Posts Tagged ‘Health’

Diabetes Health Tips

As a Medical Intuitive, I have spoken and written before on Diabetes and the importance of allowing ourselves to receive the natural sweetness of life. The following article by guest blogger Kristina Ridley offers a more practical, physical level approach. When treating any disease, especially chronic conditions, I find that multi-layered strategies work well. Our energy bodies interconnect on all levels; emotions and thoughts affect the physical, while body chemistry changes our perceptions and the ways we experience life. With Diabetes in epidemic proportions, I welcomed Kristina’s offer to provide this preventative information. Hope you enjoy!

See How Easily You Can Prevent Diabetes Through Blood Glucose Test

By Guest Blogger Kristina Ridley

The pancreas is a body part which Type 2 diabetes affects. When we take in food, the sugar in it turns into glucose then goes into the blood stream. When it gets in blood cells, the pancreas lets loose insulin that allows our body to use up the glucose like fuel. People who have a Type 2 diabetes condition will find it difficult to make as well as use insulin. Your body contains plenty of glucose; however your cells are unable to find it.

The American Diabetes Association has the duty of looking for information regarding this important medical condition. 23.6 million individuals living in America currently have diabetes, and because of this the country is seen as very unhealthy. Ninety percent of this figure has been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes and the tendency to be overweight usually run in the family. If there is too much glucose in your body, it could result in serious internal organ damage and affect one’s nervous system.

Living with Diabetes

The easiest and the most efficient way to treat your Type 2 diabetes is through healthy living practices on a daily basis. Among these practices include eating healthy and engaging in exercise. The healthy practices that you regularly do will have an enormous lasting and positive effect on you.

To avoid health complications, many doctors have recommended that you ensure that the glucose levels in your body are within the appropriate range. The blood glucose level in your body can easily be monitored simply by using the finger prick test. Such a test is as good as an HbA1c test when it comes to checking and tracking your glucose fluctuations.
This HbA1c test is able to determine the levels of glycated hemoglobin in your body, as well as know if the glucose levels are on the high side. The average level which diabetics maintain, as per the A1c test results, are at seven percent. One can experience a 40% reduction in the possibility of developing risks if people simply ensure that their A1c levels are kept at seven percent.

Over-Controlled Levels

A lot of studies nowadays indicate that keeping one’s A1c levels lower than seven percent could actually be a bad thing. There was one study which was done in Seattle’s Lancet and Swedish Medical Center that found out that there is a higher death risk for people whose levels are median at best and people who take insulin. On the other hand, other tests show that a seven percent A1c level is still quite healthy. While physicians take into account their patient’s medical history before the planned treatment, a 7% level of A1c is still good according to endocrinologist Matt Davies.

About the Author – Kristina V. Ridley writes on glucose meter , her personal hobby blog focused on helping people get free information to prevent diabetes and test blood glucose at home.

For a multi-layered look at Diabetes or other chronic health issues, please feel free to schedule a Medical Intuitive Session with Laura Bruno.

4 Mistakes People Make When Going Vegan

Whether you’ve read PETA literature, seen the Alicia Silverstone commercial, or just want to lose weight—going vegan seems like a healthy, earth-friendly choice. Indeed, this animal-free diet and lifestyle features zero cholesterol and 1/20th or less the field growing space required for beef. Since heart disease ranks as the number one killer in the U.S., and our demand for cattle contributes highly to destruction of the rainforest, a vegan diet makes sense. Unfortunately, some people jump right in without much knowledge and soon find themselves living less than optimally. This article lists the top four mistakes people make when going vegan—and offers ways to make a smart transition.

1) The “Fake Meat” and Potatoes Syndrome:

With Tofurky Brats, Tofu Pups, dozens of veggie burger styles, Chik’n and even BBQ Riblets in supermarket freezers, anyone can substitute a meat analog for meat and serve a Standard American Diet dinner with soy and wheat modifications. While these products can work well as transition foods, they also contain both wheat gluten and soy—two high contenders in the food allergy arena. Yes, they offer lower-fat, plant based protein alternatives, but eating gluten and soy at every meal increases your chance of feeling less than great on a vegan diet. Symptoms can include: bloating, sluggishness, irritability, fatigue, and constipation. People who did not previously notice sensitivities to wheat or soy might if these two foods make an appearance in every meal.

The body likes variety. Interview long term vegans and they will tell you that despite the exclusion of animal products, they now eat a wider variety of foods than they ever did as omnivores. Try to break out of the meat and potatoes mindset. Vegetable stir fries, salads with nuts, fruit smoothies with rice or hemp protein powder, and a world of ethnic dishes offer ample protein and nutrients without relying on wheat and soy. When you want to feel mainstream at a 4th of July party or even at family meals with omnivores, meat analogues can help you fit in. But allow yourself to embrace Mother Earth’s bounty: vegans do not live (well) on gluten and soy alone.

