Posts Tagged ‘Pisces’

New Moon in Pisces ~ March 10, 2024

This New Moon in Pisces acts as a hinge point between major tension and a sigh of relief.

My March 2024 Forecast shared:

March 9 Mars in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus, on the same day that Mercury enters Aries. This day is volatile! Somewhat mitigated by the Sun in Pisces sextile Uranus. You can negotiate for better terms, but try not to use words as weapons. A desire for freedom pervades the collective, but beware of engaging or creating a kind of group tyranny. Aim for evolution rather than a so-called “organic” revolution due to social engineering.

March 10 New Moon in Pisces, 5:00 a.m. Eastern U.S. time. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon point “(PISCES 21°): UNDER THE WATCHFUL AND KIND EYE OF A CHINESE SERVANT, A GIRL FONDLES A LITTLE WHITE LAMB.” Dane Rudhyar further elaborates: “a vision of WHITE HOPE, a hope for a future that can only be felt, almost naively.” Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius. Communication takes a more intense turn, as secrets spill. Beware of spending too much time online.

March 11 Venus enters Pisces. Finally some relief for those of us who’ve felt clobbered by Saturn in early Pisces. Venus is exalted in Pisces–the sign of unconditional love and empathy. Venus in Pisces brings the highest form of romance and beauty.

I included the days prior and after the New Moon, because they contextualize this “hope for a future that can only be felt, almost naively.” Pisces is a nebulous sign, ruled by Neptune. Positives include unconditional compassion, beauty, and imagination. Negatives arise from deception, illusion, delusion, projection, and disillusionment as those people falsely put on a pedestal topple over once the fog begins to clear. A mutable, boundary-less sign, Pisces allows for paradox. Things probably won’t make sense to the rational mind, but even in grief, we find hope for something new.

Given geopolitical tensions, the Sabian Symbol could indicate revelations about behind the scenes Chinese control; however, the girl fondling a little white lamb does so “UNDER THE WATCHFUL AND KIND EYE OF A CHINESE SERVANT.” Perhaps we’ll find that things are less concerning than they appear. In general, Pisces is not a sign for direct action, discernment, or firm conclusions. Instead, Pisces helps us to imagine something more beautiful. This New Moon offers excellent energies for envisioning a lovely future for ourselves and our world, even if doing so seems “naive.”

The next day, Venus enters Pisces, bringing love, beauty, and harmony in Saturn’s wake. The “Lord of Karma,” “Father Time,” and “the realist” has forced us to acknowledge whatever hasn’t worked, which foundations are unstable or rotten, and which relationships are quicksand. Saturn in early Pisces made us realize all the ways our dreams could not come true. If we disciplined ourselves to accept these “downers” and work with them, we now have a much more solid idea of how to bring those nebulous Piscean ideals down to Earth. Being practical (Saturn) brought necessary corrections, but Venus lends good will and grace to our creative process. What felt like disappointment and depression transforms with love.

Saturn is often called “The Great Malefic,” while Venus and Jupiter are considered “benefic.” Some of this Saturn-Venus dynamic echoes Genesis 50:20–“You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” With strong Pisces energy in effect, we may find that things are often very different than they initially appeared. How many times have you discovered “blessings in disguise”? How many times have you crashed to Earth kicking and screaming in frustration, only to realize in hindsight that this very experience helped you build more wonder and magic into your daily life?

“If not this, then something better” remains a potent mantra for our times. And this New Moon in Pisces and Venus in Pisces at least begin to reveal that “something better.”

Heads up, though: this New Moon opposes Black Moon Lilith at 18°54′ Virgo. Inner reactivity (Lilith) could arise when details (Virgo) don’t appear to corroborate (Virgo) the soaring hopes (Pisces) and intense longing (Lilith) that drift through Pisces. This information (Virgo) is valid (Lilith), but it requires some integration. Spending time in nature, especially at the edge of water (Pisces) and Earth (Virgo) helps bring out the best of Black Moon Lilith. In the lore, she finds happiness and healing by the sea, which cleanses away trauma, manipulation, and fallout from narcissistic and sexual abuse. If you can’t get to a large body of water, consider surrounding yourself with different shades of blue, listening to beautiful music, and/or honoring whatever emotions arise.

