Posts Tagged ‘Empath’

Good Energy Hygiene

Just a reminder for all you empaths: we’ve entered a phase where good energy hygiene is even more important than usual. Practice this morning and night, and any time you felt great but suddenly feel “off.” More likely than not, you’ve picked up someone else’s stuff, and you’ll want to move that energy as soon as possible.

Help for Empaths ~ Navigating the Should’s

This July 2019 post wants to go up again, but I’ve already reblogged it, so I can’t do that again. This topic is WAY up right now, especially with the North Node and Chiron moving through Aries. Here it is copied in full:

This topic arises so often in sessions that I feel led to address it here, too. Many times, life tugs in different directions. Empaths, especially, sense how our own decisions affect the people we know and love. To some extent, this is a good thing. A person who lacks any empathy is also known as a narcissist or sociopath, so yes, we do need awareness of how our behavior and attitudes affect other people.


Empaths feel the emotions, attitudes, energy and thoughts of other people to a sometimes debilitating degree. Even the thought of hurting someone else hurts us. Without protection, we feel the disappointment, judgment, illness or whatever other pain of someone else within ourselves. When lived unconsciously, empathic “gifts” feel awful. Mysterious body aches, overwhelming sadness, anxiety, general confusion or lack of desire: I always advise empaths to ask, “Is this mine?” Because many times, it’s not. Good energy hygiene aides discernment.

I call this the Energy Brush Off, but it’s also a Japanese technique called Kenyoku or “dry bathing.” Bring your right hand to your left shoulder and then sweep down your arm, past your fingertips. Repeat on the other side, left hand to right shoulder, sweep down past your fingertips. Alternate sides three times, then flick your fingers like you washed your hands and can’t find a towel.

Repeat morning and night, like you brush your teeth. You can also do the Energy Brush Off anytime you felt good until you interacted with someone or something then suddenly felt tired, angry, sad, oppressed or “not as good as you did before.” Sudden shifts in health, emotions or energy levels often indicate some kind of empathic exchange. Brush that energy off before it settles in and becomes “yours.” It won’t really be all yours, but it becomes much more difficult to sense your own emotions, desires, attitudes, hopes and dreams when you embody those of everyone around you.

Good energy hygiene offers a regular reset to your own energy field. The more often you return to yourself, the more you recognize your own energy, including your own longings and desires.

The more often you return to yourself, the more obvious it becomes which people and situations dampen or drain your energy. Awareness of these dynamics doesn’t always mean you need to cut all contact. Some situations might require that step, but in most cases, a little strategy goes a long way. If you know someone’s patterns and how they usually affect you, then you can protect yourself in appropriate ways. Since Empaths lack the separation/boundaries that most people have, good strategies involve not only releasing picked up energy, but also creating a healthy buffer zone.

Some of my favorite empath tricks include:

  1. The Energy Brush Off shared above
  2. Black tourmaline and/or onyx for energetic shielding
  3. The Algiz Rune (creates a “moat” effect around your castle/energy field)
  4. Using a mantra like “I deserve good things”or “You do you, I’ll do me”
  5. Educating yourself about patterns in narcissism, BPD and sociopathy
  6. Educating yourself about codependency and/or Adult Children of Alcoholics
  7. Reciting the Serenity Prayer
  8. Walnut Bach Flower Remedy (to live your life path in the midst of others)
  9. Crabapple Bach Flower Remedy (if being around others shames you)
  10. Pine Bach Flower Remedy (in situations requiring more forgiveness than you feel)
  11. Cultivating relationships that support and encourage your own sovereignty

Number 11 on that list happens more naturally and easily the more you commit to “navigating the should’s.” Yes, life, society, work and family place obligations on us, but not all obligations are healthy or appropriate. Sometimes a should just means a habit. Sometimes a should entrenches unhealthy behaviors and expectations. Sometimes a should was good for awhile, but now no longer serves. Refusing to accept every should at face value can feel scary, wrong, or even “evil,” depending on the situation and characters involved.