2) “I’m So Healthy I Don’t Need Vitamins Anymore”:

For some people who carefully plan their diets, this statement might be true. For most new vegans, it can appear true—for awhile. Compared to the Standard American Diet, vegan diets bring in more antioxidants than average people acquire through food. Several nutrients do require attention, though, namely: B-vitamins (especially B-12), zinc, calcium, and iron.

If you eat whole grains or leafy greens like kale, collards, spinach and chard, you can get lots of these items, but perhaps not quite enough. Although you have stores of B-12, without inclusion of animal products, your reserves can drop to dangerous levels. Low B-12 can result in a form of anemia, increased homocysteine levels (which can lead to heart attacks), fatigue, mood swings and mental fogginess. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. offers a comprehensive article on various vegan B-12 studies: The other B-vitamins can help you manage stress, achieve mental clarity, and maintain energy levels. Bottom line: if you feel tired after a few weeks or months of vegan living, a B-vitamin complex and especially B-12 may raise your energy. If symptoms persist, ask your doctor for some blood tests.

Although studies show comparable calcium and iron levels in vegans and people following a standard diet, many people suffer from anemia and pre-osteoporosis conditions. You ingest adequate amounts by drinking green smoothies, eating (and chewing well) at least one salad per day, and juicing calcium and iron powerhouses like broccoli, spinach and kale. Fortified breads, cereals and orange juice can also amp up your intake. Legumes and small doses of blackstrap molasses offer other ways to increase your iron. Look at your diet honestly, though. If you do not consume these (or equivalently iron-rich) things several times per day, consider adding them in or taking a vegan multi-vitamin. If you prefer whole foods, you can add a teaspoon or more of spirulina (a blue green algae) to fruit smoothies for an instant nutrient boost. It’s green, but a kale, spirulina, avocado (and/or almond milk), banana, and agave nectar smoothie will leave you energized and wanting more.

Zinc poses a challenge to animal-free diets, but you can find it in pumpkin seeds, legumes and nuts. Their protein facilitates zinc absorption. If you find yourself getting sick a lot since going vegan, have lower sexual drive, or skin problems, make sure your multi-vitamin contains zinc. If you decide to take a separate supplement, you might want to check with your doctor first. Zinc overdose can quickly become toxic.

3) Low Fat, No Fat and Wrong Fat

Most people have heard of the benefits of Omega-3 Fatty acids, especially as doctors began recommending fish for its Essential Fatty Acid (EFA) profile. “Essential” means you must acquire these fats from food; your body needs them and cannot make them on its own. Ideally, you want a balance of Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty acids, but without planning, a vegan diet can become very Omega-6 heavy. Corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and soybean oil all favor Omega-6 absorption. Imbalances of Omega-6/Omega-3 can lead to mood swings, mental decline, sore joints, poor immunity, and acne, among other problems.

High sources of vegan Omega-3 fats include: flax seeds and oil, walnuts, canola oil (controversial due to genetic engineering) and leafy greens. Hemp seeds and oil provide the perfect ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 fats, as does Udo’s Oils, a product created by scientist Udo Erasmus. Additionally, algae—from which fish receive their Omega-3’s—provide great plant source fats. In addition to spirulina, Omega-Zen 3, E3Live, and Crystal Manna offer vegan ways to balance your fat intake.

4) In Search Of: Perfection through Diet

No diet will solve all your problems, all the time. I have personally witnessed some incredible transformations in people switching to a vegan diet, but the changes proved long lasting only in those people who also made major lifestyle and attitude changes. Trying to eliminate every possible animal ingredient, animal testing or negative impact on an animal can become an obsession that interferes with abundant, joyful living. If you’ve made the commitment to live animal-free, I commend your choice. If you would like to inspire others to live this lifestyle, then I suggest you make it seem as easy and attractive as possible.

Yes, you’ll need to read labels in the grocery store and ask questions in restaurants. Yes, you might consult PETA’s guide to shopping, but ask yourself how far you need to go on every single item. We live in a world that, unfortunately, exploits animals and destroys our environment. We can each make small and large strides towards improving that state of affairs. We also live among other human beings. In your new found compassion towards animals, try to remember the people in your life. Education by example usually proves more effective than lectures, shame fests and ultimatums. If you turned to a vegan diet for health reasons, enjoy your new found health! If you turned vegan for the animals, become an advertisement for animal-free living! Look good, feel good, smile more.

Still confused?

Contact me here to set up a personalized Medical Intuitive Session where I scan your body and surrounding energy field to identify hidden factors and unseen support.