With Black Moon Lilith trining Uranus in Taurus, which sextiles the New Moon, liberation is available. Chiron at 17°43′ Aries quincunxes Black Moon Lilith, bringing weird, yet insistent opportunities for healing. If events and conversations feel oddly orchestrated, just assume they are. A Pisces New Moon can wash away old grief with cleansing tears. As timelines and vibrations shift, some relationships won’t stand the test of time. Even when we recognize the rightness of such splits, parts of us remain attached. Healing comes in waves and cycles. Allowing these energies to move through you will ease inner reactivity and other Lilith issues.

We don’t get to bypass these Black Moon Lilith energies, because she forms the apex of a Yod (aka “Finger of God”) involving both Chiron in Aries and Mars at 20°11′ Aquarius. Not only will wounds (Lilith/Chiron) and healing opportunities (Chiron) arise, but we’ll feel forced (Yod) to act (Mars) upon them. If you have no idea where or how to begin, you might want to schedule a Black Moon Lilith reading. (Now I know why I’ve felt so led to honor her!)

The healing qualities of this New Moon strengthen with a conjunction to asteroid Hygeia at 23° Pisces. One of Asclepius’ five daughters, Hygeia covers “preventative medicine.” Paying attention to emotions and intuition before they start screaming through bodily symptoms allows us to sidestep many health issues. Give extra weight to any Pisces New Moon dreams and visions. With Mercury in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius at this time, we can access much deeper subconscious information than usual. Record your insights, but save analysis for another day.

My New Moon in Aquarius post mentioned how that New Moon quincunxed Echeclus at 21° Cancer, and now this New Moon in Pisces harmoniously trines Echeclus. From my February 2024 post: Speaking of Echeclus, Zane Stein and Amable note: “Learning to switch time perspectives allows us to shift our attention easily between the past, present and future, and consciously adapt our mindset to any given situation.” Although many people are passing from our world right now, new connections arise. Keep focused on the rising sun. Too much nostalgia will only bring more pain.

Pisces encourages us to surrender and release whatever slips through our grasping hands. Again, the mantra, “If not this, then something better” will serve us well. Although it flickers through fog–thanks to Saturn troubleshooting his way through Pisces–our hope for something better is both grounded and real.

Blessed be … and be the blessing.

Healing Portal: Pisces Sun, Virgo Supermoon, and Chiron

Spiritual Healing and Practical Woo

Monday, February 18 to Tuesday, February 19, 2019 marks the Sun’s shift from Aquarius to Pisces, followed by a Full Supermoon in Virgo. Pisces (ruled by boundless, graceful Neptune) and Virgo (the detail oriented, Mercurial healer of the zodiac) together bring opportunities for spiritual healing of ourselves, each other and our planet. Think Water and Earth, Cups and Pentacles, Emotional/Intuitive realm and the Body/Physical realm. Aim to integrate practicality (Virgo) and emotions (Pisces).

Go with the flow, especially if the flow leads to a sudden urge to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. 

Tuesday’s Full Moon is the fourth in a series of five supermoon’s in a row. Even though we’ve finished the recent eclipse trio, this ongoing supermoon series intensifies the usual emotional wallop of a Full Moon. This month’s zero degree Virgo adds extra oomph for emotional resets and healing –provided you integrate the polarities.

Through the negative lens, nitpicky Virgo seems like a stick in the mud compared to Pisces’ watery idealism. It might feel like “first the ecstasy, then the laundry,” but this tension can bring positive results. Think of the monastic life, rooted in physical labor and baking bread. If you seek the spiritual in mundane details, you’ll find many miracles. Nebulous prayers reveal their answers in lived experience. If you’ve felt confused or adrift, this Virgo Supermoon could bring sudden clarity about your next logical step.

[UPDATE: in typical Pisces/Virgo tension, this original inspired article got slightly hazy on the details. Chiron is not an asteroid but a centaur — really not sure why I typed that or failed to catch it before posting. The Sun/Supermoon discussion covers two days, February 18-19th, 2019, although the effects will last longer. I originally focused on Tuesday, since that’s when the Moon enters Virgo. I’m including this update for clarity, but also as an illustration of that sweeping sense of harmony that can trip over details. That doesn’t negate your inspiration or sense of cosmic beauty. Be gentle with yourself, and remind critical Virgo of its trickster ruler.]

