Compassion, Refugees, Rape and Magic

Last night, I somehow found myself clicking on the following David Icke video, which addresses many layers of the carefully orchestrated refugee crisis. I don’t often do much with Icke, but I really appreciated him addressing the hypocrisy of David Cameron (and others) talking about how “the solution to the refugee crisis is to bring peace to the Middle East.” The words sound nice, and most of us would probably agree with them; however, Icke highlights the actions behind the words and how collective outrage over the photo with the little boy is being propagandized to bring “peace” to the Middle East by forcing Parliament to allow the UK to join the US and Turkey in bombing Syria. Into peace. Arming “rebels,” aka ISIS, aka fundamentalist Muslims from whom the refugees are fleeing. Orwellian doublespeak to the max.

The cognitive dissonance is beyond staggering whenever I mention to “peace lovers” about Obama droning babies and wedding parties. Illegally invading Libya. Fomenting “civil war” in Syria. Blank stares and MSNBC talking points. Obama the Nobel Peace Prize winner. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. “La la la, I can’t hear you, but I got you an Obama 2012 sign for your yard.” As the world’s heart finally opens to what the Western military has been doing for decades in the Middle East, please, please, please … don’t allow this compassion to be turned into cries for even more war. Let the insanity stop, drop, and roll off stage and out of the theater for good.

Anyway, here’s David Icke with a bigger picture, many layered and nuanced take on the crisis:

After watching this video, which largely echoed my own initial thoughts and feelings but from a UK perspective, I got to wondering about Z Budapest. The reasons for that non-sequitur will soon become apparent. For those who don’t know Zsuzsanna Budapest, she’s the woman who fought for 9 years at the Supreme Court level to make tarot reading legal in the US. Yes, not so long ago, “fortune telling” was illegal, along with other restrictions on women counseling each other using traditional Women’s Wisdom — “witchcraft laws” specifically undermining women. In 1975, Z was arrested for performing a tarot reading for an undercover cop, and it took nearly a decade of appeals to change the arcane law that landed her in jail.

Z has been the driving force of Dianic Wicca and a die-hard feminist for many, many Moon’s. Subtle wallflower she is not. For decades, she has led healing women’s circles and taught groups of women the old ways of protecting themselves from patriarchal aggression, including its most cowardly and demoralizing form, rape. In her books, she proudly admits to cursing rapists with impotence and nightmares, and teaching women to cast spells leading to the rapists’ capture and prosecution. She’s one tough, controversial force of nature, and her commitment to empowering women has seemingly known no bounds.

But Z Budapest was also a refugee. From Hungary, no less. Those who’ve followed the European refugee crisis know that Hungary is currently the country most overrun by droves of migrants from the Middle East. As a gateway to Europe, Hungary has so many illegal immigrants in their train stations and on the streets that the infrastructure has no means of handling or controlling the influx. They’ve tried building a wall to deter migration, but in their efforts to curb what feels like an invasion, they’ve drawn sharp criticism from the EU. People who’ve done any real research on European countries who’ve taken in large numbers of Muslims (as opposed to the mainstream media propaganda otherwise) know that most Muslim immigrants do not assimilate. They do not welcome any of the traditions of their host countries, but rather continue to join forces with each other and have babies until strong and numerous enough to demand enforcement of Sharia Law. Here’s where it gets tragically interesting and why I felt particular curiosity about Z Budapest’s take:

Sharia Law is vehemently anti-woman. Not only does the holy book of the “religion of peace” actually demand jihad — the reason fundamentalists feel justified and even duty bound to do it — but Islam suppresses women in some of the most profoundly brutal and humiliating ways. Clitoral mutilation … child brides to old men … and more. I once tutored a Saudi Arabian woman in English, and when she learned to communicate, ohhhhhh, my Goddess, the horrors she told me in her innocent way, not even realizing the import of what she shared. Her husband quickly put an end to our friendship, because despite me trying to respect religious differences, my shock at how he treated her — and how they both believed this was God-ordained — often left me outraged. But I digress. Since welcoming Muslims, countries like Sweden and Denmark have had astronomical rapes of blond women, with nearly all the rapists of Muslim immigrant background. According to fundamentalist Islam, women not wearing burkas are considered “whores,” asking for and deserving rape.

