Posts Tagged ‘Reality Creation’

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra ~ October 14, 2023

I’m posting this way early, because this week is likely to feel much more intense than a normal week. I’ll also get the video out sooner rather than later, just so people have more of a chance to prepare. There are positive trajectories available, but these energies could take some inner and outer navigation.

My October 2023 Forecast shared:

October 14 New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Libra, 1:55 p.m. Eastern US time. This eclipse loosely conjuncts Mercury, so pay extra attention to any messages that arrive. It’s a South Node Eclipse and deals more with the past–past relationships, old partnerships, and codependent attachments holding us back from our need to forge ahead. The Sabian Symbol for this event is: (LIBRA 22°): A CHILD GIVING BIRDS A DRINK AT A FOUNTAIN. KEYNOTE: The concern of simple souls for the welfare and happiness of less-evolved beings who thirst for life renewal. With the rubber band pulled so far back and getting ready to catapult humanity forward, those already further ahead may be asked to support those who suddenly launch faster than they can comprehend.

This eclipse culminates an extremely active week:

Sunday, the 8th, Venus finally leaves Leo, and Mars (near the South Node) exactly squares Pluto.
Tuesday, the 10th, Pluto stations Direct in Capricorn within minutes of the US natal Pluto.
Wednesday, the 11th, the second of two Nationwide Emergency Alert Tests in the United States
Thursday, the 12th, Mars enters Scorpio.
All followed by Friday, the 13th, and …

…the Saturday, October 14th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse.

As mentioned, this is an annular (partial) South Node Eclipse with an emphasis on releasing anything old that no longer serves. That could include old relationships, codependent patterns, wishy washy indecision, and even old creative projects that no longer inspire you to complete them. It’s OK to let things go if they feel stale, or if you can’t decide which way to continue with them. Sometimes indecision alerts us to a third option we haven’t yet considered.

This New Moon in Libra Solar Eclipse loosely opposes Chiron at 17° Aries–and Mercury exactly opposes Chiron at the time of the eclipse. Pay attention to healing messages, because healing information wants to come through. I view this eclipse as preparatory for the real game changer on April 8, 2024–a New Moon in Aries Total Solar Eclipse exactly–to the minute!–conjunct Chiron, which will also closely conjunct the US natal Chiron. We’re not there yet, but that’s where we’re headed. We can use this October 14, 2023 eclipse to begin releasing anything and anyone we know is standing in the way of our own healing.

Note the emphasis on “begin.” This is not the best time for sudden moves, even though the urge exists. The October 14th eclipse quincunxes Uranus at 22° Taurus, adding even more breakthrough energy to an already intense event. The quincunx aspect of 150° takes two signs that seem to have nothing in common and forces us to integrate the energies. In this case, Venus rules both Libra and Taurus, so her grace and beauty assist our release and our future (Uranus) expansion.

At 23° Taurus, alongside Uranus, we have Trans Neptunian Object Lempo, from Finnish mythology. In pre-Christian times, Lempo represented love and fertility, but now Lempo is considered more of a demonic force that can control someone’s mind and lead them to ruin. As often occurs with highly charged energies, it’s a matter of vibration and perspective, and people can have very polarized experiences with the same thing. You can find more about Lempo here.

The erratic combo of Uranus and Lempo quincunx an eclipse could trigger people with bipolar, schizophrenic, or psychotic tendencies–kind of like a Full Moon on steroids, even though this is a New Moon. Have compassion, but also follow inner guidance, as we may see signs of possession or MK Ultra behavior beyond individual control. If possible, avoid crowds, concerts, movie theaters, and strobe light effects around this time. This is not a good time to experiment with substances or engage in reckless behaviors.

If you struggle with a mood disorder or hallucinations, try to arrange the calmest, most stable environment for yourself from October 8th to the 15th. Be aware that the bravado you feel may not match your true skills or circumstances. Listen to people whose judgment has consistently proven helpful and grounding to you. Crystals like lepidolite, howlite, black tourmaline and Atlantisite can also assist with mental-emotional balance.

Asteroid Hylonome squares this eclipse from 22° Capricorn. Hylonome was a centaur who killed herself in grief after her husband Cyllarus was killed in battle. Theirs was a true soul mate love, and she sacrificed herself using the same arrow that killed him. I’m not suggesting anyone will commit suicide, but the energies are intense. If you feel called to break up with someone, try to do it before October 8th or after October 15th, not at peak energies, because people will be much less stable than usual.

On the positive side, Hylonome brings valor. She asks the question, “Who or what would you die for?” You don’t need to share your answer, but knowing it gives clarity and strength.

It is a time to evaluate if an old relationship prevents you from living your best life. But remember the Sabian Symbol: A CHILD GIVING BIRDS A DRINK AT A FOUNTAIN. KEYNOTE: The concern of simple souls for the welfare and happiness of less-evolved beings who thirst for life renewal.

Have compassion for people who are less conscious. If a relationship or situation has run its course, find the most loving, Venusian (Libra/Taurus) ways of moving on, and keep in mind that October 8th through the 14th trigger insanely intense collective energy.

An air of mystery pervades this eclipse, which conjuncts asteroid Isis at 22° Libra. Isis ups the love energy, especially in Libra. In addition to magic, motherhood and agriculture, Isis connects us to our deepest, most unshakable love. Diving into Isis energy increases our capacity to forgive, and she brings extra devotion to anyone with whom a relationship is on path for us. She also represents the regenerative and healing power of true love.

