Posts Tagged ‘Michiana Reiki’

April 2017 Specials ~ Last Call for These Offerings

As I mentioned last week, I’m in process of restructuring rates, session lengths, policies and offerings. I have not raised rates in 10 years but will begin doing so in May, in order to bring things more into alignment with my 16 years of professional experience as an intuitive reader and over ten years as a Life Coach. I’ve also been considering various requests over the years for additional services, classes, and mentorship programs, and I’m discerning which, if any, of those I feel led to offer at this time. My decision to restructure services and rates comes after much prayer, contemplation and synchronous nudges. I celebrate the new, even as it continues to reveal itself.

With our upcoming move — date and exact location TBD — I know I will make additional shifts once I get a sense of how many local classes I begin teaching in the new spot and how much time I feel called to devote to writing, including a return to writing fiction. Endings so often precede beginnings: although I don’t yet know all the details of the coming shifts, I recognize that some things have run their course. This month’s specials have been very popular over the years, but I will likely not repeat them in these forms or rates again. If you’ve ever felt led to these offerings in the past, then April 2017 would be the time to take advantage of the 3 for $333 or the Preparedness $123 specials described below.

$333 Intuitive Coaching Three-Pack

This special offers major savings at $333/three hours. I’ve found that even people who normally process things on their own feel challenged by the increased intensity and “sorting” of the Universe these days. As we continue with Earth changes, internal and galactic shifts, I feel called to offer a short burst of support to those in need. These sessions can be used close together or saved for a future need. You can use them in hour or half-hour segments. You can use these for Life Coaching, Medical Intuitive Readings and support, Soul Readings, Tarot or any of my other services offered at this time. The entire package can be gifted to someone else, but (for simplicity of paperwork) these three-packs cannot be divided and shared among multiple individuals. Offer valid if prepaid on or before April 30, 2017. To schedule your first session or purchase the package, please contact me here.

Intuitive Preparedness Check-In

This is a return of another special. With all the political, social and environmental upheaval, people want to know how to maintain a positive, proactive vibration and how to thrive while also shoring up any weak spots. This special responds to many comments, questions and private emails requesting my take on the question “What can I do right now?” — for specific individuals, rather than general guidelines and suggestions.

This hour session gives you access to my own intuitive scan of what areas of focus will provide you the greatest payback and sense of abundance, peace and security, with the least amount of resistance. Those looking to make larger lifestyle shifts can ask me to scan various lifestyle, location and/or community options to see which ones fit best with your vibration and heart’s desires. You can also use our time together to discuss energetic/magickal protection and manifestation tools and techniques, along with troubleshooting your most pressing concerns in various areas of life, including finances, food security, faith/spirituality/soul nurturing, relationships and/or land, including “garden guidance.”

I feel so strongly about helping people take steps from fear, denial and overwhelm into abundance, joy and freedom, that I’m keeping this pricing a simple $123. As Tolkien said, “Little by little, one travels far.”

Please contact me if you’d like to sign up for this special. Offer valid if prepaid on or before April 30, 2017.

Reiki 1 Certification in Goshen, Indiana

I’ve had a couple people request another Reiki 1 Certification Class before we leave Goshen. Since we don’t yet have a date of departure, I would need to schedule this no later than June 1, 2017. I’m willing to teach this class, but with all we have going on, I would require a minimum of four people in order to host another class here. We’re moving North, so if our current location is closer than Michigan and you’d like Reiki 1 training, please contact me to discuss potential dates. I have two rooms available for out of town students. You can find information on a previous Reiki Level 1 class here. This would also likely be your last chance to see the gardens of Faery Hof and Haus Am See, in case you hoped to see those in person before we move on to new adventures.


Special Topics in Reiki, Earth Healing Workshop, Tarot and More Now Forming

Special Topics in Reiki

Quite a few people have requested some of the Special Topics in Reiki classes I used to teach in Reno/Tahoe and Sedona, so I’m starting to gather names and dates to set up the first of that series. The first one will focus on the Distant Healing Symbol, which — as I’ve mentioned in all my Reiki 2 and Master Teacher Certification courses– is such a powerful, diverse energy that it really deserves its own class rather than the short blip of discussion and practice traditionally afforded in Level 2. Because it uses a Level 2 symbol, attending this class would require at least Reiki Level 2 Certification from myself or another Reiki Master Teacher.

If you’re interested, please contact me with some good dates for you in later May or early-mid June. This class would take place in Goshen, IN at the blue house (Haus Am See), and by then, the gardens should be gathering blooms and yum’s!

