Timothy Glenn ~ 2016: A Call to Creatorship

My friend and colleague Timothy Glenn is back with a long awaited article about 2016. I find his timing interesting, given that many of the New Year’s tarot readings I did for people indicated that 2016 wouldn’t really ramp into “the new” until late February/early March.

With January’s Mercury Retrograde and all the other intense astrological alignments so far, this year has seemed like two steps forward and one back. Many people have begun to recognize and experience undeniable signs of positive change; however, until recently, those changes have often felt like eagerly peering through a fog while crawling on molasses. In her recent tarot video about yesterday’s Full Moon, Laura Daligan also mentions the sense of enormously hard work finally beginning to pay off.  In any case, Tim’s long delayed article seems right on time to me!

Your reaction or response to Tim’s article will depend upon the degrees to which you already embrace your own Creatorship in Love, realizing those degrees may vary in different settings and circumstances. I invite you to celebrate Tim’s message, but also to look at wherever it triggers you. Are you sick of all that drama? Do you hide from it? Or are you too busy creating alternatives — beauty, joy, love, peace, clarity, abundance, prosperity, and healing — to bother with anything else? Enjoy the journey! Here’s Timothy Glenn:

2016: A Call to Creatorship

Last year, the New Year’s article barely made it out in time for Chinese New Year. That turned out to be rather timely compared to 2016, primarily because there is so much going on and coming down the pike this year, that it seemed futile to attempt summarizing anything so massive. In addition, perhaps dealing with a persistent flu bug helped with the delay.

But the other day (in mid February) the vision for this article burst forth while doing a reading for a fun client from Australia.

2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9

Everything in our numerology system boils down to the skeletal structure of cycles of one through nine. Since 2016 is a 9 year, it will present us with lots of endings and lots of letting go. In many ways, this will manifest as the official major league industrial strength “Let Go” we have been talking about for decades.

The number 9 also corresponds with 9th House/Jupiter/Sagittarius in our astrology, as well as the Hermit card in the tarot. An important theme here involves our ability to see the Big Picture. The Hermit’s view from the mountaintop might appear sufficient, but the panorama of 2016 will more than likely require that we pan the camera back off this planet and out of this dimension to get a glimpse of what is happening.

20 + 16 = 36

Card 36 of the tarot deck is the 10 of Wands. Often known as the burden card, it shows a man carrying a heavy load of staves to a village. Pythagoras regarded it as the journey’s end, when we can finally set down the burdens, most of which were never ours anyway.

Attitudes like anger and judgment will only bind us to whatever we don’t like. To achieve the Big Let Go, “All You Need Is Love”. For Pythagoreans of the inner circle, the number 6 has always carried the love frequency. As the first of the truly rare perfect numbers, 6 represents perfect love – divine, unconditional, infinite love. 2016 and 36 both contain the number 6, but 36 is also six sixes (6×6), or love to the second power.

A key part of any whole number is its cumulative. In the cumulative sequence, we add all the numbers as we count. For example, 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, so the cumulative of 3 is 6. Thanks to a discovery by the old German mathematician Carl Gauss (when he was a schoolboy, no less) we can use the simple algebraic formula .5n (n+1) to find that the cumulative of 36 is 666. To Pythagoras, 666 would indicate filling the third dimension with perfect love. No wonder the religious control freaks shrouded 666 in fear.

As an aside for the non-math folks: .5n (n+1) translates as one half of the number (for which you want to know the cumulative) times the quantity of that number plus one. In this case n = 36. Half of 36 is 18, and 36 + 1 = 37. 18 x 37 = 666.

And just for fun, 6 x 36 = 216, which is love to the third power, and numerologically related to 2016. Love is the greatest power, and 2016 may force the issue of demonstrating it.

The Year of the Tower

2016 obviously emphasizes the 16, represented by the Tower card. Here we see a tower being struck by lightning, and people falling from the tower. Any tarot cards that look “negative” look that way because humans have traditionally resisted integrating the energy of that particular frequency. This is especially the case when letting go is required.

The tower symbolizes our endeavors and achievements. So here we are in 2016 with a tower full of ideas, habits, attitudes, philosophies and teachings which may have been alright for where we have been, but which will only gum up the works for where we are going. Are we ready to let go of our very interpretation of life, the universe and everything?

The English poet William Butler Yeats loved the Tower card, because when its energy is playing out in your life, there is no way to remain the same. Yeats abhorred complacency and stagnation, and 2016 will not support or even tolerate smug belief systems and their stuck-in-the-mud behaviors. The hammer is coming down.

A Heads Up For 2016

The long phenomenon of Uranus Square Pluto has flung open the gateways for profound planetary shift, and even a quantum leap in evolution. We may soon find the video screen of life emblazoned with three words: mutate or die. Either we respond to this opportunity to ascend to our next level of evolution, or we go extinct.

In the old external world (often called The Matrix), we can see several extinction level events unfolding. 2016 will show us even more. We can also literally look for signs in the sky.

Although the old world control system has tried to hide the approach of a mini solar system, many of us have been tracking it as it draws near. What we are viewing fits the descriptions of a “dark star” known to some of the ancients as Nemesis, among whose planets we find the famous Nibiru. This has fueled the doom and gloom club to postulate extremely dire predictions. But instead of nibbling at such bait, perhaps we could let our addiction to drama fall out of our towers.

The Lost Book of Nostradamus predicted a “harbinger of doom” that would appear in the constellation Ophiuchus, which is where our telescopes first caught sight of the approaching mini solar system. Here the question arises: doom for whom?

Thou Art God

If the hammer truly comes down this year in a variety of ways, it will help to center ourselves in our true identity. Are you nothing but a struggling little human at the mercy of external forces? Are you what Proterrian jokingly calls “nothing but a pathetic little snotling from 3D Planet Earth”?

Whatever surprises burst into our alleged reality this year, we will have the opportunity to step into our Creatorship. Nothing exists but the one infinite energy field we have called God. Physicists like to call it The Field. We are all part of The Field. We are all expressions of The Field. There is nothing else to be. As Proterrian likes to tell us, “Thou art God. Now act like it!”

You are the Creator, and you have the right and the power to create your own life, your own experience and your own reality. 2016 is inviting all of us to embrace our divinity and make it Real, irrespective of whatever horror movies are showing “out there” on the screen of the holographic Matrix.

The aforementioned article for last year was called 2015: A Call to Choice. In 2016, the choice is clear: snotling or Creator?

Thou art God, and God is love.

Timothy Glenn


8 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Doreen Agostino on February 23, 2016 at 2:28 pm

    Reblogged this on OUR GREATER DESTINY and commented:
    A Heads Up For 2016 … to safeguard you and loved ones.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Posted by Doreen Agostino on February 23, 2016 at 3:32 pm

    Important Disclosure Announcement To Come, Will Shake The World To Its Core, March And April 2016 http://cosmicconvergence.org/?p=13605

    Liked by 1 person


  3. This is so perfect for where I am right now, having stepped out of an IT career of 24yrs into a new place of offering healing. There are times when I can easily “be source” and others where I slip back into the “3D snotling”.
    Thank you for your wisdom xx Lisa-Jane

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Thank you, Laura and Tim! Awesome awarenesses to remind us of who we BE. Love and blessings for you both always. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Good shares, Laura. This sense and energetic of a ‘delayed new year’ (at least from the calendar new year, anyway!) feels about right and syncs with what I’m hearing from others as well. Thanks for sharing. xoxo Jamie

    Liked by 1 person


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