Amazing Orgone

Anyone who’s heard of Wilhelm Reich has probably heard of “orgone” or “orgone energy.” I have always considered orgone synonymous with Reiki — literally “universal life force energy” — except that Reiki represents only the positive qualities of that energy, whereas Wilhelm Reich also found something that corresponded to its opposite. He called this energy DOR, “Deadly ORgone.” People who’ve studied Reich’s work refer to POR (Positive ORgone” energy) vs. DOR, and a major improvement over his “orgone accumulators” has included finding ways to transmute DOR into POR, rather than a device gathering massive amounts of toxic energy that needed disposal and could gravely injure the operator.

All of this might sound a bit woo-woo and paranoid, especially to people who’ve experienced the healing effects of Reiki. If universal life force energy heals, then does DOR even exist? And if so, what would it be? Well, scientists are finally catching up to what sensitives have known for millennia: energy can flow harmoniously, or someone or something can mess with that energy so that it causes harm. Think Atlantis (for those who believe in and/or remember what happened there); the ancient Indian war of mahabharatha (long suspected to have been a nuclear war); EMF radiation; nuclear waste; the recent study showing that plants won’t grow near WiFi routers; the Amish rejection of electricity running into their homes; the myriad reports of sickness and even death from SMART meters.

As someone who acutely feels all the subtle and strong shifts in energy (that is, after all, a huge part of how I earn my living), I have long known of the toxic effects of DOR. I just never used that term. Instead, I avoid electrical appliances whenever I can. I don’t own a TV and with the exception of two years after my brain injury when I used an old Grandma Van TV to watch videos, I’ve never owned a television. My iPhone has a SARS shield on it, because when I first got it, I felt ill even having that equipment in the house, let alone in my own hand. The radiation from the iPhone 4S was so strong that it triggered brain injury symptoms and headaches like I’ve not had since the first two weeks of my 1998 brain injury. After trying numerous shields, I had all but given up, until my SARS shield arrived. That allows me to use the phone for texting, emails and web surfing, but I mostly just use it for voicemails and a backup session phone. I don’t speak on it except for very good reason.

After my brain injury, I became overwhelmingly sensitive to the flicker of fluoresecent lights. Yes, scientists now tell us that they’re filled with mercury, and many people experience headaches from their hum or greenish hue. For me, it’s the frequency of the flicker, which I see as obviously as a strobe light — and I will just say, that flicker is not aiming to make energy more harmonious. At first, even shopping in a grocery store would give me massively peaking migraines that lasted a week or more. I first began shopping at Whole Foods in Evanston, IL because they originally didn’t have fluorescent lights! What a treat, until they, too, switched to the “environmentally friendly” (and cheaper) fluorescent bulbs.

Studies show that flying exposes people to megadoses of harmful radiation, and cancers tend to proliferate in people living near high tension wires. Then we’ve got solar flares and CME’s, which can throw people way off balance, cause heart palpitations and all manner of undiagnosable symptoms. I’ve written about ways to deal with those here. The sun itself isn’t toxic or “evil,” but the intensity of radiation and the geomagnetic storms caused by such blasts can definitely disrupt the delicate balance of electromagnetic energy in humans.

Besides these examples, we’ve had recent reports of “lone shooters” who claimed they were being manipulated by ELF (Extremely Low Frequency) attacks. According to a Washington Times article:

“Derrick Robinson, President of Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveillance (FFCHS), a victim advocacy group which attests to be ‘composed of at least 2,500 educated, articulate and intelligent Americans, all of whom recite identical symptoms of satellite and land based microwave and ELF signal weapon attacks’ provides Communities at a written response to yesterday’s FBI statement about the Aaron Alexis investigation and ELF waves.

“’There is an abundance of evidence proving the existence that ELF and microwave signal technology and weapons that deliver voice-to-skull transmissions to unwitting victims is wide spread and pervasive, according to government scientific reports,’ states Robinson.