Earth Healing Workshop

Again, I’m responding to repeated requests for some kind of Earth Healing Workshop or Retreat, here in Goshen. Topics could include: getting started with gardening and land regeneration; front yard gardening; working with faeries and land spirits; creating your own oasis despite your neighbors or location; or, more general methods for tuning into the land and hearing, seeing, feeling and manifesting whatever that sacred partnership desires. I’ll have a better idea of what to offer once I hear more specifics from people interested in taking this kind of workshop in late May, June or July 2016.

Tarot Training

Do you wish you knew more about tarot cards and how to do readings for yourself and/or others? Wondering how to select the best deck for which purpose? Wish you could learn secrets to making sense of spreads? How to use tarot cards for manifestation altars? A lot of people have expressed general interest in learning tarot from me. I’m open to experimenting with formats — in person or possibly video based learning. An in person class could happen faster on my end than a video series, so I’m putting this out there to gauge true levels of interest. Please contact me here to weigh in.

Reiki Level 1 Certification Class Now Forming in Goshen, IN

If you’ve longed to begin your Reiki journey — or to refresh studies you began decades ago — I’ll be offering another Reiki Level 1 Certification Class in Goshen sometime in the next few months. Please contact me for more information and to get your name on the list.

Reiki (pronounced “ray” “key”) is an ancient healing method rediscovered in the 19th century by the Japanese monk Dr. Mikao Usui. The “Rei” in Reiki stands for “universal” or” spiritual,” and the “ki” corresponds to the “life force energy” known as “Chi” or “prana” in other Eastern systems of healing and energy work such as feng shui, Tai Chi, Qigong, or yoga. Thus, Reiki refers to “universal life force energy,” “divinely directed healing energy,” or “life energy of a spiritual nature,” with an emphasis on subtle energy fields rather than the physical body. By working on all the different levels, Reiki helps the body to relax into a state that allows optimal self-healing.

Reiki Certification Classes of all levels are now forming for the Michiana (Northern Indiana) area. Students will learn how to provide healing, relaxing energy treatments for themselves and others. Reiki offers a wonderful complement to massage therapy and other healing modalities, but it can also be used as natural healing support for friends and family. Each level offers full instruction and certification to offer Reiki Treatments. No prerequisites for Reiki Level 1!


Reiki Level 2 Certification Class in Goshen on February 27, 2016

Reiki Level 2 Certification Class in Goshen, IN

Saturday, February 27, 2016, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

This interactive class includes:

• Reiki Level 2 Attunement.
• Experiencing Reiki energy.
• Discussion of 21-day cleanse.
• Establishing a Reiki practice.
• Different qualities of Reiki energy
• Techniques for replacing addictions and bad habits with better ones.
• Clearing rooms & cleaning crystals
• Chakras and healing.
• Mental/Emotional Balance technique
• How to send Reiki thru time & space (long distance healing)
• Legal Responsibilities as a Reiki Practitioner.
• How to amplify Reiki energy.

At the end of the training, each student will receive a certificate acknowledging completion of Reiki Level 2, as well as recognition as a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner. Taking any Reiki training with me also qualifies each student to audit (at no cost) any additional Reiki classes taught by me, up to and including the level completed with me (space permitting).

Rate: $275 ($250 if prepaid two weeks early.)

This class will be held at the blue house next door, which has two double bed guest rooms available for out of town students who need accommodations. Goshen is 2-3 hours from Chicagoland, depending on your exact location, 40 minutes east of South Bend, and 8 miles south of the Michigan border. Please contact me to reserve your spot.

Reiki 2 and “Special Topics in Reiki” Classes Now Forming

Just a quick heads up that some local students in Elkhart County, Indiana have expressed interest in Reiki Level 2 Certification sometime between late February and early April 2016. Two guestrooms and kitchen are available for out of town students for whom a one-day trip to Goshen would make for too long a day with the full training. We’re currently exploring which dates work for most people, so please contact me with your interest and weekend availability during that time range. Goshen is about 40 minutes East of South Bend, 8 miles from the Michigan border, and 2-3 hours from Chicagoland depending on your exact location.

I will also begin teaching some “Special Topics in Reiki” classes like I used to teach in Reno/Tahoe, Sedona and Sonoma County back in 2005-2009. If you’d like a class dedicated to delving more deeply into certain topics related to Reiki, please contact me with your interests. My class on all the things you can do with the Distant Healing Symbol was always the most popular, but I’m open to other requests, including topics reserved only for other Reiki Master Teachers.

