Posts Tagged ‘Grounding’

Reminders, Resources, and Acknowledgements

Just a few things I find myself repeating in various forms to clients, blog readers, friends, family and acquaintances:

1) We’re now in Mercury Retrograde. Don’t be surprised by lost or delayed emails and snail mail, extra typos, messed up travel plans, miscommunications, overreactions and misunderstandings. Par for the course, folks. You can, however, find ways to thrive during a Mercury Retrograde. For those who could use some refresher tips, here’s a 2012 article with all sorts of explanations and suggestions.

2) The topic of friendship is front and center right now. I keep hearing from people facing major upheaval and frustration in their friendships and other close relationships. Part of this may be from the influence of #1, but the current major process of revision transcends a single astrological influence. In case you’ve been living under a rock, planet Earth faces too many extinction level challenges to name in one post without triggering panic. Have you ever known someone given a terminal diagnosis? Whether valid or not, that prospect usually initiates some soul searching:

“If I really might not have that much time left, how do I want to spend my remaining days? With whom do I want to spend my remaining time? How do I want to feel? What kind of legacy do I feel called to leave in my wake?” Whether conscious or not, humanity feels its impending terminal diagnosis, and individuals are in various stages of the corresponding soul crisis. It’s decision time, and some decisions are easier and more obvious than others.

Please don’t take things personally, and please don’t take my recognition of extinction level challenges as doom and gloom. Doing so would assume that I don’t believe people can rise to the challenge, and I very much sense that we each can. Whether we each will is a different story, but I know that we can. As I said, it’s decision time. Not everyone thrives on life or death choices. Some people panic, some push others away, some retreat and then return once they’ve gathered their thoughts and feelings. Consider tending to your own process and the influence that opens to you, rather than barreling uninvited into someone else’s intensely personal process.

3. Bodies need extra care right now. Please review Tom Kenyon’s message about Chaotic Nodes and how these affect the body. Even though he wrote that piece way back in crazy 2014, we’re still in those chaotic nodes. They’re increasing, not going away any time soon. Remember to honor your body’s needs if you want to make these transitions in body.

4. If you’re really at your wits’ end or even if you just want some extra support, I designed this month’s specials to help people move more easily through these energies. Please click here for details.

5. Remember to breathe — the cleaner the air, the better. For some of you that means indoor air with lots of plants, since outside is a chemtrail and car pollution soup. Get near some plants with leaves and inhale deeply. If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere with CO2 eating leaves outdoors, inhale deeply for the rest of us! Wherever you are, take at least a few moments to hug a tree and touch the ground. Your body is a part of the Earth, and reconnecting will balance the zips and zaps coming at us from all over the place. If you feel really challenged by the chemtrails, wifi, EMF pollution and other assaults, you might want to review this post on Amazing Orgone.

6. Design your own daily, monthly and seasonal rituals. These don’t need to be elaborate; they just need to be conscious and repeated. Rituals provide structure and grounding in the midst of chaos and confusion. They can also offer antidotes to the world’s current harshness, inviting us to reconnect with beauty, timelessness and alignment. A ritual can be as simple as a consciously appreciated and enjoyed cup of coffee or herbal tea or as elaborate as a group ceremony celebrating the Wheel of the Year. Listening to music, taking a well-timed cat nap, or wearing certain colors on certain days can all acquire ritual status. For additional ideas about designing a ritual, please see Laura Daligan’s recent video, “Ritual Corner.”

7. Whatever you’re going through, remind yourself that “This, too, shall pass.” Because, guess what? It will. Guaranteed. So long as humanity follows linear time, things will fade into the past, and as soon as humanity embraces the idea that all time is now, the act of consciously choosing what “time” to focus upon becomes an obvious option. Enjoy the journey; it’s one heckuva a ride. 🙂

Three Days of Darkness and Time Out of Time

This will be a quick post, because I’m busy with people having meltdowns. Just thought I’d share that yes, the energies are intense right now. People I know who have done their Shadow Work are thriving. People who haven’t or who have only partially faced their Shadow seem to be struggling almost to the point of breaking right now.