SEE RELATED: 42 days after “microwave mind control” complaint, Alexis kills 12

“‘According to FFCHS, Derrick Robinson is a former U.S. Navy serviceman assigned to the National Security Agency’s linguistics communications division, who was attacked more than a decade ago for his personal lifestyle choices.

“’The signals remotely tap into the central nervous system and not only deliver voice transmissions but also trigger painful body and in particular, groin shocks, involuntary muscular movements and internal burning sensations, among other terrifying conditions,’ says Robinson.”

Read more:

All of which is to say that yes, I believe there’s ample evidence that DOR exists. I’ve had great success with my Qlink pendant, Reiki, various crystals (especially black jade, sodalite, tourmaline, carnelian, charoite, and red jasper), Runes (THORN and AR), and titanium or “healers gold” bracelets. Although I used to walk around like a drunken sailor during solar flares, I now simply feel juiced whenever they occur. I’ve also found that all these techniques and items helped to make living with WiFi and a SMART meter much more tolerable.

However … even with a SARS shield placed directly on our SMART meter, which pumps out bad mojo below our bedroom, I would still wake up feeling fried. It’s much, much better than when we first moved in, but until last week, I would begin each day feeling ever so slightly hungover. So would David, but in his case, plenty of other factors could explain that away — intense training for new jobs, crazy schedule, etc. In my case, I was pretty sure it resulted from the SMART meter below and cable line right outside the wall where we sleep. We can’t put our bed anywhere else, so I just compensated as best I could with loads of crystals, a Ganesha image, my Qlink, and various bracelets on the nightstand. It was tolerable, unlike when we first moved in, when my electromagnetic system felt totally controlled by an outside force, but it was certainly not healing or ideal.

A couple weeks ago, I was surfing around on, when I saw an ad for “Orgonia.” I’d noticed it before as a bastion of calm on that otherwise rather doomy-gloomy site, but I’d never clicked. When I did, I found all these delightful plaques and desk statues filled with orgone. They were also offering a deal of “buy five orgone pucks, get one free.” Something told me to give it a try, so I bought five (six) and awaited their arrival.

I didn’t unpack all of them at once. I did them one, by one, beginning with our WiFi router. The first thing I noticed was that the office suddenly felt joyful. Whereas I had found myself wanting out of that room most of the time, I actually began to crave sitting at my desk. Hmmmm. I had heard that the worse the location’s DOR, the more the orgone pucks supposedly generate greater quantities of positive orgone. I wondered, but came to no conclusions yet.

Next, I put an orgone puck inside our house, right in front of where our SMART meter stands outside. Even though I’ve had that area loaded up with all manner of protective crystals and intentions, I immediately felt relief. The energy shifted from frantically trying to mitigate and harmonize negativity to feeling almost like fresh Spring air inhaled in a field of flowers. No, I’m not exaggerating!

For the third experiment, I decided to place an orgone puck on the shelf of our bed frame, right behind my head. Wow, did I have a good night’s sleep! Still, every once in awhile that happens, so I felt it was too soon to tell. I’ve continued to have incredibly restful night’s sleep, though, and I awake feeling refreshed, almost like someone’s given me Reiki all night long! I unwrapped the next puck and snuck it behind David’s head on his side of the bed. Lo and behold, he started waking up at 4:45 a.m. refreshed and energized instead of wiped out. Other factors have settled down, too, but the timing remains quite interesting.

I distributed the last two pucks — one behind my laptop, and one behind a portal door near where I spend the most time downstairs. I often sit on the BioMat downstairs, which also generates really great energy that protects from EMF’s, but I’ve noticed that I enjoy sitting there now, even without the BioMat. In fact, I’ve not used the BioMat for several days, and I still feel fabulous. I’ve also found that for the first time ever, I actually enjoy working on my laptop instead of feeling like I need to hurry up and complete my tasks before it zaps me. In fact, I cannot believe how dramatically these orgone pucks have affected my everyday experience! I don’t get any kind of compensation for any of the products mentioned in this post, but I’ve felt such positive results that I wanted to share the information with my readers.

