Posts Tagged ‘Orgone Energy’

Wilhelm Reich ~ Orgone Energy

Powerful stuff! On a side note, I didn’t realize that Wilhelm Reich’s birthplace was Galitia, modern day Ukraine, and also an area from which my paternal grandfather’s family has roots. It is high time we as individuals (and the world at large) embrace Reich’s enormous contributions to humanity. Reich’s work with orgone has relevance in the areas of psychology, energy work, magic(k), weather modification/chemtrails, spiritual warfare, medicine, UFO’s, Naziism, Communism, sexual dysfunction/co-opting, and human liberation.

DON CROFT: How to Build A Chembuster to Disperse Chemtrails and Improve the Weather

In case anyone wonders, California’s drought is not natural, and California provides a massive amount of food to the US and the world. Unless it rains soon, many farmers will lose their land in one of the sickest land grabs in history. Here’s where West Coast residents come into play: YOU, yes, you CAN make a difference. I’ve linked here to a post with instructions on how to build a chembuster to disperse the chemtrails and geo-engineering so that Nature can replenish herself with natural, much needed rain. Clients, blog readers and I have also had excellent results performing rain dances and working directly with the Elementals in order to override droughts. Research online about these chembusters, and you can find photo evidence and testimonials that they work. Wilhelm Reich created this technology in order to prevent unnatural droughts. He was persecuted and his work seized; however, some people have managed to continue and even improve upon his work. If you live anywhere on the West Coast, but especially in California, please consider making some of these chembusters. You do not want to know what my intuition sees for the US and the world if we don’t reclaim the skies from the psychopaths manipulating them. It’s past time for debate … if we don’t take immediate actions, the dystopia described in The Fifth Sacred Thing will become all too real. It’s already happening. Reclaim your natural, human connection to Earth, Sea and Sky … to Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Spirit. Please DO WHAT YOU CAN … and recognize that you can do far more than you think you can.

Indian in the machine's Sylphs and UFO Cloudships

How to Build A Chembuster to Disperse Chemtrails 

and Improve the Weather 

Written by Don Croft <>
Edited, assembled, and originally posted by Stephanie Relfe at http//

Definition of a contrail:  A contrail occurs when a plane travels at a high altitude (about 30,000 ft. or more) and compresses the air into a water vapor or ice crystals through jet engines or the wing tips pushing through the air. This trail disappears after anywhere from a few seconds to 15 minutes, as the water vapor evaporates.

Definition of a chemtrail: The term “chemtrail” is a relatively new word, which appeared in the last few years along with the appearance of chemtrails. A chemtrail is very different from a contrail. At first a chemtrail might look a bit like a contrail. However, instead of disappearing like a contrail does, a chemtrail just keeps spreading out and forming a hazy…

View original post 2,158 more words

Orgone and Indoor Plants

My initial order of orgone pucks impressed me so much that I very soon after ordered twelve more, which we’ve since scattered around the house and property. I have two outside plants in terra cotta pots that I bring inside every winter. Between the heating vent near the southern exposure window and the way pretty terra cotta pots wick moisture away from the soil, the over-wintering of these plants always stresses them out. Normally by this time of year, they look pretty straggly, and with the frequent negative temperatures, we’ve needed to run our heat more often than other years. As an experiment, I decided to put orgone pucks in each of the terra cotta pots to see what happened.

I’ve seen some incredible garden photos comparing identical plots with and without orgone, so I thought I’d give it a try inside before buying orgone pucks for all over my ever expanding garden. Here are the results after about 1 month, bearing in mind that usually my plants in terra cotta pots look worse, not better the longer they’ve spent indoors:

Geranium before orgone

Geranium before orgone

Lemon balm before orgone

Lemon balm before orgone

Geranium and lemon balm after about one month of orgone pucks

Geranium and lemon balm after about one month of orgone pucks

I tried to take the geranium photo from the same angle as the earlier photo, but I couldn’t fit most of it in the frame. Also, the largest flush of growth has occurred towards the window. Even with the less green original angle from behind, though, you can see the plant looks much healthier:

Geranium after from behind. Growth has been to the front and sides, but I'm sharing this angle for full disclosure.

Geranium after from behind. Growth has been to the front and sides, but I’m sharing this angle for full disclosure.

