New Moon in Scorpio: Dreams, a Trojan War T-Square, and Peace

Happy New Moon in Scorpio! The November 15, 2020 New Moon occurs at 12:07 a.m. Eastern US time, at 23° 17′ Scorpio. Dane Rudhyar’s Sabian Symbol for Scorpio 24° (always round up for Sabian Symbols) is:



KEYNOTE: The need to incorporate inspiring experiences and teachings into everyday living.

Today we hear a great deal about “peak experiences” (Maslow). The great problem facing everyone who has had such experiences is how to assimilate what has been felt, seen or heard, and how to let it transform his everyday consciousness and behavior. If this is not done the experience may turn confusing or toxic and perhaps destructive of the integrity of the person.

This fourth symbol as usual suggests to us what has to be done or how to do it. The “return home” from the high mountain, or from any “upper chamber” of the consciousness, may lead to a sense of oppression by the normal realities of existence, or else the soul that has been illuminated may retain enough of that light to transfigure every daily situation. This is the great CHALLENGE TO TRANSFORMATION.

(Laura again) In other words, the message of this monthly reset is one close to my heart (12:34 as I type this right now): Blessed Be, and be the blessing. Find ways to bring inspiration into everyday living.

Whereas last month’s New Moon formed a potent T-square with Pluto/Jupiter/Saturn in Capricorn and Mars in Aries, this month’s New Moon sextiles that cluster in Capricorn. Mars has retrograded back into the 15° Aries range, so it’s not (much) in the mix. The sextile offers harmonious, supportive energy in terms of the New Moon itself. With Scorpio and Pluto involved, we can expect depth and continued revelations, but the Sun/Moon conjunction brings healing rather than extreme tension and destiny level psychic visions like last month’s.

I planned to leave the astro analysis there, except some very insistent, repeated dreams last night forced my attention elsewhere. I’ll begin by sharing the most relevant part of last night’s dream, copied from my dream journal:

