Flushing out the Bush Administration: Human Evolution, Raw Food, and B-12

With the world celebrating Barack Obama’s victory and a return of integrity to “The American Dream,” many people around the globe have moved from hope to belief that we are, in fact, in process of a major transition.  Indeed, the tides have begun to turn, and after the full moon on November 12, we should feel much more fully ensconced in a new world. 

I synchronously (and unintentionally) celebrated this change with Hulda Clark’s Liver Cleanse.  For those of you unfamiliar with this particular cleanse, you can find instructions and more information by clicking here.  I’ve done Hulda Clark’s cleanse twice before—once in 2006 just prior to the official start of my past life readings, and once in 2007 at the end of a 10-day juice fast that led us to move from Sedona to Sonoma County.  Both times felt potent and transformative, so I looked forward to another round this Fall.  The cleanse requires 2 days, one for fasting (or at least fat free eating) and the other for, er, releasing!  You need a bathroom nearby on Day 2 because you’ll be using it.  A lot. 

Believe it or not, July through November of 2008 remained so intense for so many people that four months had not generated the required two free days in a row for me.  A client, friend or loved one always seemed to need my emergency attention on one or more of my planned days off. The two consecutive free days finally appeared on November 4-5, and I felt so excited that I failed even to notice the dates’ significance until mid-cleanse.  After juice fasting on election Tuesday, I went to Whole Foods with my neighbor Cecilia.  At 8 p.m., I chugged Round Two of the Epsom salt/water mixture from a mason jar in the freezer aisle, hoping no one would notice my grimace.  Whew, that’s a bitter brew! 

While I stood at the check-out counter, a Whole Foods bagger danced down the aisle holding his Blackberry.  He proudly proclaimed, “It’s official!  Barack Obama won!  I just saw it online.”  “Really?” we all asked.  “So soon?  Is it real?”  People seemed tentative in their celebrations, but the general vibe changed to one of anticipation with hints of relief. 

When Cecilia had picked me up for our Whole Foods jaunt, I had been mid-email telling a friend about my liver cleanse and how it would clear residue from the super-intense work I’d facilitated for others during the last few months.  When I got home, I sat down to finish the email, but my hubby immediately called me over to hear McCain’s concession speech.  And then it hit me. 

The next day’s purge would represent even more than I’d intended.  All that bile, all those green and grey calcified stones flushing out of my system: anger, dashed hopes, congealed disappointment at the dimming of America’s light over the past seven years.  I could flush it all out fast and furiously with the help of good ole’ Hulda Clark!  And so I did.  Wednesday afternoon, some three hundred stones lighter, I could smile and relax into this new era.

I have a fair number of UK clients and friends, some of whom emailed or phoned me their congratulations, love and renewed hope.  People in Obama, Japan went wild with parties and hula dancers, and Barack Obama’s Kenyan hometown proclaimed an official holiday in his honor.  From France to South Africa to San Francisco, people rejoiced in both literal and symbolic change.  In one night, an undercurrent of fear and cynicism let loose an outpouring of love, and people have come closer to believing that maybe, just maybe this time we’ll “get it right.”  Whatever that means. 

As a planet, we’ve been here before.  Opportunities recycle.  Again and again we’ve heard about “the end times,” and yet somehow we’re still here.  Again and again we’ve heard that “the time is now,” and yet time seems to keep ticking away the same as ever. 

It’s actually ticking a lot faster now, as evidenced by the speed of thoughts, communication, travel and transmutation.  More and more people have begun to explore key factors in the evolution of our species.  Just look at things like stem cell research, telepathy (or pseudo telepathy via means like Twitter), the increased interest in raw foods, juice feasting, yoga, Reiki and meditation.  Like ‘em or not, these concepts have become increasingly mainstream.    

In the last two years, I’ve done hundreds of past life readings, and of all the periods that pop up, I’m most reminded now of the last days of Atlantis.  Please note that until I participated in so many healings related to information from Atlantis, I really didn’t believe in its existence.  Sure, it seemed remotely possible, but for a long time, I only spoke of Atlantis in context of fiction.  Certain themes continued to arise iin readings, though, and over the years, they have created a consistent picture of a society quite similar to our own: 

A world on the cusp of scientific discoveries that could alter life as we know it, for good or ill.  A world riddled with wars at the same time individuals had begun to open their hearts in unprecedented ways.  A world in which concern for the greater good had finally begun to surpass embedded racism.  A world that had nearly maxed out its current energy sources at the same time government, financial and religious institutions had revealed their inherent inadequacies.  A world of paradox:  one that faced a great deal of darkness, which encouraged people to reach inside and let their light so shine. 

Like today, DNA experiments occupied much scientific and spiritual attention in Atlantis.  I don’t claim to know all the details of either time period, but I do sense that in Atlantis, the overarching love and light seemed promising in spite of fear and anger.  Science had begun to validate spiritual ideas, and people looked forward to new worlds of possibility.  But a few details escaped our notice, and those tiny blips turned out to be important.  Vital.  By the time we realized the damage, our window of opportunity had closed.  The rest is (ancient) history.

In 2008, we hear stories about people overcoming cancer, morbid obesity, diabetes and heart disease (our biggest killers) by embracing a raw foods diet.  Within the past month, Philip McCluskey appeared on The Doctors, Ani Phyo on the Travel Channel’s Bizarre Foods, and Cherie Soria on View from the Bay. Angela Stoke’s CNN feature became their top health clip of the entire year!  We see photographs of amazing transformations, and blogs about inspirational healing.  Raw foodists glow, embodying in many ways a radically strong, harmonious, and radiant human potential. 