Last night I did more research and found that you can make your own orgone towerbusters (or pucks), but the process creates some toxic fumes. No thanks! At $5.99 per puck, with a sixth one free, I feel like the Christmas Orgonia deal is well worth my money. In researching gardens and orgone energy, I discovered these amazing photos from an experiment in identical gardens, one with orgone generators and one without. I was inspired to check for the effects of orgone after listening to some dire reports about Fukushima’s effects on all foods grown in the Northern Hemisphere.

I track radiation via my own internal Geiger counter, and Leuren Moret’s assessments jive with mine. She recommends using a BioMat, following a macrobiotic diet and many of the things I listed in an earlier article about radiation and diet. From a Medical Intuitive perspective, I’ve also noticed that clients and friends who embody and pass along the most positive healing energies are actually thriving on the Fukushima radiation, whereas ones who refuse to share their spiritual and creative gifts are noticeably struggling, oftentimes from illnesses directly associated with radiation poisoning.

I keep saying, “It’s evolve or die time,” and I’m not kidding. If you have gifts, please pass them on. As with Reiki, whenever you give a treatment, you receive one, too, because of the positive energy that flows through you. Share your gifts with the world, whatever they are. The process of passing along the good vibrations may well save your life. The energies on this planet are shifting so that they will eventually no longer support parasites and vampiric energies. No time like the present to ensure you’re giving and receiving in balanced ways, and if you must, erring on the side of offering more than you demand in return.

I have personally found tremendous support from the Universe when volunteering to help people whom I know will do something positive and pass along the helping hand; however, my ability to support those who take, take, take no longer receives energetic support. Because I’m not being replenished to support people who refuse to share their gifts, doing so quickly depletes me to levels that I cannot sustain. The past year has been really interesting in how many imbalanced “friendships” have disappeared in a huff when I mentioned that I could not continue to offer the overwhelming support. I haven’t requested return support. I’ve merely mentioned a need to funnel my own energy into other people and projects. Whoosh! You would not believe how fast those “friends” have shoved me away. The incredible relief that follows is also quite telling. Some “losses” are really gains, and the Universe has more than replaced those friendships with others who truly do expand and breathe their gifts with a “pay it forward” attitude.

In my research last night, I discovered at least anecdotal evidence for orgone neutralizing the negative effects of radiation. Wilhelm Reich considered nuclear energy to be DOR manifest, and he conducted numerous experiments in the same locales as nuclear testing. Wherever he worked, planned nuclear tests kept getting delayed and delayed, many planned ones never even occurring in areas where he had constructed various orgone accumulators, generators and neutralizers. People have also had success building their own orgone chemtrail busters with large copper pipes, crystals and metal shavings. You can find instructions at various places online. In the past, I’ve always worked with Nature Spirits to neutralize the skies above me and to shift any perceived HAARP activity in my region. I always felt their effort, though, and concentrating that much energy to create a shift — though effective — has always felt at least mildly depleting. After my amazing experiences with the orgone pucks, I may experiment this Spring and Summer with chemtrail busters and additional orgone generators. Looking at the effects on plants and clouds, how can I not?

I encourage people to do their own research and experiments. For myself, I have now added orgone pucks to my top line of tools, which includes Reiki and Runes — both of which work with the same universal life force energy. Nothing in this post constitutes medical advice or a healing claim. I just wanted to share what I’ve learned, because it has truly blown me away. I’ve tried a lot of things and experienced and witnessed a lot of miracles, but these orgone pucks have me dancing around and whooping it up. Something so easy, so simple and so effortless … powerful stuff!

53 responses to this post.