That old prophecy about “Three Days of Darkness” may actually be upon us, though not in the ways most people interpreted it. Simply put, with the alignment of the Winter Solstice, the New Moon, and a long Void of Course Moon on Solstice, we experienced in the Northern Hemisphere an unusually dark night. For many, this felt like an unusually Dark Night of the Soul, and I’ve heard from numerous panicked people the last two days wondering why the Light hasn’t returned yet or why their New Moon intentions haven’t shown any signs of manifesting yet.

Here’s the short answer:

We are still in the Three Days of Darkness. Solstice comes from the idea of Sol (sun) remaining “still.” It does not seem to move for three days, not beginning the ascent into the lighter half of the year again until Christmas day. New Moon energies also linger beyond just the dark night of the official New Moon. When you combine those energies, plus a “Between” day in the Celtic tree calender, a sort of time out of time between tree signs — which happens to occur today — along with all the recent Uranus-Pluto Square energy, we’re in about as big a void as possible right now.

Those who have grown comfortable with the Mystery and the Void feel this time as highly freeing. Those who haven’t are reaching for anything and everything to provide a sense of stability. Best bet is to tune into the Earth, because you won’t find stability in the mental realm, societal structures, old emotional coping mechanisms or codependent relationships. The energies right now just won’t support those things. The Earth, by contrast, knows that important things happen within the darkness of the soil. Important things shift beneath the surface. New life stirs, even when all evidence above ground belies the shift.

If you feel particularly disoriented and lost, hug a tree. Listen to some soulful music. Create a ritual to appeal to your body so that it, too, can honor and experience all the crazy shifts happening on the other levels. Reread Tom Kenyon’s October report: . The song he includes has helped many people I know feel calm within the eye of whatever storm surrounds them. I promise you, you’re not alone in these challenges. I had left this week lighter for the holidays, but it filled up with “emergency” sessions anyway. That’s how life works. We cycle. This, too, shall pass.

Meanwhile, yes, some people are freaking out. The night before Solstice, I hosted a lovely gathering of friends at our home in Goshen. We did a small, meaningful ritual and feasted on homemade, mostly homegrown vegan food and wine. We told stories and celebrated joys, we shared and supported each others’ challenges, and we traded information about the most beautiful spots in Indiana and Michigan. We found and provided delightful nourishment on all levels. When I saw the astrology for this year’s Solstice, I felt so grateful for having hosted our gathering the day before. The actual Solstice energies were intense this year!

As an example, on Solstice, after a seemingly kind, engaged and mutually supportive exchange, an online friend emailed me asserting that I may “absolutely have been placed here” for no greater purpose than my own “learning” — a service-to-self lifetime in which “the only reason” for incarnating was mandatory lessons, unlike her own “definitely” “GREATER” life purpose, greater than herself, a lifetime that was completely “volunteer” and unnecessary for anything but rescuing the “black hole” and “blind” children of planet Earth who were incapable of helping themselves. The tone and comment were so bizarre and condescending that I’ve chalked them up to the energies I mention above, but it was weird. Particularly given that this person knows how much I’ve volunteered to support friends and family, in addition to frequent volunteer blogging, massive Earth healing on our property, community volunteer projects, and a career of helping others. I share this story as one example of left field attacks and bizarre, almost dreamlike occurrences right now. Life feels surreal because it is.

Some people feel really concerned about and convinced that we are in the midst of a polar shift — both magnetic and physical. Indeed, I’ve written numerous times about the North Pole “on the move.” I also know that our sunrise and the Sun’s trajectory are very different than they were for the past two years of living in Goshen. Sun does not even shine through the same windows it used to flood with sunlight. My plants don’t like it one bit!