Another quincunx to the eclipse occurs with asteroid Minerva at 21° Taurus–right in that Uranus/Lempo cluster. Minerva connects us to greater wisdom, so hopefully she will temper some of the erratic and volatile energies. Minerva’s association with law and justice helps us to bridge that quincunx energy with the Libra eclipse. In its highest expression, this event could trigger impatience and outrage to which wisdom brings an unforeseen and unusual negotiation. Breakthroughs are possible, but we will need to tap into both love and wisdom in order to manifest the higher potentials of this intense event.

Building upon the extra karmic, destiny flavor of so many recent New and Full Moon’s, this Libra New Moon/Solar Eclipse opposes asteroid Lachesis at 23° Aries. She’s one of the three Fate Sisters–the one who measures the thread of Fate spun by her sister Clotho (also spelled Klotho). Lachesis determines how long someone gets to live, and then Atropos cuts the thread at the appointed time. The North Node will be in the 24° Aries range, so this Fate Sister conjuncts “collective destiny.” Whatever happens, whichever souls, relationships, or situations “check out” over the next six months will have prearranged to do so. That doesn’t mean everything will feel easy. The “how” remains somewhat flexible, but any endings arrive with a strong hand of Fate.

Again, I view this eclipse as preparatory for the big one on April 8, 2024. This is a good time for the Serenity prayer, because many things are beyond individual control right now. Libra and all that love bring serenity for the things you cannot change. Chiron and the North Node in Aries give courage to change those things you can … and Minerva brings that wisdom to know the difference.

Peace in, peace out, people! Together, we can do this, with love and grace.

Dream: “Aren’t You Wearing Your Glasses?”

I’m sharing this morning’s dream, as it seems to have a collective component, too:

“Aren’t You Wearing Your Glasses?”

I awoke from this dream sometime in the middle of the night, not realizing it was a dream. I saw a pair of “Jerry Garcia” glasses—large, round lenses with thin, metal frames. They hung suspended in the air with one lens above the other.

The top lens was a magnifying glass facing one way, but looking through it the other way, I could see into the future. The bottom lens had a coiled red rattlesnake, and someone lit the tail on fire. This looked like a fuse, and at this point, I opened my eyes (in real life) and asked David, “Are you awake?”

He sounded kind of annoyed and said, “Yeeeesssss?”

I pushed him a little, surprised he was still in bed, because the rattlesnake fuse was some kind of alarm clock—like last snooze on the alarm. When he didn’t get up, I asked, “Aren’t you wearing your glasses?!”

He said, “Nooooooo,” at which point I said, “Oh. I think I’m dreaming.”

He said, “Ya think? Go back to sleep,” and I did.

END of dream journal.

When I got up later I asked if he remembered me waking him up in the middle of the night, and he said, “You mean when you asked me if I was wearing my glasses? Nooo, I don’t typically wear those in bed when I sleep.” (He was amused, not annoyed.)

I wasn’t sure what I had said, but he confirmed that I had correctly remembered the dream. The coiled red rattlesnake in one lens and the magnifying glass one way/future remote view the other way through the other lens were both vivid. I just couldn’t remember what I said to him in the middle of the night.

I asked, “Aren’t you wearing your glasses?” in a surprised, almost shocked way, like, “Don’t you hear your alarm going off???!”


Of note: We’ve been watching a Grateful Dead documentary, and throughout I’ve thought how Jerry Garcia’s glasses look quite similar to these round green ones I dreamed then found in “real life.” I described that dream and the subsequent real world validation here, including a photo of the frames at the bottom of that post.

It’s also odd that I just happened to be wearing (almost!) the exact same outfit in that photo of my new glasses and in my recent post about the energies. For some reason I put it on before feeling the energies that nudged me to snap the photo that clearly showed them.

When strange events cluster like this, I pay extra attention. This morning’s dream came after another super highly charged dream on Saturday–one that linked into many, many bizarre real world synchronicities that followed “dreams.” Something’s up. I have some ideas in my own life, but as I said, this also feels collective.

Dream: A Near Miss

I’m sharing this one because it feels collective rather than personal:

“A Near Miss”

I dreamed more than I recall, but this part is vivid. I stood somewhere outside and saw two cars almost crash into each other. I didn’t know anyone in the vehicles, but watching the one almost barrel into the other still made me flinch and took awhile to shake off. The scene was one car coming way too fast from behind another car. If they hit, it would have been a total disaster, both cars destroyed.

The one car came so fast at the other car that this outcome seemed inevitable. I braced for impact, even though I was safe on the sidelines. Instead of hitting, somehow, the car from behind stopped with maybe 1 mm to spare, just as the front car moved forward. It took a few moments to realize that no fiery crash would occur. Not having the crash felt anticlimactic after all the stress of watching what seemed like a certain crash. When the crash did not occur, the anticipated jolt occurred inside myself.

I awoke briefly from this dream—enough to remember it—then fell back asleep. I don’t recall details, but I know I had two additional dreams with similar messages. I watched a scene that did not directly affect me, kind of like watching a movie, except more intense in that whatever I watched happened in “real” life (within the dream), and not too far away from me. In all cases, a crash or disaster seemed inevitable but at the last moment things moved just 1 mm out of the way.

Because of the tension while witnessing this seemingly inevitable crash, when it did not happen, my body still flinched at the moment of would-be impact. The near miss jolted me wide awake (within the dream). I looked around the world with new eyes.

END of dream journal.