The biggest thing I’ve noticed is a lessened need for watering. Lemon balm is a particularly finicky plant, and I have another cutting from this plant in a pot on the window sill, which I’m embarrassed to share here. Actually, the plant is embarrassed for me to photograph her when she looks so brittle and frazzled with the winter. Even though that one gets more light, the leaf tips have browned, because it’s just so difficult to keep the moisture at the right level — even in a non-terra cotta pot!

In previous years, my geranium has also shown signs of stress, with yellow, dried out leaves and even a virus last year. Since adding the orgone, I sometimes forget about these plants for over a week between waterings. They just always look so happy that until I hear an “Ahem, do you know how dry we are?” I don’t even remember to do anything to them. In the past, any drought stress has caused serious drooping and browning.

Based on the quick results with these plants, I put an orgone puck in our refrigerator to see what happened there. One reason I decided to grow a winter garden this year was because we found it very difficult to find fresh greens last year in January and February. David and I had gotten spoiled living in cities with access to Whole Foods, which pays a premium to purchase the first run-through of the freshest organic produce available. Stores in Goshen just don’t have that buying power, so we would often buy a bunch of kale (for $4.99!) or dandelion greens ($5.99!) only to have them wilt and rot within a couple days. Our farmers market offered amazing spinach, but only in limited quantities for early purchasers. Our garden grew well through early December and was still alive even after minus twelve degrees; however, at this point, I’d need to dig it out from multiple feet of snow. After months of subzero temps, our outside kale looks pretty frost bitten, and I’ve not ventured into the cold frame for about a month.

Anyway, I put an orgone puck in our fridge, and now our greens stay fresh for over a week. Apparently, our other food does, too. Yesterday, I needed to clean out some leftovers from, um, at least a couple weeks ago. I meant to clean it out last week, but kept putting it off because I get really grossed out by rotten food smells. Well, yesterday I finally took the plunge and opened the container only to find everything looking and smelling just as fresh as whenever we made it! We weren’t crazy enough to try eating it, but still, I found that impressive. I also like that the orgone puck charges our food the whole time it spends in the refrigerator. In the event that food comes from somewhere I’d rather not have my food from, I figure, the non-stop orgone “treatment” will make it fresher, healthier and cleaner than before. I’ve actually noticed some kale that had a couple questionable leaf tips become greener the longer I waited to use it. Almost crazy making … but quite exciting when I really think about it!

Sooooo, yesterday, I ordered a bunch more pucks. David’s mom wants some for their house, and based on these plant experiments, our garden deserves far more than the two I’ve already placed out there. I have no financial incentive to write about orgone. I just like to share when I find something that truly lives up to or beyond its hype. Cheers!

Feeling Called to Post about this “Mysterious” and “Deadly” Flu

My own thoughts follow an excerpt from The Examiner’s post by Deborah Dupre, which includes the following passage:

H1N1 Swine Flu Bioweapon Research On Americans

“H1N1 Swine Flu has been widely reported to be a lab created bioweapon that a host of independent doctors, whistleblowers health advocates have warned the public about since 2009. [See: OPERATION H1N1:Vaccine Liberty or Death.]

“‘I am making a plea to everyone who reads this,’ Dr. Patricia Doyle had said in 2009. ‘Please, please DO NOT TAKE ANY VACCINE THAT IS PURPORTED TO “PREVENT” THIS FLU.’

“It won’t do a thing to prevent this flu. What it will do is serve up new genetic material to the Swine Flu virus that I have dubbed Spanish Flu 2, the Sequel. The Spanish Flu variant will use the gene sequences in the vaccine in humans to develop more of the changes that make the virus more readily infect humans. We do not want to give this virus more human genetic material so that it will infect humans more readily person to person. This is what vaccinated individuals do for pandemic strains. (Dr. A. Patricia Doyle, Do Not Take A Swine Flu Vaccine, Centre for Global Research, April 26, 2009)

“The H1N1 vaccine contains the live virus and can cause the deadly illness.”

You can click here to read the full article, which contains a lot more specifics about the current appearance of this “deadly” H1N1 strain in Texas and around the world.

Soooo, here’s the thing. The idea of a coming bioweapon “flu” has been nagging me for weeks, and I’ve been “told” to post a very specific reminder that I know will gross out most of the people who read it.

What keeps running across my brain is to remind people of the power of drinking their own urine in order to reverse engineer whatever health crisis they face. Urine therapy is a controversial but medically proven and ancient therapy that involves collecting your first urine of the morning and slowly drinking it. According to proponents, doing so allows your body, including your endocrine and immune systems to analyze exactly what’s happening in your own biochemistry. You can find out more about urine therapy here.

