Posts Tagged ‘EEA’

Playing It Safe: The Rules Have Changed

Today I feel called to point out something to the “tried and true” crowd: those people who would love to step more fully into their gifts and Lightworker abilities, but prefer to “play it safe.”

In the past, testing the waters made a certain degree of sense. Why jump into a pool of sharks when you could spend years surveying the scene, and take the time to build a bridge instead? Why take a flying leap of faith when job security could lull you into remaining on that comfy 737? Sure, you never quite landed where you wanted to, but you also never crashed and burned. Why take a risk when it felt so easy to play it safe? For many decades, this has been a quintessential Lightworker dilemma. Follow your bliss, your true sense of joy and purpose? Or slog away in a less fulfilling life that continues to intend those carrots arrive sometime in the future?

Here’s the deal, though. Sometime in early 2011, the rules changed. All the safety and security of the Old World began its inevitable decline. Union rights, jobs, Social Security, pensions, savings, government, religion: they’ve all taken massive hits in the past year. Then there’s the ongoing nuclear disaster of Fukushima. (Remember that one? Yep, still spewing.) Waiting to find your “true North”? Um, the North Pole has shifted so much that it’s now in Siberia! We’ve got Solar Storms with CME’s strong enough to zap all our electronics and power grids. We’ve got some freakshow zombie flu the CDC would love to introduce. We’ve got overt Satanic rituals pushed on millions of viewers during the Superbowl Halftime Show and the Grammy’s. We’ve got rogue banks with no real incentives to change. A mosquito would have hurt more than the wrist slap they received.

Then we’ve got laws like NDAA, which allows indefinite detention of American citizens without trial. We’ve got the EEA, which would allow stripping Americans of their citizenship allowing for full implementation of NDAA, including off shore torture. We’ve got 30,000 Spy Drones authorized by Congress to begin enforcing an even more obvious police state. We’ve got SOPA, PIPA threats and Codex Alimentarius. We’ve got Citizens United, which gives corporations the same rights as “people.” I’m not sure how NDAA applies to them. 😉 Can a corporation be indefinitely detained without trial? Will Texas start executing corporations for capital crimes? Hmmmmm….but I digress.

I’m not trying to bring anybody down or peddle fear here. I’m just pointing out that now would be an excellent time to reevaluate what “playing it safe” means. Where is your true security? How can you ensure you attract those experiences you actually desire to attract, rather than the bizarre apocalyptic “facts” that seem to be crashing through all the old, reliable structures? Because, you see, you do have influence over how your life plays out. Despite all the surrounding chaos, you can fix your sights on whatever you most desire, and you can slice right through the crashing waves. You can part your own Red Sea.

But here’s the catch: parting your own Red Sea requires a consistently higher vibration than whatever’s chasing you. Take your pick on that one. If you have more than 7 days worth of food in your home, then by the US government’s definition you’re a terrorist. If you’re growing peppermint in the EU, you’re technically breaking the law. Who cares who’s chasing you, though?! In 3D-ality, oppositions rule. Black fights white. Might fights right. The rules haven’t really changed; it’s just becoming increasingly obvious that the old game is fixed.

Good news for Lightworkers and anyone else awakening to hidden potential: if you don’t like the rules, you can stop playing the game. Upgrade. Keep your vibe high by embracing those dreams you’ve always held at bay. Practice random acts of kindness. Smile at your neighbors. Hug the trees. Focus on whatever life you’d most love to live and know that you’ve already set the wheels in motion.

Time continues to speed up. I read recently that our 24 hour day encompasses more like 13 hours of old time. We’re rockin’ and rollin’ through this year. Think of how you felt last August. Doesn’t it feel like decades ago? The sudden and overwhelming transparency of government and corporate corruption means that people are waking up. When people who’ve slept most of their lives start stirring into awareness, they will need good leaders. They will want to learn fast. They can learn from people who’ve dedicated their private lives to spiritual pursuits. 2012 is the year of the hidden Lightworker letting his or her “light so shine” in the world. “Hide it under a bushel, no! I’m gonna let it shine.” Lightworkers will be welcomed by masses you never thought would have any interest in multi-dimensions, Reiki, ET’s, angels and alternative medicine.

Yes, the old structures are falling as fast as a controlled 9/11 demolition. But the rebuilding can happen equally fast! Reality is splitting. One side grows denser by the second. The other grows more fluid and easily influenced by the moment. Focus on something small and watch how fast it or some related synchronicity manifests. Look at how many withered dreams have seemed to gather force lately. What took decades to accomplish before can now happen in days or weeks. If you follow your bliss, you will find yourself living a more magical life than you ever thought possible on this planet. Bliss can be your new reality. You’ve got all the support of Source and all the love and blessings of those of us who’ve been dreaming of this time for lifetimes.

In my humble opinion, bliss sure beats the heck out of 3D-ality. But what do I know? 😉 Actually, bliss doesn’t beat anything. Bliss just is. And that’s quite enough, I’d say. In an insane world, your sanest option looks risky. You know you can opt out of the TSA radiation machines, but please realize you can also opt out of everything TSA and all the alphabet agencies represent. You can upgrade your world, and the more of us who continue to upgrade, the better system we get. The more beautiful planet we explore and tend. The greater prosperity we all experience. In a maze of chaos, find and grab that cord to Source. You will find your way.