Food Security and the 2016 Election

I just read another ra-ra piece from Jon Rappoport called “Trump Scorches Dallas ~ Why it Matters,” and I left the following long comment. I’ve mentioned this before, and I will continue to mention it, especially so the more frenzied the hoi polloi deification of him becomes. Whether you think Donald Trump will save the US or whether you think he’s a narcissistic misogynist with zero filter doesn’t matter to me. The fact is, that he’s stirring the pot in a big way, and the populace has begun to salivate over some of his promises without having any concept of immediate fallout of their implementation.

Whether Trump wins or the poked and prodded mob consciousness demands these changes from someone else, we would be wise to consider the bigger picture of either side of the wildly swinging pendulum. Too many illegals needing aid crash the system; no more illegals also crash the system — especially the food system.

For consideration regardless of your politics, particularly if you live in the US:

People really need to research the conventional US food system and just how reliant it is upon illegal immigrant nearly slave labor. I recommend the documentary, “Food Chains,” as it’s a real eye-opener of how the bulk of the food in the US is harvested, and by whom. In order for Trump’s plan to get rid of all illegal immigrants to work, then we need a new food system pronto, or individuals and communities need to be building soil, starting organic farms, indoor aquaponics systems, etc. … yesterday. When you see the conditions of migrant farm workers, you realize they are basically slaves. Supermarkets would not pay them a penny more per pound of picked tomatoes. The going rate is one penny per pound. How much do you pay in the store for conventional tomatoes in February?

The whole GMO debate and Trump’s anti-illegal immigration plans and tariffs — sure, the system’s broken … but if you just yank the bottom out of that food system, then the 2011 Executive Order that allows the Feds to force anyone to do whatever job it assigns without pay (i.e. slave labor) will become necessary in the US in order to prevent a famine. I’m all for changing the system, but some massive supports need to be started right away if this has any hope of succeeding without millions of people starving due to skyrocketing food prices or harvests just rotting in fields because no self-respecting American will work 16 hours per day being sprayed by pesticides for a few dollars.

Ditto the GMO ban. I’m all for it on paper, but if that were implemented right now, we’d have riots in the streets once the food prices skyrocketed. Toxic food is cheap food. We’re a food stamp nation now. If we want to turn things around, we each need to be finding ways to grow our own food and helping to build community resilience with organic, year round, local farms. Those are the safety nets that would allow these changes to happen without food riots or a police state crackdown. I see all these people cheering for Trump’s rejection of illegals, and yes, I know we have a huge problem, but if people want his policies to work, they better get planting, learning how to farm, and get their own communities up and running. Otherwise, the transition period of his immigration policy and any transition period in this country for Jon [Rappoport]’s proposed GMO ban will create just the kind of chaos and excuse for crackdown the elites have been fomenting all along.

We need to prepare for change if we really want it. Careful what you pray for … if it happens before you and your community are ready for it, you might realllllly not like the requested changes, even if they’re “good” changes. Starvation has a way of shifting people’s priorities, and this food stamp, just in time, pampered nation has no idea how to feed itself on a large scale without slave labor. Better learn quick, because growing food has quite the learning curve.

5 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Senatssekretär FREISTAAT DANZIG on September 17, 2015 at 6:18 pm

    Reblogged this on Aussiedlerbetreuung und Behinderten – Fragen and commented:
    „Das Urteil aus dem ISTGH (Internationaler Strafgerichtshof) Den Haag vom 03.02.2012 bestätigt die Zuständigkeit des Deutschen Reichs und nicht die Zuständigkeit der “Bundesrepublik Deutschland“ mit ihrer Finanzagentur GmbH, (HRB 51411), wobei die vermeintlichen “BRD–Ämter”, Behörden, Dienststellen, “Gerichte” und Verwaltungen u.a . bei mit eigenen Umsatzsteuernummern gelistet sind.
    Urteil des BverfGE vom 25.07.2012 (-2 BvF 3/11 -2 BvR 2670/11 -2 BvE 9/11):
    Nach Offenkundigkeit dürfen Gesetze von nicht staatlichen BRD-GmbH Ausnahme– und Sondergerichten (vgl. § 15 GVG) die auf altem Nazigesetz fußen und somit gegen das gültige Besatzungsrecht, gegen die Völker – und Menschenrechte verstoßen, überhaupt keine legitime Anwendung finden.
    Durch Verfassungswidrigkeit des Wahlgesetzes ist seit 1956 kein verfassungsgebenden Gesetzgeber am Werk. Damit sind alle BRD-Forderungen eine private Forderung.
    Verstehen Sie das bitte! Alle BRD-Forderungen (Steuern jeglicher Art, GEZ-Gebühren usw. usf. sind private Forderungen, haben also keinerlei hoheitsrechtliche Rechtsgrundlage und müssen demnach auch nicht bezahlt werden. …………………….“

    Glück, Auf, meine Heimat!



  2. Posted by mia morales on September 17, 2015 at 8:17 pm

    i think you will appreciate this art piece, portrait of trump, Laura… 😉

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Posted by CindyW on September 18, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    Thank you, Laura, for the wake-up call (again). Michael Pollan’s Omnivore’s Dilemma (which I hadn’t read when it came out) woke me up to our industrial ag system (and I thought I knew a lot abt it!) – now when I ride past the fields of GMO corn and soy which surround my town and have made a few families very prosperous, I just see them as if they were industrial materials, for that is what they are, just like bars of steel or pallets or the like – and they couldn’t feed the local population with them. People proudly say here “my son works for Tate & Lyle” (corn syrup/byproducts producer). And in my town, way more middle class people eat at McDonald’s (industrial ag central) than anyone who doesn’t talks about – and that’s now. Even our farmers’ market is tiny and barely hanging on.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. […] a more detailed discussion of this, please see my earlier post, “Food Security and the 2016 Election.” […]



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