Archive for June, 2024

Dream Guy Soundtrack

Whew, that Solstice was intense! Anyone else feel like you walked through fire? This morning’s Dream Guy Soundtrack, courtesy of Michael Franti & Spearhead:

Garden Update: Scorching Heat, Showstopping Lilies

Whew, it’s been hot, hot, hot in Michigan. The temperatures are in the upper 80’s or 90’s, but with humidity, the heat index is much higher. We’ve had some nice overnight rain, which saves me garden watering, but today I needed to harvest garlic scapes, pick off cabbage moth caterpillars on my kale and collards, and deadhead some flowers going to seed.

David’s not usually home during the day, but today he said, “You sure have some showy flowers out there!” It’s fragrant, too. Here are a few pix:

I have never felt more grateful for lilies. This part of the season used to get kind of dull, but the “sixty days of lilies” blend really fills in the gaps. I especially love white lilies, since they really pop against the greens and Japanese maple leaves. Volunteer bachelor’s buttons provide that Monet blue I always crave in a garden.

You can also see magenta yarrow in the photos above and below.

Anyway, it’s hot, and I have much more in common with lettuce than sweet potatoes. This is not my kind of weather at all, but the tomatoes, cukes and basil sure love it.

Cancer Solstice and Capricorn Full Moon ~June 20-21st (Video)

The Capricorn Full Moon on June 21, 2024 highlights tensions between the Cancer Solstice and the sign of Capricorn. Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, June 20-21st calls us to look at family relationships and top down control systems like government, organized religion, and corporations. What are you called to protect? Where do you need protection? How will this Full Moon affect you and the world?

This sixteen-minute video shares how to navigate these energies. If you’re receiving this by email, you’ll need to click through to watch the video.

Video Chapters:

0:04 Overview of Capricorn Full Moon energies
1:46 Capricorn Full Moon square Neptune at 29 Pisces
2:56 Full Moon square Circe and Borasisi in Aries
5:23 Tensions between tradition and deception
5:45 Signs most affected by Capricorn Full Moon
6:30 Venus and the Fates: how this Full Moon affects relationships
8:08 The Sun Point conjunct Asbolus: prophecy and war
9:14 Sabian Symbols for the Full Moon and Sun point
10:40 Personal and geopolitical implications
13:55 Change of Seasons: Cancer and the Moon
14:48 Cancer Capricorn timing and dynamics within yourself

Solstice and Full Moon in Capricorn ~ June 20-21, 2024

My June 2024 Forecast shares:

June 20 Sun enters Cancer, 4:51 p.m. Eastern U.S. time. Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, and Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun in Gemini exactly squares Neptune earlier today, so this shift into Cancer feels extra palpable, as we return to more harmonious water energy.

June 21 Full Moon in Capricorn, 9:08 p.m. Eastern U.S. time. The Sabian Symbol for this Full Moon is “(CAPRICORN 2°): THREE ROSE WINDOWS IN A GOTHIC CHURCH, ONE DAMAGED BY WAR.” Dane Rudhyar adds a “KEYNOTE: The necessary realization by any individual making a violent use of collective power that it will lead to the inevitable destruction of some of the values ensuring group-integration.” This is the same symbol as the Capricorn New Moon on December 23, 2022. Issues that arose back then may resurface now. At the time of the Full Moon, the transiting North Node in Aries quincunxes Black Moon Lilith in Virgo. Reactivity runs high, but war is not the answer. The Sun, Mercury and Venus in Cancer urge us to honor emotions and find ways to nurture each other and ourselves. Some things are worth preserving.

The Cancer-Capricorn axis forces us to grapple with tensions between:

family vs. career

home vs. office

mother vs. father

feminine vs. masculine

nurturing vs. ruthlessness

over-empathy vs. rational assessment

staying in our shell vs. stepping up to lead

a need for protection vs. the call to protect

Even though Capricorn likes a tidy black or white assessment, some weird energies at the time of this Full Moon remind us to explore nuance and other possibilities. Think both/and rather than either/or.

The 1+ Cancer Sun point of this Full Moon quincunxes Pluto at 1+ Aquarius. This deepens and intensifies (Pluto) whatever feelings (Cancer) or information come to light (Sun) around the change of Seasons and the Capricorn Full Moon. A quincunx demands we integrate signs that seem to have nothing in common. Cancer is a Cardinal Water sign, while Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign. The Sun is bright and optimistic, whereas Pluto rules both Shadow and the Underworld.

How do we integrate these differences?

