Manifestation, Law of Attraction and Creativity

For years I have recommended clients and students get in touch with their creative side, wherever that may lead. Some people journal, others decide to paint, prepare food, or make movies or jewelry. Whatever the medium, creativity provides a great outlet for emotions, as well as a way to track progress.

The real reason I suggest creative projects so often, though, has more to do with manifestation and the Law of Attraction. So many people these days view themselves as “uncreative.” You would not believe how many people argue with me that they “don’t have a creative bone” in their body. Not only is this perception untrue, but it can cause paralysis. No, not usually on the physical plane! But people who feel stuck in life tend to be the ones who most deny their own creativity.

Why does this present a problem? Well, from a Life Coaching or Intuitive Healing standpoint, denying creativity inhibits the power to make a change. We create our lives moment by moment, first with our thoughts and then with our actions. When we refuse to engage our imaginations, then the status quo becomes our default reality.

Taking action on smaller creative projects primes the imagination muscle to make larger visions and take larger action in our lives. It also helps us to discover our own creative process(es). Do we tend to go for elaborate designs or simple things? Does inspiration come in fits and starts, or do we receive “the whole shebang” in one swoop? Do we need to meditate to clarify our vision of the project at hand? Or does walking help? Do we create better in the morning or at night? The answers to these questions provide valuable insights into our ability to manifest our biggest creation: the creation of our lives.

Engaging with ongoing artistic, writing or other creative projects can also teach patience and encouragement. The more times we follow our process from start to finish, the more embedded the idea becomes that things can begin with a mighty idea or a small seed, but either way, they take time to grow and develop into final form.

In life, some things come into being instantaneously. Thought precedes form by minutes, or nanoseconds. We love these kinds of synchronicities, and they, too, encourage us along the journey. But some dreams, some visions, take longer to bear fruit than others. Knowing our own process can help in the waiting phase. Sometimes that waiting phase takes awhile, and sometimes things look terribly disheveled during the process!

When I paint a door, for example, my living room looks terrible. I have paint vials, paper towels, garbage bags, sheets and all manner of brushes, sketches and CD’s all around me. When I look at a 1/4 or 1/2 painted panel, I sometimes cringe. Things do not always look good DURING the creative process. Oftentimes, they look much worse than they looked before we started.

And yet … if we can hold onto that vision, tweaking it along the way as necessary, we can bring something entirely new into existence. We can create something from nothing. The more often we see ourselves do this, from start to finish, the grander our life creations can become. We grow confident in our process. We maintain our composure during the “ugly” or “chaotic” phases, and we come to expect a beautiful outcome. The LOA states that what we think is what we attract and what we become. Expect to create a beautiful life and you will attract and become that beautiful life.

“As above, so below.” Have fun with this principle! Let it guide you into artistic realms where you formerly feared to tread. Consider it wonderful training for your ongoing series of masterpieces: you.

Many Blessings,

3 responses to this post.

  1. Being creative is very important, I think society tries to rob us of this at a very early age.



  2. Posted by laurabruno on April 12, 2010 at 2:28 pm

    Yes, if you think about it, most kids are incredibly creative because they haven’t learned that they’re not!



  3. […] I totally resonate with what he shares. I even wrote an article back in April 2010 called, “Manifestation, Law of Attraction and Creativity.” Even if you don’t consider yourself an “artist,” have a read … you might […]



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