It’s About Time

I have publicly written and spoken about timeline shifts for awhile now, but in private, I’ve been pretty fixated on the concept since early 2001. Especially in the past year and a half, I’ve sensed that someone’s been manipulating collective timelines. A lot. I actually feel it in my body when the collective shifts to a more negative trajectory, and because it’s not natural, I experience it like a crash landing, complete with whiplash and jet lag. This post won’t make sense to a lot of people –at first– but if you let it sink in and read the linked articles, it might begin to bring some clarity.

I am personally thrilled with my own trajectory. I wish I could verbalize exactly how I’m doing it, but it’s happening below a fully conscious level that I just “hop” timelines if I don’t like the one I’m on. I know this is possible, because I do it often, with tangible synchronicities and “unexplainable” results. Abraham-Hicks discusses the importance of vibration in summoning the creative power of the Universe and using your “Emotional Guidance System” to orient you towards your intended destination. That works on an individual level on a reasonably linear timeline, but it requires a lot more focus and feeling with so many alternate timelines roiling around in chaos. One person’s chaos is another’s opportunity, though. The biggest limiting factor for humanity right now remains the conscious mind’s rejection of not only possibilities but actual happenings.

When a group of psychopaths hellbent on ruling the world use secret tools like timeline manipulation, then the deck becomes really stacked in their favor. I’m not interested in exploring the unfairness of that here. Others have done a very nice job of explaining ramifications and some of the how’s. I will include those links in a moment. For the purposes of my own article, I’d like to remind everyone that technology can only mimic the Real. It can only “play” God and hope to harness “the God particle.” Yes, that play can become extremely destructive, but it can’t trump the actual Divine. When we tune into Source/God/Goddess/the Mystery, we have flowing through us the real deal. We are literally the bridge between heaven and Earth. “The kingdom of heaven is within you” and me, and all of us. We just need to remember and cultivate our own forgotten tools.

I have some suggestions after the following links and brief descriptions. If you have no idea what the heck I’m talking about, please do take some time to read about timelines. It sounds sci-fi, but if you want to win this “game,” then it helps to recognize when the rules and playing field have changed. And who knows? Maybe all this messing around with the fabric of time serves as the ultimate nudge for human evolution. Stranger things have happened. And happened again. And been tweaked to happen “worse” or “better” again and again. Watch the movie “Groundhog Day” to see how we can use this “time” to our best advantage. As long as we’re in a loop, we might as well make the best of it.

Recent links about timelines and time travel:

Disclosure –Time Games published in Veterans Today (Government insider information about Schumann resonances, frequency changes, music, the Stradivarius mystery, time travelers and how all those relate to our current challenges. “The end result, such as can be expected, would allow us to at least be aware that we are living in an alternative timeline. We are owed that right.”)

The Big Secret…,Don’t Look At the Man Behind the Curtain published on Galactic Free Press. This one’s presented as conjecture, but I have to say it really checks out with my own observations since early 2001, and especially in the past year and half.

Project Pegasus (name of the secret government teleportation and time travel program and the webportal of Andrew Basiago, a time jumper turned whistle blower)

Exopolitics: My 1970s meeting with DARPA’s Project Pegasus secret time travel program This article gives some firsthand examples of how Project Pegasus has been used to influence timelines by planning for (read, “tweaking”) the future with specific results in mind.

Physicist reveals that HAARP manipulates time.

White Hats Report #44 Do You Have Your Tickets Yet? Finally! Insiders working on the banking scandal have begun to realize it’s not about the money. Time is money. Smoke and mirrors. Don’t look at the man behind the curtain … I feel great hope and relief that insiders appear to be “getting” it about the timelines and the real psychopathic goals.

There’s more out there if one cares to look for it, but those articles will get you started. If you don’t like reading about governmental conspiracies, then you can skip all that and just turn to exploring your own possibilities within the time-influence field. “Fiction” like “A Wrinkle in Time” talks about tesseracts, and movies like “Sliding Doors” and “NEXT” give more of a psychological glimpse into how individuals can consciously experience such events. As the veils continue to thin, accessing alternate timelines and dimensions –or at least sensing them– will become easier.