This seems like a collective dream in that I had zero to do with anyone in any of the scenarios. I just happened to be standing or walking nearby. I just happened to see something about to smash. By every rational consideration, this crash would occur except at the very last moment, some kind of miracle protected the participants by literally 1 mm. The precision of timing looked like an invisible angel or divine providence moved the front car along just in time for the back car to avoid hitting it, even though the back car was careening out of control.

In many ways, this is like my life changing 1998 car accident. I was stopped at a red light behind two other cars. The light turned green, but it took those cars a little while to start moving. The woman behind me drove fast, saw the green light, and must have realized much too late that my car had not yet begun to move. Mine was in neutral, ready to start driving. I heard her slam on the brakes, heard the crash. “Wow, someone really GOT it!” I awoke to honking horns realizing that someone was me.

Her car dipped down under mine because she slammed on the brakes. My black rubber bumper was streaked on the hood of her car, so in my case, the crash occurred. The miracle was my car being in neutral and her brakes dipping under my bumper, throwing my car forward instead of totally squishing me. The resulting traumatic brain injury gave me four years of total disability and a totally new career and life.

This morning’s dream had a MUCH bigger miracle. Watching the events, there was NO way to avoid a massive crash, but something intervened at the very last possible moment. The anticipation and intensity of would be impact jolted me as a spectator even though the cars were fine. Again this feels collective rather than personal.

September 2022 Forecast and Third Quarter North Node Horoscopes


September 1 Mars in Gemini sextile Jupiter in Aries. Grand opportunities, bold beginnings, and wild enthusiasm: early September sounds the horn. Remember this good feeling in times of less certainty.

September 5 Venus enters Virgo. Dial back tendencies to nitpick or demand perfection from loved ones. The next few weeks are a good time to practice discernment about what you need and desire, but the Goddess of Love feels weak in Virgo. Compared to the high romance and sweeping Glamour of Pisces, Virgo feels so — ordinary — and Venus can pout and languish here. Be honest about desires, but resist the urge to destroy something solid in favor of fantasies that won’t materialize. Virgo brings devotion and commitment, day in and day out. It’s OK to long for more, but remember gratitude for what you already have.

September 9 Mercury stations retrograde in Libra. Mercury will remain retrograde until October 2, moving through Libra and back into Virgo. This particular Mercury Rx asks us to re-evaluate legal matters, areas of imbalance, injustice, and re-analyze the details. Complex situations call for more than a cursory look, and we may find that things are not as they appeared. As with any Mercury Rx, dot your i’s and cross your t’s. Closely examine or postpone binding contracts. Remember, time moves in cycles. Previous Mercury Rx periods could return as relevant: January 14-February 3, 2022; May 10-June 3, 2022; even as far back as October 14-November 3, 2020.

September 10 Full Moon in Pisces, 5:59 a.m. Eastern US time. This Full Moon loosely conjuncts Neptune in Pisces, bringing extra empathy and intuition to an already highly charged day. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “IN A GIGANTIC TENT, VILLAGERS WITNESS A SPECTACULAR PERFORMANCE.” Whether religious, political or some form of “bread and circuses,” Neptune’s presence adds massive Glamour to the leader of this spectacle. It will be easy to get carried away by sweeping emotions and inspiration. Something about this Full Moon dazzles the public in dramatic ways.

September 16 Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces, and Venus in Virgo square Mars in Gemini. A difficult day filled with potential for misunderstandings. Pay attention to details and see if they point to a larger overall picture, but don’t get paranoid. You’ll need discernment and compassion. When in doubt, save final judgments and relationship decisions for another day.

September 18 Sun in Virgo trine Pluto in Capricorn, and Mercury in Libra opposite Jupiter in Aries. Light shines on hidden, intimate or difficult affairs, and we’ll have grand ideas regarding how to address these things. A powerful day to transmute the old into something new, but beware of overconfidence. When in doubt, err on the side of thorough research and diplomacy.

September 22 Sun Enters Libra, Fall Equinox, 9:04 p.m. Eastern US time. In some locations, Equinox occurs on September 23, which also brings Sun in Libra conjunct Mercury in Libra, just before Mercury retrograde re-enters Virgo. This is a pivotal 24-hour time period. Not only do we experience our twice per year equal day and night; the Sun and Mercury trade signs. This links the Virgo/Libra energies even more. We can expect further scrutiny (Mercury in Virgo) to shine light on legal matters and relationships (Sun in Libra).

September 24 Venus in Virgo opposite Neptune in Pisces. Today could feel painful and poignant if you don’t integrate the need for solid, grounded relationships and self-esteem as opposed to sweeping, romantic notions and inspiration. It’s a continuum, so aim for balance between the two. If you feel off today, know this is a quick transit. Pay attention to insights about relationships, but continue to explore these over the next few days.

September 25 New Moon in Libra 5:55 p.m. Eastern US time. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins at Sundown. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon indicates powerful shifts: (LIBRA 3°): THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY REVEALS EVERYTHING CHANGED. This degree also opposes Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter enlarges everything, so whatever revelations come, they’ll be big. Mercury and Venus conjunct in Virgo, bringing love and grace to the message. Saturn in Aquarius trines Mars in Gemini and squares Uranus in Taurus. The Saturn-Mars trine supports responsible action, but the Saturn-Uranus square demands bolder, revolutionary moves. This New Moon sets the stage for an October Surprise when that square goes within minutes of exact.