I’ve heard many discussions of this situation on YouTube and alternative podcasts, but last year, I also had an interesting conversation with a Dutch Mennonite couple visiting the US. For those who don’t know, Dutch Mennonites pride themselves on tolerance and their commitment to peace. As a once persecuted people, Mennonites, but particularly Dutch Mennonites feel great compassion for the underdog, and they strongly value religious freedom. Amsterdam welcomed Jews during WW2, and when a law passed forcing Jews to wear stars to identify themselves, most of the non-Jews also put on stars, thereby voiding any stigma.

Similarly, when Middle Eastern refugees needed somewhere to go, the Dutch welcomed them, so I listened with great interest when this extremely tolerant, loving couple explained how their blond daughter can no longer walk in her neighborhood due to Muslim harassment — that she needed to get a large dog in order to fend off would-be attackers. That she gets treated like a second class citizen in her own country. That Muslim men not only taunt her, but have tried to overpower and rape her. That this is daily life for many women now in areas “overrun by Muslim immigrants who refuse to assimilate.”

This couple clearly felt uncomfortable sharing what could sound like intolerance, but they admitted that no one really knows how to handle this problem. That this problem has gotten so bad that they fear it cannot be undone. Scandinavian countries for whom hospitality is a cardinal virtue face even worse situations. Sweden’s rape crisis has gotten so bad that it’s now #2 in the world for rapes of blond women, second only to South Africa. Just last week, in Germany — a country officially welcoming hundreds of thousands of new Muslim immigrants — a letter went out to parents of an elementary school warning that their girls must now cover arms and legs so as not to incite Muslim men and boys “who get overwhelmed and can’t control themselves.” Right after parental outrage at the restrictions, a seven-year-old girl was raped by a refugee.

Perhaps you can see why I felt particularly curious how Z Budapest would handle this situation. I’ve not known her to shy away from controversy, but this one seems close and conflicted on many levels. As the Hungarian Revolution broke out in 1956, she became one of 65.000 refugees who escaped the chaos, eventually emigrating to the United States. She personally knows the trauma of civil war, escape, dislocation, relocation and the challenges of assimilation and rebellion in another culture. And yet, given her scathing criticisms of the monotheistic patriarchal god, she must also recognize that Islam launches Christian subjugation of women into another category altogether. As a compassionate woman, a refugee, but also a radical feminist witch, how would Z Budapest address this European refugee crisis?

I checked her twitter account and found no references, except possibly this one, poignant tweet: “You get old, and you realize there are no answers, just stories.” Her tweet links into a 2016 Goddess festival, celebrating women and their powerful connection to the Great She.

Perhaps, I, too, am old. Like Z, I don’t know how to fix this world. It would help if those “elected” officials, and yes, I do put that in quotes (they certainly weren’t elected by me) would listen to the voice of the people crying out for No. More. War. Stop bombing the life out of the cradle of civilization, stop making other countries hate us. And yes, they do, and rightfully so. How would you feel if some joystick moving video game junkie drone pilot bombed your wedding and killed your loved ones? How would you feel if NATO’s “aid” meant arming fundamentalist Muslim rebels to topple “dictators” who had formerly protected your family from jihadists insisting on the strictest interpretations of Sharia Law? How would you feel if you woke up to find your neighbor’s home now only a smoking hole in the ground?

And how do you feel now that the self appointed “elites” who enforce these actions now think it’s a wonderful, just, and good idea to welcome people who’ve been trained to hate us into our lands? What could possibly go wrong? More importantly, how — and this is a sincere question — how can we find ways to make this right? Setting women up for rape is not making it right, imo. Inviting Sharia Law into Western lands isn’t karmic justice, because it disproportionately affects women, who generally don’t support these aggressive, psychopathic wars in the first place.

