New Moon in Capricorn ~ December 23, 2022

My December 2022 Forecast shared:

December 23 New Moon in Capricorn, 5:16 a.m. Eastern US time. This New Moon occurs less than an hour after Chiron stations Direct in Aries. We’ve got a stellium with Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Pluto all in Capricorn. All that Capricorn energy brings sombre realizations and a desire for stability. The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon point is: THREE ROSE WINDOWS IN A GOTHIC CHURCH, ONE DAMAGED BY WAR. The damaged cathedral still stands, but Chiron Direct seeks healing after violence and destruction.

Dane Rudhyar’s full Sabian Symbol seems relevant to a world facing war and violence on international and domestic levels:


KEYNOTE: The necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration.

It seems obvious that the interpretation of this symbol should refer to the disruptive consequences of war. The “chief” who claimed power from his tribe in order to lead or save it must reckon with the consequences of a too-impulsive use of this power in terms of violence. The integration he seeks to maintain or enhance may be partially destroyed if in his ambition he yearns to be the victorious war leader glorified by his people. A “rose window” is not absolutely essential to a cathedral, yet it symbolizes that through which the “light of the Spirit” enters into the edifice. Man’s soul is said to be three-fold. Which part of man’s inner trinity of principles tends to be destroyed by the use of violence? Evidently the principle of love and compassion.

This second stage symbol is in contrast to the preceding one because it opposes the power to destroy to the power to build. The “capital” of group-energies is partially squandered in armaments and death. WASTE is the opposite of group-integration.

This New Moon’s Sabian Symbol could apply to many current situations and issues. It comes as a warning to lean into peaceful rather than violent revolution. In our individual lives, as well as the collective, we need to temper our desire for change so as not to cause unnecessary harm. Frustration shouts, “Burn it all down!” in contrast to the careful, slower building of something new. Capricorn brings nebulous things into tangible form. There’s a lot floating around the ethers right now. We need to focus on what we want to create, so as not to waste our chance for peaceful and easier upgrades.

modified from original chart pulled

Chiron stations Direct in Aries at the same degree as the April 1, 2022 New Moon. (Remember, we always round up for Sabian Symbols.) This 12 Aries degree evokes Cosmic Order. A higher principle operates beyond everyday concerns. Both then and now, there are many things moving in unseen realms. Chiron in Aries deals with wounds to the ego, the Self, and confidence. It can also manifest as depression, discouragement and fears that prevent us from igniting passion and forging ahead. Look back to April 1, 2022 for clues about which patterns and issues might arise for further healing in your life.

[UPDATE: If you were to click through the link to the April 1, 2022 New Moon post, that would give another major layer of context to Chiron stationing Direct in Aries. I give a little information in this post, but it’s a rabbit hole. If I have to show ALL my math, I will never get through astrology posts, because they always link into earlier times, kind of like how my Dream Guys will give me a dream with a symbol. I’ll say, “Wait! I had another dream with that same symbol.” Then I look up that dream, and it’s totally relevant for today’s message. Anyway, if you want more insights into the Chiron portion of this New Moon, check out the April 1 post, too. Otherwise, just know it raises potential for healing and cosmic order.] 

The stellium in Capricorn (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Pluto) urges us to make goals, improve structures and solidify our values. Challenges could arise as we attempt to reach those goals, because this New Moon features a Cardinal Grand Cross. There are many players!

First, the New Moon conjuncts asteroid Hygiea and TNO Ixion in Capricorn. Hygiea’s presence suggests an opportunity for healing, and this healing potential gets amplified by Chiron stationing Direct in Aries. Hygiea is the daughter of Aesclepius, the Greek god of medicine. Chiron is a centaur who embodies the Wounded Healer archetype. He also teaches others how to heal. This New Moon offers a chance to cleanse old wounds and practice good energy hygiene. Brush off negative encounters–literally, sweep down each arm past your fingertips, then shake off the energy.

Ixion brings more complex energy to the conjunction. According to Alex’s Astrology, “Astrologically, Ixion represents ingratitude; the violation of social norms of conduct; being offered a second chance, only to waste it; betrayal; and murder, often prominent in the charts of murderers or homicides.” Ixion was the first murderer. When given a chance to change, Ixion doubled down and tried to betray Zeus. As punishment, “Zeus expelled Ixion from Olympus, ordering him bound to a fiery, rotating wheel in the heavens, where he was forced to eternally utter the phrase, ‘you should be grateful to your benefactor.’”

