Posts Tagged ‘Wheel of the Year’

Happy Equinox!

Spring Blessings in the Northern Hemisphere … Autumn Blessings to the Southern Hemisphere! Just a quick thing I noticed while checking transits today: Chiron sits at exactly 5 degrees 00 minutes Aries. I’ve had several dreams mentioning “5 Aries,” as well as major synchronicities the first day of the first 5 Aries dream.

These synchronicities have continued to unfold in powerful, attention grabbing ways, so seeing Chiron, the Wounded Healer, at 5 Aries at this moment of equal light and dark seems significant. The Sabian Symbol for 5 Aries seems like a good thing to ponder today:


KEYNOTE: The capacity for self-transcending.

This is the symbol of the desire to reach a higher level of existence, of pure aspiration or devotion, of bhakti. What has emerged in the first phase of the process of differentiation is becoming aware of the possibility of further up-reachings. The principle of “levitation” is seen as one of the two essential factors in evolution. The emergent being glorifies and deifies it, but it is still only an ideal. At this stage, nevertheless, the whole being experiences a childlike longing for its eventual realization.

At this point the last and synthesizing stage of the first five-fold unit in the cyclic process is reached. A NEW DIMENSION of being is envisioned mobilizing creative endeavors.

Fall Colors in Fading Light

David and I have guests arriving from Amsterdam on Monday. Half-Dutch David has known Seth for 33 years, since his two years in Amsterdam after college, and they used to visit each other when David flew regularly to Europe for work. They’ve not seen each other in six plus years since David changed jobs, and I’ve never met Seth or his wife Dorothea. We’re all excited for this synchronously manifested time together.

From Monday, September 16 through Sunday, September 22, we’ll use our house as home base for all sorts of day trip adventures, and they’ll pass through again later the following week. All of which means I will have no session availability and very minimal email time for the next week. I will check emails at least once per day, and people can schedule sessions for later this month and into October. I won’t be blogging unless something really nudges me to do so.

I thought I’d leave everyone with a taste of Autumn beauty before the coming Fall Equinox. I know many clients, friends and myself experienced a bittersweet week — a time of rich growth and harvests, but also recognition that with growth comes change. I spent many sessions comforting sobbing clients during the Pisces Moon. Some felt embarrassed or confused by such powerful emotions, while others know they carry multitudes within them. To me, it all felt perfectly timed with the changing seasons here in the Northern Hemisphere.

“This, too, shall pass” is always true, whether joy or pain, spring blossoms, summer fruit, or fall colors and frostbitten plants. When the land goes to sleep in winter, it regenerates itself for spring. Meanwhile, I invite you to enjoy the moment wherever you are. Here’s how things look and feel this late afternoon at Dra’Faven:








Wishing you all a gorgeous week! Enjoy some of that Aries Moon vigor. That Pisces phase was intense! Much love and catch you on the other side of the Equinox …

Happy Beltane and May 2019 Specials

Happy Beltane! In the Northern Hemisphere, early May and Beltane offer a return to fertility, the union of masculine and feminine, and the energy of bursting forth into the new. Along with Samhain in the Southern Hemisphere, Beltane is an important day for Faeries, and a time of very thin veils. If you’re an empath, you might want to shield yourself from too much energy — or use this potent time to connect with Mother Earth, Ancestors, and the Faery Realm.


Integration Insights

This month brings a brand new special, because I sense so many people attempting the tricky task of integration. This 20-minute reading explores seeming opposites or tensions that your soul longs to honor in a harmonious way. Competing intentions can slow you down or block your path. Identifying this split — and finding new ways to bridge the gap — will summon new and more appropriate opportunities your way.

If you already know your internal drama, we can use this time to synthesize and redirect your energy into more productive and satisfying pursuits. If you have no idea what (or even if) you’re trying to integrate, but you feel frustrated, lost or stuck, this reading will identify which parts of you play tug of war instead of allowing you to thrive. Once you know and honor your multidimensional soul’s true desires, you can much more easily manifest them.

20 minutes for $77 if prepaid on or before 5/31/19. Special can be doubled for 40 minutes at $154. Please contact me to sign up.

Three For Two

Based on feedback from people going through big shifts right now, it seems time to offer this package deal again. Three hours for the price of two: save $222. This package can be used in whatever increments you choose — hour, 40-minute, half-hour, or 20-minute sessions — and for whatever services you’d like — Medical Intuition, Life Coaching, Astrology, Relationship Clarity, Soul Readings, or any other related service. $444 if prepaid on or before 5/31/19. Please contact me to sign up

Rune Soup ~ Talking Permaculture and Seasonal Festivals with Robyn Francis

I love this talk between Gordon White and Robyn Francis! It’s chock full of information, but feels like storytime with a wise grandmother. So lovely! If you have any interest in permaculture, connection with the land, practicality, and the inherent magic of life, you’ll probably love it, too.