Favorite Immunity Boosters

With all the concern over the Flu, I thought I’d post some of my favorite tips for staying well. You don’t need to buy into the American pharmaceutical industry in order to benefit from some extra health precautions. I haven’t gotten a cold or flu since 2004, despite working in close proximity with many people who’ve been very ill and coughed or sneezed all over me. 🙂 Here are my top-twelve quick fixes whenever I feel a bit under the weather. As usual, I’m just sharing my own experiences and observations; nothing here constitutes medical advice:

1 )  Oil of Oregano. This stuff rocks! I bring some with me every time I travel by plane, because it’s anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-parasitic. A few drops in water (putting it on the tongue as instructed burns like crazy) helps me feel immune to any sneezing or coughing going straight into recirculated air.

*Note that in some women, Oil of Oregano seems to cause breast tenderness. If you already suffer from monthly breast pain, you might want to choose #3, Colloidal Silver, instead, or just use O of O in the event of direct exposure.

2 ) Yogi Tea  Echinacea Immune Support. Full of a synergistic blend of herbs and spices. If my glands feel swollen, I drink a cup of this, and I usually feel fine by the time I’ve finished the mug. I also love pau d’arco tea for its fortifying and anti-fungal, anti-viral  qualities.

3 ) Colloidal Silver Throat Spray. Not for continuous everyday use, I do find this valuable when that first throat tickle comes on. Like Oil of Oregano, Colloidal Silver also offers anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal activity.

4 ) Probiotics (non-dairy based). I often use Garden of Life’s Primal Defense. Keeping gut ecology healthy helps the body stay healthier all around.

5 ) Green Juice. Lots and lots of celery, parsley, spinach, kale and collards mixed with small amounts of fruit or veggies in juice form. Alkalizing the body automatically prevents most pathogens from thriving. Some people believe regular juice fasting keeps them more resistant to disease and common colds.  In the wild, many animals will not eat when they feel sick. Giving the digestive system a break allows more energy to be directed towards healing.

6 ) Vitamin C. Common knowledge, but also effective! Whether you get it from camu camu powder, Trader Joe’s freeze-dried strawberries, capsules or freshly squeezed orange juice, a little extra vitamin C gives the immune system a boost.

7 ) Medicinal Mushrooms. I don’t use these all the time, but in a pinch, I like New Chapter Organics’ tincture called Host Defense, featuring a synergistic combination of mushrooms designed to amp up immune activity. Some top players include: Reishi, Maitaki and Cordyceps.

8 ) Miso Soup. Miso doesn’t always mean soy. You can find chick pea miso in some health food stores. A warm cup of miso does wonders for sore throats.

*NOTE: If you have Candida problems, skip the miso until you get that under control. Sometimes the koji culture in miso can aggravate Candida.

9 ) Omega-3 Oils. Supposedly, peasants who ate a lot of hemp and flax did not succomb as heavily to the plague. More recent research validates the importance of cold-pressed Omega-3 oils or whole foods containing these oils. They support both immune and hormonal function. If you do not regularly consume hemp and coconut oils together, a high quality vegetarian DHA oil can also help.

10 ) Essential Oils. Other Black Plague lore: supposedly perfumers, who spent their days and nights surrounded by essential oils, did not get sick. These oils not only smell good; they have medicinal effects. My favorites include lavender, jasmine, frankincense, and lemongrass, for their mood-lifting and anti-bacterial effects. Jasmine, in particular, creates a nice scent while also easing coughs. Eucalyptus — of Vick’s Vapo-rub fame — also works well. Most essential oils offer some kind of healing benefit. For more information, you might enjoy this site.

11 ) Garlic, Onion and Ginger. Normally, I do not like too much garlic and onion, but if I feel a cold coming on, this combo stops it in its tracks. Juiced or added into Chinese or Indian dishes, the triple whammy of garlic, onion and ginger has never let me down.

12 ) Rest. Good, old-fashioned R & R, does wonders for the body, mind, soul and spirit. Since illness affects all these levels, it makes sense to cultivate good health in each area.

I drive myself hard, squeezing novel-writing in between busy, intense hours of coaching and intuitive sessions and a marriage. When I start feeling a little sluggish or ill, I know it’s time to take a break. I may not want the break, but the warning signs of illness come as “permission” to slow down and recharge.

Finding your own, proactive version of R & R lets your body and soul know they don’t need to manifest a full-blown illness in order to receive a full-blown break. Go ahead: take a walk; take a nap; watch a movie; read a book; get some Reiki; or … do nothing at all! You deserve a break today. 🙂

In health,


You Know You’re a Raw Foodist When …

Three days ago, I found a great little Mexican grocery store about 1 block from our condo.  They have a full deli, all the traditional Mexican canned goods, spices, pastries, and a small produce section with tomatillos, jalepenos, salsa ingredients, and fresh cactus.  I was especially excited about the cactus, so I bought a bag. 