The combination of Hygiea and Ixion reminds us that gratitude forms an important component of healing. If you’ve messed up and receive a second chance, don’t waste it! Make the change. Give credit where credit’s due, and make sure you thank those who’ve helped you along the way.

Moving on to the Squares: this New Moon squares Jupiter at 0°15′ Aries, as well as Ceres, Osiris and Dionysus in 0-1° Libra. Those three oppose Jupiter in Aries while squaring Sun/Moon/Hygiea/Ixion in Capricorn. Jupiter just began a new cycle, having crossed the World Axis only three days prior. We call this a Cardinal T-square, and it puts tremendous tension on the Capricorn New Moon point.

Jupiter expands everything he touches, and he just crossed the World Axis. That indicates a collective component, even though Jupiter is in the sign of the individual. All the asteroids in Libra deal in some way with love, loss, death, and regeneration. Again, this ties into the Sabian Symbol of the New Moon: THREE ROSE WINDOWS IN A GOTHIC CHURCH, ONE DAMAGED BY WAR. A spiritual component creates friction, “war” or “death,” which lead to healing that arises from our loss.

For some reason, I keep seeing Robin Wood’s Five of Pentacles card:

It’s not an exact match, but it seems similar to me. In Tarot, the Five of Pentacles doesn’t feel good, but things aren’t as bad as they seem. The wounded man could go into the warmly lit church. He lost half his leg, but he remains standing. His staff allows him to walk. A bandage covers one eye, but he can still see through the other one. Even in the direst circumstances, gratitude summons and generates other possibilities. This card can also signify “lovers who cannot find a meeting place.” I’m seeing a lot of that right now, as the Universe appears to be orchestrating a bunch of new relationships–but not quite yet.

Completing a Cardinal Grand Cross, this New Moon in Capricorn exactly opposes Bienor in Cancer. Zane Stein shares this about Bienor:

On Amable’s blog, Transneptunian Astrology, there are some interesting observations about Bienor: “This Centaur is conected to the self-organization of elements in a chaotic system. That means sincronicity or unusual conections of destiny between people or objects, like in the movies “Serendipity” (2001), “Only You” (1994), “Final Destination” (Part 1, 2000; Part 2, 2003; Part 3, 2006; Part 4, 2009), at the end of the movie “What lies beneath” (2000), “Pay It Forward” (2000), “The Perfect Storm” (2000), “Intersection” (1994) and “Jaws” (1975).

Hmmmmm …. “Self organization of elements in a chaotic system.” Synchronicity! Despite potential for war, death and destruction, a Higher Order pervades this New Moon. The Bienor in Cancer point soothes some of the pain and suffering, turning discord into something aligned with the Highest Good of All. Watch for uncanny coincidences, dreams and dreamlike events in waking life. Healing is available.

I’ll leave you with Jeremiah 29:11, which also keeps running through my mind as I write this post: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

We’ve made it this far. We will move through this collective Near Death Experience and find healing and renewal. Watch for miracles. They can and do happen at any moment.

7 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by seattle72 on December 18, 2022 at 2:53 pm

    Powerful post. Thank you. I just realized I’m going through a Chiron Return. Explains so much!
    I embrace these new, positive changes in my behavior and am actively practicing gratitude for everything and everyone that led me to this place in time. 🌟

    Liked by 1 person


    • Yes, my Chiron is within minutes of the US natal Chiron, so my Chiron Return will come into orb very soon–right about the time Pluto crosses my vertex and conjuncts my Moon. Yowza!!!!

      Liked by 1 person


    • Question: did including the modified chart image aid understanding? Or do people just skip over astro charts because they don’t know how to read them? I’m experimenting because no program includes all the things I look at in a much larger ephemeris.

      Liked by 1 person


      • Posted by seattle72 on December 18, 2022 at 5:16 pm

        I had a whisper while reading the post that the current chiron placement is like my natal. I could not recall clearly so I ran a quick birth chart on myself and found it.

        YES, including the chart helped me confirm the intuitive hit. Very helpful.

        Liked by 1 person


        • OK, thanks for letting me know. I also realized that this morning’s dream was about “showing my math,” so I guess I will include charts from now on. Mike Clelland did this one for me, and it was a lot of back and forth. I’ll need to learn how to do some different programs, or more likely will just print out, used colored pencils and hand lettering–old school! Glad it helped.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. This: “We need to focus on what we want to create, so as not to waste our chance for peaceful and easier upgrades.” We need only focus on co-creating miracles.

    Liked by 2 people


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