I wound up my evening by clicking another tweet by Z Budapest, and this one left me smiling. Somewhere, I felt that feminine power bubble forth from the depths, not with rage, remorse or fear, but full of pure laughter and connection, uncaring whom She offends, ready to move mountains, cast spells, or befriend bees, no matter what it takes to live life and live it well. I leave you with this glorious battle cry from “The Last of the Granny Witches.” The entire post uplifts and soars, but here’s a favorite quote:

“Send out your magic. Don’t be the last of your kind. We are the daughters of the Celts and the offspring of Druids and medieval mavens and the natives of the old world craft. And yes, God knows your name. Tell your tales and bewitch history …”

I don’t know how it all ends, but I, for one, intend to thrive. I intend to send out my magic, on all levels, including sacred sound. Vibrations have power. When we sing the words of peace, when we sing our intentions, those words inspire and initiate their own actions. The Dutch have a saying, which David translates as “Above all else, do that which you cannot not do.” I love how it sounds in Dutch, but I also love the meaning. Given the state of our world, what can you not not do? What actions do you feel compelled to take? What urgency pushes you to take some kind of action whether gardening, connecting with your neighbor, political activism, creating an altar, using magical tools to make a difference, doing a Reiki Healing Attunement on an impossible situation, and/or chanting for peace … . “Above all else, do that which you cannot not do,” because — as Tolkien said — “Little by little, one travels far.

A Vedic blessing for the world:

Oṃ. sarveśāṃ svastir bhavatu;

sarveśāṃ śāntir bhavatu;

sarveśāṃ pūrṇaṃ bhavatu;

sarveśāṃ maṅgalaṃ bhavatu

“May everyone enjoy well-being;

may everyone enjoy peace;

may everyone enjoy fullness;

may everyone enjoy auspiciousness.”

Blessed Be.

28 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by seattle72 on September 11, 2015 at 9:45 pm

    Nice article. The refugee situation is very much on my radar too. Its not as straight forward to me as the WWII refugee situation, but then most of my info comes from history books and we all know how that goes.

    Curious to me the timing of Trump’s comments regarding rape and immigration here in the US. Almost like an in your face admission of setting the stage for more rape but done in such a way that the bleeding hearts all rush in saying “that’s absurd and racist”. Now, this is not to say all immigrants/refugees are one way or another, for sure its layers are quite complicated. The convoluted, crazy feel to all this feels very much orchestrated to me, though.

    I really like linking Z Budapest with this topic. In so many ways I feel myself discovering a different kind of strength in being more loving and nurturing. At the same time I’m seeing how important it is to know when to tap that feminine strength to say “No, no more”. Somewhere along the way a lot of folks bought into the idea that promoting peace and love is the same as being a doormat.

    Indeed, our silence is our acceptance of the conditions presented by the psychopaths.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Thank you for this comment, seattle72. I was just thinking of you earlier this week, wondering how you’ve been, so good to hear from you. Yes, it’s a complicated situation. I wasn’t aware of Trump discussing rape and immigration in the US. I tried watching an interview of him just to see what all the fans are going pinning their hopes on. Ohhhh, my, Goddess help us! That’s all I can say. It’s so interesting that re-empowering the Feminine holds so much importance for making our way out of this mess, and of course, no surprise the myriad, increasing ways of attacking that female aspect of Divinity in all its forms and manifestations. I heard from someone else in Seattle today, too, affirming certain Sharia red flags in their refugee interactions. This situation needs Reiki, Grace, and healing, for sure.

      Liked by 1 person


  2. Posted by Barbara on September 12, 2015 at 2:32 am

    Thank you, Laura. The strength of the feminine heart, once self-recognized, can be put into action by doing what one feels, not what one thinks, in response, and believe me, I felt your article. By our conscious and emotionally controlled responses we throw some very big magical pebbles into some very unconscious swampy ponds. Once initiated, even though we may never know personally the physical results, the ripples go on and on and on…. Love to you and thank you again for bringing this together for us. B.