Both Cancer and Aquarius are signs of group energy with Cancer representing familial ties, and Aquarius covering friendships and political parties. Around the time of this Full Moon, alliances (Aquarius and Cancer) may transform (Pluto) in radical (Aquarius) ways that challenge the old guard and status quo (Full Moon in Capricorn). We’re asked to reevaluate traditions–both cultural and familial–as we try to make sense of continued downloads and revelations. Strangers could begin to feel like “family,” and we might learn that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Also at the 1+ Cancer Sun point is Asbolus–a prophet who correctly predicted the war between Lapiths and Centaurs. No one believed his warnings, and a devastating war ensued. Given the Sabian Symbol of this Full Moon, we would be wise to heed such warnings. “(CAPRICORN 2°): THREE ROSE WINDOWS IN A GOTHIC CHURCH, ONE DAMAGED BY WAR.” The Sabian Symbol for the Sun-Asbolus point offers a clue as to how we might avoid this predicted war. “(CANCER 2°): A MAN ON A MAGIC CARPET HOVERS OVER A LARGE AREA OF LAND. KEYNOTE: The ability to expand one’s consciousness by stabilizing one’s point of view at a higher level.

Indeed, magic permeates and overwhelms the solitary Moon in Capricorn with a tight square from Neptune in the final degree of Pisces. This Anaretic degree exaggerates all elements of Neptune–the magical, mystical, highest vibration of love, dreams, and inspiration, and the biggest deception, illusion, delusion, martyrdom, and porous boundaries, including boundaries between worlds.

Circe–daughter of Helios the Sun and a nymph, she’s a minor goddess of enchantment and magic. Circe exactly squares the Full Moon axis from 1+ Aries. Although she changed men to beasts and created monsters that killed many men, she also used spells, herbs, and potions to heal and help humanity. A master of subterfuge and illusion, her presence reminds us that magic is powerful and can be used for good or ill. Exiled by her own kind–the fickle gods–she eventually allied herself with some humans.

Alongside Circe at 1+ Aries is the Trans-Neptunian Object Borasisi, named for the solar god of Kurt Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle. Alex’s Astrology notes about Borasisi: “Astrologically, Borasisi represents deception of all types, though especially those perpetrated by or in the name of religion. It relates to illusion and delusion, particularly conscious self-delusion, as well as the dangers of technological excess.” In context of this Capricorn Full Moon, we’re reevaluating organized religions and their fallout. How many wars have been fought for religions that teach hatred of anyone of different faith? By whose authority (Capricorn) do so many people get brainwashed (Neptune/Circe/Borasisi) into killing others and destroying those who hold alternate worldviews?

In addition to the Sun and Asbolus, Venus and Mercury are also in the first decan (ten degrees) of Cancer. Venus sits at 5+ Cancer in the same degree as two out of the three Fate sisters. We’ve got Klotho (also spelled Clotho), “the Spinner” of one’s Fate through life, and Atropos, aka “the Inflexible,”–cutter of the cord of life. The only one missing at 5+ Cancer is the middle sister, Lachesis, aka “the Alloter” who determines one’s length of life.

Love, personal values, grace, and self-esteem (Venus) buffer and perhaps delay the harsh activity of Fate, but this Full Moon feels heavy (Capricorn). Regardless of magic and intention, some things cannot be changed. On the other hand, love stirs the pot. I’m reminded of Jimi Hendrix here: “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” As seasons change and we explore the complex issues of our times, will we lean into the love of power or the power of love?

Eight of Cups and Garden Updates

How many of you feel very “Eight of Cups” these days?

Rider Waite Smith Eight of Cups

Traditionally, this Tarot card shows a figure on a beach as he walks away from eight upright trophies. The Robin Wood deck’s little white book headlines this card as “Enough of this!” It’s a leave-taking, but not due to anger, failure, or frustration. Rather, the Eight of Cups card symbolizes a call towards something new after the old has run its course. There’s a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction to the Eight of Cups, as well as a strong urge to explore the new.

Whenever we reach this state, it feels tempting to throw out the proverbial baby with the bathwater, but the Eight of Cups reminds us to appreciate what we’ve already experienced. The Nine of Cups displays satisfaction, even potential gluttony, but the Eight of Cups reminds us that enough is enough. That can mean the end of things, but it can also become its own mantra of gratitude. “Enough” means we lack nothing. If you find yourself saying, “I am so done with this,” or pining away for a nebulous yet beckoning future, take a moment to honor the journey.

A recent trip to Lake Michigan reminded me of the precarious and expansive nature of our times. The park had laid down a rubber traction mat, which eased the slipping sand journey up and down the dunes. David surmised that the mat also prevented the extreme erosion affecting other parts of this beach. It was a “red flag” day with the single red flag indicating high hazard due to strong currents.

We didn’t intend to swim. I wanted a walk on the beach, and David added to his ever-growing rock collection. Despite hazardous rip tides, the sun, wind, and temperature felt perfect as I walked.