“For almost the entire course of the 20th century, unknown to the public, doctors and medical researchers have been proving in both laboratory and clinical testing that our own urine is an enormous source of vital nutrients, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and critical antibodies that cannot be duplicated or derived from any other source. They use urine for healing cancer, heart disease, allergies, auto-immune diseases, diabetes, asthma, infertility, infections, wounds and on and on — yet we’re taught that urine is a toxic waste product. This discrepancy between the medical truth andthe public information regarding urine is ludicrous and, as the news releases you’ve just read demonstrate, can mean the difference between life and death to you and to your loved ones.” Martha Christy

I’m posting this as a service and to get my intuition to stop harassing me! Please do your own research. I’ve posted before on some of my Favorite Immunity Boosters. See also yesterday’s important post on the power of orgone energy. Since I’m not legally allowed to dispense medical, herbal or dietary advice, all these posts are purely anecdotal and intuitive. Please do whatever you want with the information.

I will say that if I ever find myself with some mysterious flu like symptoms despite all my healthy habits, positive energy, prayer and protection, then I will be drinking my morning pee until I recover. My intuition has been screaming at me about this topic for weeks, but the perceived ick factor and a desire not to sound paranoid have kept me from referencing it until now. Since it does appear that people are dying from some kind of space “plague” or (more likely) a bioweapon, I wanted to make readers aware that drinking your own urine allows your body to reverse engineer whatever it’s fighting. That’s a potent little factoid to tuck away in the event of “incurable” illnesses or unavailable “medicine.” Like Reiki, Runes, and meditation, you can take your pee wherever you go. No one can ban it, and you hold the power within you. Always.

Blessed Be!

Amazing Orgone

Anyone who’s heard of Wilhelm Reich has probably heard of “orgone” or “orgone energy.” I have always considered orgone synonymous with Reiki — literally “universal life force energy” — except that Reiki represents only the positive qualities of that energy, whereas Wilhelm Reich also found something that corresponded to its opposite. He called this energy DOR, “Deadly ORgone.” People who’ve studied Reich’s work refer to POR (Positive ORgone” energy) vs. DOR, and a major improvement over his “orgone accumulators” has included finding ways to transmute DOR into POR, rather than a device gathering massive amounts of toxic energy that needed disposal and could gravely injure the operator.

All of this might sound a bit woo-woo and paranoid, especially to people who’ve experienced the healing effects of Reiki. If universal life force energy heals, then does DOR even exist? And if so, what would it be? Well, scientists are finally catching up to what sensitives have known for millennia: energy can flow harmoniously, or someone or something can mess with that energy so that it causes harm. Think Atlantis (for those who believe in and/or remember what happened there); the ancient Indian war of mahabharatha (long suspected to have been a nuclear war); EMF radiation; nuclear waste; the recent study showing that plants won’t grow near WiFi routers; the Amish rejection of electricity running into their homes; the myriad reports of sickness and even death from SMART meters.

As someone who acutely feels all the subtle and strong shifts in energy (that is, after all, a huge part of how I earn my living), I have long known of the toxic effects of DOR. I just never used that term. Instead, I avoid electrical appliances whenever I can. I don’t own a TV and with the exception of two years after my brain injury when I used an old Grandma Van TV to watch videos, I’ve never owned a television. My iPhone has a SARS shield on it, because when I first got it, I felt ill even having that equipment in the house, let alone in my own hand. The radiation from the iPhone 4S was so strong that it triggered brain injury symptoms and headaches like I’ve not had since the first two weeks of my 1998 brain injury. After trying numerous shields, I had all but given up, until my SARS shield arrived. That allows me to use the phone for texting, emails and web surfing, but I mostly just use it for voicemails and a backup session phone. I don’t speak on it except for very good reason.

After my brain injury, I became overwhelmingly sensitive to the flicker of fluoresecent lights. Yes, scientists now tell us that they’re filled with mercury, and many people experience headaches from their hum or greenish hue. For me, it’s the frequency of the flicker, which I see as obviously as a strobe light — and I will just say, that flicker is not aiming to make energy more harmonious. At first, even shopping in a grocery store would give me massively peaking migraines that lasted a week or more. I first began shopping at Whole Foods in Evanston, IL because they originally didn’t have fluorescent lights! What a treat, until they, too, switched to the “environmentally friendly” (and cheaper) fluorescent bulbs.