If we are undergoing a pole shift, then we can’t control that; however, I do wonder if the pressing information I’ve continued to receive all 2014 isn’t related. I keep receiving the message and encouraging others to maintain neutrality, not get swept up in polarizations and extremes. I’ve also suggested people rise above the polarization and to consider using Dreamtime and/or magick to address overwhelming physical/societal ills. If we’re undergoing a magnetic pole shift, then by maintaining a sense of non-attachment (not the same as non-caring), we can allow events to move through and around us without getting ourselves pulled out of alignment. If we do not engage energies from one pole or the other, then a flip won’t destroy us from within or without.

Simultaneously, if we continue to engage Dreamtime, sacred circles, rituals, and trance-like awareness, then we continue to be in the world but not of it. Time does not flow linearly in any of these states. With practice and awareness, we can move in and out of them at will. I suggest the books “Brain Magick” and/or “The Woman of Wyrd,” if you don’t know what I mean. Anything by Carlos Castaneda, Gabriel GarcĂ­a MĂĄrquez, or Lynn Andrews can also get you into that kind of dreamy space. Watch “Like Water for Chocolate” if you don’t want to read another book right now. Just know that you can move in and out of time by altering your consciousness. It is possible to bypass “inevitable” situations by simply aligning with a different time and/or space. Individuals learning to do so consciously can help shift collective experience.

And please do get grounded! Really, hug those trees. Put your feet on the ground. Release excess energy back to the Earth.

That’s all I have time to share right now. I will leave you with Timothy Glenn’s wise words:

What dimension are we in?

This one.

But which timeline are we on?

This one.

And where are we?


What month is it?

This month.

But what day is it?


And what time is it?


Michele Geyer ~ Definitions


Michele Geyer, May 20th, 2013

Feel your feet on the ground, in the sand or the soil.

Lay your hands on your belly and breathe.

Who are you?

Expanding and contracting with your breath, your body moves to subtle, inner rhythms.

Become the air that fuels your internal fire.

Meet yourself there, without words.

Who are you?

Flames lick the bottom of the cauldron, bubbling the sea inside.

Effervescent, the aqua blues surface; thoughts cascade and fall over the rocky terrain of your mind,

Effortlessly surrendering to your origins.

Who are you?

Look within to find yourself,

Feel within to be yourself,

See yourself in relation to no thing.

Who are you?

Don’t answer; keep breathing.

Who are you?

Sacred Body Practice of the Week

Exploring the Mystical Conversation Between Body & Spirit

Paige Bartholomew ~ Healing Trauma in the 4 Levels of the Heart

Today, I’m posting a valuable video from Paige Bartholomew addressing neurological and body trauma. As individuals (and as a culture) we have so much trauma embedded in our bodies, hearts and nervous systems that it often feels difficult to remain in body due to the pain. So many addictions, distractions and the ability to detach from instead of help to heal our world, stem from this desire to avoid re-triggered trauma.

In this video, Paige gives some simple techniques to help release the original trauma from the body so that we don’t immediately go back into that trauma every time we experience a trigger. She shares techniques for individuals, but “As Within, So Without.” The more we as individuals address our own, individual wounds, the more we heal our world.

At first, Paige keeps us focused on the body, rather than the story. “Whatever it is you feel, is the right thing to feel.” Say to yourself, “Now I’m going to find a place in my body that feels OK.” “If you can’t find a place in your body, then go outside your body … Find any place that’s ‘safe’ for you.” “Feel the sensation in the part of your body that feels good.” I love her gentle approach of asking the good feeling parts of the body to remind the traumatized parts of the body how to feel regulated and healthy. Paige makes an excellent connection between the healing of the heart and regulating the nervous system. Fight, flight, freeze? “Regulation of the nervous system is what you need when you’re dealing with trauma. … The heart wants to remember that it’s loved. It wants to hear that you love it. … It wants to know that ‘the Universe loves me and I matter here.'”

Paige has lovely energy, and from my personal experience as well as my Medical Intuitive experience, she’s right on that if you want to heal trauma embedded in the body, you really do need to go directly to the body itself. She asks, “Have you been working really hard on your spiritual practices, but still feel like you’re not able to fully heal, or become at peace inside? It’s vital that we understand what Trauma looks like on every level of the being – ego, heart, soul and unity – so that we can heal it appropriately for its type.”