Chiron from Pisces to Aries

For clues on what’s up for healing, look back to April 17-18, 2018, when Chiron last shifted from 29th degree Pisces to 0 degrees Aries. Yes, coinciding with this Virgo Supermoon and the Sun’s shift to Pisces, Wounded Healer Chiron returns to Aries this Tuesday. Chiron spent April 2010-April 2018 in Pisces, giving an eight year stretch of spiritual healing influence. This centaur galloped into Aries from April 18th until September 27th, 2018 when it retrograded to Pisces again.

Chiron represents our deepest wounds and how in healing these wounds we help others heal. Since healing rarely occurs in a linear fashion, it helps to observe cycles and similar aspects:

  • What themes or situations called for healing from April 2010-2018?
  • What did you learn, and what core wounds were influenced by doubt and faith during this period?
  • What healing crisis or need to care for yourself first (Aries) burst onto the scene in April 2018?
  • What relief or insights did you receive in late September 2018?
  • What spiritual wounds or questions arose again?
  • Where are you now?
  • How have you grown?

As Chiron moves from 29th degree Pisces into 0 degrees Aries, what actions will you take to support your own healing? What parts of you need healing before you can forge ahead? The combo of Pisces Sun, Virgo Supermoon, and this Chiron shift provides insight and energy to support deep healing and release. Will you allow yourself to receive the blessings? These are collective energies. How they affect you as an individual depends on your own willingness to embrace the energies, along with aspects to your natal chart. For more insights, look for signs in the 29th or 0 degree range, or we can explore your chart and transits together in a session.

For general inspiration and portal support, I feel led to share the link to Divine Doorway #5: “King of Cups aka Chiron.” I created this door just before Chiron moved from Aquarius to Pisces in April 2010, just flowing with the energies. It’s eerie how much that door opens in 29th degree Chiron, whatever the sign.

Blessings and healing to you and yours!

Empaths, Malaise, and Downward Spirals: How to Shift the Energy Now

I can’t tell you how many sessions I’ve had with people this past week for whom the election and its aftermath — regardless of their politics or disinterest in politics — has triggered massive grief, anger, shock, disbelief, confusion, feelings of fear, cognitive dissonance, betrayal, and/or the desire to give up. Most of these clients are people “who know better” than to go down such spirals, but for whatever reason, they can’t seem to pull themselves out of the whirlpool.

In most cases, their usual coping tools aren’t working, because the things bothering them aren’t really “theirs” to fix.

I’ve had an unusually high volume of calls from Water Signs this past week, especially Pisces, well known for their fluid boundaries and subconscious empathing of surrounding emotions and energies. Even if you’re not a Pisces, if you feel less than optimal right now, please consider the possibility that you might be empathing a bunch of energy from people and a culture whose carefully imprisoned Shadows just experienced a collective jailbreak and are now rioting in the streets. In some cases, quite literally.

If you continue to receive “signs” like angel number sequences, faery winks, creative ideas, and magical synchronicities but still feel awful, please prioritize what I call “good energy hygiene.”Literally brush yourself off if an interaction with someone sends you into a tailspin. Sweep down each arm from shoulder to fingertip and flick your fingers like you just washed your hands and can’t find a towel. Employ good energy filters: indoor plants, soothing music, protective crystals (especially black tourmaline, black obsidian, black jade, hematite, and onyx), use protective Runes like Algiz, and follow these guidelines below:


If you need extra support right now, please don’t feel embarrassed to reach out. I can assure you that you’re not alone. People who began our phone calls sobbing this week ended them laughing and refocused. Sometimes it just takes a little adjustment to pop back into the good reality. A little chiropractic for the soul. As the veils continue to thin, we can sense all sorts of chaos and negativity, but in the immortal words of Leonard Cohen who recently crossed the veil: “There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.”

Big Love …

Tom Lescher/Kaypacha ~ Astrology Forecast for June 5, 2013

Thanks, Toni! 🙂

“The intention is to take the Dream and bring it down to Reality.” This week’s report covers the Square between Pisces and Gemini, “the New Moon sowing the seed in the sign of Gemini,” a Grand Trine, Black Moon Lilith’s move from Gemini into Cancer, “squeezing twelve dimensions into three,” and how this energy initiates strong feelings and an outpouring of Truth. “Ready or not,” here comes the revolutionary change!

