First Snow

Autumn and Winter danced this morning, with lacinato and purple kale chaperones.


8 responses to this post.

  1. First snow always looks serene… then “man” tramples though it. ***sigh

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    • Oh, I love the snow until about April. Then, it starts getting a little old. I’m a non-driver. Really big snowfalls level the playing field — easier to walk than drive. I love Midwest winters!



  2. Brrrrrrr……. Signs of things to come…. ❤

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  3. Good morning

    Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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  4. Posted by Kieron on November 9, 2018 at 10:22 pm

    Snow here too. Jupiter ingress into Sag brought big changes: next door neighbors to my north put up their house for sale unexpectedly in July (and all last winter I though I was the one gonna sell) but the sale never really took off and they lingered for unknown reasons, until boom, yesterday the moving trucks arrived and out they went in record time. Tonight new neighbors coming in, new cars parked in their driveway, but only glimpses of the actual people. Then a week ago, it turns out, for the neighbors on the south of me, the family’s mother died suddenly, and they may move later on. Good neighbors on either side of me for 10+years, and now what…? I had asked for/envisioned the best possible new neighbors to the north. I guess I will see what the Universe sent in response! i might even be next one out. Who can say? I still don’t know which direction I’m headed.

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