Frequency Holders of the New

Yes! Tania and I have been talking about this a lot with each other, so I am glad she’s expressed some of these ideas and observations here. As the Hopi say, “This could be a good time.” But it will take focus and determination to make that so. ❤️

Tania Marie

In times like these we need those of you who are the frequency holders to keep strong within that personal embodiment of pure energy you are here to emanate, regardless of what is going on all around, and yet transmuting it as you walk through it. I’ve been sharing my take on purpose being about the presence you bring to anything you do, and for some within the collective that is simply, but importantly, about being present with your frequency and song that you sing, above all else, and carrying this through anything you choose to be engaged in along your path. For these people, life is about doing everything as a sacred and seamless act – there is no separation as to what defines sacredness. These are the souls helping to anchor the new and may not live life out loud in the sense of being famous, but quietly…

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2 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Sky on August 14, 2016 at 5:18 pm

    Yes, as the Hopi say, this could indeed be a good time. But it does indeed take focus and determination. For some, it’s determination to stay the course, For others, it’s determination to make needed changes in how one approaches life. For others, it’s the courage to face uncomfortable truths about past choices and actions.

    May we all be strong and courageous and do what needs to be done. FA, UR, TYR!

    Liked by 3 people


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