September 29 Venus enters Libra. The Love Goddess smiles with relief having made it through the Virgo doldrums. Venus enters one of her home signs, bringing extra grace to the arts, beauty, self-esteem and romance. Because we clearly know our own value, we find ways to compromise for the sake of harmony. We can afford to balance the scales, knowing we won’t lose ourselves in the process.

How September’s sky weather affects you will vary, depending on your entire natal chart, but your North Node Horoscope transcends monthly sky events. That’s because your North Node reveals what your soul came here to do. By midlife, the soul starts longing and pressing us to live our true purpose. At first, it whispers through intuition. Then it knocks a little louder through “coincidences” and external events. When not heard and honored, the soul’s longing can show up as health crises, marriage or work issues, or wondering “is this all there is?” If you feel a need to reinvent yourself, following North Node guidance helps you do that authentically — for you.

Unlike generic Sun Sign horoscopes, which ignore so many other aspects, following North Node guidance will always lead you in the right direction. Doors open, healing happens, relationships improve, and life gets more magical. This quarterly column will help you tap into your personal North Node Mojo. When you start living your North Node purpose, we all win, because you not only begin to light up your own life. You light up the world.     

You can find your North Node sign here which is often different than your Sun sign. If you’re right on the cusp, consider both possibilities or book a reading for more clarity.


ARIES NORTH NODE: Jupiter remains in Aries all quarter, adding expansive fire to your North Node sign. This bold optimism eases tension as you move through Cancer and Libra seasons. Don’t lose sight of your own course by getting too bogged down nurturing and pleasing others. Mars — the ruler of Aries — enters Gemini on August 20, where he’ll spend a rare seven months, sextiling Aries until March 25, 2023. This transit offers supportive energy. You can take action by seeing through former limitations. As you settle into clarity about codependent relationships, the Wheel of Fortune turns in your favor. New experiences await.

TAURUS NORTH NODE: One of the biggest transits this decade occurs in your sign at the end of July into early August. Staid Taurus has had Uranus stirring things up since May 15, 2018, but July 2022 kicks things up several notches. Mars joins the North Node and Uranus in Taurus in a triple conjunction big enough to knock your socks off. Taurus normally wants to minimize chaos, but you can lean into the energies in order to make quantum leaps. If you’ve felt unsatisfied in an area of life, July and August are a good time for proactive change. You can ride the wave of supportive energies moving through your sign. Take action: you’ll have more influence if you embrace available upgrades.

GEMINI NORTH NODE: When the world goes nuts, shift focus. You’ll benefit from energies this quarter and beyond. Mars — the planet of action and initiative — enters Gemini on August 20 and continues popping off Gemini fireworks until March 25, 2023. Miracles happen when you allow yourself to try new things. Where do passion and interest lead? What tickles your fancy? What turns you into a giddy little kid? Gemini doesn’t take the world too seriously. Sure, Third Quarter 2022 brings intense transits, but your North Node sign makes you extra adaptable to change. Look for silver linings: you’ll find them all over the place. You got this!

CANCER NORTH NODE: In July, Mercury and Venus join the Sun in your North Node sign. You’ll find it easier to articulate feelings and nurture the ones you love. A hint of magic pervades this quarter. You have what you need to thrive, but it takes time and space to receive the blessings. Riptides will pull you under if you try to control the external world. Tend to your own domain. The Moon rules Cancer North Node natives, so pay attention to its cycles. It’s easier to start things during a Waxing Moon, easier to release them in a Waning Moon. Full Moons act like hinge points. New Moons hit the reset button. When burnout strikes, this natural cycle will recharge you.

LEO NORTH NODE: We’re entering your season! Mercury and your sign ruler — the Sun — enter Leo on July 19 and 22, followed by a powerful New Moon in Leo on the 28th. Venus graces your sign from August 11-September 5. Your nodal axis gets squared by all the activity in Taurus. Friction and irritation alert you to coming opportunities. What makes your heart sing? You don’t need to shout that answer to the world just yet, but Third Quarter 2022 adds fuel to your fire. You’ll awaken from whatever nightmares plague you, provided you watch out for #1. Yes, Leo, that means you. When you prosper, everyone benefits. Your greatest contribution happens when you follow your heart.

VIRGO NORTH NODE: Mercury, your sign’s ruler, enters Virgo on August 4, helping you sort through all the details. Virgo North Node natives are service oriented, and this quarter brings new understanding of your role here. It’s time to release old dogmas and illusions. The powerful action in Taurus brings supportive, liberating energy so you can live your best life. Starting on August 22 (or 23), the Sun spends a month highlighting your North Node sign. August 27 brings your yearly New Moon reset, and Venus joins the party on September 5. Third Quarter 2022 asks you to put faith into daily devotion. Not pie in the sky platitudes. Real world choices inspired by dreams and mystical awareness.

LIBRA NORTH NODE: Love is in the air for those who seek it. Every misunderstanding or disappointment offers a chance for higher level harmony and balance. Strange and fleeting opportunities arise. There is enough to go around, but you’ll need to pivot in order to receive the blessings. This is not a time to charge ahead. It’s a time to watch and wait, then open to the experience. Jupiter and Chiron in Aries continue to trigger big lessons from your past. These don’t always feel good, but making peace allows you to move forward. You’ll benefit from Mars in Gemini and Mercury retrograde in Libra, but don’t rush. The Sun shifts seasons to your sign on September 22.