On Sunday, I made a sprouted lentil version of “refried beans” with Cafe Gratitude’s “I am Hot” sauce and some tomatillos.  I served this alongside fresh guacamole and a salsa made with about 1/2 the cactus.  Mmmmm!  It was tasty and filling.   

Fast forward to Wednesday morning.  Since we live in Northern California, we sometimes encounter some mold issues.  During the rainy season, our car’s vents have developed some kind of nasty mold smell.  Our car’s under bumper to bumper warranty, so we decided to take it in for service.  They assured us they could remove the smell and any mold spores for no charge.  Yeah, warranty!

I’ve been extra hungry lately and not eating enough, so last night I soaked almonds to make almond milk as a smoothie base.  I wanted those high calories!  Before heading out to the dealership, I created a super delicious and dense smoothie:

3 bananas

1/2 bag of nopal cactus

4 leaves of Romaine lettuce

2 cups fresh almond milk

mesquite powder (1-2 TBSP)

2 TBSP Vita-Mineral Green

1/4 cup goji berries

1 TBSP cacao

handful of ice

3 drops vanilla stevia


I think that’s it!  I blended, and it tasted amazingly creamy and dense, with a subtle sweetness.   In short, I loved it.   So, I chugged half  at home and then brought the rest with me in a Mason jar.  When we arrived at the dealership, a lady in service said to to me:

“Is that a drink [insert disgusted lift of the lip] or your car oil?”

I replied, “It’s a drink!” 

My hubby cracked up.

You know you’re a raw foodist when your car service people think you’re drinking the oil change leftovers.  Mmmmm … mmmm!  Love those green smoothies. 🙂

Intuition, Animal Communication and Essence

Many clients and students express interest in deepening their intuition and awareness so that they can find ways of communicating with their own pets and/or animals in the wild.  The process I utilize during Animal Communication Sessions (and all intuitive sessions, for that matter!) involves embracing what my husband and I call “essence.” 

My husband, Stephen Bruno, created the following list in 2004.  Although he no longer teaches, he utlizes the same essence process in his photography, which is why so many people feel deeply affected by his work–especially portraits of animals and people.  He titled this list “The Nature of Essence”:

  • You are created in your essence and not as a product of your “enculturation.”
  • Essence is aware of its own existence without interference.
  • Often experienced as love, truth, energy, compassion and peace.
  • There is no intermediate substance necessary for the awareness of essence.
  • It is not what exists.  It is the existence itself.
  • Essence is the organ of perception and experience.  Essence transcends the human senses.
  • Essence is when what perceives and what is perceived is the same object.
  • Essence is the awareness of its own existence directly, intimately, and with certainty.
  • Essence is the different quality of experiencing life.
  • Essence is without judgment, self-importance, or conditioning.
  • Independent of the nervous system and transcends physiological process.
  • Essence can exist without the physical or human host organism.
  • It exists whether there is action or not.
  • Embracing essence creates wisdom, compassion, and healing.
  • Essence is a subtle but exquisite sense of compassion for all life.
  • Essence is a pleasurable quality with an unlimited source of energy.
  • Essence has no identification with previous conscious experience.
  • Your personality is changed in cooperation with embracing essence.
  • There is no end to the development and unfolding of your essence.
  • Will completely quench the heart, soul and offer peace of mind.
  • Essence has no cultural or gender bias.
  • Hidden within, yet it is not part of its nature to be concealed or secret.
  • Essence embraces individual and universal preservation equally.
  • All living things have a unique essence.
  • Essence is within, just as space is within us.
  • Essence is a different structure of existence from the body.
  • Essence is the ultimate reality that empowers all outward manifestations and change.
  • When in touch with essence we have substance.
  • Essence is known best by remembering it.
  • Essence is often not recognized even when it is present.
  • When essence is recognized, it starts to move to a deeper sphere.
  • To be a genuine human being, a complete human being, is to be essence.
  • Essence is covered up as your personality develops.
  • The power, resilience, and strength of essence are unlimited.
  • Exposes personality emptiness, bares its hurts, and makes transparent its falsehood.
  • Self-esteem, when it is authentic, is the value of essence.
  • The rediscovery of essence is the beginning of the true nature of life.
  • It is endless in its aspects, qualities, dimensions, capacities, and possibilities.
  • Life becomes a process of creative discovery when essence is experienced as the true being.

In addition to specific techniques for enhancing intuition and telepathy, my classes often help people to embrace their natural essence. I thought I’d share some information here for those who cannot attend in person.