Full Moon in Leo ~ February 16, 2022

[Oops! I didn’t mean for this to go live so soon. I had it scheduled for the 11th, but somehow it jumped out in front. This seems symbolic of the energies, so I’ll leave it up.]

My February 2022 Forecast notes:

February 16 Full Moon in Leo, 11:56 a.m. Eastern. This Full Moon in late Leo occurs at the same time Venus exactly conjuncts Mars. The close proximity of these cosmic lovers spans from February 7-March 15, but they consummate today. Uranus passes through 11°11′ today, too, opening a portal of liberation in Earthy Taurus. The energies are expansive enough to overwhelm. If you feel option dilemma, don’t try to decide anything today. Just enjoy the flood of potentials after a long period of immobility.

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon degree is:


KEYNOTE: A wide, and perhaps confusing, openness to a multiplicity of inspiring potentialities.

You can read the full description here, and it ends with another warning not to get OVERWHELMED WITH POTENTIALITIES. These could show up in areas of romance, revolution, many individuals standing up to a group of zealots, and/or sudden “out of this world” solutions that appear in the tangible, physical realm. Leo encourages us to follow our heart. Individuals can feel more courageous as they find themselves “out on a limb” with other bold souls facing fear and moving beyond it.

Pluto in Capricorn and the transiting North Node in Taurus remain in a close trine, with Pluto also quincunxing the Full Moon in Leo and the cubewano (outer system asteroid) Chaos in Gemini. According to Mark Andrew Holmes:

Astrologically, Chaos signifies chaos: anarchy, disorder, tumult, uproar, disarray, senselessness, which is sort of reinforced by the fact that its asteroid number adds up to 9, number of endings, selflessness and release. Chaos has to do not only with primordial confusion, but the confusion that is entropy and its final product; things fall apart, or are broken, so that new things may come into being. Accordingly, it seems to have something to do with activism as well.

In other words, we’ve got a YOD, aka “Finger of God,” pointing from the Full Moon and Chaos to Pluto, god of death, destruction and transformation. Add this to rebel Uranus hitting 11°11′ Taurus today, and we’ve got a chaotic portal of activism ripe for lightning bolts of inspiration. These alignments all deepen and intensify the energies, urging new leadership to arise as if answering destiny’s call. The dark underbelly of power, corruption and shadow government may lose its cover today. Some of the information revealed will feel like too much, too soon, and yet the nodal axis presses on. Karmic debts demand payment, while the collective stands its ground until it can find real steps forward.

With the nodal axis squaring the Sun-Moon axis in Fixed Signs, we can expect heightened emotions, resistance, and enough friction to force action. A Grand Cross of feuding energies. As the saying goes, “Keep your head on a swivel.” Use situational awareness, and trust your intuition if it tells you to lay low. Sometimes the wisest action involves pausing to assess the next move, rather than getting carried away by ego, revenge, or the crowd. All Full Moons heighten emotions, but this one invokes a LOT of volatile energies.

Asteroid Atropos conjuncts the South Node in Scorpio and sextiles Pluto. One of the three Fate Sisters, Atropos marks death, endings and transformation. The South Node (past) in Scorpio — and the sextile with Scorpio’s ruler Pluto — amplifies these themes. Whether we recognize it on February 16 or only in hindsight, this Full Moon signals the end of an era. Something major is going down. Time will tell what kind of regeneration follows.

15 responses to this post.

  1. For the past few weeks 11:11 has been showing up all over. Synchronous to your report of 1111. And the comment something big is going down. Lol. I had to laugh, last night I had opened my RV door to take Miracle on her final walk for the day. I forgot how bad the wind was, until it grabbed the door and whipped it and me down the steps with my left leg sliding out from under me and my right leg going under me bent at the knee and falling out on the ground and gravel. Took my breath away. I was that “something big going down” it could have been worse. I bruised my knee that has been injured in July 2021 and that I recently finished PT on, as well as my side, and right and left wrists. Such a freaky fall. 🤪🤪🤗

    Liked by 1 person


    • Oh, no! I hope you recover soon. I almost had several Mary Poppins moments today due to wind and an ice storm. I needed to walk somewhere, and I had the umbrella up to keep from getting iced on. Sometimes the wind would catch the umbrella just right, and I’d slide on the ice. It wound up being a VERY crunchy, aerobic walk through a few feet of piled up snow from the snow plow, since that felt safer than sliding across the ice at high speed. The safest would have been a real Mary Poppins event, but that didn’t quite happen. 🙂

      This post totally escaped the queue, too. I still don’t know how it published itself tonight when I had it scheduled for the 11th. Even that would have been way early for the Full Moon, but I guess the universe wanted to give people a big heads up. ❤

      Liked by 1 person


    • I sure hope you’re healing alright Dawn! Was just seeing Laura’s post and was going to comment, then saw yours. Gosh, I remember your knee injury from before. I hope this is just a minor tweak to reset things. Sending you healing energy and love.

      I felt that portal of liberation today big time, rather than later. This weekend was a shift point and today it fully anchored in my experience..it also happened to be my bro’s bday, which I just blogged, on the heels of my last blog that was full of all the rabbit collective in my life. The big has become tangible in my body and experience and so freeing. I’m not really sure yet how to share about it, but may try.

      Anyway, may be tied into why your post wanted through today. The deaths, endings, and transformations you wrote about tie in with my rabbit dream and closures that are happening…as well as a release finally that found a way through it all.

      Liked by 1 person


  2. Thank you dear Laura. ❤ that sounds like a new Olympic event you experienced. Very glad you are ok. I see my post made it .I thought I had posted, but then it totally disappeared. Lol. I’m grateful for the heads up

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  3. […] « Full Moon in Leo ~ February 16, 2022 […]

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  4. […] Here’s Laura Bruno’s perspective on this coming Full Moon, and I’d say, besides the exact conjunction between Venus and Mars, and the tight square between Saturn and Uranus, notice especially Rudhyar’s keynote and Laura’s comments on the Sabian Symbol for this Leo full moon. […]

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  5. Reblogged this on Laura Bruno's Blog and commented:

    This posted itself eight days ago, even though I intended to post it much closer to the 16th. Many people have told me they appreciated the extra long heads up. Given all the intensity in the macro sphere, it seems a good time to post a reminder of the current and coming energies.



  6. […] Last month’s Full Moon write-up posted itself nine days early. So many people thanked me for the longer than usual heads up that I feel led to post this one extra early, too. […]



  7. […] This is not the first time a blog post has posted itself. It is, however, the first time a blog post retroactively posted itself. The accompanying synchronicities dealt with precognition, so sending the message back through time added yet another layer to those syncs. The message went back to April 12, the date of the first exact Jupiter-Neptune Conjunction in Pisces since 1856. Curiouser and curiouser! […]

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