SCORPIO NORTH NODE: July’s big energies in your South Node sign of Taurus could disrupt your old status quo. Know this: whatever shifts needs to move. Taurus is the slowest moving sign, which means Scorpio North Node natives cling to familiar patterns even when they no longer serve. Just as some trees only grow after a fire, Scorpio blessings often arrive after some kind of death or destruction. These could be metaphorical, so don’t panic! You can make quantum leaps this quarter by releasing old, false limitations and at least loosening your grip on anyone or anything standing in the way of your regeneration and rebirth. Divine providence knows more than you do. Put the Serenity Prayer on repeat.

SAGITTARIUS NORTH NODE: Third Quarter 2022 supercharges your nodal axis. You’ll receive supportive energy from any planets in Aries, Leo, Libra and Aquarius. Anything moving through Gemini pings your South Node, so be careful not to spread yourself too thin. Parties, gossip and social media could overwhelm you. If so, allow yourself to take a break! Seek deeper friendships and inner guidance, rather than superficial “like’s” and popularity. You’ll find community by forging your own way. Your boldness activates those around you. Mars moving through Gemini could trigger arguments about old issues and relationships. Stay strong. It’s OK to know what you know and follow that lead.

CAPRICORN NORTH NODE: This is a monumental quarter inside yourself, even if outer events don’t seem to touch you. As planets move through Cancer, they conjunct your South Node, bringing new insights and closure on old patterns and relationships. You’ll need to stay grounded, both physically and emotionally, because some of these shifts could feel tectonic. July 13’s Full Moon in Capricorn will affect you more than most. Continue to create new structures to support you through coming changes. If you feel bereft or scared, flip your perspective. How are events positioning you into greater authority and leadership? What newer commitments feel ripe?

AQUARIUS NORTH NODE: The New Moon in Leo on July 28th occurs in your South Node sign, while the triple conjunction in Taurus squares the Leo-Aquarius axis. Taskmaster Saturn continues his stay in Aquarius, while the Sun, Mercury and Venus all spend time in Leo this quarter. In other words, you could feel some friction between old and new. You might struggle to find your place inside a group. It’s productive struggle, though — like a butterfly wrestling its way out of a cocoon. Hang in there: August 11 brings a Full Moon in Aquarius, and this bodes well. Mars moves into Gemini on August 20, initiating seven months of active, positive support for your highest path. The coming energies in Libra add wind beneath your wings.

PISCES NORTH NODE: Things have calmed down in Pisces, but they heat up in Cancer, Gemini, Leo and Virgo — your South Node sign. Ruler Neptune remains in your North Node sign, but most of the activation occurs through supportive trines, tense squares, surreal quincunx’s and strong opposition. You’re on a journey with varied terrain and weather. Hills and valleys, sunshine, hail and rainbows. In the bigger scheme of things, you’re moving, and that’s all you really need to know. Watch for signs and synchronicities along the way, especially animals. If you have an unusual sighting or dream, look up the shamanic or spiritual meaning of that ally. Your path is mystical and inspired, but few would call it “rational.” Make peace with your process.

Mia Feroleto and Chief Henry Red Cloud Interviewed by Abby Martin

This is a disturbing but important post. Though difficult to fathom, some kind of karmic reckoning will take place one way or another. The more of us who recognize and shift these energies, the less need there will be for all of America to experience this level of occupation and destruction.

I can only say with a tearful and compassionate heart that I, for one, am deeply sorry for the actions of aggressors at the Wounded Knee massacre. We cannot change what happened in the past, but we can hold accountable the current Board Members at the Barre Museum. We can insist on the repatriation of human remains and sacred artifacts. “Just following orders” is no excuse. We must each face the demons in our own hearts and minds, and find the power to move forward in new ways, beyond the victim/abuser cycle.

You can find more information about the 130 year history of this struggle here.

Thank you to Mia and Chief Henry Red Cloud for continued activism, and thanks to Abby Martin for having the courage to conduct and air this interview. The Barre Museum has zero contact information available, and I’ve been shut down through ordinary means of finding a way to express public demand for change. For now, we can hold the situation in prayer and do whatever we each feel led to do behind the scenes. Prayer, Reiki and magic are often more powerful in these situations anyway.

Just know that we are in a VERY karmic time in the US right now. These kinds of issues matter more than most people realize. Whatever and however you feel led to do, please do. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Sleeping Bear Dunes and Birthday Owls

This will be a longer post with lots of photos and dreamlike synchronicities. If you don’t like that sort of thing, you’ve been forewarned! Please feel free to pass over this one. For those of you who do like that sort of thing, here’s some of the story surrounding my birthday getaway to Sleeping Bear Dunes, about three hours north of us.

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore seen from Empire Bluff

David and I did what we sometimes do — where we leave home Saturday morning and arrive back home Sunday evening. We find the energy up near Traverse City and Sleeping Bear Dunes so recharging that a single overnight feels like weeks of restoration. We usually stay in Traverse City but this time opted to stay at the M22 Inn at Suttons Bay. I didn’t think anything of it when I booked the reservations, because I simply clicked the link David sent me as a recommendation from his former coworker. When we got there, though, I recognized the synchronicity of M22 since my birthday is May 22.

The number 22 continued to show up throughout our trip, and not just because of Michigan’s famous Route M22. I also saw it on a woman’s sport sweatshirt, on mugs all around town, and a shopkeeper made a point of saying she and her husband “purchased this shop last Fall because of its 22 year success rate.” (More on that shop later!)

On Saturday, we had a decadent lunch at Poppycock’s and then wandered various shops in Traverse City. The energy felt a bit off to both of us, like we had grown beyond our former “happy place.” We haven’t been there since October 2019, which was also a good, but spooky weird trip!