I’m headed to the Lehigh Valley in Pennsylvania again for a family visit in early March 2016. Although primarily visiting family, I’m open to the possibility of teaching another Level 1 or a Level 2 Reiki class there if enough people express interest and midweek timing and a TBD location work. It’s a long shot, but if you missed my July 2015 class in Allentown, please contact me to see if March 2016 might synchronize for your training.

November 2015 Specials and Reiki 1 Certification Class

Well, my goodness, November snuck up on me! It’s time to post the specials. As always, this month’s offerings reflect my sense of how to support the current and emerging energies, as well as responding to client and reader questions and requests. In this month of All Soul’s Day, it seems fitting to offer a brand new Soul Reading Special. Whenever planetary consciousness rises, past life bleedthrough seems to increase, crying out for attention and release. So many of last month’s Medical Intuitive Special sessions revealed past life factors that I thought I’d offer a more directly soul focused special this month.

Also, please note: due to some unexpected but necessary schedule changes for two of the students interested in this coming Saturday’s class, we do still have room in this (most likely) last Reiki 1 class for 2015. if you’d like to begin your Reiki certification journey before year’s end, now’s your chance to do so in a smaller class in the newly set up “Blue House” aka Haus am See.


$131 Soul Readings

Soul readings are what some people would call Past Life Readings, except we choose an area of focus — specific repeat challenges or relationships — and I share my impressions of the multiple lifetimes and patterns (attempted corrections and over-corrections) that have resulted in your current experiences. Bringing long-repressed past life stories to the conscious surface allows you to consciously address them, releasing old trauma, while embracing latent gifts. $131 (25% off) if prepaid on or before 11/30/2015. Please contact me to sign up.

$222 Mini-Coaching Packages

Back by popular request, this three-pack of half hour sessions represents a $52 savings over the usual rate. Sessions can be scheduled weekly or as needed. They can address anything from career changes to relationships to esoteric skills, potential relocation, past life issues, and/or health concerns.

$222 if prepaid on or before 11/30/15. Please contact me to sign up.


Reiki Level 1 Certification Class in Goshen, Indiana

Saturday, November 7, from 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. (East Coast time) in Goshen, Indiana.

For reference, Goshen is about 40 minutes East of South Bend, 8 miles from the Michigan border, and 2-3 hours from the Chicago area, depending on your exact location. A limited number of rooms are available for students who need to spend the night.

Students will learn and/or receive:

• History, nature, and science of Reiki.
• Experiencing Reiki energy.
• Using Reiki with other healing arts.
• Discussion of 21-day cleanse.
• Treating animals and plants.
• Essence scanning process.
• Establishing a Reiki practice.
• Practice self-treatment hand positions.
• Handouts and resource list.
• Reiki Circles.
• What a Reiki lineage represents.
• Giving a Reiki treatment with hand positions.
• Ethics and Legal Responsibilities as a Reiki Practitioner.
• Reiki Level 1 Attunement.

Certification: At the end of the training, each student will receive a certificate acknowledging completion of Reiki Level 1, as well as recognition as a Reiki Level 1 Practitioner. Taking any Reiki training with me also qualifies each student to audit (at no cost) any additional Reiki classes taught by me, up to and including the level completed with her (space permitting).

Fee: $175

Please contact me to reserve your spot.

August 2015 Specials and Upcoming Reiki Classes

As always, I offer the monthly specials in response to repeated concerns expressed by clients, family and friends, as well as my own intuiting of what would provide the most support to the most people at this time. You can find this month’s specials below, along with dates for upcoming Reiki Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 (Master Teacher) Certification Classes in Goshen, Indiana. For reference, Goshen is about 45 minutes East of South Bend, 8 miles from the Michigan border, and 2.5-3 hours from Chicagoland, depending on your exact location in or near the city.

Intuitive Preparedness Check-In

This is a return of a popular 2014 special, which I feel called to highlight again now due to so many people asking me about the likelihood of a “September Event,” along with so many people finally sensing new openings and opportunities that once seemed very far away. People want to know how to maintain an optimistic vibration and how to thrive while also shoring up any weak spots. This special responds to many comments, questions and private emails requesting my take on the question “What can I do right now?” — for specific individuals, rather than general guidelines and suggestions.