    Liked by 1 person


    • You’re welcome, Barbara, and thank you for that image! I’ve received a lot of private emails from people who don’t feel comfortable commenting on this particular post, and yes, we’re dealing with some mighty swampy ponds. I know I’ve not covered all the angles in this piece, but you felt my intention, which was, indeed, to respond from the strength of the feminine heart and to throw magical pebbles with an intended ripple effect of peace. Thanks and love, Laura



  3. Posted by Kade on September 12, 2015 at 9:30 am

    very confronting information. What is the solution? It really does seem that the males of this world have terrible deep set fears that need addressing …. one is feminine power, another the fear of being ‘irrelevant’ in a world where females are allowed to embody all their rights and power – which is not to dominate but to love.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Thanks, Kade. I think you’re onto something, since our culture has for so long glorified the overpowering, aggressive aspects of masculinity, as though these are the only “true” way of being a man or being relevant. Encouragingly, some of the strongest men I know happen to be the most Nature loving and Goddess aware. Somehow, they’re not threatened at all by powerful women, and they’re not sensitive little wussies, either. All of which is to say that the shift is not only possible, but also happening. It’s just appalling how deep these things run and from how many different angles. Somehow, some way, we need to reinvigorate both the sacred and divine masculine and the sacred and divine feminine in each of us — or at least enough of us to tip things in a more empowering and life-supporting direction!

      Liked by 2 people


  4. Posted by Kieron on September 13, 2015 at 1:44 pm

    I believe, as you seem to, that it is ultimately all about control and manipulation. Ever since 9/11, I have been scanning blog after blog, have examined one analysis after another, read scads of opinions and comments over the years, using all the critical thinking at my disposal… and I keep coming back to control. Control of who gets to live. Control of who gets to eat real food–or eat at all. Control of who gets to drink clean water. Control of who gets to reproduce. Control of who gets to express their sexuality, and how, and when. Control of who gets to marry the person they love. Control of where people get to live. Control of what people believe about this subject or that one. Control by skin color, gender (or lack of gender conformity), ethnicity, language, creed, etc,. Any time someone expresses an opinion about a controversial topic, I try to view it through this lens of control to see where the person is coming from and what their motives are.

    I think it’s important to recognize and remember that Sharia, which itself is all about control, is the hallmark of these Abrahamic religions, and it’s sure not limited to Islam. Judaism is chock-full of superstitions, restrictions, laws, and bindings. In either religion, you can’t do a damn thing without offending God, or someone. Just existing as a woman in those religions is apparently a crime. Even Christianity has its own Sharia. History is full of women’s experiences under the thumb of the Church. And nowadays, just look at the “Christians” trying to control who can get married, who can have babies, whose version of reality gets told, who gets any kind of welfare or public assistance, and so on. Nauseating.

    I love words, because knowing where they come from reveals much about us. The word “religion” itself derives from Old French, from Latin religiō which means fear of the supernatural, or piety. Likely it comes from religāre “to tie up,” from re- + ligāre “to bind.” And there we have it. We’re tied up, under control.

    So let’s cut the cords and snip the apron strings.

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  5. Well, SOME women are protesting Islam … in particular, the justification of marital rape and the right to beat women:

    How are these even debates?!



  6. Reblogged this on Forever Unlimited and commented:
    Thank you for speaking out on this controversial and disturbing topic. If anyone has any doubt about the horrors of Sharia Law and how it has inflicted itself on innocents around the world, visit which appears to mirror the website

    Just as anyone speaking out against Netanyahu and the harsh policies of Israel can be labeled anti-Semitic, any outsider challenging Sharia Law can also face criticism, or worse.

    What people need to understand is that this is about basic human rights, and specifically about the rights of oppressed women in a culture whose belief system is imposed on the world much like the Star Trek anomaly, The BORG. Refusal to assimilate in host countries is a big problem, and one of the reasons people fear immigrants. The U.S. was meant to be a melting pot of blended cultures, celebrating diversity, not segregated cultures of disparate ideologies bumping up against one another.

    Thank you for this powerful piece.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Thank you for these extra links! Everyone looks at me like I have three heads or live in the Deep South when I mention concerns about Sharia Law. This is not about racism. It’s about basic human rights, and any woman or anyone who does not follow the insanely strict “guidelines” should also be very concerned at how fast it’s infiltrating Western countries.