At first, you might not have anyone in your life encouraging you to explore and process underlying patterns. In that case, a coach, counselor or support group becomes a lifeline until you can internalize your own encouragement and support. As you grow more confident, you will begin to attract different caliber relationships into your life.

Good discernment tips include:

  1. Focus on “power to, not power over.” Empowerment honors individual sovereignty without forcing one person to bend to another’s will or expectations.
  2. Walk on it: take your question(s) outside with you and let your mind and emotions process to the regular rhythm of your feet, legs and swinging arms.
  3. Sleep on it: ask your subconscious mind for guidance before you fall asleep. Pay attention to any dreams, as well as noting first thoughts/feelings upon waking. I often awake with snippets of song lyrics, which when researched, provide incredible insights and answers.
  4. Remember that we train people how to treat us. Establish boundaries and then act in consistent ways. Reward good, respectful behavior. Refuse or call out attempts to manipulate or coerce.
  5. Realize that people accustomed to benefiting from your lack of boundaries won’t appreciate your desire to change. That doesn’t make you a bad person! It may not even make them a bad person. If you want change, then the onus of change rests upon your shoulders. Freedom from the destructive effects of too much empathy brings great rewards, but those rewards often come with criticism. If someone freaks out because you ask for boundaries or a little more space, consider that confirmation of the imbalance you sensed.
  6. Do what you need to do from as kindhearted a place as you can, including kindness to yourself.
  7. Get to know your Inner Child. If you were his/her parent, would you allow your child into this situation or with this person? How would you help this child to deal with a sometimes unfair or hostile world? How would you help this child to know his/her own value, regardless of what others say or think?

Navigating should’s becomes easier the more you get to know and love yourself. Most empaths excel at loving others, but the self love comes hard. You deserve good things. You deserve respect, and you deserve a chance to thrive. Only you can live your unique life with the unique qualities, challenges and gifts you bring to this world. If you feel surrounded by conditional love and overwhelming expectations, take some time to nurture and reclaim yourself.

Much Love,


Lee Harris ~ June 2020 Energy Update

This message from Lee feels even more helpful to post towards the end of this month:


Om Shree Sache Om ~ Deva Premal

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! It’s not very Irish, but this feels right to share today. If you find your mind filled with worries, chatter or empathing the energies around you, upgrading content works wonders. Literally, works Wonders. The mantra translates to:

“May the ultimate truth and that which is beyond all boundaries be victorious. May there be peace, peace, peace.”

Empathic Awareness and Your Future Self

I love this article that just popped across my path! I am an off the charts Empath, and so are many of my clients. As any Empath knows, this “gift” feels like a curse if you don’t know how to manage the input. Practicing good energy hygiene helps, as does time in Nature, Dreamwork and self care. The gifts of a properly managed and respected empathic awareness include strong intuition, your own biofeedback “yes” or “no,” and the ability to develop deep, caring relationships.

I’ve often written about alternate timelines, non-linear time, and precognition. In sessions, I talk about tuning into your future self, either through dreams, meditation and/or conscious asking of that future self, “What did I do? How did I make it through this challenge?” Future memories sometimes come through in spontaneous visions, but you can encourage that flow of information with more direct intention.

Today’s featured article shares scientific studies linking empathy and the ability to tap into your future self in order to make better, more positive long-term choices today:

Self Control Is Just Empathy With Your Future Self

All the more reason to cultivate and work with your empathic gifts!

Help for Empaths: Navigating the Should’s

This topic arises so often in sessions that I feel led to address it here, too. Many times, life tugs in different directions. Empaths, especially, sense how our own decisions affect the people we know and love. To some extent, this is a good thing. A person who lacks any empathy is also known as a narcissist or sociopath, so yes, we do need awareness of how our behavior and attitudes affect other people.


Empaths feel the emotions, attitudes, energy and thoughts of other people to a sometimes debilitating degree. Even the thought of hurting someone else hurts us. Without protection, we feel the disappointment, judgment, illness or whatever other pain of someone else within ourselves. When lived unconsciously, empathic “gifts” feel awful. Mysterious body aches, overwhelming sadness, anxiety, general confusion or lack of desire: I always advise empaths to ask, “Is this mine?” Because many times, it’s not. Good energy hygiene aides discernment.