This past week brought forth some very old energies that seem related to the upcoming New Moon. I sensed I was on the right track to pull a metaphorical Blue Angels maneuver rather than crash and burn, but the off energies in Traverse City encouraged me to do a birthday check-in on the way to the hotel. Unbeknownst to David, I said in my head, “OK, owls, I feel like I’m walking in the right direction, but I could use a sign to confirm that. Please let me know if I’m walking in the right direction and that I’m interpreting my dreams correctly.”

(In order for the rest of this post to make sense, you need to know that I have a long history with owls. They’re my totem animal, and they tend to appear as helpers and at major decision points in my life. When I see them, I know I’m on the right track. I’ve written about synchronous owls many times since an experience I had while recovering from my 1998 TBI, and a bunch of my owl stories are featured in their own chapter of Mike Clelland’s book “Stories from the Messengers.”)

Immediately — and I mean the very next moment — after asking the owls to confirm if I’m walking in the right direction, I turned my head to the right and saw a huge owl weather vane with an arrow pointing in the direction we were driving. “OK, message received! Thank you.” I thought that was the end of it. I got my confirmation. Now I could move on with the birthday celebration.

We arrived at the hotel, and I discovered that our accommodations turned into a little cabin facing the woods. It was just across the street from the Bay, so lots of water energy, but the door and window faced the woods. This building stood apart from the rest of the hotel, which had rooms lined up next to each other. Instead, we got the “cabin” I had really wanted to stay in for my birthday. It had wooden floors and rustic furniture, and the very same bedspread I put in one of the guest rooms of the Blue House I rented as an office, classroom and overnight lodging space for students, back when we lived in Goshen.

This felt like a magical blessing so soon after seeing the owl weather vane pointing in the direction we were already heading. The energy of our trip heightened to an almost giddy level. We decided to eat dinner in Suttons Bay, and it took awhile to get in somewhere. We got there just after 6 p.m., so all the stores were closed, but we window shopped as we waited for a text telling us our table was ready. Directly across from the restaurant, we saw this scene outside a store:

You can see how the area was roped off, but without going further in to the store’s entrance, we still saw a LOT of owls! I thought to myself, “Ohhhhhhh-kay! Thanks, Guys, message received 100-fold.” We didn’t plan to return to Suttons Bay the next day since we wanted to hike the Empire Bluff trail at Sleeping Bear Dunes. Again, I figured this was the end of this trip’s owls, because, wow, that was a lot of owls!

We had a hilarious dinner, the details of which I’ll spare you, but again, we remained giddy — grateful for our getaway and noting how even things that quasi-disappointed us somehow served as huge confirmation of our prior decisions. We thought of risks we took, as well as times we calculated not to do things. This trip confirmed a bunch of those, and we continued feeling more and more grounded, alongside our giddiness. As we walked past the store on the way to our car, David said, “Eventually, you’ll fall in love with one of those owls and bring him home with you.” I thought this was an odd thing to say, but kept that to myself.

The morning of my birthday, 5/22, I awoke from one of the most beautiful, affirming and joyful dreams I’ve ever had. I recorded that while David slept in, and then we had some organic gluten-free quiche we’d picked up the day before from Oryana Cafe at the Traverse City food co-op. Amazing stuff! While we ate, David surprised me by saying we would stop in Suttons Bay this morning, because, “You need to get one of those owls.”

I protested, saying, “I’m at Manifest Destiny with stuff. I don’t even know where I’d put it,” but David convinced me to go and at least check out the store. We walked up the pathway, and my mouth hung open:

It wasn’t just hundreds of owls — there were thousands of them! I said a quick, “If I’m meant to get one, make it obvious.” One owl stood off by itself, and my eye fell to it right after that request. I picked him up but then decided to put him down and take a photo to show my mom, who also loves owls. It’s the 8″ tall one in front. His face is so sweet that I couldn’t resist bringing him home.

We entered the store, and I saw more and more owls:

The store has all kinds of items in it, but everywhere I looked, my eyes landed on owls. As we checked out, we spoke with the shop owner who told us she and her husband purchased the store due to its 22 year long success rate. She said, “The owls carry the store.”

Eventually, we made our way to Sleeping Bear Dunes and started our hike. The name comes from a Native American myth, and this whole area feels steeped in those energies. David took a photo of me, and the shadows hitting my face shapeshifted me to an American Indian look. Normally, I’m a super pale white girl with red hair, so this image startled me.

We continued our walk through the magical woods. I felt a strong Faery presence right before seeing this Green Man stump:

David took some other photos of me along the way.

I really wanted a photo of us together, but he said, “I prefer being the man of mystery on your blog.” I reminded him that he has appeared on occasion, but he still said no. Then another couple approached us, and the woman cheerfully offered to take our photo together. We couldn’t refuse her smile, so we got this rare shot of us on Empire Bluff:

We hiked a little further, then wound our way back through the woods. I came upon this tree, and thought, “This is an owl spot. Owls hang out here. … You know, it would be REALLY affirming to see an owl in a tree — if it’s not too much trouble.”

I immediately heard in my head: “Look to your left.”

I turned and walked a few meters down a little path to my left and saw this:

As one of my friends said when I showed her these photos: “That’s LITERALLY seeing an owl in a tree! Spirit is hilariously « on the letter » sometimes!”

Uh huh.