      I see we’re due to get an influx of Islamic refugees in South Bend. THORN Rune and other things are going up. If you read energy or are even just mildly awake, you can tell when someone looks at you as though you are a vile cur, someone who looks at you with complete disregard and contempt. I have seen that look from Muslim men who have their wife in tow 6 feet behind them, all covered up in layers of cloth when it’s 80+ degrees and humid. That is NOT the kind of look we want to invite more of. Ironically, the prospect of Sharia Law has done more to hone my Rune, magic and energy studies and experiments than any other religion or philosophy.

      As Kieron mentioned, though, it’s all the Abrahamic religions that oppress women. I have concerns that the US has gone so “liberal” that we will get a right wing fundamentalist backlash of one sort of another (Muslim or Right Wing Christian) if we don’t collectively shift course soon. The gay marriage debate undermining freedom of religion is setting the stage not for tolerance, but for extreme oppression, and people don’t even recognize what’s happening, because the smoke and mirrors present a different story. Anyone not of Muslim, Jewish or Right Wing Christian faith should step very carefully in terms of what they unwittingly usher into law and precedent. There’s tolerance, and then there’s Trojan Horse tolerance that paves the way for later oppression. Our Trojan Horse has been unloading for many years now….

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  7. Posted by Kieron on September 16, 2015 at 10:53 pm

    Yep. Even though I support a consenting adult’s’ freedom to marry someone of the same sex, my first thought, when the news broke June 26th about SSM being legalized, was “Uh oh, the fundagelicals will really go ballistic.” Without even delving into the subject of SSM, it’s clear to me that the manipulators helped the push for this change (which might have happened more gradually, if left on its own) solely to drive one more wedge, and create one more division, in the country, the better to destroy it from within. Moderation is the way, but it is sadly gone by the wayside.

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  8. Laura, there are lots of Muslims here in Boston. Most women are nice and friendly in the context of their jobs, and you never see them alone, always in groups or with a male escort. To me, they seem innocent, pleasant and kind. But I also know that look you speak of, I have seen it on the T from Muslim men and from older Muslim women, that disdainful look, especially in summer when we bare our skin. But I also notice that many Muslim men do not look at or make eye contact with non-Muslim women at all, it is as if you don’t exist. Unnatural. It is natural to look around and see people, make eye contact, acknowledge and grin! Yes, you will see women in 80, 90+ degrees and humid and covered head-to-toe at the beach, even “swimming” in that garb, walking next to bikini-clad young teens. To us it seems bizarre and torturous to be covered in layers in summer. The kids seem free up to a certain age. It is a real culture clash.

    Many people here don’t want to be around Muslims, especially in light of the Marathon bombings. It hurts to hear people laugh that we are stupid, it was a false flag. Certainly, there are plenty of unreported things to consider, yet even if it was a false flag, so what? These are NOT crisis actors, they are people in our community. The fact remains that 3 people died (and a 4th was murdered point blank) 17 people lost limbs (some lost 2 legs), hundreds were injured with everything from cuts to permanent brain injuries. These are real people, just like those fleeing death and oppression in areas like Syria infiltrated by ISIL (who many believe were created by the cabal faction of the US government).

    Today, the T was a mess due to a bomb threat by a man in a mask who didn’t really have a bomb. I can’t say I am comfortable near anyone in layers of clothes in a crowded public place, much less masks as used today, but with a huge student population and commuters, we all carry backpacks. However, I hold the intention that I am always in the right place at the right time.

    I have always felt that any form of extremist fundamentalism, whether Muslim, Christian or Zionist, is the real issue. the seeds of discontent are sown at an early age, and by adulthood there is an attitude of intolerance, rather than live-and-let-live. Having lived in California, I get concerned about people trying to be so Politically Correct that they embrace all ideologies (even those that do not tolerate THEIR OWN existence), so they are not seeing the bigger picture.

