Timothy Glenn ~ Global Metamorphosis: 2021 Update

I’ve been waiting for this! So happy to post a new article by my friend, the astrologer, numerologist, author and Tarot reader Timothy Glenn.

Global Metamorphosis: 2021 Update

by Timothy Glenn

Since most of the energies for the global transformation are centered in the northern hemisphere, we can use the analogy that a lot more than mere leaves will fall in the autumn of 2021. Simultaneously, people in the southern hemisphere might feel as though they were Atlas, carrying all the weight of the world on their shoulders. Australia, for example, seems to be running a beta test for tyranny. That’s awfully heavy energy.

And something’s gotta give. Numerous times during the last two decades, the Proterrian channelings have offered this observation: “The most likely scenario is that the New World Order will eventually raise its ugly head, and very shortly thereafter fall flat on its face.” We might ultimately decide that this was a face plant worth waiting for. Keep the Faith.

How Would You Label This Year?

2021: OMG!!!
2021: The Big Reveal
2021: Truth Will Out
2021: The Facts of Life
2021: Pop! Goes the Planet
2021: The World Flips Out & Flops Around
2021: Turnabout is Fair Play
2021: Buckle Up or Simply Let Go
2021: The Masks Fall Off

Pluto in Capricorn on Steroids

Pluto’s multifaceted journey through Capricorn is pulling magnificent power plays at this time. Two major facets merit attention.

  1. From the article Global Metamorphosis: A Timeline Overview: “The Pluto/Scorpio energy involves everything deep, dark, hidden and secret. The Saturn/Capricorn energy involves everything out in the public. So the two teamed up to begin exposing dirty dealings of the world’s control systems, be they governmental, economic, academic, religious or scientific.” A review of the aforementioned article will help you pan the camera back and gain a broader perspective on this world-changing phenomenon.
  2. Unlike Saturn, Pluto does not do remodeling jobs. Pluto does urban renewal. His wrecking balls and bulldozers have been assigned to remove and replace the conventional Capricornian structures: coercive governments, exploitative economic systems, brainwashing academics, organized religions, and institutionalized fraudulent science.

Controlled Demolition

In the article Global Metamorphosis: A Timeline Overview, essential understanding is presented under the subheading A Tale of Two Zodiacs. The Tropical and Sidereal zodiacs have now drifted a little more than 24 degrees apart. As a result, Pluto will be operating uninterrupted in Capricorn in both zodiacs simultaneously from December 31, 2020 until April 23, 2023. This earns the designation Pluto in Capricorn on Steroids.

This time period marks the spectacular part of the controlled demolition of the global mechanisms for propaganda, manipulation and domination. Pluto entered Capricorn in the Tropical Zodiac in 2008, and we can analogize its work there as the weeks or months of preparing a building for demolition. It takes time to wire the building, set all the charges in place and make sure the timing is precise all the way down to the split second. After all, the actual pulling of the building down into its own footprint achieves freefall speed.

When the time arrives to pull the building, final prep work is done. The area is cordoned off, all necessary safety precautions put in place, and so forth. Then comes the part we capture on video. Kaboom! This is followed by cleanup to prepare the site for the long rebuilding phase.

As Pluto in Capricorn in the Tropical Zodiac has been focused on undermining the old system, Pluto in Capricorn in the Sidereal Zodiac will focus on evolving our new way of life. It’s the current phase of overlap that can be tricky: all of 2021, all of 2022, and the first few months of 2023. Lightning can strike at any time. Be prepared.

Choose Your Timeline

Welcome to crunch time. Your path ahead is yours to determine. Painting with a broad brush, the two principal time tracks looming in front of us are presenting the most basic choice. One is synthetic. One is organic.

The synthetic timelines lead people into deeper states of dependency on external forces, to the point of surrendering their humanity to achieve some theoretical immortality in an artificial matrix. Is your phone trying to groom you for being transmogrified into an android? What could go wrong? Welcome to Cyborg city. Leave your free will and your dreams at the door. Your reality will be determined for you. We apologize for any inconvenience. You have read and understand the terms of service. Just click on the link provided. Thank you for your compliance.

The organic timelines open gateways that lead us back into our natural sovereign states of being, as direct expressions of the infinite energy field. Welcome home to the universal love and the endless exploration of The Field of Infinite Possibilities. You are The Field. You are The Creator. You are The Love.

You are all of Infinity expressing Itself at a single point. And what’s the point? You are. It’s really that simple.

You are.

Timothy Glenn

13 responses to this post.

  1. Talk about “I have some good news, and some bad news…” But seriously, this post is really helpful. April 2023 stands out, for obvious reasons. Guess we need to stay buckled in a while longer. It’s good to have a framework (Saturn) from which to work on the inner/outer transformation (Pluto). Something to look forward to, without being rigid about it, because Uranus. No question which timeline I’m choosing—hoping lots more do, too! ❥

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  2. Reblogged this on Deer Heart Reiki Blog and commented:
    Thank you Laura for posting Timothy Glenn’s update

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  3. Posted by thymia17 on September 15, 2021 at 12:02 pm

    Like Timothy’s unique take on things; the Astrology Podcast also warned of difficult times the rest of this year and next, but don’t lose hope – create the alternatives. And yes, two different visions – I know which one I want to live in!

    Liked by 1 person


  4. […] Oh, wait a minute. If you want to see a brilliant, succinct, much chewed over and well-digested astrological perspective on what is goin’ down, check out this post, by Timothy Glenn, via Laura Bruno .  […]

    Liked by 1 person


  5. My bro and I have discussed similar about the options being presented for people to choose. So Tim’s insight resonates. The next couple years will be telling for sure.

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Posted by Julie Cumming on September 15, 2021 at 8:57 pm

    Thanks so much for posting Laura- great update- super useful- thanks Tim🙌

    Liked by 1 person


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