The synchronicities continued, but I think you get the idea. 🙂 On our drive home, David and I commented on what a magical getaway we’d had. Just then, I happened to glance at the stereo, which seemed to agree:

When we arrived home, I had birthday gifts, cards and a Free People package awaiting me. The cards turned out to be owl cards, as did some of the presents. I opened the Free People package to find a belt I’d ordered awhile back. I folded it up vertically and did a double take:

Believe it or not, this was just a quick summary of some of the owl signs and synchronicities on my birthday weekend. All in all, I’d have to say I received STRONG confirmation from the owls that I’m “walking in the right direction.” It was a magical birthday and a lovely time away with David. I’m so grateful for my bizarre and blessed life!

Happy Earth Day!

Dear Mama Earth,

Happy Earth Day!

In honor of you, I was going to write a long blog post calling for actual detoxifying, beautifying and protective solutions — not just green-washing of other agendas in the name of “sustainability.” Then I realized I painted a portal for that very thing, way back in February 2014. I’ve already reblogged it, so I’ll just link to it again here. Sorry it’s taking so long to fully unfold. May it become so!

With so much love and gratitude,


Real Life Jumpsuit Tower Jailbreak

I wrote this up for myself on Monday, after finishing the poem that began from three email subject lines on Easter Sunday. I had not planned to share this in a public way, but a client/friend/colleague emailed to share recent breakthroughs and that my San Quentin jailbreak dream had triggered her own powerful dream. She finished her message by saying, “[N]ow you can add “Mystical Quantum Dream Spawner” to your CV,😊

I told her I wasn’t surprised she had such big breakthroughs and then said:

Too cool about the San Quentin dream spawning another one for you. I feel like I liberated my creative writing self from that tower. Yesterday was WILD with synchronicities and the poem I posted today just poured out of me. I had several revisions, but all in all, it was a very quick effort. I haven’t written a poem since maybe 2017?! And before that it was 2009. There was a time when I wrote lots of poetry. 

BTW, I found the jumpsuit on Free People’s website — and ordered it — right before the initial poem lines arrived yesterday afternoon. I haven’t decided if I’ll write that up as its own post. It’s pretty funny. I realized I was dressed as Rosie the Riveter: “We can do it!” 

Then all these things unlocked.




Her response convinced me to share the story in a more detailed way. It all happened as described, but much of it unfolds like a dream. (If you haven’t read the San Quentin dream or the follow-up, it won’t make any sense at all. One other note, per dream instructions earlier in the week, I did a three-day colon cleanse from Good Friday through Easter Sunday.) Here’s what I wrote for myself:

Before my TBI I was told to “quit my job, do spiritual work, become a landscaper and write poetry.” Perhaps I’m re-entering the poetry phase.

I now wonder if my Jailbreak dream was about freeing my creative writing self. I had a weird series of events right before I saw the three back to back emails. I got dressed in my “Rosie the Riveter” inspired jumpsuit and looked up a photo of that icon just to see if I was imagining things. It usually says, “We can do it!” but for some reason, I read it as “You can do it!” The only reason I wore the jumpsuit is because I thought I might try to find and order “the right Free People jumpsuit” that freed the woman imprisoned in the tower at San Quentin.

Before ordering a Free People jumpsuit, I thought I’d wear this cheaper one I already owned, just to make sure I liked the feel and look of it. I did, so I started scrolling through the Free People website and found a jumpsuit that seemed similar to the one in my dream. I then received notification that a different Free People package had been delivered. I had just gone outside to deal with recycling and spray deer repellent on my tulips, so I knew the package had only JUST arrived. When I picked it off the mat, the package was empty!

I didn’t expect anyone to be working at Free People on Easter Sunday, but I wanted to document this situation so they wouldn’t think someone just stole it while we were away for the weekend. It looked like the bag had not sealed properly in the first place, not like someone cut into the package. I tried to do an online chat and nothing worked. Then I noticed the fact that they supposedly man their phones 24 hours per day. I thought, “It’s a long shot, but maybe they have a few people working on Easter.” I called and got through pretty fast.

I expected an argument, so I had photos of the improperly sealed, empty package, but I didn’t need them. The woman noted that it had only JUST been delivered, and she took me at my word. She arranged to send out a new item, which shipped last night. What’s especially odd is that the item that slipped out of the package was a SAFARI VEST! I guess it went on its own, uncharted journey. Somehow, this seems significant, like it symbolizes my own detour from creative writing.

I just find it wild that I ordered a Free People jumpsuit that freed the woman in my Easter Sunday dream, and then I immediately got triggered to write the first poem I’ve done in years. I used to write a lot of poetry, but I’ve written maybe one poem (in 2017 or 2018 and I can’t find it) since I finished Schizandra and the Gates of Mu in July 2009. In addition to the poem arising, I feel like I made a huge breakthrough on [another novel] plot, which screeched to a halt when Tim died in December 2017. This cleanse has been really minor on the physical level, but it appears to be removing writer’s block.


That’s the extended story. I don’t know why my dreams so often foresee clothing items or accessories that later show up in real life. Clothing is a powerful metaphor, though: identity, self-expression, creativity. Accessories, glasses — these also suggest other things. In part, I share these stories as demonstrations of how fluid reality becomes when we engage it in a playful, creative way.

I haven’t felt creatively blocked. I’ve painted lots of portals, designed a full permaculture haven, redecorated several homes, wrote guided journals and a LOT of blog posts. My intuitive and astrology readings are also highly creative acts. Yet my creative writing –in particular — has felt like it took a long detour.

