Posts Tagged ‘Autumn Equinox’

Equinox and Libra Season 2023~This changes everything…

On September 22-23, the Sun enters Libra. Fall Equinox 2023 arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere. The Libra end of September 2023 and into October is INTENSE because both the South Node and Mars are in Libra at this time. With the North Node in Aries 2023, Libra Season brings extra karma and conflict. Find out how to surf these energies, as they’ll take more finesse than usual. (If you’re reading this as an email, you’ll need to click through to view the 14-minute video.)

Happy Equinox!

It looks and feels like Fall here, as asters, mums, marigolds, and sedum flaunt their autumn colors:

We also had a whirlwind trip to the Pennsylvania mountains this past weekend for David’s 40th high school reunion. As we arrived at the Seven Springs Resort, I realized I had been there before. Back in 1997 — in a totally different lifetime — I won a three day weekend getaway and took my mom there as a special treat. I love the old stone of the lodge, as well as all the trees. The photos show the view from our balcony:

David drove us seven hours on the way there, and then we detoured through his hometown on the way home, making that an eight hour return trip. He hadn’t been there since his parents moved to Goshen in 1995, and I had never seen the sweet little town. It was cuter and smaller than I imagined! I got to meet his very best childhood friend from pre-kindergarten, and he hadn’t seen her in 40 years. It was a special trip with lots of quality time.

Also setting the tone of Fall, we recently converted our gas fireplace to a wood burning stove insert. A half cord + of wood arrived the day before our trip, so David’s “relaxing” day ahead of the big trip involved a lot of work hauling wood to the shed while I did phone sessions. He also built a beautiful rack in the shed and arranged the wood in such an artistic way I almost don’t want to burn it. Almost! We’re actually very excited about this upgrade, especially with all the gas craziness going on right now. I’ve wanted a wood burning fireplace since we moved here, and everything synchronously aligned to make it happen with almost no planning on our part.

The rest of the front yard colors have shifted more towards Fall, as well:

Today we experience a universal pause with equal light and equal dark. The Sun moves into the balanced scales of Libra, kissing Mercury for just a moment, as he retrogrades back to Virgo. Pay attention to messages that make their way to you in this liminal time before the September 25 New Moon.

Blessed Be … and be the blessing. All is well.

New Moon in Libra ~ September 25, 2022

Given all the chatter around “September 24,” I’m posting this ahead of time so people can prepare for the energies. I keep telling clients that it’s VERY difficult right now to pin down exactly what will happen when. So many moving parts are in effect. It feels like life is screaming, “Category 5 Hurricane, Category 5 Hurricane.”

My personal sense is that yes, we are approaching a metaphorical hurricane, and things LOOK bad in some areas. I feel like we’ll wind up with more of a Category 2 Hurricane — significant change, some of it quite radical, but I feel like humanity is actually on the most positive timeline available right now. Some areas won’t even experience a hurricane, just much needed rain. Some people and some areas will have targeted tornadoes in addition to that Category 2 Hurricane. I speak in metaphors, but perhaps also literally.

Bottom line, the consistent message I keep receiving is that things could have been way worse than they are — almost incomprehensibly worse, except I’ve glimpsed those timelines. Collectively, we’re not on those timelines. Some disruption will occur, but seriously, folks, count your blessings!

Thriving is possible, and gratitude is powerful. Yes, things will change. In many cases, that’s a good thing. Change is necessary … but yes, change can be stressful. I posted the Astrological Preparedness Special this month for a reason. 🙂 If you position yourself well, you can benefit from disruption and even chaos. If you position yourself well and “nothing happens,” you’ve still positioned yourself well. You’ll find openings where others find closed doors. As the Hopi Prophecies say, “This can be a good time.”

My September 2022 Forecast shares:

September 25 New Moon in Libra 5:55 p.m. Eastern US time. Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, begins at Sundown. The Sabian Symbol for this New Moon indicates powerful shifts: (LIBRA 3°): THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY REVEALS EVERYTHING CHANGED. This degree also opposes Jupiter in Aries. Jupiter enlarges everything, so whatever revelations come, they’ll be big. Mercury and Venus conjunct in Virgo, bringing love and grace to the message. Saturn in Aquarius trines Mars in Gemini and squares Uranus in Taurus. The Saturn-Mars trine supports responsible action, but the Saturn-Uranus square demands bolder, revolutionary moves. This New Moon sets the stage for an October Surprise when that square goes within minutes of exact.

Dane Rudhyar elaborates on the Sabian Symbol with a “KEYNOTE: The ever-present possibility of beginning again on a new foundation of values.” Following so soon after Equinox, this New Moon hits the reset button even more so than usual. Jupiter tends to bring blessings, but the magnitude of change initiated by this New Moon could feel more like a “blessing in disguise.” Even longed for changes bring stress, and oftentimes the biggest, most necessary changes arise with a certain degree of inner turmoil before we accept and settle into the shifts.

This intensity gets amplified by the Mercury/Venus conjunction in Virgo trining Pluto in Capricorn. Deep, unconscious feelings express themselves in profound and uncontrollable ways. Long held secrets — told in great detail — change the way we understand our values and ourselves.

The September 25 New Moon in Libra’s Sabian Symbol anticipates more Scorpio themes of death and rebirth: THE DAWN OF A NEW DAY REVEALS EVERYTHING CHANGED. Moon cycles unfold over the course of a month. We might not recognize the full extent of change until the New Moon in Scorpio and Solar Eclipse on October 25. But change is coming.

Libra is ruled by Venus and symbolized by the balanced scales of Justice. Although the Sabian Symbol says, “everything changed,” the sign of Libra clues us to possible areas of extra radical change: relationships, partnerships, alliances, arts, literature, legal matters, and how we balance our lives. If you’ve struggled in any of these areas, then this New Moon bodes well for you.

If the prospect of a new reality scares you, I encourage you to lean into the positive side of Libra. Venus, the Goddess of Love, brings extra grace, harmony and beauty to her home sign. Often, we don’t realize we’re settling for something less until we see the upgrade. Instead of digging in your heels, allow yourself to engage the new, at least in your imagination. Surround yourself with as much beauty and balance as you can in the midst of changes beyond your control. Miracles await for those with eyes to see.

Happy Equinox!

Happy Spring to my friends and readers Down Under, and Happy Autumnal Equinox to everyone in the Northern Hemisphere. I’ve been so busy doing very Mabon-like things — harvesting, drying, canning, freezing, making sun tea, and cooking a vegan mung bean stew in the SunOven. So busy, in fact, that even though I scheduled today off for myself, this is the first chance I’ve had to sit down long enough to write a blog post. It’s a short one at that. Here’s a lovely music video I found to celebrate the Fall season, before I head outside to turn the SunOven and move masses of mulch. Wishing you all a beautiful, transformative day! Blessings and love … Laura