I had the 1st part of this dream in the wee hours of the morning, and [my Dream Guys] told me to get up. I said, “Come on, Guys, I’m tired. If it’s so important, give it to me again or make me remember it.”
Vivid imagery of Randy (neighbor) driving to the T-Square from ____ to ____. I was walking South, just kept walking because I wasn’t really in obvious view since my back was to him. He got out of his truck and climbed on the roof. He stood in a cross position (or T-Square) with arms wide and said very loud, “Laura!”
I turned around, and he was staring right at me in that position. I was supposed to notice him, and whenever he said, “Laura!” I would, in real life, slam my jaw together like cymbals, which would kind of wake me up. … It was a really hard slam, many times. I am missing something and supposed to pay attention. Other dream symbols repeated from recent dreams, too. Cymbals/symbols. T-Square is also a repeat from a recent dream.
The dream continued, and it referenced/repeated symbols from earlier dreams in the past two weeks; however, the T-square is the part relevant to the November 15, 2020 New Moon in Scorpio.
I’ve included my 11/8/2020 T-square dream below. I’m NOT including my own possible interpretations on the collective or personal levels. I’m also not including many pages of dreams I’ve had in the past two weeks where bizarrely specific details have come true in the news cycle of the next 4-36 hours. I will just confirm that my usual highly precognitive dreams seem to be on super precognitive overload.
In addition, I keep having dreams with red snakes, red worms, red Sharpie’s, red velvet carpeting, and various forms of “sting.”
Although I do have some ideas about this long series of dreams, I don’t claim to know the definitive meanings. I also sense there are both personal and collective meanings, some of which dovetail, some of which occur on very different levels. I had not planned to share any of these dreams in any kind of public way, but the repeat dreams and the dramatic emphasis on T-squares, plus slamming my jaw shut like the clang of cymbals really grabbed my attention.
Last month’s Libra New Moon occurred in a T-square, but this morning’s research revealed that the chart for tonight’s Scorpio New Moon features a T-square with other planets. I’ll get into those astro aspects after sharing the other recent T-square dream:
“Stinging Nettles on the Porch”
There was a pot of stinging nettles on an enclosed porch. It was dry and almost entirely withered, but parts of the plant still able to sting. In order to get into the house, it needed to be harvested. A woman reached in with her bare hands, ready to harvest it. She was not brave but totally unaware of how things worked. I almost couldn’t watch, knowing her bare hands were about to get very painfully stung.
Looking at her reaction to the withered nettles, you would think someone left her a giant bouquet of flowers, but it was an ugly plant — totally past its prime. No beauty left in the plant, but also not properly dried to use safely. It was going to hurt her hands. I didn’t want to watch the spectacle once the stingers hit her hands. She would drop the pot and howl.
Then, I was with someone else — a man, I think, in the back of a large truck cab — the kind used to haul groceries and other things across the country. There used to be a man and his wife driving this cab, and we felt safe. The man’s wife had left him, and he was driving very recklessly. The man in the back of the cab with me looked at me like, “Are you noticing this?! What can we do?”
The driver stopped at an intersection, a T-square, and we all got out. Suddenly the driver was nowhere to be seen. Instead there was a tall, manly woman insisting she was the new driver. She looked a little like _____ (“wind change woman” shamanic name), but it wasn’t her. I recognized her from somewhere before, but she disavowed that party — where I’d seen her.
She got in the drivers’ seat and stuck out her calf. She wanted us to feel her very muscular calf, … but I wasn’t going to participate or trust her to drive. I refused to get into the cab with someone I didn’t really know, who just appeared, disavowed the party I’d met her at, and now demanded to drive.
I didn’t know what the man I was with would do, but I said I would walk and started walking along the highway.
All of this must have flashed into my head as I watched the woman on the porch about to grab the withered nettles with her bare hands, because I saw her reaching for the plant again at the end.
End of that dream.
As I reread this dream, it jumps out at me that scorpions, the symbol for the Scorpio New Moon, have stingers. Other recent dreams have mentioned a sting or stingers, too, and my sweet Faery Twin Tania Marie recently shared how she got a very strange and dramatic sting on her elbow.
The T-square for tonight’s New Moon involves Venus at 22° Libra square Pluto/Jupiter/Pallas Athene at 22-23° Capricorn and opposite/square Eris at 23° Aries.
Eris is the goddess of discord. In Greek mythology, she tossed the apple of discord into the wedding celebration of Peleus and Thetis. This apple was to be a prize of beauty, and it triggered a vanity inspired fight among Hera, Aphrodite (Venus) and Athena (Pallas). This fight among the goddesses then triggered the Trojan War.
In other words, my dream alerted me to look for a T-square, possibly connected to tonight’s New Moon in Scorpio. Talk about a doozie of a T-square! Not only does it directly involve Eris, Venus/Aphrodite, and Pallas/Athene, but the Pallas/Athene focal point of this T-square gets mega-amplified by Jupiter conjunct Pluto. Jupiter expands whatever he touches, and Pluto rules the Underworld, the Shadow, and the sign of Scorpio. Pluto knows how to sting, and that kind of sting comes from the depths.With Pallas, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, we might expect that sting from the depths to involve rules, traditions, protocols and structures.
Of all the goddesses, Pallas Athene is probably most associated with democracy, since Athena was the patron of Athens, the birthplace of democracy. This T-square at the New Moon in Scorpio comes in the midst of the most controversial election in US history. Pluto destroys in order to regenerate, and we can see this energy in the tsunamis of disillusion (or dissolution) of faith in our voting system. For one party, this destruction came in 2016, for the other party in 2020. Meanwhile, the world is watching the country that positions itself as the standard of democracy somehow unable or unwilling to determine who won.
In astrology, Pallas Athene is associated with owls, pattern recognition, the arts, and the Midheaven. Venus is goddess of love and relationships, now in Libra, one of her home signs, symbolized by the balanced scales of justice. Eris is sometimes thought of as the Faery who wasn’t invited to Sleeping Beauty’s Christening and then cursed her to prick her finger on the spinning needle. (Another “sting.”) The maxim “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” seems a lot like Eris.

In another part of my dream journal, I commented about the nettles, “This is going to hurt a lot of innocent people who know nothing about the properties of stinging nettles. The woman on the porch will drop the pot, and it will shatter. She will be very hurt and angry from the sting. She thought it was a bouquet of flowers, but it’s not.”

In nettles, the antidote to the sting is actually in the nettles themselves, and this seems like good medicine for this Scorpio New Moon with its powerful Trojan War trigger T-square. This is not a time for careless reactivity. Nettles, like Eris and Pluto, demand respect. If you wander through a stand of nettles, you will not forget that sting. It burns from the inside out and keeps burning for a long time, unless you know where to find and how to apply the antidote. If you chew up nettle leaves, the juice in the leaves soothes their sting.

This is another way of saying the Bible verse:

Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?  Or how can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when there is the log in your own eye?  You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother’s eye. ~ Matthew 7:3-5

Please do not underestimate the powerful energies vying for our attentions right now. Healing is possible. Healing is offered. May we each seek for truth, both inside and outside ourselves. May we remember the Mayan idea of Hunab Ku: “You are another myself.” This concept is similar to the yin yang symbol, uniting opposites. I will leave you with a powerful synchronicity I shared with a friend on 11/11/2020:

Last night, David and I were watching ETs Among Us, Part 3. …Then I nodded off for a little while (very unusual for me). All of a sudden it was like something shook me awake, and the video’s showing a crop circle of a yin yang sign, showing it from above, then from ground level, then panning above and showing the yin in the yang. 

