Posts Tagged ‘Past Life Relationships’

Libra Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse (Video)

I haven’t made one of these New or Full Moon videos in months, but this is an important eclipse. If you’re receiving this by email, you’ll need to click through to my blog in order to view the video. WordPress emails don’t embed YouTube videos.

From the YouTube description:

The March 25 Libra Full Moon and Libra Lunar Eclipse brings unusual energies and opportunities for relationships and creative projects. Laura shares the higher potentials of this eclipse, as well as the dangers and pitfalls.

April 2014 Specials

This particular duo is back by popular demand:

$77 Past Life Quickie

With the veils thinning, so many more people have begun to experience what I call “past life bleed-through.” Dreams, hunches, visions, flashes … however the suspected past life awareness arrives, it can feel unsettling, exciting and/or cause obsessive questions. This half-hour reading allows people to ask persistent questions, or to have a check-in regarding the most pressing karmic issues presenting themselves right now. Yes, this can include past life relationships with animal friends. I don’t normally offer Past Life Readings in a half-hour format, but I wanted to make this available to the larger numbers of people wondering about previous lifetimes and relationships. If you’d like to double this special for the full hour, just let me know in your schedule request. Offer valid if prepaid on or before April 30, 2014.

$333 Intuitive Coaching Three-Pack

With regular intuitive or life coaching sessions running $175/hour, this special offers major savings at $333/three hours. I’ve found that even people who normally process things on their own feel challenged by the increased intensity and “sorting” of the Universe these days. As we continue with Earth changes, internal and galactic shifts, I feel called to offer a short burst of support to those in need. These sessions can be used close together or saved for a future need. The entire package can be gifted to someone else, but (for simplicity of paperwork) these three-packs cannot be divided and shared among multiple individuals. Offer valid if prepaid on or before April 30, 2014. To schedule your first session or purchase the package, please contact me here.

Gut Reactions, Shadow Work and Past Life Bleedthrough

I see this pattern a lot during sessions, but having recently experienced the empowering and liberating results in my own life, I wanted to explain a bit here. Many people assume that if they feel instant aversion when meeting someone new that it indicates some unresolved past life issues or a huge warning that the person in question is really a no good meanie out to get them. “Always trust your gut!” In general, this is good advice, but not always. The more reactive our first impression, the more it indicates complex interplay. Inexplicable aversion does not validate a black and white world. It does, however, beg for our attention.

While the body provides us with visceral feedback, our interpretation of such information is not infallible, especially when we throw in complicating factors like past lives. Sometimes an instant aversion does indicate that someone really screwed us over in a previous lifetime, and our body sounds the alarm bell. Just as often, though, a strong instant aversion to someone could indicate that we attacked or betrayed them and don’t want to face our own Shadow.

The most devastating occurrence of this situation happens when a parent feels complete and inexplicable aversion to a newborn child. I have received many guilt ridden calls from parents who can’t understand why they wouldn’t feel natural empathy and love for such an innocent little being. I’ve also helped countless adults untangle fallout from a lifetime with a parent or parents who seemed strangely focused on denigrating their very existence. This sort of past life bleedthrough causes enormous pain on both sides, and there’s not always a simple, neat explanation for the behavior. People may have spent multiple lifetimes together in a variety of roles, and now this lifetime amplifies all those energies.

In other instances, one soul (usually the child) really doesn’t take issue with the other soul, except that that person seems so hell bent on initiating unprovoked hell in their lives. I often hear from the person who feels attacked, because with no current lifetime justification for the behavior, they’ve come to wonder if maybe they murdered or betrayed the other person in a previous lifetime. They call me wanting to learn how to make amends so that they can stop the seemingly senseless torment. Sometimes the person requesting past life information really has done something to provoke the current lifetime’s abuse, but just as often, the person with the instant aversion was the abuser or betrayer before, as well.

Past lives usually exist in the non-conscious realm, a vast part of us that also includes the dreaded Shadow. In this lifetime, signs of a non-integrated Shadow include extreme judgments of right or wrong, black or white, and a tendency to view oneself always as the victim, always the “good” one, always “right.” When we’ve carried guilt or shame around for many lifetimes, we stick those uncomfortable memories and awareness into our Shadow, where we’ll never find them without diligent courage and effort.