From Tom:

“It’s time for me to speak my truth,
Whether the world is ready to hear it,
I won’t know until I share it,
But I’ll die if I keep on stuffin’ it!

“Wow! So much busyness is happening with this New Moon coming up in Gemini! Hope you’re wrapping up the old stuff and getting ready for a new blast off! It’s time to pull out the barbeque, invite the neighbors over and share the joy. Wishing you the best of of all….aloha….”

Oracle Report ~ Friday, March 8, 2013

Yep! Feeling it. Thanks, Gillian.

Now, back to Nature, intuitive sessions, some rare sunshine, and hunkering down with some good books in the faery bunker — whose residents have recently begun to show themselves in brilliant lights and antics … fun acknowledgments of beauty, love and lore. Happy almost New Moon. With any good fortune, I’ll be posting portal “Door” Number 16 tomorrow. It’s finished and photographed, but it requested me to wait until the New Moon. I’ve learned not to argue with faeries, elves or portal doors. 😉

Oracle Report Balsamic Moon Phase – Moon in Aquarius

We come to the Balsamic Moon phase today, the phase that is preparation for the next lunar month. Balsamic phases are “ruled” primarily by Pisces, so the combination of this, the six planets in Pisces, and the fact that we are preparing for the Pisces New Moon makes this a mega-Balsamic phase!

Let’s review: Balsamic Moon Phase is the time when the veils between the worlds are thinnest. It’s a dreamy, creative, and highly spiritual time of the month. Direct discourse with Gaia-Sophia and her emissaries (this past month being under the charge of the dakini Nairatmya) is facilitated by the energy of the Balsamic Moon phase. I think we should thank her for her efforts to bring down patriarchal systems of control and domination (which I believe, as many others do, is indicated by the first step of Joseph Ratzinger’s resignation). It’s a joyful thing to be alive and witness the awakening of the planetary goddess and the co-communication with humanity to correct what has gone awry.

One of the most important requests that we can make is to request the elimination of the Archontic influence in our lives. This is something only she can do. So we need to maintain the signal that this is our desire.

Balsamic phases are the time when we mentally step out of the matrix and go into communion with spirit. It’s an inner time when outer activity is banal unless the activity is undertaken with the highest integrity and spiritual intention. It’s a time to chill, which is great since we are approaching a weekend.

The dominant Pisces energy has a watery effect where the energies of the days have been flowing together in time. The reports over the last week can actually be applied to any of the days. This is why some feel like they experience the energy ahead of time.

Have you noticed how “time” seems to be changing? There’s a great bleed-through where fluidity is more important than exactitude. It makes writing these reports different from the way I used to write them, when times and astrology were more precise. But it is wonderful to break through that Archontic tool and the restrictions that come from it.

Could you get any more Archontic than switching between “standard time” and “daylight savings time?” It’s a perfect way to screw with the human animal. Can’t you see your beloved animals looking at you like you’ve lost your mind when we suddenly “spring forward” and switch time?

But this is all changing and isn’t it surreal to see it finally happening?

To tap in to the Balsamic energy, slow down, relax, step out of “time domination,” and attach to simplicity. You’ll be there in no time at all.

No, It’s Not Just You!

I’ve got a busy day of sessions ahead of me, but I felt called to post an acknowledgment:

If you’re feeling weepy, intense, overwhelmed, terrified of seemingly dire health issues, horrified at recent government/NWO moves, and/or just wondering if all your dreams and progress are merely an illusion … you’re in excellent company.

We’ve got so much Pisces and Chiron energy whirling around these days that most sensitive people can’t help feeling it. That’s why, even though I’m not an Astrologer, I post others’ Astrological forecasts on this blog. Whether we follow the stars or not, they influence us. As Joni Mitchell so eloquently put it, “We are stardust, we are golden,” but physicists and mystics have also expressed that fact. As Above, So Below … As Within, So Without. Astrological trends influence, but we need not accept them as unalterable destiny. It just helps to know what kind of world we’re swimming in, and we’ve got whirlpools and a bunch of scary looking sea monsters right now.