Studies show that flying exposes people to megadoses of harmful radiation, and cancers tend to proliferate in people living near high tension wires. Then we’ve got solar flares and CME’s, which can throw people way off balance, cause heart palpitations and all manner of undiagnosable symptoms. I’ve written about ways to deal with those here. The sun itself isn’t toxic or “evil,” but the intensity of radiation and the geomagnetic storms caused by such blasts can definitely disrupt the delicate balance of electromagnetic energy in humans.

Besides these examples, we’ve had recent reports of “lone shooters” who claimed they were being manipulated by ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) attacks. According to a Washington Times article:

“Derrick Robinson, President of Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS), a victim advocacy group which attests to be ‘composed of at least 2,500 educated, articulate and intelligent Americans, all of whom recite identical symptoms of satellite and land based microwave and ELF signal weapon attacks’ provides Communities at a written response to yesterday’s FBI statement about the Aaron Alexis investigation and ELF waves.

“’There is an abundance of evidence proving the existence that ELF and microwave signal technology and weapons that deliver voice-to-skull transmissions to unwitting victims is wide spread and pervasive, according to government scientific reports,’ states Robinson.

SEE RELATED: 42 days after “microwave mind control” complaint, Alexis kills 12

“‘According to FFCHS, Derrick Robinson is a former U.S. Navy serviceman assigned to the National Security Agency’s linguistics communications division, who was attacked more than a decade ago for his personal lifestyle choices.

“’The signals remotely tap into the central nervous system and not only deliver voice transmissions but also trigger painful body and in particular, groin shocks, involuntary muscular movements and internal burning sensations, among other terrifying conditions,’ says Robinson.”

Read more:

All of which is to say that yes, I believe there’s ample evidence that DOR exists. I’ve had great success with my Qlink pendant, Reiki, various crystals (especially black jade, sodalite, tourmaline, carnelian, charoite, and red jasper), Runes (THORN and AR), and titanium or “healers gold” bracelets. Although I used to walk around like a drunken sailor during solar flares, I now simply feel juiced whenever they occur. I’ve also found that all these techniques and items helped to make living with WiFi and a SMART meter much more tolerable.

However … even with a SARS shield placed directly on our SMART meter, which pumps out bad mojo below our bedroom, I would still wake up feeling fried. It’s much, much better than when we first moved in, but until last week, I would begin each day feeling ever so slightly hungover. So would David, but in his case, plenty of other factors could explain that away — intense training for new jobs, crazy schedule, etc. In my case, I was pretty sure it resulted from the SMART meter below and cable line right outside the wall where we sleep. We can’t put our bed anywhere else, so I just compensated as best I could with loads of crystals, a Ganesha image, my Qlink, and various bracelets on the nightstand. It was tolerable, unlike when we first moved in, when my electromagnetic system felt totally controlled by an outside force, but it was certainly not healing or ideal.

A couple weeks ago, I was surfing around on, when I saw an ad for “Orgonia.” I’d noticed it before as a bastion of calm on that otherwise rather doomy-gloomy site, but I’d never clicked. When I did, I found all these delightful plaques and desk statues filled with orgone. They were also offering a deal of “buy five orgone pucks, get one free.” Something told me to give it a try, so I bought five (six) and awaited their arrival.

I didn’t unpack all of them at once. I did them one, by one, beginning with our WiFi router. The first thing I noticed was that the office suddenly felt joyful. Whereas I had found myself wanting out of that room most of the time, I actually began to crave sitting at my desk. Hmmmm. I had heard that the worse the location’s DOR, the more the orgone pucks supposedly generate greater quantities of positive orgone. I wondered, but came to no conclusions yet.

Next, I put an orgone puck inside our house, right in front of where our SMART meter stands outside. Even though I’ve had that area loaded up with all manner of protective crystals and intentions, I immediately felt relief. The energy shifted from frantically trying to mitigate and harmonize negativity to feeling almost like fresh Spring air inhaled in a field of flowers. No, I’m not exaggerating!

For the third experiment, I decided to place an orgone puck on the shelf of our bed frame, right behind my head. Wow, did I have a good night’s sleep! Still, every once in awhile that happens, so I felt it was too soon to tell. I’ve continued to have incredibly restful night’s sleep, though, and I awake feeling refreshed, almost like someone’s given me Reiki all night long! I unwrapped the next puck and snuck it behind David’s head on his side of the bed. Lo and behold, he started waking up at 4:45 a.m. refreshed and energized instead of wiped out. Other factors have settled down, too, but the timing remains quite interesting.