Because the non-conscious realm can still be triggered, though, especially by encountering the very souls we feel guilty about harming, the Shadow frequently casts itself upon our lives. Most of us try to run and hide from it, so that we can maintain the carefully controlled image of ourselves as always nice, always right, always good. People who’ve dealt at least to some extent with their Shadow will wonder, “Is it really me? What have I done to deserve this?” or “Why do I feel such aversion? (Contrast such questions to: “I wonder how evil that person really is. I don’t even want to look at such evil. Best to recognize it and avoid” or “Why does that person warrant such aversion?”) People who refuse to look at their own Shadow assume their own reactive aversions must be correct assessments of the other person’s guilt and/or that they themselves are victims of persecution for being too perfect or wise. The Shadow Workers ask the difficult, soul searching questions with sincerity, not as rhetorical means of shoring up fragile illusions.

Rarely does life (or a collection of many lifetimes) wrap everything into a crystal clear tally of all good on one side and all bad on the other. If you’ve found yourself on either end of immediate, strong aversion, then you might want to try the Blue Room Meditation, as taught to me by astrologer and friend, Timothy Glenn. This soul-to-soul exchange acknowledges the possibility of previous connections and seeks to rebalance the energies between souls. In times of extreme trauma, betrayal, fear or disappointment, sometimes we leave pieces of ourselves in “care” of another soul. Those pieces might be Shadow parts that we fear, but they can just as easily be gifts, soul “gold” and a sense of childlike wonder. Rebalancing the energies between souls frees each soul to carry its own energies without feeling burdened by carrying someone else’s “stuff.”

People who project the strongest aversion and attacks onto someone else will often resist being brought into the Blue Room. I find that interesting, but since we really don’t know how things will balance out until we’ve done the meditation, I never assume. It always takes courage to approach the Blue Room, because we might discover that we are, in fact, the energy thieves who will now need to return those energies and gifts to their rightful keeper. Even in that instance, a certain sense of relief occurs. Just as the thief in this life can never fully relax with a stolen possession, borrowed or stolen energies never feel comfortably secure. They don’t quite fit, and on some level, we know it. In the event that we are the ones receiving a return of missing energy, then spontaneous healing and understanding can occur. Parts of ourselves that felt empty or broken can finally fill up — at least as pertains to this particular relationship.

Some people receive dramatic visions and past life downloads during a Blue Room Meditation. Others cry, shake or feel energy swirling. Some people feel nothing in the actual meditation, but then a dramatic shift happens in the “real” world relationship. Again, the unpredictability of the Blue Room requires courage, but potentially profound results reward the risk. Sometimes the past life “story” helps us let go of a particularly nagging relationship or explains why a “random” encounter continues to haunt us. In the event that you try the Blue Room and still feel bothered by strong aversions, a past life reading or past life regression might help with the release. You can find out more about the differences and similarities of those here. In the meantime, I encourage you to try the Blue Room. It’s a free method of inviting peace and relief into your life and relationships.

Blessed Be …

and be the blessing!

Past Life Relationships: 5 Signs

Of all the questions people ask me, determining if there are past life connections with current relationships ranks super high on the list. Here are five signs that point to yes:

1) You felt an immediate connection that was “out of this world” or so familiar you can’t believe this person ever wasn’t in your life.

This one seems obvious, but so many minds doubt what body and soul announce with megaphones. If you light up and synchronize with another person right away, then it’s a strong indicator that you’ve run into this soul before, perhaps multiple times. It doesn’t necessarily mean this person is your soul mate or that you belong together. It just means you’ve had dealings with this soul before, and the connection has begun to reawaken dormant parts of your larger Self.

2) You felt an immediate, intense, and often inexplicable aversion to someone.

Unless brought to the conscious level through remembered dreams, meditation, past life regression, spontaneous visions or a past life reading, past life memories reside in the subconscious. Your emotions help you to know what resonates or does not resonate with you, even if you don’t understand the underlying reasons. Intuitive people often experience negative first impressions of people who wish to harm them, and that does not necessarily indicate a past life relationship. Your Spidey senses might just be saving you a lot of future trouble! When a strong aversion occurs with regard to people who have proven themselves safe (to the best of your observation) or who truly love and wish to support your growth, then that aversion often indicates a background story of loss, betrayal, harm or misunderstanding. Finding the plot line(s) can help restore peace or give you confidence to part ways.

3) Your initial reaction to someone was really not what you expected, or you just can’t understand why you feel this way.

This sometimes happens with parents and newborns. The single mom who almost aborted or gave the child up for adoption finds herself unable to part with the baby, even if that means breaking contracts and having to revamp life plans. Conversely, parents who’ve eagerly awaited the birth often feel tremendous guilt for really not meshing with the newborn. They feel a strong sense of “should” or “logic” but for some reason, those pesky emotions won’t cooperate. The surprising reaction can also occur among adults — like when you meet someone you previously dismissed or idolized and have the opposite experience than you envisioned. This indicator doesn’t rely so much on intensity as confusion, especially tormented confusion. Why? Why? Why? Often, just recognizing and honoring the past life influence allows people to release the confusion and return to life in the now.