I call this the Energy Brush Off, but it’s also a Japanese technique called Kenyoku or “dry bathing.” Bring your right hand to your left shoulder and then sweep down your arm, past your fingertips. Repeat on the other side, left hand to right shoulder, sweep down past your fingertips. Alternate sides three times, then flick your fingers like you washed your hands and can’t find a towel.

Repeat morning and night, like you brush your teeth. You can also do the Energy Brush Off anytime you felt good until you interacted with someone or something then suddenly felt tired, angry, sad, oppressed or “not as good as you did before.” Sudden shifts in health, emotions or energy levels often indicate some kind of empathic exchange. Brush that energy off before it settles in and becomes “yours.” It won’t really be all yours, but it becomes much more difficult to sense your own emotions, desires, attitudes, hopes and dreams when you embody those of everyone around you.

Good energy hygiene offers a regular reset to your own energy field. The more often you return to yourself, the more you recognize your own energy, including your own longings and desires. Continue reading

December 2018 Special and Gift Certificates

As always, I offer the monthly specials based on my sense of what will most support the coming energies and needs.

December’s family and work gatherings present special challenges for empaths. In addition to all the planetary, cosmic and political energies tipping empathic effects way beyond the usual scale, sensitive people attuned to Mother Earth often feel fires, earthquakes and floods in their own bodies and emotions. Add to this empathing the experiences of so many people who’ve lost their homes or witnessed traumas, and empaths are being asked to find a new balance between compassion and self-care, between “we are all one” and nurturing and protecting our own energy body.

My heart goes out to all of those facing inner and outer challenges this holiday season. Through the “oxygen mask principle,” I hope that directly supporting empaths will allow greater love, energy and peace to radiate in strong waves across our world. Peace in, peace out.


Energy Protection for Empaths

This 20-minute offering shares tips and techniques specifically tailored to your own energy field and the challenges you face as a “Sensitive” or “Empath” — someone who deeply feels the emotions and energies of others, including the larger collective energies and emotions. Empaths have intuitive, psychic, and healing gifts that can feel more like a curse when faced with discord, negative or disharmonious frequencies like EMF’s, groupthink, or emotional overwhelm.

As someone whose already very thin veil practically disappeared with a 1998 brain injury, I have learned through trial and error, extensive research and over 17 years as a professional Medical Intuitive, how to protect the energy field so that those “gifts” actually live up to their potential. These tips and techniques don’t mean you stop feeling the energies; however, they allow you to recognize more clearly when something’s “yours” and when it’s not. They also help you much more quickly return to peace, soul sovereignty, joy, and allow you to exercise much greater healing influence in your life and in our world.

$77 for the 20 minutes if prepaid on or before 12/31/2018. This session can also be doubled for a 40-minute session at $154. For more information or to sign up, please contact me here.

Gift Certificates:

Each year, people ask if they can gift a session to a loved one. I like to offer a discount to honor the love and care behind this gift. Certificates purchased in 2018 will remain valid through December 31, 2019. Since people always ask me this: no, you may not purchase a gift certificate for yourself. You can, however, request someone else get you a gift certificate. 😉 When you contact me to order a gift certificate, please let me now the name of the person you’re gifting, as well as any details you’d like me to include on the certificate. I’ll create and email you a personalized PDF, which you can email or print out for your loved one.

2018 gift certificates cover any of my services at $99/half hour instead of the usual rate of $133/half hour. 

Lee Harris~ December Energy Forecast

I know many of my blog readers also subscribe to Lee Harris, but I felt this energy forecast was important to share for everyone here. So many recent sessions have covered similar material, especially with people empathing the intense planetary, cosmic and political energies.

I’ve had sessions with other intuitives and energy workers who don’t normally “need” sessions but who’ve found themselves at their wits’ end the last few weeks. There should be no shame in this at all! We each go through our own challenges and shifts, and no one needs to be perfect. (Whatever “perfect” even means!) Be gentle with yourself and positive opportunities will reveal themselves.

As Lee says, this intensity will likely continue through February, so developing a strategy and tools to thrive is time well spent. Even if you already have a spiritual awareness practice, you might find yourself “leveling up” in different areas:

Comment Bump Up and Response

Today’s post comes from a comment left on Friday’s re-blog of “Crossing our own boundaries: consent in the wake of ‘me too.'” I decided to turn the comment and reply into its own post, because this past weekend brought a wave of urgent requests from people for help freeing themselves from relationships with suspected and/or professionally diagnosed cluster-B personality disordered people, energy vampires, and/or black magic. These topics run close to the side issues in “Crossing our own boundaries,” as similar encounters early in life tend to prime someone for these kinds of relationships later in life.

This happens especially often to Empaths, and learning to discern patterns and reclaim sovereignty forms some of the most important healing we will ever do — as individuals and for our broken society. In the biggest picture, yes, All is Love, but at the level of PTSD in body, emotions, mind, soul and spirit, things can take longer to untangle and heal. Here’s the comment, followed by my response: Continue reading

August 2017 Specials

First, a quick reminder that today is the last day to sign up for the $77 email special. If you’d like an email reading, book today, because I’m taking a break on email sessions after offering them for three straight months.

August 2017’s specials reflect the intensity (and opportunity!) surrounding the annular solar eclipse on August 21st, which runs directly over the United States. Those in the US will likely feel its effects most strongly; however, eclipses are always gateways that affect everyone on the planet. I posted details of this eclipse earlier in July, and you can read and watch those here. We’ve also got a lunar eclipse on Monday, the 7th, which happens also to be the exact crossquarter day of Lammas or Lughnasadh, when the Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo. Anytime an eclipse occurs on the actual crossquarter day of the Wheel of the Year, the energies of each event amplify.

You don’t need to understand or believe in astrology for these energies to affect you. Simply living on Planet Earth at this time bathes you in the energy. Traditionally, eclipses were feared or considered powerful omens. As with any energy or situation, though, it’s what you make of it. One person’s trauma is another’s amazing opening. Chaos can overwhelm, or it can activate new, preferred options that would otherwise have been difficult or impossible to summon. This month’s specials focus on helping you make the most of the energies.


Timeline Tune-up with Reiki Rocket Fuel

This new 40-minute offering helps identify which areas of your life can most benefit from the energetic openings this month. I focus your reading on finding small shifts you can make in order to generate monumental trajectory changes — kind of like switching the tracks on a railway. Tiny adjustments in the here and now can result in hugely different journeys later.

When you identify and make these adjustments during a powerful cosmic hinge point like August 2017, you can literally alter your current and future timeline. In addition to the 40-minute phone reading, you’ll receive 15 minutes of Reiki to add even more oomph to the already potent energies. If you’ve been intending and intending yet somehow “failed to launch,” a Timeline Tune-up with Reiki Rocket Fuel will provide an extra boost to help you fly beyond the status quo’s inertia.

$133 if paid on or before August 31, 2017. Please contact me to sign up.

Energy Protection for Empaths

Whenever big energies arrive, sensitives and empaths feel not only their own experience, but can also become vulnerable to other people not handling the energies so well. This 20-minute offering shares tips and techniques specifically tailored to your own energy field and the challenges you face as a “Sensitive” or “Empath” — someone who deeply feels the emotions and energies of others, including the larger collective energies and emotions. Empaths have intuitive, psychic, and healing gifts that can feel more like a curse when faced with discord, negative or disharmonious frequencies like EMF’s, groupthink, or emotional overwhelm.

As someone whose already very thin veil practically disappeared with a 1998 brain injury, I have learned through trial and error, extensive research and nearly 16 years as a professional Medical Intuitive, how to protect the energy field so that those “gifts” actually live up to their potential. These tips and techniques don’t mean you stop feeling the energies; however, they allow you to recognize more clearly when something’s “yours” and when it’s not. They also help you much more quickly return to peace, soul sovereignty, joy, and allow you to exercise much greater healing influence in your life and in our world.

$77 for 20 minutes if prepaid on or before August 31, 2017. This session can also be doubled for 40-minutes at $154. For more information or to sign up, please contact me here.