As we attempt to shift our physical world — heal our bodies, our finances, political structures, poisoned parts of the planet, all those 3D things that can evoke such intense pain, fear and grief — we need techniques to help us release the pain so that we can release those experiences. Masking symptoms or putting band-aids on social structures won’t bring lasting, tangible change. But healing will.

Paige also gives insights on how to heal on the emotional and soul levels. “By giving Unconditional Love to each other, we can start to learn how to give it to ourselves.” She then addresses the level of unity, at which point we recognize our connection to All That Is, to everyone and everything. “On the level of the unity, there is no ‘wounded.’ … On the level of the unity, our body is calm, because it knows [that we are loved and that we matter.]”

Paige notes, and I 100% agree: “The important thing to remember is that we can’t skip over the levels. We can’t just go straight to the unity level and pray and meditate all day long and expect that we’re gonna be healed, because what happens is that people who meditate a lot will be fantastic when they’re meditating or when they’ve been praying for three hours. But as soon as they go back out into the world, they become activated in their body and they don’t know why. And there’s this subtle message inside of us that says ‘What’s wrong with me? Why am I not getting better? I’m doing all this spiritual stuff.'” It becomes a destructive spiral of self-judgment. As Paige explains, the reason you’re not getting any better is because “you can’t just focus on the unity and then expect the body and the heart to know the truth about themselves. We have to work with the level of the body, the level of the heart, the level of the soul, and we heal on every level.”

I talk a lot about “integration” … healing on all the levels, reclaiming all the levels and layers of our being. Yes, we are “All One,” but we are also Divinity expressing itself as individuals. This world is Divinity expressing itself through form. If we want to heal our world, then learning how to heal all the levels of ourselves will greatly aid us in that process. I highly recommend Paige’s video for anyone who continues to experience physical or emotional pain, despite excellent spiritual hygiene. We have souls, and souls are beautiful beings. We have bodies, and bodies are beautiful beings. We have hearts, and those hearts, though battered and broken, are some of the most beautiful beings in the world. When we reclaim all these parts of ourselves from old traumas, we free not only ourselves, but our entire world. In freeing ourselves — for real — we establish new vibrations that others can emulate. We can heal quickly, but we cannot skip steps.

Thank you to Paige for so compassionately articulating these concepts. Peace!

2013 March Equinox ~ Real Ending of Precessional Cycle

Thanks to KP for bringing this video to my attention.

People sometimes wonder why I don’t post certain announcements, channeled material or calls to group meditations on this blog. Am I just not aware of it? The short answer is that yes, oftentimes I am already aware of the links people send me; however, I still choose not to post that material. We live in a free will universe. We just need to reclaim our own sovereignty before we can reliably exercise that free will. People are free to believe or reject whatever they choose.

This George Kavasillas video reiterates an ongoing message I receive and share:

Get grounded.

Tune in to Mother Earth.

The Earth is rebirthing herself, so tuning into this planet is your best hope and easiest, safest, smoothest strategy to ensure you’re on a positive timeline.

Shining the Light of Truth on hidden Shadows is a positive step; however, inviting in any and all Light for the purpose of expanding the crown chakra can radically unground people. Just like plants with shallow roots, top-heavy chakras result in weak humans. Please use discernment in the coming weeks and months. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If something has no grounding in the Earth but comes from the top down, it’s probably not what it appears to be. If something requires all your mental attention to begin to understand it, consider the possibility of it being a distraction. I read vibrations and scan energy. Top-heavy anything raises my hackles, activates my Spidey senses and leaves me unreasonably anxious until I can get my hands back in the dirt or exercise extreme clearings of body, mind, spirit and emotions.