Relax. Nurture yourself. This, too, shall pass.

Trends I’ve noticed in clients, friends, family, and on the world stage: underlying issues (especially health or survival issues) that I have seen and warned about (often for years) have suddenly made themselves undeniably known. A switch has flipped, so that people can no longer hide from the decay, depletion, infection, condition, conspiracy or whatever they tried so hard to ignore. I’ve experienced this myself, as well.

Yes, seeing a giant boogie man seems overwhelming, but I still view this as a positive shift. People who’ve lamented their “failure to thrive” now have much more clarity about the parts of themselves (or of governments, churches, financial sectors, etc.) that have run sabotage programs and drained resources. With this clarity comes initial alarm, but once the shock wears off, this new found willingness to look at scary things head on allows decisive action.

Yes, decisions need to be made. When deep discomfort arises, we would all be wise to assess, “What’s working in my life, and what areas really aren’t? Am I willing to settle for the yuck, or am I willing to make choices, shift awareness and take actions towards thriving?” It really can be that simple. Solutions appear when we’re willing to admit that we could use them. Now.

If life has you feeling down, use this Mercury Retrograde and major Pisces and Chiron (the wounded healer) period to clear out the cobwebs, face your Shadow and reclaim sovereignty over your life — body, mind, emotions and spirit. You don’t need to accept mere survival or getting by. If you feel dissatisfied, you can rise above wallowing in that and use that dissatisfaction to invoke cures, solutions and inspiration. Life is what we make of it … and in the Freudian typo pool, I just typed, “Life is what we make of us.” Indeed, it is. As Pisces makes us all watery, and Mercury wreaks havoc on our rational side and communication, and Chiron shows us our wounds, let’s use this time wisely. Find support — from within, from God/dess, or vulnerably ask for what you need from someone else that you can trust.

Most importantly, know that we are all moving through intense energy right now. We’re not alone. Ever. Even when it most seems so. If you feel alone, that’s part of the Piscean illusion. Neptune rules Pisces and the ocean. For some reason, that reminds me of Kabir’s line, “Everyone knows that the drop merges into the ocean, but few know that the ocean merges into the drop.”

I will leave you with this watery bit of loveliness, also from Kabir (Songs of the Divine, translated by J. Das):

Kabir: Ocean-Heart of Mercy, and, O Lily-Like Soul!

O lily-like soul!

Why are you withering?

Your stem is in water,

The water is in the pond,

The pond is God.

It is while in the water that you grow,

And in it that you live

You ARE always in the water!

There is no heat below you,

And no fire above you.

So what flame is afflicting you,

That you are withering so?

Kabir says, “Those who remain in the water,

And continue to absorb and be absorbed by it,

Kabir knows they will not die.”

Ocean-Heart of Mercy

Keep on doing your work.

Keep on reciting God’s name,

And you will live pleasantly in the world.

With true love as your master,

Your life-map will change.

Remember the promise you made [in the womb],

That you would use your body wisely?

How easily you have forgotten it.

You have earned no merit.

You have become quite intoxicated with the world,

And lost the true wealth you possessed.

At the end of life you will be compacted,

Into innumerable birth forms.

You obtained human form,

After enduring sufferings and difficulty,

So set your vision straight ahead,

Walk the path of life.

Your feet have become delicate,

And at anytime, they could give way.

Abandon treachery and deceit,

Lose attachment and illusion,

Avoid strenuous effort.

Instead, develop love for God,

Seek refuge at God’s feet.

The ocean heart of mercy is like wax,

As soon as conditions are right,

It melts with love for you.

New Moon Intentions

We’ve got a New Moon in Pisces as of around 3 p.m. this afternoon, depending on your time zone. You don’t need to be an astrology buff or even believe in astrology in order to benefit from lunar cycles. Because of the moon’s effects on large bodies of water and water in general (our bodies are about 80% water), we all feel some kind of tug. Scientific research at University of Miami has even shown that murder rates rose and fell with lunar cycles, peaking at the Full and New Moons, declining during the quarter phases. The terms “lunatic” and “lunacy” really do stem from marked human behavioral changes related to the moon, so if you’re feeling particularly weepy, adrift, meditative, and/or creative right now, join the crowd!