Keep in mind that the subconscious experiences time far differently than the conscious mind. Whereas the conscious mind will fight for its linear illusion, the subconscious already recognizes you as every being you’ve ever been — in every timeline and every parallel reality. YOU are IT. That means you can access “it” from within you right here, right now. With practice, you’ll find you can influence your own trajectory, regardless of what the psychopaths try to do with the collective timeline. Of course, the more individuals who harness their own trajectories, the more positive collective timeline we have, too. We seek critical mass. A Tipping Point. Some helpful tools:

1) Reiki Level 2 offers three symbols, including a “distant healing symbol.” People get excited because this symbol “allows” them to “send” energy to distant places like Seattle or Hawaii or Siberia. Actually, we all have the capability to direct energy anywhere we choose; however, the Reiki symbol helps us to lock onto a particular frequency that makes this a consistent, reliable, on-demand ability. The distant healing symbol can also send Reiki to different times: past, present, future, parallel, alternate.

“Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen,” the secret name of this symbol means “The Buddha in me reaches out to the Buddha in you to promote enlightenment and peace.” It also vibrates to the idea of “no time, no place.” In a sense, it makes the user a vibrational match for the Eternal Now and zero point. When everything collapses together, no distance separates time or space. Most people need a level 2 attunement to access this aspect of Reiki energy. If you’ve already had that attunement and want to help energize positive collective timelines (or even your own positive trajectory on whatever collective timeline), I suggest you dust off those Reiki skills and tools. “Universal Life Force Energy” trumps technology any day.

2) Practice the sa-ta-na-ma mantra. You can find detailed instructions here.

“SA is the beginning, infinity, the totality of everything that ever was, is or will be.

“TA is life, existence and creativity that manifests from infinity.

“NA is death, change and the transformation of consciousness.

“MA is rebirth, regeneration and resurrection which allows us to consciously experience the joy of the infinite.

“SA TA NA MA is so primal that its impact on our psyche is like splitting an atom. The power of his mantra comes from the fact that it rearranges the subconscious mind at the most elementary level. It has the power to break habits and addictions because it accesses the level of the mind where habits are created.”

I have used this mantra since 2000 or early 2001. It works. You have access to this creative power. What do you want to create? If you feel unworthy, please know that the psychopaths using technology for such ends have no questions about their own worthiness. Do you like the world they have in mind for you? If not, then trust that your influence and intentions will help, not harm.

3) Practice Sympathetic Magic. If the world seems far too large and overwhelming, and your subconscious feels far too tangled to influence, then you can work with smaller things that symbolize the larger. Feng Shui moves energy and uses symbols in the home; crystal grids direct energy with intentions and use the crystals to anchor and expand that process; vision boards, poetry and color bring intangibles closer to “reality.” The psychopaths bombard your subconscious mind with advertising, subliminal messages, frequency shifts and chemicals because those things have been proven to have influence. Small things, added up over time, with consistent intent work. You can reclaim this power and use your own small things. Make your own little rituals. Tell your subconscious mind that one thing you can easily influence symbolizes something larger, which you would like to influence. Then move that smaller thing and watch your larger world shift, too.

You can try many other techniques and skills, but these three suggestions work with minimal effort. Also, check out my earlier post, Technosophy, Orgone Energy, and Remembering Where We Come From. Alexander Barry’s video might make more sense now. 🙂

13 responses to this post.

  1. […] Laura Bruno’s Blog | July 13 2012 […]



  2. Posted by laurabruno on July 13, 2012 at 7:05 pm

    this video has been making the rounds on various sites these days:



  3. Posted by laurabruno on July 13, 2012 at 8:00 pm

    The following was posted as a comment and response on the shiftfrequency repost of my original. I’m including the questions and answers here, too:

    Another Lightworker wrote:

    I have 2 questions:
    1. How do we as a group and as individuals consciously connect with the timeline of ascension and help our planet get back on the Divine timeline (or is the manipulation of our collective timeline by the cabal doomed to fail due to Divine Intervention)
    2. How do we use reiki (and the distance healing symbol) to accomplish #1?

