Door Number 4: Four of Wands, aka “Karuna”

Happy Easter! I haven’t actually finished Door Number 4, but the front is done, so I thought I’d post before the holiday. This one features a version of the Rider-Waite Tarot card for the Four of Wands.

Four of Wands, aka “Karuna” door front by Laura Bruno

The Sanskrit spells out “Karuna,” which means “compassion” or “the end of all suffering.” My inspiration to include Karuna with this door was two-fold:

I went to a Good Friday service at the University of Chicago’s Rockefeller Chapel and felt drawn to go to the left side of the lying down Christ figurine. I’d been thinking of the Holy Grail all week, while wearing a moldavite pendant and saw at the service that the Christ was holding a chalice, which I had already planned for the lower panel. The word “Karuna” just popped into my head as a Sanskrit visual for the center of the door. On a personal note, my sister’s family recently got a puppy that they named Karuna. They call her “Rune” for short, though! This door is in part a welcome door for little Rune. 🙂

My Sister’s Dog, Karuna, aka “Rune”

The bottom quote is by Kahlil Gibran: “Trust in dreams for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.” I kept dreaming of “the 30th card in the Tarot” until I finally remembered from Tom’s reading in Schizandra and the Gates of Mu that the 30th card is the Four of Wands. The image worked for me with a few tweaks, as I had also been dreaming of some specific combinations of Runes that came together in the shape of the couple with their arms at those angles. LOL, very active dream life lately!

A note on colors: the Sanskrit and 9999 on top are written in gold. The fish (walleye) eyes are silver, as are the orbs on top of the wands, and the area surrounding the chalice. The flash makes the silver look white. Again, I must apologize for the BlackBerry photo quality. If you have a professional camera setup and live in Chicago, please contact me! 😉

Top Panel of Four of Wands Door by Laura Bruno

Bottom Panel Four of Wands Door by Laura Bruno

And … as a special treat … I have a before picture! This is what I started with. Well, it’s actually a heavily cleaned version of what I started with. Below is the back before priming it, and believe it or not, the front actually looked worse!

Before Photo Four of Wands Door

Perhaps you can see why I consider painting these doors, or portals, as part of an alchemy process. I might not be turning baser metals into gold, but some of these doors arrive in pretty grim shape! I like to think we can transmute ourselves and our reality into whatever beautiful things we can imagine.

Blessed Be.

12 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Giacinta on April 4, 2010 at 6:41 am

    How Lovely!!! Thank you for sharing your brilliant work and visions, Laura! I am inspired and moved. I think it would be awesome to free up our wings and allow ourselves to have so much more in the way of creative visual art and colors all around us! You offer such a beautiful opportunity for connection with the mystical worlds and their symbols, ancient wisdom and penetrating voices. It is important to remind ourselves and bring to consciousness who we are and where we’ve come from. Blessings, Happy Easter and again, thank you for sharing your art, your process and your world! Much love and infinite blessings, Giacinita ❤



  2. Awesome! Very cool. Beautiful color combination.
    Thanks for sharing these wonderful creations.
    Happy Easter!



  3. Laura, I have a Canon Elph (Power Shot SD 780 IS) that takes wonderful photos. Most all the pics on my blog are taken with that tiny camera & i get compliments on them all the time – you might like it, too! Has a cool macro feature and not v expensive, either.

    love, diana

    P.S. Door #4 is exquisite! I love it. (Features one of my favorite Tarot cards, also 🙂



  4. Posted by laurabruno on April 6, 2010 at 2:49 pm

    Hi Diana,
    Thanks for your comment and for the tip. I’ll check it out!
    Blessings and love,



  5. […] tie into the Payuurt Rune, and this “accidental bird” ties Door Number 15 into Door Number 4, “The Four of Wands/Karuna,” which just happens to be about marriage and “the end of suffering.” Because these doors […]



  6. […] home and realized that our stairwell itself forms an UR Rune! You can see it here, hovering above Door Number 4 at the base of the […]



  7. […] to David that “Alphonse has outgrown his shell.” We had left a laundry basket near portal Door Number 4 where Alphonse stands, and somehow — I really don’t even know how, because this was […]



  8. […] The maroon door directly in front of the steps is Door Number 4 –“Four of Wands/Karuna.” […]



  9. […] client was extra pleased to hear that Door Number 15’s cardinal also links into Door Number 4: Four of Wands, aka “Karuna.” The Four of Wands is often considered a marriage card in the Tarot, and that portal had a similar […]



  10. Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:

    This portal door just reactivated, as a change of curtains prompted switching the Four of Wands with the Ten of Cups door. The curtain shifts make the portal switch SO obvious to do right now.

    This comes amidst many foundational upgrades and shifts, following dreams that moved a LOT of energy. Things are on the move!

    On Halloween, I primed three new mini portals — two commissioned and one that I vision-downloaded almost a year ago. I don’t control the timing of any of these portal doors, but the next three seem intertwined. I feel the process will unfold like a Celtic Triskele.

    Meanwhile, the Four of Wands and Ten of Cups reactivated with the move. Anytime I move the location of these doors, other things shift, too. This original blog post includes a before image of the painted door. When something looks ugly, we always have the option to beautify and heal.



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