    There was a Nightline piece about Islam in England where local men and women were confronted, some beaten, for walking in or too close to Muslim neighborhoods within their own country. Now THAT is messed up, and scary. THAT is the Trojan horse or BORG moving in. It seems that England, France and other nations already have a deeply entrenched problem. It’s just a matter of time before we do. It reminds me of what happened to Native and First Peoples when European settlers moved in. I won’t say my ancestors, as we came over much later, but it was a dominant culture overriding the indigenous culture, as has been done around the world forever. Not all change is change for the better. May we choose wisely, with open hearts and minds, but with discernment.



    • Yes, Europe and the UK are in for a world of hurt. I’m not sure how this will self-correct unless realities actually split. There are many incredibly good, grounded, kind and expansive things happening all over the world. I know this for a fact, because I speak with people involved in such things on a daily or weekly basis. I also know that whether false flag or not, the Boston Marathon terrorized people. My uncle was running the marathon, and my cousin, her kids and my aunt had only left the site of the bombing just moments before whatever blew up did. The kids were traumatized, and it was only through texting my cousin that we were prepared to tell my uncle where she was when he called us from a pay phone. Cell phones didn’t work there, so he could not call her, and having just run, he had no text capacity. It all worked out fine, but I do know that whether real or completely fake, it still caused a lot of disruption and fear, not to mention the “justified” door to door martial law conditioning afterwards.

      Right place, right time, doing the right thing is my mantra, too … it works. I echo your prayer at the end, too. Thanks for your comments here. Peace and blessings, Laura

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      • Oddly enough, the same uncle was at the World Trade center right before it was first bombed (not 9/11, but the one years before). He’s like the almost-disaster magnet … always gets a dramatic story but never seems to be affected by whatever scrapes he almost gets into. He ran the Boston Marathon the following year, but I don’t think my cousin took her kids again. Her one daughter drew a picture of all the police and the scary things that happened to her, and then she crumpled up the paper and threw it away, saying, “I don’t like that!” My cousin was amazed that her young child instinctively knew how to create her own healing ritual to process the trauma and let it go. From the mouths of babes …

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  9. I had another thought, a bit more succinct. We are living at a time when the pendulum is swinging the other way. We are seeing the Patriarchy and it’s house of cards tumble, it’s financial schemes exposed, corporate corruption caught, as simultaneously, the ancient Goddess energies return to heal and uplift humanity, to open our hearts and awaken the people, who suddenly see what had been hiding in plain sight.

    I think there is something in the air that makes many men a bit nervous, not just the mean little men who seek to control, dominate and punish women and children. It is time for the return of the Goddess, time for HERstory to be told. Hers was obliterated, but is not forgotten. Truth is surfacing to level the playing field. Ultimately, when people realize that Love is the only law, fear will dissipate. All that control is really about fear. Remove the fear, and the need to control dissipates. What’s left is love.

    The issues we are discussing will come to a head before we see that day, but it is a step in the direction of the dialogue we need to have, in order to break through the cycles of pain and persecution. We must have the ability to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes, and see them as human, as equal. Men AND women. Children are naturally loving and open-hearted. We can take a great lesson from their lack of judgment, and we have an obligation as a community to protect and nurture them.

    When people understand that God/Goddess/Source is love, and only love, then the world will know peace, for loving intentions harm none. So be it!

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  10. Yes, the point of the bombing was to terrorize people, it was a pent-up expression of resentment, by a young man whose once grand options in life became eclipsed and limited. If you get a chance, explore this lengthy and fascinating investigative piece published in the Boston Globe, called
    The Fall of the House of Tsarnaev.

    Many people don’t realize, these boys were Americanized, they went to nightclubs and smoked pot. But that alarmed the (portrayed in the press) “crazy” mother, who with well-meaning intention, advised her son to turn back to his religion…it is a fascinating and heartbreaking story that made me think, “If only….”.