In retrospect, I can see why. I’ve written several novels worth of material in the past four years. (Way beyond anything I’ve shared on this blog.) I needed to purge my own stories and bizarre details in order to do creative writing from a place that allows for full expression. No need to get hung up on what did or did not “really” happen. Having fully engaged my own life history and material, I won’t need to explore that through fiction and poetry. I can write what I’m meant to write, unclouded by a need to understand it through my own personal lens.

The creative process is non-linear. It varies from person to person, but some things coincide. I share my own unfolding to inspire others to relax but stick with it. To quote my Dream Guys: “In perfect love and perfect trust, perfect timing is a must.”

Happy Easter!

This dream feels collective, so I’ll share it here:

Easter Sunday

A woman was imprisoned in a tower in San Quentin. I kept trying to negotiate her release.

I called the head guard, and he said, “It’s San Quentin. You don’t just waltz outta San Quentin. It doesn’t work that way.”

After many unsuccessful calls, I realized if I brought the prisoner the right jumpsuit, the tower would evaporate, and we would swim home. I searched and searched for the right jumpsuit, and it was a Free People jumpsuit. If I packed it in a picnic basket with some sandwiches, I could take it to her.

I passed the head guard and brought the basket to the woman. When she put on her new jumpsuit, everything changed and we were free.

Bible calendar: “The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: the Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: the Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.” ~ Numbers 6:24-26

“Jailbreak” — what a perfect dream for Easter Sunday!

END of dream journal.

There’s so much symbolism in this one little dream. Unpacking it would take a long time, so I’ll leave it in encapsulated form. Perhaps it speaks to you, as well.

Dream “Vision” Manifestation

On March 30, I sent the following as an email to my friend Ann Kreilkamp, who enjoys hearing some of my bizarre local encounters. For some reason I feel nudged to share it here, too:

I just had a fun little adventure you might like. A month or so ago I dreamed about finding and being urged to buy a pair of green metal framed glasses. I wondered if these would show up in waking life, because my dreams seem to show me certain pieces of clothing that later appear. Well, I got a nudge to go to Rx Optical today and refill our glasses cleaner spray. I also thought I’d look for the green metal framed glasses there. I looked around, and they had nothing like that, so I asked, “You don’t, by chance, have any green metal framed glasses, do you?”

She about fell out of her chair, got up, and said, “Wait a minute.” She returned with a pair and said, “These JUST came in. I mean JUST. We don’t even have a price tag on them yet.”

I tried them on, and they fit perfectly. They looked exactly like my dream glasses, so I bought them. We had a somewhat extended conversation about dreams since I was the third person to tell her my dream today. 

Also, it was my first time wearing a new raincoat, because it’s pouring outside and the right temperature for a raincoat. I have tried to find the right raincoat since 2012 because the one I had was kind of short on me, I had lost the belt and it was too tight in the shoulders. I couldn’t find anything I liked as well, until two weeks ago, this coat appeared for just long enough for me to purchase it online. By the time I finished it was no longer available. 

While I sat waiting to pay for the new glasses, one of the doctors there — a super funky black woman with awesome braids — came out and said, “I LOVE your raincoat.” She waxed rhapsodic about it for several minutes, and I said, “Thank you. It was a ten year search. Seriously. I finally found it.” 

Then another woman who was trying on glasses and the person helping her got super interested in the glasses I was wearing. I said, “Thank you, but these are the ones I came in wearing, not the dream glasses.” I thought they had overheard the conversation and that this is why they started talking with me. Nope! I needed to explain the story again and then the other associate said, “Well, let’s see them!”

So I put them on, and she said, “The vibe, the vibe! I love the vibe. They’re the perfect vibe.”

Anyway, it was a rainy manifestation adventure. The other odd thing is that the dream with the green glasses frames featured a house quite similar to the house in a movie we started watching last night. The movie is called Blithe Spirit [the 2020 version]. I had planned to refill the glasses cleaner yesterday but got the sense to “Wait.” Today, I got a “Go,” so I went. The timing not only checked out that the frames had just arrived — they would not have been there yesterday — but also matched up with the house in the movie similar to the house that was almost its own character in my dream.

Here’s the raincoat in case you wondered:

LOL, this is how I do “service” in Kalamazoo. I show up in stores or at the chiropractor or doctor’s office with some kind of weird psychic unfolding that generates odd conversations. Kinda fun — if someone needs to do this kind of “work,” I’m game. 🙂

Wow, I just reread my green frame glasses dream, and it even had a lot of the plot of last night’s movie!

[End of the email to Ann.]

Also, in the dream, the people at the dream optician place kept effusively fawning over me like they did in the real life shop. Apparently, I had written highly successful novels and was a household name, but very down to earth.

Within the 2/23/2022 dream, I laughed when our financial advisor asked if I could use a new pair of glasses. “I have SO many frames. The last thing I need is another pair of glasses!” Yet he insisted I should look at frames, said they would have something for me and strongly advised me to get them. When you routinely have precognitive dreams, and your financial advisor tells you in a dream to do something, it’s wise to pay attention!

In the dream, these particular frames came in two colors — the green I ended up purchasing and a deep maroon. The woman who sold me the glasses in waking life said that she had tried on the maroon pair right when they arrived earlier that day. She said they didn’t suit her face, but the color would have matched her hair. We agreed that the green ones were for me, and we spoke more about the power of dreams.

Well, my new glasses arrived. This is not a glamour shot, LOL! It’s a no makeup, just got out of the shower after a full week of sessions shot, but you can see the Harry Potter-esque frames. They look exactly like the frames in the dream. I’m curious what else they’ll bring into my life.