A New Moon in Pisces places people in a more spiritual frame of mind and heart and encourages the wrapping up of karma, old ties, discernment about facts or illusions, and gives us all a chance to hone our intentions for a rebirthing process. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces does away with traditional boundaries, picks up on others’ emotions and intentions, and brings the long-resisted to the surface for final reckoning. Ruled by Pluto, the forgotten and late-discovered stepchild of our solar system, Pisces helps us tune into those parts of ourselves that have remained hidden or repressed. Does it feel comfortable? Uh-uh. And believe me, I’m hearing this reflected in coaching and intuitive sessions! But in order for the new to arrive, we must clean out our closets to make room for what we really want. If you’ve got skeletons rattling around in there, or dust bunnies, or anything you’ve been nudged to discard, now’s a great time to do that. Take advantage of the natural flow and support of the energies to carry you through those final, weepy tasks.

And while you’re at it, allow yourself to dream. Pisces encourages dreams and visions of all sorts. With the doing away of boundaries, those dreams and visions also have a better chance of manifesting their way into three-dimensional reality. To help get you started, I’ll share some of my own intentions, along with a few photos of recent artwork. Yes, I’m on my third BlackBerry Storm since moving here, and this one appears to take reasonably normal photos!

1 ) Work in closer collaboration with the angels. I’ve worked with them consciously since at least 1994, but recently I’ve felt their presence in a bigger, more tangible way. The above painting appeared in about twenty minutes yesterday and pictures Archangel Michael with his fiery sword of Truth. On my jaunt to the Art Institute last week, I opened a book that had the quote from Goethe and I just couldn’t get it out of my head, so onto the canvas it went: “For what I possess seems far away and what has disappeared proves real.” The top includes Runes spelling out “Trust.” The image just came to me and demanded I stop doing everything else and sit down to paint it.

me with my nephew Owen

2 ) Spend more time with family. Now that I’m within an hour’s train ride of my brother and a short flight to my parents and sister’s family, I really do intend to spend more time with my family, especially my little nephews. The above photo was taken on my visit home in January. My nephew Owen and I share a telepathic connection. For years, whenever I’d call my sister, Owen would have just mentioned my name or said someone reminded him of me. My move to Chicago has already strengthened this intention, as I had dinner with my brother last night and now talk with my sister every day. In fact, Erica feels like she vicariously found my apartment with me because we spent that synchronous morning back and forth on our cell phones and she spoke to me right after I felt led to this perfect spot.

Antahkarana Stardust

3 ) Explore more Ekphrasis. Ekphrasis is the verbal representation of visual representation, or the visual representation of verbal representation. Synchronously, I wrote my Masters Thesis on this topic while studying right here in Hyde Park at the University of Chicago in 1995-96. Amazing how things cycle around! I have always had an interest in Ekphrasis and wrote several English and Art History papers on this topic, primarily related to photography as a motif in literature. I’m now enjoying the flip side: taking words and symbols like Runes and embedding them into artwork. I’m not sure where it will lead, but something about the process appeals to me, so I’ll run with it for awhile.

Mandala Curio

4 ) Paint more doors! The above photo is of a curio cabinet I painted a few weeks ago, but I’ll count it as a mini set of doors. 🙂 Sometime soon I’ll make my way back up to Evanston where a vintage door awaits my brush. I can’t wait to create another portal from a discarded entrance. In my opinion, those are the best kind — forgotten doorways often lead to dreams come true.

5 ) Continue to rest and rejuvenate myself, finding balance in this new climate, new energy and new life. I’m still experimenting with percentages of raw vs. cooked food, types of exercise, and structuring my work day. I may have a new ebook in me, and I would love to start practicing yoga again, now that my body feels a little more grounded. For years, I felt so lightly tethered to my body that yoga “didn’t work” for me anymore. If I raised my vibration even a little bit with exercise I flew off into the ethers. I had hoped that a move back to the Midwest might settle things a bit, and it seems to be so far. Time will tell, as it always does, with all things. I keep drawing the Rune for “Patience.” Hmmm … I wonder what that’s all about? 😉

Anyway, Happy New Moon in Pisces! May your dreams and intentions come to fruition in their own perfect ways and timing.