The Rear View Mirror

By now, some of you have realized that I collect different pairs of glasses. They keep me from slamming my hand into walls and smashing into doorways, but I also enjoy the accessory/disguise effect. I love how changing my own perspective also changes my appearance. It’s fun to play with vision and visions.

I recently got a new pair of sunglasses and a new pair of pink/mauve/reddish frames, which I love; however, the lens makers for Rx Optical seem to have altered something about the glass. Upon pickup, I immediately asked for the sunglasses to be redone, but I thought my regular pair of glasses would work. I loved the larger frame and clearer right eye vision. Until our recent trip to Traverse City, I didn’t think I’d need them to honor the 30-day satisfaction guarantee.

On Saturday, while walking to and from the restroom at Poppycock’s, I passed by the mirrored wall behind the bar, plus lots of little lights inside the darkened dining area. David and I sat in one of the bay window areas up front, and it was during this restroom jaunt and meal that I realized I would need to get the anti-reflective coating installed on these new glasses, too. The backsplash reflection inside my glasses was so bright and so strong that I could barely see ahead.

At some point, I recognized this issue as metaphoric of our times–at least for those of us aware of two simultaneous realities. The past–acknowledged by most people as “present reality”–shines so brightly on the rear view mirror of life, and yet many of us keep catching glimpses of a very different future. Call it “5D,” “New Earth,” “Ascension,” call it whatever you will, but many of us sense the glimmer. It presents as an overlay to the same old, same old. Contrast between the soaring expansion of this alternate reality, some of which is already in plain view of those with eyes to see–vs. the expected, habitual observations of the old reality–continues to grow stronger.

As an experiment, I decided to wear the new glasses out to dinner on my birthday. Maybe the rear view mirror effect had arisen from the extra high vibe energies I always feel in Traverse City. Maybe I didn’t need these glasses replaced but was, instead, sensing the extra thin veils on May 18th–perhaps triggered by transiting Jupiter-Sun conjunct my Midheaven and Venus-Uranus conjunct in Taurus. Maybe, maybe. I didn’t think so, but I wanted to know for sure.

Before heading out to dinner, I opened gifts from David and some friends, including Faery Sis Tania Marie. I wanted to send her a photo of me wearing the amethyst crystal skull-ET pendant she gave me. I snapped a photo outside, but no matter what I did, my phone would not send her the image. We proceeded to dinner, and I again noticed such a distracting rear view mirror effect that I could hardly see the scenes in front of me. When we got home, I sat at my desk and tried to take a different photo for Tania. Apparently, this was the photo that wanted to appear, because it went through to her on the first attempt:

The sun streamed in behind me, and you can see all that glare and reflection on the lenses. Even with them turning slightly dark due to the brightness, the lenses themselves act like portals behind and before. The glass is the present, a nexus between what came before and what lies ahead. Sometimes nostalgia, or even just habit, makes us so aware of what came before that we cannot fully grasp what wants to unfold ahead of us.

In order to move forward, it helps to see signposts of where we’re headed. In many cases, the signs are there–quite visible to me as I help others process their own blind spots and confirmation bias. In some cases, people do see, sense, and feel that other reality superimposed on the past/current situation, but like walking around with super reflective lenses, this awareness can feel profoundly disorienting. We must process and make sense of so much extra information that our brains need way more downtime.

I remember this from visual therapy while recovering from my 1998 TBI. By the time I finally got the treatment I needed to correct my binocular dysfunction, I had developed all sorts of coping mechanisms that limited my visual field. I could not afford to take in more conflicting information, so I developed tunnel vision. Reopening peripheral, upper, and lower vision involved many periods of overwhelm. I took a lot of naps, because we process faster in our sleep.

Eventually, my brain would have an aha moment, and then reclaim another visual field area that I had shut down. This happened again and again until I could navigate life without getting constantly blindsided by things outside my visual field, or overwhelmed by so much contradictory information.

I have always had astigmatism, which helps me see beyond the normal veils. I’ve always known and experienced extra vision–whether seeing further ahead in time, or recognizing otherwise invisible influences on 3D-ality. But the brain injury rocked my world. It permanently altered my perception, and it took years to process and integrate this new way of seeing.

The year 2024 is like a collective TBI. Intense astro transits, record solar flares and CMEs, plus a host of other weird, wild, electromagnetic storms and upgrades have rocked consensus reality to the point of no return. We’re not all on the same timeline, nor are we at the same level of integration in all areas of life.

