Posts Tagged ‘Second Chakra’

Great Talk on Perimenopause and Menopause

As a child and teenager, I watched my mother suffer through decades of extreme hormonal imbalance at a very young age. She survived breast cancer at age forty–but it wasn’t the typical estrogen-triggered cancer. Hers was from having too much progesterone, yet no one would risk giving her any estrogen. Only when she started taking estrogenic things like flax seed oil did her symptoms ease. She lived another thirty-eight years despite having been so gaslit by her doctor that by the time she addressed the breast cancer it was already a likely death sentence.

I learned early on that we must manage our own hormones, because we can’t count on mainstream medicine to get it right. My 1998 TBI also damaged my hypothalamus gland, so I’ve been aware of the endocrine system as a system since I was twenty-five years old. Sooooo many of the weirdest and seemingly unrelated symptoms can stem from perimenopausal hormone chaos. Foot pain, vision changes, cardiovascular issues, brain fog, migraines, joint pain, stress fractures, insomnia, urgent bladder, crying jags, angry outbursts, inability to “find nouns,” panic attacks, dry skin, weight gain or weight loss: perimenopausal shifts affect way more than cycle length, pimples, cramps, and period volume.

This is one of the best conversations I’ve ever heard or read about perimenopause and menopause. I love the empowering message here, and they are chock full of excellent information. A must-watch for any woman over thirty. (If you’re receiving this by email, you’ll need to click through to view the video.)

This is not medical advice from me, but I like the company Femmenesence for a natural approach. They offer several specific strains of maca, in order to support fertility, perimenopause, or full menopause. They have healthcare staff available to help determine which type of maca to use and personalized dosage. I didn’t realize that they also offer an entirely plant-based melatonin, as well as Himalayan sea salt for sole.

Those of you interested in the metaphysical aspects of perimenopause and menopause, might want to check out my Black Moon Lilith video if you haven’t already. Since Black Moon Lilith deals with all sorts of gynecological issues plus narcissistic abuse, gaslighting, and feeling disrespected, she often rears her head in midlife and beyond. I also created The Second Chakra Healing Journal as extra support for people dealing with any of these issues. If you want more personalized insights, please contact me to book a session.

Elicia Miller reviews my newly released Second Chakra Healing Journal

My friend and colleague Elicia Miller just sent a wonderful review of my newly released Second Chakra Healing Journal. Elicia and I have shared clients for almost a decade. My Medical Intuitive awareness dovetails well with her ability to support people through healing core wounds. She offers the deepest, most effective Inner Child and emotional healing work I’ve encountered, and I consider her a valuable resource for my clients. On Elicia’s website you can find a free gift that explains the emotional root cause and top blocks to healing. You can order Second Chakra Healing Journal on Amazon. Many thanks to Elicia for this review:

Laura’s Second Chakra Healing Journal is perfect for assessing and exploring the emotional cause of your symptoms. It taps into your inner knowing for you to hone into your specific emotional blocks and patterns that need to be addressed. I help my clients heal the emotional cause of their symptoms (specializing in Candida, digestive and autoimmune issues), focusing on inner child and emotional healing, and reparent themselves to take care of their emotional needs and true desires.
This journal is a wonderful companion to my work since it covers most of the emotional issues I see with all of my clients. This journal will help reveal what you need to work on in therapy and with yourself. I suggest this journal for anyone who knows their physical symptoms are emotional, and who is struggling with emotional eating, addictions and codependency. Laura’s journal is good for beginners and for those who have been doing emotional healing who need more clarity with what to focus on now. – Elicia Miller, Founder of Core Emotional Healing