In our urge to move forward, forward, forward, sometimes we need to stop and reassess. Exploring our own emotional waters, we also merge with and echo our surroundings.

We don’t control the tides any more than we override large cycles of time. It helps to enjoy the journey, even as we wander through the liminal space of neither here nor there.

My garden shows the same dynamics as our Lake Michigan getaway. I intended to downsize this year, because I just don’t have it in me to battle groundhogs and water the backyard gardens every day. Even without my direct intervention, much of the garden already flourishes. Between perennials planted years ago and annuals that continually reseed themselves, the casual eye can’t tell I’ve minimized effort.

Appreciation of all the abundance already on offer inspired me to add a little more here and there. I mentioned how I created a hugelkultur bed in the backyard trough, hoping that would save me the trouble of daily watering. Well, not only are those plants doing very well, but it turns out the neighbor’s sprinkler keeps watering just that bed as it happens to spray into our yard. Meanwhile, the clematis we cut back so far last fall has rewarded us with a profusion of purple, as orange day lilies begin to bloom:

We’ve also entered the full bloom period of Robinhood roses:

If you look carefully up front, you’ll find marigolds, eggplant, Russian red and lacinato kale, collards, basil, parsley, rosemary, and tomato plants tucked among the perennials and other herbs:

The daisies in front of the yellow lilies didn’t survive the winter; however, wild daisies are now blooming all over the front gardens. You can just see some of them in the upper right of the above photo, and they scatter highlights of white around the garden with reseeded chamomile and bolting arugula. In place of the former daisies, I added more lilies–gorgeous garden thugs who require little care and survive our winters well:

On the surface, much of the garden remains the same, but a few upgrades save loads of time and effort. Letting go of outcomes also allowed me to see how little care some things need. Once established, many perennials can grow for years. These familiar, well-established things allow us to adjust our efforts and intentions with minimal disruption. Releasing some control can surprise us with how well things work without our interference.

If you feel burned out right now, consider experimenting in well-established areas of life. Some of these may still require tending, but others may want to return time and energy to you. Allowing ourselves to receive the blessings on offer reminds us of life’s beauty and abundance. When we tune into nature, we find what we need. Quite often, life supplies far more than the bare minimum, and when things like my daisies didn’t make it–I received a far wider volume of wild daisies. These look similar, but instead of a few large flowers, I have many, many smaller ones, planted in just the right spots without any input from me.

In the language of flowers, daisies represent “rebirth, new beginnings and hope.” Somehow this feels like a much larger demonstration.

How to Work with your Dreams

This 24-minute video answers some of the most commonly asked questions about how to work with dreams.

How can I remember more dreams?

How do I know what dream symbols mean?

What about lucid dreaming or precognitive dreams?

Any recommended resources for dreams?

I talk a little about astrology and dreams, but it’s mostly focused on dreamwork that anyone can do. Dreams are a free resource, which you can mine in order to heal, expand, and improve your life. If you’re receiving this by email, you’ll need to click through to watch the video. If you have other topics you’d like me to cover in videos, please let me know in the YouTube comments or on my blog.

Gemini New Moon ~ June 6, 2024 (Video)

The June 6 New Moon is tricky just like Gemini. Love soars with a conjunction from Venus, but Saturn in Pisces slows things down. Many things are not as they appear. We can work with these energies, but they are monumental. Laura explains which signs will be most affected, and she also looks at how this New Moon triggers Gemini placements in the natal charts of Donald Trump and the United States.

Zane Stein first noted Thereus and the idea of Stalin waiting in the wings after Lenin died. Darkstar Astrology explores the discovery of Thereus in much greater detail.

Please note: Donald Trump’s natal Sun is at 22 Gemini. I misspoke and said 21 Gemini. It’s essentially the same point, but for accuracy, it’s 22 Gemini.

If you find yourself overly reactive to this New Moon’s energies, you might want to review my video on Black Moon Lilith.

June 2024 Specials

We’ve got another month of wild energies! These two specials are requests, but they also seem timely:


Three For Two

Back by popular demand. Three hours for the price of two: save $222. This package can be used in whatever increments you choose — hour, 40-minute, half-hour, or 20-minute sessions — and for whatever services you’d like — Life Coaching, Astrology, Medical Intuition, Relationship Clarity, Soul Readings, or any other related service. $444 if prepaid on or before 6/30/24. Please contact me to sign up.

30-Minute Intuitive Coaching Special

This is a rare special, created by special request for a lower cost half-hour coaching and/or astrology option. You can use this special for any combination of services — intuitive life coaching, medical intuition, a timeline tune-in/tune-up, and/or a mini astrology reading. $111 if prepaid on or before 6/30/24. Please contact me to sign up.