Our species currently has two active strands of DNA, and many spiritual leaders posit that the other ten strands are in process of awakening.  If, by some stretch of our collective imagination, we really are evolving as a species, then raw food seems like a possible key to our Ascension. Certainly not the only key, but the raw food diet can and does open doors that normally stay shut.  

I write today not as a medical doctor, but as a medical intuitive and past life reader; however, I will let a doctor speak for me as well.  For all its glory, the raw vegan diet has a seemingly small weak link:  B-12 and/or folic acid deficiency.  For details, please read this entire article by Dr. Gabriel Cousens.  He bases his assertions on findings from multiple medical studies using foods with supposedly viable sources of B-12.  Here are some highlights of the article:

“Consistent research over the last decade has shown that vegans and live food people of all ages and sexes have a much higher risk of becoming B-12 deficient.”

“Up until this time, many of us have felt that additional supplementation for live fooders with sea vegetables or probiotic formulas was sufficient for protection against B-12 deficiency. This does not seem to be the case.”

“Many of us have felt that spirulina, Klamath Lake Algae, all the
sea vegetables had enough active B-12 to avoid a B-12 deficiency.
Although the research is not fully in, we do know that, as I pointed out in Conscious Eating, these substances do have human active B-12. The problem is they also have a significant amount of analog B-12 that competes with the human active B-12.”

The research conclusion is that: it is a reasonably safe bet that about 80% of the vegan and live food population, over time, runs the risk of a subclinical or clinical B-12 deficiency and increased homocysteine levels.”

“It is my medical opinion, as a vegan since 1973 and live fooder since 1983, and as a person committed to supporting all those who choose to become healthy live food vegans, that it would be wise to incorporate some B-12 supplementation in your diet. I believe it is more natural to be healthy than it is to be anything less than that.”

(Again, you can find the full article by Dr. Gabriel Cousens here.)

Given the role of B-12 and folic acid in DNA formation, longevity – -high homocysteine levels can cause heart attacks/strokes in young and otherwise healthy people – -, neurology, mental health, and energy, and given the tendency to poo-poo B-12 supplements, this is one detail that could potentially topple an otherwise beautiful, transformative movement.  When I have clients request B-12 tests from their doctors, those tests have always come back low.  I have one vegan friend who caught her B-12 deficiency just in time: her high blood pressure had threatened to give her a stroke in her mid-thirties! I’ve known others whose children failed to thrive, or who, as adults became suddenly and inexplicably disabled only to find B-12 deficiency the culprit.  Shazzie caught a tremendous amount of both hate and love mail earlier this year for her article about the need to supplement raw vegan children with, among other things, B-12. 

With a new American president and billions of hopeful hearts, 21st century humans have so many bright things coming our way … but B-12 matters!  It matters to our individual health, it matters to our DNA, and it matters for this planet if we want to begin living in harmony with a raw vegan diet.  We can’t afford an “extreme health lifestyle” that produces untimely deaths, emotional disturbance, failure to thrive and/or permanent neurological damage.  An Achilles heel of the raw food diet, B-12 deficiency has such a simple remedy.  Sublingual supplements or B-12 patches effectively remove the risk with minimally invasive methods. If raw food represents a key to human evolution, then don’t we owe it to ourselves and our world to give it our very best shot?    



Related Posts:  Why Telepathy Makes People Mad 

                         Maximize Your Brain Function

9 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Giacinta Vosika, LMP, CRMT on November 7, 2008 at 6:16 pm

    I love this post and thank you so much for supporting such an important part of what’s needed. I will definitely start with the B12 and continue moving along the path that you shared on all levels. Thank you for your celebratory spirit and energy! You have such a wonderfully superb voice! With love and gratitude, Giacinta



  2. Dear Laura,

    Thank you for your lovely post. Here in Britain so many people were crying and we could feel the upsurge of the love. Many of us, animals and humans, had been doing spiritual work towards this end for months. We had been doing some at THE LIVING ARK. At 5am in the morning here there was a new dispensation. And some American friends here on election night said people, for the first time for years, were congratulating them on being American. It’s so wonderful that the vibration of our planet is being raised through LOVE. Talking of which, veggie diet healthier, there’s an article to that end written by a medical doctor on our website – less chance of many diseases such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc. As far as B12 goes I do find it necessary, usually get it by injection. .

    Aloha, and thank you for your work

    Rima Morrell
    Director, The Living Ark Animal Sanctuary.



  3. Posted by laurabruno on November 15, 2008 at 8:48 pm

    Thanks to both of you for stopping by and sharing your comments. Yes, it’s been wonderful to feel America on the receiving end of love again! Blessings and continued inspiration and love, Laura



  4. Great post Laura, thanks for sharing all of this 🙂




  5. Posted by laurabruno on November 26, 2008 at 4:34 am

    Thanks, Kristen!



  6. I agree. If you’re going to be a vegan or raw foodist, you need to make sure you’re getting B12. Some people say that they don’t need it and everything’s going to be fine without it. If I’m going down the road of raw foodism, I have to be sure I’m not going to cause more harm to myself down the road than if I stayed on a healthy, but not completely raw and vegetarian diet.



  7. Thanks for the mention of my Bizarre Foods segment on Travel Channel. That was indeed an amazing day and week for raw foods in the media!

    I have many videos and recipes up on my blog: http://www.AniPhyo.com.

    My next book, Ani’s Raw Food Desserts, will be avail everywhere by May 1st. It’s already up on Amazon for pre orders too. 85 recipes for desserts made with fruits, nuts, seeds. Yummy.



    • Posted by laurabruno on March 3, 2009 at 4:28 pm

      Thanks for stopping by, Ani, and congratulations on your new book! I have your first one and make recipes from it for classes and potlucks. 🙂 All the best to you in all your books and talks!



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