This jumped out at me because of almost shaking me awake right at that moment, but also because I had just this morning said this: “They” have a curious sense of humor. Over the course of my life, I’ve occasionally had dreams showing that “this and that are true,” panning back and seeing the yin in the yang, etc. 

Wow, it is now 3:33, and I went to look for an image of the yin yang crop circle. I came upon this video right at 3:33, and noted the time length of 3:33:


19 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by owningcapt on November 14, 2020 at 5:51 pm

    Live adjacent to a mini-forest in Pacific NW. Walk barefoot and get stung at times by nettles. Amazing difference between sting in Spring vs later in year. Sting in Spring it’s like WOW-owwa! Autumn…not so bad. Spring takes almost week to subside; Autumn maybe a day. To me the pulsing “pain” soothes if you go with the flow.

    Funny how when you’re used to being stung…you don’t resist as much (nettles––not bees!) Maybe good subconscious prep for rounding final turn, home stretching to Grand Conjunction. How often are we given opportunity to witness switch-over between Ages?

    Liked by 1 person


    • Beautiful comment, owningcapt! Thank you for sharing, and yes, nettle stings are also medicinal. An herbalist I know who has arthritis purposely stings herself on the knuckle with nettles each spring. That keeps her pain at bay all spring and summer.

      It is, indeed, an amazing time to be alive.



  2. Posted by Rso on November 14, 2020 at 6:02 pm

    You hit it out of the park! 😁

    Justice prevails ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Posted by Eliza Ayres on November 14, 2020 at 6:14 pm

    Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Posted by Nikkoale on November 14, 2020 at 6:31 pm

    And the episode of “ETs Among Us” was part 3. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Oh, yeah!

      Also, I forgot to mention in the post that Hera/Juno are in the mix, too, just not as exact as the other three goddesses. Juno’s at 18 Scorpio, so within 5 degrees of the New Moon, and Hera’s at 20 Capricorn, forming a loose Grand Cross with the more exact T-square. Potent energies … to choose how we use.

      I got goosebumps from the 3:33 sync’s after such a synch fest watching the show, and sharing my earlier comment with my friend. So many whammies. ❤



  5. Posted by seattle72 on November 14, 2020 at 7:07 pm

    This is very spot on for me : “…The “return home” from the high mountain, or from any “upper chamber” of the consciousness, may lead to a sense of oppression by the normal realities of existence, or else the soul that has been illuminated may retain enough of that light to transfigure every daily situation. This is the great CHALLENGE TO TRANSFORMATION.”

    I have always considered myself defective somehow, kind of like a nearly dead battery. I would receive revelations but upon coming back down to Earth, poof! They would evaporate or contort into something not intended. I felt like a battery that couldn’t hold the charge of enlightenment. I could not create in the physical what I understood in the spiritual. Didn’t realize that was part of the deal.

    The T Square, as mentioned here, keeps reminding me of a T-Square Ruler used in Construction, but then Ruler as in Ruling party. Who is the Ruler of the T-Square and who is the T-Square Ruler? 🤪 Listening to too much Eminem, my brain is in high gear looking for double entendres and connections. 😅

    Not sharing this YouTube link out of condescension, but just felt like you might enjoy it as a gifted Astrologer. This very Piscean Male is intriguing and after watching about 10 minutes of his video about Pluto then switching gears to this article just because, makes sense to me.

    Enjoy if you feel called to view! 💜 I searched for a Pluto emoji, the results were interesting…

    Big Blessings and thank you, as always!

    Liked by 1 person


  6. […] New Moon in Scorpio: Dreams, a Trojan War T-Square, and Peace — Laura Bruno’s Blog […]



  7. Who do you think makes crop circles, Laura? This yin/yang one appears to have a pair of parallel lines running through it – perhaps from a tractor entering and exiting? Has anyone ever said that they make crop circles as a hobby or anything? I am really curious about this!

    Liked by 1 person


    • Some crop circles have been made by humans and tractors, but most appear to be so precisely done that it would take way, way longer to do — if they could be done at all — than the overnight appearance of them.

      I don’t know who makes them, but I assume ETs and/or Faeries … which may or may not be the same thing. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person


  8. […] the Sun/Jupiter in Aquarius, the Full Moon in Leo and Mars in Taurus. Given various dreams with a recurring T-square symbol or emphasis, I’m paying attention! You can click here to read the AstroButterfly write-up. It […]

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  9. […] the Sun/Jupiter in Aquarius, the Full Moon in Leo and Mars in Taurus. Given various dreams with a recurring T-square symbol or emphasis, I’m paying attention! You can click here to read the AstroButterfly write-up. It […]

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  10. […] because Randy has sometimes appeared in dreams. I shared one of those dreams on November 14, 2020, sensing a collective component to that dream. It also linked into some ongoing “T-Square&#82…, and a synchronicity supernova. Randy’s death appears to be some kind of time marker […]



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