  1. Thanks so much for sharing! Just ordered! 🙂 I have a stunning pendant from Orgone-Eyez that is my go-to amulet. It is so grounding and protective and it has so many magical qualities because of all of the other elements, crystals, energy (and even superfoods!) infused within. Thought it would be relevant to share that they are having a special now through Jan 1 for 20% off with the code “BLESSIT20” at Good way to take this energy and protection with you everywhere. 🙂 Happy Holidays and so much love to you and David!!! XOXO



  2. Awesome post Laura, I’m ordering a ton of the pucks as last minute Christmas present’s, what better gift’s?!!! So happy you and David have had such incredible benefit’s, these orgone devices have been on my periphery for a while and this post was the push needed to jump in and try them, heck at these prices, one could really do guerilla tactics secretly placing them all over ones neighborhood to benefit everyone! How cool is that! much love and blessings!



    • People DO that! It’s called orgone “gifting.” Some people paint them to blend in or bury them near toxic locations. I’m tempted to put one by the eight smart meters outside one apartment near us. Those poor people! I’m sure it’s their bedroom, too. Wow. Love and blessings to you, too!



  3. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you Laura for this wonderful information packed post! Being an Asperger I experience many of the effects you describe from electromagnetic pollution and I have since childhood. Living in the forest on an IP/organic small family farm I would become miserably ill every month on the drive into the city for groceries, but within a few hours of returning home I was back to normal.
    Your comments about those thriving on the radiation touched me greatly as this ability was one thing I explained to my grownups when I was a small child – causing mostly amusemed disbelief except from my Mom who is very wise and open. I *knew* it could work that way. In the spirit of that paragraph I would like to let everyone know that if you or someone you know is in need of healing I have a practice of sending reiki “distance reiki” to those I encounter who are in need. Originally I just added people to my mental list but I am now making the physical list to hold while sending so if you would like to be added, or would like me to add someone you care for, please leave a comment on my blog. I do reiki for animals so please include them. Thank you again Laura for sharing so much truly inspiring and useful info all the time. I prayed for assistance staying positive even when my limits get overwhelming and your blog is one if the faeries and angels obvious answers to that prayer:-)



  4. Thanks much for the repost, your comments and for offering Reiki to people! Many, many blessings. 🙂



  5. Posted by Raven on December 21, 2013 at 12:10 am

    I bought an orgone pendant a few months ago and I wear it around my neck every day. It protects me wherever I roam and I cannot believe the difference in how I feel. I hang it over my head when I go to bed and it shines in the dark. I cannot explain why it does this. Any ideas?



  6. Incredibly important post – I am sharing too. Thank you, Laura. You are an orgone gift to the world. (POR, of course!) xx



  7. Posted by Patrick on December 21, 2013 at 12:00 pm

    I agree this a really important post, many thanks Laura, 🙂 I am definitely going to get one of those SARS shields for my iPhone!



  8. […] on some of my Favorite Immunity Boosters. See also yesterday’s important post on the power of orgone energy. Since I’m not legally allowed to dispense medical, herbal or dietary advice, all these posts […]



  9. Laura, this resonated with me so strongly I ordered 6 pucks and will blog about the results. Thank-you. As an intuitive who lives too much online, we need all the help we can get. Sending Solstice L & L.



  10. Posted by Sye on December 22, 2013 at 3:59 pm

    Dr Paul Flanagan revealed in an interview with Patrick Timpone some weeks ago that Ferric Oxide Crystals bought as Jewelers Rouge (cheap) can be added to clear nail varnish to transmute DOR into OR. Then you simply dot your dirty microwave appliances inc all your electric sockets, switches etc and don’t forget your remote controls. However, he said as the Smart Meters are so strong that you need to paint the wall between the meter. I have now started adding copper metals, aluminium powder and gold leaf as well as Gobi Desert sand which is fine crystal as well as the Ferric Oxide crystal which essentially is making liquid orgonite ready to paint on beautiful natural golden ration shapes such as pine cones. WOW! Soooo strong! As a pendulum dowser I have trouble holding onto the pendulum it’s whizzing counter clockwise so strongly over these things 🙂



  11. Posted by Sye on December 22, 2013 at 4:02 pm

    To follow on from the above comment…This ferric oxide crystal etc added to varnish has made it so easy to gift in order to take out mobile towers, pylongs and even your street light or telephone pole. Just paint some little stones like gravel with the liquid orgonite and throw them. Works so well and now everyone can do it without fumes!



  12. Thanks, Sye!



  13. Thanks Laura for your post, I have been meaning to purchase one of the Qlink pendants and after this post, I did just that along with the orgone pellets, bought 5 and got another one for free. I want to see and feel the difference. I am around all sorts of electronics at work all day long, whether cell phones, or computer or copiers, printers, scanners, etc. I really appreciate you bringing this to my attention, If they work as you have explained, I will be purchasing them as gifts for loved ones as well as areas that could use “the Love”, along with Reiki. oxox Dawn



  14. Posted by Cheryl Mealey on December 23, 2013 at 2:42 pm

    Thank you, dear. Just ordered a bunch for myself & loved ones. Can’t wait to try them!! XO



  15. Dawn and Cheryl, I’m sure you and yours will enjoy the energy! xoxo



  16. This is the most erudite, inspiring piece I have read in some time. I am especially thrilled by this:
    “I’ve also noticed that clients and friends who embody and pass along the most positive healing energies are actually thriving on the Fukushima radiation…
    ..happy to be a new follower of your work and linking this blog to friends. All the best.



  17. […] I’ve now had several requests to write about it, including in the comments section of “Amazing Orgone.” The paragraphs that prompted the questions […]



  18. […] and I’ve now had several requests to write about it, including in the comments section of “Amazing Orgone.” The paragraphs that prompted the questions […]



  19. […] tested our snow on Thursday in Northern Indiana. Now, granted, I’ve got orgone pucks in the garden and all manner of protective “filters” on our property, but it was snow. No […]



  20. […] initial order of orgone pucks impressed me so much that I very soon after ordered twelve more, which we’ve since scattered around the house and […]



  21. Posted by Giudo on March 11, 2014 at 9:45 pm

    Stumbled across this in a completely different search.

    I must say that it’s astounding that you managed to pack such a colossal amount of complete and utter bullshit into one article! It’s people like you that are holding back the human race by clinging to fairy stories, and worse, giving credence to them.

    Please, assuming your are serious and this is not a scheme to bilk the gullible, give your head a really good shake and wake up from the staggeringly bad mental stupor you are currently in. When you do, we will welcome you to a far more brilliant and enlightened world of the scientific mind.



    • I am at least slightly encouraged that the religion of science is finally beginning to “discover” what mystics, “primitive” cultures, shamans and healers have known for millennia. I’ll take the Faery Realm over transhumanism and industrial-materialist BS anyday. Enjoy your “enlightened” world. Maybe in another few decades (or centuries) a few more commonalities will show up. I pity people who worship science as though it has a monopoly on truth. Do you believe all the BS the big pharamceutical companies and Rockefeller trained/CFR owned medical journals tell you, too? Or Monsanto’s in house “scientific” studies? If that’s enlightened, I will gladly take a pass on your world. Thanks for the temptingly welcoming invite, though.



  22. I am still astonished that there are people who equate unknown or poorly or incompletely understood phenomena with the unscientific.People know what they feel – that is as much a part of scientific inquiry as anything else, and if everybody waited for the scientific process to catch up with their experience then not much science would get done in the first place. I am sure that one day we will grasp what orgone energy is and the laws by which it operates, but it probably won’t happen any time soon, and I am not going to wait around for that to happen while denying myself a wonderful and healing experience.



    • Well said, Bo! What a world we live in where the human experience isn’t supposed to count for anything, but a bunch of instruments (which eventually come to reveal what humans already sensed) do. So glad you are here on the planet at this time!



  23. […] pieces of handcrafted orgone pucks with black eye’d Susans on top. Perhaps all that extra orgone energy would protect […]



  24. Reblogged this on Orgonia Gifter.



  25. Posted by Nic108 on October 5, 2014 at 4:28 am

    Here’s an orgonite forum I like: Happy gifting!



  26. […] 5. Remember to breathe — the cleaner the air, the better. For some of you that means indoor air with lots of plants, since outside is a chemtrail and car pollution soup. Get near some plants with leaves and inhale deeply. If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere with CO2 eating leaves outdoors, inhale deeply for the rest of us! Wherever you are, take at least a few moments to hug a tree and touch the ground. Your body is a part of the Earth, and reconnecting will balance the zips and zaps coming at us from all over the place. If you feel really challenged by the chemtrails, wifi, EMF pollution and other assaults, you might want to review this post on Amazing Orgone. […]



  27. Posted by Griffin on November 19, 2015 at 1:20 am

    Most “scientists” don’t even realize that what they are propagating is
    It’s scientism.

    Look it up:

    From the Skeptic’s Dictionary-

    in the strong sense,
    is the self-annihilating view that only scientific claims are meaningful,
    which is not a scientific claim and hence, if true,
    not meaningful.

    Thus, scientism is either false or meaningless.

    This view seems to have been held by Ludwig Wittgenstein in hisTractatus Logico-philosophicus (1922) when he said such things as “The totality of true propositions is the whole of natural science…”

    Liked by 1 person


    • Great points!



      • In regards to so called orgone energy its enthusiasts didn’t become so by way of theory – they became so by way of experience. For those who consciously feel this stuff no theory is necessary. That sticks in the craw of science fundamentalists, but just because there are no instruments yet that can measure such energy does not mean it doesn’t exist.

        Liked by 1 person


  28. Posted by Dr. William Hart on August 6, 2016 at 3:57 am

    Orgonite and orgone related products, zappers, cloudbusters, etc… have all led to brain damage and amplified psychological disorders in myself, close friends and family’s. We we’ren’t born with these devices and they can be liked to energy raping your system, intrusive pre-mature character/psychic armor/ego defensive mechanism circumvention and removal. Why does it feels good? Much like using mantras for psychic surgery, acupuncture needles, or a knife for physical surgery, the body releases endorphins to anesthetize the pain. And this does nothing to re-educate your system or treat the cause of what creates the charge/discharge cycle of specific behaviors.



    • There is considerably more going on than mere “endorphins.” If you read my web site in depth you will see that. For instance, the many experiences reported of orgonite sending stuck spirits on and releasing haunted areas of negativity indicates that the cheerful energy of orgonite is not entirely a question of endogenous biochemical reactions unless
      you want assert that spirits are still using such substances even in their in-between state.

      Not everyone has the upbeat, chirpy reaction either; and those that do do not report it to be a persistent state – it is just the first state in a line of subsequent states that arise to help right a body that has become confused by chaotic electromagnetic fields.

      I attribute much of orgonite energy to the “natural” crystals and minerals within the orgonite matrix. Essentially what happens is that the affective field of these things is amplified and cast further out into space. I would not myself call this enhancement “unnatural” as it is known to be in evidence in certain areas of the planet where natural geological formations emit very similar energies. It is also extant at places like Stonehenge, The Great Pyramids, Macchu Picchu – all constructions that could, according to your definition, be called “unnatural.” I prefer to call these human creations “supernatural,” and I include orgonite in that category as well.

      Liked by 1 person


      • Thanks, Bo. I was hoping you would see this and respond. Dr. William Hart, sorry you feel you and your family had a bad experience with orgone. I am curious if you or your family have also had seemingly negative effects at high energy locations such as Sedona or some of the places Bo mentioned. Rapid shifts in vibration can seem like breakdowns but are not necessarily any reflection on the triggers. It depends on what has gone un-integrated and what has been hanging around one’s energy field. There are many factors. What kind of Dr. are you? Just curious since you listed the title.

        Wishing you all the best…



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