This hour session gives you access to my own intuitive scan of what areas of focus will provide you the greatest payback and sense of abundance, peace and security, with the least amount of resistance. Those looking to make larger lifestyle shifts can ask me to scan various lifestyle, location and/or community options to see which ones fit best with your vibration and heart’s desires. You can also use our time together to discuss energetic/magickal protection and manifestation tools and techniques, along with troubleshooting your most pressing concerns in various areas of life, including finances, food security, faith/spirituality/soul nurturing, relationships and/or land, including “garden guidance.”

I feel so strongly about helping people take steps from fear, denial and overwhelm into abundance, joy and freedom, that I’m keeping this pricing a simple $123. As Tolkien said, “Little by little, one travels far.”

Please contact me if you’d like to sign up for this special. Offer valid if prepaid on or before August 31, 2015.

The Faeries’ Dream

The Fae seem to go through phases of having strong messages and support for humanity, and I (and others) sense a recent increase in activity. This half hour reading focuses more on delight, good vibes and good will than on “fixing” anything. The Faery Realm holds the original imprint of our completely pure, loving and healed planet, so working with the Fae always puts us in close proximity of that possibility as material fact — what has always remained and thus already is pure, healed and beautiful. This reading springs from such knowing and offers a chance to learn what your faerie companions would most love for you to focus upon instead of all those things that crop up as worries or concerns. Invoking delight brings us that much closer to experiencing it. $77 if prepaid on or by August 31, 2015. Please contact me to sign up.


Reiki is an ancient healing method rediscovered in the 19th century by the Japanese monk Dr. Mikao Usui. The “Rei” in Reiki stands for “universal” or” spiritual,” and the “ki” corresponds to the “life force energy” known as “Chi” or “prana” in other Eastern systems of healing and energy work or yoga. It offers an easy, non-draining way to provide hands-on or distant healing through energy exchange and profound relaxation, allowing the recipient’s body, mind, soul and spirit to access their own deepest healing. Reiki can be practiced professionally, or as an adjunct to one’s own spiritual path and holistic lifestyle. I teach the Usui Method of Reiki, which is the most traditional style from which all other types derive.

About the teacher: Laura Bruno, MA, RMT has taught Reiki Certification classes around the United States since 2002. An internationally known Medical Intuitive and Intuitive Life Coach, Laura has authored three books and hundreds of articles on natural healing, mind-body-spirit-soul connections, raw food, and intuition. She has spoken at health conferences and has appeared as a guest on numerous radio shows and blogs.


Reiki Level 1 Certification Class, Saturday, August 29, 2015, 10 a.m. – 5 p.m., Goshen, IN

Please note, this class is filling up fast.

Students will learn and/or receive:

• History, nature, and science of Reiki.
• Experiencing Reiki energy.
• Using Reiki with other healing arts.
• Discussion of 21-day cleanse.
• Treating animals and plants.
• Essence scanning process.
• Establishing a Reiki practice.
• Practice self-treatment hand positions.
• Handouts and resource list.
• Reiki Circles.
• What a Reiki lineage represents.
• Giving a Reiki treatment with hand positions.
• Ethics and Legal Responsibilities as a Reiki Practitioner.
• Reiki Level 1 Attunement.

Certification: At the end of the training, each student will receive a certificate acknowledging completion of Reiki Level 1, as well as recognition as a Reiki Level 1 Practitioner. Taking any Reiki training with me also qualifies each student to audit (at no cost) any additional Reiki classes taught by me, up to and including the level completed with her (space permitting).

Fee: $175 ($150 if prepaid by August 15, 2015)


Reiki image

Reiki Level 2 Certification Class in Goshen, IN — Saturday, September 19, 2015 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

This interactive class includes:

• Reiki Level 2 Attunement.
• Experiencing Reiki energy.
• Discussion of 21-day cleanse.
• Establishing a Reiki practice.
• Different qualities of Reiki energy
• Hayashi Healing Guide discussion.
• Clearing rooms & cleaning crystals
• Chakras and healing.
• Mental/Emotional Balance technique
• How to send Reiki thru time & space
• Legal Responsibilities as a Reiki Practitioner.
• How to amplify Reiki energy.

At the end of the training, each student will receive a certificate acknowledging completion of Reiki Level 2, as well as recognition as a Reiki Level 2 Practitioner. Taking any Reiki training with me also qualifies each student to audit (at no cost) any additional Reiki classes taught by me, up to and including the level completed with me (space permitting). Very few spots left in this one!

Rate: $275 ($250 if prepaid by 9/1/2015)

Please contact me to reserve your spot.