As with any period of profound change on an individual or collective level, these shifts affect our relationships, and our self-conception. Many of you catch glimmers of a more beautiful, radiant, expansive being–like seeing your “original blueprint” wavering just ahead of you. Meanwhile, the old perspective, the past, things and people in the metaphorical rear view mirror cast doubt and confusion along the way. Many wonder if what they see ahead is crazy. The backsplash imagery looks so bright and domineering that it obscures clear view of whatever beauty flickers in front of you.

This is a tender emotional time, and we all need to be gentle with ourselves. Many of us require more sleep than usual–with periods of feeling euphoric and juiced, followed by zapped exhaustion. We’re not all crazy. Plenty of synchronicities and “real world” confirmations keep inserting themselves as signposts along the way. But we’re not “there” yet. Or maybe we are “there.” We are here, there and everywhere. We just haven’t fully integrated this new, lighter, more expansive way of being.

Wherever you are on the journey, be kind to yourself. Yes, be kind to others, too, but it’s quite possible you have more awareness than most other people you encounter on a daily basis. You’re an early adopter of this new way of being, of this total metamorphosis. There’s beauty and joy, but also pathos and grief, because not everyone or everything we love will continue on this journey. Some people, situations, animals, and habits no longer fit in the version of ourselves that we are becoming. The timeline split isn’t about “good vs. bad,” “loving vs. unloving.”

It’s much more nuanced, and all of this takes time and energy to process. Have patience as the story unfolds. Just because someone’s unable to see their full potential doesn’t mean they will never reach it. Just because our old lives drop like snake skins doesn’t mean they weren’t real. It doesn’t mean our old lives and old version of ourselves lacked value. It doesn’t mean we haven’t loved.

Many of us are on a different path, chosen long ago, perhaps even before we incarnated at this pivotal time on Planet Earth. Thank you for being here now. You matter. Your inner process opens pathways for less visionary and less courageous people to find their own way to something both greater and much simpler. We are returning to our most authentic selves. As I so often say, “Blessed Be, and be the blessing.”

Because you are both blessed and a blessing, just by being yourself, moment by moment, even if you don’t know who that is right now. You are evolving into something glorious. I celebrate you and your journey.

And now, I’m headed to Rx Optical to clear some of that over-loud and over-bright rear view mirror effect. Perhaps on some homeopathic level that will assist the larger process.

As Within, So Without.

18 responses to this post.

  1. What a fabulous discussion. I’ve had trouble with “the glare” for years! I totally understand what you’re going through. Have a lovely Memorial Day Weekend, Laura. Blessed Be & be the Blessing! 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Love the pendant on you and these colors. All great insights! I definitely experience many visions (physical eye shifting ones and the “other” realm ones) and keep reminding myself to stay focused here and now as the portal to creating my current reality. Lots of love to everyone navigating the changes…the integration of different/new can be any process you want it to be.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Posted by eat2evolve on May 24, 2024 at 12:49 pm

    You look beautiful and beatified, Laura. Nice frames, gorgeous light and you shining from the inside out. Happy Birthday! xo💜🕊✨🕊💜ox

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Posted by Carrie Neiss on May 24, 2024 at 4:15 pm

    Beautiful post Laura, thanks so much for sharing the metaphor story about the glare from behind! I clicked right into everything you said, “ditto”. I’ve been having some weird inflammation around my eyes for a while now, which gets more intense when I follow old patterns or have too much screen time. Perhaps a new less encumbered inner vision is necessary to align with our new earth. I love the pendant by the way, beautiful picture! 💙

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Posted by vitalecv on May 24, 2024 at 8:09 pm

    V-e-r-r-y interesting. Thanks, as always!

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Posted by rich333ed0a9b2f on May 24, 2024 at 11:24 pm

    Be the change you want to …..umm…SEE. This post was different for you, combining topics that are both vast and yet interconnected.

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Posted by owningcapt on May 24, 2024 at 11:50 pm

    Prescient imagery of animated reflections on the panes of your glasses. Every rise is connected to a fall; for every saint? a sinner. Every elevation to a higher level of evolving consciousness is connected to a pull or descent to a lower level. Inevitably some are left behind by choice or prejudice. Those ahead have a responsibility to redeem those struggling behind. Future lives will nurture further considerations. The roses and cross of human development.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Posted by The Wave on May 25, 2024 at 1:29 am

    Yes. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the weird “bridging” we have been doing for years between vastly different realities: the one we are leaving (want to leave), and the one we are going to (also came from). This holding of separate realities in our brains can make one feel really schizophrenic but I think it is our job as visionaries to do so. If someone (a lot of us, really) doesn’t hold the frequency of a new, better world in our field, it cannot happen.

    Liked by 1 person


  9. Posted by Cynthia on June 5, 2024 at 10:51 pm

    I’m astigmatic too. And I can’t wear large plastic framed glasses. Metal frames are more adjustable. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person


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