October 2018 Specials


“Boo, Gotcha!” Big Picture Reboot

The title of this new special references that haunted house scare from someone or something jumping out when least expected. Some shocks are easier to laugh off than others; some of life’s “boo, gotcha!” moments can haunt us for years or even decades. This 30-minute session brings clarity and bigger picture context to the ghosts of your past. Whether from last week or eons ago, soul shocks finally begin to heal when we recognize and honor their role in the soul’s larger journey.

This session will help anyone with unexplained attachments, difficult breakups, sudden “accidents,” unexplained phobias, or feelings you just can’t shake. It can also provide clarity on recurring dreams, “blessings in disguise” where you can’t find the blessing, as well as “what are the odds?!” freakish experiences. A half-hour for $88 if prepaid on or by October 31, 2018. (Save $45 off my usual half-hour rate.) Please contact me to sign up.

Celtic New Year Wheel of the Year Special

Although Western Culture considers New Year’s Eve as December 31st, Samhain (pronounced SOW-en) marks the end of harvest season and the beginning of the dark, introspective half of the year. Traditionally celebrated on October 31st as Halloween or All Hallow’s Eve, Samhain seems like the right time to begin my next Wheel of the Year Special. (The official crossquarter day occurs this year on 11/7/18, so I’ll leave sign up open through 10/31/18.) Participants in the 8-Day Wheel of the Year Special I offered last January have found deeper connection and harmony with the seasons and their inner and outer worlds. On my end, I’ve loved helping people empower themselves by recognizing larger energy currents and non-linear time cycles. I’ve timed the Reiki Healing Attunements for maximum potency and support with each Turn.

Honoring and celebrating the Wheel of the Year reclaims secular or religious holidays and seasonal shifts as eight windows of “time out of time,” when the veils grow very thin. Whether we use such times as a reflective pause or to align ourselves with natural cycles, the Wheel of the Year invites us to partner with the Dance of Life.

This $888 special includes eight 30-minute sessions (one scheduled before each Turn of the Wheel, beginning in late October or early November 2018), plus a Reiki Healing Attunement at each Turn. These private sessions will be intuitively tailored to you (and your hemisphere), helping you to recognize synchronicities and supportive energies, as well as to clarify focus, intentions, meditations of your heart, rituals, Earth healing, personal healing, and/or discernment about how to make the most of these openings.

If you’ve felt called to embrace a deeper connection with the Land and a more soulful experience of time, the Wheel of the Year Special offers a discounted bundle of eight sessions and eight Reiki Healing Attunements in order to support and deepen your quest. This $888 bundle saves $616 off an individual investment of $1,504 and also represents my commitment to fit you in for a session prior to each Turn of the Wheel. Please contact me to sign up. Offer expires 10/31/18, because we will need time to schedule before our first Turn in late October/early November.

As with the original special, I don’t know if I will offer this again. My doing so now involves a year-long commitment to walk with you through an entire Circle of the Seasons.  (If you signed up for the original Wheel of the Year Special and want to continue for another year, this package will begin where your original leaves off.)

August 2018 Specials

Happy Lammas and Lughnasadh! August 1st marks the traditional date for the first harvest festival of the year, although the actual cross quarter day where the Sun reaches 15 degrees Leo falls on August 7, 2018. Any way you look at it, in the Northern Hemisphere, August marks a time of increased harvests and shortening days. This month’s specials embrace that paradox by calling attention to the body with a Medical Intuitive Special, as well as supporting creativity and Lightworkers with the “Lugh’s Clues Package.”(Lugh is often associated with the Sun.)


40-Minute Medical Intuitive Special

Save 25% ($44) off the usual rate for a 40-Minute Medical Intuitive Reading.

Medical Intuition is the ability to access information about physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health through “reading” the energy field around the body. A Medical Intuitive session decodes the message(s) from soul to body into language your conscious mind can understand and begin to address. It is not meant to replace traditional medical or psychological treatment, and it is not any form of medical or psychological treatment.

Instead, Medical Intuitive readings look for the root cause of continuing symptoms or conditions. Without addressing the root cause, even the “right” treatments or treatment providers fail to find a cure … or … a person continues to experience one new issue after another. By locating the root cause, a Medical Intuitive reading allows the individual to understand what the soul wants, so that healing can move through all the levels, including physical.

$133 (instead of the usual $177) for 40 minutes, if purchased on or before 8/31/18. Please contact me to sign up.

Lugh’s Clues Package

In Celtic mythology, the Sun god Lugh represents skill, quick thinking and the combination of diverse expertise that makes him unique and valuable. As the story goes, Lugh tries to gain entrance to the king’s fort, but the doorkeeper tells him that no one can join without a special skill.

Lugh says he’s a builder, but the doorkeeper says, “We already have a builder.” Then Lugh describes his skills as a smith. “We already have a smith.” Lugh continues to run through a long list of other skills — champion, harper, warrior, poet, magician, physician, cup-bearer, brazier — always with the same response: “We already have one of those.” Lugh finally gains entrance by asking, “But do you have someone who can be and do all these things at once?”

