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7 Tips for Henna, Amla, and Morrocco Method Shampoos

For the past several weeks, I keep getting nudges to write about hair. Some clients have mentioned hair issues, and I’m sitting here with a mud pie of henna on my head, so here goes. Back in June 2009, I wrote a comprehensive post about all things henna, along with lots of information about natural […]

Zhenna ~ Tips and Techniques for Living a Magical Life

Today’s post comes from guest writer Zhenna, who at my request has compiled a list of some of her favorite techniques for shifting reality from a life of restriction to one of joy, expansion, authenticity, and abundance. I met Zhenna through a comment stream on Zen Gardner’s site and appreciated her words and energy so […]

Henna for Hair

I just finished teaching an all-day Reiki Master Teacher certification workshop. Congratulations to the new Reiki Masters! We had a wonderful, information- and sharing-packed day, and one of the stranger observations was that occasionally my hair “turned” a different color during class. Purple, actually. Just for a few moments when I was talking about certain […]

Many Milestones

I’m writing this the morning of my 51st birthday. David and I spent the weekend in the Traverse City area–my favorite spot in Michigan. We did our usual two days, one night trip there. The reset up there always feels like a way longer vacation. A timeless space, captured by the old-fashioned look of this […]

December Garden, Portal and Personal Updates

As we ease into the other side of this powerful eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius, I thought I’d share some grounding photos from the indoor garden. These ones show how the indoors blends with the outside garden, which is largely put to bed for Winter. You can still see various types of kale, collards, […]

Vision and Shapeshifting: A Matter of Perspective

This post has been rattling around my head for nearly a year. It kept growing and changing focus — pun intended — until I finally sensed that today’s the day to share it. Somehow it feels relevant to today’s New Moon in Aquarius, where the Moon conjuncts the Sun at 23°16′ Aquarius. This New Moon […]

Lyme Book, Gardening and Other Updates

First, a Writing Update I haven’t given a progress update in awhile, so I thought I’d share some recent developments with my Lyme books. Yes, that’s books, plural! The Metaphysics of Lyme Disease has over 102,000 words and counting, written primarily by me, but also including wisdom, examples and inspiration from many Lyme savvy colleagues […]

Future’s So Bright …

I planned to share this on Monday, but in many ways, this giggle fest post illustrates the positive, magical and more joyful aspects of Timothy Glenn’s “Smoking Hopium” post. The following events occurred on Valentine’s Day morning. David manifested the afternoon off, and I scheduled off the morning, too, as a personal day. In my […]

Shaking up the Energies

Many people I know felt a sudden upsurge of fresh, benevolent energy as Mercury turned Direct on January 8th. In fact, all planets will remain Direct until February 6, 2017, which means these next few weeks offer strong forward momentum with no extra planetary resistance. Good times, but what happens when you find yourself in […]

Comment Bump Up + Extra Links from Volunteer Communities vs. Collectivist Tyranny

Comments bumped up from this earlier post . For easier readability, I have added some paragraphs to my own comments, plus links to supporting details I referenced in my replies. Posted by Winged Witch on November 12, 2015 at 3:59 pm Awesome Laura. I particularly like your piece at the end. Right on. I have […]