I distributed the last two pucks — one behind my laptop, and one behind a portal door near where I spend the most time downstairs. I often sit on the BioMat downstairs, which also generates really great energy that protects from EMF’s, but I’ve noticed that I enjoy sitting there now, even without the BioMat. In fact, I’ve not used the BioMat for several days, and I still feel fabulous. I’ve also found that for the first time ever, I actually enjoy working on my laptop instead of feeling like I need to hurry up and complete my tasks before it zaps me. In fact, I cannot believe how dramatically these orgone pucks have affected my everyday experience! I don’t get any kind of compensation for any of the products mentioned in this post, but I’ve felt such positive results that I wanted to share the information with my readers.

Last night I did more research and found that you can make your own orgone towerbusters (or pucks), but the process creates some toxic fumes. No thanks! At $5.99 per puck, with a sixth one free, I feel like the Christmas Orgonia deal is well worth my money. In researching gardens and orgone energy, I discovered these amazing photos from an experiment in identical gardens, one with orgone generators and one without. I was inspired to check for the effects of orgone after listening to some dire reports about Fukushima’s effects on all foods grown in the Northern Hemisphere.

I track radiation via my own internal Geiger counter, and Leuren Moret’s assessments jive with mine. She recommends using a BioMat, following a macrobiotic diet and many of the things I listed in an earlier article about radiation and diet. From a Medical Intuitive perspective, I’ve also noticed that clients and friends who embody and pass along the most positive healing energies are actually thriving on the Fukushima radiation, whereas ones who refuse to share their spiritual and creative gifts are noticeably struggling, oftentimes from illnesses directly associated with radiation poisoning.

I keep saying, “It’s evolve or die time,” and I’m not kidding. If you have gifts, please pass them on. As with Reiki, whenever you give a treatment, you receive one, too, because of the positive energy that flows through you. Share your gifts with the world, whatever they are. The process of passing along the good vibrations may well save your life. The energies on this planet are shifting so that they will eventually no longer support parasites and vampiric energies. No time like the present to ensure you’re giving and receiving in balanced ways, and if you must, erring on the side of offering more than you demand in return.

I have personally found tremendous support from the Universe when volunteering to help people whom I know will do something positive and pass along the helping hand; however, my ability to support those who take, take, take no longer receives energetic support. Because I’m not being replenished to support people who refuse to share their gifts, doing so quickly depletes me to levels that I cannot sustain. The past year has been really interesting in how many imbalanced “friendships” have disappeared in a huff when I mentioned that I could not continue to offer the overwhelming support. I haven’t requested return support. I’ve merely mentioned a need to funnel my own energy into other people and projects. Whoosh! You would not believe how fast those “friends” have shoved me away. The incredible relief that follows is also quite telling. Some “losses” are really gains, and the Universe has more than replaced those friendships with others who truly do expand and breathe their gifts with a “pay it forward” attitude.

In my research last night, I discovered at least anecdotal evidence for orgone neutralizing the negative effects of radiation. Wilhelm Reich considered nuclear energy to be DOR manifest, and he conducted numerous experiments in the same locales as nuclear testing. Wherever he worked, planned nuclear tests kept getting delayed and delayed, many planned ones never even occurring in areas where he had constructed various orgone accumulators, generators and neutralizers. People have also had success building their own orgone chemtrail busters with large copper pipes, crystals and metal shavings. You can find instructions at various places online. In the past, I’ve always worked with Nature Spirits to neutralize the skies above me and to shift any perceived HAARP activity in my region. I always felt their effort, though, and concentrating that much energy to create a shift — though effective — has always felt at least mildly depleting. After my amazing experiences with the orgone pucks, I may experiment this Spring and Summer with chemtrail busters and additional orgone generators. Looking at the effects on plants and clouds, how can I not?

I encourage people to do their own research and experiments. For myself, I have now added orgone pucks to my top line of tools, which includes Reiki and Runes — both of which work with the same universal life force energy. Nothing in this post constitutes medical advice or a healing claim. I just wanted to share what I’ve learned, because it has truly blown me away. I’ve tried a lot of things and experienced and witnessed a lot of miracles, but these orgone pucks have me dancing around and whooping it up. Something so easy, so simple and so effortless … powerful stuff!