    My response:

    As Universal Life Force Energy, Reiki knows where to go. Just holding the intention of a positive/Ascension timeline and using the distant healing symbol will empower any and all of those possibilities, as well as heal any and all anomalies in the timeline structures. It’s much easier to allow Spirt/Reiki to assist us in its own specialized Mystery of timing (as opposed to time), than to try to mentally grasp and micromanage exactly how all of this is taking place. One reason for the veils is to help us to stay more focused on linear reality. That’s growing thinner, and we will eventually live much more multi-dimensionally from a conscious level … but in the mean”time” I’d suggest having a strong positive feeling and then sending Reiki to empower that in any and all timelines.

    Ditto on the healed Earth. In order to ensure your Ascension with the Earth’s guaranteed Ascension, you might want to insert yourself and a sense of community within your feeling/imagination of the healed Earth.

    Ascension is a vibrational and point of attraction choice. We choose Ascension moment by moment when we focus on positive feelings, positive steps towards wholeness, inviting in our multi-dimensional selves. If the concept of linear time breaks down, then the cabal’s last weapon breaks down, too. They can’t keep going back in time to create a worse and worse controlled scenario if the collective (which is made up of individuals) has a completely different understanding of and relationship to time.

    Hope that helps. There are SO many things you can be doing right now. Your imagination is very powerful. I suggest imagining some tangible markers for positive transformation and then inviting those markers into your life through 3D “real world” action.



  4. Posted by Barton Coffman on July 14, 2012 at 4:08 am

    What gives one hope in these times is knowledge that the human situation is reaching a perfect “paradigm climax”, and as the left brain conditioning crests, the creative intuitive right brain is rising, and it could be no other way, the yin and the yang. One can release from the “fear” driven media thought forms as one would release meat from the diet, gently “die” out of the corporate civilization and be reborn into the river of Life (that includes loving the transformation of physical death from a multidimensional quantum perspective), all a lt of words @ surrender… “All My Relations” Aho!



  5. Posted by Ann on July 14, 2012 at 4:48 pm

    Hi Laura,
    I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for tracking all of this and for serving as a light into the darkness. I haven’t yet absorbed everything in this post, but I can tell from my first reading that everything I’ve been feeling over the years to coming together for me.

    I’ve never considered myself a lightworker, but I’m beginning to reconsider that belief.

    BTW, I love the fact that I checked out “A Wrinkle in Time” from the library on Thursday. The Universe is amazing!

    Thanks again.



  6. Laura,

    Were you aware that in April, 2011, the Chinese government prohibited on TV, and in films and novels, all stories that contain alternate reality or time travel? Slavoj Zizek says it’s becuase in China, people still dream about alternatives, so the government has to prohibit this dreaming. But here, he says, the ruling system has oppressed our capacity to dream, to imagine alternatives …

    Elizabeth A.



  7. Posted by laurabruno on July 14, 2012 at 11:46 pm

    Wow, very interesting about both China and the West! China has all those highly psychic kids coming in so no surprise they were still dreaming. China also sees two suns sometimes and had that kind of parting of the veil in 2011. We are onto something! Let’s dream those alternatives into being. 🙂



  8. Posted by Kenz on July 15, 2012 at 3:33 pm

    Hi Laura,

    I’m wondering how you know when you’ve achieved a timeline jump? I mean, I’m sure you’re more sensitive to these kinds of things than most, but what are some of the “symptoms” you experience that alert you to the affirmative change?



    • Posted by laurabruno on July 15, 2012 at 3:41 pm

      For the affirmative (positive) timeline shift, it just suddenly feels like what I call “shuffleboard.” You know how if you’re playing shuffleboard, just a little push sends the object very far, with very little resistance? That’s kind of how things feel, like there’s suddenly less density, less friction, less resistance, not only with my own manifestations and intentions, but just in general. It can also appear as way more positive synchronicities and like an expansion out the back of my head. It’s hard to explain, but the expansiveness is noticeable. Then, if there’s an artificial negative timeline substitution it feels like a non-sequitur of heaviness. Plus, I get a lot of dark visions and senses of energies moving in not-positive directions. It has been shifting a lot lately. People are waking up so fast that positive timelines seem to be becoming the default. It’s taking much less time now to shift gears even with an artificial switch.



  9. Posted by Kenz on July 15, 2012 at 6:20 pm

    Very interesting! I think I understand what you are describing. Thank you for sharing!!



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