Reiki Level 3 Master Teacher Certification Class, Sunday, September 20, 2015, Goshen, IN, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

If interested, please contact me so that we can discuss your previous training and make sure the RMT training makes sense for you at this time. Students must have at least Reiki Level 2 training in order to register for this class.

Taking this class also entitles participants to audit, free of charge, all additional Reiki Certification Classes taught by me (Laura Bruno), space permitting. Many students value this chance to observe earlier levels from a Master’s perspective. A very high percentage of my former students now teach their own Reiki classes all around the US. Class size is limited, so please contact me soon if you have interest and wish to reserve your spot.

This workshop is for those who would like to deepen their healing gifts and/or who feel a calling to teach. The instruction includes:

• How to give attunements for every level.
• Master symbols and Reiki Level 3 attunement.
• Anthakarana, Tibetan, and Usui Master symbols.
• Violet Breath.
• Complete Healing Attunement instructions and practice.
• Handouts for Reiki Master/Reiki Master Teacher.
• How to teach all levels.
• Discussing the 21 day cleansing.
• Reverence for life.
• Giving self attunements.
• Beginning a Reiki teaching practice.
• Attracting students that resonate with you.
• Teaching in different settings.
• Special positions for specific imbalances.
• Reiki and Manifestation
• Special uses and applications for Healing Attunements.

Fee: $650 ($600 if prepaid by 9/1/2015.) $50 non-refundable deposit required to reserve your spot.

Please contact me to discuss signing up for this class. You might also find this article helpful in determining if you feel ready to take this next step and if you resonate with me as a teacher. You can click here for an article called, “Synchronicity, Reiki and Finding the Right Reiki Master Teacher,” which details how to select the right teacher for your own RMT training. I am a Medical Intuitive, Life Coach, author, artist, and Soul Reader. I became a Reiki Master Teacher in March 2002 and have taught Reiki Certification Classes around the United States for over thirteen years.

Quick Reminders

Only three days left for the September Specials, and just FYI, I have received “word” that this is the last month I’ll be offering either of these specials for the foreseeable future. 🙂 Also, we still have two spaces (possibly only one space) left for the October 4 Accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 Certification Class held in our little faery cottage, with an optional in-person garden tour. Details on the specials and class below:


$44 Tarot Sessions

Half Hour Tarot Readings for $44 instead of the usual $55.55 (21% off).

Tarot readings are particularly good for people who don’t know what kinds of questions to ask me; they just want some kind of guidance because they feel unsure of what’s coming or what to focus upon. Tarot also seems to benefit those people who have exceptionally good things coming their way, yet wonder if I might be “padding the reading” or “just saying what they want to hear.” The cards don’t lie. (Neither do I – but the cards seem that much more objective a medium for delivering good news.)

I have several different decks ranging from Robin Wood’s classic version, to an antique Italian set, faery cards, and even a Jane Austen Tarot, which is surprisingly thorough! I most often use Robin Wood’s deck, but I intuit which deck most suits any given situation or person. If you’re interested in a reading, please contact me to set up a session. I will then invoice you via PayPal. During our session I can email you a photo of your spread: wherever you happen to be, you can now experience the immediacy of an in-person reading. Offer valid through 9/30/14.

Timeline Tune-In and Tune-Up

This type of reading seems so important and helpful right now that I’ve felt led to extend it for another month.

This hour session helps you to recognize your likely trajectory based on current energy patterns, intentions, and habits … and then, I search for the closest parallel reality versions of “you” with very slight differences that lead to more preferred (and more varied/greater opportunities for) positive outcomes. The scan and download are actually easier for me to do than to explain here, but if you’ve ever seen the movie “Sliding Doors” with its alternate reality story lines that intersect at certain points throughout the film, I’ll be scanning you for the stickiest intersection points.

This reading gives you a heads up regarding the types of feelings, thoughts and experiences to watch for if you’re looking to sidestep onto a more positive timeline without needing to slog through linear time to get your desired life. In some cases, the preferred outcome even requires a sidestep, because the laws of cause and effect already set in motion on the current timeline are barreling you toward their “inevitable” end result. Fortunately, linear time’s not all it’s cracked up to be! These “timeline hops,” “portal points,” “reality jumps” — whatever you want to call them — are not only possible but powerful, and with awareness and practice, you can learn to surf such opportunities, charting your own course from current to next closest to preferred realities.

$133/hour if prepaid on or before 9/30/14.

(Offer can be multiplied if you would like one or more follow-up tune-ins, tune-ups at some later date.)

