Posts Tagged ‘I AM’

Michele Geyer ~ Definitions


Michele Geyer, May 20th, 2013

Feel your feet on the ground, in the sand or the soil.

Lay your hands on your belly and breathe.

Who are you?

Expanding and contracting with your breath, your body moves to subtle, inner rhythms.

Become the air that fuels your internal fire.

Meet yourself there, without words.

Who are you?

Flames lick the bottom of the cauldron, bubbling the sea inside.

Effervescent, the aqua blues surface; thoughts cascade and fall over the rocky terrain of your mind,

Effortlessly surrendering to your origins.

Who are you?

Look within to find yourself,

Feel within to be yourself,

See yourself in relation to no thing.

Who are you?

Don’t answer; keep breathing.

Who are you?

Sacred Body Practice of the Week

Exploring the Mystical Conversation Between Body & Spirit

Sacred Geometry, 11:11, Disclosure, Free Energy: THAT’s What I’m Talkin’ About!

I am so excited for this movie to be released on 11/11/11! Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take features interviews with many of today’s top researchers, thinkers, visionaries and credible people who have experienced ET or UFO phenomena. Even the trailer linked here describes the Flower of Life being burned into ancient stone. You’ll see visions of crop circles in other Sacred Geometric forms, as well as hear how free energy could and would revolutionize this world. Big Banks, Big Pharma, Big Oil? Big Buh-Bye.

In addition to Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take, I also recommend the movie, I AM: The Documentary. I saw this earlier this year, and it features a similarly inspiring message. Tom Shadyac, the movie director of Bruce Almighty, The Nutty Professor, and Ace Ventura had a life altering brain injury that led him to reject all the traditional trappings of Western success. In his search for meaning, he asked this world’s visionaries, inspirational teachers and scientists, “What’s wrong with this world, and what can we do about it?” I loved this movie! It was also, synchronously, the very first movie I saw in a theater since my own 1998 life-altering brain injury. My friend Jeanette spoke directly with Tom Shadyac and convinced him to bring this film to Madison. If you can find some way to watch it, please do.

I feel so encouraged that Hollywood has begun to embrace the concept of “Power To, Not Power Over.” As many of my blog readers and Facebook friends know, I believe this concept is key to the imminent LOVE-olution on this planet. Imagine a life beyond Big-everything. Imagine a life of oneness, in which the concept of thriving replaces the “need” to survive. Can you dig it? Will you bring it? I can, and I will! Please join me and the millions of others awakening on this planet and holding the space for something utterly beautiful and free. Much love!!!