Create a New Universe

In the past 17 years, I’ve mentored life coaches, Reiki practitioners, Reiki Master Teachers, intuitives, yoga teachers, and energy healers. Common questions arise about how to set themselves apart in a world with so many others offering the same services, and how to help others recognize their value. How can they earn a living by following their sense of calling? This 3-pack of 30 minute sessions explores your unique combination of gifts and how to use them to open doors. This is NOT your typical marketing strategy! It’s not about Facebook, branding, or head shots. Rather, it’s about recognizing what makes you you — and using your unique energy signature and skills to provide value to others.

We’ll explore your gifts, lifestyle and soul goals, skills and what combo of these will open metaphorical and literal doors for you. $333 if prepaid on or before 8/31/18. The Lugh’s Clues Package offers 3 half-hour sessions done in a relatively short time period — maximum 3 months — plus a Reiki Healing Attunement to activate and help you embrace what you discover. This is a first for this type of package, which represents a savings of $111+ of separate services, plus the energetic support and intense focus on personal mentoring. Please contact me to sign up.


Some Quick Updates


First of all, yes, it’s snowy and cold, and I love it! We’re having so much fun in this winter wonderland.


Yes, I’m writing. I returned to the nonfiction book about healing Lyme disease, since my foray into fiction and an avalanche of synchronicities revealed a different, more engaging way to write this book. No idea when I’ll finish, but it’s going well. My fiction and fiction research continue, too.

I’ve also done final, final edits on my chapter in Mike Clelland‘s upcoming book, “Stories from the Messengers.” I’m making my way through a review copy, and so far, so fascinating. 🙂 I’ll write a full review once he releases the official version of the book.

David and I continue to settle in, exploring, creating and refining the new as we move into Imbolc season at the end of January. Just a quick reminder for anyone interested in the 8-Day Wheel of the Year Special: tomorrow (Monday, January 15th) marks the last day to sign up for that year of eight focused sessions and Reiki Healing Attunements.

So many beautiful and synchronous events continue to unfold here, and I feel such gratitude to witness and experience the shifts. Wishing you and yours a magical week!

Blessed Be … and be the blessing.

8-Day Wheel of the Year Special

Here we are at 1/8/18, and I feel led to open this opportunity for the next eight days. Over the years, many clients, friends, and blog readers have inquired about my own personal holidays — or, rather, Holy Days — intrigued by the way that big events in David’s and my life seem to unfold in a cyclical order of richly layered meaning and inspired action. In private sessions, clients ask about opportune times for various tasks or intentions, as well as ways to deepen and enrich their journey.  So many times, Turns of the Wheel of the Year present themselves as powerful openings for conscious alignment.

Many cultures recognize some version of the Wheel of the Year. Just look at crossovers among holidays: Candlemas, Imbolc/Oimelc, Groundhog’s Day, and St. Bridget’s Day, around the beginning of February (in the Northern Hemisphere); Halloween, All Hallow’s Eve, Samhain, Dia de los Muertos, All Saint’s Day in late October/early November; all the festivals of light around Winter Solstice — Christmas, Hanukkah, Mother Night, Yule, Pancha Ganapati, Soyal, and Midwinter Christmas/Christmas in July and Inti Raymi in late June/early July in the Southern Hemisphere.

Honoring and celebrating the Wheel of the Year reclaims secular or religious holidays and seasonal shifts as eight windows of “time out of time,” when the veils grow very thin. Whether we use such times as a reflective pause or to align ourselves with natural cycles, the Wheel of the Year invites us to partner with the Dance of Life.

This $888 8-Day Special will run from 1/8/18 through 1/15/18 and includes eight 40-minute sessions (one scheduled before each Turn of the Wheel, beginning in late January 2018), plus a Reiki Healing Attunement at each Turn. These private sessions will be intuitively tailored to you (and your hemisphere), helping you to recognize synchronicities and supportive energies, as well as to clarify focus, intentions, meditations of your heart, rituals, Earth healing, personal healing, and/or discernment about how to make the most of these openings.

If you’ve felt called to embrace a deeper connection with the Land and a more soulful experience of time, the 8-Day Wheel of the Year Special offers a discounted bundle of eight sessions and eight Reiki Healing Attunements in order to support and deepen your quest. This $888 bundle saves $968 off an individual investment of $1,856 and also represents my commitment to fit you in for a session prior to each Turn of the Wheel. Please contact me to sign up. Offer expires 1/15/18, because we will need time to schedule before our first Turn in late January/early February.

Happy Summer Solstice!


Some torch lilies in front of sea kale and lunaria for Summer Solstice! Also a Belated Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s out there, and Happy Winter Solstice to my friends Down Under.

Peter Gundry ~ 1 Hour of Celtic Music

A quarter Irish (and mostly Fae), I wanted to share this magical Celtic music from composer Peter Gundry. My connection to Ireland goes back much further than St. Patrick’s Day — to the ancient myths and lore, Wheel of the Year and more. Next Monday marks Spring Equinox, and David and I will be busy with our own unusual way of celebrating another Turn of the Wheel. However you honor this day and the coming seasonal shift, I wish you a pot of peace and a rainbow of blessings.