Please contact me if you’d like to sign up for one or both of these specials.


Students will receive all instruction, handouts, attunements and hands-on training to certify them as Reiki Level 2 practitioners. Pre-registration required, as space is limited in the cozy cottage, and handouts will be delivered in advance. Click here for more details and/or contact me to reserve your spot.

Only Two Spots Left in the October 4, 2014 Accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 Class in Goshen

Accelerated Reiki Level 1 & 2 Certification Class

Saturday, October 4, 2014 in Goshen, Indiana

Only two spots left:

Reiki (pronounced “RAY-key”) is an ancient method of healing from Tibet. “Rei” means “universal” and “ki” corresponds to the “life force energy” known as Chi or prana in other Eastern systems like acupuncture or yoga.Thus, Reiki refers to the healing qualities of “universal life force energy.” Reiki works on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels, restoring balance to body, mind and spirit.

In this accelerated workshop, students will learn Reiki 1 & 2 in one day. This class is ideal for people already on a spiritual path, those who would like a fast-track to certification, massage therapists, or anyone who wants to send Reiki to people who live far away. Advanced techniques include ways to heal karmic wounds and early trauma. After completing this workshop, students will be certified Reiki Level 2 practitioners.This is a great opportunity for out of town students who prefer to make only one trip.

Instruction includes:

• History, nature, and science of Reiki.
• Reiki Level 1 & 2 Attunements.
• Experiencing Reiki energy.
• Using Reiki with other healing arts.
• Discussion of 21-day cleanse.

• Treating animals and plants.

• Essence scanning process.

• Establishing a Reiki practice.

• Practice self-treatment hand positions.

• Different qualities of Reiki energy

• Hayashi Healing Guide discussion.

• Clearing rooms & cleaning crystals

• Reiki Circles.

• What a Reiki lineage represents.

• Chakras and healing.

• Mental/Emotional Balance technique

• Giving a Reiki treatment with hand positions.

• How to send Reiki thru time & space

• Legal Responsibilities as a Reiki Practitioner.

• How to amplify Reiki energy.

WHERE: Private residence in Goshen, IN (I’m hosting this at our home and extensive gardens.)

WHEN: Saturday, October 4, 2014 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.

COST: $400 — a savings of $50. (Partial garden/yard work trade available for locals

PREREGISTRATION REQUIRED: You will receive PDF handouts in advance for better absorption of the in-class materials. Space is limited. Spots will be reserved in the order received. $50 non-refundable registration (which can be deducted from the $400 total) required to hold your spot. Please contact me if you’d like to register.

TEACHER: Reiki Master Teacher, Medical Intuitive, Life Coach and author Laura Bruno has taught Reiki Certification classes since 2002. Laura has taught all over the United States and also coaches Reiki Master Teachers on how to build a teaching and healing practice.

Reiki Level 1 Certification in Goshen, Indiana

I’ll be teaching another Reiki Level 1 Certification Class on Saturday, June 7, 2014 at Assembly Mennonite Church in Goshen, Indiana. We’ve already got quite a few students and auditing previous students, but this is a big enough space that we still have some room. Two recently trained Reiki Master Teachers will also be auditing/assisting with this class as part of their ongoing training. If you live in the Michiana area or even Chicago, which is about three hours away, this is a great opportunity to learn a natural, gentle form of energy healing.

Reiki is an ancient healing method rediscovered in the 19th century by the Japanese monk Dr. Mikao Usui. The “Rei” in Reiki stands for “universal” or” spiritual,” and the “ki” corresponds to the “life force energy” known as “Chi” or “prana” in other Eastern systems of healing and energy work such as feng shui, Tai Chi, Qigong, or yoga. Thus, Reiki refers to “universal life force energy,” “divinely directed healing energy,” or “life energy of a spiritual nature,” with an emphasis on subtle energy fields rather than the physical body. By working on all the different levels, Reiki helps the body to relax into a state that allows optimal self-healing.

Students will learn the history and science of Reiki, all hand positions for treating self and others, how to begin a Reiki healing practice, and they will receive a Reiki Level 1 Attunement and full certification to this level. Taking a Reiki class with me also permits students to audit for free (space permitting) any level Reiki Certification Class up to the level taken with me. I have had the privilege of teaching all levels of Reiki since 2002, all over the United States, and am so pleased that many of my students not only use Reiki in their own lives, but are also teaching Reiki classes to their own students.

If interested in learning Reiki, please contact me for more information and a flyer.