Trust your body. The body and emotions know far more than we give them credit for. If fear or an internal warning system comes up, don’t just repress those feelings. Fear is not a terrible thing. Yes, it is much maligned by New Age thought, but fear does have a purpose. It lets us know when we need to be careful. It lets us know to sniff things out, get quiet, go inside ourselves, go outside in Nature. If you feel fear, anxiety or uneasiness, don’t just dismiss those feelings. You are wiser than you think, precisely because you do feel.

Exploring fear and its manifestations as potential warnings allows you to approach life as a whole being, from all the levels. Yes, you may find that it’s just ego throwing a tantrum. Now you know. … But … if it turns out there’s more to it, or if you find your rational, researching, evaluating side now agrees with your intuition, well, then … you’ve got more to explore before committing to some “gift.” Follow the power trail when someone you don’t know insists on giving you a handout. Pray for clarity and discernment when someone calls you a troll or scoffs at you for not believing the latest, greatest revelation, prophecy, prediction, system that ends all systems, or some new/old Messiah/martyr spin.

We are in transition to a potentially very positive cycle. Those who know how to ground themselves, develop an intimate relationship with the Earth, and honor their own and others’ sovereignty will thrive. Please pay attention to your body, your feelings, your intuition, and to your own sense of integrity (integration) before giving everything away to your mind or spirit. Desperation or the perceived need for (or promise of) someone saving you are big red flags!

We each have an opportunity to become whole again — really, to recognize our own wholeness. “Divide and conquer” has been the way of this world for far too long. “Divide and conquer” applies not just to nations, political parties and religions, but to individual units as well. Beware the “One World” solution that demands you reject cherished parts of your being in favor of a generic de-individualized humanoid soup. “Uniquely You, Divinely One” is not the same as Collectivism. What George calls “False Light” is not the same as the Light of Truth. You do know the difference. Grounding and clearing yourself will make that difference obvious to you. Then you can use these energies to empower your fullest potential.

As George says:

“It is a momentous and pivotal time in our journeys and is unfortunately either being forgotten by many or hijacked by others for their own nefarious purposes. We are most certainly on the cusp of a most auspicious time in our lives.

“Enjoy and shine your beautiful authentic and organic Soul Light Essence.”…

Astrology of the Olympic Opening Rituals: How to Mitigate These Energies

For those people who thought maybe I had gone a bit off the deep end suggesting everyone avoid watching the opening ceremony (i.e. Satanic ritual) of the Olympics, I’ve just found an article that goes into the specific astrology of both the opening ceremony at 9:00 p.m. UK time, and the ringing of the bell at 8:12 p.m. (20:12) to begin the festivities. There are a lot of pictures and lots of formatting, so instead of sharing here, I’m just going to refer you there.

As a creepy bonus, you’ll find not only the Olympic chart, but also the chart of the Aurora False Flag shooting. (Yes, they’re related. Intimately.) The article offers a good description of left brain/right brain interpretations, symbolism, ruling planetary and star influences, as well as lots of 5’s and 9’s. Psychopaths or not, the people running our world know their astrology. They know how to ride and amplify waves of influence, to call down energies and redirect them at will. I’m not sharing this article to scare people, but rather to inform individuals and the peace-loving, Golden-Age-intending Collective how they can best respond to and hopefully mitigate these energies.

As mentioned in my earlier article about the Olympics, I recommend staying far, far away from visually engaging the Olympics, their propaganda, and their mind-controlling symbols and media frenzy. I have suggested that rather than sending a whole bunch of energy (even “positive” energy) to the Games, people disengage from the Olympics and pull their energy back into themselves and the planet. Ground yourselves. Hug a tree. Talk with your family, friends and neighbors. Walk barefoot on the Earth. Share your unconditional, universal Love with people who are actually, physically, tangibly in your life. You can offer the most positive influence on worldwide events right now by anchoring yourself to the planet –wherever you are– and then filling your heart with gratitude, love and light. Stay connected to the Earth with love in your heart.

In addition to your own, private love fest, I do find the astrology of these Games quite potent. People who really shouldn’t have as much power as they do know exactly how to ride these energies. By learning what those energies are, you can make conscious decisions about what you do with them, instead of becoming a default victim of someone else’s psychopathic agenda.