    Yes, I forgot to mention the drill participants wearing kakhis with bomb-sniffing dogs were seen by many that morning near the finish line. Some say they were Blackwater private contractor agents, as I once believed, but others say no, they were a little -known or acknowledged sect of the National Guard called WMD-CST (Weapons of Mass Destruction – Civil support Team). Of course, they did have to clear the area with bomb-sniffing dogs before the crowds arrived. As for the man in the Cowboy hat, Carlos Arrendondo, I met him and his wife Melida years ago, they were neighbors of mine. He lost his son in Gulf War I and became an antiwar activist, driving around a truck with many flags and his son’s boots and uniform. His friendship with Jeff Bauman, he rescued one of the men who lost both legs. Jeff recently married and became a father, but he has also filled the hole in Carlos’ life that the loss of his son Alexander left. They remain close friends.

    That year, I worked at a hotel in Cambridge on the Charles River. I had 4 massage clients there the next day, all of whom had finished the Marathon before the blast, which fortunately meant their families had also safely left the area in time. The guy from Australia, whose young kids had been right in front of Marathon Sports, near the Martins, vowed to return the following year.

    I am glad your relatives were OK, too. It was traumatic for everyone, but especially for those present. Growing up here, I have to say, there was something special about the Boston Marathon that made the air full of fun anticipation and exuberation every year, almost like what it feels like to be at a wedding celebration. It was a most joyous occasion for everyone of all ages and backgrounds. I feel there was a sense of innocence lost that day that we will never regain.

    (I changed my user name from Phoenixfirebird, but it is still me)



    • Thanks for including some of the verifying details. I think there’s a temptation in this age of obvious false flags for people to forget that even if it was orchestrated chaos with an agenda, people were/are manipulated and terrorized. As I have said before, from the standpoint of the traumatized person’s emotions, it doesn’t matter whether it was a sloppy false flag or a “real” terror attack. Even a simulated shooting or bombing creates trauma if people believe it’s real at the time. I predicted a false flag literally the night before that happened. I was at my parents’ for my grandmother’s funeral, and the moment the Boston Bombing came on tv, my mom looked at me and said, “You told us something like this was about to happen.” I had the same feeling before 9/11 — was talking about it for weeks.

      All of which is to say that in the coming days, weeks, months and years, that “right place, right time, doing the right thing” mantra will become increasingly important, as will compassion and discernment. Reverse psychology can be used to great effect. People who get so arrogant about seeing through a plot seem to forget that maybe they were manipulated to see through that plot as part of a bigger smoke and mirrors campaign. Ultimately, it comes back to love and discernment. Fear can be valuable info if it directs you to avoid certain situations. Living in perpetual fear, however, does no one any good.

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  11. Starship Earth: The Big Picture made a brief post:

    Rant Calling Out Islam for What It Is [video]

    linking to this rant:

    While it is directed at those who commit violence and seek to silence the rest of us, he makes no distinction among his general target audience, believers of Islam. The problem for westerners is that we can’t necessarily tell who is who, either.

    It is a powerful rant, and not for the faint of heart. I do agree that we are sick of being bullied into silence and being made to acquiesce to Political Correctness, which tells us we must tolerate those who are intolerant of us, and all others. It’s a real dilemma.

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    • Yes, it’s a real dilemma, because they’ve taken Political Correctness to such absurd levels that continuing it undermines safety and sovereignty, but the backlash from it becomes complete intolerance. We need balance!

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  12. Balance, yes. Reminds me of the powerful film KOYAANISQATSI “Life out of balance”
    which we are now living!

    It was the first of a trilogy of films:

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  13. (news of increased rapes in Germany, plus an Arabic speaking woman tells what she heard said by migrants while they laid siege to her train.)



  14. Posted by Linette on August 25, 2016 at 2:52 pm

    In reading through posts of yours that existed before I found your blog, I found that this one struck a resounding chord. I always learn so much from you, and now it seems I am learning how to cope with a recurring theme in my own life, one that leaves me all but powerless to look some issues straight in the face. This post serves as my introduction to Z Budapest, but I will be promptly devouring everything she has to say on the subject of feminine power (particularly the cursing of rapists!). Thanks for always shining light in the dark places. Much love ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  15. This post reminds me of a new post on Prepare for Change network, and the discussion thread it spurred:

    BOOM! Texas BANS Sharia Law and the First Islamic Sharia Court in the USA is NOT Happy!



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