31, 2019. Please contact me to sign up.

11/11 One-Day Flash Sale

Happy 11/11! Happy Veterans Day!

On 11/7, I felt led to post about Repeat Numbers, Signs and Manifestation. I never know why inspiration strikes. I just follow the guidance when signs and synchronicities lead the way. Today, they’re pointing towards a $111 and $1111 sale from 11:11 a.m. EST on 11/11/18 until 11:11 a.m. EST on Monday, 11/12.

$111 40-Minute Intuitive Session (any variety)

Save $66 off the usual rate, as well as $22 or $11 off November 2018 Monthly Specials. You may purchase these for yourself, or as gift certificates for someone else. Please contact me to sign up. Offer expires at 11:11 a.m. EST (same as NYC) on 11/12/18.

$1111 Manifestation Bundle

Package bundle includes:

7 one-hour intuitive/coaching sessions (value $1554)

1-hour Tarot check-in (value $111)

1-hour of Reiki support (value $85)

The 7 hours of intuitive/coaching sessions can cover medical intuition, soul readings, astrology, life path, property readings, life coaching, transition strategies, career support, past-life readings, or any other service detailed here. These 7 hours can be used in half-hour, 40-minute, 45-minute, or hour session increments.

The 1-hour Tarot check-in can be done as 2 half-hour Tarot readings.

The 1-hour of Reiki support can be completed as a single session or in 15-minute Reiki bursts.

(Package expires 12/31/2020.)

Save $639 with bundled services. Offer valid for one day only: 11:11 a.m. EST 11/11/18 thru Monday 11/12/18 at 11:11 a.m. Please contact me here to sign up.


November 2018 Specials

Happy Halloween! Happy Samhain and Happy Celtic New Year! Today’s the last day for October 2018 Specials — including “Boo, Gothca!” and the year-long Wheel of the Year Special — which you can find by clicking here. With All Saints’ Day, All Souls’ Day and Veterans Day in November, it seems like a good time to focus on the soul’s challenges, gifts and goals. With changing weather and the approaching holiday season, it also feels wise to offer extra medical intuitive support. As always, I design each month’s specials based on needs I sense.


Ace in the Soul

When soul meets body at birth, soul leaves a record of its intentions, goals, wounds and gifts.

Your natal chart (also called your birth chart) reveals the hand you’re dealt. Or, rather: the hand you’ve dealt yourself. This month’s Ace in the Soul special helps you play those cards to the best of your ability. In this 40-minute astrology reading, we can cover basics like your Sun, Moon and Rising sign, but I really love figuring out what game your soul came here to play. Knowing your soul’s unique playbook gives you a much better chance of winning your game of life. I decode areas less covered by most astrologers. Together, we’ll explore your soul’s “rules,” vulnerabilities, and especially your hidden aces.

(This special can also provide valuable insight for parents looking to understand and support their young ones.)

You’ll get the most comprehensive reading if you know the exact birth time, date and place; however, I can still tell a lot from birth date and location. $122 for 40 minutes if prepaid on or before 11/30/18. (Save $55 off the usual astrology rate). Please contact me here to sign up.

40-Minute Medical Intuitive Special

Save 25% ($44) off the usual rate for a 40-Minute Medical Intuitive Reading.

Medical Intuition is the ability to access information about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through “reading” the energy field around the body. A Medical Intuitive session decodes the message(s) from soul to body into language your conscious mind can understand and begin to address. It is not meant to replace traditional medical or psychological treatment, and it is not any form of medical or psychological treatment.

Instead, Medical Intuitive readings look for the root cause of continuing symptoms or conditions. Without addressing the root cause, even the “right” treatments or treatment providers fail to find a cure … or … a person continues to experience one new issue after another. By locating the root cause, a Medical Intuitive reading allows the individual to understand what the soul wants, so that healing can move through all the levels, including physical.

$133 (instead of the usual $177) for 40 minutes, if purchased on or before 11/30/18. Please contact me to sign up.