The astrology of both the Olympics opening ceremonies and the Aurora shooting is essentially a call for Medusa or the supremely pissed off Goddess to go into a destructive rage that causes great harm to commoners. My best suggestion for mitigating such destructive energy? Don’t piss off the goddess. I have been writing for months about the Dark Goddess energies — those aspects of the Divine Feminine that have been relegated to the dark, shoved into the shadows of shame. I’ve been writing about Earth as a Goddess, too, a living, breathing, Divinely Feminine being who has been raped, beaten, tormented and abused to the point of breaking. Earth — Gaia, Sophia, Mother, however you choose to address her with respect — is Ascending, with or without the human race. The Goddess energies are returning to Earth. These are facts, at least from my vantage point.

How these things happen, though, is variable. The more humanity shows its love for the Earth and the Divine Feminine, the more difficult it will be for the psychopaths to trigger a Divine Feminine psychotic rage. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? Then don’t scorn the woman! If you must reject her, do so kindly, with compassion. If you find yourself feeling rejected, make some sincere gestures to reconnect. If your feminine intuition whispers in your ear, don’t shout her down and ridicule her with your masculine left brain.

If you’re female and you find yourself judging your curves, cellulite, wrinkles or double chin, please stop. You. Are. A. Goddess. Don’t trigger a Dark Goddess, Shadow Side rage against your inner (and projected outward) patriarchal control freak. Just do your best to love and be love. Men, please honor the women in your life during these Olympics. Take some time to appreciate Mother Earth, your own mother, your daughters and sisters, wife or girlfriend. The rejected feminine is extremely touchy right now. Let’s soothe her, OK? No one needs to blow a gasket.

If you feel that you simply MUST participate in some kind of group ritual or meditation throughout the Olympics, then I would suggest practicing H’oponopono with everyone and everything, but most especially with the Divine Feminine and the Dark Goddess (those most rejected parts of the Divine Feminine):

“I love you.
“I’m sorry.
“Please forgive me.
“Thank you.”

Big love to all of you! (I finished that up on a 777 word count: “777 — The angels applaud you… “congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true.” This is an extremely positive sign and you should also expect more miracles to occur.” ~Doreen Virtue)

Here’s the astrology article link again if you’d like to read it.

Oracle Report — Friday, June 15, 2012

Thanks, to Gillian for sharing this Oracle Report: M-Class Solar Flares, Venus Retrograde and Mama Earth coming to the rescue by grounding those who honor her. Sounds like an excellent weekend for an all day herb walk and workshop…don’t mind if I do! 😉 Remember to spend some time with plants today and the rest of the weekend. Hug a tree. Nature loves you back!

Oracle Report — Balsamic Moon Phase

Heads up! Another strong coronal mass ejection is on its way to Earth. This one blasted from the Sun and is moving so fast that it will overtake the first one and combine into one direct energetic hit tomorrow. But, as I discussed yesterday, the Universe is electric and plasmic, so the effects are already being felt by all living things. These are lower M-class flares, which should not affect satellites or communications too much. Essentially, the Sun is “pinging” our energy fields.

Those people firmly grounded with the Earth will receive an “upgrade” to their energetic fields, but this is going to heighten the insanity of the matrix (everyday world) – those who are ungrounded with the Earth. The electro-magnetic effects of Venus are going to be agitated. Venus, which is retrograde, is located at the degree in the sky that the Sabian symbols call “an airplane in a nosedive.” It makes things head for disaster, but with the potential to “pull up” at the last moment.

Relationships are the primary focus of this. The energy is about control and control issues. We tend to plunge or dive into situations without thought of the ramifications. If we are conscious of this potential, we can “save” ourselves. This energy is going to cause shake-ups today and through the weekend. It may help to stick to the basics and plan in advance to not overextend or overload yourself. Save non-essential tasks or situations for another day. We want to stay as close to the ground as possible, firmly rooted in place and centered. By all means, spend some time outside today to buffer any harshness.