4) You feel like a different person around them.

In the case of family dynamics, you might have one parent or sibling whose presence seems to immobilize you or crumble your confidence, kind of kryptonite for Superman. Alternatively, you might encounter someone whose presence seems to ignite best parts you didn’t know existed. All the plans in the world suddenly may seem irrelevant as this “new” person completely reorients your life. The new direction may, in fact, be just what you need, or it could indicate cause for extreme caution.

In any case, if you find yourself compulsively acting in unusual ways, do take time to center yourself each morning and evening. I would also suggest The Blue Room meditation, followed by self observation: have your interests or emotions suddenly shifted back to “normal” after doing the meditation? If so, your new personality/interests/life path may have stemmed more from a perceived karmic imbalance than true guidance. Very often the compulsive aspect of relationships (or our reactions to those relationships) stems from our excitement about “getting our stuff back.” We can project all manner of energies (good or bad) onto souls we’ve known before, but what we really long for is a return to balance.

5) You feel like you neeeeeeed this person in your life.

Past life issues arise from the subconscious, where all time is now. If someone was your father in a past life and died while you were a young child, you might feel extra clingy and needy with this soul’s current incarnation. You might feel like your very survival depends on this person remaining in your life in a certain way. The subconscious does not differentiate between past, present and future. In a world where all time is now, past life bleed through represents information and feelings that may not be appropriate to this lifetime, causing inappropriately controlling or longing reactions. I see this evidenced in broken relationships where one or both parties just can’t let go, or in long term unrequited love affairs. Again, The Blue Room can be very helpful. Learning the bigger past life picture brings repressed memories into the conscious realm where they can be evaluated, understood and released. This allows healthier boundaries and a return to your own being, rather than giving energy to or trying to harness energy from, someone else.

Ideally, past lives don’t matter at all.

But when they do, they really do! If you have relationships that just won’t cooperate or that make you feel confused, “less than” or obsessive, you might want to explore past life factors. Automatic writing/journaling can help, as well as recording your dreams. If these methods don’t bring you the clarity you seek then you may want to consider help from a hypnotherapist or trusted intuitive. You came here in a fresh new body with the hope and intention of joy, freedom, growth and love. I wish you all the best in finding and reclaiming your true Self.

Want specific details about your own past lives and relationships?

Please contact me here to request a professional past life reading.

Enchanted Love, Relationships and Past Lives

I just watched this Marianne Williamson interview about her book, “Enchanted Love: The Mystical Power of Intimate Relationships.” Even though it’s an old interview, it resonates so strongly with many of the readings I’ve been doing for people, especially since 2010. So many relationships keep restructuring — reuniting Twin Flames and deep soul connections in order to up the love vibe on this planet. The past few years have raised the bar on intimate relationships, calling many, many Lightworkers to leave mediocre relationships in order to free themselves for extraordinary ones. What might have once satisfied a few areas of life suddenly became intolerable to people, resulting in some surprising divorces and separations of people who seemed happy together on the surface. I’m also seeing tons of reunions of long-lost soul connections!

In Soul Readings, Past Life Readings and Intuitive Life Path Assessments, I get asked about Love Partnerships, Twin Flame and Soul Mate relationships all the time! People long for those connections and they want to know:

Where’s my partner?

What do I need to do or be to draw that person to me?

Can I really have a spiritually fulfilling relationship with someone I also find attractive and compatible on a day-to-day basis?

Can I have passion and someone who supports my life path?

Do I have a past life connection with my current partner?

Why can’t I get over my first love/ex?

Is this relationship worth saving?

Can I follow my bliss and remain in this relationship?

Will clarity about my past lives allow me to attract a healthy relationship?

What do past lives have to do with my unhealthy patterns in relationship?

How can I release anything that no longer serves me?

Marianne Williamson talks about “soul love,” without mentioning past lives, but I highly recommend this video for anyone looking to connect with others on a deeper, more intimate level. She shares how the kind of love that will heal the world extends beyond love for one, single person; it reaches out to everyone and everything. If you find difficulty offering (or “being”) that kind of love, please feel free to take advantage of my October 2011 $111 Past Lives Special. (A $64 discount from the usual rate, valid through Halloween 2011. Email me at brunoleaf at yahoo dot com to schedule.) In the meantime, I hope you find Marianne’s message as inspiring and right on as I did: