Lightworkers, Forgiveness and Narcissism: Just Find the Relief

Today I want to share with you another excellent video message from Abraham-Hicks about “relief,” and why it’s so powerful and needed right now. According to Abraham, and I’ve confirmed this so many times in my own life: whenever you start feeling relief, you get back into your flow, and your preferred experiences start manifesting in your life. When you’re used to living in resistance, pain or lack, just the slightest sense of relief has the potential to snap you right back on track for free-flowing ease.

As part of The Forgiveness Experiment, I recently stumbled upon some incredible resources by Kaleah, that have been clicking everything into alignment and allowing me to release situations and people for good. For the Highest Good, in fact, and without anymore confusion. It turns out that the reason I’ve been so able to recognize abuses happening in the world with regard to shadow governments, manipulation of subconscious mind, slavery in the form of “help,” nonstop creation of problems in order to present themselves as “saviors” from the very problems they (corporations, BigPharma, BigOil, BigBanks, BigGovernment, BigPhood) created, is because I’ve spent much of my life as a Narcissist Personality Disorder magnet.

I knew people were surfing off my energy; I just didn’t realize how or how much until this website began sounding so eerily familiar. Thank you, angels, for your prompt reply to my surrender and release of tricky situations requiring my forgiveness! Though shocking how far down the rabbit hole things go, it’s actually not surprising, given that we live in a society and world saturated with symbols, subliminal messages, religions, school systems, financial institutions, and governments promoting fear, separation, and shame.

For many people, losing their home represents a fundamentally crushing experience that destroys one’s sense of self worth. The “housing crisis” happened by design: people who feel devastated and worthless are much easier to control. Ditto 9/11: it was by design. When people feel terrified, they are much easier to control. Removing “victim”‘s money, legal rights and self-respect has allowed the über-narcissists of this world nearly complete control by convincing us that we need them in order to survive. The actual situation is reversed. Just like any parasite can be starved by refusing to feed it, so, too can the corporations and crazy people running our world right now. They need complete soul-level rehabilitation, not another quick fix.

When we feel separated from our inner Divinity, the ego blows itself out of proportion, living from a place of fear, scarcity, and projection. We all engage in a bit of narcissism, but pathological narcissism like that practiced by those who’ve tried to control this planet and humanity, results when the separation becomes so painful and pronounced that they must project any and all ill feelings onto their “victims.” Total control and total consumption become the driving forces. You become a food source, just like in The Matrix. The more you buy into the illusion (and that movie itself contains subconscious programming), the more you feed those “person”‘s creating the illusion.

A pathological narcissist becomes incapable of compassion or empathy and will use whatever tactics available in order to procure its next fix: your energy. Kaleah’s second ebook, “Narcissism: Web of Illusion,” sounds so much like posts I’ve written all year, except she actually uses the word and definition of narcissism. Awakening to the fact that someone else is actively orchestrating suffering, confusion, pain, debt and feelings of unworthiness can become a first step to freedom. We see this happening right now with the Arab Spring and the Occupy Movements.

When “victims” start to tune out the programming, they reconnect with Source energy. This reconnection to Love creates a safe enough environment to begin exploring how their own shadow issues make them easy prey for narcissistic “abuse.” Once they begin to move outside the dance of victim/abuser, they can fully heal.

Any abuse offers within it the keys to free ourselves — if we accept responsibility for how and why we’ve attracted these things into our lives. This is just as true on the global level as it is inside ourselves. As within, so without; as above, so below. I know I have learned tremendously from my own experiences with narcissists. In retrospect, I can see how and why my soul attracted people whose actions would “force” me to tap into my gifts in major ways. I can honestly say that I would not be offering most of what I offer to the world, and certainly not on a large or public scale, if the NPD people in my life hadn’t backed me into various corners. Since people with NPD feel so much darkness inside, they routinely seek out food sources who embody great light. If you are a Lightworker, then you have most likely experienced narcissistic abuse in your personal life. If you live on planet Earth, then you have certainly experienced narcissistic abuse in some form on the macro scale.

The more Lightworkers reclaim their own inner light and connection to Source, the more powerful and pure their point of attraction becomes. The more we heal and accept our own shadow side, the less others’ projections affect us. This is a major theme of the movie Kymatica, which looks at the world as a macrocosm of the individual soul. At this key time in our Universe, I feel that Lightworkers have a special responsibility to lead the way for others still mired in self-loathing, confusion and despair. Most Lightworkers I know, including myself, have experienced unbelievable trauma, but somehow they never quite forget their true identity as sparks of the Divine. Our world needs whole, healed Lightworkers right now, more than ever.

Please, if you have any interest in upping your love vibe, take some time to explore how narcissistic abuse (past or present) may still be hitting some of your limitation triggers. If you feel unworthy of abundance, power or recognition, and you’ve already done your own “inner work,” then perhaps the remaining triggers and programming actually came from someone or something else. If you feel over-responsible for your own perceived shortcomings, odds are you’ve let a narcissist play on your shadow side. No time like the present to fully claim your intention to heal and shine! I’ve written on Rejection, Projection and Reflection before, but I highly recommend spending some time on Kaleah’s website as well. We live in times of tremendous opportunity and potential. Healing ourselves can and will heal the world.

I hope this information triggers some relief within you. If so, enjoy! Your relief can and will lead to joy. I think Willy Wonka says it best:

Willy Wonka: But, Charlie, don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he ever wanted.

Charlie: What’s that?

Willy Wonka: He lived happily ever after.

15 responses to this post.

  1. A very powerful message indeed. Thank you for sharing.



  2. Posted by Molly on November 6, 2011 at 7:00 pm

    Excellent! And so timely to stumble upon this today. The last few hours have seen me freeing myself from old hooks by looking at them in a radical new way. I managed to get born into Narcissist central, with a family serving as propaganda machine for the world thugs. Never found it that funny, but actually, it’s hysterical!



  3. Posted by laurabruno on November 6, 2011 at 11:42 pm

    Yeah, I am kind of laughing at things myself and also thinking even in terms of Earth changes that Earth is throwing off the narcissistic corporations who have been draining her resources for so long. The fracking appears to be causing unusual earthquakes wherever they do it — kind of like Mother Earth saying, “Enough is enough! You have pushed me too far.” I feel so encouraged by these times of change and rebalancing. When we can laugh with joy at the coming shifts and the bizarreness of our own attracting, I think we’re really onto something. 🙂



  4. […] have accepted tricksters or malevolent entities as “guides,” not unlike the way a narcissist will create “problems” just so s/he can “save” the person and cre…. These false guides can then drain energy, cause confusion, and separate the person from their […]



  5. […] blog post with excellent sources on the topic of “Narcissism.” It is titled “Lightworkers, Forgiveness and Narcissism: Just Find the Relief.” Reading that post really opened my eyes more and helped me to realize that if you are […]



  6. […] technique the other night for rechanneling the negative emotions associated with psychic vampires, narcissists, and other people who’ve flagrantly betrayed our trust and boundaries. With Pluto in […]



  7. […] I agree in the sense that if you feel guilty for cutting the heart cords then that will have the opposite of the desired effect. Guilt encourages major energy drain! The Shadow Work is definitely important, and I’ve written on that many times before. […]



  8. […] Experiment since early November 2011. Seeking global debt forgiveness and attempting to find relief and freedom from the deeply embedded narcissist structures of our culture, I began looking towards a “forgive us our debts as we forgive our […]



  9. […] Experiment since early November 2011. Seeking global debt forgiveness and attempting to find relief and freedom from the deeply embedded narcissist structures of our culture, I began looking towards a “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors” […]



  10. […] Experiment since early November 2011. Seeking global debt forgiveness and attempting to find relief and freedom from the deeply embedded narcissist structures of our culture, I began looking towards a “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors” […]



  11. […] So Without” kind of resource. In the past, I’ve also posted on healing from betrayal by narcissists. Since the charm and focus of sociopaths and narcissists tends to skyrocket them into positions of […]



  12. […] Within, So Without” kind of resource. In the past, I’ve also posted on healing from betrayal by narcissists. Since the charm and focus of sociopaths and narcissists tend to skyrocket them into positions of […]



  13. […] So Without” kind of resource. In the past, I’ve also posted on healing from betrayal by narcissists. Since the charm and focus of sociopaths and narcissists tend to skyrocket them into positions of […]



  14. Posted by Karen on August 27, 2015 at 11:00 am

    Thank you so much for your powerful message, as a lightworker Ive had so much trauma in the past being born into a family with much suffering and a mother who is a narcissist and very abusive. It came to the point were my soul and my angels just had enough and I decided to let her go. It is a tremendous opportunity, seeing everything so clearly now, understanding how fear and the ego works in others and in myself. Gaining more power of light very day and I pray that everyone on this planet will reconnect with their inner light and with Source. You gave me the gift of release today as I read your beautiful words. We aren’t dependent on anybody else, we depend on ourselves and we are not here to save others but instead be a source of inspiration for those who are ready. So much love to you /Karen



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